*cough* *cough*

*cough* *cough*
>I'm so glad I spent all those years of my youth playing video games

Attached: oldanon.jpg (670x335, 42K)

Literally me.

>camera pans to a calendar on the wall
>the date is 2100 because video games made you live longer


I had crippling asthma as a kid so video games were my salvation.

I was literally born to post this 0.

>playing video games
lol. I haven't played a game since 2013

How can a person only have a single hobby, I just cannot fathom that.

because i am an uninteresting retard

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My only goal in life to throw the hardest dab with the last ounce of my strength before I am released from this mortal coil so that rigor mortis can immortalize my greatness.

I didn't have friends as a kid, because I was such a weird outcast. Video games were my comfort in the lonely dark. When my parents were fighting I would crank up the volume and game on. I will NEVER feel guilty for being a gamer. You will not have that power over me.

You could not be farther from that 0

Same. Games were my cope i don't regret it

say you do a bunch of amazing things with your life where you travel, meet people, make an influence. then you die. what's the difference?


*cough* *cough*
>I'm so glad I spent all those years of my life slaving away for kikes

I don't get what these posts are supposed to say.

Nothing, they say nothing.

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This is what baby boomers ACTUALLY believe.
My dad spent his life working 12 hour days and told us over Christmas he wishes he spent more time with the family.

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Baby boomers are fucking retarded. They work and work and work all their lives, just so they have a chance to not work when they're old and no longer are really able to do anything.

On the plus side, user probably has a sweet-ass collection of vintage video games that have suddenly become available for inheritance. Hell, if they're in good condition, you could probably sell a couple off to collectors for absurd amounts of cash.

you regret not spending that time on video games

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Yeah I am because i played them with my irl friends when we weren't getting out.

>he wasted his life doing things he enjoyed
What a fucking cuck. Now better get to sleep wagie, Mr. Shekelberg needs you there nice and early tomorrow

ok, you regret it, then you die. then what.

Human beings are hard wired to appreciate nature and exploration and socialization. Video games are an artificial recreation of all of these elements in the same way that jacking off to porn is an artificial replacement to sex.

It's all just dopamine et. al. The external aspect doesn't change the fact that it's the same underlying hormonal mechanism. And before you go hurr durr muh materialism, you're the one that went down that path with talk of humans being "hard wired" for anything. We're hard wired to receive a reward in response from pleasurable stimuli, incentivizing goal directed behaviour to acquire more of that reward, just like all living organisms.

You can't take job experience or money with you to whatever the fuck happens after you die.

I imagine the people who never managed to work a day in their lives are the happiest at death

Sure, but the objective goal of any species is to survive. Shutting yourself in doesn’t contribute to the species in any constructive way, and most video game shut-ins don’t reproduce. They are effectively biological waste.