How's the grind coming along anons?
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I'm Level 80 RDM, and I just got to Level 75 SMN today.
Slowly leveling. Very slowly. Still need to work on Crafters and Gatherers.
61, just switched to Dancer. Finished Heavensward, now starting the post-heavensward-into-stormbringers shit.
Are there going to be new wards/housing system changes sometime this expansion? I want to know if I should keep destroying my self esteem, or just say fuck it and wait.
Grind's fine. Got a premium large house in Shiro ward 2 from the server by hacking the guy who lived there. Saved me 200mil
Third for I don't want to do duty roulette anymore in case I land on Aurichite Switch or whatever it's called
fuck bros
Wait for details on Ishgard maybe but it won't be available for months at a minimum.
Is it possible to get a completed HW relic weapon from nothing within 30 days?
2 days if you're diligent
depends, if you do all your roulettes daily and spend practically all of your poetics towards it, probably, for the umbrite step, you can use gatherer/crafter scrips as a fast way to get crystal sand
>tfw got Miner to 80 in anticipation for Ishgard content
I really hope I don't need a crafter at 80, I can put up with gathering, crafting just fucking annoys me, I only got CUL to 70 because the Nemazu tribes gave great exp
Stop playing AST.
About to relocate from Mist to Lavender Beds, am I based or am I a faggot?
What big chnages do you want to see with 5.05?
God I'm so fucking sick of people who can't do basic mechanics and having to rotate in new people and re-explain everything just to have them also fail to do basic mechanics.
I really wish they'd change previous-expansion special weapon shit like the umbrites to be marketable. I have more gil than time, let me shovel a pile of that shit into someone else's face so I get get my cosmetic crap without wanting to swallow my tongue in the process.
Hope you enjoy your shitty grass floor texture EVERYWHERE you look.
I'm leveling all of my DoH/DoL now that I'm all caught up on MSQ. I got em all to 50 before ShB dropped and I just got my Miner to 60. Gonna start on my Botanist tomorrow.
>villain calling for "trans" """rights"""
>a villain known for sewing chaos and discord and ruining society just because
checks out
Do I need any big boy gear to hit Eden, or can I go with the relic gear I got from the story? I know EX I should have big boy gear.
I know that stone of heart is really good but how am I supposed to use it on others? Like, do I just shoot it on the healer before a room wide AoE, or use it on myself always no matter what? I feel like I’m supposed to use it on people about to get hit by something hard but it o mu lasts 7 seconds so I feel like it really only blocks one attack. I’m just really underwhelmed with the skill when it comes to anything except personal mitigation.
Also fuck Superbolide
PF? Blank descriptions are your friend.
Shitters won't know what to expect and will avoid them.
>tfw doing Titan story stuff in ARR
Just gotta keep on truckin...
Just went from level 1 to about level 11 with all gathering and crafting classes today, used up about 90 levequests.
I want them to cut the potencies on SCH's burst healing. If I'm not going to get to do damage anymore, at least make keeping all the other retards in the party alive vaguely challenging.
Relic gear with Ronka accessories is good enough.
Bought the starter edition and the autistic amount of msq made me stop playing this.
hit ilvl req and you're good (across the board), the rest is currently excess
Is Spell/Skill speed materia a meme?
>this world is currently full
>players in queue 1,105
WTF is this?! I though it was one of those psych out, just try again and get in ques, but no. What the hell happened in last day to warrant this kind log in?
I have to be away from my computer for like 10 days so...not ideal.
ddos forced everyone offline
1-15 with crafters can be done by making all of the items in your log. All the materials are easily found for cheap in each city or in your FC house if they have a material vendor
If I only want to level one crafting class, would CUL be okay?
>take my dnc out to level
>check log after a few hours
>in half of those runs my partner should've been the tank
>Want to make a ronin/peasant look for my SAM
>Notice this guy in Kugane, he looks fucking perfect
>Everything except his chestpiece is DoH/DoL exclusive
It's not fair, bros
you mean shadowblood?
Stacked with Raw Intuition and it's 32% mitigation every 25 seconds. But for a healer? Meh, use it if they won't survive an aoe but otherwise give them your Aurora instead.
Woops, Stormblood.
My bad.
unfortunately, healers still have instant queues, so they'll never eat their slice of humble pie
woof that DRK as seen by PLDs is spot on
Level 80 DRK feels like its still a lv 70 job, with 5 more skills to unlock until its finished
It's a real shame because I love playing with TBN but fuck me the job is just boring outside of it.
80 SAM, 80 DNC
working on mining now, only 30. Been farming silver ore. Makin' a cool 200k/hour. Can't wait to mine gold.
I haven't even done every one on the list yet. I just wanted an excuse to burn through my levequests.
is this an AST player?
>Summoner looks pretty fun, I think I'll give it a go!
Holy shit it looks like I'm playing microsoft flight simulator or some shit.
CRP to 80
MIN to 77
GSM to 75
combat classes are too stressful to level, im gonna get comfy
Gets me every time
In Coerthas. Trying to find Cid's airplane. Debating whether I want to keep playing once the two weeks I have left run out.
>playing barbies playhouse
You were always a faggot
don't lose hope user, we're all gonna make it
It's actually the worst if you want an easy one to level.
Gonna finish the final dungeon/trial tonight, looks great.Also, will the pugs in savage/extreme be better? I I wasted half an hour before abandoning my trial for Titania normal yesterday, and I’d rather not have to do that again.
Coerthas section with Haurchefant is kino.
Congratulations user you've reached anoying ARR quest hump 1 of 2. I pray for your swift exit from it.
literally the worst part of the entire game, bar none
Keep going user, you are gonna make it
You're almost at the half-way point.
The last half of ARR is brutal though, be warned.
But Stormblood exists...
>.Also, will the pugs in savage/extreme be better?
No, you've missed the boat on that one.
Hold fast until you get to Heavensward. It DOES get better.
>The grind
I got my Titty ex clear and weapon on the second week the xpack was out and have nothing to do until 5.05. I redecorated my house and am leveling alts.
Doesn't matter how geared I am, I have no contacts so I won't get to do savage. Fuck my life.
What grind? This game has no end game content
it's just a bunch of repeating patterns and long stretches of pressing one button
I did one recently, main scenario roullettes everyday for a week. Spend poes on umbrite only. Old beast tribes daily for unidentified items. 3 levelling roulettes a week for Singing Cluster.
Not sure about crystal sand and GC items cause I have unlimited supply of those but that's basically it.
Level 80 for quick unsync runs through trials/dungeons.
I wish they'd also add autistic MMO grind content. I kind of hope we get Eureka 2.0 this expansion, for that reason.
Currently leveling Blue Mage but because every guide out there is either saying "fate grind" or "Join my FC" and shit, Ive hit a brick wall at level 20. I have no side quests to do at this level cause I never saved those and every "fate grind" group out there is at the endgame area and since almost all user created pug groups don't really accept blue mages I'm now essentially forced to grind mobs that are either too low leveled or too high level till level 50.
My first character is a warrior and I'm at around 53, I finished the ultima machine quests and now I'm unlocking level 50 dungeons. I like my class so far and I'm wondering if I should take it to 80, but I'm kinda stalling out in my leveling pace. Haven't really leveled any crafting or gathering but cooking and fishing is really comfy.
What should I be doing to get to funner content? I'm finally enjoying 50s dungeons but the level and ilvl seems to go slot slower after 50
>randomly disconnect
>get sent back into the log-in que behind 1000 people
Jesus, that has to be bait. What kind of retard manages to have trouble healing in the expansion when all the healers lost their LODSA EDPS setups for more healing? Is it an MP thing and they don't know how to pace themselves? Ethers exist even if that's the case, FFS.
>What should I be doing to get to funner content?
just keep plugging away at the main quest really
Healers = Aurora
OT = HoS
MT = Both for yourself.
Oh right. Aether Oil requires poes. You need 5 so maybe throw in 2 runs through the CT raids so you spend less poes.
