Is this the greatest video game of all time?

Is this the greatest video game of all time?

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Not sure about all time, but it's definitely the best Souls game.
>More complete than Demon Souls
>More polished and smoother than DS2
>Not casualized like BB and games post BB
>Not a watered down clone like DS3
>Has actual replayability unlike Sekiro

Is my favorite game along with OoT. I played for the first time on the Switch a couple of months ago.


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No, and neither is Bloodborne

It's my favorite game of all time and I'm 40.
Runners up are Final Fantasy Tactics (PS1), The Legend of Zelda (NES), and TIE Fighter (DOS).

I haven't played enough games to declare it greatest but I sure as hell like it a lot more than Ocarina of Time.


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Maybe if you're a retarded zoomer

>Bloodborne isn't the greatest game eve-

Attached: Bloodborne Cinegrid 5.jpg (3264x2238, 3.39M)

That's not why it's superior to BB. It's the world building,lore,characters etc;

-map design is also superior
-the fact that the game has more than one color and it's not one gray ugly mess
-much more variety in the gameplay (weapons,armors,items you get it)

I've been playing video games for 24 years. Arcade games,console games,pc games and ya it's the best single player game so far.

Bloodborne has better lore than Dark Souls. The two sequels retroactively undermined a lot of aspects of Dark Souls' world.

According to the users of Yea Forums, these are the best games
> 1. Ocarina of Time (67%)
> 2. Castlevania: SOTN (67%)
> 3. Super Mario 64 (67%)
> 4. Super Mario World (65%)
> 5. Chrono Trigger (64%)
> 6. Metal Gear Solid (64%)
> 7. Final Fantasy VI (63%)
> 8. Shadow of the Colossus (63%)
> 9. A Link To The Past (63%)
> 10. Resident Evil 4 (63%)
> 11. Metal Gear Solid 3 (63%)
> 12. Super Mario Galaxy (63%)
> 13. Donkey Kong Country 2 (63%)
> 14. Breath of the Wild (62%)
> 15. Super Metroid (62%)
> 16. EarthBound (62%)
> 17. Metal Gear Solid 2 (62%)
> 18. Silent Hill 2 (62%)
> 19. Majora's Mask (62%)
> 20. Final Fantasy VII (62%)
> 21. Super Mario Bros 3 (62%)
> 22. Dark Souls (62%)
> 23. Donkey Kong Country (62%)
> 24. MOTHER 3 (61%)
> 25. SMT III: Nocturne (61%)
> 26. Portal (61%)
> 27. Metroid Prime (60%)
> 28. Pokemon HG/SS (60%)
> 29. Final Fantasy IX (60%)
> 30. Persona 5 (60%)

>still screenshots of scenery are what makes a game great
jesus christ, Yea Forums

Fake news.

Attached: v's top 100 games - 2018.png (2500x2500, 1.39M)

What would you say is the Dark Souls of fantasy themed action RPGs, Yea Forums?

retarded list
Every single game in the top 10 is massively overrated and tend toward having massive plebeian fanbases (except maybe SotC I have not played that yet).

> The score of an idea is the estimated chance that it will win against a randomly chosen idea weighted based on the number of votes (151,854). For example, a score of 100 means the idea is predicted to win every time and a score of 0 means the idea is predicted to lose every time.

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> Waaah my secret club

stop appealing to popularity shithead half those games aren't even the best in their own franchise to anyone with a shred of taste.

Dragon's Dogma

> To anyone with a shread of taste
So contrarians who blantantly hate on popular games to make themselves feel unique?

I don't care if a game is popular or not but Ocarina, SOTN, Chrono Trigger, Super Mario World, and Final Fantasy VI are overrated as fuck and only show up on lists like this because they're flooded with millennial brainlets who played them when they were 10-15 years old.

>I played every single game you like and they are all overated, for I have the correct taste in vidya
why don't you post the correct list then vidya-overlord?

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Tell me 15 games that are better then the ones you are crying about, i know for a fact they will be literal who games that most of us have never heard of.

