Moonlighter and This War of Mine are the current free games.
>B-b-but Epic only gives out shitty indie games!!!1
Moonlighter and This War of Mine are the current free games.
>B-b-but Epic only gives out shitty indie games!!!1
Other urls found in this thread:
tiananmen square.
winnie the pooh
Why are you still posting this shit 10 hours later
Thanks Epic.
I will support CCP as long you give me free games
you got that backwards
Honestly son of mask wasn't even that bad. I liked it better than Carrey desu.
All you have to do to get these free games is sell your personal information to china and your soul to the devil.
stop forcing that meme
You arent clever fag
I'm still salty that the Humble Monthly only gave me a Steam key for Moonlighter. I wanted the DRM-free builds.
Meh, the amerijews already stole it anyways
These have been free on other platforms multiple times
I have three copies of For Honor, all free
Nope. In fact, I'll sticky this thread so you'll have to see it forever
They could give us Half-Life 3 and I still wouldn't use the platform.
Someone explain to me why I keep seeing Mask shit spammed.
So did china. but now you are willingly giving it away so they don't get any legal repercussions out of it.
a couple of people on Yea Forums are trying to force it for some reason.
I ain't retyping my shit.
Yeah, who's that green guy?
>More shitty free games
>tiananmen square.
>winnie the pooh
Not even the good mask either. Is this because the director said he wanted to make a female mask?
>Epic shills latching off of a meme from Yea Forums based of the mask
i don't get it either.
they're not even using the jim carrey version, its the shit knock off version
Answer the call, Yea Forums.
Is this a new forced meme, or a cheap rehash of an old one?
>You're an Epic shill if you oppose the Steam monopoly
Excuse me, hehe... "my bad"
guaranteed 500+ replies
all threads that involve this dumb culture war end up with tards arguing for months about shit
They don't compete, tho. They just pay third parties to cockblock releases in other stores.
parroting the same shit doesn't make it true.
considering there's only two it's pretty much impossible to not shill one or the other
Those games are old, I already own them both on Steam
i dont mind if you wanna try and force a son of the mask meme, no one can stop you anyway.
but can you at least tell me why, like whats your reasoning behind it?
Not like the idea is new or even bad.
its amusing to me that you're paid for this shit. if you're doing it for free, that's even more hilarious.
please continue
>They don't compete, tho. They just pay third parties to cockblock releases in other stores.
Sounds like competition to me, now I'm beggin' ya, have sex Steamcel.
>A meme on Yea Forums
>Being forced in an age of captcha
Hey man at least it ain't like that fucking Girugamesh fest in 09.
Denying it doesn't make it false.
Trick or treat
At least Yea Forums is trying to make new memes unlike Yea Forums rehashing Wojak, again.
The epic giveaways kick ass. I'm never going to buy anything off their store, but I have no reason not to click a button and get a free game. Anyone too brand loyal they won't even accept free games is retarded imo.
Moonlighter IS a shitty indie game.
s n e e d
How long can epic keep this up? Fortnite is a declining game, so they won't have infinite money to blow forever.
Why is this guy getting posted so much? Did a new mask movie get announced?
>for honor
? uh
isn't that game already f2p??
>alan wake
no one ever wanted that game and I'm pretty sure the company that made it is now a laughing stock for not making max payne 3 when they had the chance
it's a shit game user.
>but can you at least tell me why, like whats your reasoning behind it?
Wouldn't you like to know?
Is Epic so desperate that they give games away for free just too try and stop Steam?
i just get the free games and then never play them lmao
>Fortnite is a declining game
It's not declining
But you know what is declining?
Based Epic giving use free games.
Whats free on Steam? Gabe's fat flaccid cock?
I unironically enjoyed that scene because of the song.
Post Mask porn
What kind of game are you waiting on to install it? I installed it for City of Brass
Control. Got it free with my RTX 2060 super
For the board that pisses and moans about Yea Forums being the worst board and not this place, you guys sure love stealing their memes.
LMAO, yeah the board whose only meme is bane and sneed has the creative chops to make anything
I've literally only seen this spammed in Epic shill threads.
I'd ask Gaben to shake his booty, but it'd ruin the party
Give me a 2019 AAA game you fucking retard, no games that are always 90% off on steam or already cracked you dog eater
Oh no. It's the autistic EGS spammer again.
Prepare for at least 20 more of this thread over the next few days.
>Post Mask porn
>Give me a 2019 AAA game you fucking retard,
When has Steam done this?
The screencap you used in the OP is from the end of the scene.
In the end it's boogie then dance.
You posted evidence against yourself.
English isn't his first language, user.
Not to mention Steam and uplay have both given For Honor for free at some point
>Why yes I do LOVE YOU BAAABBBEH, how did you know?
For Honor already went free during E3 and on PS Plus. All the other games are legitimately just indie games.
already own em, nice try chinky
Fucking based epic chad creating eternal buthurt with creative oc
I don't give a fuck.
New Thread New Reminder
Have sex
If they want more customers maybe they should instead focus on giving customers the better deal.
How do people believe the lies that come out of his mouth?
Why innovate when you strike gold with the first swing?
How do people believe the lies that come out of Steam drones?
>literally the same thread from earlier today
Does this count as spamming/flooding?