Whats the best shit to mine at 80? Everything is worth like 600 gil
How does house relocation even work? I bought my place last summer no problem, why are there people camping around these empty plots? Do I get first dibs to relocate before they can even buy?
Paladin 70. Dancer and gunbreaker unlocked but not played yet. Samurai 53 and red mage 51. Rest jobs are mostly around 30 aside lancer that is 19 and archer 17. Conjurer still on 15. Most crafting jobs are around 20 atm.
I deciced to slow my pace and enjoy the story, landscape and leveling in various ways.
why did you let them die
Yes, you can transfer to any open plot without waiting for the random timer.
sands from aetherial reduction and folklore items in preparation for the next patch
>not crafting for money
just know that all the crafters are buying your cheap 400 gil mats to press one macro to make a HQ intermediary mat and literally having 900% over your profits
SB isn't as bad as its memed to be
SB was boring but not actively shit outside of "gather SHIT for Lyse"
I've got ARM to 80 and BSM to 79, Most of the shit I can make doesn't have that big of a profit and the time invested to get all the mats myself isn't worth it.
This whole storybook segment felt way too good for this expansion.
have fun with the most insufferable NPCs and also some cool Japanese people
I have a hardon for female swordsman, should I play SAM, PLD or DRK since they are the only sword users?
>sands from aetherial reduction
This is drawing a blank for me right now
>100th dancer has another dancer on xis dick
what a joke
>900+ queue and still waiting
the fuck just happend
Is it better to clip Ruin 3 with OGCD's or should you be spamming ruin 2's until you're out of them?
>she doesn't neet the game with 4-6 retainers at least that just gather mats for her all day and doesn't shit out 60 hq items using mats purely gathered from retainers
This felt like a Gekidan art piece, who did the art for this segment?
You forget that RDM uses a rapier which also counts as a sword
>i wonder how much tinctures are
>12k each
>i wonder how much the Aethersand you use to make 3 tinctures per one sand is
>9K each
what the fuck? selling tinctures is a fuckin LOSS are crafters dumb
There should be more you can do with Dark Arts, especially since you get more of it than you'll ever need to keep your buffs up.
Maybe it could provide alternate effects for select moves. I know, it sounds crazy, but I believe it just might work.
Also it needs to make an obnoxious but iconic noise and it needs to do it all the time.
Forgot about RDM, didn't think about it since I just assume they cast and never slash.
you absolutely wasted those levequests. If you do it right and submit HQ items you could have gotten to 50 with that many levequests.
>tfw this fag is sending me warp hopping all over the fucking place for some food
gather collectibles from lv80 ephemeral nodes and use aetherial reduction on them to get rare mats
Gunbreaker has a sword too
They have a melee combo they use to trigger their big dick spells
>Levelling roulette
>Get Holminster Switch
>PLD decides to be a big boi and pull all three of the first packs
>Reaches the wall
>Dies instantly
>Bunnygirl SCH completely failed to heal him once, not even so much as an excog
>Sprint for my life to buy them time, SCH manages to get the PLD up and he recovers the pull
>PLD assumes it was a simple mistake and attempts to big pull again
>SCH doesn't even bother following him for this pull, blatantly lets him die
>"Fuck you tank, you're an asshole, goodbye!"
>Proceeds to AFK at the start and forces us to wait out the votekick timer
>Few minutes later hes kicked, replaced by a Hroth WHM
>We proceed to smoothly wall to wall pull the rest of the dungeon while he keeps everyone topped off and melts packs with Holy spam
You guys told me Hroths were supposed to suck and Bunnies were supposed to be good
why the fuck my fc has a +18 section on their discord
incredibly boring
I would say BSM or WVR. Maybe LTW, and actually I think GSM is making the accs this time around so that could be lucrative.
>never knew this
Holy fuck I'm a downie
no we didnt
Bunnies are mostly played by incompetent women
>You guys told me Hroths were supposed to suck and Bunnies were supposed to be good
Who told you that?
>trannies are emotionally fragile pussies
I don't get why everyone says Heavensward is amazing. I just finished it and although the final cutscene was pretty cool before the final boss, it was just meh.
Every character was very one dimensional and your generic "i want to save everyone because im just that pure" or "im an edgelord who's going to destroy the world because im overreacting". The only character that escaped this fate and was somewhat complex was the Pope himself but he barely gets any screentime.
Then you have stupid as fuck cutscene writing a lot of times. Like that moment later on where you're facing the Imperial general Regula and his squad, and it's you, Alphinaud, Y'Shtola and Estinien. In the cutscene he escapes, and Estinien says "damn it!", expressing regret at his powerlessness to stop him from escaping, except the guy literally just did a 180º and walked away. Estinien literally jumped 100ft in the air, landed on a dragon's head and 1 shot him earlier on in the campaign. He would've stopped that guy from running if he wanted.
The game has 0 consistency in its writing. I hope shadowbringers is better.
i liked it too
>GNB at level 60 has more abilities than DRK at lv 80
Ok I forgot GNB, it was new so I just blanked it out of my mind. So now that's out of the way: PLD, DRK, GNB, RDM or SAM?
>guys why is a scholar being a asshole
Every scholar is an asshole, welcome to FFXIV.
Sell main and off hand HQ crafting tools for 50-100k a pop you down syndrome retard. They take 5 minutes to gather mats to make em.
The fuck makes you think a tranny and waifufag race would be good?
How was this statistic made? Who did this person ask?
>You guys told me Hroths were supposed to suck and Bunnies were supposed to be good
All (or most) of the retarded trannies that played Au Ra or Miquote went to Viera
I take it 2/2 is the supposed post ARR epilogue shit I hear about?
Please understand.
RDM or a SAM with one of the cavalry sabers
how do I git gud at blm
jesus fuck the padding on that sam
do you feel called out?
Why RDM?
Level 16 lancer, started playing yesterday
Give me a good catgirl name. NOW
I don't know what I'm doing wrong on BLM, I do the rotation without any fumbles and only get 11.5k dummy DPS (which apparently isn't even enough to kill the Titty EX dummy).
i just got past that part user we will make it through this together
How about you release more content, then I wouldnt have so much free time to make glamours.
There's a reason the only thing they could cite was "muh haurchefant". The climax was typical "you're a BADASS hero" tripe as well. I'll never get what's the big deal about HW. It peaked slightly at The Vault, but that's it.
Shadowbringers was slightly less awkward to digest because it committed to the "good side is good, bad side is bad" idea (although you may find this boring) instead of wasting time portraying both sides as insufferable cunts and still forcing you to side with one.
Characters being intentionally retarded at the most convenient time is unfortunately a common tactic to drag out writing. You'll continue to see this in every Shadowbringers NPC deaths.
>lvl 80 DoL gear is a cool longcoat with a scarf and really nifty looking gloves and boots
>see it in trailer and get hyped to wear it for my MCH
>DoL exclusive
I wish you could at least glamour the fucking set, I get not being able to wear it but for fucks sake, this is the most annoying thing and their solution is to just make the same fucking set but tick the box to "all classes" this glamour system sucks ass
you have a long way to go im level 46 PLD atm but dont give up user keep pushing through
You said you like female sword users and RDM's aesthetic is more feminine. They're also themed around dueling. In the lore they're called Crimson Duelists, their AF set is called the Duelist set, and their sword attacks are named after real life swordplay moves.
You haven't finished Heavensward yet.
I'm about to make my first character. Any tips for beginners?
yep. from 2.1 to 2.4 was questionable quality bullshit, but it starts to get interesting again one you go back to ishgard to deal with heretics
That works. I literally knew nothing about RDM except bad stereotypes and that's it.
save procs/xeno for weaving, movement, knockbacks
if something is about to die or fly away, despair and polyglot the shit out of it
Fat Cat-Tats
>It peaked slightly at The Vault
>azyz lla
>the whole thordan part
I want ERPers to stop thinking they're writers just because they make a paragraph to insert ponos on vagoo.
do the content from The Smith as soon as physically possible. you get an exp bonus ring, some decent equipment, and you learn how to not eat paste.
