ESA Summer Marathon

Now: Doom
After: Quake
Later: Devil May Cry 5 (offline) (Side-Room Stream; no schedule)

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Other urls found in this thread:



xth for fuck chicken mcnuggets
fuck zerrooo
fuck big benjamin
and FUCK you


>Caleb didn't make it as the name for Cloud
You fuckers told me it was a lock. I SHOULD HAVE DONATED FOR THAT

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We're living in a post VC event.

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Just got back, SWAT already over? Did they mercy kill the run?


No, they actually managed to be under estimate even with technical problems.

If you don't put Vice City in bad tier then I'm gonna punch you in the butt.


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gods am i tired

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I was worried!

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SWAT4 should have been a solo run.
Also Re4 was the best run of the marathon.
And can someone please fill me in on the whole nugget fiasco???

This is some good music

Yeah, some dude donated $200 all at once to snipe right before the run. MOMMY almost got sniped, but the person donated $200 10 minutes too late.

They keep reusing the same music, half the time this one sounds like it's saying "fuck you bitch"

Female *(male)

who cares, we got MOMMY

Nah, sorry I am just a humble Yuffie fan, but not THE Yuffieposter.

Attached: Yuffie.png (624x769, 435K)

is this OG Doom?

just a dude with long hair you freak



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you've got to be kidding me, if you haven't been around for one of the other hundred other threads where the nuggets shit was broken down for newfags like you, then fuck off and stop asking

do you think it was someone still mad as fuck that beefaroni got in last year?

Oh what do you know another race.
And then another race.

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long hair on men is a sin


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Yes, first three episodes of Doom 1 on the second-hardest difficulty.


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*just a dude that like dudes you freak
refixed that for you mate.
>that was like da bessssst thing evaaa!

Yes, as Doom 2016 was yesterday

I figured no good would come of searching Doom on the boorus

Jesus christ, just google it. So sick of you people asking every thread for two years.

only if they're too lazy to take care of it properly

To be fair there have been some good races so far (FFX-2). Maybe this will be fun!

While that is sad I am happy that YOU are doing well, user!

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>We're gonna have doughnuts now.

At least they knew how to end it right. Funner to play than watch, although I can appreciate the GET DOWN DROP YOUR WEAPON spam on Lan(?).

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>announcers calling the VC run the best thing ever
>the only thing they can talk about is how much money it raised

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Has there been any money laundering at this event yet?

Attached: fraud.webm (1056x1020, 1.41M)

This thread is officially run by female body odor. Show your respect

Attached: mei on bathing.jpg (215x349, 47K)

announcer on the left is such an annoying fag

Isn't there a whole bunch of shortstack cacaodemon?

>we should have more $$$%
Oh gods no...

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Attached: le cookies are ready face.jpg (372x417, 36K)

hottest mha girl right here

If you didnt see this coming you are thick. Metako and Leo invented a whole new fundraising schtick.

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Fuck off stupid zoomer

>The only thing they could mention about the VC stream was money
>But they could list off fun things that happened in the Yakuza

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pls no, I miss my GF bro

There's a specific Doom booru too.

>$% is gonna quickly be run into the ground because of the shitstain VC run just cause it brought in a lot of money

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there's a lot of hellknight/baron smut

>Metako has been running the streaming pods stuff when he wasn't running / announcing / commentating.

MVP, best dude at ESA.

Loll ppl getting timed out for saying "I liked Re4"

Attached: skorpion.png (1093x1488, 931K)

Is he even human?
Has he slept yet this past 5 days?

i wish robotposter was an actual robot girl so i could fuck them

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It brought in more money during the Twilight Princess $25% run last ESA.

Reminder that sadpanda is going down within hours and you should download your favorite stuff right now

Reminder that without Metako Leo would have never beaten FFIII

Attached: 1550883370710.webm (1600x900, 2.74M)

he was commentating/announcing so much in the past day, started with yakuza, then sotn, then all 8 hours of FF7, then vice city. truly a based lad

>all these ruskis

Wow I didn't know Kermit runs Doom.

This man is an absolute machine.


You're fucking joking. Tell me you're fucking joking.

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learn to let go user

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who gives a shit, nhentai has anything worth jerking to already

Dude, go check /h/. It's fucking madness over there.

what happened to the hex requests

Who here drinking a monster as such a speedrun demands?


Is Meka still there? Is he gonna come out drunk during DMC5 with a gun?


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Sadpanda? What's that?

