It's a shame this game is so niche. I'm getting that same addictive urge I got from Kingmaker, which had lodes e threads. Just hit level 5, going strong. Had a run in with 3 psi beetles at level 3. Turns out having 10 int is bad against them but I was able to win thanks to a clever force field and gay boy tactics.
Other urls found in this thread:
Fuck these things. I swear to Godman, I will exterminate ever last one of them like I did those faceless fucks! This is just a taste of my never ending wrath! Whether through fire, frost, electricity, explosion, or space-time itself, I will kill them!
...Holy shit, Temporal Distortion is op as fuck.
you will be burned out mid to late game and will be crying for a sprint option, but good game nonetheless
You can speed up game-time now, noob.
but I'm playing at 5x speed right now?
I didn't play the new update, fuck you. still doesn't excuse the absolute slog late game
I just got to 'that' part of Dude's quest
First: WHAT
Second: THE FUCK
shotgun chokes are fucking useless what is this shit
Oh yeah, that was total mindfuck. Try to Solid Snake your way through it: the enemies are a fucking pain. Almost makes me miss the laser kitties.
I enjoyed Underrail. And then I got to the Deep Caverns.
>parastic infection
Tell me how bad does that get?
Spread actually does not matter in the slightest as shotguns do more damage and have more accuracy with feats at almost melee range anyway
It just does a little damage to you over time. Real bitch is the locusts come in swarms so you get a fuck ton of it.
Underrail is such a comfy game
oh yes comfy
Okay I'm fucking gobsmacked here.
I'm on the mission where you need to repair the Faceless Tunneler. I don't have the mechanics to fix it myself, so I went to Mykola who said he'll fix it.
He wants 2000 fucking charons. Are you fucking kidding me? And don't give me that 'money ain't that hard to come by' shit. I'm on 1700 charons at the moment and I don't feel fucking good about working for another 300 more just to hand over it fucking all to this guy.
Is there no way to get the price down? I have mercantile skill, why the fuck isn't that coming in handy right here?
>want to craft something
>none of the shops have the material I want
>have to wait 90 minutes real time before they restock
just do the arena bro
Stop being so poor
Guild Wars was fucking great.
so is Grenadier basically essential for any build that has dexterity >= 6?
Makes depot A a total joke so yes
lol, that was my reaction too.
I can tell you where other rifts are, if you don't want to scour the Underrail for all of them.
When do I find Impala frames?
Finally dropping the MP6 for a 7.62 SMG. It was good while it lasted but the base AP cost is just too high for the damage output.
>Expertise doesn't work with shotguns because it specifies bullets and not shells
Shit, styg, most people call any ammo 'clips', you can't just do that.
Its not essential, but its a really powerful feat that can help you mow down large mobs.
These seem strictly worse than the 6p and 20p and the TUNGSTEN TRIO, what should I even be shooting with these?
JKK, Coretech or Praetorian? Who should I join?
I don't use energy weapons, or have any points in electronics, so I don't feel like I'd fit in with Coretech, I don't wear heavy armor or use the types of guns the Praetorians use so I don't feel like I suit them either.
I don't know what JKK is like yet (gonna go check them out now) but if they don't have anything in common with my character either then I'll feel a bit silly.
Quick question though, Sneaky said to stay away from these 3 factions. Was that just flavour text? What I mean is, are we kind of expected to join one of the three?
Depends on enemy armor, you go for bigger pellets the more armor it has. Every shell has its sweet spot.
You literally have to in order to progress.
>What I mean is, are we kind of expected to join one of the three?
Yes and fuck Gorsky's rats. They aren't any better than the oligarchs.
b-but muh freedom!
Oh my god
I dont understand what these guys say
Send help
steal an uniform
just nod and walk away if someone talks to you
avoid the officers
basically, be a normal conscript
so you don't have to massacre them all?
Oh well.
you can steal an officer's uniform too
Can I fuck the twin psi sisters and keep them as my psi concubines?
I sided with Coretech, I don't remember why I did because it was back in 2016. But I do remember the mission they sent me on was fucking bad ass and challenging.
Please tell me I get to kill this fucker later.
free drones 4 lyfe
fuck protectorate niggas
can i run this game on a toaster
also is this a good start point for someone who has played maybe 1 isometric rpg before
How do I track coordinates in the expansion? It doesn't really explain where shit is.
Look at the navcom
They literally gave you an item that does this
It just tells you where you are. Not really all that useful.
Click the menu dingus
What menu?
It helps store the coordinates you receive but you ultimately have to look at your own map and memorize the coordinates on the map with your head.
Right click
I actually just found out after making this comment you can write the coordinates on the map yourself, don't have to memorize.
in the junkyard some guy called me over and said someone wants to see me at the bar... but where is the bar?
fuck no. Kingmaker and this are autism town. Start with something like Pillars 1. I hated 2, but it is a decent beginner CRPG.
I would recommend Shadowrun Hong Kong and/or Dragonfall, personally. Very similar in tone to this but much less dense and easier to get into.
I always tell people the Divinity Original Sin series is a good starter pack cRPG. Its not super autistic like this game, but it does challenge you enough where you will grow and learn the genre. And most importantly figure out if this genre is for you.
Is there a bigger faggot enemy in this game than Lurker Hunters? I am so outraged by their constant faggotry that I assume anyone who uses a crossbow plays like they do and I hate them.
>tee-hee good thing I have a second stun bolt if I miss ;)
>tfw you use AOE enrage to make the super savage aboriginals kill each other
and I thought psionic mania'd pyrokinesis + thermodynamic destabilization was a fucking satisfying combo
Speech or Mercantile
redpill me on which is more useful
I like to play like a turbojew and craft
Please, I've been looking for so long and have hardly turned up any
If you want the best crafting opportunities then merch it up.
Dumb question but how do I tell if the DLC is installed? I bought the DLC over GOG and didn't see the game update or anything and I don't see anything new in character creation.
How do I get gud? I feel like this game is up to RNG most time if you succeed in a fight or not, unless you do something super safe like my 10 con sledgehammer+ heavy armor build that I got to the under place with the tchort aliens.
I never really delved into abilities like sprint or intimidate/ off balance but i'm sure those and grenades are key to victory and controlling the fight, right.
the main screen will say EXPEDITIONS
While there is RNG involved, you can have a lot of agency in game if you know what you're doing...
...Most of the times
>Playing without Sprint
You madman
If you reached Tchort then you should already know the game well enough
Good builds are good, but the truth is, if you are a good tactician and planner you can beat this game with a mediocre or even a bad build.
Positioning, using weapons they are weak to, grenades, consumables, traps, fleeing a fight healing up then coming back to it, etc.
