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Other urls found in this thread:

Maximum soul


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Is any of this for real?


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Why did disney let square shove this contrived garbage into their IP?

simple and clean > all

Donald you can't just say that what the fuck


fuck skrillex and fuck the KH3 opening

Sanctuary > Simple and Clean > Don't Think Twice > Face my Fears

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Reminder that Donald actually said nigger once in his career. He called Daffy a stupid nigger in Who Framed Rager Rabbot a movie that will never ever be made again let alone distrusted because warner brothers and disney are assholes, oit's only a matter of time before disney eats WB one day since Disney is constantly making money while the WB has seen better days can you see it, a world where the Looney Tunes will be Disney characters

Or not?
A scattered dream that's like a far off memory...

>Kingdom Hearts 1
>Fun Disney journey kino
>Kingdom Hearts 2 and beyond
>Anime weeboo garbage

Based, patrician and redpilled

GOAT opening
GOAT game

I can't believe Fire Emblem did a better pop song that has a somber version than what KH3 did in the same year.

Fucking Skrillix what the fuck were they thinking letting that hack lay a track?

What was the FE song?
What did he mean by this?

Fragile is better

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I don't even think I can remember much of the intro for KH3.


Who's brilliant idea is it to flood the least KH receptive internet forum with KH threads every night? Is this like trying to turn gay people straight by showing them hot people of the opposite sex constantly?

Yes people who don't like KH are gay to me

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The final mix is such a good game

Edge of Dawn trailer version (pop), main theme version (orchestrated) and credits version (somber). Still not as good as Heritors of the Earth, better than Lost In Thoughts.

Actually false. Face my Fears isn't pop first of all and even still its a way better constructed track than the FE song I can't even remember what its called because its so whatever

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Woody telling Xehanort to fuck off was one of the few classic moments in 3. Up there with knock-off John Goodman throwing Vanitas through all the doors.

>we will never get story moments as good as KH2's prologue ever again

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Final hours of most of the games have it beat already for years

And out of all of those Disney will overtake Viacom and Time Warner someday, GE and Newscorp will probably be taken by CBS Man I love unchecked capitalism it's like that shit runs on a the horseshoe theory

Kingdom Hearts III was trash compared to I and II. I was so disappointed. KH2 was so kino and so was KH1, but KH2 was top tier kino. I waited seven years or something for garbage. I'll always cherish KH2 though.

KH3 had very few kino moments, if any. KH2 just stomped all over it.

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>viacom notable properties

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>we'll never get a vidya trailer as good as Deep Dive again

There was no avoiding that most of us would be too old to enjoy 3 like we did 1 and 2.

all of you can go fucking die

I forgot CMT even existed.

That's why they'll eventually be absorbed, see, the way it's looking by at least 2020 or maybe 2022 America's entire media outlet will be controlled by at most 2 companies, Disney and CBS. HBO is on borrowed time, CNN has been losing viewers and influence ever since 2016, Time is a joke and Warner Bros completely fucked up their attempt at being Marvel.

Newscorp will probably be bought out by CBS and Disney will take GE at least just to get Universal Pictures so they can make Hulk movies at some point.

News Corp will be absorbed into CBS

>In you and I
>Should be "In you and me"
>One of the most well known vidya songs has a grammatical error

It hurts.

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I don't buy that argument. 3 was just a rushed mess with a plot that had grown too out of control, and a director that has no idea what he's doing with this franchise. 3 fails with even basic story telling conventions and pacing. 1 & 2 were no Pulitzer Prize winners, but they were adequate.

2 > 3 > 1

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Who else /blessed/ by the greatness of KH2FM?

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final fantasy still sucks

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nah sora ruined it with his cringe nonsense and for some reason woody didn't tell him to shut up as well but instead started stomping on the ground with him.


Don't understand how anyone can talk about cringe with KH anymore when the greatest moment in the series is this

If you still unironically cringe or still use the word cringe, you're pretty cringe bro

>6 different consoles

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Fucking idiot, that's only 7

fucking based

Pure cringe.