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I don't even give a shit about sadpanda, but it's still kinda sad to see it go. Seeing newfags complain that they can't get past the panda has always been amusing.

mfw I won't say it

Attached: chompers.jpg (620x789, 33K)

And what about the thousands upon thousands of non-h doujins, cute stuff and all the artbooks that exist there?
Nhentai also won't survive long without sadpanda.

Attached: Uma flexible.jpg (768x576, 69K)

sucks, but everything i wank to is on e621 already

>noob mlging it and letting the others explain

The what requests?

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nhentai shit comes from sadpanda

some website that is literally just a picture of a sad panda. Its a meme to trick people.


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>wait two more posts

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People named Kyle

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If you were a robot girl you wouldn't be able to make it through captcha and post robot girl content, though!

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Leo would have seriously regretted it later if he quit, Metako really fucking went all out for his friend there, keeping the run going till Leo felt like giving it that one last try.

Such a fucking rollercoaster of a run, that one.

Omg really

Link pls? I have to see this lol

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>non-h doujins, cute stuff and all the artbooks that exist there

i literally don't give a shit if it all gets deleted if it's not fappable

Attached: seriously.png (550x535, 198K)

Go Tezur0!

Attached: Rabite.jpg (965x476, 70K)

I cant exactly blame the guy, FFIII goes balls to the walls and the guy was exhausted. But together they were able to power through. Its like a real life Lord of the Rings, with Metako carrying Leo up Mt Doom.

Attached: 1550890715921.webm (1600x900, 2.83M)

Imagine if DOOM 2016's speedrun involved actually going through the levels

Maybe it wouldn't have been on stream 2 separate from this then

No. Just no.

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Just cut myself pretty badly whilst shaving. I feel like a teenager again. God dammit this sucks

>not posting the .webm where he clutches the Cloud of Darkness kill

You've got a lot of nerve showing your face here you fucker.

Attached: Couch bro.jpg (308x329, 16K)

Is this a big speedrunning event? I've never heard of it.

>that fucking fight

Never seen these threads move so fast.

Shit, you're right.

Sorry user, can't do it. Gotta watch the stream instead.

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i used to have the sad panda extension but lost my log in info a couple computer ago and never re-upped. can one of you queers give me the work around that doesn't require the extension? if i make a new forum account i don't think it's gonna get approved before this shit gets purged

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This is my turf now, kid.

Attached: Rabite3.jpg (793x684, 57K)

where'd you get that?

would you wear this Yea Forums?

But user, I did

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I want to lose my nut in her

what about e-h?
or is that some kind of mirror of sadpan?
it's not everything but is a lot, no?

Only if she doesn't wash it.

>ts like a real life Lord of the Rings, with Metako carrying Leo up Mt Doom.

Attached: Yes! Yes! Yes!.gif (235x240, 1.93M)

Yes, I would wear Larxa on my cock.

I would wear her in my penis

I'm blind then

ugly runt

Literally google "how to get passed sad panda"

hulkposter in 3, 2, 1....

It was legit the most emotions I've ever felt during a speedrun.

Played doom survival online for like 15 years now including skulltag/zandronum until my computer broke about a year ago. Damn I wish I had a PC still.
Miss it so much, I don't think I've wasted my time on anything more than the thousands of hours of online doom. Such fun times.

You'll need to ask the runners of the Bomberman 64 run from the last SGDQ

doom sucks

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From the absolute depths of despair to a fireworks display in a moment. Watching it live was a treat.

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holy shit those guys are trash

Hours? Are you shitting me, FUCK I THOUGHT THERE WAS MORE TIME

Same, I was so glad I actually watched the whole thing, I was even joking about the run being so long and originally planned to only watch the first hour.
one of the best things I've ever seen

Watching the final battle with that fucking glitched audio and the constant damage that Leo couldnt outheal was something fucking primal. It was so goddamn intense that my heart was pounding in my chest. I should go read the archived thread sometime, because everyone was so invested. What a legend of a run.

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Card games
Racing Games

>The Elder Gods
Super Mario 64

>The Elder Princes
Super Metroid
Banjo Kazooie

Attached: Doomguy dead.jpg (101x119, 6K)

thank you for continuing off my original tier list

>10k viewers

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I haven't used an actual razor since I was a we lad. I just use mini buzzers and they work fine. If I shave with a blade I always get a million little pimples after.

Based, the power of Doom.

Then why have all the FPS games sucked this ESA and all the RPGs been great?

Wakecold is getting pretty far behind.

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i still cut myself while shaving

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Shave your necks.

Is that a female or a male Rattata?

