What's the best build for a first timer?
What's the best build for a first timer?
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Magic is easy mode but it's pretty fun since you can craft your own spells and fly around.
Long Sword, Heavy Armor, with Strength and Speed as your favorite attributes.
If you want easy mode, pick Redguard with longsword major and Warrior star sign. Everything else literally doesn't matter.
If you want most enjoyable and (in my opinion) how the game was meant to be played, go pure mage.
Dark Elf whatever class you want
Or redgaurd battlemage
to that effect, what do I need to mod morrowind to be worth playing?
No mods except for maybe the code patch
What's the best race for pure mage?
code patch?
Also I will totally play vanilla, but I at least need ONE nude mod
Redguard swordsman
If you care about graphics then get MGE XE, if not just get the code patch and Dark Brotherhood Delayed.
I would say just pick whatever race you think looks coolest, but if you really want the best go Breton or Altmer.
Despite what people say, Morrowind is not a difficult game, and you can make pretty much any garbage build you throw together work, so I always recommend picking what you think is cool over what is the "best"
thanks bro.
You guys seriously don't play anything other than vanilla? I don't mind it myself, but I use to mod the fuck out of this back in the day... I can only imagine what is available for it now.
>Dark Brotherhood Delayed
Hell no dude you can get some op armor real early on
Vanilla Morrowind is really just the best experience, the only mods worth getting are those that enhance vanilla rather than change it.
Exactly it's broken and ruins your experience. The developers intended for you to install and play the DLC after beating the main quest when you're already OP as fuck not right out the gate.
Are there any console commands I can use to change my walking speed to something tolerable?
Yeah I can't dispute that, it had immaculate art direction.
I'll check out MGE XE, thanks. Might consider the delay, but I don't remember that being a huge issue.
What about the graphics mods? What are your thoughts on them?
Oooh now I get it... Okay I'll install it.
Spacebar spam every time, all the time, bro. I hate that they killed this as a thing in future elder scrolls.
If I want to do 2 playthrough of the game, one with a pure warrior and the other with a pure mage, which one should I choose for my 1st playthrough?
A little unrelated but on gamesplanet there is a shitton of deals, including fallout NV ultimate at 3 bucks and Morrowing GOTY at 4 bucks, are they worthy?
player.setspeed 100 (or more if you really want to Z O O M)
this is going to sound like a dumb question, but please no bully I haven't had a computer for 8 years:
Should I buy morrowind now that it's on sale? Or is there a smarter option?
I can't think of any games that wouldn't be worth it at those prices, especially ones with as much replay value as NV and Morrowind.
Tough choice. Ultimately, pick whichever you want really, but if you're having trouble choosing, I would say go pure warrior first, as mage is a lot easier (and a lot more fun) when you're already familiar with the game.
Absolutely, both great games and that's cheap as hell.
mod to increase everything's movement speed, at least until you get your speed skill up to 50
How does one get sneak XP?
Ok thanks, will pick warrior so.
Also, I precise that the deals are about the steam version of both games, is there any issues with the steam version?
Especially since I'm planning to mod NV, not planning to mod morrowind though
crouching around in shops out of sight does the trick if I remember correctly
>try Morrowind
>graphics and overall clunkiness of the game make me drop it
Also you walk slow as FUCK. I know you level up and eventually walk faster but my god the beginning is such a fucking chore.
What are some fun unorthodox builds that you guys have done in Morrowind?
So you do get xp for just sneaking around random people?
Not the same user but I already have new vegas but without the DLC, is it worthy to buy NV again but ultimate edition this time at 3 dollars just to get all DLC?
you get exp for sneaking around anything and also from doing sneak attacks which show up as "critical hits"
Yes, though it's honestly better to just toss a bunch of gold at a trainer.
The DLC adds a lot of backstory to the game and Dead Money is one of my favorite DLCs in any game ever; it somehow manages to combined survival horror with roleplaying and pull it off, on top of having the best writing in the entire game.
boots of blinding speed
fatigue potions
super easy
the "tgm" build
Yes... It really sucks that they made movement spend tolerable from the start in future ES games instead of bashing spacebar for jump distance....
Yes but the gains from jump spam feel SO GREAT once you finally make it, bro. Why would you rob yourself of that feeling?
Nerevarine starts very slow and ends up jumping the whole vvardenfelll in one go
Dovahkiin can jog I guess
If you're not going to pirate then yeah, buy it. 5 bucks is dirt cheap.
I jumped up the stairs for an hour the first time around
If you buy it on gog, sure
Better pirate then get steam drm
uninstall wizard
Thank me later
Pure mage is the ultimate easy mode.
because it takes fatigue and by the time i get acrobatics up to an acceptable level i already have constant effect levitate anyway
That's what I tell myself every time I feel like going to the gym
Unless you have some serious nostalgia for Morrowind you are not going to have a good time playing it in 2019.
Not true, I played it for the first time last year and had a blast, favorite Bethesda game by far
Moded ofc
Breton, with the Apprentice birthsign, your race boost will counter the debuff from the Apprentice
I never get this, Nord with Axe is easier. There's even an Axe of Shards in Seyda Neen and Nord's racial passives never stop being useful. Adrenaline Rush stops being useful early mid game when you can afford your own potions. Nords shit on 2/3 of Destruction spells my simply existing and Woad is a great ability.
Breton, also cute
I know exactly what you mean. I'm basically on the fence to play Morrowind or Oblivion. I already know I love the mechanics of Oblivion more, but the world environment is so... samey. Plus Morrowind actually has a cooler setting and lore.
Which should I get bros?
Or Atronach if you’re feeling spicy
Oblivion's design and ideas get used in every rpg since, from today's standpoint its very "vanilla"
Morrowind is as unique and fresh as it was back in the day
I usually go Breton, extra magicka, extra magic resistance is good. Altmer has more magicka, but is also is weaker to magic and elemental damage.
morrowind has the better main quest, lore, and world. oblivion has better sidequests
Don't even try.
Recently downloaded mge xe. As far as i know, it doesnt touch textures at all, right?
I had tried the Overhaul mod some time back but tossed it since it apparently had some game breaking bugs and because of the stupid sound effects in towns and taverns.
You get sneak exp if you're sneaking, within a certain distance of someone (you need to be fairly close, well within detection range), and undetected.
It's literally impossible to gain any amount of sneak exp by playing normally unless your sneak skill is already very high, so either find a shop with one guy who doesn't move around and and toggle sneak behind him while you afk and do other shit or pay a trainer.
I love you user
What are the best resources to get a good overview of TES lore?
playing the game
get OpenMW
model/texture replacers work on it pretty sure
Git gud.
Endurance + Luck, The Lady, Full Magic and maybe an armor, weapon, and shield. Try to max Luck and Endurance as early as possible. Luck takes forever since it's 1 point a level and maxing endurance first insures you have the most HP possible on a character. Luck also buffs every single thing you do and starting at 50 Luck means you aren't taking a penalty on everything as well. Rest of the stats are substantially easier to level and just level those as needed and whenever you can shove 5 points to it.
yeah im sure he will have fun dying to literally and spell in one hit
>Xbox version
Breton Atronach
>falling for the bait so hard you make a counter webm despite the fact people making the 'morrowind combat lol' webms are clearly making builds that are as un-meta as possible as a joke
>full magic for a first timer
Don't do this.
One of my favourite builds was a pacifist thief build. I used the code patch to make it so you can steal from unconscious bodies and enchant arrows so I'd enchant arrows with drain fatigue or punch people out then steal from them and run away. Maybe not "unorthodox" but it is a pretty interesting way to play. I pretty much went around doing heists on all the major vaults and mansions without killing a single thing.
>empty stamina bar
>weapon skill probably not even in minor skills
>agility probably at 30
Why is every "morrowindcombatsuxx" video the same?
Imperial Library or literally just play that game and read any books you come across. Just remember that TES books are like real books, just because an author says something is true, doesn't mean it is; people have biases, pay attention to who wrote the book and where it came from.
I really like battle mage because you have megic skills but aren't screwed if you run out of Magicka
Eh just get the summon weapon spells if you are too afraid to cast spells all the time. They are really cheap and ez to cast and give you ridiculous weapon damage early game.
