Yea Forumsidya Draw Thread:

Previous thread >Post character name/franchise and references and keep them in a single post
>Keep it vidya
>The character(s) must be of vidya origin
>Post an art sample with your "taking requests" requests!
>No bumping your requests
>If a post breaks the rules, DO report and hide it. DON'T respond to it.
>No OC requests. You can, however, request the creation of vidya characters.
>Everyone posting "LOOMIS" without explanations and proper criticism is just spam, which should be ignored and reported.
>Please bump if the thread reaches page 10
>Have fun

Post your art to the booru for anons to find later in case they miss a delivery or if it is NSFW: (current) (backup)
Also, to those uploading, if you know who the subjects of the picture are, please tag them!

NSFW Deliveries (excluding loli/furry content) should also be posted in
For NSFW Deliveries that go against the rules like loli/furry try these sites: or

Want to learn how to draw or improve your drawing skills? Visit the /ic/ sticky
Drawing Books and drawing programs:!vp5hQCbQ!oCNGOUgaVeK1pHs3qasJDQ

Attached: 1564103959593.png (2601x2550, 3.66M)

Other urls found in this thread:


Requesting a busty, milfy Manuela dressed as Sothis, complete with short pigtails trying to mimic Sothis hairstyle

Attached: Manuela_Portrait.png (2244x1428, 3.4M)


Attached: 1485256480604.jpg (657x850, 298K)


Requesting Shuichi Saihara in a kinky and girly cosplay costume.
Optional together with Kaede, Maki, Himiko or Tsumugi.

Attached: shuichi.png (539x1703, 570K)

Anyone want to do an art trade with me?

Requesting Ms. Accord (pic related) from Puyo Puyo Fever lounging on the beach, in a swimsuit + straw hat, and reading a book.
Reference for pose:

I like to see a vidya teacher on summer vacation.

Attached: A7F8EB81-D108-4B1C-ABF4-8F02B1B162B8.jpg (1440x1080, 75K)

Requesting Chihaya Mifune trying on some lingerie and asking if it makes her boobs look big.

Attached: 7ec45b2fa30a1cff029bcf0b86bc9a47.jpg (453x800, 95K)

The Panda is dead....
bury it.... consider this mercy....

Requesting Sekiro hugging kuro in a cute and warmly way.

You can draw Kuro being sightly embarrased about that.

Attached: 1554158103140.png (788x424, 485K)

Evo 2019 is a week away so requesting characters from the lineup on a road trip to Las Vegas together.

Attached: EVO2019Lineup.png (1280x720, 583K)

Requesting this Hat Kid in a cow bikini, with cow horns or a milk man hat

Attached: Milk.jpg (1170x1533, 120K)

Requesting Samekichi trying (and failing) not to think about Wadanohara’s adorable ass settled on his back.

Attached: 65412A43-04CC-48A8-B31C-615D3BDAA185.jpg (1057x749, 368K)

Posting faster than faggot Mariel.
Anchoring for Duna ass/requesting anything (leaning towards lewd)

Attached: refduna.png (953x1232, 927K)

Bout time melee is gone

*throws crab at you*

seconding this with some guilty gear and doa characters waiting for their ride, unaware they're being ditched

Shoulda threw deodorant

Requesting a cute chibi of Slayer from Guilty Gear smoking his pipe

Attached: 1564099372137.png (700x1171, 182K)

>that fanart

Requesting Morrigan dresses as Diavolo and Lilith dressed as Doppio

Nice references faggot

Requesting Etna very excitedly eating this new custard pudding and whipped cream bun

Attached: etna pudding.png (1323x985, 731K)

But that means Morrigan would have naked booby :( my mommy told me not to look at naked booby

Since I'm a hack, taking tracefaggotry Yea Forums edit requests.

Requesting Regina from Dino Crisis reloading the Anti-Tank Rifle from DC2 while hiding from the Jurassic Park Spinosaurus.

Attached: 6153adb391237563bb521bdceb58fa4b2.jpg (1863x945, 278K)

Requesting May from Pokemon drawn like this.

Attached: canuckchan.jpg (960x960, 75K)

Hey everyone! Summer is upon us, and the Summer Collab is here! The chosen theme was characters at the the Public Pool! Jacinth is working on background.

To keep it interesting, instead of one group shot at the pool, he's doing different pictures in a Summer Scrapbook, to show off different scenes. He's already worked out a few ideas, but please include suggestions!

Any specific character interactions are up to the artists, but if you draw your character(s) a certain way and want them in the water or in a certain scene when things are more concrete, please specify in your submission. Jacinth is more than willing to help as well; if you draw your character sitting but don't want to a draw a chair, he'll place them in a chair or raft upon request, for example - but feel free to add your own props! Be Creative!
Also if you can please make sure to have your submissions have a transparent background, if you need help on doing so then ask.

Here are all of the entries currently:

The current deadline is July 31st; Can't wait to see what everyone submits and hope this is a cool Summer project for everyone!

Attached: Scrapbook.png (7921x4950, 3.76M)

Hilda bullying Fox

Attached: Melee is dead.jpg (1137x864, 124K)

Pic on the left but with Palutena and Pit

Attached: if-you-scream-im-gonna-suffocate-you-with-my-tits.png (2208x1556, 2.09M)

gonna draw madotsuki floating in the pool no bathing suit

Requesting a remake of this picture with male Smash characters wearing mankinis.
(Pick another pairing if you want, it could be others like Simon/Richter, Falcon/Mac, Snake/Richter, Ken/Mac, etc)

If possible make a character about to lose his suit from all the stretching bursting the suspenders.

Attached: FB1711BC-C279-43F5-B2E0-E5A92239F2AE.jpg (1039x1899, 436K)

Requesting Sirius themed smug drill-haired Bombergirl

Attached: Sirius ref II.jpg (1778x1000, 286K)

Requesting Justine in the outfit on the right side and without bikini.

Attached: justineuniform.jpg (678x1052, 367K)

Requesting Jill Stingray holding her favorite Keanu Reeves plushie or nude Keanu dakimakura and a box of Cyberpunk 2077

Attached: jill stingray and her husbando and dream game.png (1418x493, 783K)

Requesting Bara Snake and Otokonoko Raiden.
Draw them very exaggerated.