I hope I cut myself shaving tomorrow. I hope it bleeds all day long.

what the fuck race is it

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sqwats / 10

>he doesn't know

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Belgian, although someone in the practice room at ESA said she was half Asian and that's why she looks younger than she is.

*rolls a dice*
*flips a coin*
*menus for 40% of the screentime*
*skipping dialogue for 30% of the time*
*story that you HAD to be there for to understand*
*gets critted and has to go back to backup save*


>3 second difference

Attached: waoh.png (218x179, 42K)

So, DOOM 2016 was a reboot? Then DOOM Ethernal will be a reboot of DOOM 2?

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Yes. Only anger could cause a person to try to ruin things like that.


No, Doom 2016 is a sequel to Doom 64

wait, tezur0 had sub 20 when he finished, wtf

>dead bunny

Attached: Toxh0QP.gif (245x160, 709K)

Shave your penis.

>oh cool doom
>its a race

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Bis FuckinG speedrun/Wodka

>that hand holding

literally the only thing keeping me alive is the idea that maybe one day good sexbots will exist
also they'll have an artificial womb built it

oh boy that 7 Minutes Dead song that sounds like Persona 4

8/10. Close race, pure boomer, and Tezur0 won which is the best outcome.


>Quake race
Can't wake up.
Just like that it came and went.

>all of those years of people laughing at me for not being able to get past the sad panda
>now its being destroyed

who's laughing now, faggots

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Attached: mpc-hc64 2019-07-25 21-20-24-23.webm (712x404, 1.9M)

The only Quake race I want to see is BigJon jumping up and down and the ESA attendants fleeing to leave the venue before it collapses.


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Honestly, if you have spent years being unable to get past the panda you might be clinically retarded.

Not you because you still won't get the porn anyway.

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>BRAAAAAAAP is leading as the OOT filename choice
Goddamnit Yea Forums

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Me. Because I've got a stockpile hoarded now, and you don't.

you can cut the music now


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>calling Doom an arena shooter


based retard tech crew plays music over hosts

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>eyes struggling to stay open
>starting to feel sick

it's getting rough bros

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Does that mean they're married now?

No website compares to sadpanda's search
It's a massive pain in the ass to find anything in any of the other sites
Also like others pointed out most sites out there just take stuff from sadpanda and host it on their own sites.

>not having a medical drawer in your desk to handle your body falling apart all week

Attached: 1358370909490.png (629x466, 537K)

Get some sleep! Humans need sleep!

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>all timer foundation


Attached: maplenburger.png (1080x1086, 1.2M)

are you the OP who only sleeps 4 hours a day since ESA started?

cut the fucking music you retards

oh no how will i possibly beat off now that the sole source of porn for the entire internet is gone

Attached: babygrinch.jpg (640x640, 30K)

it's fitting for their overemotional charity shilling right now

Anyone got pics of Astolfo cosser during. GTA run? Was he hot?


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the biggest loss is gonna be their non-hentai content, which scrapers don't get. Artbooks, magazines, older media simply has no duplicates anywhere. But I think /jp/ is working hard to save that, /h/ is currently getting credit from the domain owner to dl as much as they can

The fuck, when did jenny get cute

Apparently e-h is gone in 6 months

just log in to e-h and then go to sadpanda

Jenny has always been cute

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Jerking my cock

music they should be bumping instead

I want those thighs to crush me


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Post pic

there's a lot of cosplay imagesets too
not sure if those exist anywhere else

>another race
GQD was unironically better

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based retard killing himself in the name of speedrunning

Please don't push yourself user!

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Cute chunky gun

Stay hydrated, anime!

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I’ll get banned and then have to turn off my router for a few minutes :\

Both GDQs and both ESAs this year have been great. We should be very happy to have so much good speedrunning content!

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It's also with randomized level order

What will you die for? It has to be something.

/jp/'s MO is not wanting to attract newfags, so i'm sure they're very ok with not getting credit and unwanted attention

Get some rest user.

Attached: d4e5d30f1e615638e17dd33c0938565e.jpg (1000x900, 248K)

Take one for the team

why do so many of these long haired dudes have such weak and effeminate mannerisms? they look like proto trannies


because they're weak and effeminate?

Maybe they are just weak and effeminate men

>DK 64 scheduled for stream 1
Oh boy, get ready for a serious trash fire of pride spam in about 6 hours.

Maybe this run will be good?

Attached: mpc-hc64 2019-07-23 12-33-11-26.webm (1244x934, 2.74M)

>Sadpanda is dying because of laws against loli/shota

Feels bad man

Attached: 1540077737541.webm (1280x720, 2.16M)


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quit being racist

Attached: 1393632302743.gif (200x200, 1.92M)

Now this is unironically a good race.

