Brazil's president sends a shoutout to gamers

Brazil's president sends a shoutout to gamers

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why is he so based

how long until weeb president
i know there's elon musk but an actual head of state

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literally Hue Trump, he even hates trannies and faggots, how do you not know this?

He did post fanarts of himself alongside Goku and one referencing Naruto, so

lol commies mad at him

tell him to fix his corrupt shithole country

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Poland's former president liked anime cons.

uma delicia

bolsonaro fortnite skin when

He is fucking working on it, god damn it.

As if he didn't make the left seethe enough already.

Obrigado, Bolsonaro.
Thank you, Bolsonaro.

Politicians are known for trying to appeal to as many different groups as possible, and, as seen here, brazilians with low inteligence that are drawn to videogames see this as a genuine comment

There was some Brazilian government sponsored video that used anime music of some kind not too long ago.

He is the corrupt shithole

Inferno sim irmão!

I do know that one of those videos had Sonic 06 music in it

It used sonic music (the solaris phase 2 theme)

Uma basado presidente mucho gamer rise up

It used the Sonic 2006 final boss music.

Sure buddy.

Oh man this comic takes me back

>brazilians with low inteligence
so all of them?

How about lowering those import tariffs, hmmm? Nintendo has literally abandoned us.

At least something fucking does, now maybe you can stay there in your shithole country where you fucking belong.

Who gives a fuck about Brazil

If an American politician did that, we'd call them pathetic

>literally a corrupt fascist

Goodbye rainforest

>How do you not know this?
Because I literally don't care about politics

>elon musk
Is not actually a weeaboo, it's just part of the image he's trying to cultivate.

HUEHUEHUE gibe monei plias? I REPORT U


(mordekaiser es numero uno)

If only there was a way to spread this sentiment

your english is so broken. so typically brazilian. there's no way you aren't larping

It's ours rainforest, we do whatever we want with it

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He's pretty much "HOW ARE YOU DOING FELLOW KIDS" yet people are actually falling for it
Dude's distracting people from deep shit, I just know it

>giving thumbs up to csgo pros and replying to the csgo "pro" who got banned from america for visa fraud and saying he'd kill a guy
now this is shitposting

Where have I heard this lie before? I wonder.

Go learn what fascist means you absolute fucking retard.

That wasn't broken english, learn to read you fucking subhuman.

brazilians love garbage anime and normie internet culture. if bolsonaro post a pepe edit of himself they will literally look like pic related

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Fair enough

Pretty sure the people still living there aren't happy they're gonna be homeless soon

and thats a good thing!

It's horrible, no person fluent in english types like that. There's more to broken english than just typos but I wouldn't expect a 2 digit iq chimpanzee to know... sigh

To a point, but he's also a turbo autist and date(d) Grimes who wrote an album about Dune, so you never know.

You're fucking retarded if you didn't understand what I posted.

What mistakes? That post is perfectly fine.

It is our. We may turn it into toothpicks snd you could go fuck yourself about it. The country has more than 40% of its flora untouched while europe niggers have less than 2% of theirs. Go ask them to preserve.

shoutout mental illness

Uhm, it's the other way around my friend. People starve to death and basically live in the paleolithic due to foreign pressure to obtain our minerals. Also they are brazilians just like the rest of us, why shouldn't they live like the rest?

>another thread where Im reminded why Yea Forums and Yea Forums died

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t. amerimutt


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the site died 2010 bro, get over it already.


>he even hates trannies and faggots,

I'm sure 95% of world leaders do, like 95% of the world's population does. It's only a few Western progressive nations who don't.

Is that before or after his troops kill and eat them because the rations ran out weeks ago?

Imagine caring about some shithole country like Brazil.

i hate this trend of world leaders acting like faggots on twitter
can we go back to the days when boomers didnt even know how to send email


No website is ever good enough for you losers, kek.

Stop projecting your irrational fears on others. Get laid buddy.


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Based and sonypilled

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Once you hit the age of 18 and live on your own, you will.

a man of high taste

Nice. Would I also complain about politics in video games? Or am I going to just like politics when it fits my narrative?

I cant wait for the fucking evangelics baning violent an sexy games like the cucks of europe too.

The economist is known to be shilling hard for progressiveness and the Democratic Party/SocialDem agenda. Obviously they would flame any leader that doesn't follow their agenda.

>I'm a cuck and proud watch me rape my land for other countries

Based and fucking red pilled

>he doesn't know that Bolsonaro's family is literally affiliated with hardcore catholics and literally Steve Bannon

the economist is a hard right paper that literally supported Bolsonaro until he actually got into office and proved to be a complete fuckup.