Attached: 85546f5d2e8992e500f19e958d801809.jpg (700x1000, 107K)

Requesting Gwyndolin getting gangbanged by black guys

Attached: 1564097545422.jpg (1078x708, 147K)

Requesting B Jenet at the beach, ideally in her bikini outfit from Maximum Impact, stroking the dicks of her Lilien Knights harem, like in this reference:

Attached: b jenet and her harem.png (1552x1512, 1.82M)

I'm late. It was a good request but I twisted it a bit. So now I ask again

any giantess requests?

Attached: [v] Ryoubi Trap.png (3000x1828, 638K)

Summer's only got one month left. Draw some summertime witches.
Shanoa, Miriam, Aradia, Wada, Arle, and whoever else tanning on the beach or swimming or all having fun together.

Attached: Drinking.png (500x597, 119K)

why do you like cinnamon roll so much

I don't know anatomy. I just attempt at anatomy but from imagination which is wrong all the time. Which books? Loomis 'Fun with Pencil' only made me learn how to draw cartoony old men faces because it's only what I read about it. But it hasn't helped me to learn better anatomy.

I like witches, but she's the softest of the witches.
Squeeze her chest and cream comes out.

what about the new witch on the block, the dealer from under the witch

Requesting an angry Kiyohime

Attached: Kiyohimeaf.png (512x728, 160K)

>3d porn game ever
>even despite that, it's just an animated video you click "next" on
Lame. And she's just that witch from Blazblue anyway.

creepy eyes.......

Mercy with the Devil Skin from Overwatch wanting to stay with Doomguy from Doom Eternal.

Attached: 58F3E4EB-1B91-48C5-8B76-8C39D1F7134B.jpg (498x660, 97K)

Requesting Airy version of Lee the World Chalice Fairy (card on the right)

Attached: Find the World Legacies.png (1310x694, 1.03M)


Attached: 1561176871415.gif (172x200, 79K)

is this true? have i been deceived by the fake witch then i will double my drawing count on cinnamon roll

Do not want! ;_;


I would rather you just tried to improve your art, rather than draw a character I like twice as much.

I'd rather jump off a refrigerator and break my neck than see May as a Canadian.

I'm a drawfag and "teaching yourself anatomy" is one of the biggest memes I swear. People overcomplicate it. It doesn't help that most artists are pretentious as fuck about it. The truth is the artists who are good at it probably spent two months drawing certain body parts/nudes for an hour or so then almost never did so again unless they needed a refresher. Just shut up and do it already, and don't think all the advice you get is stuff artists actually followed. I seriously doubt even 5% of the drawfags here keep a sketchbook and draw from life on a regular basis but lots will act like they do. If they ever actually did, they probably only did so for a short period of time. Learn your LOOMIS, buy a sketchbook, get good at quicksketch gestures, and go full Proko and learn all the muscle, bone, etc. names if you want. All of it will help, but sometimes it can feel like learning Latin to help you in med school. Probably helpful, but you'll gleam most of what you need through osmosis and practice anyway.

Literally just focus on what you're weak at and take it day by day. Nobody goes from shit to amazing at anatomy in a few months anyway, it's going to take time. Even when you're good at it and do it for decades, like Araki, you'll still draw shit like this occasionally. Anatomy is hard. Stop worrying about fucking it up and just worry about learning how to do it. Also, gesture is about three times more important than anatomy. If your subject looks cool people won't care as much that a shoulder is a little lower than it should be.

Attached: Torture_Dance.png (642x640, 1.02M)




Requesting Saria as a yandere Great Fairy, holding Link in a jar, lustfully staring at her trapped prey

Attached: Great Fairy Saria.jpg (3322x1334, 677K)

Requesting Damon Gant, half of his body resembling Helel, and the other half of his body resembling Lucifer as he stands in front of a pool filling with blood coming from crying and prostrating statues going "Care for a Swim?" with a smile

Attached: DemonGant.png (3026x1300, 3.52M)

tl;dr is this some fucking pasta?

there was once a time I was practising drawing only feet on /beg/ because I know it's a big weakness in my overall drawings and haven't retried since. But when I'm on Yea Forums, I only feel like drawing for fun and for 'free' to ease off my mind. Idk. Just for now taking reaction images edit Yea Forumsidya requests.

Attached: Driderpoison(sketch).jpg (450x392, 41K)

can they just move the site to a different host or admins are from netherlands themself?

Be better now user: Draw your own lewds. Japan will always be better but you have the power to implement any fetish

Attached: 1560926746252.png (920x848, 213K)

why this strange girl?

I wrote it just now. I'm just a little mad about all the anatomy bitching and the responses to said bitching. Mainly cause artists always say to do shit they don't do themselves. It only takes a month or so of drawing from life to get it down well enough to implement your daily practice into artwork you actually want to do. So just do it.

Any cute grils from mobashit that have huge boobs?

There's that one blue-haired LoL girl

im gonna finnish this one tomorrow

Requesting Cloud and Esper Terra flying around together

Attached: FinalFantasy .jpg (4257x2449, 578K)

Busty gnome time dragon in a genie outfit?

Attached: chromie.jpg (1000x1000, 204K)

/ic/ post

Since I've been getting older (in age/not mentally) I have been thinking that Milf body are what I should aim to draw. Who is a good Milf-like proportions vidya witch?

This screams for samefagging about Aradia

Maya Fey drooling at a cheeseburger statue from a fast food restaurant and trying to eat it.

Attached: 1553996743294.png (1362x3472, 1.94M)

Draw the new meme witch that gets spammed on v
lunatic knows which one. the one with purple highlights in her hair


Requesting this thing as boss enemy. Which game is up to you.

Attached: 1562316540823.png (1280x1154, 877K)

OR here. I'm really surprised to see this get done. This is awesome, thank you berry much.

Attached: [Doremi].Ojamajo.Doremi.27.[640x480].[806484EA].v2.mkv_snapshot_12.38_[2017.07.31_11.29.45].jpg (640x480, 181K)

Requesting Sukapon and ROB as cute medabot girls please!

Attached: Sukapon and ROB req.png (1384x1280, 1.43M)

nah. I want to draw Milf-like Witches like Dragon's Crown Witch.

Still taking requests. Have to reuse this as a sample since I haven't drawn in three months.

Requesting Chiaki from Super Danganronpa 2 eating a big burger like picture related.

Attached: ChiakiRequest.png (1830x1315, 1.99M)

Could you do this face with Krystalinda?