>They keep dying
>They keep having fun

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>runners fucked by the randomizer

Attached: 1252429158115.png (184x211, 4K)

Can someone tell me what the fuck is happening? Why are they getting fucked by a yeti?

Races must stop.

Attached: 1516084597840.jpg (1280x720, 164K)

consider suicide, susan apologist

Long hair is the lazy guy's choice because it's very low maintenance. No idea why they're so effeminate though. Maybe memes about the water are true. Their mannerisms might be in part because they're insecure nerds.

I really don't understand why they don't grow beards. It's the easiest way to make you look like a man.

it was so funny I forgot to laugh

>Save states: The game

This is fucking awful lmao

>long hair is low maintenance

Attached: 1542258270265.png (179x227, 90K)

Based Elgu dabbing on everyone else with speed.

Attached: Pachira smug.png (768x576, 585K)

I wish I could grow a beard
I get a neckbeard and a pedophile moustache at most

Shamblers are a fucking horrible scary enemy that isn't supposed to appear until you have been given better weapons and more ammo, practically minibosses. This is an enemy randomizer and the first fucking level is shambler spam.

>four person race
>easy mode

this even is so shitty goddam

>Long hair is the lazy guy's choice because it's very low maintenance

Attached: 1490124802482.gif (421x389, 1021K)

>blocks your path
>ends your run 1 minute in

What do you do?

Attached: BIG.jpg (1080x840, 677K)

This is anything but easy mode dude, are you watching the race? The first stage was ridiculous.

This is how you know that user doesn't talk to girls, they cut their hair short precisely when they get lazy.

>Long hair is the lazy guy's choice because it's very low maintenance

clearly you've never had long hair. getting your shit cut every few months is way less effort than dealing with long hair. buzz cut is literally the most low maintenance look in existence

t. used to have long hair

Nigga I got long hair and my shit is fucking high maintenance. I borderline treat it like a woman would. If you're gonna have long hair? Why not take care of it? I use more shampoo in a month then you do in two years. And I don't even wash my hair everyday. But you must have no hair and bald.

>Swedish dude keeps choking
Get fucked and and long live the Kingdom of Denmark

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Just focus on watching Elgu guys, the guy's blasting through now. He's great.

it's literally >easy run randomizer

Escape by the right side.

Lmao you look like a an effeminate faggot

I wish they did this when Stream 2 was up at least, so there was an alternative to the race.
Race after race is getting tiresome.

Attached: 1559917691115.jpg (761x1200, 101K)

It is easy
>Dude if you die just load a save state from 2 seconds ago

So you're not watching. Gotcha, should've just said that.

"low maintenance" long hair is how you get smellee players

>let's take player choice away from them

is brainfluid really still stuck on that one BIG shambler?

>literally doesn't know what's written on the layout
>accuses me of not watching

ok fag

The only thing you gotta do to long hair is condition it occasionally and brush it a bit. In comparison short hair looks like shit every time you wake up and you have to do a bunch of shit for it to look good.

>buzz cut is literally the most low maintenance look in existence
Well obviously but it also looks like shit on most people.

t. long hair & long beard
I've had long hair for 10 years. It's much easier than short hair.

who else here /waiting for fire emblem release/ ??

Attached: implying.png (647x580, 527K)

almost all of the doujinshi music you can get online outside of japan is almost always ripped and organized by /jp/ every single time. They don't want new people, but they'll work hard to save their own media.

What? I'm just saying it's not difficult or impressive what they're doing and it's not fun to watch.

Just because it's 'easy' mode means nothing when it's actually hard as balls because of the randomizer you autist.

Are you by chance female?

And you are wrong.

I mean if you want to watch a 2 hour Quake run instead then go ahead and find some runs on youtube, but people watching a speedrun marathon would rather see the fastest way.

>looks like shit every time you wake up
>you have to do a bunch of shit for it to look good
what the fuck are you blethering about, genuinely

Lmao. I get compliments on my hair from so many roasties and woman all the time. I take care of my shit. Brush, wash,. Air dry, brush again. Use the finest shampoo I can get. Stay peanut butter and jealous, you fucking hairlet

finna cum on your face m8

Attached: D52AA3C9-E851-4E79-AE24-AAD9EAA678C1.jpg (1024x576, 78K)

You sound autistic lmao

I'd rather see someone do something interesting instead of

>This is hard
>Loads save state
>This is hard
>Loads save state
>This is hard
>Loads save state
>This is hard
>I did it
>Creates new save state
>Loads save state

It's fucking retarded

It's already out dummy


my friends say its darkest before the sun rises but im pretty sure they're all wrong

Everything you say is the complete opposite of truth.