Don't be ridiculous.
The game is wizard simulator
>just because an author says something is true, doesn't mean it is
I love that about Morrowind. Depending on whose account you read, the Battle of Red Mountain happened about three different ways. Makes the world feel so much more believable.
sure thing, thank you for the suggestion
This much I recall for sure. Fuck Oblivion's main quest, I ignore it every time.
While that may be the case, I get massive nostalgia for playing oblivion because it was the first game I built a PC for and it did all of those things you say well. I'll definitely play Morrowind first to see if it proves your point.
I caved and bought both for 5.50 a piece; it seemed like the only compromise to me because I fear I'll regret getting one over the other no matter what.
I remember paying full price for Oblivion.
$5.50 is definitely a good deal, especially if you got Shivering Isles with it.
>morrowind has the better main quest
yeah until you get to the part where you have to make all the great houses and ashlander tribes name you king badass.
You need to be fairly familiar with how the game works for magic to be really worthwhile. For a new player, trying to play a full mage is just going to be a huge frustration. Something like an orc warrior or a wood elf archer, while arguably less interesting, takes much less time, effort, and knowledge to get off the ground.
indeed I did
So stoked to play these; it has been sooo long since I've had a PC! (and no modern video game interests me at this time)
You could go Orc Wizard and cast fist and have max HP possible.
Is it possible in Morrowind to cast fortify unarmed and fortify strength spells, then run around beating people up as an elderly wizard?
You can't run without getting tired in real life, right?
How does Yea Forums feel about Bloodmoon?
max comfy
i havent gotten to it yet
My house.
This is my favorite screenshot
I was fighting a dremora when he reflected a paralyze spell.
during the paralyze, my nighteye wore off and the only thing i could see were his glowing eyes
Do any of Tamriel's other provinces have the same potential to match Vvardenfell's aesthetic and atmosphere?
so should I use graphic mods?
beyond something to make the fonts not shit, no not really
Cool pic.
never played dead money but holy shit this sounds awesome
Only if you know what your doing. Hard mode for a noob.
>Morrowind's engine is so shit, so poorly optimized you need modern monster rigs just to run graphics mods and grass
Play Gothic 2
Whatever you find is cool, just make sure your class and race bonuses match with things you actually use. Once your weapon skill is about 50 the missing meme isn't bad.
Came to post this.
oh look a redditspacing phone poster
>Dark Elf
except you're still considered an N'Wah Outsider if you do
i mean not really
Forage and jump a bunch.
That's because you're still an N'wah outsider.
>asking how to play an RPG
>especially one where you can level all skills while playing
WTF is wrong with you? Just play the game. Who gives a fuck about min-maxing, the game is fairly easy anyway.
DONT DO THIS, there are no mana potions in morrowind, litereally NO merchant sells mana potions stronger than weak potions.
GO orc, max heavy armor, max block, max athleticism and you are set.
Breton battlemage or woodelf archermage are good starters. Magic is key especially conjugation (mark+recall) and alteration (levitation, hop, soul trap).
all i wanted was to be an outrider medium armor spear wielding type character who patrolled the border and protected my people from would-be threats. but no im shit and dirty now instead THANKSA LOPT
>not having high willpower and intelligence and gear that neglects your need for potions
>gear that neglects your need for potions
does not exist, there is no gear that regenerates mana.
Also OP askes for the MOST EASIEST style of play, which is high armor warrior.
Summerset Isles and some parts of Elsewyr maybe.
You arrive on the island as an outlander off of a prison ship, I'm not sure what you were expecting.
peak comfy, it's sad bloodmoon seems more faithful to Nord lore than Skyrim
a full pardon ofc
this nigga conjugating verbs
I thought Skyrim was, generally speaking, pretty good about lore consistency.
I'm pretty sure you WERE given a full pardon, but that doesn't make you any less of an outlander.
Tell that to the brainlets getting killed by fucking mudcrabs that plague these threads.
Here's my four step guide to your first Morrowind playthrough:
Step 1) Anyone who says magic is easy is saying that because they know the game already. Ignore them. Magic is weird and dumb if you don't know exactly what you're doing, and just slows you down.
Step 2) Redguard, longsword, and whatever else it doesn't matter. Just Redguard with Longsword to start.
Step 3) Complete Boethiah's Quest ASAP. You won't be able to do it immediately, but go ahead and google how to do it because you have to wait three weeks to get the rewards. That means you'll get them right about when you hit the point where you'll need it.
Step 4) Right after you complete character creation go into the console and set your speed attribute to 125-150.
Movespeed in Morrowind is slower than molasses uphill on a cold day. It's stupid and dumb and pointless and sucks ass when you're spending ten seconds sprinting across a broom closet.
So, to recap:
Ignore magic
Redguard with longsword
Get goldbrand
Increase your speed
There you go. After that you can do whatever you want.
>what is alchemy
we got high iq jokes here
Make sure you have "Always use best attack" turned on.
>what is alchemy
OOPS you need 2 mana raising ingrediences and guess how many there are in the game???? TWO!!!!!!!
one of them being an items that again you as good as never can find and only 5 % of merchants sell, and in very low amounts. HAVE FUN WITH YOUR MAGIC NEWBIE!!!!
read up on magic and potions or your missing a huge part of what makes the game fun
just get a hold of these badboys and some magic resistance.
There’s gear that increases your magika and willpower and intelligence. Combining your spells with specific protection and speed/hopping/levitating/invisibility spells makes you untouchable
boots of blinding speed
>you can regenerate mana
You can craft potions, and there are spells which restore magicka. Also drain magicka.
Nords in Skyrim were basically taller Imperials.
>what is atronach and summon ancestral ghost then attacking it twice with a 0 skill attack to make it aggro on you and cast spells on you thereby giving you free mana
There's four though. Daedra hearts, void salts, frost salts, and comberry.
Nalcarya of white haven has a restocking supply of void and frost salts, and Ajira has a restocking supply of comberry.
>Nordic pantheon completely whitewashed with Imperial cuck pantheon.
>No greybeards on every mountain
>Basically like one other guy besides you with the voice, despite lore stating it's a fairly common skill for Nord warriors.
Not as bad as Oblivion, but still a more boring version of what we were told. Honestly they should of never wrote that guide to the Empire, considering Morrowind was the only game where they put any effort into actually following it.
>he doesnt know about opemw
OpenMW cannot look as good as MGE XE
everyone in this thread is stipud, you want a good time for a first time pick dark elf. This will give you +10 disposition with most of the NPCs(better prices)
build your own class, pick a favorite weapon and armor, Doesn't really matter though I wouldnt pick daggers and if you pick a 1 hander pick block as well. armor is the same. additionally grab acrobatics, athletics, security, stealth, speachcraft and mercantile. The rest are up to you, I like alchemy but do what you want. Grab endurance and whatever else you want as a favored. Finally take Atronach as your sign, this will make you 50% immune to magic. Magic is pretty cool but I didn't get much out of it on the first play though.
What happened to him?
they forced him into rehab
he saw some shit, and smoked a lot more shit. hes a good dude.
Atronach is the best birthsign overall.
Gives you a 50% chance to absorb magic from any spell and any extra effects from an an enchanted weapon which will save you a number of times over. The extra magicka is nice too. You can't regenerate magicka over time but that won't matter if you don't focus on spellcasting much.
>sell car and buy Xbox
>"what the fuck is the elder scrolls?"
>take it home and start playing
>"wow this game looks like shit"
>get off boat
>choose random faggy elf called a Bosmer with some gay spiky hair
>realize I can steal anything not nailed down
>spend weeks just exploring game and being a thief
>amazed at all the books in the game
>start a collection
>barely scratch surface of everything available to do
I will never experience peak comfy like that again.
Playing a sneak build for the first time bros, pretty impressive foresight that they made a whole skill around exploiting the game engine
Post your builds, mine's
Short Blade
this is a feel i know well. the main theme makes me more emotional than it rightly should. like listening to Super Mario World and Mario 3 tracks.
you fucker
>the sound effect of unlocking something
The copy of Morrowind I have is actually my dads but I ended up playing it more then he ever did (Don't think I ever saw him play it come to think of it.) He never wanted it back so it's funny how that works.