Attached: 1473095959070.gif (540x304, 1.93M)

Requesting Tifa doing a keg stand could either be a solo one or with Yuffie holding her up

Attached: FFVIITifa.png (1556x2104, 3.25M)


Just take any from the thread dude

Bury Pink

Got bored and colored this tetra doodle i did a while ago.

Attached: big tetra booty.png (2000x2000, 491K)

I didn't see any I liked... I'm kinda a boring vanilla "waifu in an outfit" guy. Closest was but I hate leaf people.

Requesting Battleship Water Oni relaxing casually as she watches a movie or reads a book while enjoying some chips/chocolates/ice cream, but a smug and playful Isolated Island Oni is sitting/lying next to her with the clear intent of stealing food from her like a spoiled cat. It would be cute and fun if Isolated Island Oni looks notably smaller.

Anchoring for the user who was interested in drawing them.

Attached: Battleship water oni and Isolated oni.png (1728x1512, 2.08M)

Aigis in a swimsuit

Attached: 1473902624417.jpg (640x852, 215K)

Who is this silly girl? Someone should slap her

Requesting black P3MC getting it on with Yukari, because she has a great ass. Ideally both of them nude.

Attached: jamalkun wants to tap dat Yukari.png (944x1824, 1.82M)

I know Aigis is a meme here, do I need to draw her as a rite of passage or what?

this, but bimbo aigis

Attached: 7d31e7acb60f8505fd9e8673af8d89ccebf3c6bb.png (1335x3003, 753K)

It almost feels like everyone has at some point, bimbo Aigis is more of a meme

No you don't. Its just a meme

No, its just spam of a meme

Just draw her if you feel like it, most people just draw her becuase they like her design I think

Holy fuck the Sadpanda incident took up way too much of my day, I'm gonna try and get one of my deliveries done at least.

Attached: 1564096003680.gif (264x320, 944K)


Yes I could but I have to recharge my laptop a bit before commit to it.

I don't disagree.
Faster threads make me feel like I should be drawing faster as well

Am I one of your deliveries

It is the Yea Forums drawfag rite of passage to be considered a Yea Forums drawfag

I'm looking for a drawing tablet where you draw directly on the screen. What do you guys recommend?

any chance you could do this?


Requesting Chun-Li flexing her legs and the Mentor from E.Y.E: Divine Cybermancy giving an approving gesture (thumbs up, okay hand, whatever).

Attached: 546237AB-6C10-477F-A547-39355ADA6EF9.jpg (701x709, 275K)

Taking BLACKED request

Your mother

Requesting a Fi (male) in her same dress but tighter saying "Master, there's a 98% of probability that you'll enjoy this body shape more than the previous one." And a small panel showing Link's embarrassed reaction or a silly edit of this pic
You can do her body toned or thicc as your preference, but a bulge is a must.

Attached: 6df.jpg (800x800, 100K)

Draw African American Iowa

Attached: 1564013230037.jpg (1177x1280, 508K)

She is creepy!

Requesting this with the Switch Dog.

Attached: 26C71393-AE22-4EEC-BE71-D9CD54C669A3.jpg (563x646, 80K)

Theo getting BLACKED by futa Hypna

Attached: Theo and a brown Vanessa lookalike.jpg (1090x480, 153K)

Dominique being fucked by the black slime mortes from Bloodstained.

Attached: 1561358365313.png (410x480, 17K)

Requesting Atalanta from Fate wearing Atalanta BC kit.

Attached: ATALANTA.jpg (1100x1643, 516K)

Requesting kiyohime eating a long hotdog like a snake.

Attached: KiyohimeNewSprite1.png (350x350, 84K)

Draw girls mysteriously becoming melanin-enriched

Attached: 1556251426689.jpg (1423x2000, 1.51M)

Requesting bea getting help to keep her breasts squeezed into her race suit

Attached: Beatrix_Racing_Suit.png (960x800, 95K)

Tits too small.

>eating a long hotdog like a snake.

Delivery for a previous thread request. Hope this suffices user

Attached: beapose1.png (1700x2000, 621K)

Requesting Scathach giving Gudao (both from Fate Grand Order, left panel) the Princess Carry like the famous scene in Witch Craft Works on the right.

Attached: Scathach Princess Carry request.png (1821x740, 1.35M)


Yeah unhinging her jaw and swallowing it in one go.



Requesting Mecha Eli-chan Mk.II and Megatron together.
Cool, cute or lewd art. Up to you.

Attached: MechaEli-chanMkII+Megatron.png (1133x800, 1.27M)

Requesting Miyabi wearing a sundress and sunhat while walking on the beach

Attached: DxZwt_dXgAcvS9D.jpg (1024x768, 207K)

Requesting syoko in an over sized lab coat

Attached: Syoko_SS_SSR.png (1280x824, 478K)

Did you request an oni?

Sorry for the wait on this, seems like I'm always too tired to draw

Attached: scrimmybingus.png (1163x2309, 416K)

Requesting some coloring.

Character reference:
Armor reference:

Please and thanks!


Requesting Zukyunshi from yokai watch 4 ripping the arrow out of her chest and sharing the pierced heart with the viewer

Attached: zukyunshi reference.png (1286x1544, 1.88M)

Requesting a bottom heavy Curly Brace crushing steel beams with her metal thunder thighs.

Attached: curly brace.png (1150x1944, 470K)

Requesting corn forgotten as three houses draws nearer.

Attached: Avatar_FE14_Female.png (2469x3500, 3.15M)

You already got this.

Really? Where.

Attached: Sassy Knightess.png (500x500, 104K)

He's gonna disregard it because it isn't colored to be his oc

is hitokaku good to use?

Request RE3 Jill stuck in a hole in a fence with her tube top pulled down outside her reach

Attached: jill3.png (632x1264, 608K)

Requesting Madeline from Celeste and the hero from Dungeons of Dredmor on a blind date. Could have the hero be rambling on about his adventures while Madeline is just oggling at how much bigger his eyebrows are compared to hers.

Attached: Blind date.png (1799x998, 1.64M)

That's pretty nice

Well then he should have provided references for a good character.

Requesting Finch from Xenoblade Chronicles 2 giving a footjob, drawn from the man's POV.
I'd truly appreciate it if Finch kept her outfit, but it's not necessary.

Attached: FinchRef.jpg (1024x768, 148K)

>Good character

Attached: 1546145366546.jpg (669x696, 78K)

Yes, that was the joke. Thank you for explaining it.