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Yes and carta capital is literally only non-biased newspaper of brazil

I bet you think the mainstream is left

I bet you think they aren't.

Yes, the whole mainstream media support Social Democrats, Social Democrats are usually left in the political spectrum. I know that sounds ackward to a guy that honestly believes that Lula should be free and isn't guilty of corruption


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a lot of us don't speak retard
which one of you monkeys can translate?

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>the economist is a hard right paper that literally supported Bolsonaro until he actually got into office and proved to be a complete fuckup.
No they didn't, they have been criticizing him for a long time, they were only sympathetic to him when he was stabbed

A strong hug to gamers!

He still sucking dick of Edir Macedo support, the Profet 171JEW!

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Imagine being this fucking inept that you unironically think the mainstream is anything but center-right? Whats your litmus test for the left? The lack of a need to say nigger?

Uhh that was years ago so it's fine. He even had an apology written by somebody else!

Yes, but he's got the balls to be publicly open about it

Hello time traveler from the 1950s. Where did you hide your time machine?

oh ok, what a cool guy

Protestants are literally being used a political manuever my friend. The future is unironically catholic, as protestantism is dead in Europe, due to the death of liberalism as we knew, and it only exists elsewhere due to their conservative political agenda, but as soon as it becomes the norm, they will start demobilizing and the only way to remain faithful is due to the tradition of the catholic church
>he unironically believes that PSDB is right-wing and the real opposition to PT/PCdoB/PSOL
Imagine being so out of touch with reality

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How do you do, fellow kids?

Its so easy to please retards
>Famous person
>Does tweet for something trendy
>OMG he so based

Even in Brazil the number of catholic still sinking.

Is that the girl from the mustache video on Newgrounds?

That's pretty tame when compared to some election campaigns.

>Social Democrats are usually left in the political spectrum.

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Well, mostly because the church in Brazil is deeply infiltrated by communists which destroyed tradition, and the evangelicals are mostly a political reaction to that. But if you actually had some deep insight among the church you would know that tridentine masses are literally surging everywhere, and it only became a thing due to Benedict XVI being in power up to 2013, hence there is literally a fight going on among the progressive and conservative sectors of the church, and if anything the recent converts to protestantism and the surge in tridentine masses are basically forcing the church up to conservative spectrum as they are losing followers

Uhm you are literally proving my point


Silence, zurdo

Sonic likes him

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theeconomist hates him. while protectionism in 1st world countries is at least debateable it is not possible in 3rd world sweatshop countries

literally who cares about a bunch of monkeys and their politics lmao

So I guess you're a tankie? You people wonder why everyone fucking hates you.

Jesus fucking Christ.

> wanting more BR in your games
Whenever you encounter them they are very rude, talk shit and are bad at the game. Doesn't matter which game the same pattern repeats itself everywhere. Though they're more timid and sane compared to Russians.

It seems somehow it is like that everywhere. Hardly surprising as they keep the lower classes in check through giving them social programs while catering to every demand of corporations.

Economist is directly owned by Rothschilds.


Catholic Church are fucking pedos

That is what the people that want to destroy the church wants you to think

>likes videogames
>lower taxes on consoles
>wants niggers and fags hanged
>wants to erradicate welfare (because people are abusing as shit, you can't fucking believe how bad it is)
>friends with trump
based as fuck

>Economist is directly owned by capitalists.
shocking, i never would have guessed

Except its actually working

Literally not a single thing wrong with that post you illiterate subhuman

There is only one based south american leader.

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Do you even understand who you are defending?You are literally defending people like the Rothschilds, multibillionaires that want to have the monopoly of means of production to enforce their own politics and have supreme control over the world

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nigga got stabbed with a giant fucking knife during his campaign
and keep on campaigning from the hospital through instagram
balls of steel

Great now could he stop the deforestation of the amazons?

The amazon is ours, we do whatever we want with it

By putting his family members in government, which is always a sign that someone is fighting corruption.

>how do you not know this
I don't care about what literal shit eating monkeys think

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Two BR youtubers see a woman begging for change, they make a story on facebook or whatever of this video that they say "Sorry I don't have any change."
Then they face the camera with a big smile and say stuff like
"I was like, Do you have change for $100?" And laugh.
Now they are making videos crying because they were misunderstood. It's all disgusting.


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It becomes a global problem when you cut it down, especially when we are pumping more and more CO2 in the atmosphere

>he even hates trannies and faggots
And on top of that he's a Jew puppet too, he really is BR monkey trump

Why third world countries citizen always angry when people criticize their corrupt leader? This is same with Russia, China and other South American countries too..

