Best writing in vidya?

Best writing in vidya?

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Clearly Dangan with all the threads.

has the wolf series turned into a parody?


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>under 100 words
that's actually not too bad, woke retards usually have a whole novel plastered on the screen

Man I love killing Nazis. What are some games where you can kill Nazis? Nothing like killing Nazis, after all.
Regards, Nazi Killer.

It's become literal propaganda.

Skyrim, if you join Legion

I like Return to Castle Wolfenstein and Silent Storm

>the wolfenstein series has become anti-nazi propaganda

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Why did you edit out the part where the frenchies mock them, and the two sisters realize they're in over their heads?

Its almost like you pathetic /pol/ posters have some kind of agenda.

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wasn't it always anti-nazi propaganda?

redpilled post with hints of based

>reeee its bad to kill nazis
fuck off /pol/tard

anti-nazi? yes. Propoganda? ehhhhhh, it was always about murdering nazis because you're the good guy and they're the bad guys but it never really went deeper than that.

Ask yourself this. Why is a game where you cartoonishly murder an army of unrepentant Nazis offend so many people?

They're actual Nazis too. Not tiki torch LARPers like /pol/. The Nazis in Wolfenstein murder anyone they want to, the leaders are all sociopathic sadists, they experiment on PoWs and their enemies horrifically and more.

Remember when the world pretty much universally agreed that Nazis were bad? Go outside you fucking faggots

>but it never really went deeper than that.
are you saying game is deeper now?

You should try VNs!

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That last line is still quite a mouthfull, it could easily be turned into something 'smoother' like

"Very well then. I believe there is be a nazi killing assignment for you two around here"

it has to be intentional

Its never been something meant to be taken seriously.

I mean, it's trying, but trying doesn't always spells success.

Its spoken in French, which is why it sounds awkward in English. Study for your ESL course harder next time.

This is one of my favorite JRPG series ever but God, there is so much superfluous, unskippable dialogue. Everyone talks about pic related in DD but the truth is it was the same in TBS and TLA. Everyone has to react to every statement.

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>Inb4 hurr wolfenstein was always cartoonish
that's not the point
tno made it clear they wanted to take things seriously while tnc had an inconsistent tone

but nuwolfenstein is about killing nazi to replace them with something worse, literal commies.

They were complaining about the low quality writing, not that the enemies were nazis but because that scene had "nazi" and "kill" in literally every sentance.

america isn't the good guys anymore, it used to be an american game

pure unfiltered kino if you ask me

something about killing the good guys rubs me the wrong way

>good guys

pretty much, before it was just a shooting game, now it's just an excuse to kill nazis and force politics

>it's okay to kill someone as long as I REALLY disagree with them
>but it's bad if they do it too, that's what makes them the bad guys!

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it's war nigga
i ain't gotta explain shit

>westacuck devs

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based plastic gooks

No it isn't. Stop listening to /pol/ posters. The only communists in the franchise are portrayed as cartoonishly inept, and after the events of TNC, America goes back to being a republic.

zoomers have become so lost in the sea of SJW garbage that they legitimately think that killing Nazis from WW2 is a bad thing because they conflate them with the modern version of a """Nazi""" (aka: anyone that doesn't agree with whatever radical policy the left is pushing).

I hate you fucking faggots.

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>People are actually seriously unironically complaining that Wolfenstein, a game built on killing nazis- literal nazis, not tumblr speak for "person with different thoughts than me"- continues to be about killing literal nazis.
>That game where you kill nazis, the series that continues to kill nazis, and will continue to be about killing nazis, is a parody of itself for saying the words "kill nazis"
Are you people so far up your own asses that you are straight up inventing things to be upset about now?

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>it's not okay to kill the murderous tyrants brutally oppressing, enslaving, and genociding the entire civilized world, colonizing your state and trying to replace American culture with German
>no no let's not slay tyrants and liberate the peoples of the free world
Holy shit what a cuck

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Fuck off /pol/

isnt the game set in america

PS2 trilogy Ace Combat

>it's okay to kill people if I disagree with their politics, after all it's my duty to speak on behalf of their entire country and force them to conform to my world view
>they're the tyrant

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Is there any game liberals haven't ruined?

It's always been one mate.

>offend so many people?

nobody is offended you tard, it's horrible writing, also you don't have to be a genius to know the people behind are using nazis as a metaphor for "people I don't like", the marketing kind of gave it away. It's pure social justice propaganda at this point.

Hi yes I'd like to introduce to to every single war ever and the many MANY games based on them.


>tno made it clear they wanted to take things seriously
Someone sure didn't play TNO then

>genocidal maniacs
>good guys

pic related is you

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Sometimes I forget how stupid western game writers are these days. It's all completely surface-level, there's no depth to anything. The writers just say exactly how they feel and how you should feel.

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Remember when ya seethe?


Japanese games, except the ports.

The very first modern war games were heavily protested by veterans as being nothing but shitty propaganda glamorizing warfare to a young audience and trivializing the deaths of their comrades. It took (((Speilberg))) coercing them heavily and lying through his teeth to get them to help him make Call of Duty, which he promised would only be as tasteful as possible.
Now look at it.

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yes i do remember when the globohomo elite had a centralised information structure setup to control the things that children learned

No just constant leftie wank

Only western anglo countries hate nazis. South American countries have a weird fetish for them.

Pretty awful writing. Are nazis even cool to kill anymore? I feel like they have been overdone in movies and in games.

call of duty 1 and 2 were dope

Can you even call people nazis or fascist nowadays? because i don't see them hunting jews or creating a tyrannical government or shit like that. it's like the commies, they just stay around doing absolutely nothing for no one

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It's because the industry is ran by old fucking retards 10 years behind everyone so they're still hiring shitty bloggers who are all moronic retards on par with Yea Forums, except extra stupid because they live inside of an echo chamber instead of a room with holes for people to shit into on them.

This is what happens when a generation of people grow up without a connection to WW2.

You get faggots talking about stomping on krauts like it's a bad thing, and basedboys talking about stomping on white folks who disagree with them like it's equivalent to stomping on some SS faggot begging for his pathetic life.

>would not affect Fawkes in any way, like walking across the street
Imagine actually thinking this is okay.

>2% of the series was good, though!

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Young blood is set in Paris I believe.

im just saying i liked those games, you feeling okay user?

The problem is people actually use this kind of "logic" unironically. When the criticism is poor writing, the retort is "why is a game where you murder nazis so offensive?". That kind of low IQ narrative is what the western world has become, and it'll be refreshing once it finally collapses on itself entirely and we can finally start over with the knowledge of the kind of people we shouldn't let exist.

>/pol/ ITT

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I'll gladly argue with anyone that there was without a doubt a percentage nazis that were originally well meaning German soldiers who were forced into doing bad things at the barrel of a gun. There were monsters among them, and there are monsters in every war. Nanking didn't happen because soldiers are 100% honest, proud, and good. But their collective cruelties was a product of the upper echelons and the hive mind they had formed.

These nazis are not those people. These are cartoonish, mustache twirling, floorboard shooting, ark of the covenant thieving, human experimenting, Hollywood nazis. Anyone who is mad about this is literally only mad because "people" on the far left will like it for that while ignoring my first point.