I just unsubscribed and uninstalled FFXIV.
also a new player dont start in limsa cause the story there is ass also dont give up cause this shit will take a while
hope you enjoy your next game, user. Come back if you feel like it.
ARR content is a slog but once you get past that the quality improves by a lot
It starts off really, really slow.
I'm so proud of you.
you're only correct about azys lla. unfortunately it's underused and completely overshadowed by the fag war.
Put your Return point in Limsa Lominsa. That way you can teleport there for free and then ride the ferry by the Arcanist's Guild to Vesper Bay for 40 gil instead of paying out the nose to teleport to Horizon from wherever you are.
You're gonna go to Vesper Bay a lot. A lot a lot, and this way you'll save a whole bunch of gil.
Azys Lla sucked as a zone. Gave good lore tidbits for Allagan stuff, but sucked to travel through. The only good part about Azys Lla during the MSQ was the part with Tiamat and Midgardsormr.
Hroths are neat but I don't like their animations at all.
I wish i had known this. Thank god for the rising stones thoe
Nigger, what? Viera attract the literal worst, bottom of the barrel tier players. They're on par with cats and lizards, just by sheer abundance alone.
Worst part of Azys Lla is that it's completely forgotten about after Thordan except for Warring Triad and the relic.
Get a friend to help you. What you do is your stay unpartied, go to the wine port castrum and just aggro imperials. Your high level friend kills them, ez XP. Takes like an hour to get to 50 or something.
>the shitter that dies multiple times during a fight and does absolute balls for DPS rolls highest on the drop
Is there any worse feeling? I wish they would implement some kind of feature that locks you out from rolling on things if you die a certain amount of times during a trial or something but I know people would lose their minds.
Have a nearby pillow to scream into as you trudge through ARR.
We found a new guy for our EX/Savage group, we only need two extra DPS now. I have found nothing but tanks and healers wanting to join us when we really just need DPS.
We took the guy to Titania and he proceeded to shit out damage, it was great. Three back to back runs and only one wipe inbetween them all because we failed the DPS check at 2%. Only thing I need to do now this week is grind up tons of mats for crafting Tuesday.
Do what this user said Or you can get Thousand Needles and Acorn Bomb and use them together to kill like 10 things at once.
If a viera is healer, RDM, SAM or BRD is obvious they are going to suck, same goes for male xalea DRKs and SAMs
So do you have a big dick if you tank Syrcus Tower? Just had 2 tanks fight for aggro.
Do cats still have a bad stigma attached to them like lizards and now bunnies do?
>people using default viera heels on their character even if it doesn't match their outfit at all
Man I fucking HATE slutglam niggers, they're fucking everywhere and have absolute trash taste in fashion.
Be a shame if people started Ryneposting and helped me fill my Ryne folders. A real shame
Iunno I just wanna get the dungeon done as fast as possible
Nah. When you have multiple tanks you'll either get three tanks fighting eachother or no tanks at all. Tis the way of things and has been since time immemorial.
2 level 80s. Two titania weapons, 2 full sets of 450 accessories, 1 eden chestpiece.
Havent logged in for ~5 days.
Lizard here, most cats and lizards I have had runs and just painfully mediocre at worst
Why are you here fishing for softcore twitter porn instead of archiving your sadpanda favorites?
It's fine I'll deal with it again in 2 weeks when it's back at 100.
Honestly I don't give a fuck as long as they take it and stay alive, I'd rather tanks that actually do their job instead of bitch and moan when the other tanks die saying "I don't wanna MT".
Fuck off faggots, queue as something else if you're too much of a wimp to atleast pick up the damn boss.
Until SHB it was starting to become an eyeroll whenever everything of import was either
>It's Allag.
>It's Ascians.
>It's both.
Even the fucking Xaela suicide booth was an Allagan shield generator. While I love the Xaela getting dabbed on it's taking a lot of romance and mystery out of the lore for everything to just be fucking Allagan. So while Azys Lla was neat to learn about the Allagans, I had no real emotional connection to the content except for what you mentioned with Tiamat and Midgardsormr. Someone might take shit with the idea of needing that emotional connection but it's the same reason the lost civilization of Mohenjo Daro has no pull on people the way Babylonia or Sumer does.
Makes me sad they shot their arrow early with the emperor Xande(?) in the Crystal Tower. I wouldn't have minded an expansion all about Allag, say maybe in Meracydia with some ruins of their forward settlements/crashed floating cities and fortresses. Give us more of a connection to the concept of the lost civilization like we got in Crystal Tower.
I just thousand needle grinded on mobs a few levels higher than me until that stopped working, and then I literally just killed shit in northern Thanlan until I hit 50. No tricks, you just get tons of exp for killing world mobs, takes very little time but is boring as sin.
This is exactly how everyone should play the game.
Im a Viera Bard and I dont suck...
Finally got 60/60 FATEs in every zone.
>tank gets up to 6+ vuln stacks
I completely agree. Nidhogg falls flat. There's no background to him or reason given for the player to care. His motivation is pretty stupid as well.
I think both could have been rectified if Nidhogg started out as a friendly dragon and we actually got to experience either the or another betrayal. That'd make it a lot easier to relate to Nidhogg and make the player have a connection to him and a reason to care.
As it was done you're just saving a city from an edgelord because the devs tell you to.
butt slider when?
Am I doing something wrong when it feels like i'm dying faster on Paladin than I did on gunbreaker from 71-80?
You're not supposed to sympathize with Nidhogg you retard. He's an irredeemable psychopath who only didn't end the war a thousand years ago because he decided it would be more fun to keep them alive and torture their descendants for eternity. Your reason for caring is to save Ishgard and the friends you've made.
>get the ability to run dungeons with ai companions as you level 70-80
>get to 80 and they make you relevel the same companions 71-80
why god
Fucking seriously. Why give a tits slider but nothing for a nicer butt?
god trannies are so fucking cringy. and i said this as somone whos fucking trans. just nuke all of us please
Ishgard housing is almost certainly coming with Restoration of the Holy See of Ishgard. I'm really hoping they're going to make a new form of instanced housing, so that all the homeless can finally stop bitching.
Still space for 2 more.
I would be surprised if you needed to be higher than 70 to do it. Usually this sort of thing is used as a means to level.
I mean sympathise in terms of establishing some connection you retard. Nidhogg is literally irrelevant to the player character. He has no connection to you and the pc has no reason to care about him other than "He might invade our cities next" which doesn't fucking work.
Number 1 rule of antagonist writing is make sure he's connected to the pc in some fucking way. You could replace nignog with any other dragon and it literally wouldn't matter.
WHM, BTN and MIN all 80, PLD at 79, going to start BLM tomorrow to finish my retainers jobs so they can get to 80.
After that DNC and SAM to finish the WoDs storylines and FSH since I have all the gathering gear.
They get you involved with the Dragonsong War literally at level fucking 30
just be yourself
>you're supposed to care for ishgard
>retard ishgardian poisons your meal
>some kid got spooked and ordered that retard to be shot down
>(You) joined every other goody two shoes in the game to discipline his ass because you're ALSO a good boy/girl/tranny
that's when i realized nidhogg wasn't too irredeemable
Are you using sheltron?
Just let us live in Daddy Fortemps' house. I know theres a bedroom available there.
>ARR Titan
>Just gotta keep on truckin.
Nidhogg isn't the main villain of Heavensward, though
I've got AST and WHM at 80 ready for Eden (Savage) and I'm working on Gunbreaker. The plan is to hit 80 on everyone role so I can finish off the role quests then take a massive break with everything outside of raiding until 3.1.
Did you bully a lala today?
You're right, he isn't. You are.