Don't care, it's ours my friend, you and the rest of the world got no say in it

And furthermore you aren't even making good use of the land, you're cutting it down for a meat company that's so bad that not even the USA wants

Economist was very critical of Bolsonaro from the get go and dedicated a cover to his presidential run, and I wouldn’t paint it as hard right, but it is pro-markets/capitalist as fuck. The people who call it “ecommunist” clearly don’t fucking read it.

link to their crocodile tears?

So be it, it's our land, we could simply make it a giant parking lot just to teach foreigners their place

The main cause of deforestation is onions, which is also used to fed pigs
Stop eating bacon and tell california to stop drinking söy milk and it'll happen

Filthy fucking inbred chimps ARE NOT welcome on Yea Forums. God why did we give third worlders internet access? Everything went to shit ever since they started festering here like a free to play mmo. When the great war starts I will personally sign up to bomb tribal jungleniggers South of the wall.

Chora mais.

>practices and defends nepotism
>he's working on it
Fucking braindead niggers.

>Economist is directly owned by Rothschilds
Yet they own less then the Agnelli family

>Economist is directly owned by Rothschilds.
More reason for them to like a hard right Israel cocksucker willing to fork over all of Brasil's nature resources to their grubby Jewish hands

>literally wants his son to be ambassador to the US on basis of him speaking English and traveling there often
If Lula or Clinton tried this shit you dumb nigs would be outraged

What's he playing, 3rd Strike?

Hold the fuck up, that's an innacurate portrayal of BRs
We aren't savages who drink monkey soup everyday, we only do it during special occasions like a relative getting out of jail

You're wrong and correct, most of the land is used for cattle. The Glycine max that's farmed there is also used to mostly feed livestocks

Oh the same guys who said Trump would be a disgrace for american people, are you still mad that it was HER turn?

Tá com medo petista?
Tá com medo petista safada?

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Fucking hues I swear

Clearly a rightwing newspaper!

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Not defending him, but hasn't Brazil had corruption problems long before he was elected?

I have no idea why you replied to me.

They weren't wrong though, he hasn't done anything but suck off Israel since entering office. Though I get the feeling a paper called (((The Economist))) would get off to that


Yeah but that's not an excuse to continue encouraging it to be a corrupt shithole and being a corrupt shithead yourself

>Africa's dangerous baby boom
Real leftist shit right there, Schlomo Brasilberg

Brazil has literally never been uncorrupted, it had dips in corruption like when it was under Dom Pedro or under Lula, but it's a corrupt shithole doomed to stay a corrupt shithole, except its future will be controlled by a global Jewish cartel if Bolsanegro gets his way.

>it had dips in corruption like when it was under Dom Pedro or under Lula
>or under Lula

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>dips in corruption under Lula

>no argument
Either a kike operative, or a nigger. Probably both.

Do I really need to post this?

>Initially a money laundering investigation, it has expanded to cover allegations of corruption at Petrobras, where executives allegedly accepted bribes in return for awarding contracts to construction firms at inflated prices. This criminal scheme was initially known as "Petrolão" (Portuguese for "big oil") because the scandal involved the state-controlled oil company.[6] The investigation is called "Operation Car Wash" because it was first uncovered at a car wash in Brasília. It has included more than a thousand warrants for search and seizure, temporary and preventive detention, and plea bargain coercive measures. The aim of these is to ascertain the extent of a money laundering scheme, estimated in 2015 (by the Regional Superintendent of the Federal Police of Parana State) at R$6.4–42.8 billion (US$2–13 billion) embezzlement of Petrobras funds.[7][8]:60[2]:16

>he even hates trannies and faggots
[citation needed], and no, that infamous saying doesn't really count.

Sérgio Moro is literally a Jew puppet, you fucking nigger retard. The embezzlement case was a pretext to fuck over the people of Brasil and transfer its wealth to the global Jewish elites

From the same page
>In June 2019 the investigative magazine The Intercept Brasil released leaked Telegram messages exchanged between judge Moro, prosecutor Dallagnol and other prosecutors.[65][66][67][68][69][70][71][72] It showed how they worked together to convict the ex-president Lula da Silva on corruption charges to prevent him from running in the 2018 election, although Dallagnol "expressed his increasing doubts over two key elements of the prosecution's case: whether the triplex was in fact Lula's and whether it had anything to do with Petrobras".[73][74] Glenn Greenwald reported that the leaked file is bigger than the one in the Snowden case.[73][75] Fernando Haddad mentioned it could be the greatest institutional scandal in the history of republic.[76][73]

>he unironically believes in the Intercept
LMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAO, also my friend, you won't be able to follow him any longer I think


>mfw nazis are so desperate they literally need to shill for the left to not lose their narrative
This timeline is fucking glorious


Fuck off retard, jews are unironically based and Israel is the kind of country we should strive to be
Even /pol/ (specially /ptg/) loves Israel nowadays, it's time for you to ditch your irrational prejudices and take the kosherpill

The Economist supports the most neoliberal candidate. That is their only motivator.
Look at their coverage of British politics. They'll put up with the dumpsterfire that is the Tories while vilifying Corbyn for everything, despite their thin veneer of socially acceptable views.