He's a frogposter, he's obviously not okay.


I am going to assume this was a clever joke and the other anons just thought you were being serious.

>diluting a phrase designed to warn people against extreme right wing nationalism to the extent that said extremism is now returning to politics
Bravo liberals.

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Or the reality: These screenshots are edited down to make the writing look bad, because a bunch of fart huffing retards like yourself believe you're truly the smartest person on the internet.

Go back to retard

>how can I blame those LUBRULS for me voting radical nationalists into power

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How dare you reply to me

retards are getting mad you kill nazis in video games again sad

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like who? trump? so radical dude.


>I'll gladly argue with anyone that there was without a doubt a percentage nazis that were originally well meaning German soldiers
Yeah, the Afrikakorps is a fine example of this, Rommel and his men were exemplary. There were many Germans who were not a part of the Nazi party but who still served with distinction because they were soldiers, and soldiers fight for their country.

It's why it is well known that SS soldiers were hardly ever taken alive, they were not simply "good German boys doing their duty to their country, which was unfortunately guided by a manianc", they were scum. When people talk about Nazis, anyone with half a brain knows what they're talking about, that being said the Germans all hopped in the same sinking boat, so they all got the bullet. That's how it goes.

You think all the people in Japan or in the Imperial Army were backing the Emperor, and his puppet master's, delusional shit? No, but that's war, you're on the wrong side you get what you get.

You sound like the most you know about WW2 came out of half-listening during highschool. What do you know about the German Revolution of 1918–19? I bet you have no idea why Jews were labelled as November Criminals. Nobody then thought what they were doing was bad, Germans fucking hated communists and Jews after WW1 for good reason. People who didn't actually study history should have absolutely no grounds in discussing the politics surrounding it, you're as bad as politicians who don't even know how the government works.

>game series were you kill robot hitler is anti-nazi

im shocked, shocked i tell you

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is anyone still in denial that companies use politics to deflect criticism of their products

Yes we know, SS used to skin little jew girls alive and melt down thousands of bodies for gold coins and teeth. We've all heard it pounded into our heads Mr. Blonstein.

im sure you can easily prove this claim?


Nazis are unironically better than the radical left.

>dude commiting genocide is just as bad as being against commiting genocide!

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>You sound like the most you know about WW2 came out of half-listening during highschool
Not him, but you're right. Most people should get their education from /pol/. Brainwashing is the best form of education.


What does anything you just said have to do with the statement "some plenty were well meaning, others were probably assholes"?

>like who? trump? so radical dude.
They elected a reality TV star with no experience in politics, who ran on meme culture that he would 'drain the swamp' and jail the Clintons.

>some plenty were well meaning, others were probably assholes
This is true for almost everything in life, for every institution ever.

>porn image to gain (you)s
>deflects from the true psychological issues caused by parroting offensive phrases onto anyone with a conservative opinion while refusing to offer his own opinion
Cringe and not even an argument.

AR15s are still plentiful and can be had for $400 on the bargain end so nothing else really matters.

Oh hai nazi

Which is the exact point of that post, guy.

t. never played Wolfenstein
Why are zoomers so pathetic oversensitive reactionaries?

Its the first cutscene in the game. Do you know what youtube is?

Are you gonna prove it didn't happen? Are you so sheltered that you think things like that don't happen?

I got mine from studying law and constitutional history at Harvard.

Why did you stop the quote short of the entire sentence? Quote it all.
>who were forced into doing bad things at the barrel of a gun

The only people projecting their beliefs onto Nazis in Youngblood is YOU. What is it about your beliefs that make you think that?

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feel free to prove your claim any time

So what game are they going to bundle this turd with after it becomes clear that it's going to bomb?

Yeah but back then the entire right wasn't considered nazis by liberals, they were just 'dumb rednecks' considered harmless. Then Trump elected and liberals have been in 'literal Nazi' mode for almost 4 years now. So now the wolf games have this connotation in the background

they are actually mocking the twins in that scene, retards

>"Oh man, me and an unspecified hypothetical percent of other soldiers in my position think this is kind of fucked up.
>"I guess i'll just go politely ask Klaus if I can opt out of this whole holocaust thing, that usually goes well."

>lmao i was only pretending to go off topic. I was talking about videogames the entire time ;)

Any other deflections, faggot?

It's always been about killing nazis, it had interesting stories and said fuck yeah allies. But now it's mostly cringy, anti masculinity, forced diversity, communist shit. I've always loved Wolf. It was my first FPS but NWO2 was pretty cringy and this shit seems worse. Also the animations are trashed too from what I've seen.

Are you killing Nazis yet?

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We're finished as a society.

>some random uneducated hypothetical based entirely on assumptions I've constructed purely from what I know through entertainment mediums justifies my worldview and opinion

>I have nothing to argue, but can't admit it

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I doubt someone with a college education would defend nazis. I bet you live in a trailer park in Alabama.

When your politics are the forced extermination of people who aren't your ethnicity and you're actively exterminating them, yes, it's okay to kill you.

>if i say cope first that means i win

In 2012 Republicans were represented by people like Mitt Romney who acted professional and never said anything offensive or controversial. Now Republicans are represented by people like Donald Trump who act completely unprofessional and says lots of offensive and controversial things.

Following orders isn't an excuse for moral atrocity.

>Republicans were represented by people like Mitt Romney who acted professional
AKA Obama but with an (R) next to their name.

I've had presidential honors every semester since Spring 2015 and I'm graduating with my Master's next fall. Right now I maintain a 3.84 overall GPA.

sure white trash

If that's where are the nazis are why does Antifa spend all their time trashing Starbucks locations in places like Seattle and Portland?

The original series existed before the fact that nazi's didn't commit comparable atrocities to the communists, brits and yankees was common knowledge.

But theres a white dude for killing the nazi's user. You aren't a actual nazi are you?

it did happen, and america did things just as bad. Gassing civilians isn't any worse then firebombing them. mothers and infants were melted by american aircraft, war is hell, their are no good guys.

This game is 100% propaganda where people brainwash themselves and forget the truth about history.


Would be better if you just posted it to prove your point.

I challenge you to find somebody who lives in a trailer park who fits the description of "aryan" and doesn't vote democrat for handouts. They're usually mixed race mutts with no sense of identity

Pretty standard fair. Does it make you uncomfortable OP? Do you feel you have to vent to your anonymous echo chamber?


Nazi hating was cool back before the internet gave people proper information about what the Nazis did. Now it's desparate propaganda.

What's wrong with trailer parks? As long as they're well-maintained they're fine.

nazi's arent people, user.

The Nazis murdered people and invaded European nations

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it's similar to theist hating, fun at first but then you notice it's ALL nasty jews

Jews were provided cinemas and swimming pools and lived in comfy cabins which were inspected by red cross, they also weren't killed by de-lousing chemicals (bullets would have been a lot cheaper and quicker). Japanese american citizens were kept in damp tents while their family was vaporized in Nagasaki and Hiroshima. You are no longer the "good guys"

Yeah! Not like America! We know American expansion was very peaceful!