My first attempt was using heavy armor and a sledgehammer but I had like 0 movement points and could only get one hit off maybe if I had to move a bit. I got to the mine with all the burrowers and hadd to spend 10+ turns cornering single burrowers trying to run and gun and thought to myself "There must be more to life" so I rerolled the character with the intent to make a heavy armor sledgehammer build with more mobility than before.
Took ninja, armor sloping, and only went with two plates of armor until I got super steel, and used tabi for extra movement points, 1 less ap for melee swings, and less encumberance. Could move a pretty solid distance with this setup, and with tichrome bars for my sledgehammer, could attack 3 times a turn so it worked out pretty well. Ended the game with a fully reinforced suit of supersteel that weighed basically nothing.
Maybe I had a strong aversion to agility or active abilities.
I don't see your problem then, you beat the game? Are you just afraid to try something more risky?
You forgot one thing
Makes your life much easier.
t Metal armor sledgehammer psychokinesis user
Is it possible to be friendly with the pirates or is annihilation the only option?
>Bilocation clones can just win the fight even after he's dead
Suck my ass, old man. Now how the FUCK am I going to beat Carnifex
I read you can befriend and join the pirates, somehow
He's not inmune of 'Fear' by being burned
That sounds fun considering Briggs is a douche.
I'm not sure that gives me enough time to even hurt him that much, he has so much fucking health.
Kite him like mad, cryokinesis with hypotermia shines here, stun lock him, force field
Mad nades, burn him, etc
My problem is that I have a heavy armor build so he basically opens every combat by yelling, which makes me useless for two turns, and the moment he lands a crippling strike I no longer have AP to attack more than once, which absolutely fucks me. I'm pretty sure I cheesed him with cut throat the last time I did this.
Get an even higher DT armor, or return when you're stronger
If you're using a Sledgehammer, find Quake
Am I retarded, or did there used to be some kind of purple force bubble psi power that would trap enemies for a few turns?
What's your build like? I've been considering picking this game up again since the expansion.
Are you refering to
Force Field
Telekinetic Proxy
Or Implosion?
pickpocket is so cheap
Is that a motherfucking, Planescape reference?!
>lockpicking 5
but why
Lockpicking is really overrated, people insist on it because there are quite a few lockpick opportunities but they don't really amount to much compared to what you could be funnelling those points into.
I'm also interested, if you've got a list of general locations
There is so much fucking lockpicking 80-100 loot in expeidition
the dumb first outpost quest, i wanted them all conquered.
Did anybody find the mineral oil in the soviet nazi base?
I'm a brainlet
Scum save until you go first
How fuckin high can armor DT go? I'm at like 24 or 25 and 2-3 from my boots and his crippling strike does 30 damage through that
Tungsten armor set my boyo
Hope you did all Foundry quests first
How many times does the camp get attacked in Expedition?
it's on one of the shelves in the back of the room past the gate you need a keycard for. if you don't have the keycard, it's up the stair in the office in the top right corner. if you don't have stealth, you can get an officer uniform by ambushing an officer in the bathroom of the second room. in the last room you pretty much need to run from everyone and break line of sight to stop them from chasing you as you make your way towards the back of the room
I don't pick up loot
My faith is my loot
It doesn't get you out of stuns, which makes it worthless.
Useful if you want to spam the XAL though
I did, but I've been trying to find a sturdy vest for fucking ages now. This one isn't even amazing but I'll take what I can get since this is the first one I've seen at all.
>you can get an officer uniform by ambushing an officer in the bathroom of the second room
This is my problem, both guards and officers will blow my cover and attack me no matter what, I cant get to the room/bathroom because I cant reach it, guards stand in my way, and if they are not a random officer will charge me down to interrogate me
At this point I'm not sure if I'm stupid or if I fucked up, or both
Please tell me you are getting leading shot and barrel stare
Oh my god ignore what I said I'm just retarded
'(Hollering for help in soviet nazi)'
And nobody ever checked the bathroom
Hope notices that Officer carrying a hammer
What in the FUCK is happening in expedition
A lot. Like, holy shit. Dude's new quest alone is a mindfuck of epic proportions.
I wonder how fucked melee builds are going to get by sea serpents
>Be in Magatzin
>Be spotted if wearing officer suit
>Not spotted if carrying soldier suit
There's two in core city. One in the mutie area of the Black Crawler's base and one in that area with the motion dude who thinks your his dad.
SGS has one in the pens storage area
Camp Hathor has one in the area by the mayor HQ a broken fence entrance
There's one some ways in front of Buzzers shop in Rail Crossing
A rift is directly above the Mainframe in Occulus and is quite possibly the most obvious one.
The alleyway where you get the Mysterious Disk in Junkyard has one by that house
That's all I know and can remember off the top of my head.
>Leading shot
It'd require me to drop 2 points in dexterity, but I'm very tempted to do that. I have 9 strength/9 perception/7 con.
Oh yeah, the area where you find the sniper rifle in the Foundry also has one.
Best melee weapon type?
Best melee weapon to go with psi?
Your bare fucking hands. Abandon useless lumps of steel and use what evolution gave you.
Is this good? Been looking to get into iso rpgs.
With psychokinesis at least, there is one feat 'Corporeal projection' that boosts your telekinetic abilities with strenght
blaine is the earliest, but impalas suck, user
There is something fun about pulling off psionic aquatic drive-bys
The best rpg in a decade
I thought it was awfully specific.
I had 53 on my sledge guy; it can go even higher now with the higher quality items the expansion brought.
five by savages
you just need the right armors
why do they suck?
>When you have to run by big critters literally naked to escape from Upper Caves
Fucking Dude having his home in literally nowhere
Bless your soul, I was having trouble finding some of the "obvious" ones in the bigger locations. I remember hearing there's a lot more so I'll try and keep a running list and post occasionally with the full set
Another average day in the Zone
I figured out that I can avoid the clones by throwing flares, but the goliath psi beetles on the silent isle are just fucking me sideways. Any tips? They have bonkers amounts of health.
Individually they should be manageable, just either charge them into melee or get an aimed shot on them when they open their carapace to attack. That's when they're squishy.
leave and go back sometime later
Make use of the Captain, lure the beetles to them and he will join the fight
HE nades are okay
Molotovs dont do much damage, but they can apply Fear on them, as well the AI will try to walk out of the fire unless trapped and cornered
Throwing nets
Burrower poision caltrops
Any weapon with huge damage, like Sniper rifles
Abuse the stupid AI, if you have force field, when they start attacking you, Force Field yourself away, they will try to hopelessly attack you while they completely ignore Captain riddling them all
Took me more than 50 attempts to beat Silent Isle, whereas Depot A I beat in 3 tries
Good luck user
coming up on level 8, should I snag Continium Ripple first or Cerebral Trauma?
been rping as danny trejo machete, carving up motherfuckers that stand on my way. too bad i cant have sex with the laides.
haven't been to foundry yet?
