Wah wah I'm sad and dying because I beat a poor man to death over a debt

>wah wah I'm sad and dying because I beat a poor man to death over a debt
This is a joke right? Why do rockstar keep trying to make me feel bad for their piece of shit criminal protagonists?

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Other urls found in this thread:


He actually gets infected when Downes broke up the saloon fight that spilled into the street.

I think its retarded too and everyone defends it for no reason. Arthur is a horrible man who goes along with the gang, robbing and killing hundreds, and yet the game really wants us to feel like Arthur is a good man and really piles on the sentimentality. It's the dumbest shit ever.

>>wah wah I'm sad and dying because I beat a poor man to death over a debt
damn i love when people try to sound smart or pretentious and then reveal themselves to be total dumbfucks who misunderstand a very simple concept
hanks for the laugh op

Is this bait?
>Good man born into a shitty situation
>Literally under the spell of a charismatic megalomaniac who is essentially his father
>At constant conflict with himself and his life decisions
>Keeps doing what he does because of his genuine love for his outlaw gang, the only family he's ever known
>An absolute tragic hero in every way possible
>Gets Aids to ice the cake, turns into a blessing of release and clarity.
Arthur is the most kino character ever created

Oh good, another RDR2 thread. Thanks for starting this user. I was listening to the soundtrack earlier and was in the mood to play/talk about it some. What was everyone's favorite song?

American Venom/House Building/Mountain Hymn/Cruel, Cruel World

Considering how they outright have him cough in Arthur's face and then show him riding back with somewhat ominous music, it's pretty obvious it's suppose to be then that causes him to get sick.
Another retarded thing about it
>come into town the first time
>farmer guy is asking for donations for the poor
>Arthur can interact with him
>No matter what Arthur shits on him for some reason and doesn't give any money
>Go to Saint Denis
>Chick asking for money to set up shelter for homeless veterans of the civil war
>For some reason Arthur decides to feel charitable enough to give me the option if I want to donate 20 bucks or not

>kills hundreds of cops to rob people
>good man

Fuck off this is a thread for us to boil down well written characters in a shitty attempt to seem contrarian and interesting.

>wah wah I'm sad and dying and I just want to go sledding

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>Did pretty much all there's to do in the game
Fuck I wish I could experience it for the first time again. Red Dead Redemption 2 truly felt revolutionary, one step ahead of this generation. Singleplayer DLC when?

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game gets really retarded when you think about it.

>micah is the bad guy yet he also loves dutch but he is a double agent but he's still a wanted outlaw that gained nothing from ratting out the gang. him being the traitor made no sense and seemed like a last minute thing when rockstar didnt think molly being the rat wasnt good enough

his motivations were almost as awful as the games vague reasons for dutch going crazy.

I can't even listen to Mountain Hymn and Cruel Cruel World without tearing up a bit. Those are some of the most perfect songs I have heard in a game ever.

>another dumbass user that obviously didn't find Micah's old camp with the pamphlet

>he also loves dutch

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>At constant conflict with himself and his life decisions
>Keeps doing what he does because of his genuine love for his outlaw gang, the only family he's ever known
>An absolute tragic hero in every way possible
This is the dumbest crap I've ever read in my life. It doesn't matter how he feels on the inside, how conflicted he is, when he goes along with the horrible things the gang does anyway.

He never loved Dutch, he was just using him as a means to a end. That said him being the rat was retarded, it unironically should have been John to protect Jack and Abigail. Could even still have Milton tell Arthur it was Micah as another way to tear the gang apart.

I realized I named the wrong mountain song. I meant Mountain Banjo. But Mountain Hymn is 10/10 too, and I loved the live performance of it.

the game never tells you who the rat was. There's plenty of hints that lead to Molly, John, Abigail or Micah.

My personal favorite would have to be Urban Pleasures, and the variants you get while playing.

i dont know why rockstar is so obsessed with stories about us trying to understand mr. bad man

fuck the police

the entire story of RDR 2 was predictable schlock. I saw his death coming in Chapter 2 because the Houser hacks can't edit shots in a subtle way to save their lives. There should have been a choice to undertake mission from German Jew, and depending on your choices, you either die in the same boring conventional fashion we're all used to, or live to see John become a family man while he rides off into the sunset with Mary.

But NOPE, postmodern meme has to have it its own way

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He was already wheezing in the intro up in the mountains.
He had already been infected.
TB doesn't just happen instantaneously.