>white guy is a more successful nigger than other niggers

I'm completely against American imperialism, but the Nazis were and will always be evil.

We get you absolute fucking retard we just want them to stop insulting our intellegence and make a good writing for once, not just sperg out "nazi bad"

Genocides happening is one thing. We all know they have happened all throughout history. What makes the sheer number of claims against the Nazi Party suspect is the ludicrous and obnoxious methods claimed to be used. Poisonous delousing powder? Wooden door gas chambers? Used as target practice while rabid dogs chased them in a fenced yard? The more ridiculous they get the harder it is to believe.

I think you should watch the cutscenes of TNC. Killing nazis has nothing to do with why it's a parody.

True and very sad. Injuns were a completely peaceful people until the whyt mayn came over.

>white guy is a more successful nigger than other niggers
Except both Dre and Snoop made more money . Also quit trying to play the victim in this thread you little pussy

If Nazi's where evil then you would have to admit America is evil because America has done all the same things.

Compared to brits, spaniards and russians they were a lot more peaceful about their conquest.

The right side of history.

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Bloodeborne unironically.

nazi's what aren't people?

Youngblood barely has any story. The story is simply kill Nazis and the rest is gameplay.

Right wingers unironically think "Nazi" is a dogwhistle for "white". They're so brainwashed it is unbelievable.

>people literally defending this garbage because "you still kill nazis" so it isn't any different

I asked you to show me one an aryan from a Trailer Park and he makes 8 figures annually. Why are you people not self aware at all?

>Nazis provid entertainemens for the guard keeping watch over a huge amount of camps
>Red cross inspected only a handful of propaganda camps
>Delousing chemical kill a room full of hundred people in twenty minutes and was already bought in bulk, hard to make cheaper and quicker

why lie, I though only jews did that.

That wasn't my point, the point is Nazi Germany did nothing out of the norm for nations.

Yeah America has been pretty evil. Nazis are evil as shit though
No, I don't remember the brits doing various torture experiments like live dissections with no anesthetic

without the subtitles it already looks cringey

Left Wingers think Nazis are Right Wing. They're so brainwashed it's unbelievable.

LOL, fuck off /pol/babies. NO ONE likes nazi fucks.

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>vote democrat
>They're usually mixed race mutts with no sense of identity
They're usually white inbreds who fuck their sister. They also happen to be Republicans

>No, I don't remember the brits doing various torture experiments like live dissections with no anesthetic
There's no proof Germany ever did that. There IS proof Japan did that.

Eminem is from the trailer park though

It did though, they focused their entire ressource on a war of aggression and expansions when they knew they would aggro the biggest power of the continent and beyond. Not a lot of countries did that.

no you dont you fucking ape, you're here crying because a game series about killing nazis has you kill nazis, again. It's not very riveting writing but guess what, it's a fucking videogame. GAME.

>I don't remember the brits doing various torture experiments like live dissections with no anesthetic
you just descriped medical procedures in the USSR.


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Japan is full of idiots who constantly plays the victim to get away with some of the most criminal behavior in the world, anyone who isn't a brainwashed weeb knows this.

I don't understand why you and ever middle school teacher in America refer to that like it's the worst thing that could ever happen in world history. The Zeta Cartel does that shit on and around the Mexican border 10 times a week that we know of.

this is pretty awful, like law and order tier

Just when you thought you've reached rock bottom, a swedistani or pepsi comes along to prove you wrong. But then again, there are people who paid 60$ for this.

This game is genuinely awful

And he was so good at it he became a billionaire.

Imagine being an obese, miserable flyover american retard seething every time someone insults nazis in a Wolfenstein videogame. Imagine the brain clog required, and also the smell.

Except a couple million people were killed by roving squads of soldiers using bullets. Look up the Einsatzgruppen. But then again, you probably think they were an anti-terrorist organization.

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tell that to the boomer who firebombed ICE


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Anyone have any suggestions to finish my Smoking Den decor?

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That's not the brits, that's the other big bad over the past century. This is like saying Darth Sidious isn't bad because Snoke is bad

Germany declared war on the US dickhead.


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im not american

I don't understand. If you're not anti-white, why are you shilling a group of people who was the largest white killer in history.

I can name a few.

America Did in 1812 when the invaded the UK.

France did during the Napoleonic Wars.

Ottoman empire did with they invaded eastern Europe and aggro the Hapsburg

Channel run by a literal antifa German faggot.

Did you know that under fascism you have no rights and you are born to serve the state? If you support your own human rights taken away then you are a gigantic cuck.

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If only the global kike media existed back in the 1600s. You're also describing japanese torture methods, but I would consider vaporizing civilians to be way worse than torturing soldiers.

>random twitter user gets holocaust number wrong
>/pol/tards add this as a named png to their documents

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man i like anime tiddies

>three arrows is antifa
lol learn your history

>Yeah America has been pretty evil

That makes you evil and worthy of death by the standard of your own propaganda.

>but communism will totally not do this

That was genuinely awful and the OP image is barely edited and even leaves out the cringeworthy shit the nigress says.
The part after that when they kill their first "nazi" is even worse

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I'm very glad Antifa is fighting for my rights and they would NEVER label me, or anyone they disagree with, as being fascists.

Thanks, Antifa!

oh my god, 8:05. That laughter is horrendous

you realize people like you in the 1600s said jews ran everything too right?

That's actually croats killing serbs. They're using yugo variant K98's.

/pol/ is filled with semi-literate 16 year olds who can neither write a logical proof nor recognize the fallacies and philosophers on the top of their board. They believe anything you put in an infographic with minimal research of their own and believe conspiracy theories that easily fall to Occam's razor(I'm talking about the (((Jews))) obviously). I'm pretty sure they would suck cock if you put it in an infographic.
If you look at site statistics you will realize that /pol/ is literally all newfags trying hard to be neckbeards. Weird, why would anyone aspire to be a loser from Yea Forums? The site's population has tripled since gamergate in 2014 and /pol/ has risen with the influx of all the newfags. The rampant unironic racism should key you in on how Yea Forums is long dead and something else is wearing its skin. The existence of this place is testament to the lack of quality education and critical thinking nowadays and our inability to take the internet seriously.

You've heard us complain about the cancer killing Yea Forums for years. Well, now we've reached stage 4 and that tumor's name is /pol/

You think you are redpilled(cringe) when you likely have no real understanding of world history, critical thinking, or philosophy. Your entire worldview is Yea Forums posts, infographics, and memes. You probably spend too much time on the internet and confuse trying to "btfo" an opponent with how an actual respectful argument should work in real life where you try and help the other person and your mother won't feel the need to smack your ass. These younger kids growing up on the internet are confusing banter for how arguments actually work or are never learning how to handle themselves in a discussion in the first place.

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No one cares about antifa.

>yeah it's either fascism or communism bro you can't be a free market democracy

No it doesn't. No one is asking for the death of Germans just like no one is asking for the death of Americans. People want Nazis and the military industrial complex to both die.

How many pics of dead german WW2 generals do you have to OWN the filly nazis epic style?

Very nice.

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I'm glad the 2016 election broke so many brains. 2020 is looking to be the same.