The only reason it's much easier to you is because your standards are so low that you barely take care of it until it looks only kinda like shit and then say it's ok even though everyone else thinks it looks awful.

>autistic lmao
Okay shitposter, this is my last (You).

Attached: is it.png (412x386, 252K)

God bless you for not being aware of the shitstorm which is upon us.

Attached: so it begins.jpg (423x468, 119K)

You wanna stop talking and posting about Larxa on here you fucking retard. What do you get out of it exactly by posting this link in every thread?

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This guy is right

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Attached: based nash.png (606x832, 962K)

what the fuck does DK have with the LGTBBQ?

I banged your gf in the practice room while you were speedrunning darksouls.
GTFO cuckstortion

you're lucky I'm on no fap else I'd make a tribute and post it

Attached: 1563844132188.jpg (3264x2448, 534K)

No it's not. Is the release different for timezones?

it's out legitimately or just for hacked switches?


Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 57K)

is that real game

Attached: 3jvlqDo.jpg (2048x2048, 637K)

What fuck told you last time fucking cuck? I will fuck your whore in the ass first and then in the pussy in front of you.

Attached: 12324343423.png (680x760, 191K)

i'm gonna DM her a screen shot of your white knighting, i'll let you know if she's grateful and wants to meet you

legitimately out for hacked switches

based ESL chad

Did you even read the post? I have a dick and a beard. Afaik that means I'm not female.

Dunno what magic your hair is made out of but when I used to have short hair it was always all over the place when I got out of bed.

I'm only speaking from my experience.

It's not like as a man you need to do your hair like you would as a woman. Long hair looks good on men with minimal effort as long as you are manly enough that it doesn't make you look like an effeminate faggot.

DO IT and post results.

>claims long hair is low maintenance
>also claims to have long hair
You are either gross as fuck or bald as fuck

Attached: 1521612425661.png (259x278, 81K)

Google jelly mario and you can play it right now.

Yeah, was some game called Jelly Mario, everything was jellified/bouncy.

Attached: 1537840124485.png (640x853, 833K)

Est Francais, Belge est Francais lmao.

You post like a Redditor

Dumb cross eyed cock cradling nigger cuck farming (you)s in the gayest way. Also avatar use is against the rules faggot bitch. Kill yourself.

My favourite parts of these races is watching the one screen's tearing getting progressively worse over time.

Attached: SUB1229OBS-VULTURE-articleLarge.jpg (600x400, 41K)

anyone have a pic of laxra's feet

That is an excellent question. Soon.

Attached: necr.png (400x446, 419K)

We're just speaking from experience man. You get a short hair cut, it's basically zero maintenance besides washing. Dunno if it's my genetics mainly, but when my hair gets long it's also way harder to style and often looks goofy if I don't style it right.

I really don't know how they managed to make vertical tearing happen. I've never seen it before in my life.

Attached: 1374322183826.png (691x426, 356K)

Sorry for leaving an empty line before replying to a new post.




posting. Learn the difference.

Someone needs to make deepfakes of her and post them when this fucker shows up.

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Bottom right screen is tearing up like someone is chopping S-0-Y

You wouldn't do shit you fucking cuck. You spend your pointless fucking life stalking someone elses social media pages. And for what exactly?

>the bottomright screen

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Leddit tourist confirmed.

Do any of you guys watch Quakecon stuff?

You need to show the gif in motion though. Makes all the difference

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Nah. I've only got so much time and energy to spare and even though I'm a legit 34 year old boomer who grew up playing this exact game online I have no interest in it anymore.

I will got brutal with your whore and make her regret of choosing your fucking little cock.

You spend your pointless life """defending""" some attention whore who WANTS people to check out her public social media pages. And for what exactly?

She's not gonna fuck you, user.

Reminder that she actually knows about these threads. She didn't before but found out couple days ago. She looked like she was going to cry cause of all the sexual and nasty thing said about her here.

>when I used to have short hair it was always all over the place when I got out of bed
i think our definitions of short might be different, the longest i've had it is just past ear length and it's always been fine with just running a comb through it after showering. the shorter it is the less maintenance it needs, a short buzz is literally zero and if i could just stop it growing at that point it'd be perfect for me. i've always wondered if there might ever be a way to do that, like how the rest of your body hair doesn't grow past a certain length

I like that some of these dudes are willing to sacrifice a few seconds for funsies

>runner with the gamma cranked up wins
You need to see where you're going, guys!