Simple and Clean>Don't think Twice>Face my Fears>Sanctuary

I've come realize I don't like Passion/Sanctuary as much as I love the actual opening cinematic. Song itself is pretty mid and all the other songs are way more of a jam

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Probably something about how he's had a KH name from the beginning.

Worked out pretty well seing as it became the highest rated track KH song by Utada

Much like Simple and Clean, I think the credits version of Sanctuary is a hundred times better than what plays in the opening.

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How much longer until Kingdom Hearts goes even more woke? I mean Xion the tranny exists all things considered. Nomura seems to be a Japanese SJW given Tifa's smaller tits.

Sanctuary fucking sucks.

I love Simple and Clean (fast + orchestral) to death, way more than Sanctuary, but I checked a bunch of different sites for polls on the subject and it's about an even split. So one's probably slightly better and the other has an offset from a bigger secondary fanbase derived the popularity of that game.

Which one do you think is the "biased" one?

Don't think twice is the most pop song I've heard in KH it's so insanely repetitive...

>You will never re-experience the magic of KH1 ever again.
>From now on the series is 2deep4u shounenshit mixed with forced shilling to whatever Disney IPs are relevant at the time.

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Hard to tell, but if I had to guess I would say its sanctuary even though simple and clean is the more easily recognizable song (probably). KH2's opening is just really strong so people vote in that direction rather than voting for the actual track

I've always thought KH1 had a wild dream like vibe, that I don't think the other games have yet to match, maybe it's because it's the first or something i don't know

>game has silly concept that leaves a bunch of magical things unexplained
>sequels try to explain them with more magic
>it feels forced and confusing


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All the sequel had to be was about Sora searching for Riku and Mickey and trying to get home while going to new Disney worlds. That's all. But instead we're trapped in shounenshit hell.

This will kill Kingdom Hearts. The shilling of Disney's newer shit which is NOT good enough. I don't care about Frozen, Moana, or whatever garbage Disney makes sequels like Wreck It Ralph 2, hell the original was not even good thanks to Sarah Silverman's character. The new shit is just not good enough. Say what you will, but there's a reason NOT one Disney Dark Age film has been used in Kingdom Hearts because no one actually likes those films. Disney is not going to put movies that were never successful or that have "cult fanbases" which is nothing and way too small a number compared to even boring movies like Big Hero 6.

So I stand by my statement the shit movies Disney and Pixar now make is what will kill this franchise.

And it will get even worse if they get "creative" and use New Disney Star Wars. I think that Kingdom Hearts is on its way out. Sure people love Disney, but most gamers don't bother with buying the Disney licensed games. Ask yourself which games sell more money? Original games or licensed ones. For as beloved as Lion King's game was on Super Nintendo and Sega consoles? It doesn't compare to something like Street Fighter or Chrono Trigger in terms of sales and popularity.

Not only that, but licensed games found a new life in Tablets, they're now technologically advanced to create these cheap games that dumb parents will buy. No need to waste a developer like Capcom who made Mickey Magical Quest to put the game on consoles. Especially since these tablet licensed games are full of gacha to steal money from dumb families. Frozen has a gacha game and I bet it makes more money than Kingdom Hearts. For all you know, with tablets and smart phones continuing to get even stronger? Kingdom Hearts will die (especially since KH fans do NOT like phone games, they like the standard console experience).

>TFW Still fucking disappointed by how rushed the fucking last world was
I would have been perfectly fine with no Disney worlds if it meant the ending wouldn't have been such a shitshow

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KH1 captured my young imagination in a way no game has before or since.

Telling the mouse that there's no room for their shitty films is one sure fire way to get Disney to take the property away from Nomura and SE.

Story is shit now anyway. I really don't give a fuck what worlds get in. Hell, I wouldn't mind Home on The Range and Chicken Little worlds at this point given how fucked this series is.