How do i improve?
I keep drawing but i'm still shit.

How about gerudo'd?

Attached: urbosareference.png (1212x960, 1.53M)

Draw bigger tits on smaller girls.

With boys like this, the wait will always be worth it.
I love the subtle make up you gave him and those silettos looks perfect. I still don't know how you make heels and hands so perfect.
The dress being tight enough on his lean figure looks fantastic and the gloves were a cute though I didn't noticed before. I love how the thong peaks between that dress gap
Once again, my deepest thanks for your work. I hope you can take the rest you deserve.

I've done my deed for the day

Attached: 65472014_10157189176984020_4363748590200291328_n.png (941x960, 883K)

You fit the style really nice on him.

Nigga this is a talent-based field not a skill-based on. Nobody has ever gone from shit to good so just give up.

Crazy vampire.

Attached: Are You Mad.gif (599x336, 37K)

are you less shit than before? if you aren't looking at what could make your pictures better, that's probably the only way to improve. i know anatomy stumps a lot of people. perhaps trying to figure out what makes something look good as well.

This is really cute and your style really suits him. Summer Bimbo Aigis when?

Requesting Plague Knight getting a piggyback ride from Mona or him trying to give her one and struggling because of her thickness.

Attached: Plague Knight and Mona.png (3260x2000, 824K)

Rinafag's big gyaru tits!


You’re in that thread aren’t you

Idk user, have you ever seen the Merunyaa archive?

I hate witches!

Attached: Crying Witch.png (700x438, 195K)


Why does her left tit look ridiculously larger than her right tit?

Requesting Hat Kid banned from Yea Forums.

Attached: 1563838224381.jpg (1280x1280, 1.13M)

This. Hat Kid? More like Ugly Kid.

requesting shortie Poppy from League being held by the arms similar to the image on the right but she's embarrassed/angry about it

Attached: ref.png (1215x661, 1.28M)

Here's a delivery I've made for a drawfriend a few threads ago.

Attached: Spooky delivery.png (478x574, 12K)

I wouldn't have anything to draw then

Thanks all, its fun trying a slightly more cartoony style Not that I'm normally going for realism or anything
Do people actually like her or is it just a big meme? I get very mixed reactions

I actually liker her, but i'm sure it's a bit of both

Draw more traps.

How about you draw a fat goth version of a videogame girl then?

Attached: ChunkyGoth2.jpg (1280x791, 152K)

i mean sure it's easier if you're somewhat good at art already but people can easily improve. cutesexyrobutt's old stuff is incredibly worse than his current work. his shading got better and that alone improved it a lot.

For that one dude

Attached: Smile App.png (1200x936, 438K)

Disgusting no

i just think she's cute

Requesting a Dragon Quest 8 Witch going from being a common monster trying to kill an adventurer she encounters, to being a sort of tsundere traveling companion of said adventurer afterward when he won her over.

Attached: TsundereWitch.png (3000x1800, 3.53M)


Nice post nerd

I don't know about them but I like Aigis. Pretty cool maidbot that gets the job done.

A fat goth would be nice.

Attached: ChunkyGoth1.jpg (1280x1269, 205K)

In my opinion, I like her outside of meme stuff becuase she kinda became like her own thing by you after all of those series of images you have done and I grew generally like seeing you draw her just doing cute things now like with your OC's.

Attached: 1421029404877.png (387x364, 46K)

I've always liked this "anime" style of yours. Your boys look cute, your bimbos look sexy, and when it's time to embarrass them their expressions look lovely
You always focus in what's important, so it end up being erotic and right to the point.

Quick shoutout to my man jedimaster63. Best artist in these threads. Love ya man.

Your style is great and really fits with drawing traps and bimbo's. As for bimbo Aigis, she is pretty cute and I like seeing you draw her just as much as I like seeing you draw Friday and Viridian.

>it’s eating cereal at midnight episode with depression
I will improve
I will succeed
I will draw

Requesting Mayday (from NSR – No Straight Roads) "strumming the banjo" on a couch. With Mayday’s top lifted and her hand down her skirt/shorts.


Attached: mayday_ref.png (2581x1124, 1.94M)

Requesting KH3 Olette finally showing off her swimsuit for the beach since Roxas never got to go.

Attached: Olette_KHIII.png (1690x4496, 3.94M)

Well alright then, thanks for the input, I'll think about it

But now I sleep

Have a good sleep

Good night seal man of Aigis

i was gonna say that you stole my cloudsong

sleep well

Someone stole my autism thing first so deal with it!

>it's a "notice big flaw after posting your drawing" episode

Attached: 1564026473151.png (600x848, 543K)

Cindy from Jimmy Neutron with a gun in her mouth about to commit suicide because Jimmy got a better grade than her.

seal man of aigis is respected gonna work hard

i need fat whitney tiddies

That’s my line you thief

Is that vell delphine

Valid btw

Attached: gc_jimmy_neutron_attack_of_the_twonkie_p_t4783k.jpg (300x300, 23K)

Requesting Carl Wheezer fucking your waifu

Some people draw and post deliveries within three hours, and they're either really experienced or impatient. You should always take at least one break before posting to make sure tunnel vision isn't interfering with your ability to perceive faults. Better yet, sleep on it before posting.

Fuck off retard, this is nazifag tier

Draw bimbo aigis for quick and easy respect

Requesting Lu Bu from Dynasty Warriors throwing away his halberd aside, pulling out dual pistols, and pulling off a larger body count in his new Musou mode, which is like Reaper's Death Blossom.

Idea based off Reaper's Lu Bu skin.

Attached: lu bu goes john woo.png (2062x1200, 2.74M)

some day, once i have properly learned

requesting Amy riding a bike and flashing some pantsu

Attached: 1532021351475.jpg (750x1125, 850K)

bless you Sealguy

I had a dream where I tried to join drawfag discord, then I waked up to sadpanda getting taken down
whatever crazy alternative universe this is, I want off this ride

Requesting Helena Douglas ( DoA ) and Elizabeth (KOF) wearing their tight white leggings and jacket outfits posing like in the reference with Ash and Zack taking photos to their butts exposed.

Attached: 1557453436.jpg (3110x988, 815K)

>mfw it's only going to get worse

Attached: 1471071176414.png (422x315, 90K)

I don't see the problem user. Just draw your own porn and make everyone jelly, easy peasy.

Attached: 1554438088257.jpg (202x312, 14K)

Requesting an Empoleon dressed up as the Hero Prinny from Disgaea.