Democracy is flawed as it allows poor, worthless pieces of shit a voice.

nice try ((()))

1812 was mostly between angloid and they didn't employ their full forces
Not sure.

the best part about them is you can send neonazis pictures of dead nazis and they can't respond with holocaust pictures since they say it didn't happen.

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>No one is asking for the death of Germans

You must have no fucking clue what happened in ww2

Before it used nazis as an excuse to let you murder people, now it uses murdering people as an excuse to push politics

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You sound pretty mad and should probably go back to a certain site. This place ain't for you.

free market democracy will only prioritize companies and businesses while citizens get replaced by foreigners and jobs dry up

They could just send you pictures of dead communists, or dead americans.

Also fuck off of Yea Forums

this game is just sad
its been 40 fucking years since ww2 ended in this game universe and those fuckers are still killing people
at this point and time they are just sore losers killing inocent people because they desagree with them
you are the bad guys.
the nazis built a moonbase. and you destroyed it. They are keeping the trains running while YOU are the one blowing shit up

I'd be down to try out fascism desu
I've lived with democracy my whole life and I can't say that it's good at all, and who knows maybe you'd get some politicians who actually want to better their country if fascism fails

Justice is only for human beings, of course a dirty germanoanglo would feel compassion toward his monstrous father race.

Goebbels shot himself so his body being all fucked up doesn't really matter.

Mussolini got it worse than any Nazi despite being way less of a faggot.

You could shill any worse videos.

Some fraud who LARPed as a nazi in his teen and now words literally for the ADL giving a TEDx talk?


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Where does proprietism or mutualism fall into your narrow world view?

So you're saying the enemies in the new wolfenstein game are just normal people who are republicans instead of nazis now? Do they throw radios playing rush Limbaugh at you as their attack? Where can I find gameplay of these new enemies?

Germany fascism is pretty bad since it's based on expansionism and invading eastern europe.
Maybe Italian fascism could have given something good if Musso didn't want to larp as a roman emperor.

Are you a boomer?

Whayt kind of pathetic replies are these.

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They killed Nazis and Winston unga'd some bombs people regret.

The anime poster didn't mention communism retard, get a actual arguement.

I like that with the Broken Steel DLC they cut all the dumb excuses that him, the ghoul or the robot had to doing it before and they just go "oh yeah that'd be easy"

agreed, this is why I oppose white genocide

holy shit what's wrong with weebs constantly larping as nazis like a bunch of braindead retards? How sheltered do you have to be?

Finally, someone realizes Obama was basically a republican.

>Did you know that under fascism you have no rights and you are born to serve the state
so nothing changes?

Attached: Bundesarchiv_Bild_101I-394-1499-06,_Russland,_gefallener_deutscher_Soldat.jpg (534x800, 56K)

Hitler had tremendous support of women before and after he came into power, even though he wanted to and did remove their right to vote. That's how shitty the Weimar Republic was.

>anti masculinity
lol micropenis detected

I still can't find the logic behind a weeb being a nazi, hell, even furries. These are the last people nazis want around.

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They firebombed infants in their homes for political gain. The destruction heaped onto civilians in Germany and japan was absolutely not necessary to win the war.

The allies would accept nothing but total surrender, and the lives they would have saved negotiating were totally meaningless to them. How is that not evil? A total disregard for human life.

>I've always loved Wolf. It was my first FPS but NWO2 was pretty cringy and this shit seems worse.

don't fucking lie zoomer you were born past the 2000s.

So it's okay to kill jews?

Gruesome pictures of dead historical figures are not argument and it's no going to "shook" anyone on Yea Forums or any "nazi".

What your doing is more pathetic then anything and just shows how MUCH you have yourself invested on this.

Are you just some neurotic leftist or do you get paid to reply in this threads.

Attached: Forthegoyim_notforus_hypocrisy.jpg (588x561, 85K)

They also brought incredible scientific advances to their vassals and greatly reduced crime.
The only objectively evil thing they did was force everyone to learn German.

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because nazi's are the "ultimate bad guy" for fiction same reason why shad's online persona is a skull nazi. Its just edge shit that they cling on to.

>They firebombed infants
Extremely based. Fuck german subhumans.

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Where do you people keep coming from year after year claiming Japan was ready to surrender? They refused. They refused all political envoys. The only alternative to the atom bomb was X-day which was CONSERVATIVELY estimated that it would have cost between 4 and 9 million lives before Japan was conquered shore to shore.

weak b8 gaim m8

The allies winning WW2 directly led to

>communism having a stranglehold on Eastern Europe and much of Asia for decades
>millions of people starving to death under communist regimes
>the Cold War
>the Korean War
>the Vietnam War
>Europe slowly becoming 3rd world
>The US becoming 3rd world even faster
>whites becoming minorities in the majority of their nations by 2050

but the good guys won ww2 cuz that's what public education told me

i obviously triggered you mr named jpgs with underscores
i bet you have a faggy little folder where you carefully sort your shitty /pol/ jpegs

Attached: Dead_wilhelmfrick.jpg (770x598, 116K)

Did this dlc go back to the simple story? Or are they trying to overdo it again like in TNC

What do you think these image are going to accomplish you fucking troglodyte?
You you honestly believe you are going to "trigger" nazis, wrongthinkers or edgelords with THIS?

I just don't get it.

Attached: Germany101.jpg (981x706, 198K)

Dude wrote a bunch of stuff shitting on muslim immigrants, I doubt this article tell the truth.

Nobody cares about some shitty propaganda you found on /pol/. You're just proving how much of a gullible idiot you are, like a child easy to brainwash.

Yes, it's okay to kill sandniggers terrorists, and of course it's okay to kill nazis. Remember that amerimutts used to be proud over the fact they won WWII.

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>Ask yourself this
Is this the nu-way of running around in circles until the opposition tells you to fuck off? Been seeing this a lot lately.


I swear yakuza or some other game has a scene like this written ironically

>if Germany won everything would be better and tyrone wouldn't steal all the white women from me

Sorry son, you'd still be a fucking loser in that reality too.

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>buying westernshit

Attached: 5489028+_40de6e02e1cbb31681104441ffa005ac.jpg (551x600, 107K)

Since you're more interested in retarded shitposting, just remember.
Work will set you free :^)

Attached: d.jpg (700x630, 140K)

>Catholicism pre-protestantism was good
>Germany started WW1

Fuck off nazi scum! Have some respect for the veteran antifa heroes who defeated the nazi menace.

Attached: WW2_Veteran.jpg (192x250, 10K)

You're wrong, they did try to end the war the just did not offer total surrender.

Whenever you cry about how terrible nazis are and how awful white supremacy and white nationalism is you're just lowkey arguing for your own race to go extinct while the government forces you to pay for your own replacement

DaMarquon will be out in 5.

What's Israel doing?

Just bought the game to spite Yea Forums lol

>random black people are antifa

I get it, you want a race war. but acting like a faggot on the internet isn't how you get there.

Attached: super_smug.jpg (357x312, 29K)

So yeah, I found the article where he is """gloating"""" about Australia loss of whiteness.
What a farce. This picture is a joke, as expected of /pol/

He just rationalize & justifies their violence and makes propaganda for them.