And even if we finally get stuff like Dark Age and B-List, the bland throwaway characters who should've stayed dead will take up those visits where they'll have zero chemistry with the Disney characters while Sora only goes to worlds based on AAA movies like Zootopia, Moana, Incredibles, Finding Nemo, and Frozen 2.

oh I definitely agree with that sentiment. Everything has this odd surreal flavor to it, it's great. That's what attracted me to the series in the first place, and later games kind of drifted away from it. That atmosphere is still somewhat present in most of the series but I feel like KH3 dropped the ball in that department. Looking back on it 3 was a pretty big disappointment in a lot of ways.

>It doesn't compare to something like Street Fighter or Chrono Trigger in terms of sales and popularity
Batman, Spiderman, Marvel vs Capcom, Star Wars games and the like all sold very well, they just need to be good games dude

Kingdom Hearts is my favorite of the series. KH2 plays better but it's when the story really started getting dumb.

>It doesn't compare to something like Street Fighter or Chrono Trigger in terms of sales and popularity
Kingdom Hearts sold more than Chrono Trigger dude

I liked JelloApocalypse's idea of Kermit being one of Organization XIII. Just go full-on Kojima spectrum disorder and start taking everything seriously.

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Talking about the Lion King video game there.

My sides are in orbit. What is he really saying?

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Hes using the Lion King as an example for all licensed video games


Hmm you know I got a question, would Kingdom Hearts be successful IF it was not made by Square Enix?

Like imagine that Disney contracts some different game studio and said studio much like Xenoblade 2 asks Nomura to design characters, but Nomura and SE are in charge of development. Of course that also means the graphics are not as good and the music is NOT by Shinomura. Would the series still be this multi million seller success story? I don't think so.

I get the impression that Disney believes that Kingdom Hearts is great because of their animated films. I disagree, I got into Kingdom Hearts because back in the SquareSOFT era I trusted SquareSOFT. I liked their games, their music, their experimental games like FF Tactics or Parasite Eve and Musashi. I liked the company hired to make Kingdom Hearts happen. Obviously Square Enix and Nomura have done a great job showing what hacks they are across the years, but in the end I feel like if SE wasn't in charge of making Kingdom Hearts I would no longer care.

>From now on the series is 2deep4u shounenshit mixed with forced shilling to whatever Disney IPs are relevant at the time.
You act like KH1 didn't push new movies out at the time for it. Tarzan being the biggest example.


Young Xehanort being such a dickhead in comparison to his other versions was pretty funny in general.

Yeah, but at least most of the Disney worlds actually felt connected with the story IE the league of Disney villains gathering up princesses instead of just rehashing the movie with Sora and the others shoehorned in.

The Japanese versions are better than ALL of the English versions. Hikari - Godson Mix is the best

>Yeah, but at least most of the Disney worlds actually felt connected with the story IE the league of Disney villains gathering up princesses instead of just rehashing the movie with Sora and the others shoehorned in.
But there are Disney worlds in later games where this wasn't the case. You shouldn't be generalizing everything.
>The story isn't over

If only they knew. If only.

I think Sanctuary works precisely because of the visuals and how well they sync together. Simple and Clean is a better earworm and standalone song but I think Sanctuary/Passion works better with the opening itself.

Same can be said for Simple and Clean considering the time it came out. Both versions, especially the planitb mix, were the most current age pop style songs in the early 2000's
That's literally what kh2 was, but a story needs to have conflict so they added villains in the best possible way

Yeah but just look at the Tangled anf Frozen worlds in 3 and Riku's visit to the Tron Legacy world in DDD being pretty much a retelling of the movie with Riku squeezed in and the mantis thing boss.

If this had come out immediately after BBS I would still think it was garbage.

Sanctuary (After the Battle) still makes me cry 13 fucking years later

>Sora: We... We're back.
>Kair: You're home.

The fact you only pick out only 3 examples, despite the amount of worlds and games since then really shows this. Yeah there are more then 3 examples, but there are more then enough worlds where they do enough original stuff with. In KH3 alone, Toy Story, Monsters Inc, and Big Hero 6. All the 2nd visits in KH2 are original plots.

I would have liked the Final World a lot more if the whole last act wasn’t so messy. It was an interesting change of pace. I wish it and Scala were given much more focus though who knows with the dlc.