Attached: Empoleon Prinny!.png (1092x700, 422K)

Thanks for the witch Ryza! I like how the clothes look, nice match with the black and red. I hope she has more costumes in the game, like what you drew too

Requesting Glowworm doing a rocket headbutt like Luigi in Smash Bros, ie could be hitting the "Commander" from the back

Attached: Glowworm.png (971x1024, 730K)

Mecha Eli-chan eating a golden apple

Attached: Mecha-Eli-Chan_FGO.jpg (1528x2488, 1.04M)

Hinata Akatsuki with lactating breasts, the milk not stopping due to the sudden size increase

Attached: 1560811718487.jpg (554x313, 25K)

Eight brandishing his dragovian sword like a samurai or some other cool warrior battle pose

Attached: Eight Dragovian gear.png (1232x926, 1.54M)

Noire dressed up as Fran please

Attached: noirefran.png (1924x1860, 2.18M)

Goodnight drawthread!

Remember, a purge is like death, slow, but unavoidable.

Any suggestions for this?

Hey. Hey Mariel.

Here's your delivery: ______________FUCK YOU_____________


Filia / Fukua, they are already thick

Remember, Lewds are like Life and Death, eternal, reoccurring, and neverending. PRAISE LEWD

Attached: Lewd requesting is best.png (1200x1200, 377K) with Light Cruiser Demon, kind of like she's on a date
I'm adding in an idea like this is too

I'm up for anything else of her like giving a thumbs up or dressed up in a bunny-girl outfit

Attached: Light_Cruiser_Demon_Full.png (636x924, 681K)

So you've come to terms over the state of your posts?

You're not an artist.


You forgot the earrape when dabbing. It's most essential.

No artists make art, I'm a drawfag, I make deliveries.

Arfoire wearing a cute flow-y white dress please, or dressed in nothing but a straw hat, gloves, and denim overalls and sweating from hard work.

Attached: Arfoire.jpg (684x1000, 325K)

Welch Bunnygirl, the top being a tight fit for her chest
Video reference with 3d model at the timestamp until 0:36 or
And wedding dress Welch

Attached: WelchVineyard03.png (1024x1024, 320K)

Indeed, like your deleted requests in the last thread

I didn't remember that Jimmy Neutron had a vidya
I'm kind of busy right now so I'll do the rendering as soon as I can

Attached: Cindy-min.png (5000x5000, 1.98M)

>sadpanda shutdown has me looking up all the artists I love to save their doujins
>realize quite a few of them started making doujins when they were fucking terrible

WHAT FUCKING LOSERS LOL. Guess there's hope for me after all.

Attached: 1500480401368.png (1600x1597, 858K)

Have you seen cutesexyrobutts improvement from here to now?

Yeah, my issue with him is even though his art is really technically competent it's just not sexy. Everything looks dirty and leathery.

Post his old shit.

Here is the side by side of his old and new, I just had to find the new one.

Attached: robutts.jpg (2060x1500, 532K)

That's pretty good shit. I wish I could color that well.

Have a question for draw anons, when you decide to take in multiple requests do you usually color all of them or just do a sketch/line work for them?

I'd prefer something like this desu

Attached: EAIbleQU8AUwEbY.jpg (507x680, 62K)

There you go, i forgot the staff last time
i usually do a sketch, forget about it and never finish it
Post work. I bet it's not as bad as you think it is

Attached: forgot_the_staff_last_time.png (800x800, 585K)

Of course it had to be weeb shit.

>still cant draw faces

You don't need to draw faces when you're great at that one ass pose.

cute love the rendering

>Tf2 economy is dead
> sad panda is dead
>new GBVS trailer
man today is a day for news.

Wait, what happened to TF2?

Valve dun goofed and made some crates have absurdly high drops for unusuals they're trade banning anyone selling said crates atm

New update accidently gave several crates a 100% unusual hat drop rate

Attached: 1430874052919.gif (758x696, 102K)

WHAT THE FUCK REALLY??? Is it still up? Can you still exploit it?

Yeah. i know crate 85 is glitched and there are several others. DO NOT BUY THE HATS JUST CRATES. buying a hat will get you temporarily suspended while they fix it.

Nonsense! I'll still love and draw Corn way over three houses release.

Holy fuck I can't thank you two enough. Just got 10 unusuals out of 12 crates. I'm so fucking happy.

didn't draw today, wasn't sure what to draw im at an impasse sorry draw friends

Everybody needs a break every now and then bud, don't sweat it.

Will you get trade banned if you unbox the #85s you already have? I have quite a few so been kinda hesistant

No. just be careful selling them now or buying hats. if you have the crates open them quick.

I really doubt it. We have to wait and see what happens, but since this really only works on crates you already owned I imagine it'd be hard to justify a ban against you. All you did really was buy keys and used them at a certain time on items you already owned. This exploit is Valve's own fault. It's totally possible they will go full damage control and undo everything, but then I'll just refund my keys within the 48 hour window or whatever. No harm no foul.

Taking collab requests.

Draw a Shantae!

Attached: shantae.jpg (302x499, 27K)

Draw Shygal!

Draw Aigis!

Mion from htoL#NiQ

Attached: refs.png (803x791, 939K)

Kappa Nitori going for them anus balls.

Attached: __kawashiro_nitori_touhou_drawn_by_poronegi__47103eb81a1cb3b7a16a4caad90ed2a4.jpg (800x1129, 178K)

Synergrace from Enter the Gungeon relaxing in an orange bikini and sunglasses

Attached: Synergrace_.png (1024x1983, 733K)

Wakasagi struggling to climb the stiars

Attached: 275px-Th14Wakasagi.png (299x356, 74K)

wadanohara tanning so she isn't so albino

Attached: Wadanohara_The_Sea_Witch.png (450x650, 195K)

Excuse me?

Learn some kappa mythos

Requesting literally anything with the twins from ffxiv. Something with incest would be nice, but again, I'll take literally anything.

Attached: 1548149967748.jpg (900x1100, 115K)


Requesting fusions

Attached: 2C90CF3F-13DD-4FD3-AAE0-DFD04FD6357A.jpg (640x658, 134K)


Why them

They all show off leg in different ways

Trap Rin from Touhou.

Who is this character?

FFXII Penelo OR, just finished inks. i should have colors done in a day or two. keep a lookout!