I honestly think Morrowind is one of the most soulful games ever made.
That's right, it does suck.
It was lightning in a bottle, Bethesda will never make a game like it ever again.
Not anymore it doesn't.
Short Blade
Light armor
I'm gonna grab Morrowind but what about Oblivion?
Not so fast!
Worth it for Wes Johnson alone
Oblivion is good and in many ways better than Morrowind, but it also jettisoned a lot of the unique aspects of Morrowind and doesn't have as good of world (both from a gameplay and lore standpoint).
Honestly, all the mainline Elder Scrolls games are good, barring Arena.
Oblivion is good, too. In particular, Oblivion has great guild quests, far better than both Skyrim and Morrowind.
Well shit. I'm out of here.
Focus on agility for accuracy and endurance for survivability. Do whatever sounds fun to you for everything else.
Understand that the combat is hidden dice rolls, missing a lot may be frustrating for the first couple hours. Found a cool destruction scroll you want to try early on? It’s probably going to miss.
Make sure to visit trainers for the skills you want to use.
Scrolls always cast successfully
boots of blinding speed nub
Never be another
My one true love
This was my main character for quite some time, currently playing a mage right now
Man is alchemy busted
When I played this I used to pick spears as a major and rush getting as much endurance as possible.
Best nudity mods?
Yes I like to stop to fap during my adventures of robbing people blind. Maximum immersion.
It's definitely possible
Shrines are a blessing and a curse, though. You can donate a little money and absorb the restoration spells they use on you, refilling your magicka, but the times you might actually NEED those spells to work are gonna be annoying
Roberts bodies or curvy bodies. I think their are even addons that do the same thing as curvy bodies but for roberts.
Pretty sure I've used Roberts bodies before. Might check out the other one just to see what it's like, but I remember loving being happy with that one for sure.
Thank you!
My Pala-bro, Chrysamere is a true beast. I remember finding it entirely by accident while traveling from Telvanniville to Tel Fyr. There's all sorts of powerful shit hidden in this game to stumble on, it's great
I hate the reiklings and spriggans. There are so many of them on that tiny island.
>Hey what if we had to make you kill one enemy 3 times in a row.
Both of those are so much worse than cliff racers ever were.
>I don't know anything about morrowind mechanics but here's my opinion
ok coool
Don't forget drow elf stealthwizard (with arcane archer subclass). You can master demon magic to enslave a mind flayer, then it's pretty much gg from there.
Don't bother asking this, user. Don't apply too much meta knowledge to this game, for your own sake. Too much can lead to you outright abusing the game or becoming naturally OP if you simply min-max your build for whatever it is. Too little can be frustrating but it isn't that complicated user.
You want to put at least one major skill into a weapon of your choice. Longswords are abundant and high-quality.
Put speed as a minor skill if you want to pick up the pace but not zip around the map by the time you're not even level 15. If got off out by how slow you move so it set it to major and just naturally walking around buffed me to a ridiculous walking speed the more I played
Be a Dunmer because they're the best and that way you can at least fool people into believing you're not an n'wah from a distance.
I wouldn't say they're far better than morrowind's
Is OpenMW viable yet for a full playthrough? I really don't want to fuck with MGE and don't really care for graphics mods as Morrowind is old enough where its OG aesthetic is nostalgic.
High elf or Breton you dumbass. Are you even reading the fucking character creation screen?
Just make speed a major or minor skill. FUCK. Why is everyone holding the hand of this tard?
Yeah, it's better than vanilla MW. It doesn't have MWSE (which is used for some mods) and advanced graphics from MGE, but it is very stable and performs great. 120 fps everywhere and no ctds like vanilla.
I would. Morrowind's guild quests are a string of unrelated menial tasks that never go anywhere.
Just play Morrowind. It's a fresh even if old setting that doesn't feel like a LOTR fanfic like Oblivion
I personally enjoy collecting mushrooms and shit. You feel like a real mage in fantasy land. Oblivion and Skyrim's guild quests are fucking stupid.
What mods? Sky looks beautiful.
>no shadows
Yeah, so much better than vanilla
I kinda liked the wizard field trip in Skyrim, but then it turns into FATE DESTINED CHOSEN ONE, SAVE THE WORLD right after
1, they do go somewhere.
2, Morrowind isn't fantasy theater like the later games.
It's not a theme park ride where you sit and watch what happens to you. It's a living world with rules and thought put into its systems.
You are a lowly peon looking to become an initiate of the Mages Guild. Of course they aren't going to hand over the important shit.
No shadows and no proper distant land yet. Might want to wait some more.
I'm attempting to have a playthrough of this in the last week too. I remember playing it years ago a little before Oblivion came out but didn't really get far or do very much. I think I had a bunch of other stuff I was playing at the time.
The jankiness and drabness is pretty hard to overcome and it's so dark in places it's hard in the bright summer to see anything. I need to play in the dark more.
That's fine and all for characters starting out, but that's all it ever is. It's boring and unfulfilling.
Skyrim's guild quests, aside from just being poorly written and unmemorable, go too far in the other direction where you're instantly declared the chosen one for being the 100th person to walk through the doors of the guild hall.
Oblivion had the best balance of the two by starting you off with small tasks and gradually easing you into the larger plot as you progressed.
Oblivion's guild quests also have a lot more going on in general than Morrowind's guild quests. The Dark Brotherhood questline vs the Morag Tong questline exemplifies this. Every writ you receive from the Morag Tong is just "Go here and kill X" with no attempt at storytelling at all, whereas even the lowest ranking Dark Brotherhood quests at least told you why your target was marked for death.
And this is why every guild questline in Morrowind ends with you becoming the guildmaster, right?
Buy blackout curtains, fuck the sun.
In order to become guildmaster you have to have one of their Skills at fucking 90.
You are a mythically powerful exemplar of what it means to BE a mage, of course they're going to give you the job.
And in others you kill all the upper management, proving your worth in the old school way.
Did you even read my earlier post?
Questing isn't about "what content will I mindlessly consume today," it's an opportunity to learn and grow as a character and inhabitant of the game world. It's about building an investment that pays off in immersion.
this exact post but with Skyrim and khajit thief instead.
What mods would you guys recommend for someone hasn't played Morrowind in over ten years?
Gotta go fast
Well if all it takes is being a powerful mage and having collected mushrooms for enough people, I'm surprised the mages guild doesn't change leaders more often.
Also, how the fuck is storytelling in a fucking RPG "THE PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN RIDE AT DISNEYLAND"?
Oh, actually, it turns out Morrowind IS "THE PIRATES OF THE CARIBBEAN RIDE AT DISNEYLAND" because the main quest has storytelling, you dimwitted hipster.
haha how the fuck is mana shortage real like nigga just rest until healed hahahaha like nigga just close your eyes haha
What would be some good graphic mods for morrowind.
I just want to increase the view distance and make the water look better, nothing too fancy.
MGE XE does all of that
The side and guild quests have storytelling.
What they don't have, and what you seem to value above anything else, is spectacle.
But imagine a game where instead of a static plot with some spectacular moments, you instead had a dynamic world in which the player embodied a character within the narrative.
In other words, what if you had a ROLE in which you could, I don't know, PLAY?
Here's another analogy, and I know how shitposters love to pick apart these, so enjoy.
Obvlion/Skyrim is a set of 4 or 5 rollercoasters, where as Morrowind is a car.
Just browse Nexus and those will be the first mods to pop up, dumbass
>and what you seem to value above anything else, is spectacle
If you'd actually read my post where I denounced Skyrim's quests, you'd know this wasn't the case, but you're clearly more interested in being a rabid fanboy.
Daily reminder that playing with distant lands enabled is like playing Silent Hill without the fog. The world and art direction were created with the limited draw distance in mind, and it is an essential part of the atmosphere, at least for a first playthrough.
Pretty decent. Very nice for what it is and has a lot of strong points over Skyrim. Leagues above THE CITY OF MAGIC
I wouldn't increase the view distance past default. It was made with the low view distance in-mind, and increasing it makes it apparent how small the world really is.