Very based & neutral intellectual.

>you're just lowkey arguing for your own race to go extinct
>arguments are the same as putting white people in camps and gassing them
this is your brain on /pol/ conspiracy theories

>Are you people so far up your own asses that you are straight up inventing things to be upset about now?

Attached: Screenshot_142.png (644x644, 936K)

Do you think anyone from the US or England would've fought the Nazis if they knew their great grand kids were going to end up being gay crossdressing communist sympathizers? That was a pretty weird turnabout.

>germany aggro communist russia
>russia kick their ass
>Waaah waaah

>who act completely unprofessional
He doesn't

>says lots of offensive and controversial things
No. He speaks the truth. I guess kids these days aren't used to having a strong male role model who stands up for himself instead of cowering down like a little bitch at the first sign of conflict.

You don't have to go out of your way to kill a people to make them disappear. You just make it cost inefficient for them to reproduce while they subsidize the birth rates of others, encourage having fewer or no children and waiting longer to have those fewer children, and promote race mixing.

>German subhuman mad about being called out

This right here is why everybody hates /pol/tards, everyone thats not a nazi sympathizer is automatically a jew/communist/tranny/paid shill you are fucking delusional and borderline schyzophrenic, you pretend too be the fucking debate club of Yea Forums and you cant stand something thats not EXACTLY your opinion.

>/pol/ getting destroyed ITT
Absolutely based

No one here is arguing tactics, rather the false moral high ground created by the allies using propaganda

>if they knew their great grand kids were going to end up being gay crossdressing communist sympathizers? That was a pretty weird turnabout.

Lack of strife is what caused this, not the 3rd reich losing you fucking nazi sympathizer.

Not him but
>He doesn't
He does, pretty sure that's part of his charm. Just look at the rep debat, he stood out from everyone.

>No. He speaks the truth.
Even then, it doesn't mean it isn't controversial. Again, that's not always a bad thing.

>I guess kids these days aren't used to having a strong male role
Go mow your lawn

>retarded anglo doesn't know basic history and sees germans everywhere

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Hitler invaded because he knew Stalin would've eventually done the same thing and turn all of Europe into another shitty Soviet Bloc hellhole. Look at Eastern Europe, it still sucks ass decades later after the collapse of communism.

would it kill them to have one of the twins be a dude?

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>I don't know what genocide is
As expected of a trailer park highschool drop out.

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No, jewish influence is what caused this. And we wouldn't be so inundated in it if the war turned out differently.

No you dumb fuck. The WW2 veteran is supposed be the "antifa", as leftists are always comparing the to in their "right side of history" narrative.

He fought the (actual) nazis and was killed by diversity. Tragic more then anything.

>Some random shit kills a guy and gets 30 years in jail
Whats your point?

Except they insult you and the "end" card calls you a coward for sending someone else.

No, you can find the roots of today's leftism in the Hollywood propaganda created against Germany.

>jewish influence is what caused this
>jewish influence

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It was always some sort of parody. The most serious one is RTCW.
Still, that's some very cringe dialoge and writting.

The Geneva Convention defines genocide as:
>(a) Killing members of the group;
>(b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
>(c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
>(d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
>(e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.

So yes, everything I just described is by definition acts of intentional genocide.

He stood out because when Jeb started shit talking him he fought back. Usually you see candidates being as pristine and docile as possible, which is why Jeb thought he'd get the chance to be the tough guy and stand out, but he didn't know who he was dealing with.

No he literally planned to get his lebensraum from there. Hell one of his agricultural big shot wrote an entire thesis about taking over Russia by undermining it from the inside with germans minorities.

Attached: nazis hatred of slavs.jpg (2305x3727, 2.61M)

Not an argument

This dude still things the far-right and "nazis" support Donald "Israel First" Trump.


Attached: Trump_Dream.jpg (653x1200, 185K)

The problem is your associating a random black guy as "bad scary thing that media tells me to be afraid of". Your being retarded on purpose.

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I'm pretty sure BJ would kill just as many commies as he would nazis, but we'll never get that game.

>the USA is busy using psyops and media to create opposite-day nazis out of their former left and divide the rest

nice third world shit hole

also like how the only thing you're all unified about is buying mcproducts

You should look up who started all of the tranny normalization nonsense, and for that matter normalizing faggotry, in the medical field. Then after that you can go and look and see who the majority all your favorite media corporations CEOs are.

The irony.
>"any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, anational,ethnical,racial orreligious group, as such: killing members of the group; causing serious bodily or mental harm tomembers of the group; deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about itsphysical destruction in whole or in part1; imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; [and]forcibly transferring children of the group to another group."
You don't have to mass murder to carry out genocide.

/Pol/ gets buttshattered as soom as there is any semblance of actual debate because most of its userbase can barely speak English, who do you think is behind all these three word posts with the same formulas and the obligatory wojak/pepe, we are filled with third world kids spamming based/cringe because they dont know anything else.

But you can techincally "genocide" a people through "peaceful" means
Just google sinicization and see what China is doing in Tibet and other areas around and in China

>You can clearly see the man in the German uniform using a Kar is actually a Croat killing Serb.
Gas yourself.

I don't remember John wayne telling nazi's to check their privileges.

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And everyone who calls out liberals is automatically a /pol/ neonazi to you guys. Take a look in the mirror before you ride that high horse.

Attached: Antifa_LOGO.jpg (1010x961, 161K)

Anyone who doesn’t understand why people were angry at Wolfenstein 2 are either being disingenuous or is actually a mental retard known as a liberal.

>nigger dog

Attached: NIGGER_GO_HOME.png (156x279, 24K)

>someone got paid to write that
I feel embarrassed not to have this kind of network, I could be making sweet bucks by being nauseatingly mediocre too.

>white genocide
literally have sex, that's the solution to """white genocide""" instead of staying in your mom's basement all day

>The jews are turning people gay to somehow make the white rsce disappear!
Is this your argument?

Attached: 1517179504250.jpg (698x750, 100K)

>media tells me to be afraid of"

The "media" tells you to be afraid of blacks? LOL, in what fucking reality are you living in.

Attached: NYT_AntiWhite_Compilation.jpg (1069x1200, 245K)

i'm from rednecks love pitbulls just as much as black people. They'll have a fucking pack of them to hunt wild pigs. Course you wouldn't know this when you experience your life through a monitor.

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That v1 rocket model is dope as hell.

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You're literally replying to people who all think that Donald Trump is a jew puppet.
What do you think you are accomplishing?

>Saun the lying nigger
>Wall of text bait
>Faggot shit
Goodbye :)

Attached: literal_children.png (380x513, 20K)

not really, there's a whole continent invading

Attached: AntiWhiteMediaNarrative.jpg (1125x750, 213K)

don't remember any people pissing themselves crying about this movie, wonder why that is?

Attached: inglourious-basterds-1200-1200-675-675-crop-000000.jpg (1200x675, 274K)

> the leaders are all sociopathic sadists, they experiment on PoWs and their enemies horrifically and more.

This is how I know it's fiction.