And I recognized the Pope is interesting but he is on screen for a grand total of 2 or 3 missions. He's completely wasted. Nignog is the other antagonist (and comes back post hw)
As much as I'm able
I don't want to blame the healers but if that's what it is then oh well
I understand Gunbreaker has more defensive CDs now but still
>Xaela suicide booth
Wait what? Maybe it's the gin but, what?
cant wait to resub when the new 24 man hits and play that like once, and then resub again once every 6 months and do free log in weekends and still see the same amount of content as people who play everyday.
You call those tits?
I bet you suck mean dick
Too busy dilating to play, tranny?
The Dotharl believe that to stop being reincarnated they have to kill themselves at the House of the Crooked Coin. There's a sidequest where you help a depressed girl cross the Steppe there, and when you return without her, her friend said she didn't want to keep being reincarnated because tragedy happened in every life.
That structure in the far north, remember the sidequest of that Xaela girl who wanted to be escorted there and then threw herself to join her dead family?
Got Dancer to lv80 July 2nd.
Im now a ilv447 Dancer.
All BiS stuff from the balance. Im ready for tuesday when savage comes.
The House of Crooked Coin. Xaela are said to reincarnate every time they die but if they fall into the giant hole there they break the cycle of reincarnation and die permanently. You help escort a girl there and when you get back you find out she went there to kill herself.
In the loosest definition, yes
The Dotharl were using that big allagn device in the steppes to permakill themselves. The idea that it completely dissolves their aether was believed to be enough to halt the reincarnation cycle. You help a NPC get there in a sidequest and then she an hero's off camera
I picked adventurer in need but I wasn't needed at all.
>the house of the crooked coin
>it's a dotharl suicide booth
>it's actually an allagan shield generator
>it's called the house of the crooked coin
That name makes no sense for that location.
>Number 1 rule of antagonist writing is make sure he's connected to the pc in some fucking way. You could replace nignog with any other dragon and it literally wouldn't matter.
You'd be right if the player was the MC of heavensward which it isn't. We were the MC of ARR, everyone was sucking our dick at the end of it. For HW and beyond they changed the narrative to make the plot revolve around a NPC instead of us.
HW MC was alphinaud and estinien, SB MC was lyse and ShB MC was ryne. We're only the MC because we're the player, it doesn't mean every story revolved around us.
>drinks piss
>fucks horse
>my soul is the opposite gender
>ptsd-ridden cave dwellers
>guess i'll just kill myself lmao
>guy sitting atop a bowl surrounded by 100 penises is a permavirgin
if the npcs were already like this no fucking wonder the players are all mentally ill
I wouldn't bitch so much if Apartments weren't literal chinese jail cells that can hold 50 items max.
Hell, even private FC rooms are smaller than a fucking apartment. I wouldn't even care if the housing was 100mil+, as it's still something to work towards.
This RNG camping placard bullshit has got to go.
I'd say we're the MC of ShB
>that can hold 50 items max.
You mean 100
>ready for Savage
no one's going to want DNC
we're the MC of SHB, fucking cutscene skipper.
>avatarfag as a character and post "trans rights"
>people actually take it seriously
Maybe its named that because the crooked coin meant to symbolize the tipping of the coin of Fate away from reincarnation?
ShB story sure involves us more than the other expansions, but the story is about ryne becoming a person of her own. That's why we talk with her alone so often.
you'll still get a free seat for helping that guy get out of gray zone.
Youre dumb if you think no one will take Dancer.
It brings a lot of raid wide buffs.
Nobody wants DNC for progging.
Bard detected.
>No backstory
We're given the backstory of how his sister is treacherously slain by Thordan's knights for her magical eye and Nidhogg is blinded. That his brother Hraesvalgr loaned Nidhogg an eye and then fucked off in solitude and sorrow at the sins of man given his soul was entwined with lady Shiva. And likely was still fuming from the brutality of man in Allag to Dragonkind given Bahamut was busy listening to his dragon brood being aetherially raped in perpetuity to keep him summoned. And then Estinien is your conduit to Nidhogg (along with Ishgard). Estinien offers a mortal reflection of Nidhogg and the cycle of revenge and reprisal. Nidhogg threatened Ishgard, the city that welcomed you and Alphinaud and Tataru as you fled with nothing more than the clothes on your back. The noble house Fortemps which treated you as a guest and downright adopted son when previously you'd been nothing more than the errand boy of light. Or the bond you developed with Estinien (particularly so if you leveled up Dragoon and had that prior connection with him).
If you replace Nidhogg with another random dragon but keep all the variables then you have a rose by any other name because the factors stay the same, which is what is important.
That said, apparently the level 80 DRG quest dramatically changes Nidhogg. I haven't seen it yet.
Do you reckon they'll add more housing wards when they release Ishgard?
>moving the goalposts.
I see this argument is over.
I thought people skipping cutscene was a meme. Then I joined a FC and it's the first thing they told me that they do it.
>Tfw you realize ARR is far from over after beating Gaius and friends
Will I ever make it to the first expansion guys?
Agreed, which is why I think they've written Zenos exellantly. He's probably one of the most complex villains in the game. He's arguably an anti-hero since his actions has saved the world
>low deeps
>only gives good shit to 1 other person
>doesn't give enough to warrant just bringing a mch
Dancer mains are actually retarded
You have 100 quests post ARR to slog through. They start actually getting interested about 60ish quests in.
Anyone have a good opener for Bard? I'm not the best player but I want to at least pull my weight
>aoe merciful eyes
>brd and mch already have shield samba
>the only thing left is a damage buff that's a piss in the ocean unless the partner is parsing 100
the only parties that will take dancer is a dps-led one wanting a free percentile boost for xerself.
Ishgard has House Fortemps, so they redeem the whole of Ishgard.
I'm not the guy you replied to. What I'm saying is that raid buffs aren't that good for progression, most DNCs on statics will be people that play other jobs that swap to dancer to pad someones parse, not DNC mains.
If DNC was on static demand you'd be in a static already and top 10 speedrun parses would each and every have a DNC of their own.
Triggered BRD mains
I would nuke the whole place while leaving only that building
Leveling up shit while I wait for them to fix AST.
BRD or MCH for a ranged dps class? I looked at MCH tooltips and it looks very busy, but is it fun?
how fucked do you think it's gonna be to get the crafter AF?
actually i'm a blm main so be sure to make yourself useful :^)
I just finished the Vault, how close am I to being done with HW story?
You can already get it.
they can't do that!
Mathematically they are right. DNC isn't worth bringing at the moment, their personal DPS isn't high enough to justify the raid buffs they bring.
BRD is high enough that they're viable, and MCH.
A reminder that XIV has fewer subs than WoW, earns less money, and will always be less popular too.
Like 60%
You already can get the crafter AF, it's just white scrips
>If DNC was on static demand you'd be in a static already
I never said I wasn't in a static :^) cuck.
Only for less than half of it. After she meets Minfillia her story pretty much ends. The focus is on us for everything else, far more than any other expansion.
Based. Have you donated to Asmongod today? I gave him my daily $100.
Damn, guess I gotta step my game up. Aether currents just take too much damn time
>caring about your corporate overlords profits and not if you enjoy the game or not
Bro you just posted cringe
My hope is that they can make instanced housing with backyards or balconies where you can do proper cross-breeding gardening.
The inn rooms in Crystarium prove that they can make miniature skybox for individual instanced areas, which was the biggest roadblock for this idea.
Good. I don't want this game to become popular. The less shitheads coming in from LoL and Fortnite the better.
Dancer getting DPS buffs tuesday btw with the class changes
Why is grinding crafting jobs so boring? Like I've just set it to auto but that can't be the best way to do it, is it?
Extremely based
Yeah, the $100 I didn't spend on HRT and overpriced Mog Station glamour sets.
It's not incest if it's the same person.
Anyone else happen to completely lose internet when playing this game? It only happens with this one game, one disconnect or lag in game and my internet takes a while to work again. its really annoying
nice crosspost user have an upvote
>Only for less than half of it. After she meets Minfillia her story pretty much ends.