>Vivec and Ebonheart are THAT close to each other
Holy shit you're right
fuck yes, just killed those pesky egg poachers.
I'm new to modding this and just followed a quick simple mod guide to get me started. Just googled "morrowind simple mod guide" there's a 30 min mod guide.
Unofficial Morrowind Official Plugins Patched
Patch for purists
Talrivian's State-Based HP Mod
Bycote's Better Attacks (More variety in attack animations, allows you to play with "use best attack" off while doing the same consistent damage as if it was on)
When it comes to graphics there are plenty of good guides to follow, I like the look of vanilla so I went with something that simply enhanced it.
Better Meshes plus Optimization
Correct Meshes
Morrowind Watercolored + Patch for official plugins
*spriggan respawns in front of you*
notten personell
if you do that you'll be able to kite enemies too easily
worth it for dark brotherhood (best guild quest line of any elder scrolls game. incredible), thieves guild to an extent, and shivering isles. the fighters guild is meh, and the mages guild is not so great
easily worth $15 or whatever
i played a fuckton of morrowind mods when i was a teenager. it depends what you want to get out of the game, how much you care about lore, immersion, etc. not much is actively developed nowadays though. you can go a long way with morrowind rebirth (wouldn't recommend for a firs ttime playthrough though) and the tamriel rebuilt mods, which keep getting bigger and bigger
Nobody plays Morrowind because they want more of real life.
The one you have with you.
Is that kinda shit endgame stuff or mid(not including making yourself broken through alchemy)?
His restoration skill is 281 and he has 1002 intelligence.
Now I feel silly for just staring at the spells and none of the stats, thank you for pointing that.
>That one naked Nord in a corner of Mournhold
>He's not naked because a witch tricked him, the weather is just too hot for him
Has anyone have success with permanently calming most humanoid enemies? The general procedure I'm thinking is maxing personality, wearing constant effect armor to get to 200 personality, cast calm humanoid then use speech to max out their disposition if the personality didn't max it out itself. I don't think I'll have any success with most creatures.
It's based on "fight" but disposition can lower an NPC's fight value. The thing is, nobody has the formula unless I can figure out where to dig in openmp to find the formula.
chameleon is useful for initiating dialogue with them before they turn hostile
Alchemy does all the cool stuff that magic can do anyway, aside from Destruction.
100% chameleon while being naked is generally better as due to the technically temporary nature of magic it can effect the disposition in very odd ways
I definitely vote for Elsewyr as the diversity of Khajit really do lend developers the ability to make some crazy shit
high IQ and correct.
But seriously make sure you level up your athletics or whatever to an extreme amount so you can run fast
uhhh are you not able to jump?
I know I can just walk through the game invisible but that's not interesting at all. I wanted to see if you could out charisma the majority of encounters in the game. A personality of 200 gives you a +100 disposition boost to anything in the game. Combine that with calm in case some NPC has some negative multiplier you can easily force permanent 100 disposition on any humanoid in the game. I'm wondering if that would be enough to pacify the fight values in most humanoids to be peaceful and do a messiah playthrough. If it worked I could even use Command Humanoid to make a cult/charisma playthrough.
It's probably easier to just check with console commands because I've never seen anybody try this style of pacifist. Walking around invisible isn't the "friend" playthrough I'm looking for either. I've already broken this game by manipulating NPC's stats/attributes, if this worked it would be the ultimate challenge.
I heard the combat is more ass than vida guerra
redpill me on that
If it's your first time don't create class unless you're absolutely sure of what you're doing
That's stupid advice. There's something like 20 classes in the game. It comes with built in mish mashes of whatever already, there's no problem with new players making their own. Classes don't even really mean much. There's no class based mechanics in the game at all. It's almost impossible to screw yourself with a custom class. You'd have to do something really stupid like make skills you don't actually want to use your majors and even then you aren't really screwing yourself beyond making leveling up a pain.
Buy it on gog, so you get all official modules installed right out the box
>three offensive skills
He has ascended
>Argonian male
>Full Imperial Templar Armour
Nothing can top this kind of aesthetic
It's a waste of time in 2019 also you shouldn't let other people, especially not people on Yea Forums, define your gaming preferences. It was a good game when it came out but there are better alternatives for an open world rpg now.
They are literally right next to each other on the map.
"Well well, look at the outlander pullin' up in his fancy imperial sailboat."
>I came here as a prisoner!
"Well pardon us, Mr. Colovian fur helm."
>I looted this helm from a dead bandit.
"Well la-dee-dah Mr. House Telvanni slaver.
>Sorry but I believe in good mercantile skills."
"Teh! You're not gonna grow nothing at Hlaalo Manor, that's why Uryne Nirith abandoned it!"
>Oh what do you know?!
"I know your alchemy skill is up near 5.6 and you need 7-8 max to craft fortify intelligence potions"
>Oh that's just a superstition. You just watch me, I'll grow saltrice out there!
"Not if you're planting kwama eggs."
High elf atronach or breton apprentice
>magic for first timer
Just go Orc heavy armour barbarian
Wish I had installed the mod that delays dark brotherhood attacks, their armor is way too good.
That is not a good thing, the official plugins that come with the gog version are dirty.
He was actually supposed to make an appearance in Oblivion, I'm willing to bet he was tied to the cut Elder Council questline
Earn the trust of the locals you s'wit. Take the pilgrimages, serve the temple. Befriend the locals and before long you're on the road to respect.
Breton 100%.
>Not the ice blade of the monarch
Nigger(Redguard) with 1hand sword and shield. The redguard buff ist best!
sleeping restores your mana
They make shit builds on purpose lol
Based mudcrabs/cliff racers. They are the gatekeepers that keep retards and journos from enjoying this game and I'm thankful for their service.
>use intelligence potion loop to achieve eldritch knowledge.
>Create a restore magic potion that can fuel you for 30 days and nights.
It's literally Skyrim SD.
Comfy but otherwise quite boring.
There's literally free magicka potions in every mage guild chest.
Also you can be an atronach and aggro a summoned ghost to recharge.
You can also pray for blessing at shrines and absorb the magic from them
Probably you'd do best on your first run to not worry about it too much.
The memes did not prepare me for how annoying cliff racers actually are.
I was planning to avoid fast travel as much as possible but fuck having to deal with these things every two steps.
There's mods for making wildlife mostly passive unless they are Blight infected.
Get filtered N'wah
Is there a way to increase the size of the UI and text if say going to 4k with the MGE?
It's not a hard game at all it's just that most people softlock themselves at the start with their shitty character builds because they are ADHD retards who can't take 10 minutes to properly create their characters.
Instead, they rush through the character creation, rush off the main village, and start looking for stuff to kill without even getting their first actual weapon.
Not a lot of people remember it but there were people who legitimately complained that Fallout 2 was too hard and how they couldn't even make it past the first town because they kept getting killed by the Rat God beneath Klamath, or they'd get killed in random encounters because they only put like 5 points into AGI and put the rest into INT and CHA. Retards can make any game look hard, especially when they all get together and complain about it on a Taiwanese dick pickling forum.
based alchebro
Oh shit this thread is still up, well I might as well ask this now...
What sort of crazy after mods are there for extra content? I can remember downloading a REALLY insane Castlevania mod many many years ago, with a huge castle and impossible booby traps and shit. Me and my friend crawled through that so slowly and were scared out of our fucking minds. That was so long ago, I can only imagine what kind of stuff people have gotten up to.
Just rest nigga. Also if you join the Mage's guild, you can loot the shit out of every chest in every guild (that has one), getting an easy 50+ potions and other shit for less than 50 gold in travel costs.
one of the funnest ways to play that isn't overpowered too much is thieving and training your favorite weapon
you can get a lot of gold and level up fast with interesting side skills using trainers, and still experience the game world completely
>crazy after mods are there for extra content
The craziest one to get and the most inane one to get is Sotha Sil Expanded. It's bigger than Bloodmoon and unless you're a casual, you gotta try it.
Voice acting sucks a bit, but here's a fix:
Get Tamriel Rebuilt which adds a third of mainland Morrowind with quests (and the rest of it in a secondary mod file without quests).
Get Skyrim: Home of the Nords if you want to play a bit of The Reach.