>t. neet

A man who has a job knows the feelings Arthur goes through, everyday of their fucking life.

who cares if he's conflicted if he never changes his behavior until the very end. he's still pulling the trigger and killing and robbing.

yeah user turning on your entire lifetime family is such an easy thing to do. wtf why didnt arthur just do a 360ยบ and walk away dude like lol

Okay nigger.
user, he outright says in his journal that he got it from the farmer. Fuck off with your headcanons and accept rockstar shitty writing.
Arthur doesn't have a job retard, he's criminal scum buying into Dutch's Robin hood tier bullshit.

This is actually a good example. Charles Foster Kane is a horrible person, and the movie never tries to make us feel genuine sympathy for him, just the man that he could have been. Whereas Rockstar pulls every stop to make us sympathize with a bad person.


Yeah because Arthur is a doctor, right?
He thinks that's where he gets it.
Fuck off with your retarded shit.

>the movie never tries to make us feel genuine sympathy for him, just the man that he could have been. Whereas Rockstar pulls every stop to make us sympathize with a bad person.
But that's exactly what Rockstar did. Arthur never gets to be the person he shows he can be, because he runs out of time. Did you even play the game?

How is that retarded. It's at 2 different points in Time. In Valentine is when Arthur is gungho and isn't trying to concern himself with the morality of his actions, he accepts he does bad things.

By the time you reach saint Denis argue is sick of the killing he's tired of "ONE LAST SCORE", he's sick of the people he's associated with (Micah, and bill, and ditch, and the kraut) when Arthur is asked to think about veterans he could possibly see himself; A veteran who's been used, broken and then thrown away.

That charity is also completely optional. If you think Arthur cannot receive redemption, then that's exactly what Arthur will think of himself. The plot moves forward and Arthur disregards the notion that be belongs anywhere but in the wilderness with the savages.

But watcc the god damn video of mother Teresa talking to Arthur.

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>Arthur doesn't have a job retard

Arthur wasn't just some dude who decided to join a cool robin hood gang. He was brought into a cruel world which exploited him and when he was dying that fabric unravelled.

Shut the fuck up bootlicker.

I'm gonna say this once, and I'm gonna ask you nicely OP. There's no need to make a scene.


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If he actually cared about the gang he would take Milton's offer, turn in Dutch, and try to build a new, non-criminal life with the rest of the gang.

If he doesn't want to turn in Dutch? Then he's a murderous piece of shit who does not deserve to be considered a hero or good man in any capacity.

>if a dying man actually cared about the camp, he would betray his father figure, who taught him everything he knows and always loved him, and whom Arthur is not even sure if he's completely crazy or if he can still be saved, in exchange for liberty he would never get to enjoy
yes, seems like the natural choice for Arthur.

>If I was Arthur I would
Can you stupid pricks shut the fuck up? Thank you.

>rockstar fanboy calling anyone a bootlicker

Doesnt matter what excuse you morons use, Arthur is not a good man or tragic hero, and Rockstar are hacks for trying to convince us otherwise.

cool 0 arguments, really convinced me mr shitposter.

Is rockstar fanboy supposed to be an insult you stupid faggot bootlicker?

who are you quoting?

>supposed to be an insult
Being called a fanboy is usually taken as one, but I forgot rockstars fanboys are retarded niggers so I guess it went over your head.

As if this thread and any of these posters would ever change the fact that Arthur is an incredibly well written character

>Haha just like throw your FATHER under the bus, my dude. That'll prove how much you care about your family.

This but unironically.

He literally disagrees with every single thing Dutch and the gang does, bitches about it for 20 fucking minutes and does it anyway. Arthur is such a shit fucking character

If this is what you consider good writing in vidya I'd hate to see what you think is the worst.

Not him, but you're a literal retard if you interpret Arthur getting TB at any other time than collecting the debt.

Not those two, but even I have to say that it's not as black as white as you make it out to seem. From real life I've learned that people are a mixed bag and often in a grey area. Arthur did do a lot of terrible shit that he should pay for, but

1) he was also born into a terrible life with no real love, kindness, stability or understanding especially in his early life, I am sure even you would have a hard time being good and not hating the world if you were brought up in such conditions

and 2) after all was said and done and when Arthur had the chance to really choose what kind of man he wanted to be (since it didn't matter, he'd die anyway at this point regardless of the consequences of his actions) he chose to help people and set them on the right path. Especially with John and his family which in Arthur's mind was one of the only salvageable things in the entire situation.