That's because our story picks up after that. Our soul starts breaking apart and our connection with emet selch starts being developed and ryne is moved to a secondary slot.
>"XIV is DESTROYING WoW, it's the most popular MMO on the market, Blizzard BTFO!"
>Get proven wrong
>"W-W-Well popularity doesn't matter..."
Game is already as popular as WoW
>muh twitch views
Square is full of retards, they'll probably just make Ishgard housing and that's it. Every retard who currently owns a house will transfer over and everyone else will have to fight over scraps.
you're right...
XIV is already too popular for its own good. It should've been a JP exclusive game so no one has to deal with trannies, furries and weebs.
Keeping convincing yourself not to leave WoW.
Generals belong on
if anything, BRD and DNC will both get snubbed for MCH.
The solution to housing is simply to get more houses flowing through the market. We have a compounded issue where due to housing so rarely going on sale, no one wants to relinquish their housing since getting it back is next to impossible. If people could reliably (As much as possible, that is) bid on housing and get back into the market after a hiatus, they wouldn't feel like they have to hold housing in a death grip.
That being said though, the reason why housing is so desirable is because it's something that's literally not available to every player at any given moment. Sure, you could always work to get into the housing market no matter who you are, but not every player at any given time will own a house because there's only a max of 4320 houses available on any server. If housing was made into an instance, the desire for housing would drop considerably since it wouldn't be something players could hold over each other.
>they'll probably just make Ishgard housing
They never said ishgard would have a housing.
You realize right now that in EX 8 out of 10 groups have a BRD and only 1-2 have a DNC on average right?
but i'm a lieutenant!
Yeah, the dragon on the bridge fight was awesome, and I was glad to see more Tataru being adorable
Captains only in this thread
>using ex as a statistic
Hope you like failing DPS checks
sorry sweaty but the meta is gonna be 3 blm 1 drg
Ahem... *coughs*
wait til you go back to fight another dragon on the bridge
They hinted at it when they said we have to do the restoration first
If DNC were better in any way people would be bringing them. Their total DPS with buffs included is too low, and BRD/MCH bring all the same other utility. Granted, theres a high chance they might buff DNC with this coming patch.
Now that the dust has settled can we all agree that Emet was boring at best
>Decide to a Titania EX run since I never done one before
>First group gets pretty far, but eventually our timer runs out and the guy who hosted has to leave
>Join another group
>Full of the biggest fucking retards this world has ever seen, who keep failing the same mechanics over and over again
How the fuck is it possible that one tank can say to another "Hey, the first cast of Titania's Phantom Rune is one you want to get away from" and the other tank keeps fucking it up over and over again? God, I should have done this during early access
>get in a Titania farm party, only really wipe once from I dont' even know what
>running smoothly except for one DNC who just keeps fucking up the second Mist Rune somehow, keeps ending up on north side or falling for Titania's phantom rune bait (We're still able to recover from this and finish the fight)
>eventually we mark the corner she's supposed to go to with BAD
Yikes my dude.
no one
give a fuck about party comp in fucking ex, you absoulte dickriding metashitter
The other thing to do would be to make new housing zones as rewards for something rather than something you buy into. A PvP Housing zone with, say, 60 houses per server, with said houses handed out to the top ranking players during the feast every season, would be a great start since to get a house, you only have to rank in the feast, something available on rotation. Sure, if you don't place the same the next season, you lose your house, but that also means if you want a house bad enough, all you have to do is place in the feast every three to six months.
Fucking christ
>Yoship : We're going to restore ishgard "aa i sure want to live there afterwards"
>community : I S H G A R D H O U S I N G
That might've been just a comment to how ishgard will look comfy after the restoration. Just hold your horses and wait for an actual announcement.
DPS checks are going to be lax as fuck anyways as Yoshida said the idea this expansion is to have a dancer in each party. Dumbass.
This was in the 3 hours long one
>no one
>N O O N E
>give a fuck about party comp in fucking ex
yes, this is why 2 out of 10 parties had a dancer instead of 0 out of 10 like it should :)
>You guys told me Hroths were supposed to suck and Bunnies were supposed to be good
Viera are far too popular for that.
You sound jealous my man, want to get some of that anger out of your chest?
This is why I don't talk to people in duty finder even if they say something or complain. You run too much of a risk getting into a debate with a moron and they either report you over something petty or they refuse to cooperate. I'd sooner just kick them or leave myself if im on healer/tank.
Warrior main here whats the most braindead dps to play
You're already playing it
If one dnc is failing your groups DPS checks the problem probably isn't actually your dancer m8
RDM is the easiest DPS by a mile, DNC is pretty simple too.
sam, rotation is easy as fuck, opener is all you gotta memorize then after that is 3 midare and repeat
Dancer is pretty fun user. Hope you're enjoying yourself! I'm excited to be going into savage as dancer.
You can do literally anything and no one will never blame you for anything except if you die in to shitter filter
SAM or DRG. Probably SAM.
I've been seeing a lot of memes about how SAM is supposedly a lot harder this expansion, is that all just bullshit then? haven't played it beyond 70
>Get MNK to 80
>Look at Six Sided Star
>Look at Tornado Kick
So why the fuck does Tornado Kick still exist in its current form?
I'd argue DNC is the easiest at this point
>No cast times
>Nothing to balance or watch like mana
>Rotation consists of hitting the shiny buttons and using all of your things on cooldown, maybe holding feathers for Devilment/Technical if you're feeling spicy
Sam. Simple and big damage.
I was agreeing with you, retard.
I still have my two free fantasias.
Should I take the Hrothpill?
It way more twitch views too
In order of big brain to little brain
Black Mage
Red Mage
Lack of brain because you actually took the time to level this
Blue Mage
To use as the last hit before the boss dies and pad your parse
You paid that 2nd one.
Dump move for extended jumps in older content I guess. TK will just be gone by 5.2 or 6.0 and replaced by something cooler hopefully.
And then untake it.
>You paid that 2nd one.
Wrong. Must suck not to have played 1.0.
How much of a DPS loss is it to not hold feathers for devilment?
do it!
I consider it more of a bonus, but I digress.
>dra"press gcds in one order"goon that high
>ma"press heat blast really fast"chinist that high
no. these are below all the other melees
Not so much but it's not optimal. Probably a few hundred potency.
You definitely paid for that 2nd one in that case.
There's only a free fanta and it's the one from the old veteran rewards.
Wrong, depending on when people bought the game some people got two for free
Makes sense Emet would say that, he and the ascians look for anything that would create chaos in the world. They want the worst for us so they can be reborn again.
>leveling GNB
>pull wall to wall in every single Shadowbringers dungeon no problem
>even ASTs can heal these big pulls if they pay attention
>every now and then I get that one bitch WHM who sulks and lets me die when I still have CDs up and asks me to "pull less"
Getting real sick of lazy healers and their shit honestly
Just make instanced housing already. fuck the snowflakes.
bravo that's actually even more retarded than paying for a second one
Do WARs really need potency buffs?
Or is this just nitpicking something already functional.
What's considered the pissest easiest DPS class?
i am literally completely certain there theres two
you get one from old vet rewards, and you get one for clearing 2.0
I still have my prae fantasia sitting in my fucking inventory
It should be another chakra spender or something, maybe spend Chakra to gain a GL stack and then it'd just be a good oGCD damage move after that.
Considering how gutted MNK is before Stormblood content at this point, literally every early oGCD and buff besides Shoulder Tackle and Perfect Balance has been taken away, they should rework the whole class to introduce Chakra as soon as you hit 30 and figure out the rest from there.