>I don't care if a game is popular or not but Ocarina, SOTN, Chrono Trigger, Super Mario World, and Final Fantasy VI are overrated as fuck

One day you won't be in high school and you will realize how fucking stupid you sound.

>So contrarians who blantantly hate on popular games to make themselves feel unique?

- Ocarina: Boring and slow with no danger or challenge
- Chrono Trigger: Shallow as fuck and way more linear than it should be given the time travel mechanic
- Final Fantasy VI: Broken shit all over the place, awkward abilities and systems, no semblance of balance anywhere, even the story just kind of quits halfway through.
- Super Mario World: Great game if you are someone who gets stressed out by the slightest bit challenge and just wants a fun romp through a colorfol landscape. A great engine but its content is mostly boring and easy. Graphics are underwhelming to say the least.

I love all these games except Ocarina which is too boring to play. But they're still overrated as fuck by chicken brains like you.

>literal who games that most of us have never heard of.
You must be really fucking ignorant if you've never heard of:
- Legend of Zelda (NES)
- Final Fantasy Tactics
- TIE Fighter
- Mike Tyson's Punch-Out
- Super Mario Brothers 3
- Mega Man X
- Starcraft
- Bushido Blade

Cope. You have garbage taste and your contrarianism doesn't make you seem smart.

Not everyone who isn't a millennial is younger than you.

>SMB3 below World
>RE4 not higher

see: not going to go through ever game on the list, if you fags want to whine like babies about contrarianism then come up with some arguments.

Guys stop with this nonsense these are just popularity contests.

You can't have a serious top 100 vidya of all time list without a few arcade fighting games,arcade shmups,sim racing games and others. Just by glancing at these I can tell you that Yea Forums's vidya knowledge is quite limited.

Why do you like The Legend of Zelda NES so much?

Kill yourself boomer

Yeah, but you are and so is the guy posting about overrated games.

Good list. You're still a shitbag but at least you aren't completely contrarian.

Like, not even close

If it didn’t shit the bed in the second half

An actual good list

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The only bad area is Demon Ruins/Lost Izalith.

I'm not that old my dude just played a lot of games all types of games. Maybe one day I'll make you a list of some of the best.

>punch out
the most basic fighting game ever made, go to one side, go to the other, punch win, you can get way more depth by playing tetris
>bushido blade
probably the second most basic fighting game, just attack as fast as you can, you might be the most skilled played ever and lose to a child, you could have picked better fighting games
>tie fighter
old and slow and boring as fuck dos game, there are a lot of dos flight games just like this, at least pick something like ace combat
>mario bros 3
and then you complain mario world is easy
>zelda nes
when was the last time you played that? you probably just saw some video about muh open exploration

this format is so SHIT

It's a nearly perfect blend of skill-based challenge with mild tests of observation, memory and logic, non-linear content design, and aesthetics perfectly matched with its very limited hardware.
I think that anyone who wants to be a game designer should play The Legend of Zelda.

Every weapon pattern and enemy movement pattern is balanced in a chesslike manner, with the sword attack having vulnerability frames while the arrow and boomerang fire instantly. Most enemies (and link) can only move 4 directions but also move slower than Link. The enemies that can move diagonally are either mostly obstacles to avoid (peahat) or can be killed with the diagonal-firing boomerang (keese)
Player is encouraged to discover mechanics on their own. You can bomb holes in walls in Levels 1, 2, and 3, opening shortcuts to avoid rooms full of monsters and conserving keys. But you don't HAVE to bomb any walls until level 4.
Also, for the non-linearity see pic-related to see how easy it is to sequence-break the game.
Much is made of the "bomb every wall and burn every bush" but this actually works well in the original game (not so much if you're randomizing). This is because almost everything hidden that way is purely optional, you can spend resources searching at your leisure as you fight your way through the world, and occasionally get some nice rewards.
Feels pretty big, even bigger than ALTTP at times. This is because it's dense with content.
Many iconic, memorable sprite designs for such a limited size and palette. Link himself, Wizrobes, the Graveyard Ghosts, etc. Almost everything, really. Even the red and blue octorocs are distinctive.