The PT is pretty good at fucking over the people of Brasil, why would they need help?

Don't know who Greenwald is, just pointing out that your own source claims that the whole affair was trumped up.

Some leftists are against globalism, why shouldn't they be supported when the alternative is a globalist Jewish cumguzzler?

>He doesn't know about /leftypol/

After you, Schlomo Goldbergstein

>there are people who actually think Lula is a good person

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I'm BR and I dont give a shit.
He is gonna be out in three years anyway.

>Don't know who Greenwald is, just pointing out that your own source claims that the whole affair was trumped up.
Well if you don't even know who Greenwald is, there is no point in using the argument you used my friend. Right about now it's proved that he basically conspired with a criminal to destroy Bolsonaro's government and right now he is at the hospital

He's as much of a good person as much as he's a 5 fingers on both hands person

Good person, no? Better than a Jew selling out the country to anti-Christian international kabals only out to rob us? Any day of the week.

BRICS >>>> Being Israel and the United States of Kikemerica's bitch

>if you don't know who this Jew is, no point talking to you
Fuck off, kike. Go dilate some more. Brasil is for Brasilians, no scum like you

>literally proved out wrong

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>aren't happy they're gonna be homeless soon
Nigga their homes are literal fucking huts. I feel bad for the loss of the biodiversity because you can make a lot of good products from certain animals's characteristics, but homes? Really?

>huehue are antisemits

As expected of 3rd worlder I guess.

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OOOHHHH SHIIIEEEEET might not leave the fucking country if they do that. I mean I might still get shot, but who cares?

>t. angry 3rd world Macaco peasant

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>visit Yea Forums after all these years with some hope that it might not be as bad as I imagined it is
>see this thread
to imagine people were complaining about edgy newfags shitting the place up in 2010

where are the lower taxes and smaller government then?

What's the matter, not enjoying the cultural enrichment?

it's okay that's not him
it's just his kid playing with his twitter account

for as much bullcrap as bolso says, Brazil desperately needs someone to open up its economy, and he promised to do so


sopa de macaco, mmmm uma delicia

He's said he literally seen all of Full Metal Alchemist.

he's kinda busy chasing his windmills, putting his other kid that can barely speak english as the US ambassador, proclaiming there is no hunger in the country and so on and so forth. and have you also looked at what his agenda actually is filled with? the man is living the dream shitposting for a living. and how about that reform? he just left his economist in the dust and rushed to adjust it when his voting base gave him shit when he didn't do much of anything to help with at all for the rest of the year.
and you remember when they said any kind of political articulation was corruption? it sure would suck if they got the votes for the reform by doing exactly that and saying "oopsie we are noobs right now kek"
yeah, I love seeing lefties combust spontaneously on twitter too, bagginsnaro, but they do that for free. go run the country a little and stop starting shit up.


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Watching the most basic bitch anime does not make you a weeaboo.

His son runs his twitter, his closeted gay son that's living with a 'cousin' for many years as well as having a very cute and delicate poodle they raise all by their lonesomes. Bolsonaro doesn't know jack and shit about the internet, his kids got him elected (they'll say as much when they feel their own peepees are being undervalued in the presence of daddy).
Since Bolsonaro likes being a poor man's God Emperor Trump his twitter profile is always booming. But there was one occasion he shut up for many days at an end and people found out that was because he and his kid had a very rough spat so his kid refused to give him his twitter password. After they kissed and made up that was fixed and his son went back to posting on it naturally declaring all that fake news.

/pol/ fucked this place up by encouraging a million redneck boomers to immigrate to bolster their contrarian moralfaggotry. literally welcomed retards from reddit with open arms because they supported their meme presidential candidate.

Practice abstinence.

All Trump has to do to top this is post the bing bing wahoo gif.

Musk is the poster boy of crony capitalism. Without Obama and global warming hoax no one would buy his exploding cars.

Based. I hope he's having a great night.

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