WHM should have the easiest time funny enough, not only because bigger heals but simply because Holy Stuns.
its pretty easy
WAR needs potency buffs simply because they're being beaten by GNB and WARs are absolutely livid and demand that spot
WHM also attracted the "I don't wanna DPS" crowd for ages so it has the highest ratio of GCD only as Yoshi intended healers.
speaking of which they should just make it start out as 80 because you already had 90% of your fucking endgame rotation even at lv50 synced
It's always WHMs that pussy out, ESPECIALLY Viera WHMs. ASTs tend to work the hardest and practically slobber on your cock because they want tank-senpai to acknowledge their healing.
Onslaught change would be a blessing because getting Storm's Eye up for AoE is a pain if it falls off.
why would you senei before jinpu? Not bitching just asking for the reasoning.
A lot of leveling WHM right now are only playing it because Balance told them to for "sick rDPS"
Honest WHM do the pulls fine, you get a fag letting you drop below 10% who guts moody and you know you're dealing with a previously-SCH main.
imagine this:
gunbreaker, but with TBN
it'd be the ULTIMATE tank
>you get one from old vet rewards, and you get one for clearing 2.0
If you received one you can't receive the other.
>Senei before Jinpu
>Yukikaze with Meikyo Shisui
This opener's garbo
I can't decide what to play/main bros. 52 blm, 32 whm, 28 rog, 15 pld, 12 acn. I like blm but I want to heal or tank (preferably heal). But I feel like I'm switching so much that I'll never get through the msq. Currently a few quests into 2.3.
NIN is far and away the hardest job, though
I'd love any tank with TBN in exchange for their short cooldown mitigation.
an opener is not exactly representative of a jobs complexity
>t. someone who hasn't played Ninja
WHM is the best it'll ever be. Try leveling it more.
>ASTs tend to work the hardest and practically slobber on your cock because they want tank-senpai to acknowledge their healing.
What did you expect from estrologians?
I like it so the cooldown is down faster, I haven't done the maths but I assume the time difference between casting it sooner than when buffed makes the damage equal by the 2nd recast
I'd say level WHM first then BLM. WHM is really good right now and probably the easiest healer to play for new players.
I'd be down for a move that eats chakra to guarantee DHs or positional advantage(Yes I know TN exists, its just an idea and admittedly not a great one) on some moves.
Stormblood was fucking great, faggot. Warriors of Darkness section of Heavensward would be the easy second worst part of the game, if it weren't 100% necessary to set up Shadowbringers.
>PLD main
>want to play DNC but it seems so fucking complicated
>only other jobs I have at 80 are GNB and SAM and both are braindead easy
Do you need to be galaxy brained to play DNC?
don't spread yourself too thin
I'd stick with WHM if healing is your thing
Is there a list of good third party tools and other useful shit for the game? Things like seeing what instance you got for duty roulette before you accept.
You gonna get the bottle
DNC is literally the easiest DPS job.
it's the most braindead job in the game. even more than rdm who at least has to stop to cast, get in melee range and do a little math
Who the fuck has been telling you that? Range physical are some of the easiest to use and DNC is the easiest one.
Its the easiest job in the game. Take it from an actual brainlet who couldnt manage BLM.
>>want to play DNC but it seems so fucking complicated
u wot m8
DNC is probably the easier class in the game to play. The fucking minigames in Golden saucer have more depth than that class.
>Things like seeing what instance you got for duty roulette before you accept.
jesus christ, if only
Don't worry, you'll find it HILARIOUS when they constantly bring up how stupid this quest was later.
Nope it's RDM and anybody that says otherwise is a retarded RDM player
they'll get it regardless. WAR is the canon WoL job
Back to WoW
I find the dancing mechanic 20 times more complex than NIN mudras, I genuinely don't understand it at all
Is there a quest where you can drop a tactical nuke on the waking sands?
I'd like that.
None of those changes are particularly game-breaking, and seem like good quality of life changes.
I don't expect any major changes to the job this expansion, but in the future, I wish there was more interplay between skills feeding in to Upheaval, right now it's literally something you try to mash every 30 seconds when it comes up. Even something as simple as BRD's Mage's Ballad would be a good start, or perhaps removing the cooldown, nerfing the damage, but having some other skills apply stacking potency increases to it. The more potency increases you stack, the more efficient the damage you get from it from your beast gauge, but sometimes it might be better just to mash the shit out of it for a burn phase.
Time to grind out those retries
2 lines is still so good at astromonical levels that dont try to whine
How do you not understand "Press whatever button lights up on your hot bar"? Are literally fucking braindead?
user you literally just push the buttons that light up then push the dance button again.
>at 9/9
Does this faggot not realize that "difference in play style" is and has been a completely valid reason for vote dismissal basically since the feature was added? Unless one of the tanks he's reported has said something in party chat like, "You're a fucking dickbag, I'm vote kicking you" all this dude's reports are doing is wasting GM time.
They don't need it. Currently all tanks are within 200 DPS of each other.
thats for dungs, here's the good stuff senpai go get those goldens
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Dancer
what the actual fuck is wrong with me
i mained MCH since HW, and now im having even less fun with it than i did in SB
is this it? have i completely fucked my brain?
>hurr useful features only exist in wow
Good to know, must be one hell of a shit game you are playing.
DNC is the opposite of complicated. Do your 2 part combo, did anything proc? Use those whenever. Did you get a feather? hit the feather button Did the feather button proc? Hit Feather 3.
None of their procs are lost from doing any sort of combos, so you can always do Cascade -> Fountain and use Reverse Cascade and Fountainfall at any point between combos or after combos.
DNC is even more braindead than RDM
I'm retarded and keep forgetting that retry doesn't work like you'd think it does
that already exists and im using it right now though
Should I bother gearing my retainers while leveling them up? I don't mind tossing some vendor trash on them if its a quicker way for them to level.
>literally just press them as they light up
>don't have to weave them between GCDs
were you dropped as a child
multiple times
>Hur is there an addon that tells me if my lottery ticket is the winner so I can not buy it
Knowing what dungeon you got with an addon is not only impossible, but ruins the point of an roulette since you'd just back out of dungeons you didn't want to do. The thing is designed to help people get through those dungeons you don't want to do.
I started grinding my crafters and gatherers again. All at 60, just 20 to go
>He's afk in Limsa while he posts on Yea Forums
The one for clearing 2.0 was only added AFTER they removed Veteran Rewards, dingus.
t. DNC
Ideally you wanna stock 4 feathers for Devilment window though. Theres more than enough time though so maybe try to not overcap on them.
>sitting in 50/60/70 queue as DPS while posting on Yea Forums
You got it from your fucking Heavensward collectors edition, you cretin.
>VIII materia has nearly halved in price in the past few days
fucking undercutters. I was making bank with my Stellaclusters
DNC is more braindead than RDM
t. blm/melee
>healers still in need for everything people constantly run like leveling and alliance roulette
That's what happens when you make them heal.
>going to Limsa
I'm not even on Balmung and that place is a degenerate hellhole.
Limsa AFK (savage) is the best content in the game.
>game literally throws battle materia at you like candy
>wow why are they cheap now wtf
>Alt tabbing while tanking to post on Yea Forums
I usually see DPS in need for alliance roulette
>not going afk in comfy Gridania
>shitposting on Yea Forums while praetorium cutscenes play
I afk at my house. You do have a house right user?
Where do I even start with crafters in ShB? Got MIN and BTN to 80 pretty easily but I look at all my crafters at 70 and just don't know what to do.
I'm guessing leves are still the most efficient way to level, along with Crystarium turn-ins, but is there a guide that has the best leves per level that's up to date with ShB? Is level 70 crafted gear enough to make it to 80?
DPS is usually in demand for alliance roulette because it uses the 1 Tank 2 healer 5 DPS comp and there's more than enough tanks trying to do it per party
I AFK at my house in Lavender Beds because Gridania theme is the comfiest city theme in the game
the true chads gather sands themselves and sell the finished product to craftlets
you only need one of each sand to make 3 tinctures
Anybody else hear the lady talking about the hot plates and the airplaine in the background when in crowded cities?