For tropical rendition of western Cyrodiil get Province Cyrodiil that adds the island of Stirk (next release the whole Golden Coast).
Primary Attribute: STR, AGI
Major: Long Blade, Heavy Armor
Minor: anything
Birth sign: Warrior
Redguard has a racial ability that fortifies their combat stats and comes with bonus points to long blades
the best build is
>literally whatever
>steal limeware platter
>sell, buy jack of all trades
>join mages guild
>buy soultrap
>give yourself 1000 in each stat
All of the default classes are fucking garbage, you'd have to be a total retard to do worse.
Thanks, those sound spicy! I really had my mind blown all those years ago and loved the fact that small groups of people could come together and make grand expressions of creativity and love. Bethesda games really attract those kinds of beautiful creators.
I'm happy that they fixed that shit in OpenMW. Especially in multiplayer. Because I would not be able to contain myself from being an exploiting mega-faggot.
Evolution is basically just finding the best exploits in nature. There's nothing wrong with exploiting.
there is no such thing as builds
in morrowind you pick as primary skills skills you will never use, and minor skills skills you want to use.
Then you controll your levelup rate with the primary skills ensuring you have used eough minor skills to get 5x multipliers.
You max endurance asap, then max everything else. putting into luck every level is not a bad idea, since you level it so slowly.
You end up with 100 in all skills and attributes
atronach is best sign, if you want to use magic learn the summon ancestrial spirit trick.
you should get to 20 or so before fighting your first enemy. Do the alchemy ingredient duplication trick and use stolen alchemy gear to make potions to sell for training money.
get azuras star and enchant 100% sanctuary stuff
I can understand removing the soultrap glitch in OpenMW. But I refuse to play it since you can't steal the limeware platter. Literally unplayable.
I was just about to DL roberts bodies when I saw this... now it is giving me second thoughts.
Literally soulless vs soul. What should I do?
You sure you aren't thinking of Rebirth?
Here, I made a roadmap.
>What should I do?
Kill yourself.
Should probably add that the prototype level work is being done on the northern Cyrodiil border. The long term goal is to connect with Skyrim before actually finishing the whole of Colovia. So rather than going towards Kavatch, the mod will go towards Sancre Tor.
Major skills:
>heavy armor
Minor skills:
>long blade
>blunt weapon
>another armor skill
Its boring as fuck, but going full big dick melee is the quickest way to become strong. Make sure to level endurance.
The signs that give stat boosts are EZ mode.
Stealth is hard especially for a first timer because you're damn squishy and weak.
Magic has the same issue except you do really good damage early on, but you better stay out of direct combat. Also reflecting spells back at you is a common passive in the game for enemies of a higher level.
They still haven't fixed the stealing/ownership issues in OpenMW? It's been 5 fucking years.
Can someone help a brainlet out with modding? Do I drag and drop every single file into the appropriate folder (i.e. Texture mods in the Textures folder) or can I create a folder with the mod name and put that in the appropriate folders? .ESP files go into the Data Files directory?
interdasting... I appreciate the information. Seems ambitious!
In general, you need look at the READ ME file attached to every mod. Some exceptions exist, but mostly you drag and replace files.
Better yet, here. This will get everyone started (its also what I'm using now.). Most of the people's suggestions in the thread were to add this short list of mods anyways, so follow it closely. This dude shows you how to mod.
You don't have to use the regen mana hack he's using though, that's gay ass modern videogame logic.
modding is really easy
Thanks user I'll give it my best shot
>be Redoran boy (best house)
>every single mod fellates Telvanni and House Telvanni is the only Great House with proper interplay between the Vvardenfell and TR branches
Fuck off
Isn't there a really highly regarded Redoran mod you insufferable Redoran faggots wont stop going on about?
Redpill me on the Great Houses.
I know it is, but this guy literally shows you how it works, so can't hurt for someone that selfdescribed themselves as brainlet.
Don't worry user, I've been here. I'm a "must be shown first" kinda learner too.
No, there's nothing for Redoran in the same vein of Rise of House Telvanni nor Uvirith's Legacy. The Redoran controlled part of the mainland isn't even finished yet.
LGNPC mods for Redoran cities doubles as an expansion of their questline.
Telvanni sound based and redpilled desu.
they sound gay desu
>not wanting to be an ancap wizard lord
House Hlaalu are Imperial cock suckers that sell out their traditions and ancestors for the Imperial's Gold
House Telvanni are good wizards/mages but don't give a fuck about anyone but themselves and spend all their time jerking off in their mushroom huts
House Redoran is the most glorious House with DUTY, GRAVITY, and PIETY who keep the traditions of their ancestors that go one to save Morrowind from the brink of destruction.
Everyone on their mother jerks off Telvanni though because "le silly mushroom homes xD!"
I can talk to any internet fedoralord to get that experience
Hey now, as the only fun way to play Morrowind is being a mad lad alchemist wizard god, Telvanni is the natural choice for men of culture.
>In Redoran culture kinship is derived from one's deeds and values, rather than consanguinity
>Familial-ties form the backbone of Redoran society
Also everyone knows the official ranking is Redoran>Telvanni>Indoril>the houses that don't even exist anymore
Telvanni are unscrupulous businessmen. Telvanni have no culture.
Exactly as it says. You can be adopted in a family due to your deeds. Your family, new or old, is your backbone in everything.
Bonemold armor has top tier aesthetics.
Keeping argonians as my slaves is the beating heart of my glorious culture, you filthy outlander.
If you like keeping slaves, you'd go Indoril or Dres. Redoran don't do it, Hlaalu don't do it in public and Telvanni let their slaves run whole plantations themselves, often effectively giving them more freedom than regular dunmer got.
this game is for babies you don't need a build but also remember that vivec is a hermaphrodite lying bastard and the temple is corrupt and will kill people that question them
The people who crossed him were never seen again. That guy means business
OK but consanguinity means that you share a common ancestor i.e. familial ties. Then the very next line it says that familial ties form the backbone of Redoran society. Unless by familial ties they just mean being adopted into a "family," in which case I guess it wouldn't be consanguinity.
Is it ever revealed what happened to him after the events of Morrowind?
>t. wouldn't make it in Telvanni society
>in which case I guess it wouldn't be consanguinity.
... Right.
You guys hyped for more CYRODIL, SKYRIM and HIGH ROCK vanilla medieval adventure schlock while interesting locations like Morrowind, Summerset Isles, the Black Marsh, Valenwood and Elsweyr will NEVER GET THEIR OWN GAME AGAIN because it would scare off dudebros?
(eso doesn't count so don't @ me with that gay shit).
I really wonder if it really would alienate people, or investors just say that because they don't want it?
Don't forget Hammerfell.
And High Rock at least has a legitimate reason to be a generic European setting because that's what it is for the most part.
On the one hand I feel like Elder Scrolls is too big to fail, on the other ESO didn't do so well and they do subtle things like make argonians look like scaly humans as opposed to beast races and that tells me they are terrified of taking risks.
How the hell would a game in Black Marsh work? Large swaths of it are uninhabitable by non-Argonian species.
Provided Jarth wasn't absolutely full of shit (and there's a non-trivial chance that he was) Black Marsh would be a weird-as-fuck game. You need variety in a game too, which is why they retconned skyrim from a frozen wasteland into a very diverse set of biomes.
>how is the Dragonborn a Khajiit?
>how is the head of house Redoran a wood elf
There are lore reasons for this shit, I'm sure they can come up with something.
I'm fine with diverse landscapes, Morrowind's map being 70% Ashlands was awful.
If you have the right marketing and don't make a shitty game, it can go as wild as anyone wants. Problem is many times when have money for marketing means they didn't put it into the game so game can be shit and unimaginative.
>majority of the landscape being the same brown texture as far as the eye can see is good
as if Oblivion was any better with its damned forests and hills
as if Skyrim was any better with it's snow and grey palette
Let's be honest, all Bethseda games suffer from the same issue
Your point is so bizarre I'm slightly taken aback by it. Morrowind has many varied landscapes (Swamps, isles + beaches, frozen tundras, ashlands, pine forest, grasslands, rolling farmlands eyc), certainly compared to other bethesda games, and yes, most of them are some shade of green or brown. Have you... Left your house recently? If you're disabled and/or have been stuck in a city your whole life, watch some David Attenborough mate.