The non-interactive "Let It Go" cutscene was blatant shilling though.

I never denied that Disney pushed stuff in KH3. But you don't act like KH1 was never above pushing stuff too for things around it's time, or that be hypocritical.

Rush is better
Gryphon is the bestest


This is what sold the game for me. I still get goosebumps.

God. Hearing Sanctuary reminds me of so much stupid cringey shit I did and posted like 15 years ago. I wish I could go back and tell my teen self to pay attention in school or join a sports team instead. I love the song, and it gives me warm feelings all over, but man was I an embarrassing teen

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I thought the keyblade graveyard was kind of ugly and disappointing as the last world of the game compared to End of the World which was kind of creepy and mysterious and The World That Never Was because I love the Film Noir aesthetic the city had
I wish Scala had been a full world instead of the final boss arena

Sora's reaction to Let it Go was hilarious.

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What are you looking forward to the least in KH4?
For me it's shoehorned live-action remake synergy.

i wish the final bosses of kh3 weren't so small they got covered up by the lock-on reticle. you literally can't even see goatnort for most of his fight because he's so small and the arena is so huge

Stop user, I didn't want to feel this ever again, the memories are too painful.

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I thought we were going to get a live action Kingdom Hearts instead, I wonder what black actor they would cast as Sora

It would obviously be Kairi who's black. And Riku's asian.

Sanctuary still is the best intro and song that came from KH bar none. I still listen to it and the after the battle versions al the time. Simple and Clean is still really good but Face my Fears is ruined at the minute mark. Don't think twice was ruined by being put in almost all the trailers and gave me an irrational hatred for it since it also ruined every trailer it was in.

Maybe KH4 will have Final Fantasy elements again. Maybe we'll be able to summon FF Eidolons like Odin and Atmos. I just want an FF9 world.

Also MoM getting away scott-free for some stupid reason.

I meant the actual Final World. It was like a much more clean and bright version of the End of the World. Talking to spirits of actual dead people was something I wasn’t expecting in KH.

Sanctuary perfectly embodies the emotions of growing up in the early 2000s. Anyone who played KH2 back then hears that song and is instantly teleported right back to that time... You hear the breathy opening notes, the backwards lyrics, and it's like a mini version of time travel.

Nomura just stole it from a better series anyway.

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I do want more FF but the Einhander stuff was cool and unexpected. Between that and TWEWY I don’t mind other Square properties making appearances.

People can say what they want about Skyward Sword but fuck that Final Boss was so hype to me.

I'd say Simple and Clean because of the nostalgia. I think Sanctuary is a much more interesting composition. Though Simple and Clean is a lot more catchy due to its simplicity.

Sanctuary is a fucking great song and I wish songs with an atmosphere and progression like that weren't exclusive to fucking vidya opening / ending sequences.

Would KH had been a better series if they removed all the "crossover" shit? All the Disney shit has never really "fit" past the first game and in some cases has actually held it back, especially in KH3's case. And the FF cameos just shit on the legacy of their games, especially FFVII.

With original worlds all the through, we could've had decent world building and lore that didn't devalue the same five words over and over again, and the concept of metaphor would actually meaning.

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I preferred Simple and Clean to Sanctuary until I remembered "After The Battle" exists
Fucking incredible

2.8 has the best intro both in cinematic and song. You cant prove me wrong

How can you guys like Sanctuary? It's fucking garbage.

Even Face My Fears is better.

Passion is one of Utada's greatest songs period, it's a masterpiece

Ironically the song OP is quoting is from the 2nd game but the image is from the opening which recaps the 1st game (and chain of memories)

>the FF cameos just shit on the legacy of their games,
Nah, getting the chance to fight against and alongside FF characters is fun. I’m sad Gilgamesh still isn’t in despite being the perfect choice.

I've never played any KH but to this day Kingdom Hearts 2's opening is the most kino in video game history.