Ul'dah > Gridania >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Limsa
why yes i do love afking and clicking to get a lot then wasting millions of gil only to disappear once my sub ends
Tanks should've further expanded on their niches for this expansion.
>Highest mitigation tank with the most effective passive mitigation due to the shield, biggest toolkit for mitigating raidwide damage.
>Massive healthpool makes it best suited to surviving high damage attacks and burst phases when coupled with its mitigation abilities, but has poor healing efficiency, stressing healers more than other tanks.
>Lots of self-healing, essentially doesn't have to be healed outside of tankbusters and raidwides, but has more trouble at the start of content when potencies are lower and his self healing less effective.
>Tons of shields available for mitigating damage, placable on himself or the party, cartridge system feeds in to applying them, skilled use can greatly reduce the amount of healing healers need to do for burst attacks.
Instead, all the defensive abilities for tanks got homogenized to ensure everyone is just as effective at their primary role for combat, the only things that change between them is their DPS side of things.
I've been found out
If you had the best lv70 shit melded up right then yeah you can probably cruise most of the way to 80 if not all the way there
Crystarium turn-ins make getting one job from each category basically free to get to 80
>he didn't get a house on housing area release
I started an alt and got two in the mail on day 1, along with an extra for clearing the MSQ. I don't know where the first came from, the second was the HW collector's edition, and the third was the MSQ one.
Is there a Summoner rotation where I don't feel like I'm flying a plane?
MNK is the best DPS because its literally dependent on how skilled you are as a player. DRG and SAM can be played like retards and still do well, but MNK can't.
Is the guy who always uses this pic in this thread tonight? Because I wanna punch you in the fuckin face
Yes the Onishi with pentamelds will carry you to 80 easily.
I used this to rush all my DoHs in like two days
>Famfrit is considered congested
In what world?
Please cope more
Just cast ruin, bro.
>he's so poor he can't afford to stay subbed to the game indefinitely to keep a house
I pity you poorfags, I've been subbed for like 1260 days.
Now, what's the highest IQ turbo hard job?
It's fucking expansion release give it 1 month when shitters fuck off from savage and the game will be dead.
I am tired of running dungeons but I cannot stop until I have everything at 80. Tomorrow RDM turn to get to max, later start with BLM to complete all casters and healers and get my fucking title.
Is there a sleeping emote? Like a scratch ass emote, something i can use while these tanks take 30 minutes to pull the boss
Salty DRGcuck spotted
NIN, but it also has shit return so don't expect people to want you in serious groups. Enjoy the 120 APM
play dead
What do you guys do to level other classes? I'm 57 SAM and want to try out CNJ
DRG that doesn't hug the floor
Literally every class in Shadowbringers can be played like retards and still do well.
t. mnk
>Hey maybe I'll try out melee DPS
Depends in what category
BLM requires the most fight memorization autism to know exactly where you need to plant your ass
SMN and NIN are both ridiculous button mash fests at the moment and lining their bullshit up properly with the rest of the raid while also doing mechanics isn't the easiest
Are you memeing? I don't aim to do endgame with summoner and I'm just leveling it to get through the class quests in ShB
Running dungeons
I only spend 3 hours a day on leveling jobs and I already have 6 jobs at 80 and 2 more at 78. Just do roulettes.
>pulling wall to wall puts stress only on the healer
>shit-tier tanks complain when they die
If it were up to me you'd be pulling one pack at a time and CC one of the mobs to piss you off too.
>That said, apparently the level 80 DRG quest dramatically changes Nidhogg. I haven't seen it yet.
It doesn't actually change Nidhogg, but it does change the circumstances surrounding Thordan's treachery a bit. Nidhogg fancies himself the star's protector since he was the strongest among the First Brood's dragons and made no bones about his opinion, to the point of declaring himself the star's protector. Thordan and his knights didn't care for Nidhogg's attitude or that he thought so lowly of mortals, so that along with Ratatoskr's revealing the source of dragons' power (she spilled the beans that Nidhogg didn't think mortals were capable of protecting their own planet) compound Thordan killing Ratatoskr for her eyes, thinking all dragons were as contemptuous of mortals as Nidhogg was.
The job-quest still does repeatedly cement that Nidhogg was insane, and obsessed with the mortals' betrayal even by the standards of dragons.
Why would I be salty about being the coolest looking and best playing melee DPS?
>121 leves used for triples
I had calculated about that number before I took into account how much exp you get from crafting your own stuff. For instance, crafting things a level or two above me, even shit like thread and ingots, usually netted me between 350-500k exp per craft. On CRP especially, I just farmed up around 400 Lignum Vitae lumber and one button macro crafted it all into HQ, it literally got me about 45 million experience on that alone before I even made anything out of it.
I could see someone who's extra greedy or efficient doing the same. 225 million EXP for 70-80 is only around 600 crafts without turn-ins, and that's potentially 600 items that you could sell when all is said and done.
>press flamethrower
>ten whole seconds to shitpost on Yea Forums every pull
>zone sidequest chains end up connecting
I love this shit.
Tri-Disaster -> Dreadwyrm Trance -> Ruin spam ->
>Weave in Devotion + Energy Drain -> Egi Assault 1 + Fester -> Egi Assault 2 + Enkindle -> Egi Assault 1 + Fester -> Egi Assault 2 + Deathflare
Plant your ass in place for Bahamut and refresh Tri-Disaster when your shit is about to wear off, use Energy Drain every time it's up
Then after Bahamut just mash through all your normal Egi abilities again and start up Phoenix ASAP
It's only the opening Egi mess that's ridiculous your two big summon phases are simple. When you don't have Dreadwyrm going spend your Ruin IV's when you need to weave oGCDs.
I got Kholusia and Ah Merang done but I got my MNK up to 80 already so I need to catch another class up to 70 to do more sidequest shit without wasting the EXP
Some of the little side stories were nice.
Thats 121 without factoring in crafting EXP, the massive exp from Crystarium turn ins, and GC turn its that augment the process. You can easily max them all with less than 100 leves.
>tryhard MNK ask for regen for server ticks at the start if ex trials
>can't break 9k DPS
Sometimes I feel like people need to read step 1-3 before jumping to advanced shit.
except NIN and BLM
>he was the strongest among the First Brood's dragons
wasn't that Bahamut
Why the fuck is paladin so bad? Every time I see them in dungeons they just fucking explode and die
Because you're on Crystal
>tfw I haven't even learned the anatman opener properly and got 11.2k in titania
I agree, the crysterium turn ins average out to be around 4/5s of a level with all HQ stuff, they're pretty great. I could see this guide being very useful for, say, powerleveling an FC person through 70-80, but doing it yourself will always net you tons of exp from actually crafting.
I just hooked up a controller and watched a movie will hitting start synthesis and my macro button every 45 seconds. I still have around 400 dwarven cotton threads, and that's after fully crafting 80 DoL/DoH gear.
Isn't it better to space the Chrystarium stuff out amongst all your crafters to level them together? That way you can always make mats for your other crafters when you need them and your armory chest isn't cluttered with a bunch of crafting gear for different levels.
I think I ended up using 100-105 because I wasted a few on stupid shit like Miner and a couple NQ turn-ins.
I'm gonna miss crafting a bunch of leve items and selling to other lazy crafters for like 200-300k, fuckers in my server managed to undercut all the 430 shit to 70k now.
did you ever stop to think that maybe it's the players, not PLD
ARR and HW collectors edition both give fantas.
The veteran reward one was replaced by the MSQ one.
no, that was the primal bahamut that was super stong
>and one button macro crafted it all into HQ
Teach me
No Nidhogg just took over the role of Hydaelyn's protector for daddy Midgardsormr, and was supposed to act against stuff like Omega or Ultima (high seraph). Still, not impressive track record considering Omega cooperated with the allagans to fuck over his siblings big time (unless he just really didnt care)
Can Hrothgar change their fur color at the barber?
Primal bahamut was fed aether from a hydaelyn shard, that's why he was as strong as he was.