It was made before the 2016 election.

>new york times opinion pieces

lmao is this your ace in the hole?

Attached: tyler.gif (480x265, 3.06M)

> radical nationalists
> haven't even built the wall yet


Look at this thread, its full of retarded internet warriors triggered because they talk about killing nazis in wolfenstein

white people are the reason spics stay in the U.S. they keep hiring them for jobs instead of hiring white people, so start with the root of the problem: whites

What happened to this stupid fucking website. You all can be some funny dipshits sometimes, but since when the hell do we not just by default think nazis are bad? That's like, the defacto historical correct opinion, there's literally nothing good about them and you fucking dipshits are a bunch of young edgy retards who think it's funny to act like they're cool or something.

Yea Forums used to be awesome, edgy yet somewhat understanding in what makes for good societal decision making. Now it's just filled with MAGA idiots and nazi apologists.

Honestly, everyone in this thread really needs to dilate

Is it wrong that I hate the fact that they turned Wolfenstein into a bullet sponge level scaling "LOODAH SHOODURRR" more than the political shit?
What the fuck is the obsession with this garbage, AAA companies are such fucking trash.

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stormfront and /pol/

Maybe the part where it was a fun lighthearted movie that didn't take compare moderate conservatives to a genocidal political faction from the 1940's.

What happened to mussolini?

>all white people are nazis

I give them the benefit of the doubt that they're just fanning flames because they're bored. Most probably wouldn't say anything of this sort IRL.

>Yea Forums

Hello, Vox.

got the gaddaffi and saddam treatment: the rope lynching

Nazi’s are evil, let’s side with Stalin
Stalin was plainly evil and was fighting against the Nazis with the Allies. What does that make the Nazis from then?

The opinions of a mainstream outlet are a pretty good indicator of the opinions of mainstream media, dipshit.
They're not telling you to be afraid of black people.

Why can’t nazis just give money to african countries so africamerican go there instead that in their countries?

Hanged by his own people.

/pol/ has been around for years and this thread is full of them.

Yes the latest wolfenstein games are not fun and lighthearted at all, serious bussines about mecha nazis nazi zombies mecha nazi dogs etc

Or, maybe, they dislike the shitty writing and blatant propaganda. Stop being disingenuous.

>Yea Forums used to be awesome, edgy yet somewhat understanding in what makes for good societal decision making.
The closest Yea Forums ever got to being liberal was supporting Ron Paul.
Unironic nazi apologism has ALWAYS been on the site.

oh fuck is true how the fuck i could forgot that one

Torture and desecration of the body. Some american major put it to stop because it was getting "too morbid & gruesome"

Their gonna have to fight the chinese for it.

but i agree 100% it's about cheap labor, everything else is an excuse to get the cheap labor

>serious bussines about mecha nazis nazi zombies mecha nazi dogs etc
You say that as a joke, but the games genuinely do take themselves very seriously most of the time.
It's so fucking weird.

That was for Medal of Honor actually.

As a leftie, I don’t mind there was a game killing people from the left wing, because I know that is just a game a that shit doesn’t matter, people just play it for fun

>they dislike the shitty writing and blatant propaganda
>posts neo-nazi propaganda charts about WHY JOOZ BAUD

Attached: 1513470286731.png (1276x714, 423K)

>Blatant propaganda
Wolfenstein has been about killing nazis since before you were born
Also do you see people talking about writing ITT? I see people posting pictures about jews, white genocide, replacement theory, anti white this, I dont get laid because of Stalin etc.

The neoliberal "liberation" of bad guy treatment.

Obsidian (up until quite recently) had it down well. The writers are all pretty clearly on the left side of things, but they were well read and understand nuance. That's why Sawyer, while pretty obviously liberal in many ways, could write a devout Mormon struggling with questions of faith and right him well, without comment one way or the other on the truth of his faith.

>I dont get laid because of Stalin etc.

Attached: 1509837605663.png (327x316, 208K)

I'm tired of having this same god damn discussion.
Older Wolfenstein games were 100% entertainment.
Newer Wolfenstein games take themselves way too seriously.

Stalin was a chad, lets not lie.

>hire pablo who has a good work ethic and will work for less than jimmy.

>hire jimmy who will abuse smoke breaks, file grievances any chance he can get. And will milk disability the moment the opportunity arises.

He told you to stop being disingenuous.

>that pic
man, can't believe how fun OW used to be when it just released

Medal of Farter

Didn’t Hitler peed himself and a nigger fucked a fat white woman? I think it doesn’t

Bro I've been around since 2007. Don't give me that shit, the majority of the site used to do some pretty nice stuff back in the day mixed in with the minority of garbage this place got known for (which mostly came out of Yea Forums were it was isolated to). Team efforts in doing shit like tracking down murderers, raids on animal abusers, decent shit like that. Now apparently this place is just an irredeemable cesspool of the worst society has to offer thanks to /pol/. They can't even keep to their own board like Yea Forums used to do.

>Dies due to drinking too much

The simple way to end hiring of illegal aliens would be to make the penalty 10 years in prison for the owner and the business and all its assets forfeit to the government for liquidation.

You mean back when it was a it was just a tf2 clone and people could bullshit around and no one would be mad at you.

Killing Nazis wasn't some political dog whistle till the left started to call everyone to the right of Obama a fucking Nazi.

You're just talking about /pol/. Nobody outside of that place liked Ron Paul. Most of the boards supported Obama.

>level scaling
Lol women have to level up.

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Would OP be as offended if the word 'nazi' were just removed from those lines?
>You ever killed anyone before?
>Listen, ma'am. We were born to kill.
>(Sarcastically)You hear that, Jacques? "Born to kill."
>Very well then. I may have an assignment suitable for two born killers such as yourselves.
I don't think it's supposed to be oscar worthy writing. She just sounds like she's mocking the sisters.
Where were all you insecure dweebs back in the eighties?

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The croats used german uniforms. I'm not denying the holocaust you nigger I'm just telling you you're using the wrong fucking image for your argument.

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not a response .

>Newer Wolfenstein games take themselves way too seriously.
Oh right, it was super serious when they used Jewish Magic to put BJs head on a super soldier body so that he could go try out for a movie role as himself in front of Hitler.

Or maybe you just take them seriously because you're a baby bitch.

same for jews

ResetEra wants you back.

Nazis are right-wing. If you deny that then you're delusional and brainwashed by the conservative talking point circuit.

>Nazis just keep winning no matter what
The characters in wolfenstein aren't really all that good at beating nazis when yoh look at it

Everyone was pro-Obama in 2008 after a decade of George Bush bullshit.
But since you were 4 I doubt you remember it.

We did those things like 7 times. You're either wearing some very rose tinted goggles or you're being incredibly disingenuous. Also, most of those nice deeds were done on Yea Forums and /pol/ since Syria General decided to play Minesweeper using Google Images.

no one here has even played these games, everything they know about them they know from cherrypicked screencaps

that's a pretty chad death, like you'd party with that guy

Wolfenstein was literally a game about killing cartoon nazis that ended with fighting robo-hitler. The fact that people are actually upset about the new games being cartoonish and anti-nazis is just more proof that we're living in a clown world. Next you'll be upset that Doom has become "anti-demon propoganda".