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I get what you mean with the hair being all over the place after getting out of bed but that doesn't happen to me when I have it short but when it's grown a bit after I got a shortcut.
Sure it's still short compared to having long hair but I wouldn't consider it short at that point.
There are times where I wake up and it's impossible to make some of that hair not go up like an ahoge but again at that point I wouldn't consider my hair short.

What did you said about me, little cuck? Your whore is going to cry my name, while you are in the corner crying like a little pussy.

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i wish i was jerking it/10


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Here’s a shitting panda to fertilize your (you) farm.

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EVERY robot?

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boring shit

It was ogay.

too soon


>try to get on sadpanda
>Error 503 Service Unavailable
Its over, bros. Its all over.

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On a scale of 1 to 10 sexual nastiness I would say these threads were giving her about a 2. Nobody was crossing the line or exaggerating. Pretty vanilla shit. Nobody was seriously threatening to physically harm her or violently rape her by rushing her hotel room as she opens it and breaking her jaw before holding a knife to her belly. It was just vanilla "I wonder what her feet smell like haha". No way she cried from that.


>have to go to sleep
>next run is DMC5
no way it's not unfun, right?

Yeah but you guys said she looked like the facial abuse girl and that she likes yo whore herself out and stuff.

She knew what she was doing.

I've heard mixed things but at least give it a shot.

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What I said stands. That's no worse than she would hear in her own twitch chat before getting popped by her kingsguard of white knight moderators.

It was brought up couple streams ago
And they showed her the threads offstream She was legit heartbroken.

It was eh.

You can't do that user

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>you guys said she looked like the facial abuse girl
but that's a compliment mayli a cute

Saw a pic on a hurtcore board on teh deepwebz where the abdomen of someone was cut open and a ruler was inserted in her vag and was sticking out of the abdominal hole.
Someone should try that. She might like it.

As a joke.

fair enough
tfw don't live 80 years into the future where I can have a wraith bot with an artificial womb

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Well, it's the guy from the top tier Yakuza run.

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Yeah just as a joke is all

refresh dummy, servers are just under a lot of stress because everyone is trying to get on right now to save shit/fap one last time

It's the guy from the Yakuza Kiwami run, so it's not a lock but given his performance yesterday he likely will at least try.
Plus thanks(?) to GTA he's probably gotten extra time before the run so he should be rested and warmed up.

No, I said she should *do* facial abuse. You are quite off the mark.

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so the only proof is some guy just said it happened? and you just believed him outright, jesus

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>two hours of dmc 5 with froob

thank you jesus, finally some comfy times

what is this meme a reference to?

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Finally, a run that isn't a race. We had like 6 races back to back.

WHy no true lewds of this hot piece yet

There was absolutely people in these threads talking about tying her up and pissing on her and other stuff.

The devil may cry series

It's dawned on me what is wrong with these races and co-op runs.

There's no couch commentator and the runners just end up talking to each other, or over each other, it leaves the viewers feeling left out of whatever the shit is going on, and sat there watching dudes mumble at each other.

And you took that shit seriously? Get a grip hahahahaha.

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That's fucking hot dude.

Is Mergy related to Andrew Dobson?

>DMC5 with Froob
I'm ready

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This thread has been so slow. Time has come to dodge my attack Yea Forums.

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the long haired dude is unsettling
it enrages me

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given how she likes wearing that aheago hoodie so much i'd figure she'd have a little more of a sense of humor/self awareness about this kinda stuff. but nope, just another whore wearing shit she doesn't like/understand for attention, fuck her

>Froob and DMC meme posting
Here we go, lads

No I saw it firsthand, but I've said too much now

Somebody send a donation with a comment saying

>"WARNING: Sadpanda is shutting down, grab everything you can now"

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>Froob is one of the most hard people

Implying that freaky bitch wouldn't enjoy it. She has the look of a pee drinker tbqh.

? DMC runs were never fun though, there's no styling, is he that cool of a runner?

You expect too much from women

>people said she looks like some other hapa whore

if this was enough to upset her she really isn't cut out to be a streamer

>DMC5 now
>then comfy Spyro
Its going to be a good night friends!

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Oh, well now you're just not even trying to make it believable anymore. It was fun for a bit though.

same, it's like they're borderline tranny

and i saw the aliens at area 51 first hand too bro, trust me

>Having chickens anywhere near a living space.
Chicken shit fucking stinks.

Did you seriously miss the Yakuza 2 run?

Not hard to eclipse that wreck of a Vice City run. It really should not have been $25%.