I'm a huge shitter who has no clue where to go and what to do and I'm having a blast with this game.
>Small nation of rathounds rushing me
>Run towards a fenced part of a map and slowly chip away at them
>Use projection to block off a area forcing enemies to run around the entire map to get to me
>use flares to coral rat dogs into a room and just leave them
>sit right outside those poppers and use combat mode to kill them before they run
>bully those blue brain crabs azuicunts with machete by draining their ap to zero
I die constantly and get insta gibbed by those fucking warhogs but I'm having fun exploring the world.
Seriously Fuck those warhogs though.
How stable is the new version? Should I get it now or wait for the first hotfix?
I've not had a single issue
there's already been two hotfixes
Sledgehammer or knife, after completing Camp Hathor quests
How's the shotgun treating you? I'm debating whether to run that, machete, or standard SMG grenades.
Someone is going to have fun in the black sea
Sometimes I get stuck in mid-range because of my heavy armor and fuckfaces with knives who do crippling strike more than once make me reload the game because of the strength requirements on my gun but the moment I get anyone in point blank they evaporate.
not in expedition. i know about that particular lady tho
>143 replies
>36 posters
It's shilling time again?
Has anyone been able to fix this dude yet?
i replaced the battery in his chest but i can't hack his brain
For you min/max fags the black sea has an armor that raises hacking/lockpicking by 10
Yeah I did it but then again I had hacking of like a 100
>stop talking about the game you like RRRREEEEEE
Well, okay, that armor is pretty good but I dunno what the fuck level I'd have to be to craft it.
How much int you got?
>using tungsten over super steel
>what are workbenches
I have been told more than a few times that Tungsten is life.
6 or 7, I'm at like 85 (99) right now
If ignore the super steelfags, brother, they dont know nothing.
Complete one of the 3 Core city quests, I suggest praetorian security, since the main guy becomes a trader, afterwards you get your own house and you will able to buy a workbench, making crafting easier
Nah tungsten is heavy as fuck and I think it has way worse energy resistance than supersteel
what does armor penalty do
Energy resist is very important in the black sea and I reccomend doing the free drones or protectorate quests for the cau armor
Reduce movement points
I want to try a shotgun build, please help me with starting stats.
I remember shilling this game when no one knew what it was and now everyday we have an underrail thread. Glad the developers hard work paid off he fuckin deserves it.
It's just someone else shilling it here every day now
is con 3, max dodge & evasion melee char viable?
maybe tabi boots and siphoner leather since both give bonuses to dodge
>Have ton of heavy loot
>merchants can only afford 1 item at a time
jesus christ.
10 strenght, packrathound, rathound barbecue
Recycle useless items and repair the good loot you have to sell it for more money
Yknow I'm pretty sure Tungsten-user is the same one who told me I can just burn the shit out of Carnifex so I'm willing to accept he knows what he's talking about.
so i picked 3 int and no crafting skills, how do i repair my gun?
Use repair kits, retard.
>no crafting skills
have fun playing gun game
Use CE for infinite carry weight
Uh, I reached the hospital facility in Expedition and I have no idea what the fuck is going on.
Let me guess low will?
Brace for some OH FUCK
High will actually. I just had an interesting conversation with a malfunctioning Strong/DEATH man about what the fuck happened and he fucked off and I oh fucked when the horde of machines came at me.
Yes I am
Ooh it gets so much worse
>Super steel is 3k per
That's fucking pricy, should I just go SSteel/3x Tungsten or should I wait until later in the game/before I go to Black Sea to bother with crafting it due to the money sink?
...welp, Stygg's really upped the cosmic horror part of the setting in the expansion, huh?
So i stealthed through most of crimson meadow how the fuck else are you supposed to go about that
>inb4 >stealth
to be fair it was already quite high with Tchort
Tchort was mundane in comparison to the shit happening in that one ghost lab and now this.
How poor are you? You should have like 12k Charons or more at that point
Get a 4 +120 Tungsteen metal armor
Is cheaper, it has very good physical and fire protection, it's heavy but that shouldnt be a problem if you're a STR chad
Are you a STR chad, user?
this expeiditons sec armor is ridiculously good as a light armor gunslinger build
>tfw can't make a vest because short of 5 biology
I wondering banking a few points every level is wise
Seriously, what the actual fuck is happening in this place? I kind of wish I had low will.
Just what kind of neat things were added for melee users. I was building a typical sledgehammer character with heavy armor but spears have be interested
Just spend your points as you get'em. You get more than enough EXP. Unless you fell for the Oddities meme, in which case, you've got no one to blame but yourself for not knowing better.
Enjoy getting fucked by energy damage
>What are Shields
b-but its how the game was meant t-to be played!
If I don't think I can get my stealth up high enough as a psi build, should I try to get my con to ten at the cost of Will instead?
Nice stuff. Do the shells actually have different uses for different levels of armor or just set and forget with a specific type?
How the hell do i get in the nexus of technology?
i tried going all around and all it did was get me into other bullshit
They'll block like 2 or 3 energy attacks and then you get fucked anyway, just stop being a stingy Jew and buy super steel plates and use a low frequency shield instead. It's not like you need money for anything else at that point anyway.
Thats why you get Psychokinesis my lad
>Get 5 stacks of Crippling Strike by a knifecunt
>Tele punch
Easy as pie
Having options is never a bad thing
>Assuming people are at end parts of the game
Magic's for gays
I usually alternate between 6p and 20p, the 12p seems good for like, robots, I guess? Which aren't super prevalent early game, and the trainshot is probably better on burst fire auto shotguns, which I haven't been using, or if you can temporal control for more than two shots around
Walk west into the crab area and then into some spider caves and them you can get inside!
or you can skip the spiders entirety if you have like 10 agi
>Magic's for gays
No, it's called being resourceful
I meant east EAST
>high str
>picked up a shiv
lets see where this goes
I play shitty tabletop systems like D&D 3.5 so my hatred for spellcasters runs too deep to play one. I'd rather bang rocks together and get out-scaled.
Yes, I understand user.
But what magic allows you to cast F I S T?
What magic gets bolstered the more swole you get?
What magic lets you create literal unpenetrable walls of Force?
What magic lets you mow down entire hallways of enemies, and double F I S T enemies?
Hm? Tell me.
Is there a babby's first pros and cons to weapon/psi selection I can reference to?
I will admit psionics is more based than usual magic and my true hatred lays on filthy CROSSBOW users in Underrail. Just seeing the fucking crossbow lurkers makes my skin crawl.
Huge variety, go consult the wiki, find something you like and ask here
What do you like to do?
Is body horror the normal outcome for the weird medical quest?
user, my man:
This casting spell has the same range as a sniper/crossbowfag
You can literally snipe them first
Also, my buddy chump pal:
Imagine Carnifex 10000 hp?
