Play Azur Lane
Play Azur Lane
>picture of an anime girl
>”play her game”
Kill yourself, you worthless permavirgin faggot fuck.
kill youself gachincel.
have sex
die OP
Dilate, gachatranny.
this, fpbp
ops not even trying to discuss video games
its blatant waifufaggotry
mods do your fucking job of clean the board of these vermin waifuniggers
>That image
absolutely based
how will Yea Forums ever recover?
Gachafags have to be the lowest type of life form on this site, imagine paying hundreds of dollars so your generic anime girl #2334 turns into generic anime girl #2334 with slighly different colors
im right wing as fuck so your post is invalid i guess
my image is spot on. its a bit outdated but the message is very true.
You don't play Azur Lane.
Is that Wash? Wash is the coolest. The coolest ever!
Only libbys from Reddit actually come here to try to discuss "le video games"
>reddit lane
Washington is cringe
Nope, Wash is very very cool.
Chuck beats Sneed.
Formerly beats Chuck