>Bayonetta, Bloodborne are worth playing
Post shit that simply is fucking false
>dark souls is a good game
lolicons deserve to live
FFXV is a good game
>OP is not a faggot
>portal 2 is not literally plebbit the game
>Video games are fun
>Bloodborne isn't the best game eve-
>I have an opinion
>Smash is a good fighting game
Bisexual people deserve human rights.
>I am not a virgin
Two scoops?
>Fighting game
Autism user is that you?
>One Piece Pirate Warriors 3 is a good game
>You already played 1 and 2? They're bad but trust me this one is good
Metroidvania is a good name for a genre.
>the Byzantine empire was not Roman
lmao please make a thread i want to see csfags get BTFO
oh sorry I thought I was on /his/
>OP is not a faggot
Oh damn you're right.
Let me be on topic.
>Smash is a good game
Valve has done more good than harm to the video game industry.
i agree fuck bayonetta
Nobody buys games for single player anymore.
Banjo is in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. and Steve isn't.
That I'm sure we can all disagree on, right Yea Forums?
Only thing I can agree on is that you enjoy throbbing cocks in and around your mouth
>Someone Really has Been Far Even as Decided to Use Even Go Want to do Look More Like
So you DON'T, then? Wow. Banjofags have such a miniscule attention span they forgot what thread they were in. Cope and seethe!
OP is not a faggot
>Napoleon dynamite is a funny movie
>Steveposters have to take refuge in Opposite Day threads to survive
Oh, what a day!
>Sonic Adventure 2 is a good game
>Nintendo games aren't just for children
>PS3/360 generation was the worst of all time
Which in Opposite Day lingo means we DON'T and we're actually thriving in every other thread. Man, Banjokes sure are on a roll tonight, aren't they?
>Everyone who responds to me likes Banjo
You need to...Not chill.
Steve will be in smash
>Nintendo is a great game
>turn based games can be exciting.
What game is Nintendo, user?
They sure do! Good to know there's still some intelligent people left on the board.
So I wonder how many times I can respond to you before you run out of pictures that are contextually relevant without posting the same thing twice?
He intentionally skipped my post about Steve being in smash, too. Faggot can't take his own medicine
>Megaman classic games are hard
Sony cares about their content
Steve is in Smash Bros
Kojima is a bad writer
MGSV isn't fun
The splintering of Christianity by Martin Luther's 95 Thesis was a bad thing since the Catholic Rulers of Medieval Europe were good people
Muslims aren't destroying Europe
The Mueller Report is true
Stalin deserves praise
Communism isn't as bad as survivors who escaped these regimes say it is
Pokemon is still good
A terrible niche trilogy of games are Kirby's Dreamland 2, 3 and then 64 The Crystal Shards
The bipartisan lobbyist system of the US gov't that's worse tham a mother country and colonies is exactly what the Founding Fathers fought and died for
Deus Ex is full of shit
Bill Clinton did not blow his unholy load on Monica Lewinsky
Hillary Clinton did not sell $12b of uranium to Russia under Obama that would be transferred to Iran for the nuclear deal in 2015 which was good for the US and didn't put us at risk of attack from a fucking warlord
The sonic movie design is good
OP is definitely NOT a faggot.
>Shooting games aren't just for kids
Are you saying the Kirby games are good or bad?
I'm confused. Does this mean I shouldn't vote for Bernie?
>violence in video games are the cause for real violence.
>Skyrim is the worst TES
>Morrowind is the best TES
the latter was a great experience for me, just not a good “game”.
How has no one called you a faggot yet? Dead board?
because he speaks the truth you dumb retard
Retard spotted
Fuck, that sounds familiar. What was that meme again?
white genocide is a real thing.
It isn’t the truth though
I'm saying that Kirby games are absolutely atrocious! Not a single good game, why did Mashed Potato Samurai have to make such a bad game series?
No you should
Bernie cares about us, knows how
basic economics work, doesn't pay his campaign workers shit wages and is totally not a lobbyist jew hellbent on destroying the USA while giving Jewish people a bad name and making the USA a mixture of Venezuela and Brazil; Tyranous govts and shit economies
Bayonetta is better than DMC
It was meme that started because people got angry because trump had two scoops of ice cream at dinner instead of one
Stephen Colbert was pissed off just because the president had two scoops of cream
>The HRE was Holy, Roman and an Empire.
You're supposed to post false ideas, which he did, truthfully. Stop being a brainlet and think it through.
Fuck off, Voltaire
He posted a true idea though so he’s the brainlet, that’s what I’m trying to tell you, moron.
fuck you
Street Fighter 5 is better than MK 11
Your post and pic scream twitter, it’s fucking disgusting
Omfg, I remember that
I laughed so damn hard at that and then when Trump pulled a motherfucking Steamed Hams on us
Unrelated to this thread's context: Trump is a fucking legend
>Mass Effect Andromeda, Bloodborne and FFXV are bad games
Read The Faggot's- I mean, OP's post
>it isn't the truth
>He posted a true idea
the world ends with you is a good game
>Touhou is easy and lesbian
You can’t even greentext right and you hate cunny, why don’t you consider migrating over to resetera?
This guy isn't a faggot
We’re in the most twitter thread ever made right now, we’re all faggots for being here right now but you even moreso
botw is good
nintendo is still relevant
How the fuck so? I'm not telling people to go to another site that isn't Yea Forums and I'm dispensing red pills
Twitter faggots basically live off of blue pills, I'm just saying some facts here
>Yea Forums isn't the designated scaly board
Dynasty Warriors is a bad game
Sega is a good company.
Visuals don't matter.
Music doesn't matter.
Sound design doesn't matter.
Indie is a genre.
All indie games are bad.
Rhythm games are just memorization.
Puzzle games aren't worth full price.
facts aren't allowed in this ITT
Well, actually i
porn and waifus is a healthy way to cope with having no job, social life, or fulfillment