Canonically, have Dragonborn only ever been Nords?
>Morrowind has many varied landscapes (Swamps, isles + beaches, frozen tundras, ashlands, pine forest, grasslands, rolling farmlands eyc)
Half of these come from the expansions. Base game Morrowind has four different types of terrain; swamp, grassland, ashlands and the made up giant mushrooms and rock everywhere one. That's it. It has less variety in terrain than every single other TES game.
I didn't say it was better.
somethin like dis
>the expansions don't count
>the base game had less variety than Oblivion
That is a straight up lie.
Morrowind has varied landscapes yes, but the OVERWHELMING majority of Vvardenfell is Ashlands. All its diverse biomes are shot off into the corners of the map. You are completely ignoring Vvardenfell's landscape to try and insinuate things about my person, are you a child? The frozen tundras and pine forests are also added by an expansion andnot a part of Vvardenfell (or Morrowind) in the 3rd Era.
lol true
>That is a straight up lie.
No it's not.
Morrowind has four terrains. Oblivion has grasslands, plains, forests, snowy mountains, swamps and oblivion. Skyrim has forests, volcanic tundra, glaciers, snow fields, mountains and blackreach. And this is being conservative because Oblivion and Skyrim both have multiple versions of similar terrains, e.g. Oblivion and Skyrim both have multiple different types of distinct forests, and we aren't including expansions. Morrowind gets absolutely smoked by the other TES games when it comes to terrain variety.
Lol Skyrim has just as many biomes as Morrowind, and Skyrim even has Ashlands thanks to Dragonborn. Only thing is Skyrim's map isn't completely dominated by a single biome the way Morrowind's is. All of Skyrim's "frozen wastes" were all in the northern eastern side of the province, just The Pale and Winterhold.
any other games for this feel?
can't wait
Skyrim thanks to the fortify restoration loop exploit
I haven't played Oblivion in ages but Skyrim's map is pretty diverse in its biomes
>Ascadian Isles
>Azura's Coast
>West Gash
>The Reach (Mountainous region)
>The Pale (snow wastes)
>Winterhold (frozen glacial wastes)
>Whiterun Hold (temperate tundra)
>Falkreath Hold (pine forest)
>The Rift (Autumn forest)
>Haafingar (Mountainous with a bit of swamp and tundra)
>Hjlaamarch (swamp lands with snow wastes)
>Eastmarch (volcanic tundra with swamps, snow, and mountains)
Skyrim has diverse biomes with a small bit of everything littered in them. Morrowin'ds biomes are very distinct with no mixture of other biomes at all. Thing about Morrowind is the Ashlands region takes up a gigantic chunk of the map, no biome in Skyrim dominates its landscape like the Ashlands do Morrowind.
it's beautiful
Just another 17 years to go user
god's speed
>>Ascadian Isles
These are basically the exact same terrain. Kind of like how Azura's Coast, Sheograd and that other region I forget the name of are all the same too. If we are going to separate them then it only stands to reason we also do shit like separate the deciduous, evergreen and rain forests in Oblivion and in that case Oblivion annihilates ALL TES games for terrain variety.
Really comfy.
Does anyone have any beauty mod recommendations other than the two already mentioned for nudity?
Like hair, clothing, etc? I know that goes against the grain of enjoying an older game, but I was curious what you guys use.
Way to ruin the game.
Here is how i did my very first char in Morrowind.
Dark Elf Spellsword.
Got Mentor's Ring (its not OP, just a 10pt stat boost for mages) early too, along with a silver sword. Trained up long blade skill whenever i could. Used spell for sake of utility, and then when destruction got real good - tossed fireballs and shockballs on enemies before sticking them with sword.
THEN i found Daedric dai-katana. Ended up just casting leap and fortify strangth spells to jump-hit one-shot enemies. Fireballs were cast for fun or for long-distance engagements.
You dont need to pick a Redguard, you dont need Goldbrand, you dont need those boots - you will just ruin your first experience.
Pick a race, stick them with a class that benefits from inherent race attributes and off you go.
Speed as a primary attribute
Athletics as a major skill
Are Argonians fun to play as?
Sure are. I enjoy it at the very least.
If you're a raging homo, sure.
>no access to boots of blinding speed
wtf I love faggots now
Argonians are already fast as fuck.
They have less armor options and their racial skills are easily made pointless by magic.
didn't they implement shadows in a somewhat recent build? or did they remove that?
>Volcanic ashlands
>West Gash Region
>Bitter Coast
>Ascadian Isles
>Azura Coast
>Sheogorath Region
>Red Mountain
If you cannot distinguish between each and see their differences, you are either a blind bat, or you have not played the game, or you are just trolling.
Same about and and the rest.
>Ashlands with lava pits sprinkled around
>West Gash
>Ascadian Isles
>Azura's Coast
>Azura's Coast with mountains
>Ashlands with a steep incline
Breton + Mage + Atronach sign
I love this thread
Are there any sex mods for Morrowind? I remember Oblivion having some really really involved ones.
>craggy hills
>now all of that with ice and snow
It can be done by anyone. Your shit is not an argument.
There are. There is one that is totaly worth it, but they all ruin the game.
>Are there any sex mods for Morrowind?
Have you seen what Morrowind looks like?
Never underestimate what people are willing to fap to
that list is still more than morrowind's lol. morrowind has shit land variant, deal with it.
Yes, I played it on Ecksu Bawkso long, long ago.
Nice. Maybe I'll try some out before I spend ages modding the game.
Thats is your opinion.
>never busted a nut over Better Bodies
zoom zoom
are there any nude mods that don't destroy the aesthetics of the game?
asking for an autistic friend
>Better Bodies
Why are you using the shit nude mod?
I think there's a decent body mod on the nexus that isn't distractingly smooth like BB was. I don't wanna go down the rabbit hole and look it up because that's going to lead to the awful 4 hours process of installing and modding this fucking game again.
Ur's Helmet
Those pauldrons that should be on a jumbojet
Balmora is more like blandmora. Looks like an industrial park full of generic warehouses.
Whoever was in charge of art direction stole money from Bethesda.
lol yeah I'm falling down it hard right now, but I'm fighting to preserve some of the charming art assets of the game this time.... only I want to see cocks and titties when I rob people.
I'm not. There wasn't an alternative back in my day, zoom zoom.
>only I want to see cocks and titties when I rob people.
Mein negro.
The art direction in Morrowind is fantastic.
The concept art maybe , matter of taste, but the game has a fair amount of suck.
Who ever nutted in your whore mother rather than on her tits stole several IQ points off your countries average.
literally my favorite kind of fantasy aesthetic
Yeah it's my opinion that Morrowind's land mass of Vvardenfell is completely dominated by brown Ashlands.
What's wrong with Better Bodies?
If you are a fan of goofy masks and pauldrons good for you.
I don't understand the anger about people who do not like goofy masks and pauldrons.
Seriously was Balmora done last minute and they just ran out of time?
>comic filter
Not sure if brilliant or bad...
Nothing, if you want to look like Handsome Squidward.
>was Balmora done last minute and they just ran out of time?
>can instantly see 9 different areas
>"completely dominated by ashlands"
Like i said, your opinion - you are entitled to one.
Mystery solved
It's bad.
>Not sure if brilliant or bad...
Really? Do you suffer from severe vision impairment or something?
I found this pastebin for people that want to preserve the vanilla look of the game but make it better where it counts
No idea if it is actually good advice or not, I did find it on plebbit
Should I play this game? I just watched the Sseth video about it and it was hilarious but made the game seem really fun. I always avoided morrowind because it looks so ugly and brown but sseth said that was on purpose because of the region.
So, thoughts? Any other new players want to suggest yes or no?
Spears, athletics, acrobatics.
Spears are broken, no enemy can ever get in range to hit you if you kite properly.
I'm not a new player but I think the game has an unmatched art style and setting lore that you can't find literally anywhere else
Worth losing hours of your life to/10
Plat a mage.