Good, now imagine reducing it to 50% with a single spell, twice if you have Tele Proxy near him
user, embrace the ways of Psychokinesis, it's the chad's magic
It seems like a really shitty feat.
I really really hope you got the implant put in your hand.
I did, why?
You need it to acess another area
So you like being a cuck to half orcs or rando farmers?
I don't need body horror for anything, do I? I really don't want to have such a shitty useless feat for a psi character.
Ayy user. Go make a jacket from those who break your heart.
if i get into the game should i just play the base game or is it better to play with the expansion installed? expedition
the expansion raises your level cap and adds many goodies, i'd get it. If you wait for a sale you can most likely get the dlc+game for just the equivalent cost of the base game
Yknow its kinda funny how haters aside, these threads are ridiculously quality filled, with legit build making, lore discussion and funposting to boot. Makes me feel warm inside how people are so chill here and can come together to enjoy a game while the underage are out there discussing which piece of plastic is best.
Seconding this, does it do anything or is it just a psi gimp?
Shotgun builds are basically AR builds but with specific shotgun feats, am I right?
Shotguns are very close range and have much easier to craft special bullets
In normal difficulty, sure
In dominating, not really
will a stealth build be awful without lockpicking/hacking? making a knife hunter/trapper
>Kill Joe De Pacino
>Get his sweet metal armor and energy shield
If you wanna go hardcore parkour dodge evasion, you can, infuse your frenchmen leathers after finishing Foundry quests. Im guessing dex puncher or something of the kind, so I guess it could work withs hit like evasive maneuvers, blitz and the like.
If you do stealth, youl have high agility so lockpicking is really boosted user. I dont know why you wouldnt have atleast one but if you really must lack both, you can make it work yes, youl just have to fight a lot more and be creative. Also accept youl get cucked out of good shit.
>he doesnt know the best shit with Joe
.44s are the only bullet you can make explosive user. The tommy is the only smg that can burst user. You can have a fucking burst fire explosive .44 gun, which triggers commando and every other perk related to ratatatattatting.
i agree
we need more memes tho
>That moment when you start to get out of lower levels and slowly turning into a killing machine
Good shit
Tele proxy is an enormeous powerspike
The OC quality is undeniable but yeah, we could use better memes.
Would an unarmed or melee build be a good idea to go for for my first playthrough, or should I just go for guns or something?
I wanna cast Fist at dudes.
if i pump mercantile to the max
would i be able to buy good enough equipment so i dont need crafting?
Its funny, how Yea Forums is having a honeymoon with Underrail right now, something similar happened with Darkest Dungeon, but it's honeymoon died in a fire, and anime.
I wonder if somebody will make a mood that replaces the character with an anime girl, would be history repeating itself.
Custom portraits are pretty easy to use.
Totally viable, but in normal difficulty, no guarantee in dominating difficulty
Wanna an advice? Become a psyker and learn psychokinesis, trust me.
can someone post some good builds
Dex puncher can put out some serious ass dpr, so sure, spears and machetes are now also hella bitching so if you wanna theorycraft a build, here, have fun and report back with what you find if you want us to check shit for ya.
Honestly, youl get sub-optimal stuff, especialy if you want the pinacle of the best and the difference between the real best and the store bough is kinda huge. No store sells infused leathers, no store sells rapid reloader guns, no store can get you anatomical scoped ARs, you get the point. Crafting is expensive, but its like everything, shit pays off. My chem pistols have a 60% chance to entangle, a 50%ish chance to freeze people and a 75% chance to set shit on fire bre, thats only possible with investment.
We will survive bre, we aint made of just rng and endlessly repeating content thats been optimized to oblivion. Also no permadeath to set you back hours and hours of progress.
Not portraits, the models
I made this blind on my first go but I'm happy with it. Maybe would have had less strength/int/will to pump more dex, though.
user, thankfully the playerbase who likes anime and the playerbase who likes Metro themed CRPGs do not intertwine, so no worries about some prime ass autismo modding the Rail to have Mitsune Figu.
are machetes the only new swords?
can i be some crazy crusader with a shield and longsword
Well, you can just use a riot armor for a shield user. As for new swords, there is one, but it needs 6 int, lmao.
Oh thank god, what a relief
I'm afraid we're more 'hoplite' instead of 'standard knight' if you're looking to sword and board. Spear and board is the way to go.
looks really not min/maxed. hmmm maybe ill just play on easy mode.
can someone post that build guide explaining stats
Only 105 iq geniuses are smart enough to use Katanas.
Listen, its not a fucking neon plastic figurine waifu based off a piece of sound synthing software, thats good nuff to not count.
Machete(Sword) + Riot Gear with shield = Roman Legionary
Spear + Riot Gear with shield = Greek Hoplite
Go nuts, use your imagination
>buy xpac
>character creation
>realise I don't remember how the game works
>close game thinking you'll give it a shot later
By the Junkyard Temporal Distortion really becomes fun
>confronting the thugs asking me to pay near the protectorate embassy
>stack like a nigerrillion of Distortions on their leader and incapacitate him
>he dies in temporal explosion
>most of his Distorions jump to nearby thugs and explode in a turn too
>one straight dies off-screen running away in fear
>>one straight dies off-screen running away in fear
Oh my god
I'm dying at just imagining that
Melee is arguably easier than ranged weapons, especially in early game due to Psi beetles being noob destroyers. But like any other weapon you should have something that can do AoE and CC as well. Melee gets some CC itself but nearly every build also benefits from having Throwing as secondary due to sheer number of different throwables with varying effects. You don't necessarily even need to max it out either if you just want to use AoE throwables rather than single-target stuff like poisoned throwing knives.
DEX also benefits both small melee weps (knives, fists) and throwing skill so they go well together for that reason as well.
Throwing knifes, throwing nets and grenades are your friends
Seconding this.
When I first started playing I went for a crossbow build, got all the way to the Tchorists and got bored cause I was starting to fall off cause my min-max was non-existant. I start a new run afterwards and go for full melee/stealth and the entire game all the way to the end felt like breeze, that Power Fist was bullshit (heard they nerfed it though) on top of my min-max being on point. This was 2 years ago.
I want to start again and this time around I want to try something new, how viable is a psi build or a facetank with no stealth, last time I heard they were pretty trash. Currently playing anons help out.
>how viable is a psi build or a facetank with no stealth
You can do both of those at once provided you're not playing on Hard which cuts off your HP.
It's a straight up bullshit, especially since you can just place a psi wall if things get heated and restore your health.
Doin' that on my playthrough
This game really needs difficulty options Pathfinder style. I want to play with Dominating encounters but without Dominating HP bloat or sell penalties.
Psi it is then, thanks frens.
Get Psychokinesis
Get metal armor
Get sledgehammer, shotguns or assault rifles
Enjoy being a killing machine
>Pure Psi build
>Enter Depot A
>Getting my ass handed to me
Cool. VERY cool.