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Absolutely not.

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Fascism is unironically authoritarian centrist that mixes Socialism with Mercantilism and Nationalism.

I like 999 a lot.

Give birth

like anyone needs an excuse to kill nazis : )

More pulp action featuring Nazis than anti-Nazi propaganda. I mean, you're a guy sent to a castle to stop Hitler from creating super weapons and eventually fight his head in a robot suit with dual chainguns. It was never meant to be a serious property with a message about the current political climate. You could remove the Nazi elements altogether and set it in any time and not much would change. Nazis were just the go-to bad guys because they were the most evil of evil in modern history. Same reason why the Empire in Star Wars is based off the Nazis. Quick and easy imagery to tell the audience they're the bad guys.

>That's like,
like, take it up with your discord homo.
and take these cocksmokers with you

>i don't care about story i only care about gameplay!
>no this story is to cringy

What the fucking is wrong with this acting, holy shit.

I loved TNO and TOB.

TNC is a trash game for more than just the political baiting, but that's a really big part of that shit sandwich. And the devs are doubling down on their soapboxing, instead of, I dunno, making the level design not fucking garbage. No one's mad we're killing Nazis. We're mad that they're inserting modern politics into a game so clueless it includes an actual Jewish global conspiracy and insane amounts of collateral damage that kills thousands, if not tens of thousands, of civilians while pretending the protagonists are infallible.

Attached: awake.png (1125x1162, 1.82M)

I don't want to play your fucking white girl power fantasies.
You fucking faggots.

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While you're right, it wasn't often (though it's hard to have that kind of thing be often since those are rare occurrences) I don't think I've seen a single act of kindness come from this website in the last few years in a similar vein. At least back in the day I didn't see at least 1 thread on the front page at the very least praising either nazis or racism. Shit's become fucking rampant. Back then it was mostly memes, shitposting, making fun of each other, and actually talking about video games.

nazis advocate killing those who disagree with them and then cry like retards when it happens to them first

amazing mental gymnastics

No they're mad Doom Eternal has Angels. Didn't you see the threads

>National Socialists
>Socialism for while people only
I'm a liberal and I think you're retarded.

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Killing people is cool, as long as you hate them! :D

Immediately assuming someone is a homo because of vernacular is the most retarded thing I've ever heard and you're probably projecting faggot.

As the term has been stretched beyond recognition, I feel like killing nazis has lost its charm yeah

>Back then it was mostly memes, shitposting, making fun of each other, and actually talking about video games.

its because finding ways to be offended is no longer just a passtime for bloggers. identifying a as a nazi now lets white shut-ins feel offended and oppressed by the entire world, therefore giving them an excuse to be failures.

The only people triggered by this shit are actual neo-nazis or people with sympathies for white ethno-nationalism. Consider an hero yourselves.

Attached: 1564092743984.png (719x720, 148K)

>No one's mad we're killing Nazis.
lmao yeah right
>inserting modern politics
what modern politics?

>be shut in who spends all of his time listening to political commentators, never actually goes outside
>urgh i'm so misunderstood, i'm just like the nazis right!

>We're mad that they're inserting modern politics into a game
You should really go outside.

im not white tho, what about non-whites

A good story adds little but can't make up for bad gameplay.
A bad story can actively detract from enjoyment and kill the mood no matter how great the gameplay is. Sadly, modern Wolfenstein is nether a good game with bad writing or a bad game with good writing. It's a mediocre game with bad writing.

Oh sure, it's all more political now, but it's all in reaction to an ever more increasingly political world. And the people pushing the politics in the first place aren't Nazis, ironic or otherwise.

People like this who are trying so hard to involve people who just wanted to be left alone and play video games and ignore the modern world. Well turns out insulting people and calling them names makes people resent you.

Reminder KCD outsold the second game big time.

Go woke, go broke.

Attached: kingdomGame3.jpg (824x678, 99K)

jews aren't white



you're seeing modern politics in the game because you're reading it that way
and stop speaking for other people

activism was always reddit cancer, the nicest thing anyone did was buy someone the occasional pizza

If you really thought ID Software were making some big political game, you're sadly mistaken. They made a 3D version of a 2D survival game with the same name they all liked. That's it. Just a bunch of fans paying homage to a game they liked using the newer technology they had.

Not true.

>A bad story can actively detract from enjoyment and kill the mood no matter how great the gameplay
only if you're personally offended

>people who just wanted to be left alone and play video games and ignore the modern world.

t. man post in a thread complaining about how nazis are being portrayed negatively in a fucking wolfenstein game

they are pretty white bruv

Helium, plastic bag and duct tape.
put on the mash theme song and your good to go .

I was very personally offended by TNC. The pacing and tone was AWFUL. Probably what made me the most angry, just actually jaw droppingly surprised, was after BJ tells Anya in a heart wrenching scene that he's dying and she's going to have to raise their child without him only for a goddamn alien memetard to burst out of the bathroom talking about how big of a SHIT he took. You're damn right I was personally offended. The writing wasn't even B movie tier, I felt actually insulted by how stupid it was.

Point out one post that's complaining that Nazis are the bad guys.

>dude you are seeing politics where there aren't any
lmaoing at your life

what about E3 moron?

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>only if you're personally offended
What a dumb non sequitur.

>only for a goddamn alien memetard to burst out of the bathroom talking about how big of a SHIT he took.

blame joss whedon for popularizing the 'tense moment destroyed by quip or fart joke' meme

>Have you ever killed Gooks before?
>Listen, sir. We were born to kill Gooks.
>You hear that, Sarge? "Born to kill Gooks."
>Well Then. I may have an assignment for you two rice cutters

Attached: file.png (800x419, 607K)

I'm speaking on behalf of me and the other people I've talked to who share the same opinion. Stop speaking for me and assuming you're the only one with an opinion.


have sex

This. What the fuck is the tone in this game? The first one was fine and had some humor. You visited a concentration camp ffs. 2 is a joke

I fucked a stripper so hard she asked me if I considering going into porn.

Based and it ain't me pilled.

people are quite heated over these games and its definitely not over the gameplay so i wonder what they could be mad about considering they're posting on one of the most pro-nazi websites on the internet.

> That's like, the defacto historical correct opinion


You guys here aren't... actually nazi apologists, right?

The big joke is that we all post racist shit because we all know how stupid it all sounds.


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Vávra said in a interview that he is anti nazi and that nazis killed his grandfather or something, dont know what point you think you are making.

>people hate it because it's anti-nazi
yeah that's why everyone hated TNO and old blood, because you killed nazis

>No ones mad we're killing nazis
All right so you're full of it. If this game was about killing aliens this thread wouldn't exist.

>Devs are soapboxing
Because they made a stupid game about killing mega-nazis? Give me a break.

>Modern politics
What modern politics? You're fighting NAZIS. The only way it's relevant to modern politics at all is if you're a neo-nazi or some """centrist""" that cares about neo-nazi's feelings.

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See, this would actually work in a cheesy action movie. Wolfenstein just doesn't achieve that, though. TNC and TOB took themselves semi seriously, and it was campy at times but never ridiculous about it.

