>The Legend of Zelda: Spirit of Courage.
>Set in the same Hyrule, with quite a few differences.
>All Sheikah tech barring Purah and Robbie’s gone. However, Guardians do return, with more variants.
>Replacing Shrines are caves. Can find them around Hyrule. Basically Shrines but with themes, not all the same.
>Ruins around Hyrule Field rebuilt, including Castle Town.
>Temples appear around Hyrule. Dungeons similar to Hyrule Castle, with more traditional puzzles mixed in. 8 of these.
>Other ruins and areas unearthed.
Islands added in Hyrule Sea. One large island, around 1/5 of the size of Hyrule.
>Many other islands, ranging from small to Great Plateau size. Actual sea exploration. Similar to Wind Waker.
>Islands in the sky. Like an expanded Skyward Sword. Actual stuff to do.
>New towns. Mountain top village in Hebra. Barbarian village in Faron region. Tarrey Town now a Metropolis. Yiga town on Gerudo Highlands. Underwater Atlantis style city. Underground technologically advanced city. Every other town expanded in some way.
>Mogmas, Anoukis and Yooks, and Keatons. Keatons are thieves, rogue-likes. Based off of Minish Cap design.