>"The battle system is fairly impressive but still carries some of the flaws the series has had for the past decade, and the writing of the central cast feels like a step back compared to the 3DS series’ entries."
Holy shit, how bad is that writing? Worse than Revelations? Is that even possible?
"The battle system is fairly impressive but still carries some of the flaws the series has had for the past decade...
I have no fucking idea how he came to those conclusions. The game is a step up from the 3DS FEs in literally every single way (though in some cases, like graphics, that doesn't mean much)
>step up in literally everyway
>further dumbed down the combat with removal of the weapon triangle
>game is birthright tier braindead without an alternative
The removal of the triangle does suck, yeah.
>birthright tier braindead
But anyone who knows anything FE has been playing it on Hard for the last ten years anyway.
>the writing of the central cast feels like a step back compared to the 3DS series
I am absolutely sure they mean supports aren't as bulky or quirky.
A good chunk of people only ever read the supports of their units.
Also, it's weird that they say "Central cast" when there's actually three separate central casts, depending on how you play.
They do vary WILDLY in quality though.
Claude Squad all the way
They probably didn't even play the game or either of the 3DS titles and just pulled stuff straight out their ass to justify a bad score because of some political bull
>or quirky
Didn't the quirkiness come from the localization butchering the otherwise serious tone the original script was going for?
This writer thought Fates had good writing
Take that into consideration before taking anything they say seriously
>remove weapon triangle, replace it with more nuanced combat skill system that makes it less obvious what the 'best' option to do in any situation was.
Weapon triangle is interesting but there were too many situations where it just led to really simplistic approaches
except they didn't replace it with jack shit
>they vary wildly in quality
>so i'm going to choose the worst one
enjoy your incel and literal retard barabait, everyone else will just whisk away the only cute girl you have
Play the game before talking out of your ass retard
zoom zoom
Not him but I have played it for a few dozen hours now on hard/classic. There has been a single map where I had repeated failures and had to really refine my approach and that was pretty early game before I had everyone's roles established. Even without grinding if you're just doing paralogues you come to a point where most characters can mow down 1/3 of the map with minimal support. Unless I'm missing something the only remnant of the triangle is the existence of breaker skills and those aren't even a thing until midgame.
>Eurofag reviews
"Romance options - which this game sells itself on to a lot of its audience - are limited if you’re playing as a straight character and straight-up disrespectful if you’re playing with aims of being a gay protagonist. We don’t want to spoil the narrative here, but the MLM options are either insensitive or insulting, and the WLW options (it could be argued) are more aimed at titillation than they are representation."
>removing literal rock paper scissors is dumbing down
don't ever go full retard user
It's still there, except now it's Physical>Ranged>Magic
hey im playing rn, and Sothis said we share the same birthday when i picked a birthday, does she say this no matter what?
>people calling fire emblem writing shallow
>no fucking mention of nintendo treehouse localization fucking butchering the story
Wow it's like I'm reading fucking retards write bullshit for their bullshit websites!
localization may add fuel to the fire, but that doesn't mean the base writing /story is good
>he doesn't know what treehouse does to the story
Where there is actual depth and effort into the japs writing, treehouse puts in LOL AND THEN I TOOK AN ARROW TO THE KNEE XDDDD BARK BARK ANGRY DOG NOISES if you think I'm making this shit up go look for yourself.
I acknowledged they do this, but the base story isn't good regardless
Do you know this based off of the japanese version or the shitty lol memes so fahnny treehouse version?
the base story doesn't change regardless of localization changes, characters do
You know the problem with this game,
waifu shit
and its long as fuck.
Who the fuck wants to put 200 hours into a single player game.
>removal of weapon triangle
Holy shit I can't believe I let you niggers trick me into thinking this was worth buying. Going to spend my money on something else.
>have to wait until FUCKING GAMESTOP opens to pick up my preorder
Can I go Lunatic mode straight from the start? Would you recommend it? Hardest FE I've cleared before is Conquest Lunatic.
Like what exactly? Triangle gives you a reason to switch up your weapons and use different units on different enemies. Without it, what's even the point? Just pick the weapon with the greatest stats, equip it to the most broken unit and watch them go to town.
Everyone complains about something next to worthless like constitution getting removed, but a series staple like this is just fine. I feel like I live in some alternate reality.
I've never played a FE game before but I'm so fucking bored with the recent drought of switch games I'm tempted to buy this.
What difficulty should I go?
But we just had Mario Maker and Ultimate Alliance and Crash Team Racing, all quality titles
emulate the old ones instead of paying full price for a series you might not like dumbfuck
I've spent enough time on these FE threads on Yea Forums to know anons here absolutely cannot make up their minds on which FE's are even good and most of them are just shitposting all the games are bad.