It is easy mode and the best way to mitigate the tedium.
Exploit the hell out of the game and don't feel bad about it. The game is very easy after level 20. You aren't hurting the experience at all.
And never and I mean never do the escort quests.
Don't bother arguing with fanboys.
>not Eltonbrand
Yes that's not a mistake, anyone born off the mainland of Morrowind is an outlander. Even though you are dark elf you are instantly recongised as an outlander because of your accent and dialect, also because you were not born into the tribunal religion
>Also drain magicka
You mean Absorb.
user I'm not saying Morrowind does not have different Biomes, I'm saying the Ashlands (and any slight variation therein) completely dominate Vvardenfell. If you cannot see this you are actually blind. The size of the Bittercoast, West Gash, Ascadian Isles, and Grazelands combined wouldn't even touch the combined size of the Ashlands + Molag Amur.
I love Chrysamere, but for me it's this bad boy. I'm mad there are no high tier unique Axes in Morrowind.
You must be retarded son, Morrowind has the most distinct regions in any TES game.
There is the volcanic parts and the swampy parts.
What did I miss?
That is literally what I'm not saying. I even fucking tell you Morrowind has diverse different biomes. You are ignoring my point that the Ashlands take up the majority of the island.
>there are snowy parts and grassy parts
Does Skyrim get brownie points for having snowy grassy parts or something?
You forgot Blackreach... and the hot springs.
Not saying it has a massive variety but it isn't as samey as Morrowind.
>interiors count now
Bad road to go down imo.
>b-but Skyrim!
>not realizing Bethesda will ignore all the cool shit to not freak out muh viking/standard knights normies
>Morrowind has the most distinct regions in any TES game.
Lmao you betting your hopes on Oblivion, my guy?
The only thing comparable in Morrowind is the heart chamber. Blackreach wins because it has more to do and is actually worth exploring.
What else were you thinking matched up?
Perhaps they aren't courting the degenerate audience.
I didn't have to go to such extremes, but I made it a point to converse with every NPC possible so I could collect their background in my journal. Even if all they had to say was "I'm (class)" I expect you will be successful
>Start game
>find any drain attribute spell
>craft "drain intelligence on self for 1 second" spell
>Infinite mp
Potions who?
Was user wondering if it was possible to exploit the mechanics?
The answer is always yes.
QC was an after thought in those days.
>blackreach was worth exploring
LOL for what, the randomly generated loot the rest of the game had? You could shout at the sphere, that was it, there was simply nothing else there, like every other dungeon in the game. I'll give props for the Falmer enviromental storytelling they tried to do.
You wonder why Blackreach was worth exploring?
We play Bethesda games for very different reasons.
>dat optimism
You are going to have to provide a little more than some random dungeon everyone but you has forgotten.
What was Tushypals hook?
Have you considered it's just a terrible and unclear metric to use? Tel Fyr or Sotha Sil or any one of several dozen+ interiors/dungeons in Morrowind were "worth exploring".
It's quite difficult to argue that Skyrim rewards interior exploration in the same way Morrowind does, there's just far more hand placed unique content.
He's right in a sense. Morrowind has hand placed items throughout the world that are not reliant on leveled this. This meas beginning characters and players can stumble onto powerful artifacts. There is no such thing in Skyrim. Everything in the game is leveled, there is nothing of note in Blackreach other than collecting Red Nirnroot that gives you some shitty potions. This isn't to say Morrowind doesn't have this kind of leveled scaled trash in the game because it does. If you play Bloodmoon at Level 30+ you'll routinely have Lock level 50+ chests with 20 Gold and a Petty Soul Gem in it.
Roberts Bodies
Is it compatible with Curvy Bodies? There's some discrepancy here.
Also it has cocks, right? BetBod has cocks.
The problem with the hand placed treasure hunt is once you know where it is you always know where it is.
I prefer the world space be worth exploring for it's own sake.
Once again we look for very different things.
user, stop bullshiting.
of course you can steal limewire platter
>start off in an ancestral tomb, doesn't look like anything out of the ordinary, most people will skip it over
>if you look around you'll see there's a damaged wall, you take a look and it leads to an ashland passage
>following this leads to a bizarre large maze in what appears to be an old daedric ruin, bonus points for being able to levitate past it because this game gave the player agency instead of treating you like retard
>make your way to the centre of the maze to find a deeper part of the cavern containing an ancient nordic burial boat with unique hand placed loot and a story behind it
>if you're super autistic and decided to levitate way out of the way around this cavern there's a unique Daedric helm probably 0.1% of the playerbase found dynamically
This was how Morrowind rewarded exploration. There wasn't a chest with STEEL LONGSWORD OF FLAME in absolutely every single dungeon, that shit existed but there was a metric shit ton of hand placed easter eggs, unique loot, lore tidbits etc.
I know when I go into a cave, tomb, Blackreach or w/e exactly what I'll find in it, you never really knew that with Morrowind but you zoomers are too young to have experienced it, and you never will because you're too used to following the giant arrow on your compass
>There is no such thing in Skyrim. Everything in the game is leveled
Almost all artifacts in Skyrim are not level scaled like they are in Oblivion.
That's definitely personal preference. I'd rather know where something hand placed is than get a randomly generated item that is the same as every other randomly generated item and is for all intents and purposes vendor trash, it's lazy and immensely unsatisfying.
Every Artifact in Skyrim is tied to following your quest marker, the point is Morrowind tangibly rewarded exploration.
Pick the race you like and do whatever. I'd suggest picking either The Lady or The Lover as your first stone. One gives you a lot of HP and the other makes it so your attacks hit more of the time.
Finding artifacts in Skyrim was not as satisfying, and yes artifacts in Skyrim leveled to you a bit. Chillrend is one that comes to mind that level scales with you. In Morrowind finding an artifact in the wild required exploration and levitation. Whereas finding one in Skyrim requires you to follow the arrow. There is absolutely no reason Skyrim could not have had both. Bethesda is the only developer I know of that actually devolves their game design.
I agree with you mostly but you are really showing your rose tinted goggles a bit. Morrowind is filled with shit like "STEEL LONGSWORD OF FLAME" in its chests and barrels. Low level enchanted iron weapons are fucking everywhere.
>Every Artifact in Skyrim is tied to following your quest marker
Or, alternatively, you could just explore. There's plenty of non-level scaled loot just laying around in dungeons in Skyrim too. And if you are going to whine about containers in Skyrim having level scaled loot generated then you should probably know Morrowind has the exact same fucking thing.
>tfw witchhunter in Morrowind
I love that combination especially equipped with a crossbow. I'm thinking I might do a bard or rogue when I replay Oblivion to switch things up a little bit though.
Nord warrior
>Race: Nord
>Favored Attributes: Agility and Endurance
>Major Skills: Pick what you want but make sure you have Axe
>Minor Skills: Whatever
>Birthsign: The Lady
There. Pick up the Iron Shardaxe near the Seyda Neen Lighthouse, enjoy being immune to Frost in all its forms and 50% resistant to Shock. Woad is a very good Shield ability as well.
>In Morrowind finding an artifact in the wild required exploration and levitation
Not really. Follow quests in Morrowind same as you do in Oblivion and Skyrim and powerful artifacts are handed to you on a silver platter just the same. Skyrim has plenty of artifacts and hand placed non-leveled loot that don't have your quest compass pointing to them and the list of non-level scaled artifacts is much, much longer than the list of level-scaled artifacts. Skyrim was nowhere near as bad as Oblivion was, I don't know why people keep pretending it was.
>Morrowind is filled with shit like "STEEL LONGSWORD OF FLAME" in its chests and barrels.
I said that though. I don't open a barrel expecting to find daedric boots or even to be rewarded at all.
You're arguing a ridiculous point, Skyrim's static loot pool is inherently just vendor trash, partly because the crafting system made it obsolete. There is no hand placed content beyond "steel axe" and "dwemer dagger of flame", you either craft daedric armor, buy it from a vendor or find it in an RNG chest when the game decides you are the appropriate level. In Morrowind you either had to kill a powerful NPC who was part of the main quest or find the single unique piece hand placed in some obscure corner of a dungeon somewhere and I vastly preferred Morrowind's approach. It made finding a piece mean something, it wasn't just some stupid looking shit my character could inexplicably craft.