Well you don't
This is the same shit as pest posting. Basically a spic made meme whose only purpose is to be blatantly forced. The meme will last for a couple weeks and then completely die off. Noone likes this shit. Not even the people posting it.
Based and maskpilled.
Is moonlighter even any good?
Nah, it's piss easy once you get the rhythm of it. The town building mechanics is very shallow especially with shop management, and the combat is a really poor zelda interpretation. Basically the game has no soul.
why is the steam guy more kempt
>0.01% chance of winning giveaway
Call me when it's a blanket giveaway like Epic
Its a worse Recettear
I wouldn't even get For Honor if you paid me
>All these free games
i paid for alan wake twice i loved it so much, but i wont install chinese spyware for it.
If you dont already own these, considering they've been free/dirt cheap multiple times in the past, means you're a total casual that does in fact belong to epic chinese store. Epic is giving scraps to appease poor third worlders and children.
Don't you lose your "Free" Game if you uninstall?
At least you have an excuse, unlike the average Steam drone.
Literally made up by Steam drones. I've uninstalled Slime Rancher and uninstalled Epic Store just to test it, and I was able to reinstall everything.
>a decade old game nobody cared about to begin with and a game thats already been given away for free multiple times on platforms that arent chick spyware.
...waow this... is the power... of an epicuck
What even is this business model? I got over 12 games and haven't spent a penny.
There will be that one game you will though, that's the long plan
uh ok, after I buy the one game then what? They still give me free games.
Yea Forums shut it down for a bit with Space Dandy gifs and future funk, but I guess the user spamming this shit got over his butthurt.
>Mediocre Roguelike
>Walking Sim
>Game only known for nostalgia/its history of being removed
>A dead online PVP title
Damn, what a wonderful selection of titles!
Basically most of the games they give for free reached the end of their viable selling cycle so giving them away isn't really a big deal
>Here is your selection steambro
What about Subnautica and Enter the Gungeon? Or Slime Rancher and Thimbleweed Park?
>Deep Space Waifu
I know you specifically went to the visual novels/anime games section to screencap this but those titles alone are vastly superior to what EGS is offering.
Best part is, I get to give the Japs cash, because unlike the Chinks they don’t do business with personal information as currency
But literally none of your "memes" are good.
It's just pointless spam of buzzwords that mean nothing.
this, and I already have the gog version
Seething chink.
t. hapa
cool I'll check them out
What about people that don't own it on GoG or Steam you stupid nig?
im pre sure nekojishi is free
but i already got for honor for free on the ubishit launcher? and this war of mine+dlc free on ps4?
moonlighter is forgettably below average and alan wake is fucking terrible. how is this a deal at all?
Time to BOOGIE!
>For Honor
Literally a dead game.
Based Leon Mask Kennedy
The games AND the DLCs are free here.
Don't hurry, you don't have to beg for it this week, you can get it whenever you want.
Steam drones are cringe tbqh
>that fucking bloat spyware
Fucking kek.
>posting the same thing word for word in both threads
Epic shill"s" is just 1 dedicated autist isn't it
>>that fucking bloat spyware
Why do Steam drones like lying so much?
why are you such a samefaggot cocksuck that you have to bump a thread thirty fucking minutes at its last reply
kill yourself
Based, epic store really is for the gamers.
Find another place to spread your filth, you vile person.
Why the fuck would I care about the fucking publishers? They can go fuck themselves
baned and memepilled
make another pepe/wojak edit
Collossaly shit taste.
Fuck Epic.
What about Subnautica? City of Brass? Enter the Gungeon? Hope you didn't miss those
Pretty sure I've got both Alan Wake and For Honor from previous giveaways. I've even got a free For Honor on steam after getting it free on Uplay just in case I ever wanted to drop some steam trading cards from it.
I guess I'll take them on epic too just for kicks. I've added all the games they've given though I have no immediate plans to install the launcher.
>though I have no immediate plans to install the launcher.
This is where I'm at too. Not sure what game I'm waiting for, but it's gonna be good.
subnautica was the only really great game that they game away, but it was also given away in a humble bundle or something 2 years ago
>but it was also given away in a humble bundle or something 2 years ago
No it wasn't
I already have all those games for free.
We're talking about free here
Both of those games have already been given away for free on Steam at some point.
what's the catch?
>Alan Wake 2 comes out
>it's a EGS exclusive
>Nothing personal, kid.
>Game is exclusive to GoG
>Get a large number of points
>Spend them all on 5$ discounts on my next game
>They stack
>Buy a game for free
Chance ... what chance?
you even get a cool in-game eyepatch first day dl bonus
The catch is that they bring you in to the epic ecosystem. They give you something for free, you use their launcher, you’re exposed to advertisements and deals from epic, you’re more likely to buy from their store. It’s literally just the same thing as free samples except they lose basically nothing instead of a few boxes of chicken nuggies
we saw how great it went with thronebreakers, kek
>forced meme is kicked off off every other board
>will succeed on Yea Forums because Yea Forums is a cesspool of shit
can I just block ads
I mean they aren't ads like a banner on the side if your screen. It'd be just like when you open up steam and it defaults to the store page and puts some products in front of your eyes
>Card game
>Doing well
Hopefully not.
canon witcher rpg made by cdpr*
If I wanted these games for free I could get them at any time without relying on a launcher instead of waiting several years after their release to get them on some random store.
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