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there's literally a random temple behind a random bush

No. It’s not even the best from game

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based and redpilled

and you didn't beat it without a walkthrough

>>zelda nes
>when was the last time you played that?
You should try playing it.
>>punch out
>the most basic fighting game ever made
Basic doesn't mean bad. Literally the same mechanics as Dark Souls except not in 3D.
>>tie fighter
>old and slow and boring as fuck dos game
Mission design in this game (and X-Wing, it's predecessor) is excellent.
>>mario bros 3
>and then you complain mario world is easy
Mario 3 is designed with actual challenges to overcome where you die if you fail. It's not hard, but it's a legitimate platform game. Mario World only has a couple of levels that even try to be challenging (most of those in the secret world) and instead just focus on letting you play around with the mechanics and look for key exits and shit.

although I disagree with you, kings field 4 is fucking great

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You are an idiot

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What you meant to say was "I didn't beat it without a walkthrough."

I will admit that I only knew about it because my brother told me about it but I don't think there was a walkthrough for the game in 1987.

Yes, and at the very least it has the best cutscenes of all time

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Jesus fuck, Hipsters & contrarians should be banned

>ranking pokemon games higher than silent hill 2

Please never work in photography

you are an idiot who can't figure out a game 7-year-olds beat without a manual in the 80s.
Coddling games like Ocarina have ruined your brain I don't even know how you managed to show up in a Dark Souls thread.

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He's not being a hipster or a contrarian, user. The games he posted are plenty popular in their own right.

>sees actual arguments
>can't refute
>I know I'll just call him contrarian again that'll show him!
Fucking shit taste.


This game is more overrated then Hideo Kojima


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holy fuck you are stupid

This kino needs to hurry up to the PC.

yeah sure, pretend you finished it by finding everything yourself, there's a bunch more cryptic stuff that there's no way you could find unless you passed hours testing literally every item everywhere, v fags complain about that bomb part on super metroid being unfair, yet they praise this game

it's a clunky but fun mess

I was 5 bro. I had all the fucking time in the world.

Today I would sure as fuck use a guide because LoZ is esoteric and expected you to spend time exploring. That doesn't mean it's a bad game by any stretch of the imagination.

Take the fucking L.

So you're saying that a game being so cryptic that only a child with nothing better to do playing it 6 hours a day would be able to finish it? I know dark souls was also cryptic as fuck, but you could get get help from other players, on zelda you could only get help by buying magazines to get a walkthrough, by the way, what do you think of castlevania 2?

Honestly, it really is in the running.

Yes, games from 35 years ago were cryptic.
And they're not bad because of it.

>there's a bunch more cryptic stuff that there's no way you could find unless you passed hours testing literally every item everywhere
Simply not true. At least not for the first quest. If you play the 2nd quest it means you like the game and want more so that's on you. There's a hint for finding Level-5, Level-7, and the Magic Sword guy.

For dungeons, "checking everything" is actually a very finite number so this is not nearly as crazy as it sounds. Any given room has only 4 walls to bomb, 1 block to push, or one item to uncover by killing all the enemies. And usually it just means using your brain a bit (and the map) to predict which walls might be bombable.

And finally, even if you DO decide to spend the time to search everything in the overworld, the most time-consuming part is probably going to be farming bombs and keeping notes on what you have checked. A hundred bombs is probably enough to hit almost every tile on the map (which you won't need to do because as soon as you find a secret exit on one screen you can stop bombing there)

Yes, you do have to spend some time exploring. It's not that much, and you don't need to do it to beat the game. It might mean you have to beat Level-6 without the Magic Sword and Level-9 with less than 16 hearts but the answer to that is: git gud

sure, but this makes them unenjoyable without a walkthrough today, I don't like handholding either, but there's a balance to it

>Yes, you do have to spend some time exploring. It's not that much, and you don't need to do it to beat the game
sorry and in this case by exploring I mean "checking walls and bushes for secrets." Obviously most of the game is exploring in the sense of running around killing monsters for loot and checking caves to see what's inside is the core gameplay.