Let's see what kind of trouble

we can get ourselves into

this game could be better had it any tiny bit of plot in it

When I was a young dumb kid I'd put the disc into my PS2 and leave it on the opening menu just so the song would cycle over and over again while I played Runescape on my computer. Good times.

The opening is actually just a recap of the previous 2 games.

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Unironically a top moment in the game. Even though I never particularly liked let it go or Frozen, I still had a smile on my face the entire time once I realized they were going for the whole thing

>add timetravel to the series
>series instantly goes to shit
Why must they always do this

I don't give a shit what anybody says, KH 3 opening is fucking kino. Goddamn this is a work of art

>Those smooth transitions
>The chess board is the battlefield

Attached: xemnas kh 3 opening.png (1920x1080, 1.07M)

I remember leaving a save just for this one battle alone. Wish the games before 3 gave you the opportunity to NG+.

Fucking seriously. The entire song is great but starting from 3:46 it's insane.
Who would ever expect a pop singer to create a song like that? I mean, it's not REALLY prog, but it's still prog as fuck.

Why don't the HEartless feel threatening post kh1? I feel they were just kind of left to the background after kh1 in which they felt like a world-ending force.

Same. Left a save for that battle, and one right before Roxas fights Axel

>an FF9 world

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I've always liked how the beat to Passion/Sanctuary reminded me of train or something, it's like we're going somewhere

Simple And Clean > POWER GAP > Sanctuary

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Are you serious?

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You're wrong. It is "I", not "me". Get fucked.


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You fucking don't though. Cloud being a whiny cunt isn't "fighting" alongside him and you barely even interact with Leon or Yuffie

>A real FF world
You're especially never gonna get one without Nomura's ego stamped on it. FF9 is especially dead since Vivi is in Twilight Town for whatever reason

Don't Think Twice exists somewhere inside that power gap.

I fucking live Sora, Donald and Goofy getting popped into moments from Disney shows/movies.

>what is Olympus Coliseum, the Underworld, the Hades Cup, the very first battle in Traverse Town, the battle at Hollow Bastion in KH2, etc

between AP

No, "I" is correct.

I think because they were more integrated into the story. They were the main threat besides Disney villains. Seeing them in the worlds felt like the world was being threatened. Now its kind of expected. On top of that, Org. 13 took the spotlight in KH2, and a single Nobody enemy were stronger than most the Heartless in the game.

I don't know how this got through without being spotted before release : /

>what is Olympus Coliseum, the Underworld, the Hades Cup
Optional side games that have FF characters as bosses.
> the very first battle in Traverse Town
A boss fight with Leon

>the battle at Hollow Bastion in KH2
Mother fucking cutscenes for most of it

You aren't helping your point user, since none of you "fight alongside" them

Hell, you fucking mentioned the Hades Cup, at least bring up Auron, which remains the only character where that's true and you do in fact have him in your party for a little while

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user, the post you responded to said fight against and alongside FF characters.

What I really like is DDD and KH3, with the task of symbolizing and recapping even more games, decided to connect every sequence in the cinematic with a tying metaphor. Both the books and the chess board are both great metaphors for contextualizing the past games with the current one you are about to play (dreams and stories for DDD, chess pieces for Xehanort's master plan).

And like you said, the opening has some of my favorite transitions with the animation and music ques.

Webm is one of my favorites. Sora falling is always a symbol for the events of Chain of Memories and the light pieces being white really helps with Sora falling into his own piece, seeing Riku's piece captured by Ansem's. Then you can fucking see Sora falling outside of the window when the lightning flashes as Young Xehanort smiles. Its so good

Attached: Sora falls.webm (1280x720, 2.47M)

Reminder that we'll never fight any more Disney villains as bosses in the series.

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No, that's correct. "You and I" are the subjects. It would be "me" if it were something like: "There's a new land that can be found inside of you and me".

>: /
Not trying to be a hall monitor here, just giving you a heads up: using emoticons here will probably make you an easy target for grilling (outside of a few exceptoins, and even then those are rarely used in posts). Unless you are being ironic, then you got me.