This just feels tonally inconsistent. Though to a minor degree, I don't really see this scene as out of place. It's not great, it's very basic and done to death, but it's not bad per se, it could work if the games prior had gone with this style of tone.

But they didn't. So it just feels weird.

>stop being against the grain on this anonymous website where fitting in is meaningless

Born to kill gooks sir

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I like to think so, but some people in this thread are really making me doubt that. Which is fucking sad.

>40 years under German occupation.
>"Nazi" soldiers aren't speaking French.
Why would I just oppress a nation instead of using their man power for my own gains?

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I had a couple of friends that went golfing once, they came back saying the coach told them they were pretty good and they should keep playing.

So you can't find a post?


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I know, people tried to claim his game is racist cause it accurately depicts that period of history. It's fucking dumb how people want to change the medieval period as if it wasn't a certain way.

Wolfenstein however is no longer about fun, it's about woke bullshit.

Vavra stuck to his guns, and told the idiots to fuck off. Meanwhile, we get this shit in Wolfenstein instead of good gameplay.

everyone hated TNO because it ran like dogshit lmao

Sounds like he fucked them in the ass.

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I changed the last line because it's repetitive to say "gook killers" four times in a row. The same can't be said for the writers who probably went to a college on the coast

His point is that you shouldn't try to force your political beliefs down peoples throats. As you said, Vavra shares the same beliefs but didn't cram them into his game and it was more successful.

im not going to scour a 400+ post thread for examples just to argue with you

it was fixed eventually, but every game in the rebooted series has run like absolute ass on launch and gets fixed 2 months later

Funny how ESLs, with their naturally low IQ tend to whine over writing the loudest.

>Woke Remake Marty McFly
This bugs me more than playing as BJ's annoying daughters.

Just not responding makes you look less defeated than making an awful "excuse" like this, you know?

Because this just makes you look like you're talking out your ass and trying to backpeddle.

Maybe Im being too subtle, the guy told them to keep golfing because that means keep giving him money.

That's what nazis said as they invaded Poland, France, Scandinavia, Benelux etc

your mom doesn't count incel
have sex

This but unironically.

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yeah just ignore the hundreds of reactionary threads made about every entry in this series since TNO.

So if the game was about killing zombies it would have been better? Maybe the game was just a mediocre shooter with excesive cutscenes, boring gunplay and forgettable plot

>oh no please no not the fucking grain
place the tube from the helium tank against your neck .

No no, definitely sounds like assfucking.

>Still no multiplayer.
I get it that these games are made for white girls and white girls are fucking awful and literally everything. But that doesn't mean we should delete multiplayer from a game that had some of the best multiplayer in history because of that.

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based and despairpilled

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Backpeddle harder, it makes me look even more right than I already am.

the new order
>nazis are bad because of the things they do, game shows how many inocent familys and men are dragged into the war on the german side, makes you feel bad for killing some soldiers because you realize they got dragged into this too. game points out the fact that you are a mass murderer from killing all these soldiers, villain personally criticisms you for it

>new colosous and young blood
>nazis are bad because they're nazi's, jerks itself off really hard talking about how great killing them is despite the previous game showing you how many of the nazi soldiers are just normal guys

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For a bunch of tough guys who can easily kill nigs and jews, they sure are quick to get all teary eyed when people tell them off.

>weak boomer headcanon

trump won because he hates beaners and gibmedats and you know it

>go woke
Wolfenstein has been about killing nazis since 1981

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You play as a dyke with a team of other dykes. Most of the men in the game are the bad guys, most of the men on the good guy team are soiboys. All of the female characters have that designed by feminist committee bland vaguely ugly look about them.

If Obamham was essentially a republican then why did the republicans hate him so much?

The focus should be gameplay, not "woke lesbians shooting the patriarchy" in a fucking wolfenstein game.

Wasn't there a post from Giant Bomb that they refuse to review Kingdom Come: Deliverance because they think he's part of GamerGate?


>It's always been about killing nazis, it had interesting stories and said fuck yeah allies. But now it's mostly cringy, anti masculinity, forced diversity, communist shit


you, as a white person, can go procreate as much as you want

well, not you, since you won't ever be touched by a woman all your life, but you get the idea

both tno and tnc have the same amount of cutscenes
3:10 vs 3:02

the shooting is exactly the same but even better because of weapon mods and the abilities you get

but there was this huge change in negative opinion from tno to tnc
right after trump was elected
just can't put my finger on it

>a dyke with a team of other dykes
Sexy dykes?


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I can imagine the hissy fit if a game were put out that unironically talked about killing communists with such zeal. Last time I checked, communists outdid the Nazi's kill count by at least 10x.

Mecca. Gotta be..


>assassin's creed origins
>not woke
say it with me WE

Are you triggered about nazis or women make up your mind user

The best part of TNC is BJ and the commie arguing and drinking

Leftists stopped being funny as soon as they adopted political correctness.

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We had those, they were called Freedom Fighter and World in Conflict.
The big difference was that those games were good. and the new Wolfenstein games are objectively bad.

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Can you tell me a joke? Not a meme, not a reference, not a catchphrase, an actual joke?
Other than your life's story, that is.

Killed a bunch of Slavs, yes. Meanwhile nazis executed almost an entire norwegian village to "get back" at norwegians defending their country from a hostile invasion force.


Holy fuck there's no way this post is real.

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fucking gold

What is this even supposed to prove? I mean I thought about telling an actual joke but uh, what's the point yeah?

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shouldnt have refused to give us our blood rations and bombed london then ,aryan scum

go back to somethingawful you disgusting troon

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So you're saying white lives are worth more?

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Damn, oh well

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It was a mistake to deliver any serious message for the wolfenstein games in the first place.

Commies also barely killed whites unlike nazis. Nobody gives a shit about chinks, spics and slavs, unless they're some sorta liberal globohomo shill.
Nazis however killed almost exclusively whites, since holohoax never happened.

Narr man kill nazi = good. Don't apply any empathy or critical thinking, just know your on the "Right side of history"™®

Okay thank you that is all.

Exactly. As well as being far more relatable and "closer" to me.

>both of the new wolfenstein games have the same cutscene lengths
WOW, user BTFO

right wing is totally meaningless. what does an ancap have in common with a nazi? literally nothing except they maybe might have the same color skin

It's a shame. I would totally be down for sexy yuri volfenschtein.


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Probably because

TNO is a better video game.

>won't someone think of the poor invaders!
This is a new level if cuck thinking holy shit

I mean, the point of that is that even though these are people with families or would have normal lives, they're still joyously complicit in massacring millions and keeping others under their heels with lethal force. Just because someone is a normal person doesn't mean they're a good person. Even though there may be people who love them, their death makes the world better.

If the nazies won why are still black people in the game answer me that

>he says from his rented apartment and leased corolla(if he has a car)

>it's Trump's fault people don't like Wolfenstein anymore

Holy shit what the hell is this line of thinking? Why would one of the least likely voting groups care about who the president is and how would that impact sales?

>playing games made by the eternal swede
lol wake me up when Doom comes out

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