Force field, caltrops and molotovs
Cmon bre, dont let the thread die.
Use your gat damn tools you pipeworker. The hell, you think just using your nogging is enough? Get creative and resourceful, put in some traps and caltrops, molotov whoever walks over said caltrops.
>haha le funneh persona
People have to sleep, jack
Tomorow will be another day of Underposting
>temporal distortion will now break mental breakdown
Do you get much XP in the Black Sea? Think it would throw off progression much if you dipped their and came back for the main content later?
>get into inacave
>kill a priest
>hover over his special weapon
>6,66 weight
>my entire screen with stats
>fucking mental breakdown will leave a debuff with 66% of its og damage as fucking acid
>also 20 fucking intimidate
>also your mental breakdown is even better
What the fuck are these tribals on, cause this shit is demonic.
this game is great but I have a mental condition where I can't stand to play it for too long, I think doctors are calling it zoomie or something.
Forskarr Flottsormir!
Any way to get rid off body horror? Some psychologist maybe?
>in South Underrail
>psychologist in south rail
Ha, next youl tell me theres health and safety in the Drop Zone, bre. Cmon.
I have no idea what the fuck is going on, and I love it. These tribals are straight up posessed.
Makes you shit at dodging/evading/sneaking and reduces movement points in combat.
Doesn't really matter if you're playing a CON build.
do you have to choose a side between aegis and pirates? is there a way to stay friendly to both so i can do all their quests?
Nope, gotta choose.
which jetski is best for a psi wizard?
holy shit temporal distortion is fucking broken with its feat. also chem guns its not even funny how borked they are.
All will be revealed in time, user. I can say that you'll get your kinda answer during the main plot of Expedition.
>sadpanda dies over night
>tf2 economy crashes over night
>tfw playan underrail in the midst of 2 shitstorms
how important is hacking/persuasion/pickpocketing/lockpicking in this game?
You can absolutely get through the game with 0 points in any of those skills. Though you may be tormented by the many locked doors you'll encounter down side paths.
Persuasion and Pickpocketing you can do without easily
The spying device helps. Those doors don't haunt your mind so bad if you have one.
typically all my characters have hacking and lock picking. the rest is not necessary at all.
I'm playing this game for the first time on normal and I've been running with a steel armor/assault rifle crafting build. I've had a few hiccups here and there but I'm starting to dominate as the world opens up after depot A (which I found laughably easy with this build). However, I wasted points on stealth when I could have simply crafted GG stealth gear on swap. I feel like I should have put those points into traps or something that wasn't a complete waste. Oh well. Hopefully I don't end up getting raped in the end game for my mistake.
Going for a Hoplite build
Iron Grip requiring 11 STR is pretty intense, it'll be worth it I'm sure.
Got a question about the Juice and rifts. Here's the question: do I need to get more than one Juice to see the rifts? If yes, then how do I get a recipe? Dude doesn't seem to give me another one.
But if he gave you the recipe you'd never visit him. ;_;
Are knife builds fun on dominating? Should I pick stealth or go without?
And I need a torch from expedition to enter them? Asking this because I started a new playthrough and didn't reach the DLC yet.
Uhhh what? No man, no. You really only need Juice.
I'm dumb, how do I get the Chief Briggs guy to let me come on the expedition?
Becoming Invictus is a good way, you could also do shit like The Beast and whatnot. Make something impressive nigga.
Am I supposed to get my ass kicked in the protectorate prison
Ok neato I'll do some thing cool.
>try dominating difficulty
>manage to get past the insane groups of psi beetles
>come across an even bigger group of Lunatics
>the Lunatic Brawler with an adrenaline shot uses Telekinetic Punch on me for SEVENTY FOUR fucking damage
I know he said he didn't balance this difficulty but what the actual fuck.
You aren't supposed to beat that group even on normal, maybe you cheesed it with good builds before but it's actually meant to be a roadblock.
>You aren't supposed to beat that group even on normal
Yeah, I think that's the case, but the damage number shocked me. I don't think I've seen a single non-crit damage number that high in my entire last playthrough. Granted I'm walking around in garbage DR armor right now but I have a feeling Psi attacks are gonna hit like a fucking truck on this difficulty because of how insane every enemy's skill stats are.
Holy shit the expansion is out? What's a build for a shitter, I tried playing the game with a sniper build but that lead to lots of problems for me, so I decided to put the game on hold until the expansion is out.
So I need something noob friendly, can I get some builds for this?
the only benefit of them is increased crit chance, but their crit damage is only 100%
you're better off with one of the other types
So body horror is a feat for melee crit builds, right? Psi doesn't really apply.
if you dont have enough will, yes
but I like the crit bonus and I was never going to pass resolve checks anyway
ive got a few
>It's a shame this game is so niche.
That's the only reason threads about it are actually good.
What kind of armor is good for a psi wizard?
so this is baseline lvl 10 chempistol guy.
anything i could do better? anything i should not do?
i took all the crafting stuff because why the fuck not. i should probably go into dodge and evasion later but the high initiative should guarantee me going first until i reach like core city.
>sadpanda dies over night
>It's true
What happened? Is it permanent?
Holland's law changed, Tenboro got tired of this shit. It's permanent.
netherlands changed its legislation regarding porn and because sadpanda hosted a lot of loli and shota content their host told them they couldnt host them anymore. e-hentai is still up though.
Should I just dump into str as a spearguy? Is dex worth anything?
>if you dont have enough will
there will be a backup or the archive will be handed to someone else, owner himself said so. down for the time being tho
whoops just noticed weaponsmith. was supposed to be cooked shot.
gun nut and gunslinger dont work with chem/energy pistols (anymore)
that fucking sucks.
looking at all the perks for ''sword'' it seems that they would, in theory, out damage sledge. What do you think?
nobody ever seems to like this one
When do you first get access to energy shields? I'm at Junkyard, probably not until after there right?
I do, I just don't give them an upvote with an (You) hardly
they do indeed potentially outdamage any melee weapon. but only if everything goes your way.
any disruption to the buffstacking has adverse effects to your damage. the sword playstyle is all about momentum.
you start weak but every time you hit you deal increased damage on the next hit. missing a hit or not hitting anything for a turn resets your momentum. i managed to deal 300 damage per hit on a lvl 12 sword guy. expose weakness is very important since all you do is mechanical damage.
all that sweet damage can be taken from you though very easily.
oh my god are you fucking kidding me
I think so too. At least, if they can keep flurry up and are built for crits. A sledge build can do over 5 digits on a crit, but they only get up to maybe 3 + pummel attacks per round, or more if they take temporal manipulation and also have blitz or something, but a sledge build isn't likely to.