Attached: 822E6B07-BE25-4C83-ADE5-7414BDB0C3EA.jpg (1668x2224, 409K)

Requesting top pic related with N. Trance as he's driving his kart.

Attached: egg.png (645x687, 563K)

I like this one a lot, sealguy

>requesting something with doula and anatolia from sennen sensou aigis
anchoring for

Attached: orcgirls.jpg (1024x549, 77K)

Draw Popoi.

Popoi willingly gave up its life for the planet and for everyone else, the least you can do is show them reverence for the sacrifice

Attached: RoM_Popoi.png (800x379, 473K)

draw John Marston like Rutger in Bladerunner please

Attached: 1.jpg (1240x413, 424K)

not because no micro bikini done yet .

Attached: wadanohara.png (1192x2536, 1.23M)

>jrpg cringe
thanks squeen

Attached: 15463851.png (500x500, 4K)

pretty cute

requesting Windranger like on the right

Attached: big tits.jpg (1908x1342, 1.6M)

Attached: New Canvas.png (1898x1340, 2.47M)

Really nice work but
>drawing nazi stuff
I'm not a feet guy but I always appreciate how well you draw them, nice stuff, user. Keep at it!
Damn, those tanlines are intense

incredibly cursed Wada

funny guy

you seem to have made some progress with drawing faces, good work


Attached: 1439238418833.png (250x232, 73K)

yes yes yes

Draw a cute Salix!

Attached: Salix.jpg (2636x1092, 911K)

>Actually check the Downloads folder after completing like 200 doujin torrents from Sad Panda
>Half the doujins have photo files that are inconsistently named
>Some just dump all the photos without putting them in a .rar file or folder and don't include the title of the thing at all

How the fuck do people who go through all the effort of ripping shit and putting it online not EVER use sensical or aesthetic names? Fucking just number the pages "1, 2, 3" or something. Not "SCAN_14531". Same shit with TV shows, it's always "(Liongroup)_ tv_show_underscore_lowercase_ENG_9_ep1" instead of "Show - S00E00 - Title". Off-topic blogpostting, but you're all my family and no one else I know can understand this feel.

Attached: 1559271281967.png (449x470, 25K)

If you've ever uploaded anything it's real easy to just organize in the upload menu than take the time adjusting in folder.

Requesting Rain reminding you to stay hydrated, optionally while he's killing someone with water.

Attached: Prince_Rain.jpg (1600x1200, 547K)

tfw not quite that autistic but I still kinda feel your pain from any time I have to deal with badly tagged mp3s and shit
maybe try irfanview's batch rename if you use it

Requesting Marie in the style of a classic Japanese art image.

Attached: umbrella.jpg (2172x2084, 3.79M)

Requesting Bea bondage, but only tie her thumbs together and her big toes together, and have her struggle against what appears should be easy to break out of, but is actually impossible.

Attached: bea.png (293x734, 163K)


Spooky! But very cool also.

Poor thing will be blind if she keeps lighting her eyes like that.

Looking for drawfags who will draw as simple 4/5-panel comic for bibeogames off their steam wishlist (pic isnt really relevant but I do have these as well; my current collection is about 1000 games).

Not furry, can be or not be lewd depending if you draw lewd, mostly humans and human-liek creatures from Bloodstained

Attached: 1560562743145.png (1152x771, 479K)

>Don’t turn into a furfag, don’t turn into a furfag, don’t turn into a furfag, don’t turn into a furfag.

Attached: 30582A2F-16B7-4F46-8873-7E7323A16A99.jpg (480x542, 42K)

Imagine turning into a furry over that lanky PoS instead of bat tits

the absolute state of sonicfags

Rouge’s legs are basically the same.

>take comm furry once
>A lion guy shitting on the horse guy's face please

Good thing you can get away with denying requests.

I just have a weakness for panties, okay? I’d give her a decent bust anyway, so I don’t see the problem.

Attached: peng.png (1160x1824, 1018K)


Good god. For a moment there, I thought you had made a body pillow delivery.

Attached: C8D6BC85-8654-412A-9162-AFCBD022BDC0.jpg (474x348, 22K)

Very cool

Requesting Paper Peach getting her dress erased off with a pencil eraser, leaving her naked

Attached: 545px-MLPJ_Artwork_-_Paper_Peach.png (545x896, 490K)

Requesting Saria wielding the Kokiri sword, or waving it around recklessly while asking Link if he was looking for it.

Attached: 68300228_p0.png (1210x1720, 3.03M)

This, but her just holding the sword while lifting her skirt with her other hand, asking Link if he has a bigger sword.

this but he shows her the biggoron's sword

This but Garfield is there

This is turning into a completely different request.

Attached: 4B2D157A-3B33-496C-A92C-10A557117F64.png (403x419, 219K)

Keep drawing, go through dark times, try as many things as you can (styles, colors, whatever you want). Practice your fundamentals, watch / read / play to get inspiration.
Don't try to go faster than you can just to do like "XXX artist". Also draw what you like. You will find your own answers along your journey.

Requesting bimbo aigis suck my balls

>tfw taking 4 comms at the same time

Attached: d7b.jpg (442x650, 39K)

requesting sonic wearing feet gloves


Requesting the top two pictures being recreated with Jeanne Alter as the left character and Mythra as the right character.

Attached: TsundereOff.png (1154x1717, 2.06M)

How is XXX? Haven't seen him in a while.

Requesting (you) draw your waifu turning (you) into bread

thats why you don't tell her to 'make me a sammich'

>Guy I follow on twitter makes a post about opening comms, figure I'd give it a shot, message him and give details, get approved, pay him, week and a half later he posts a queue list that's apparently almost a year old with 30+ people before you.
Considering the rate at which he draws I get the feeling I got scammed.

Talos using a sci-fi gun like the red-circled one, exclaiming "target, locked on!"

Attached: talosgun.jpg (1260x1788, 511K)

Thank you!

kek. never comm drawfags with 5k+ followers. those guys are more akin to ecelebs than actual working men. you may consider your money to them a donation now rather than a worker's fee.

Endless from Death's Gambit.