I'm pretty sure Omega was only used to contain primal Bahamut
Pretty much all post 71 crafting is one button now. The new skills are broken as all hell.
Is it wrong to want to fuck Ryne infront of Thancred
I'm leveling a DRG right now and worried about JUMP getting me killed. Is it really that bad or are people stupid?
your either undergeared or too low level for whatever your hitting.
I think all that’s left is a high evasion tank. God only knows how they’ll manage to pull that off.
While only implied, Omega actually just sat back and did experiments to see if the allags could make a dragon destroyer
The one that did Bahamut in was Cloud of Darkness and the voidsent
I mean i'm watching them use their cooldowns but it's not helping
Divine Veil is shit for trash pulls
Shelltron is fucking 6 seconds
Sentinel cooldown is way too long and doesn't last long enough
Paladin is fucking garbage right now for a job that is usually known for having the best defense
Can you just fuck off already?
CoD and the voidsent killed the OG Bahamut, Omega contained the primal and shoved it into the moon.
It's never gotten me killed but you should be cautious about when you use it. Just don't use it while you're directly in an AOE
I don't have my game up, but basically:
>Muscle Memory
>Comfort Zone (Optional, just eat food and you can remove this)
>Inner Quiet
>Manipulation II
>Steady Hand II
>Waste Not
>that new big touch ability that uses 20 durability, can't remember its name.
>Do that 3 more times.
>Finish up with a Steady Hand, Great Strides, Innovation, Ingenuity II, Beyregot's Brow combo.
>Steady Hand III twice
Bam, pretty much anything you touch will be HQ'd now. Unlike previous macros, you don't even need a part two because the new touch is so damn strong.
Pretty much this, especially combined with Waste Not. Even something like the 100% success synthesis/touch ability has its place in rotations.
One of the biggest mitigation tools tanks have is Arm's Length, and most either forget or just straight up don't know. PLD is good right now, dungeon trash pulls are basically meaningless for how good a tank is.
I still want to see a SMN tank and a MNK tank. Summons in FFX were pretty damn tough and it's not unbelievable you could use them as tanks, while in early games, MNKs had such high HP gains that they wound up taking tons of damage to put down anyway, especially spell damage.
If you're ever unsure just hold it a second until after the boss does an AoE
Same as playing any class with cast times
Go to rotations. These most likely aren't perfected, but you'll understand the idea. Preparatory Touch and Delicate Touch are pants on head retarded.
If that's wrong, I don't wanna be right.
joke's on you I bot shit when I wanna shitpost
Wait, where was it stated that Cloud actually killed Bahamut? I figured the Allagans just brought him down at great cost before sending Omega to bind him. Was that in BCoB?
negligible at best.
>Shelltron is fucking 6 seconds
so is Holmgang
TBN is only 7 seconds
Shelltron can also be cast twice in a row
Sentinel is identical to Shadow Wall and Nebula, and has the same duration and CD as Vengeance. PLD is fine.
Bahamut died originally in the Allagan invasion of Meracydia after Xande made the pact with the Cloud. Tiamat and the surviving Meracydian dragons then summoned the primal Bahamut, who was then bound by Omega.
The real Bahamut and the primal Bahamut were two different entities
Omega is the one that restrained the primal Bahamut
Oh, that's right, I forgot about that, I always want to lump the two together.
Divine veil is not a tool for self mitigation.
Sheltron is the best personal CD out of all of the short tank CDs since it's literally a better raw intuition.
Sentinel is the exact same as Nebula, Vengeance and Shadow wall.
They also have hallowed ground which is MILES better than living dead and holmgang for dungeons and outright better than Superbolide, though Superbolide is good too. They also have instant cast clemency and are the only tanks capable of doing 4 man dungeons without a healer.
is the lv16 roulette worth doing always? cause its got the shittiest fucking dungeons like toto rak
>Sheltron is the best personal CD out of all of the short tank CDs since it's literally a better raw intuition.
that's TBN but Sheltron is still great.
Beastmaster or Necromancer would be the best choices for a pet tank. Fucking china and their bullshit would get offended so nippons won’t fund Necromancer.
Funny thing is that in ARR people ran Ramuh EX with 7 DPS and 1 healer because Titan wasn’t effected by the big shock move.
HG is good for dungeons, but I'd rather have WAR/DRK's invulns for trials/raids. Both PLD and GNB both have the issue that theirs can't really be used twice for shorter fights.
yes, it's the best (or second best, I'm not sure if MSQ is better) XP:time ratio in the game even if you get Toto-rak.
Sheltron is supposed to be compared to TBN, Heart of Stone and Raw Intuition. GNB gets a bonus skill in Camo, while WAR gets a bonus spell in Equilibrium+Thrill. Shake It Off also works on self unlike Veil. TBN is also up way more often. Overall the only thing PLD has going for it is Hallowed twice a run.
That's pretty humorous. I wish we'd have more fights where non-standard comps were able to be used and even encouraged for players to branch out, but everyone expects to be able to clear content most optimally with a 2/2/4 setup. This would be the perfect game to encourage branching out for solutions since you can literally swap jobs on a single character without penalty before fights, the only drawback is you'd be gearing multiple jobs if you wanted to.
Leveling Dancer currently. Probably better then doing more PLD stuff, just because I can reuse all my BRD gear on DNC without issue. currently 66 with it.
They have Clemency, but if you're spamming that then things have already gone horribly wrong.
HG is far better than Holmgang for sustained effects like Titania's tethers and busters because it lasts long enough to cheese them.
>but if you're spamming that then things have already gone horribly wrong.
Or you have a WHM in the party.
In terms of EXP/time efficiency it's something like:
MSQ Roulette > Leveling > 50/60/70 (if you get one close to your level) > Alliance Raid (Crystal Tower raids) > Trial >>>>>>>>>>> Alliance Raid (Dun Scaith/Orbonne)
Normal Raid gives jackshit for EXP so use it to get more Goetia with one of your 80 classes.
Judge tank which we learn from defectors of the Garlean empire during the invasion. Same with Alchemist/Biochemist healer from chemists who defected that were asked to create Black Rose but wanted nothing to do with it.
The shield is outright the best mitigation tool in the game. TBN is great, but it's not even a contest once you factor in blocks.
Good thing you can just share Fae light since it's obvious that's what you're referring too. It's actually the same amount of healing since you only need to heal one tank. The OT just pops all of their CD's since they dont use them anyway.
Tank invuls really dont matter that much for raids. Even in UCoB. They were good because they saved you CD's and let you have more CDs for other tank busters but with the new short CD tank skills, it doesnt save you nearly as much as before.
>the rotations need Manipulation II
>I've ignored job quests for all my crafters after 50
Should I just skip cutscenes or are the quests actually good enough that I should just dedicate a night to doing them all and appreciating the story?
Most who play as a female race aside Lalas and Hyurs tend to be the most unstable of players. Tried to tell females aura/miqotes how to tank better and they always ragequit pretending they arent mad.
DRK. WAR right now is really clunky for the way it works in 5.0.
None of them are as bad as SCH or WAR quests so sure, they're worth checking out
Alchemist in particular is actually really good. Goldsmith is probably the lamest overall.
Once you hit Stormblood the job quests just hand you the materials like the beast tribe crafting quests.
Female hyurs were the kind of faggots who would unironically use the word "middie" and argue for days about run animations.
Explain how every single chat meltdown posted on these threads are usually not from cats?
Are you taking into consideration that Sheltron is on the gauge? You can have two lined up back to back. Once you put Raw, HoS or Thrill on CD you wont get another until the full recast unlike Sheltron. TBN is good but as soon as it expires you're taking full damage for the remainder of the CD. In dungeons, Hallowed and Superbolide are the only true tank invuls.
Dark mind sucks.
GNB>PLD=WAR>>>>>DRK for dungeons.
Chadadin or Chadbreaker.
I too gave my money to Asmon, maybe he will mention my name with my next $100