You can get one before Depot A in a few ways, but easy mass-availability is right after it, yeah.
I don’t know the season
Or what is the reason
I’m standing here holding my blade
ezra and karen will very rarely sell them
gort will very rarely sell the blueprint
the prison embassy quest can net you three of them
and on dominating there is a lunatic nuker near GMS that has one
they will change their opinion when they get to the final area which is ultimately the fun implosion of the entire game
Well shit, not seen any of those, and this is my first playthrough so I'm on Normal. Also, should I be having so much fucking trouble in Depot A as a psi user? These fucking dogs are endless, and everywhere I go theres fucking landmines up my ass.
And now, theres puking miutants.
>also is this a good start point for someone who has played maybe 1 isometric rpg before
Divinity OS2 is the best crpg for newcomers
when do I get access to crafting benches
Why not OS1?
why is your guy naked lmao
Anything here?
Do you have acid-resistant armor? Continuum Ripple? Any combat utilities you can use when you are out of psi and wait for the booster cooldown?
armor is a detriment against beetles
they refresh every 90 mins, just dump the loot near a vendor and pick it up later, it's permanent and won't vanish
My will is fifteen, dude.
So why did you go in.
is crafted regenerating armor any good?
This game is one huge wall for the average shitter, that's why the threads are mostly civil and pleasant. It reminds me of Monster Hunter threads back in 3U/4U days.
Because I was curious, does he force you in if you don't have enough will?
You CAN. It's not bad. OS2 is just better in my opinion and its story is self contained.
If you like it, feel free to try some of the other Divinity games. Divine Divinity and Dragon Knight Saga are my two favorite.
>tfw Yahota and the auto turret go down to the primitive mega savages
That's what he says, but you can attack the strongman and just walk away.
The guy got scared by some shit and took it down overnight, no big deal, we'll get an archive in a few days and replacement in a month tops.
I think it's that combined with the genre AND the fact it's not based on a known tabletop system like D&D or Pathfinder.
Hard games can still get popular here, like Binding of Issac, Sekiro (or other Souls shit), and I saw a lot of Cuphead chatter when it came out.
I think there's still some faggots here that appreciate older game design vs MOVIEGAMES™
I just let the man kill the poor bastard.
OS1 is mediocre as hell while OS2 is pure, unfiltered fun.
I am playing a Tranq Psi guy so yeah, it's bretty gud.
Why couldn't he sudoku by robot in the first place?
today I'll show them who's the boss of this depot
New to this, what is a good beginner build please? I got ocd about chests, if I have to pick locks in this game I would like to have the option included in the build.
is there a way to change your avatar portrait on an already active character? i didnt know custom portraits were possible before but ive already got days of playtime on the character and dont want to start over just for a portrait.
The Life/Death/Strongman couldn't get into the morgue without you there to open up the way.
Not unless you edit your save, but I don't know how that works. There was a thread about it on the forums I think.
>still no UI scaling
I want to play this in 21:9 without squinting my eyes, Styg.
Lockpicking build. You put lots of points into lockpicking.
Also put points in a stat for a weapon to hurt things that might potentially steal your loot with said weapon.
That's about it. Pick and choose all else.
Seriously though, I had tons of fun playing high agility, high perception stealth/crossbow/trapper with crafting. I didn't optimize very well and got my ass kicked towards the end but I beat it just fine.
A little yeah, and I don't know what the second thing is. Combat utilities...What? You mean like grenades and stuff?
Nothing for your tincan
Can I get a link?
Post your music when you're surrounded by native/pirate shits.
If you want to follow a guide just look up one although there's not a lot.
If you want to make something yourself but not fail, go.
Put your remaining points where you want, crafting or merchant/perception
1 point to STR at your first assignable point, everything else in PER
It will be rough until you get an AR; buy grenades and use them. If you go north of town from the rail station and go through that underground area, you can get an AR on the second screen.
Your goal is to use grenades to low everything up, an AR, and BIG BOY heavy armor. Stop throwing at 60-75 for taste.
But you don't do anything in the health center. The strongman arrives to the morgue before you, and when you are both there he still wants you to go in.
that should've read mercantile/persuasion; sorry.
Are there any changes done to the base game? Might pick this up but I'm not sure I can stomach the early game all over again.
He said I couldn't, though.
Early game Psi feels so good now that Temporal Manipulation is a thing. Kiting and killing has never been easier. Definitely considering rerolling to drop Psychokinesis and Metathermics entirely. Four psi schools feels like too much.
I am level 8 with zero points in meta. I don't think I would drop PK, though. It would be pure suffering.
Yeah an I don't get it. You did literally nothing. No machine fixing, no door unlocking or anything like that. He was controlling all of the doors and everything else.
By the way, what's behind the locked door? I didn't have enough strength.
redpill me on psipowers for gun builds
*does absolutely nothing and then leaves*
new dlc hasnt changed anything about this?
you go to level 30 and there's new talents. I don't see any AR talents that are bad, though. Take crafting feats and Juggernaut at some point.
Fit in 55-70 points for TM and take the pill if you want; with Jugg you have HP to spare.
buy more ammo instead of hypos
but not Gun Nut. I don't think it's worth it at all
based as fuck
How does the expansion tie into the game, is it meant as a midway area or endgame?
when you get to core city
>Still semi-stuck in Depot A as a pure Psi build
I just can't win. I savescum so hard and still lose 9 out of 10 battles. They shit on me so much and I barely have enough Psi (and fuck cooldowns too) to keep momentum up. I should just do a katana fedoralord build.
I mean, if you can't do it on the strongest build in the game I'm not sure how swapping to something worse will help
When in doubt, throw molotovs
Does temporal manipulation need to be maxed out like other psi schools or is there a good resting point it can be left at?
Get a bunch of molotovs dude and go wild.
Are you making BIG FUCK DAMAGE with it? Using Stasis? Maxed.
Are you just using the rewind and haste? 55-70
Redpill me on psi builds, how do I kill things, what feats and shit do I need.
Seems like temporal manipulation deals the most damage, is it true?
I don't agree with all of his choices (Thermodynamicity is always not worth it, Snooping is worthless compared to Paranoia. Go Snooping if you can spare 1-2 points for PER, THEN you'll find some secrets) but on the whole it's a pretty good look at PSI and PSI builds
do you wanna kill shit really dead, psychosis build
do you wanna make the entire battlefield your plaything, tranquility build
Don't drop Psychokinesis, it's an awesome school all around. Metathermics can be skipped.
I think he forgot his pictures, but I would say 10 will, 8-10 int, rest whenever you want. Go for stats for feats you want (6 con for Fast Meta, 9 for Last Stand, 6 Agil for Sprint, etc)
Skills, 15 to all PSI, 15 to Pers and Merch, last 30 where you want
Redpill me on Underrail. Is it anyhow similar to Fallout 1? Do I have to run in a party? Is it really that good?
