Is Runescape the most redpilled game?

>niggers exiled to distant Island
>sand people walled off

And best of all the chief Runescape deity Saradomin is a racist god. He said the following: "Niggers will be turned into coal to smelt our Runebars" - Saradomin Holy Book 20:23

Also join our clan discord

And our clan chat "sonovsun1492"

Attached: Unzips Pants.png (185x188, 47K)

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kill yourself discord faggot

That's not nice

eat my ass punk, you cant dispute how rad runescape is

OSRS specifically has the most conservative playerbase out of any MMO.

Remember when Jagex forced a gay pride update and banned anybody who came out against it and anybody who just so happened to be in the area?

Is it just me, or are there a lot of discord shilling threads all of a sudden? I've seen like 3 in the past hour or so.

came in here to post this, I'm guessing its because most RS players who actually played RS back in the day are in their late 20s by now and have 'real' jobs are realize that half of their money going to the government is not fun.

>i am mentally unable to play a game without correllating it to my political headcanon

and* not are, fuck

Gay Pride is like a cult.

how can this be true when the game is ran by its own subreddit?

you can say that but the subreddit was incredibly pro-warding, and it still only got 66% of the vote. I'm conservative but I use Reddit for keeping up with sports/news because its just the easiest way to get all your info for all your important topics in a quick glance.

if you don't have a 15 year cape then i cannot play with you sorry no noobs allowed

What server you play on? If it's not free I'm not bothering.

WE DO FREE. AND MEMBER. We even put together cash bonds for poor nubs. Come join brother

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>warding only got 66%
Neat, I guess
Artisan for making noncombats halfway profitable when?


Jtblazenz - cc - pol incorrect 18+ discord available Oceania's largest adult clan

>warding didn't pass
I'll never understand. They add in so much ez mode afk bot shit like nmz, and all these new gamebreaking items in raids, and the FUCKING GE, but they won't add in new skills. Why bother playing anymore?

Yep pretty base

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What was up with that anyway? Why did they add that event in without polling?

Fuck off Nazi

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>PVP polls
i've literally never seen a pvp poll fail, that's all osrs is now, that and staking.

>attacking someone who didn't skull on you specifically STILL gives you a skull

What is the rationale behind this? Practically no other MMO does this retarded shit. PKers shouldn't be able to waltz down to revenants and pick people off at their leisure while all the other PVErs can only decide whether or not to tele or sit there shitting their pants hoping they aren't next.

Learn to pk

Hop in Negro and show us how to PK.

Why don't YOU learn to PK? Cunt.


Even assuming a person grinding revs knows how to PK, unless they're specifically geared for baiting, the best they can hope to do against a properly geared PKer is escape. It's literally a crutch for PKers.

I am so glad that shitty crafting skill didn't pass.

It should be perfectly acceptable for PVErs to be able to dog pile and stack out pkers in multi without getting skulled. Properly incentivizes the use of teams, makes pking as whole more interesting and even increases the reward potential for PKers, a PVEr who knows he won't get skulled is more likely to stick around.

Keep it as a wilderness only rule though, leave PVP worlds as they are.

Join fellers. Redpilled Runescapers need to band together. Plus one of you might even make a friend.

Attached: HEIL.gif (260x242, 625K)

It would likely bring a lot of PVErs into PVP in the form of low-risk anti-pking as well.

Can't any of you 2016ers ever just enjoy a game anymore without bringing your Nazi politics into it?

>Autista screeching that warding isn't oldschool
>But anything else that wasnt in game is
I like how there's essentially a dungeoneering minigame without the skill.

Heil funky Hitler, bitch nigga.

A large chunk of the playerbase doesn't understand that the "Old School" in OSRS means "in the style/spirit of Old School" and basically want the game to sit in cryostasis.

>Wanting Runecrafting 2
Ok jew

It's also an ultra-capitalist game and people are sick and tired of retards asking for handouts. It hasn't been cute since 2007.

>learn to pk
>basically does the equivalent of a boomer paying money to sit in a heated deer blind with cable TV on a reserve for 3 hours

Is there somewhere that has a build of the RS2 from 2004-2006 or if not just a gallery that has a bunch of the models so I could get a real nostalgia trip since nuScape07 didn't cut it.

You notice it by how much they autistically screech about things not existing in 2007.