Why are Elder Scrolls on Yea Forums so consistently good?
Your post is completely untrue though.
The artifacts in Morrowind were usually on top of the quest objective.
> Get a quest to find the tomb of random dungmer #784 and Oh look the shield of awesomeness is laying on top of it.
Such exploration.
Is enchanted textures good or is there any better alternative?
>I haven't played the game - here's my opinion on it
you niggers work for kotaku or something?
I could really use a smart user's help. I followed this guide and now I'm having weird blurry backgrounds around everything that I'm not focused on as a character. Does anyone know what specific feature I should try to turn off to disable it? I know it has to be the MGE EX but can't find anything that is obvious inside...
Depth of Field in graphics enhancer.
thank you so much! I'm such a moron I couldn't find that for myself.
Np, enjoy.
I have and what I said is true.
Yes there are cases of top tier gear being squirelled away ( the Daedric helms and the pauldron in one of the DLCs come to mind) but by and large the quest objective was where the artifacts were.
There were some but not all of them were like that. IIRC Ellesion's Ward requires you to hit a secret switch to open another part of a ruin, there's no quest for it.
You are talking complete shit. Skyrim has plenty of artifacts and unique items which almost always had unique models and/or unique enchantments. They weren't just randomly generated vendor trash and the crafting system didn't make them obsolete because more often than not they can't be crafted. There's plenty of shit just laying around the place in the open in Morrowind free for the taking. You aren't always defeating some powerful foe to get it. Frankly, play through Morrowind casually and you will be showered in artifacts just as much as you will in of the later TES games. And most of it was crap you dumped on vendors anyway. The only genuinely powerful stuff in Morrowind is stuff given to you towards the ends of the faction questlines. And this is ignoring that the enchantment system is so broken in Morrowind you can easily make shit far more powerful than what the game gives you anyway.
Remember to get the official plugins if you have the steam version. For some weird reason they where not included
because the community is pretty chill and the games themselves are fantastic shit posting aside
My autism ruins Elder Scrolls for me because muh stats don't play out unless I minmax/choose attributes opposite of what I actually intend to play so that I don't overlevel. How do I just enjoy myself?
>the Daedric helms and the pauldron in one of the DLCs come to mind
Try the entire set because the only way to get it other than Fyr.
>by and large the quest objective was where the artifacts were.
That's simply not true though. I think you're just wildly underestimating how much shit they put into the world.
>Skyrim has plenty of artifacts and unique items which almost always had unique models and/or unique enchantments.
And they're all attached to quests. What are you not understanding here?
>he only genuinely powerful stuff in Morrowind is stuff given to you towards the ends of the faction questlines.
You are talking straight out of your arsehole, it's quite bizarre. With enough metaknowledge, which would take hundreds and hundreds of hours to attain, you can step off the boat and get almost all of the best gear in the game without doing a single quest. A large chunk of the Museam artifacts and the majority of the unique loot in the game has NO quest attached to it at all. Stop blindly arguing with me and look at the wiki, you're being a massive retard.
>you can easily make shit far more powerful than what the game gives you anyway.
What are you going to enchant brochacha? Your fucking steel armor that wont hold a constant affect enchant? There's exquisite clothing, a Telvanni helm and bugged piece of steel armor - you need daedric shit to get the best enchants, which quest line gives you those?
Oh yeah, there isn't a quest for it, and you can't craft it either. Good luck finding the set zoom zoom, guess you can always kill broski Fyr for it though because the game doesn't suck dick and lets you do what you want.
> The only pauldron in game is on Fyr.
> You have to kill him to get it
> Do
>Get the message I now live in a doomed timeline
> Worth it
There's one pauldron in a dungeon in each expac. The tribunal one would require actual aspergers to find but that's fucking awesome.
Never made it to the DLC.
Finished the MQ and that was enough for me.
Almost all Daedric artifacts in Skyrim are weaker than their Oblivion or Morrowind counterparts.
>And they're all attached to quests. What are you not understanding here?
I'm not understanding why you believe this. Because it's not true.
>A large chunk of the Museam artifacts and the majority of the unique loot in the game has NO quest attached to it at all.
Most you'll come across in the course of doing a quest. That's the same fucking thing you are accusing Skyrim of.
>you need daedric shit to get the best enchants
You don't need the best shit to make powerful enchantments. The system is horrible implemented and easily gamed.
>zoom zoom
Ask me how I know you're a fucking moron.
I bet you dont know where to find Fists of Randagulf and have never even seen Eleydon's Ward.
You can use that and add different textures on top. Personally I use it + most texture mods by AnOldFriend along with Darknut's Weapons and his HQ armor textures. Install MET first.
Usual hammer with special enchant
Usual hammer with usual enchant
>Pale Blade
Usual sword with usual enchant
Skyrim has garbage for items, uniques and itemisation (loot) in general.
"Usual item X with enchantment" is 99% of the artifacts in Morrowind too. I don't know what your point is.
For a first time I'd say you'd get the most out of a build that uses primarily melee and some magic. I'd go with nord for the resistances and decent melee without getting to the point of trivializing things if you want to go more heavily into melee, or imperial for the balanced overall stats and personality which will help with speechcraft and mercantile which you'll probably want to take advantage of during a first playthrough. Speed is something you'll want, and alteration, illusion, and alchemy will probably be things you'll want to experiment with on a first playthrough.
Do you think those sound files for the coast will conflict with the sounds from Morrowind Acoustic Overhall?
You dont even know what the fuck you are talking about. Go read stuff on UESP, you double n'wah.
If you didn't play this game before today you don't deserve to enjoy it.
>The system is horrible implemented and easily gamed.
It's implemented fine, it's not like you can't become ridiculously overpowered in Skyrim or Oblivion. By the time you have enough gold to pay for the enchants you're probably overpowered already and could easily become overpowered by other means. The only gear outside of clothing that holds decent enchant values in Morrowind is daedric and ebony.
>Most you'll come across in the course of doing a quest.
There are a lot of uniques in Morrowind that aren't tied to quest lines at all though, quests don't even happen in the same cell their in. I'm also not criticising Skyrim of having loot in the same vicinity as a quest because frankly that's stupid, I don't know why you keep saying this; I'm criticising that the loot is literally the reward for the quest. The item doesn't even appear in the game world unless you do that quest. There is almost no unique handplaced loot in the game world.
The whole point of this discussion is you're incentivised to explore the world of Morrowind.
>I'm not understanding why you believe this. Because it's not true.
Can you name 5 pieces of unique gear with unique models that aren't directly tied to a questline in Skyrim? I'm fine it's in the same room as a quest, just can't be directly tied to an actual quest line.
Yeah, you're retarded. These weapons aren't even reskins, it's... just a steel hammer. It's the same as the steel hammer you can craft. There's nothing unique about it.
Good thing i started playing two days ago :^)
rest, you stupid cunt. literally 2 clicks on a menu gets you full mana in seconds. it's actually pretty OP how mana regen works.
Don't use acoustic overhaul unless you actually want crappy skyrim sound effects and music, it's also got several major bugs that force you to restart the game when they occur
It may not be 99% but Morrowind has its fair share of named weapons with generic models. Cloudcleaver is a Silver Battleaxe, Storm Kiss is a Silver Battleaxe, Sword of White Woe is an Ebony Broadsword
is ESO online worth playing for story/lore for someone who hate mmorpg gameplay?
> Should I play an MMO if I don't like MMOs?
I am going to go out on a limb and say no.
Those aren't artifacts though, that's just some NPC's garbage put into the world for flavor. Still cool but you're comparing apples to oranges here.
Oh fuck.
I just got done modifying the morrowind.ini ambient weather effects, but maybe I won't go any further than that. Was NOT planning on using the player voices, just the other cool shit.
People suck it's dick but I really don't understand why. I personally laughed myself all the way to the uninstall.exe after fucking around for 30 minutes ingame.
>Storm Kiss is not an artifact
>but Trollsbane is
Alright then
Neither of them are. Skyrim has no artefacts that aren't tied to questlines, the named generic loot is the closest equivalent.