Yes (closer to Shadowrun it feels, though). It actually feels like Arcanum more than any other game to me, though
Yes, if you can not rage at a game harder than the usual.
For psy crafting, is tailoring the best option?
You come in for Fallout, but stay for Underrail
>Is it anyhow similar to Fallout 1?
In some ways, but it's its own thing, and it's growing more different by the minute.
>Do I have to run in a party?
You don't have to and you can't. It's single character.
>Is it really that good?
You also need mechanics and electronics to make vests
What's the best place to get this game for free?
And headbands. They are amazing with the magnifying filters.
is underrail easy to get into if i have never played a crpg?
The only crafting stat you don't need on psi is chemistry, and even then 40 chem provides you with flashbangs that are ALWAYS good.
Stole from the pretty decent guide on the Steam forums
Highest values, we need:
Blueprint: Tactical Vest - Biology 20, Mechanics 96, Tailoring 141
Blueprint: Psionic Headband - Biology 45, Electronics 128
Blueprint: Energy Shield Emitter - Electronics 166
Blueprint: Tabi Boots - 128
Blueprint: Cloaking Device - Electronics 128
Blueprint: Infused Leather - Tailoring 128, Mechanics 32 (Super Steel Fiber)
Blueprint: Extract Humour - Biology 70/80
Blueprint: Process Plant or Fungus - Biology 40
Blueprint: Recycle Item - Tailoring/Mechanics/Electronics ??
Blueprint: Repair Kit - Electronics 50, Mechanics 50, Tailoring 50
>pirating a game from a fellow third worlder just trying to make it in a shell of a country
c'mon nigga
It won't be hard if you played tactics or strategy games for example. Might be rough if all you ever played were simulators, racing games, shooters, or platformers.
The setting is way more different.
I'm a broke nigga my dude
either I pirate it or don't play at all either way nobody's getting moneh from me
Is it possible to change gender, name and portrait via save editing?
I'm pretty far in, really like my build, but dont want to play as a disgusting female slut anymore.
It feels like it has some of the crazy from EYE mixed in, maybe it's because it's made by an ESL guy and that just adds to it with mistranslations.
>dont want to play as a disgusting female slut anymore
why did you ever, faggot?
I'm a PSI guy without metathermics but using some throw to supplement things until my AOE comes online.
How much throw is a good investment without being a waste? I figured 30 would still be useful, 75 seems like a lot if I'm not going to use a lot of them late game, only flashbangs and gas for the most part.
My boy, you don't really think this is translated text, do you?
Damage doesn't go up with throw so 30-50 is perfect
I was lonely and horny when I created my character.
You don't need over 50.
90 is probably max i would go for since it's like 90% chance to hit 4 panels away, but it's an overkill since even at 50% the miss chance is usually not that big.
>missed the last camp defense
When it says "You fail to learn something from this oddity is it because I have already learned from it?
Shotgun boys, your time is now
[Expedition] Combat logs will now show the number of pellets that crit in a shotgun attack
[Expedition] Increased the frequency of shotgun shells in random loot table; they should be on the same level as other bullets now
[Expedition] Increased the chance of shotguns to drop an empty shotgun shell on attack to 50% (up from 30% which is the chance for bullets)
[Expedition] Increased the chance to find full and empty shotgun shell in trash
[Expedition] Reduced the value (cost) of regular shotgun shells a bit
Flares, and maybe some other items, will now display action point cost in the tooltip
You can now input amount when spliting stacks
[Expedition] Fixed Lance's skimmer having 0 battery and durability
[Expedition] Fixed player's jet skis getting stuck inside a spawning native boat at the entrance to JSHQ
[Expedition] Fixed the dialog freezing after a certain cutscene in Dude's new quest
[Expedition] Fixed the disappearing burning barrel in Dude's new quest
[Expedition] Fixed jet skis being despawned together with invading ships in certain instances
[Expedition] Fixed the expedition staff thinking you're a pirate when talking to them over the navcom in certain instances
[Expedition] The players can now report exploring Crimson Meadow even if they haven't removed the roots blocking their way to the end area
Fixed small global map issues
Made a certain invulnerable beast also unrootable
Fixed some minor issues with killing some of the Zone Boyz before talking To Johnny Filth
Helping a certain group near Foundry with their task now properly unlocks an option to save Buzzer in his quest
Moved one of the guards at the Protectorate embassy so that a certain door is easier to hack
Minor typos/map fixes
Yeah, that means that type of oddity is already maxed out.
>Made a certain invulnerable beast also unrootable
Fuck, that was so fun to do tho.
>Helping a certain group near Foundry with their task now properly unlocks an option to save Buzzer in his quest
Fucking finaly, I did that and thought people juked me, rip him.
look at your oddity list
it shows how many you have found
Am I fucked playing Oddity with no Stealth? I have max lockpicking and hacking, but I can't open a lot of shit in towns and whatnot
There is nothing important in those containers anyway, so no.
Will I be able to do anything with just a bit into stealth, or is it a cap or don't bother skill?
>convince the faceless to spare buzzer
>he's a freedrones sympathiser
i regret putting in the effort
You can lure people away by chucking an HE grenade to somewhere else as long as you don't hit anybody.
There are oddities in foundry houses
You CAN, but you'll need to get a stealth generator or make one. Crafting one will be a bit into the game, I would think.
Unless you went HAM though, some enemies will see you still
you don't need the things in those places, you might find some oddities but they are not necessary and you can find them in other places, but you can also craft stealth gear and it should get you anywhere you need stealth for (except for dominating difficulty), just get yourself a black cloth balaclava, a black cloth leather armor/or the rathound regalia, black cloth tabi's and a stealth generator and thats enough for the entire game
Steel Cat vs Jaguar?
You don't have to max it. Effective 120-ish is a comfortable amount for most of the game unless you want to pull something really major like getting in and out of a base you are not supposed to be in without getting seen. You can get this amount from gear alone, but if you want to use it often I'd recommend getting at least half of it from points, it's better to have more freedom with your armors and boots.
Should I skip Metathermics' Cryostasis and just go full Temporal for Stasis?
Any decent Terminator-Shotgun builds yet? Heaviest armour, just pump people full of shotgun pellets all day and never (or almost never) take damage. No psi.
Found this
It's in area J1 you can either sneak past the pirates by clinging to the map edges to get there or go through the fetid marsh, you can also get naval mines there to help the base defense.
How can rock be destroyed? Dynamite?
C4 you get after junkyard
does being stunned reduce your dodge/evasion?
Same. Pretty useless, though.
Problem with that is that you need some mobility to actually go shoot enemies that refuse to stay in close range.