Attached: DsqODQlUUAA-hU7.jpg (424x609, 42K)

Riki using a rifle, like Sharla's
Inspired by his in-game lines of being good with rifles

Attached: Riki_2.png (325x279, 130K)

I want to try this but you mind if i make her boobs a bit bigger?

requesting bridal Mym

Attached: mym.png (400x400, 150K)

requesting buttjob from behind

Attached: 1561255493377.gif (400x400, 1.01M)

I want to draw something like this

Attached: 0821E4FD-ADCF-44C6-B02E-90AFAB1DF788.jpg (670x743, 259K)

Sorry. I didn't do it. I ended up buying GE3 and started to play it last night and I went to sleep.

naked and covering herself with her scarf

Attached: 1563399373188.png (646x1055, 1.07M)

Requesting the short Princess Toadstool from SMB 2 hitting someone with a turnip and saying a terrible 'eat your vegetables' pun

Attached: shortpeach.png (191x125, 45K)

Drawfags how long did it take for you to draw something that doesn't look like absolute shit

I'll tell you when I get there.

howre those commissions?

Attached: 128978682871520110725-22047-1lhtico.jpg (225x164, 7K)

I started drawing when I was 3 and never really stopped so I'll tell you when I get there.

like 8 or 12 hours

Attached: 1560907946470.jpg (482x549, 57K)

the guy i hired is pretty friendly and updates frequently and does on the spot fixes, kinda cheap too so im doing great i guess.

Still open dude

Give me the name of this miracle worker of yours.

Requesting feisty Petra getting either facefucked or fucked doggystyle both while getting her hair pulled

Attached: 1563672218042.png (463x795, 816K)


Tempting but I feel like you are just gonna use this to shit post

i got lots of stuff for him to do so Im not going to let you bother him. the only clue i can give is that his name ends with a k.

Requesting Shimakaze or any other popular hentaibait slut disintegrating or melting while Panda from Tekken cries.


Requesting jun doing anything

Attached: summit_by_shoni89_d6gzqwc-pre.jpg (816x979, 59K)

i started drawing at an age where i simply did not care, so i passed the station from absolute shit to okayish. Besides, I dunno if it's a good way to call it that, but if that motivates you to become better that's your call

I was born in a small village, from a young age I was raised in the ways of LOOMIS by a passing monk from a foreign land. Over time I moved to to city and experimented with all kinds of styles before settling on anime style. Then, after years of harsh and near constant daily training wherein every minute of life was dedicated to the craft of drawing pentagonal faces, I became was some might call mediocre.

Fact is kid, if you can't put in the effort you're never going to make it. You're not like me.

Depends on the pose and character design. I'm really bad with big anime eyes and wide heads

Fuck no.

Taking sfw or slightly suggestive sketch requests. Can be either male or female. Thank you!

Attached: Nathaniel - Maid costume.png (616x900, 369K)

Post cross dressing requests

Roll Caskett from Megaman Legends

Attached: 1490672112069.png (370x715, 169K)

OR here, through all the loss of exh, this is a nice sight for sore eyes. Thanks for drawing her, I like the choice of shirt and she herself looks really nice. Have yourself a nice weekend

Can you draw Cocona covering her bare chest with her hair? With only her shorts and leggings on.

Attached: Cocona_at3.png (961x2074, 2.18M)

Aradia wearing a panda onesie, cute but some cleavage also showing, please

Attached: Aradia-NightOfRevenge.jpg (1201x717, 166K)

Attached: krystallindaacute.jpg (540x304, 98K)

Embarrassed at wearing frilly girly clothes, or working out in a sports bra and spats. Also, her dressed as Tifa from FFVIIR, same breast size too

Attached: Kanadeko_Idol.jpg (700x1100, 152K)

Suggesting Reinhardt doing a heart warming smile.

Attached: bf011b27f538894ea174b85330f338c7.png (1600x1920, 967K)

Taking requests for persona girls getting fucked by black versions of the MC characters

Thanks Goseb

Looks pretty nice. Good job!

Requesting Crying wojak Minion in the background with pic related in the foreground. (For use if Super Nintendo World at Universal overshadows minion land)

Attached: Frogio.png (434x514, 188K)

Edelgard unbuttoning her shirt or
Something with Claude
whichever you like more, thanks!

Attached: Untitled-1.png (1600x879, 1.08M)

Fucking hell. Found out sad panda is late and only managed to get a third of my stuff. How fares the rest of you guys?

going to color it.

the fuck is this shit

Attached: kokomade.jpg (1920x1080, 161K)

With the current tf2 fiasco I want to pitch the idea of something with this picture but instead with something along the idea of ''Oops! All unusuals!''

Attached: oops.jpg (355x355, 33K)

Light Cruiser Oni posing like an idol but with a mean expression.

Attached: light cruiser oni.png (2280x1492, 3.85M)

Requesting human version of this heartless.

Attached: 01a60a33-af4a-4100-c13f-ee22a47587af.png (516x410, 187K)

I managed to get like half my favorites list, so pretty well relative to everyone else.

I'm out of the loop on tf2 What happened?


Big fuckup right now, several crates right now have a 100% drop-rate for unusuals right now and people are just flooding the market with them and unboxing them

Jill Valentine posing like the poster

Attached: jillposing.jpg (697x832, 132K)

Crates 1-20, 82, and 85 are bugged and drop unusual quality hats at a near 100% drop rate. This fucks up the TF2 economy cause tons of people have those crates lying around and they used to cost only like two cents, and now with a $2.50 key you can use them to be guaranteed a $7 or higher item.

Requesting you teach me how to draw

color version with text.

Attached: krystallindaacute.png (540x304, 169K)

Can I get some crossdressing requests?

can you do a topless bust of tsubasa with hint of cleavage

Attached: 1494100701194.jpg (1280x720, 488K)

You wait till ss 3 come out .

Double from Skullgirls kneading and playing with her large breasts or lifting up her dress and showing lingerie as well as a hefty amount of underboob.

Attached: image.jpg (595x842, 175K)

Attached: Oops! All Unusuals!.png (479x750, 624K)

It was fun to see people trying to salvage their crap as it died.

Drawfags, if you have one, draw your vidya muse.

Cheerleader Yusuke please

Attached: Yusuke_Kitagawa.png (1200x918, 1.12M)

>imagine being a spicfag that draws requests and people call it shit.
Well maybe if you spoke better English pablo, the language barrier would be broken.

Attached: 1563986419766.png (884x874, 714K)

Requesting Axem Pink X lewds.

Attached: 1556501579150.jpg (1312x446, 169K)

I bet you did, arsonist. You can enjoy burning in hell.


You do know that a ton of content there was SFW, right?
I hope our favela burns and you're the only casualty.