Bottom line, Arthur was not a good man. But he sure as hell wasn't a completely bad one either.


Why don't you suck his dick while you're at it?

He had a choice, he made the wrong one. He was evil, did evil. He could have gotten a simple job as a ranch hand or something like John tried to (too late). Arthur isn't a good man.

Name a more kino moment.

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The ending song, "Red I Love You (And the World)." It hits so fucking hard knowing what will happen to John, and the sentiment of loving someone as much as you love the world is a really beautiful one imo.

Reminds me of that line from Wreck it Ralph
>Just because you're a Badguy doesn't mean you're a bad guy.

I had to play some smaller games once I was done with it, because nothing AAA felt like it was on the same level.

And, to add to that, there are plenty of widows of good men who can attest to that, seeing as he wiped out the law enforcement in both Strawberry and Valentine. Not to mention all the other guards and other people just doing their jobs at various points throughout the game. Why do they matter less than your waifu Arthur?

>that moment when John is coming back and Abigail storms out screaming "Jack, Uncle, come out here!" and the song starts playing as they hug

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>He had a choice
Yet another fuckin dumbass who didn't fully ingest the story. He was LITERALLY born into the life of an outlaw.

And for the record, working for the Jew was very respectable and I don't know why Rockstar made it look like it was a bad thing. Nobody put a gun to any of the debtor's heads and told them to sign the loan. Each one of them knew what the terms were. Yet when Arthur came to collect what was rightfully due, suddenly he's the bad guy.

As far as I'm concerned the idiot who have Arthur TB was the true antagonist of the game. He was a stupid, stupid man who put his family into poverty and by extension murdered Arthur with his disease on his way out of his pathetic life. He really should have sold his wife to pay the debt like Arthur suggested so that none of that would have happened.

Please, you must be a liberal.


English your second language, buddy?

How'd you guess?

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>and suddenly /pol/ for no reason
Yeah, I knew you were just shitposting. I'm done humoring you. Also riddle me this. If life if "full of choices", then why are you stuck in this godforsaken shithole?

Excusing criminal behaviour as "they had no choice" when they are grown ass adults who can think for themselves and choose not to be pieces of shit, even if it is hard to do.


You're definitely a virgin. I can just tell.

Great attitude, kid. Will get you far in life.

Legit who are you quoting you mong

You sound mentally ill.

>Red I Love You (And the World).
Goddammit, John, why didn't you just run and don't look back?

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Right back at you, champ. Maybe we can talk about all of our achievements when we're both six feet under. Also, prove your free will. Don't reply to this post.

Apparently, no one is a story over gameplay fag until they play the latest Rockstar game. Bunch of double standard pushing faggots, the lot of you

I am.

Dlc gonna involve with fucking aliens...

No undead nightmare 2 sadly...

>You will never play RDR2 for the first time again

>New Vegas
>The walking dead
>Life is strange
What are you talking about?

Alright faggot what would you call a well written game better than red dead.

best part of the game

Xenoblade 2

Should've know you were going to cite jap crap.

Arthur literally never did anything wrong, everyone he killed deserved it.

lol not even that guy I'm just shitposting. Watch him unironically post some weeb shit though.

I miss him bros

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>Bad gameplay
This meme needs to end.

Attached: RDR2 gunplay 4.webm (1280x720, 2.48M)


>planescape torment
>new vegas
>mask of the betrayer
>deus ex
What the fuck are you talking about? Yea Forums doesn't give a fuck about gameplay as long as the other parts compensate.

>RDR2 gunplay
>calling that "gunplay"
jesus christ

Deus Ex has good gameplay, though.

How would he know where he got it? He just assumed that's where he got it

LOL not even close. Even when it came out it was outclassed by all its peers.

>ITT games that woman do not understand

Nigga straight up coughed blood into Arthur's mouth. That's definitely where he got it.

Zoom zoom

Attached: Deus Ex - Liberty Island Madness.webm (853x480, 1.82M)

Is Warren Spector zoom zoom too? Cause even he said deus ex had shit gameplay.

That guy was around the town where the brawl happened and where Arthur fell in the mud. What's to say he didn't get it then? Before the cough?

>Cause even he said deus ex had shit gameplay.
[citation needed]

Years of reading and watching warren spector panels and interviews. Google it. It's something about how it had worse stealth than thief, worse shooting than half life and worse role playing than baldurs gate. He thought they had fucked up.