It's by far and away one of my favorite games of all time, but I've also been known to have shit taste.

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You really don't sound like you have actually tried to play the game. You should try to play the game without a guide and if you really do get stuck and feel like you've missed something to the point that you're feeling the urge to bomb every wall and burn every bush, ask for a hint.

No, you won't find every secret cave. But that's not the point because 100 percenting the game isn't the goal. A lot of the secret caves actually punish you by stealing your money and apart from the blatantly obvious places where the dungeons are hidden, there's nothing else critical to find. You SHOULD find every item, piece of equipment, and dungeon level. But even then you can beat the game without several of the items.

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>explore map for the first time, beat new dungeon and get new item
>no idea where to go now, explore the map you already explored, but now with your new item to see if you can get further
>get further, find temple, get new item, no idea where to go next, explore all map all over again with your new item to see where the next dungeon is
>do it 9 more times
Thats not better than a jrpg forcing you to grind, or a point and click game with an unreasonable solution, you're just poking all around places you already explored hoping for something new to happen. Getting a new item was a pain in the ass because it meant that you would have to explore everything again. This exploration genre have been perfected by super metroid, the game never tells you where to go but also never lets you wonder aimless, maybe its more linear, but it's way more balanced. If you'll tell me to git gut at least say it for a game about skill
I played it and got to level 5 until I got stuck and had to get a map

I guess the last thing I'll say is that I'm not religiously against using guides. For a long, linear, cutscene-laden game with missable secrets and isn't really much about exploration in the first place, like say, Final Fantasy VII, by all means use a guide. I assume you don't not want to replay the whole fucking game several times to find everything.

But for Dark Souls and Zelda 1, avoiding too many spoilers is probably a good idea for your first playthrough. (For DkS I generally think it's OK to look up explanations about game mechanics since the game doesn't always do a good job explaining them)

using a map like this is the best way of playing it

Attached: ZeldaOverworldMapQ1.png (4352x1408, 213K)

>explore map for the first time, beat new dungeon and get new item
>no idea where to go now, explore the map you already explored, but now with your new item to see if you can get further
It doesn't do it 9 times, though.
If you have actually explored the world to your limit, there's almost nothing gated by items. The Ladder isn't even necessary to get over to the western part of the map. You can solve the lost woods puzzle (you can pay the old lady for the solution) and reach everything over there.
>you're just poking all around places you already explored hoping for something new to happen
Here's where if you had asked, someone might tell you to pay attention to the hints given in-game.
Also, to be fair: yes there is some expectation that you will travel through the world more than one time. The idea is that you'll spend time in the world and get familiar with it, having fun killing the enemies and such as you go. You'll replenish bombs and rupees as you go. But it is not remotely unreasonable and is not much at all like grinding in a JRPG. The only thing that comes close is if you need to grind rupees for potions or shop items (and even then you can clear Ghosts in the graveyard or Ropes in Level-2)
And yes you might have moments where you feel frustrated because you have missed something. The game rewards paying attention and clever thinking. You can't have that feeling of satisfaction if the challenge was never there in the first place. If something like figuring out the Lost Woods secret or Lost Hills secret is too difficult for you, especially when there are NPCs nearby that literally give you the solutions, that doesn't mean the game is bad.

at least take out all the fucking spoilers, christ.
The cheat map that came with the original game said only open this if you're a tard who can't handle this game for kids.

Attached: zelda-materials.jpg (1600x1200, 460K)

and this is what the original one looked like.

Attached: zeldamap.png (2560x947, 2.15M)

basically, if you have the time to sit through all the tedious NPC dialog and running in 3D that Ocarina has, you have time to slow down a bit and not play the original LoZ like it's a task you have to complete.
Dark Souls is maybe a more efficient but much less focused on exploration than LoZ.


you didn't need to find everything to beat the game, and it came with a map and a detailed instruction booklet.
t. 36 year old idiot that still posts here for some reason who beat this game 30 years ago

who the fuck still calls people hipsters, and why did you choose to capitalize it?

Holy pleb

>Playstation Exclusive

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one of the greatest

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