>unchecked capitalism
Media monopolies are the result of brand loyalty aka Stockholm Syndrome, you commie faggot

Well forgive me for glossing over that part, since that too is lackluster, since most of the time it feels lackluster at best never really showcasing what each character is truly capable of.
The only time it wasn't was with Sephiroth, and even that has it's own issues.

>Moana world
I hope Nomura doesn’t do this. The best worlds in KH3 were the older movies. That’s no coincidence.

>’screw Disney, I want my shounen crap’
KH is a Disney franchise. Worlds based on classic movies is the only reason I played the first game

It would also turn KH into yet another stale Final Fantasy knockoff, the Disney material is what made it what it is.

>worked on Wreck it Ralph with Disney
>he's their only electronic big name musician they know of
>forces Square to partner up with him with their in-house talent because Disney makes the rules up as they go along
>casually ruins everything just as Disney intended to

Can't imagine Square being too happy with Disney at this point

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Go play Dragon Age if you're going to whine about the reason KH even exists.

That's because modern Disney for a WHILE now doesn't really make movies with adventure themes. Where you get villains like Jafar which you can turn into boss fights. Nowadays Disney makes very "relationship" type films which are very feminine leaning. No real villains and the villains we get aren't exactly boss fight material. And in the case of Moana? It was an adventure movie where plot twist there is NO VILLAIN. So yeah of course we won't get that many Disney Villains as bosses. And quite frankly the few ones where I can see a boss fight like Turbo's corrupt form in Wreck It Ralph? No thanks. I don't like that movie so I don't care. Yokai from Big Hero 6 could have worked, but the team decided to make the story take place after the movie's events so there you go Yokai is rotting in prison while Sora was visiting.

And like I said Disney's films are very soap opera type of relationship style deals. They really don't lend themselves to adventure themes like Hercules and Aladdin and Beauty and the Beast. I don't think the situation will improve because the woman who replaced Lassetter? I don't trust her. Melodrama stuff and villains who cannot fight like Zootopia's? No thank you. No good. For a while now I suspect that we're in a new Disney Dark Age. All we're missing is for the boss fights in newer KH worlds to be "talk" based like Mass Effect to have Sora talk the boss into a dialogue until they're beaten because they don't work for combat. It's either that or forever just fight some weak Disney Villain's Heartless and that's it.

I thought Moana was fine, the issue for me is there's no thought for any of the worlds and how they relate to the greater universe, and all the worldbuilding done by the actual movie will be fucked over due to KH's haphazardly trying to have its cake and eat it too.

Every fucking KH world can be summed up as "Hey, let's have Sora meet X, and then act out the plot of the movie or whatever" "Uh-oh there's a big thing summoned by the Organization/Norty/Pete/whoever and we gotta beat it and that will fix everything somehow" rinse and repeat.

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>It would also turn KH into yet another stale Final Fantasy knockoff,
It already is that. Having Mickey Mouse as a character doesn't change that.


Utada Hikaru has been friends and wanted to collab with Skrillex for years
She was probably the one who brought him in

Only the GOOD Disney films. It's no coincidence that only decent films are chosen for worlds. I mean Pocahontas is from the Renaissance and yet nothing. Never a world. Now they really ran out of worthless timeless classics. And seeing shit like Wreck It Ralph be a world (even if it's the shit mobile game) doesn't fill me with hope. The only decent film not used in KH is The Incredibles. And I'm not buying a new game just for that. And the original story is completely fucked up because Nomura is real bad at doing stories.

The gameplay is also fucked because Final Fantasy stole the talented staff from KH's Tokyo Team. I'm dropping out. Kingdom Hearts 3 is my Avengerd Endgame.

Need proof.
Utada is too talented to even think of having that ""musician"" team up with her.
Should be checking for indie musicians instead or even collaborate with the likes of Yoko to help her out.

>And in the case of Moana? It was an adventure movie where plot twist there is NO VILLAIN.
Not him but you really think they wouldn't have you fighting Te Ka as a boss fight if Moana ever got a world? Same for Tamatoa as well.

