Is there really anyone who’s not gonna pick her house?

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She's cute, but so is almost every girl in the game. Gonna go Lions and just recruit anyone who I wanted from the start.

What are the lesbian options for Byleth?

Going Golden Deer myself, she def has one of the more interesting characters (the girl with the accent) but Golden Deer looks to be free of the drama that will inevitably plague the other more ambitious houses

Yeah, but she's the cuteST

I like her a lot but I think I'll save her for 2nd since I like the other houses more.

Edelgard, Dorothea, Mercedes, Rhea, Adult Sothis

Dimitri is even more of a bro than previously thought and I only just reached the timeskip today. Can't believe I completely wrote him off at the game's reveal just because of his generic otome design.

what's your favorite house?

I'm sticking with Golden CHADS too, I don't give 3 fucks about her and her ambitions. I'm definitely picking purest boy Dimitri after Claude's route though.

I don't know much about the story but as far as the general cast I like dimitri and claude's groups equally while edelgard's group seems lacking

Golden Deer soumds like the least intetesting route though. It's a typical save the day route. Eagles has you create a world of UNGA, lions let's you unify the world by saving Dimitri from going nuclear by being a bro, and the church route lets you be part of a evil jrpg church.

Dimitri is better.

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>Dimitri sounds like he has the best route
>best girl Leonie is part of the deers, meaning that, at best, I will only get her late game
Do I go with my heart or my penis Yea Forums?

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I am doing Golden Deer and Edelgard. Church and Dimitri look too similar.

In Golden Deer you become the King of Fodland, Claude becomes the king of Almyra, the neighbour country where he grew up, and if Claude and Lorenz get A supports, Lorenz becomes the new Lord of Leicester, and it was their plan from the start.

Claude is basically an Almyran double agent that wants to open the borders of Fodlan.

Does anyone know how to recruit Marianne into your house? I want my tired cutie.

I'm not even gonna pick the game.

Bought this digitally, does it unlock in 30 bings or 3 bongs?

Been enjoying the teaching part despite the simplicity. I wish the maps were more complex but the world building is surprisingly great so far.

Leonie asks for STR and lances, if you focus lances for a bit at the beginning you can probably get her pretty early.


People just keep saying Golden Deer is bad to bait. The route unironically shows Claude really is cunning and he manages to get rid of both Edgegard and Dimitri plus he kills the main villain way before the other 2 do even if on accident then continues to kill the other big bad the villains always planned to resurrect anyway. He basically manages to clean up every mess AND become king while making Byleth and Lorenz also rule and then comes back later to reconnect with you anyway. It's a great route, people just wanna circlejerk Edge vs Dimitri on Yea Forums.

Est 12

Can you realistically get a wide variety of characters before the time skip or do you end up having to work with people with similar requirements?

No because most people who buy the game will play all three routes retard.

What's the consensus Yea Forums? This game or Ultimate Alliance 3? Tomorrow's payday and I'm going to pick up something.

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>golden queers
Imagine NOT being a Blue Lion CHAD.

I'm gay and even I'm picking her
Blonde guy is the most generic boring character I have ever seen
Black guy gives me the creeps

I'm gonna play all three routes.

Haven't been keeping up with the info about the game, but lance lords are cool, so I'm considering going with Bluedude, but Bow lord also seems like a kinda cool idea, so I might go gold.
Most likely going to end up playing all 3 routes anyways

God I want him to hurt me.

>dildo spear

Why cant i play yet reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

This game seems extremely confusing. I was certain the routes will converge at some point but it seems these are actually 3 totally different plots/games rolled into one? Like nothing is the same depending on the house you pick? And 4 if you count church

Like who the fuck is the evil choice and who's good?

It's out now in NA
You might need to restart your Switch for it to unlock (not just sleep mode, fully power off your switch from the power options and then turn it back on)
I have no idea why it's like this but I had to do it for previous titles.

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Who are you?
>I'm a ghost
>I'm a demon
>I'm a mortal
What the fuck sort of responses are those, Byleth?
Does this effect anything?

>9pm pst
>still unavailable

Literally none of the dialogue options change anything aside from choosing your route. It's total fluff and a lot of the time your response clearly doesn't even change their own.

update software/hard reset the console, we go through this every fucking time a game releases



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it is fucking midnight you nigger
FUCK your timezone


Git gud loser

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>buyfags trampling over eachother about who plays first when the game's been out for 4 days

Imma pick up tomorrow then I'm gonna burn a place down. Ye.

What the hell is his spear supposed to be?
A tree branch? A fucking dorsal fin?

you'll figure it out


Absolutely Fire Emblem. Ultimate Alliance is a letdown.

>want to go Blue Lions for the bros
>but also Golden Deer for the qt grills

When the fuck do I get to play this bros


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