
Villagers avoided that stretch of river by the woods. Chanting from the ruins, they said. Delirious chants, inhuman. The hazy-eyed slattern at the inn said it was orcs, zealots of Molag Bal. The innkeeper said whoever it was were too crude for Daedra. Dirt worshippers, stone worshippers. Folk so crude that just an old building could be worshipped, and there were cattle missing and blood in the snow.

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Other urls found in this thread:


The statues one sees throughout Valenwood and parts of Hammerfell and Elsweyr that seem to be of a misshapen humanoid carrying a rod are of Ius, the God of Animals.
The rod He carries has its origin in the tale of The Ox and The Evil Farmer. It seems that one day an evil farmer decided to kill all of his animals and have a big party. As The story unfolds, animal after animal is killed and prepared for a big meal. Lastly the farmer comes to the ox and prepares to slit its throat. The ox, not wishing to be anybody's dinner, prayed very vocally to Ius. This came out as a loud Moo, of course.
At that very instant Ius appeared carrying a rather large set of balance weights. Without explanation, Ius ate the farmer and vanished. Ever since that day Ius The Extremely Agitated, has always been portrayed as carrying a large set of scales with him. The local Ius worshippers have no idea why and do not seem to care. Although this story has been called fanciful at best, I personally know a racoon who had actually talked to The Ox. That is, before the Ox became filler for the local inn's larder.

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What does a new Sentinel private learn first as a combat technique?
How to retreat.

What is the thinnest book in the world?
Redguard Heroes of the War of Betony.

A Dark Elf man killed his wife after catching her making love with another man.
When the magistrate asked him why he killed her instead of her lover, the man replied, "I considered it better to kill one woman than a different man every week."

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Yelithah told Vathysah that she was having dinner with a Dark Elf named Morleth that night.
"I hear he's an animal," said Vathysah. "He'll rip your dress right off you."
"Thank you for telling me," said Yelithah, "I'll be sure to wear an old dress."

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Orcs are thankfully easy to recognize from other humanoids by their size -- commonly forty pertans in height and fifteen thousand angaids in weight -- their brutal pig-like features, and their stench. They are consistently belligerent, morally grotesque, intellectually moronic, and unclean. By all rights, the civilized races of Tamriel should have been able to purge the land of their blight eras ago, but their ferocity, animal cunning, and curious tribal loyalty have made them inevitable as leeches in a stagnant pool.

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I'm probably going to play Daggerfall for the first time once DFUnity is complete. Is a character that focuses on mostly speechcraft and stuff viable? I've heard about all the cool shit like different languages and a complex court system and want to get the most out of those systems.

Nymphs are the wisest, most wonderful creatures in Tamriel. My nymph, her name is Ayalea (a poor phonetic transcription of a word that sounds more like a light wind blowing through a small crack in a hollow chamber) and she knows more about the behavior and varieties of the deep woodland creatures than the greatest wood elf scholar I ever met. She taught me of flowers and ghosts and creatures too fast and timid to have ever been seen by man.

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So where can I download the visual mods after daggerfall unity finally releases?

A “diplomat” build is viable in that you can make one in character creation
Dont wxpect to have an easy time though, you're going to need to focus on making money and training to get combat skills up, and preferably take some magic and one weapon skill

But really daggerfall is the kind of game that gives you tons of variability with character creation, so try something interesting and challenge yourself, not every build needs to be hyper meta and totally optimal, and you can cheese the system enough to get by with most builds
The language skills have been improved in DF unity as well so they actually function as intended rather than rarely firing in vanilla

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You can already download some
Check their site or USEP lists a few
AlexanderSig has a good model replacement for higher quality models

I heard some guy is updating this with better graphics. Does anyone have pics of the upgraded version?

Look up daggerfall unity

Linguist playthrough

It is viable but difficult of course compared to a sword and board barbarian or knight

Check the Daggerfall workshop forum ->

"King of Worms" is the overhaul.

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ignore the floating candlestick

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looks shit, tbqh. especially the floor.

original (unity) for comparison

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I think the dude redoing the interior textures is halfway through redoing them to have proper normals/parallax mapping so some parts look kinda out of place, other parts look really good

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nah, just looks overdone to me. the floor especially feels like doing that just because muh normals mapping, but you don't use that kind of stone indoors.

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maybe. I'm not too bothered by it though.

I think there's another one that's just the vanilla textures run through an AI upscaler but I don't know how far along it is.

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I wish someone would do an art replacement for NPCs and player profiles and such. That would require a lot more work though I bet.

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I would imagine someone would do that eventually there’s already attempts to change the NPC sprites into 3D models

They are working 3d npc.

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Honestly wait for a proper full graphics pack. Everything less than that will look out of place.

This is still using wrong filtering for the textures which makes it look muddy and weird.

I prefer classic graphics honesty
All I do use is the 3D asset replacement for some models for a little flavour

This one looks good, especially the bed and dresser

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>Editor's note: the writer Vondham Barres is no longer a scholar at the Imperial University. He deposited this manuscript and disappeared from the civilized world. His current wherebouts are unknown

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Have a “Scholar” character going right now

High Elf, wealthy Sommerset Isles professor visiting high rock to study the local cultures, flora and fauna, got entangled with some imperial intrigue due to being renowned across Tamriel as a Scholar, the Emperor hoping my diplomatic abilities could sort out the political mess that is the Iliac Bay

Primary skills: Daedric, Orcish, Etiquette
Major Skills: Short blade, streetwise, dodging
Minor Skills: Nymph, Giantish, Harpy, stealth, spriggan, Dragonish

Advantages: Acute hearing, Rapid healing in darkness, spell absorption in darkness, expertise in short blade
Disadvantages; critical weakness to paralysis (hehe) Darkness powered magic, forbidden all weapons except short blade

Joined a temple and currently grinding some gold to train skills in order to join the mages guild

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Alternatively one though add the Thaumaturgy skill for the calm/tame spells but I wanted more languages

That or Mysticism for the Tongues spell

As a Barbarian i exclusively sleep in the wilderness, fending off bears and orcs every night, unlike you pampered city folk with your comfy inns and cool wine

Attached: Immersive-Movement-Daggerfall-Unity-_-VR-Daggerfall_-Some-early-tests.webm (640x360, 2.96M)

Is this VR? Christ id piss myself silly playing Daggerfall with VR on
Its bad enough with 90s textures on a CRT