Don't you have a fucking Fortnite match to go play?
Hard if you've played other RPGs/strategy games before. Normal otherwise.
If you want a sort of in-between, Hard mode but Casual instead of Classic so that it doesn't have permadeath.
In the last few games the weapon triangle just made you loathe axes since they were too inaccurate to hit swords or other even axes, and lance enemies were few, and in Fates Archers were so good that axes were only good if the character using them was good.
>Mario Maker
Literally a port, also Wii U is better on there.
Shit game
>Ultimate Alliance
>Crash Team Racing
You can get it on anything else, Switch is shit for multiplats unless you like 320p and 15 fps
So yeah, faggot
The writing has been significantly better than Fates so far.
>Implying hardmode Birthright is somehow peak difficulty
That applies to any game on this shithole.
>removal of the weapon triangle
is this real? this was literally FE's thing
it'd be like if Pokémon suddenly stopped having all the Pokémon in it
so i guess i shouldn't be surprised
Lunatic won't be out for a while, but judging by reviews and posts the game is way easier than Conquest even on Hard.
Don't listen to the other user and play Classic no matter what. Casual teaches bad habits.
Then maybe the problem isn't the triangle, but axes?
FE didn't even have the weapon triangle until the fourth entry in the series. Stop being dumb.
FE doesn't matter until 6
The weapon triangle never mattered past the early game in any game other than 4, don't pretend it was anything of value or a staple of the franchise.
And the first few games fucking suck. What's your point?
>>game is birthright tier braindead without an alternative
2 other difficulties were already datamined, brainlet.
For fates especially yeah. Then again fates didn't have the best story to begin with, even in Japanese they tried to make a story where both sides are neutral and ended up with a story where there's clear bad and good sides but the "Good" kingdom are all assholes and the "bad" kingdom are all Noble and Just, stuck trying to survive being shit on by the """""good""""" kingdom.
FE is shit
Switch is shit
Nintendo is shit
Also fuck niggers and jannies
Play on higher difficulties, the accuracy difference matters.
they use a new system instead, with breaker ability learnt later which function pretty much like the old triangle, plus combat art has even more limited usage
its not braindead "lul lance beat sword no matter what" now
The point is that the weapon triangle isn't an essential mechanic like literal pokemon are in Pokemon and you are dumb.
>pure disinterest in the game up till release, genuinely thought it was going to be shit given how it looked
>everyone here is praising it like its a return to form for the series, but can't discern if its just Heroes fags playing 3H as their first entry or a honeymoon phase syndrome, but hearing about a significant timeskip did pique my interest
I probably won't pick it up in like a year or so since I'm busy with MM2, but for FE vets out there, is the game genuinely good?
>complaining about a game having too much content
Go pay 60 bucks for a 5 hour movie game and fuck off already
Oh I see, you are just a retarded faggot. Do whatever then.
a game can absolutely have too much content if it's required and filler/shit content. E.g. persona 5 should have cut kaneshiro/yaldaboath entirely
I'd rather play a game that I can beat and doesn't run out of steam. I'll play a game that's under 12 hours than a 50-100 hour disaster
Britbong here, that website are the biggest faggots in the UK, the absolute definition of LITERAL WHO for the UK
So does Yea Forums just find the most random ass website nobody ever heard about just to shitpost?
that random ass website is the only one with a bad review for an otherwise seemingly decent game, and the justification they give for the bad review is dubious at best, fucking retarded at worst
What the fuck does multi level marketing have to do with fire emblem?
It doesn't fucking matter how strong the enemy units are if all you have to do is still "rout the enemy"
>they tried to make a story where both sides are neutral
>the evil Not! Europe invades proud and honorable Not!japan
The Japanese have been butthurt about the west wrecking their shit and opening their borders for centuries, it was always going to end up like this.
It's a fairly well know newspaper here in the UK, but it's known for being one of the really trashy tabloids. Outside if the UK I'd be surprised if anyone had heard of it.
So the answer your question, yes, it's only getting posted because people can shitpost about how it gave 3 houses a not so good score.
The idea of the events of earlier games being considered a fairy tale in later games is fucking awesome though.
The weapon triangle was shit
hasn't this always been the case, on top of having the weapon triangle?
Combat arts, battalions and gambits make things much less predictable
No, lances shit on bows in most of the games.
Agreed, although you'd have to be an absolute chimp to not like Geneaology of the Holy War and still say you like this stillborn franchise