Lmao people were already saying this for KH2. Reminder that KH2 acknowledges fucking Chicken Little.

Do you really think that a demigod could beat a decapod?


Timeline is:
>Skrillex has wanted to do a KH song for ages
>Utada meets Skrillex at one of his shows years ago and they network
>Utada says Chikai/Don't Think Twice is too soft for the opening of KH3, tells Square she wants to do a special song for the opening
>gets in touch with Skrillex and they put the song together

>Mother fucking cutscenes for most of it.
Except that long stretch of fights where all of them help you out.

When does Remind come out?

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This is Face My Fears

>Except that long stretch of fights
When? Albeit my memory is a little fuzzy, but for the most part it's just you beating the shit out of heartless on your own

After the Demyx fight there is a stretch where Cloud, Squall, Yuffie and Tifa each assist in a battle leading up to the 1000 Heartless battle.

Got my PS2 chipped 10 years ago so I could play my mates copy of KH2FM when it just Japan exclusive. Spent so many hours in that game, easily one of the best games on the console.

I'm gonna drink
gonna drink
gonna drink my beers

>Hearing Sanctuary reminds me of so much stupid cringey shit I did and posted like 15 years ago.
People always say they cringe at their younger selves but I don't. It was a simpler time and I honestly wish I could relive it and be ignorant to shit.

No, they don't. Those were fucking cutscenes
I don't even think Tifa helps you fight in your party the entire game.

Lmao top tier post



Bruh, I won't lie. This shit was sad

lmao i saw this fucking ad when i was in junior high and kept imagining that scene but replacing sora with me and kairi with this crush i had on a girl named knubbe

i remember trying to save her and us kissing and i remember holding my pillow with tears in my eyes wishing i could in real life

The keyblade graveyard is fucking shit. It's just a bunch of fucking rocks
They should've just contrived a reason to teleport everyone to Scala Ad Caelum

Lmao this meme has me ducking dying

This. I dunno what it was about this shitty commercial that caught my interest in this weird way but its the reason i bought a playstation 3 as soon as i had my own money and bought both final remix

KH1 > KH3 > KH2
Simple and Clean > Don't think twice > Face my Fears > Sanctuary
KH2 is garbage in every area besides gameplay

Keyblade graveyard was build up to be this sick thing so they had to do something with it. If you ask me that long ass cutscene really blows it, should have been like kh2 where you have to go threw the level and kill all of those heartless. Instead you just have one huge arena battle. Imagine with all the movement fighting off hoardes of heartless like in the set up of the boss battles, then to the key blade cross road than going threw the area where ven and vant fought originally. Coulda been sweet. But no just arena battles

Weak bait.

>Donald finally gets to do something cool for once in the entire series
>immediately gets undone because they get BTFO and Sora has to use time travel to redo it
KH3's story is such a mess and the Keyblade Graveyard is where the story goes completely off the rails.

Very unpopular opinion coming through
Simple and Clean = Sanctuary = Don't think twice >>>
Face my fears

KH Sephiroth is his most fun version as an actual boss. I wouldn’t be upset at all if 7R makes the final showdown a real fight and borrows directly from his KH moveset.


Fair enough.
But that said, it's awfully telling I couldn't remember that shit and thought I was alone for majority of that fight.

My point from the start wasn't that they aren't there, but that they have no fucking substance to them. Again, I point to Auron being the only character where it felt like you were fighting with him as equals.

Oh for sure. Sephiroth is by far one of the best representations of a FF character in KH, his issues are more plot based, which I won't dwell on here.

it would have been nice to see the epicness and style of the opening translated to the actual game. Instead we got Black-cloak retards fucking around in Nu-Disney worlds for no reason and a boss rush at the end

It's not bait. KH2 is an immensely flawed game, people only like it cause the gameplay is good
Not to say 1 and 3 are flawless, but both are much more solid overall


Attached: duck flare.webm (480x270, 2.39M)

>people only like the game because the way the game plays is good

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He's fucking right about the songs though. Sanctuary is mad overrated

Admit it, you got misty eyed at this.