Time to put the zoomers in bed

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She didn't even know what that was. But when it was explained it was some pornstar that what got to her.

Please let it be comfy

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Check his Yakuza run from early on in the marathon if you haven't watched it yet.
t. finished watching it 2 hours ago after hearing how good it was


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you wouldnt piss on her?

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no Monster
I'm disappointed

I'm still having PTSD flashbacks from the garbage Vice City run. I don't know if they'll ever go away.

if you're going to make your living by streaming three hours per week and letting the the virgin donations roll in, i'm not gonna feel too bad if the most harmless bantz make you cry. she should harden up or get a real job

The hell, is it already on youtube?
Oh, I didn't remember his name, that really was fun as fuck.

KEK I remember this thread!! Hah

Is it worth checking it out in a so bad it's entertaining way or not even that?

I'd eat 36 stalks of asparagus and drink 2 liters of milk 3 hours beforehand. It wouldn't be piss anymore. It would be furniture varnish. She would be laminated when I'm done with her. Fully laminated and enjoying it.

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>you look like a woman thousands of men have lusted after
>this somehow upset her

what a stuck up cunt, imagine how sheltered of an upbringing she's had

>tfw I totally missed the VC run and will remain forever free from its taint

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You can watch vods straight from twitch, was relatively easy to find too.

It was just extremely fucking boring, shouldn't have been done.

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not at all

no, it's so bad it's bad

No, it's a trainwreck of dullness, there were a few moments where it didn't completely suck but they were brief and mostly due to Metako trying his best to save the run.

No it was just bad, not entertaining.

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>everyone in the thread was hyping it up since the end of yakuza
>i knew it would be trash and try too hard to be like the yakuza run

i watched that entire shit show with a smug grin


anyone know if DMC5 is a good speedgame to watch?

Fuck no, it was legit worthless thanks to the runners.

It was basically a forced meme in the form of a "speed"run

Trade places with me!

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haha bro your like nostradamus cause you outsmarted retards on Yea Forums

I want a girl to pee on me. It’s so hot to see streams of beautiful urine cascading from above their love tunnel. Imagine sitting beside her in the tub, she’s wearing tight jeans. Better yet she’s on your lap. You feel the warmth start spreading over your lap, on your cock and balls. Every nook and cranny is warmed by this loving wash of pleasure. She holds it halfway through, removes her pants and panties, and your start lapping at her pussy as the pee flows freely. Release...


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>tfw was in uni and making dindins during the run so literally all that I caught was the couple of minutes they got the furry on screen

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>main appeal was you could donate 25 bucks to make the crowd or runners do something
>runners barely participated
>30 minutes of padding added to estimate at start of run
>somehow still went 30 minutes over estimate

it sucked ass

>Not Silhouette


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The part with the mascot was legit one of the more uncomfortable things I've seen in a marathon. It felt so fucking awkward and then Metako had to literally ask the mascot to leave and get off camera.

Do they really only have five songs for the intermission?

Ben, I know your ass is still lurking, tell them to fix this shit.

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Be honest Yea Forums, do you like the normalfag techno/pop from the ESA streams or the vidya remixes during GDQ better?

>she should harden up or get a real job
Would you if the free money you got from losers was enough to live on?

ben aint exactly in a position to be giving staff orders now that he's banned

Come on, Yea Forums. Wake up.

about equal

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I like when it's made by weebs like without chu, but OCR is more consistent.

I don't mind what's playing now because I've never heard it and it's not obnoxious, I have nothing against video game music, I listen to quite a few OSTs myself while doing shit, but I hate when it's a lazy chiptune remix or whatever of a song, I doubly hate when it's a song popular due to whatever brand it's tied to more than its composition.
The layers of Such A Nerd pseud from that is like the aesthetics of the BBT universe leaked into our world minus the laugh track.

>Keep begging for people to pay up $250 to show off furry suit whenever they could
>kick them off as soon as they could and not bring it up again

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oh no, hiro is shutting down this site too!

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Vidya remixes, but ESA is still way better overall.

no but i wouldn't be such a little bitch about being compared to a girl who did porn either

Here, let me explain
>hilarious trainwreck
>boring trainwreck

I've had without chu stuck in my head for a week now and I pray for death to release me from this torment.
I've tried digging it out of my brain with a q-tip but I think only a bullet or a hammer drill will suffice.
Brb going to hardware stop
also making a stop at mcdonalds, anyone want anything??


Truly gamers are the most oppressed race in the world.

The video game remixes were at least related to the fucking games that were coming up so I prefer that. Even the year where they kept playing that lame song from Earthworm Jim was better than WITHOUT CHU, WITHOUT CHU

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That Sonic Boom remix with Edobean singing was some retarded shit.