>ego feeding with anything outside of a simple dismissal
Don't humour a contrarian

>replying to the obvious troll

I keep forgetting it feeds on (You)s

Very hot and cool! Thanks!


Attached: 1559396408117.gif (282x348, 1.98M)


Quick delivery

Attached: Reinhardt smile.png (800x800, 460K)

Please ;_;

Didn't even know it died until now

Attached: 1563445211037.png (662x306, 456K)

stfu goseb


Nice smile

for the collab do they have to wear a swim suit or can i draw them regularly i have an idea

how does that boot taste?
better pray it doesn't snap your neck when the time is right

I'm not goseb

Have mercy on him, he's too broke for anything outside of shitposting
Cool portrait

i need fat whitney tits

Oh no he's HOT!

Jesuscrist! Thank you very much Nat! You made my day!

Requesting user(s) kneeling, begging at the feet of a triumphant Sigma to bring back Sadpanda

Attached: onlinesigma.jpg (1431x1696, 557K)

Sorry it took a while

Attached: edel.gardsmall.jpg (1200x1855, 1.53M)

I haven't said anything???

Requesting anyone from JSR doing a Sad Panda graffiti

Not OR but this is fantastic excellent job on the lighting effect



Requesting Reimu Hakurei T-Posing on Rumia, Cirno and Sanae Kochiya.

Attached: T.png (376x336, 14K)

Scrooge is the best among mouse/ducks Disney characters. How can one be so based?

doesn't Rumia canonically T-pose too

Alright, that's pretty epic.

No, it isn't T-Posing.
She herself claims the pose appears to say, "The saint was crucified."

(Also, don't you love it when you end up replying to your own post like an idiot?)

semantics aside, wouldn't they essentially be doing the same pose at each other?

what a low int reply


It doesn't have to be, just as long as it fits the image/theme you're good.

Requesting Mitsuru kneeling submissively like the ref:

Attached: red.png (587x738, 509K)

Top tier work

No, Rumia doesn't always do the pose.
And even if they were, Rumia's pose would always fall short of Reimu's

Is it cool to just shill our twitters now?

Is this the first time you've seen a delivery with an artist signature on it?

Attached: 130357207951.jpg (360x296, 15K)

Requesting Gran and Djeeta dressed up as though they're a Pirate class.
Also, because of that ZoE collab, how about Djeeta as Ken from ZOE2

Attached: granplusdjeeta.jpg (948x844, 168K)

People always put their @twitter as their signature

Attached: batto.png (256x256, 64K)

How about 18 year old minako?

Attached: 1558146841968.jpg (488x659, 34K)

You forgot to color in the white part of the eyes.

Requesting vidya characters drawn in the 60's anime style

Attached: 1475812906511.png (500x456, 89K)

Forgot to add please, thank you.

It's alright but I can't fap to it so you tried

I can't do it anons. It still hurts.

Attached: 1564099006292.jpg (1280x1421, 183K)

>muh porn

I'm actually at a loss for all the years of magazine scans that were lost. some of those magazines probably don't exist any more. this is why Europe needs to stay on its little safespace

I could never access sad panda

Requesting her happy.

Wait what happened?

Attached: q.png (314x278, 129K)

The panda is dead

Would be cool to see her dissapear like that thanos finger snap meme.

She's not human so it's fine
Not what you asked i guess but i like the design
Feel free to re request

Attached: welp.jpg (1080x1132, 486K)

Sadpanda is dead and we killed him.

requesting akuma attempting to resuscitate a panda

Attached: 1506398441422.gif (540x304, 2.29M)

Netherlands did.

I didn't notice. I start working in 5 minutes. Will fix later.

Attached: pick up the pen.jpg (1200x1273, 102K)

actually i love the way you draw traditionally and im not sure what kind of scan effect you have but my scanner can't make that cool effect

Reminder that your own posts have gotten Thanos snapped


Requesting Poppo with a burg it doesn't have to be good just well rendered.

Attached: 705727296.png (256x256, 23K)

That's really the true thing that's lost. Vintage stuff in general and things that are out of print/undownloadable
Hopefully whenever things get back to normal/got a replacement, we can stop another event like that
Cute heartless

The internet become more and more normie territory and I hate it!!!!!! Aaaaaahhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!

Everyone rushed to save the porn while sfw stuff died quietly.
The true tragedy.

There already are replacements, if you care to look. And the fact that so many people bothered means that at least something got saved. Though I find it ludicrous to believe that its the "only" place to find old non-porn artbooks and magazines - I'm sure those can be found elsewhere. And even if they can't, perhaps they have been salvaged in this time.

tl;dr don't worry. The Internet finds a way. Also, fuck you Mariel, you sick SJW FUCK

This was actually one of my best motivators to draw porn. But then the character got popular, so I stop drawing porn as I used to since everybody else did it for me now.


>draw tons of shittyporn of your waifu
>don't find it fappable because you see every mistake in your own art
>gets tons of attention because there's no better quality
>better porn artists notice your efforts and see how much attention a literal who artist is getting
>character fame in porn spreads
>everyone starts drawing the character
>jerk off to endless high quality porn others draw for you
>never have to draw again

Attached: galaxy.jpg (590x443, 61K)

Same. Also my favorite waifu(s) + my fetish.


Attached: Double tiddy grab.png (707x1000, 500K)

Yup, pretty much this. I don't believe I made the character popular though.

Attached: 1545586935661.jpg (800x667, 285K)

New thread

i don't have a scanner actually, i use Photoshop to give it that filter
>Hopefully whenever things get back to normal/got a replacement, we can stop another event like that
things will only get worse from now on. We're almost on 2020, buckle up for the ride

>literally going to draw porn of me fucking my waifu regardless of how easy it is to tell who I am
One of my selfish drawfag goals

where are her arms


OR here. Damn fine work with that Double! Thank you very much Nat!

Purple Heart from Neptunia sexually suggestively eating a popsicle.

Attached: 4884279dcf3330316480eeadc7789fc4.jpg (1000x1500, 241K)

Meaty abonination

I agree, it should have been the Nat

No, I love the pic on the OP. The artist did well

Thank you! Sorry if it looks a bit rushed

Attached: 500.jpg (1280x1056, 185K)


Nah this is completely fine, it's a good pic. Nat might still be doing some prompts and post them n the next thread anyway.

There are a lot of new artists or at least ones that don't post often posting lately.

Like who? Nat?