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It's a good thing Kairi did all that off screen training to be protected and kidnapped again.

>Nomura gets such a titanic boner for his newest idea of "lol shadow Heartless so weak but together they STRONK!!!" that he forces us to fight the Demon Turd a dozen times throughout the game and every time except the last we do absolutely nothing to it and it beats the shit out of everyone and in the final world it straight-up murders the entire cast and makes us yap with Kari from Digimon for half an hour

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I don't understand why this is so hard to get. People certainly don't love the series for its gameplay.

>spend an entire game "training"
>both her and Lea do jack shit
Hell, she accomplished more in KHII awkwardly swinging a Keyblade at the Heartless with Riku.

No, I am not a gay.

Attached: Naminé.jpg (512x352, 18K)

Come on. 3 just didn't have the same stuff behind it. Nomura collapsed under the weight of all the shit he added to the series. The best moments of 1 + 2 are main story beats. The best moments of 3 are Disney characters doing fun stuff in situations that have nothing to do with the main story. We may have changed, but Nomura changed too. I don't think he's capable of making Kingdom Hearts work anymore.

>Spend eight games building up allies from across the entire Disney multiverse
>At the end it's Mickey and 6 animes vs 13 animes
Keyblade graveyard could have been amazing if they brought in the Disney world party members to fight against the Org with
I still think Beast actually bothering to do shit in Hollow Bastion in KH1 was the raddest shit

I'm still super tilted at how KH3 turned out. Sora can't fucking turn correctly. Combat feels floaty. The story doesn't happen until two hours near the end of the game. Absolutely NO final fantasy characters minus the koops, a few passing mentions in Hercules, and some star constilations. And last, no fucking arena. The lack of arena is what really fucking gets me.

Oh, and Frozen world was absolutely horrible.

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Ech, I dunno about it being a complete letdown
Sure it's worse than KHII, but that game was a fucking masterpiece
Compared to the majority of recent game releases, and especially from SE, KHIII was adequate.
It just lacked a good pacing and Tokyo team's combat designer who was wasted under FFXV

Skrillex has always been a big fan, his name was even inspired by the nobody's naming conventions.

Sanctuary > Simple and Clean > Face my Fears > Don't Think Twice

Well Zettaflare is such a strong spell that casting it pretty much killed him so

At least it's canonically established that Donald and Goofy have the capacity to be stronk as fuck if they need to be

His name is Killers with an X thrown in you fuck. He likes KH

Fuck Disney and fuck Square and fuck you for being the reason they don't make a legacy of kain game.

Why does Japan love duck butts so much?

I'm not saying we should have let Xehanort win but wiping out the universe and recreating it without the capacity for Evil is entirely the correct idea.

if you are wiping out the capacity for evil you are doing the same for good. xehanort wouldve made an inhabitable world.

i mean uninhabitable

>He's a "good and evil are two sides of the same coinfag."
This is why we needed to let Xehanort win, his plan would stop weak people like you keeping Darkness in your heart.

>good and evil are two sides of the same coin
not at all what i am saying. to be good or to be evil takes the same parameters within a human, so no one would inhabit that universe. humans are flawed. evil and good are co-dependent on each other so if you get rid of one they both vanish.

But that's wrong you fucking double nigger. We know in Kingdom Hearts that your IRL theories of morality don't apply.

can you not post like a sperg? its embarrassing

I could but ding dong you're fucking wrong.

I think what disappointed me most about KH3 was the lack of new oc worlds. I get that it's the conclusion (lol) of the Xehanort saga but going to the Keyblade Graveyard for the 3rd or 4th time, fighting Demon Tower again and again after already fighting too many of them in 0.2 was such a let down. Scala Ad Caelum was wasted for sure but nothing has come close to the heavy atmosphere of The End of the World from 1 for me, going through world terminus with just Destati playing, finding the pieces to the last door and ending up back in a destroyed Destiny Islands was the greatest shit. I'm sad 3 couldn't capture anything similar for all the hype it had.

honest to god never cringed so hard at a video game in my life