>Can't use psi to destroy rocks like that asshole in the beginning of the game
why don't you teach me something useful, cunt
But it's glowy
And useless with shit durability and defenses.
that's why you keep a sniper or AR in your offhand
Well he couldn't destroy shit, so he wasn't very good at it. That, or he was paid by the hour.
Wow, the new psi spears are fucking insane.
>can't launch the game, corrupt exe
>repairing does nothing
>uninstalling does nothing, even making sure the folder is gone
fucking CursorLock, I bet you did this
So if I torrent Expedition, do I need to get the base game, too? Or is it included, it's 8.4GB.
Should be included unless it's dolphin porn.
Would I be wasting money buying that floating tank jetski if I'm a psi user? Will that plasma cannon be useless to me without gun skills?
(sweats internally)
Well, thanks. Off to download that now.
I made friends with a scaly savage.
The shit he's describing is both spooky and interesting. Sad what happened to him but at least I won't get to kill him.
If you get the expansion can you do it as part of a current game, or do you need to start an entirely new save file?
Yes it will be useless to you. It only serves those who have good stats in guns and perception. But don't get the floating tank, its a dumb jet ski.
You should get the phaser or torpedo because you will be insanely, insanely mobile while in combat and out of combat.
steel cat if for some reason you have a really high crit chance SMG build, if you're playing a max dex build i'd use jaguar in main hand with steel cat as your off hand and only fire steel cat when you trigger gun rush
What happened to him?
Any character can jump in. There is a rumor that you have to start clean, but I started with my level 25 who finished Deep Caverns.
He was exiled from his tribe for beating one of the serpent snakes without his arms and legs tied. Shit is metal as fuck.
Oh, I thought you meant something happened to him after you made friends. His story was rad as fuck, yeah. And I think I did the right thing in the end.
What did you do? Can you do other stuff besides talk to him about the natives?
We talked about the Glowing Canine, and he decided to go there. I can't find him anymore but I checked the rock and there was a pile of shed scales there. I think it purified him.
First time playing, oddity or classic?
Anons, is there any Dude rifts in the expedition location at Aegis?
Classic. Don't fall for the Oddity meme, it's a shitty experience carving through hordes of enemies and getting nothing.
Shut up retard. The game was designed with Oddity in mind.
Oddity, this shouldn't even be a question.
Where the heck is it then, cant find it.
2 to 1, oddity it is.
Drink the Juice and walk around. Though the place is pretty obvious. I went there immediately.
He just went off to go there in my game. Shame, at least he proved to himself he was stronger than his brethren.I'm guessing there's some kind of psionic fuckery going on, huh?
No rest for the wicked.
Fuck all the people memeing oddity. Its a garbage leveling experience.
Classic all the way.
Also first time player here (just finished depot A). Good choice.
Oh for fucks sake, I though that was too damn obvious. Thanks user, found it already. Aint I a fucking pipeworker.
Oddity is how the game was designed. Classic is not very balanced. It IS there if you must have it, though.
What you can do is play on Classic but then put it on DOMINATING and then pretend you're good as you outlevel everything.
Just because you're bad at video games and need to give yourself extra levels to have a hope to beat them doesn't mean everyone is.
>quests make me kill people or be a dick and help gangsters
I need those levels and quests, man. Guess this game is no time to be a moralfag.
Yuo can be a moralfag, you just have to make sacrifices. There's money and XP to be made being a dick.
Dunno if it's psionic, but it's pretty clear that the alien rock hates Flottsormir and everything it touches. I hope my bre wasn't simply incinerated. There was no body, just scales, and he was not harmed before, so he might be fine.
I'm having a decent time as a moralfag apart from that one quest from Eddy that forced me to kill some random dude. I didn't kill anyone else I didn't need to kill.
I'd like to just wipe both gangs from Junkdown in the name of JUSTICE but that would probably just result in it collapsing.
>need to get keycard from a guy
>have no pickpocket or stealth
>lure him outside; can't talk to him
>kill him
>feel bad
>but then see two oddities on him so fuck it
oh well, guess games ARE making me into a murderous psychopath and the media was right
Oddity is in itself a BAD way to level up. Searching through every nook and cranny is a tedious experience vs killing things which is a fun experience.
Nice try, trying to frame the debate into something its not. I don't touch Oddity not because I wanted more levels, its because I want to have fun and stress about touching everything I see like some autistic child.
You don't even know what you don't know, man. I don't either, but finishing the Black Sea clears up a lot.
>he already doesn't look everywhere and open everything as a matter of course
the faggot zoomer exp system for the giant ADD faggot, sounds about right
>My schedule every since the literal moment this update came out has been -
>Wake up
>Eat breakfast and let my eyes open properly
>Play Underrail all fucking day
>Go to sleep
>tfw defending the beach with naga-bro
How do I make him friendly without hacking?
Pretty much this. I skipped a lot of meals playing this game. As soon as I get out of my chair to go pee, it hits me that my body needs food.
>tfw the Naga dies in the pirate invasion
The turret is my new best friend.
Fucking hell.
That's DOMINATING for you.
>pirate invasion
That can happen?
Anywhere else to get jetski parts beside Ray's and the rig?
Yeah, they're not as insane as tribal ones with their super soldiers but still pests.
don't tempt me bros... i'll do it...
Yeah, if you piss them off by rescuing the professor in any way other than negotiating. It can also be prevented if you kill enough of them at their port or just Grim.
I haven't gotten any because I negotiated
They are really bad for the Naga tho. Most tribals can barely scratch it, but the pirates are using weapons that whittle it down pretty quickly. Especially snipers.
Seconding this, Tribal invasions are too fucking insane.
If you need parts just steal them from Ray's Jet Skis.
>tfw you thought you'd be defending the beach with naga-bro
>but the retarded thing vomits plasma at its own feet
>the savages only tickle it
>but it suicides away with its dumb plasma balls
It's a broken robot than you jury-rigged back together, give it a break.
In hindsight I really should have gotten the naval mines earlier
Can you do anything with those? I found them but I haven't gotten any dialogue to take them back to base.
Those mines were so fucking broken during the alpha, I never even saw what the damn things do despite getting them twice. Tell me what they do.
You need to talk to the ferryman about the crane on his ship and he will give you his frequency after that go back there and kill everything in sight and call him when you are next to the mines
I'm actually not sure because I think I already got the last savage invasion
Fuck. The Curse of the Mines continues.
Where is that old man? I haven't found him yet but have heard lots of stories.
He changes places often check your map for the anchor icon
Ask Yahota.
Okay lads, I might have uhh kinda genocided 99% of the tribals, minus one small alcove, super spooky eldritch void cave included. Will they still mount an assault or did I essentialy do a preemptive genocide so they will leave me the fuck alone?
>Will they still mount an assault or did I essentialy do a preemptive genocide so they will leave me the fuck alone?
The latter if you killed enough. Call Yahota over the NavCom and ask her about enemy activity.