>Devil May Cry 5?
More like Devil Making me Cry 5

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I want to eat a strawberry out of Larxa’s unwashed asshole

could chu get me a quarterpounder

I imagine it went something like this.
>Hey guys this hotel has a mascot
>You know like mickey mouse
>Wouldn't that be fun if it was a thing
>Donation is met
>Furfags explode in chat
>Slow realization of what a horrible mistake it was

Froob it's YOUrizen, as in a bastardization of YourReason.

ask if their ice cream machine is working

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It's about the same for me, ESA could do with a bigger library of music, and while GDQ have more music to play with, some tracks seem like they're set to play every fucking day.

Stuff like the Daytona one end up on all the time and it starts to get at me.

hey man don't say that in case she looks at this thread and gets upset because she has the mind of a literal child and doesn't know what sex is despite taking distortion's sausage in her cute mouth every night

>any %
>doesn't just beat urizen

Nico is perfect

You know, I used to like the ESA music a good deal but now it's kind of shit. It's still monstercat so it should be the same, but this year feels worse for whatever reason.

When GDQ gets it right though, it's great. I learned about the Street Hoop soundtrack from them.

Quicker to lose.

>doesn't just turn the game off immediately

What's the fucking point of speedrunning DMC5 if you're gonna do it on Human?
Literally no fucking point

I'm gonna need several boxes of sweet golden brown treats, real soft meat.

ESA has very little variety so it gets on your nerves after a while, that fucking cookies one has been doing my head in for several ESAs now.

I dont know what you’re talking about but I literally want her shitberry in my mouth and in my digestive system
I want actual shit particles from her inside of me
Sorry :/

Don't stay seated for too long anons, get up and stretch your muscles!

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To be honest, I'm really tired of OC Remix music and how is the only thing GDQ or NASA plays. ESA is not better with their tiny playlist but at least is a nice change of pace instead of "NES game electric guitar remix number 9000".

What ESA needs is more music, what GDQ needs is more non-remixed videogame music that's not fucking NES and SNES for the nth time.

I spent 16 hours in one sit when the game came out. I feels good after so many years.

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Whats the human category supposed to be? Never use devil trigger?

the fight doesn't take 2 hours on human
you beat the game if you beat him on the first level

I still havent played it and I'll be spoiling the whole thing for myself tonight. Feels kinda bad but its my own fault for being lazy.

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Yeah. The real issue is the crowd cam should be larger though, GDQ had it perfect in the past and now it's always a small box on both screens.

easiest difficulty

lowest difficulty i assumed?

Easiest difficulty.
Because it's about getting through the game as fast as possible. Harder difficulty means more enemies with higher HP and new placements with harder enemies. Shit like Furies just waste time.

It's the easiest difficulty option

furfags need to kys

>loadtime remover
is this fair?
Fuck I want this

make sure you take a break every hour and walk around so you don't get blood clots and die =)

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I've never seen this exact post before in marathon threads for years.

very easy difficulty

Wait, how the fuck are PC loads slower?

It's easy mode. I will be surprise if someday they decide to play on Hell or Hell.


Most games don't count secret/skip to the end endings except for in their own category.

Imagine the shits this thing takes
Anyway I saw the episode with him sitting naked in his bed playing call of duty

>Because it's about getting through the game as fast as possible.
play on HoH then

pc plebs blown the FUCK out, console bois this is OUR TIME

also make sure to clean your folds so you don't get a fungi infection

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The issue is that different runners PC's will load the game at different rates since every runner's PC is different. This isn't an issue for console runs since every console is basically the same.

>The part where he has to get washed off on the patio by his dad using a rag on a stick

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A speedrun on Human is worthless because everything dies in 3 fucking hits and you miss out on interesting enemies.
Seeing someone use tactics to speed through an enemy like a Fury or a Nobody is infinitely more interesting than brainless fucking Human runs.

>can't hear the music

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You still deal with Nobodies and Furies on Human, it's just instead of dealing with 5 of them each before Mission 07, they appear later.

>Walking on water.
Oh my god! He's god!

How does one get this fat? Eventually just moving your arm to eat would burn more calories than eating.

>out of bounds
You said it would be good, Yea Forums.

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>that stock image skybox

>stock image as a texture

What's a woman?

what's even the fucking point of this run

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>Out of bounds
>Stock pic easter egg
Shut up

New thread!

>breakage stuns the fuck out of atermis

maybe the dante levels will be more interesting

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Yeah yeah, I did.

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