Click game review on youtube

>click game review on youtube
>it starts out with the reviewer singing his own theme song

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That's autistic as fuck but it probably gets them more views than my channel and yours combined

>click game review
>it starts with dubstep/nightcore with the channel's name bouncing and spinning

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He doesn't sing but I dont like Max's new theme song where he screams LETS GO and theres a montage of his favorite fighting game characters. Its too long I always skip it.

>thumbnail is a drawing of the youtuber in the main character of the game's outfit

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>game review
>it's 30-40+ minutes
>their 2d/furry avatar pops up on screen as if that's them talking

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God i fucking hate this

>thumbnail is the main character with googly eyes

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>thumbnail is always a drawing of a sexy girl in the main character of the game's outfit like it's the reviewer but the reviewer is a guy

>>thumbnail is always a drawing of a sexy girl in the main character of the game's outfit
Not bad
>>like it's the reviewer but the reviewer is a guy

>YouTuber at his computer station talking to the camera.
>"Hey, everyone, it's [screenname] again. Before we get into the video..."
>Personal shit or channel news that has nothing to do with the video topic.
>Two minutes of this.
>"So let's not waste any time and get right into it!"

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Just play game footage you fuckers. I hate them cutting to their xd characters.

>youtuber's reviews have an ongoing story arc
>all the characters are played by him with the occasional embarrassed friend or relative

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>it's a collab episode
>the other guy is a literal who with 0 personality

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>They do that thing where they pretend to interact via jump cut.
>The other person is introduced with a "[Name]? What are YOU doing here?!" bit.

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>Discover new youtuber
>Small catalog, promising so far
>Come across multiple collab videos where the other person is insufferable
>Can't watch any more of his content
There are so many of these, why?

I don't mind it unless they're trying to deliver a serious review.

Any examples?

>youtuber stops in the middle of their video to advertise some shitty chinese phone game or vpn to you for 3 minutes straight

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I don't want to post them, it would be mean

Jesus fuck I hate youtubers so much

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>youtuber doesnt have a video intro or even say WHATS UP GUYS he just starts the video.

Man, im fucking awesome. Bow down and suck my cock!

>heroes of the storm
>dollar shave club
>nord vpn
>loot crate

>clicking game review on youtube

>youtuber really obviously avoids saying certain words to avoid demonetization

Just fast forward.
This one actually pisses me off the most for a couple of reasons.
>Youtuber makes their sponsor way longer than it needs to be
>Youtuber makes their ad way too fucking uninteresting
If you're going to do a commercial, at least make it part of your content.
Chris Ray Gun does Honey ads where he uses the app to buy TV's and then destroys them.
This shit wouldn't even be a problem if Youtube's monetization systems fucking worked in favor of content creators. People wouldn't be clamoring for a sponsor at every turn if the ad revenue worked like it used to.

>Youtuber doesn't mention the $20 you donated to her and say thank you about it.

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Fucking Tim Pool
>World War 2 Bad Men
>Gets videos demonetized anyways
Why fucking bother if it doesn't fucking work. For a guy that acts so woke he sure seems brainwashed into using NuSpeak.

>it’s an anglo

I'm going to open my next video with this.

>Youtuber loves building brown bricks

Remember to like comment sub hit the bell and sub to moneyscam, the new patreon style site where i get more money than youtube would give me.


I miss xplay lads

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>youtuber uses that effect that distorts their face for comedy purposes

You forgot to tell them to share the video with an external link to manipulate the algorithm. Oh, and merch available link in bio.

>youtuber opens video by telling you to watch some other 40 minute long video on his channel first for context

>shirt with stylized letter on it

I will scratch my head forever at how this works.
>Don't remind people to like the video
>They just fucking don't
It's one click, why do people NEED to be reminded to like the video if they liked it?

I liked his channel for like a week until I caught on to his shtick and it became cringey

>It's stolen artwork

People are fucking brainless, my man. It's only when you single folks out that you can notice signs of intelligence. But as a group, people are generally fucking retarded .

Being an online videoman is a weird biz. It's cringe as fuck to have to go LIKE AND SUBSCRIBE AND RING THE BELL AND COMMENT
but if you don't do that, people won't fucking do those things and they're pretty important to your stats.

>youtuber is a fat fuck
>thumbnail drawing makes him look fit

>youtuber goes out on the street and jokingly asks a homeless guy what he thought about a game
>video devolves into the homeless guy just talking about the meds he needs to get his schizophrenia under control so he can get back to his kids

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>youtuber includes comedy skits

does .... does that happen?

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And that is the Nostalgia Critic summed up in two posts

>make sure to watch till the end for some random outtakes

I stopped watching Nostalgia Critic because I had this weird sudden realization one day that his content was never really that good, and most of his jokes came off ironically funny. Not sure when or why I had that thought, but I've never seen another episode since

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Northernlion is guilty of this

poppy r34 wen