Remember when Mario Kart and others were gonna save the Wii U?

Remember when Mario Kart and others were gonna save the Wii U?

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Cum on it

Lick it

That same Mario Kart sold a shitton of switches

Switch still has zero games worth buying if you own a WiiU.
Still waiting for a Switch Pro. Fuck 720p 21fps trash.


I remember all the threads literally begging people on Yea Forums to buy this piece of shit.
Fucking pathetic.

Honestly by the end of its life the WiiU was worth owning. Some of its biggest games got ported to switch but there's still a lot worth playing on it.

At least next month it's finally get Astral Chain and Daemon X Machina.

Clean your house OP

Not if youre a shmup fan. Switch is heaven. WiiU had maybe 2 its entire lifespan.

>Nintendo literally drops console half way through the console generation to replace it with a console with the same hardware except using cartridges so it can't play on the Wii U
>Nintendo fans are okay with this

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a switch pro would just give you 720p 22fps trash for a higher price.

>you now remember this commercial

>Astral Chain and Daemon X Machina.
Sounds like chink shit.
>a switch pro would just give you 720p 22fps trash for a higher price.
That's not how better performing hardware works

Hey! Put my WiiU back!

Whats a Wii U?

It's entirely different hardware but ok.
Also the WiiU lasted 5 years, only one year less that the N64.

>Remember when Mario Kart and others were gonna save the Wii U?
No, because it was never going to happen. The WiiU was an oddball from the start. Nintendo aimed really low and still couldn't hit the mark. If anything, it served as a decent prototype for the Switch

My issue with it aside from the shitty specs are how many fucking chargers there are for the thing, plus the pitiful storage space that is a pain in the arse to mitigate. There's some games which take up nearly the entire hard drive itself, and if you're in certain regions and want to play something like Fatal Frame 5 you have no fucking choice but to eat up your entire console. If you want more space with an external you have to get a dual USB cable because the console is so fucking weak it can't receive it well. You also have to have the save files and the game files on the same storage method otherwise they won't sync up. I can't imagine what retardation was going on when they designed this piece of shit.

a hackable switch is insane value rn
i got one for about $150 in good condition and hacked it, now i can play any game i want (except online games that i DONT own (but i hate playing multiplayer anyways))

Look at the Wii U games released in 2014. The system failed for a number of reasons, but if that line up couldn't save it, then it wasn't the games' fault. From Tropical Freeze early in the year (don't forget that DKC Returns sold like bonkers) to Mario Kart mid year and Smash late, I was satisfied at the time. Makes you wonder if a better line up in 2012/2013 would have been enough or if the name/marketing was really just THAT bad.

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>Nintendo fans are okay with this
No actually I was pretty pissed since the WiiU is a great console that normies were litterally too stupid to understand. Every time some new port comes out for the switch I just ask myself why the fuck they didn't get one if they wanted to play these games so badly.


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>the WiiU lasted 5 years

>From Tropical Freeze early in the year

Tropickle cheese was fucking embarassing. Remember how everyone was convinced Retro's big new game was going to be Metroid but it ended up being more Donkey Kong? Remember how Nintendo showed up at VGX just to announced Cranky Kong would be playable?

the name and marketing killed it. just flat out killed it. you had people buying the games because they had a wii, and then realizing their kids couldn't play it because wii didn't play wii u games, and returning it and feeling burned on the console without even having given it a chance.

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Nintendo released a console with no mainline Mario or Zelda game at launch, all the "must own" titles came out years after release, they released one of the biggest killer apps on the 3ds six months before the wii U version, and they had some of the worst marketing in the company's history since the US earthbound advertisements. The Wii U was doomed to fail from the start.

>Switch still has zero games worth buying if you own a WiiU.
At least Astral Chain will be first unique switch exclusive. 30 fps locked, sadly.

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It was pretty amusing buying WiiU games in store by the end of the console's life. Clerks and cashiers were fucking trained on forcibly explaining to customers as much as possible that the WiiU is a separate console from the Wii during the entire check out process.

>Wii U fags still seething and shitting on the Switch
My sides.

I got the switch because I thought they'd learn from the Wii U and Wii. Nope, just push out their 3d mario and zelda with the launch and then nothing. I'm done with nintendo forever, not falling for another scam again.

that looks like my switch

>comments disabled

Players now, then, and forever want Donkey Kong over Metroid

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>I thought they'd learn from the Wii U and Wii.

If anything they went backwards. The Switch is fucking barebones compared to the WiiU. The only improvement overall is having an easier way to screenshot games.


Three houses comes out tomorrow

The switch saved the wii u library

what does it mean

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>buying anything Nintendo post N64


>Three houses
Great looking 3ds game. Just like new Pokemon.

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Remember when there were daily "Why haven't you bought a Wii U yet?" threads on here?

Wii U had

1. no exclusive mainline mario
2. no exclusive mainline zelda

any nintendo console without these will be a failure.

I still have a high quality emulationbox that plays every Nintendo console and every handheld up to DS on top of arcade games and other consoles make it worthwhile. I have a Switch but I don’t play it anywhere near as much as my Wii U, besides Oddesey, Super Mario Party, and Smash Ultimate it would be useless.

>mainline mario
hasn't existed since World.

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it probably was a 3DS games like Links awakening but got ported to the switch after 3DS sales died off

Yeah, my main gripes with the console was how anti-user friendly it was. 4 fucking USB ports, but you can only use 1 external storage. The settings menu even has two spots for external storage in it, but it's only for transfer between the two, you can't use both at once. Then you have shit like having to dedicate the entire external device to the console, because it needs to format it to it's own format.
And yes, would it have killed them to at least have the option to attach the tablet charger to the console itself?

I soft modded mine amd play it numerous times a week.
I bought it from a buddy for $100 mostly to just play Bayo initially.

>tfw you bought a wii u

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Switch port when?

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fatal frame 5 for switch when?


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If I have a launch Switch is it hackable? Or is it to do with if you've updated the firmware or not?

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>4 fucking USB ports

None of which can power devices and transmit data at the same time. Got an External HDD? Needs to plug into an outlet too. Want to play Sm4sh with a game cube controller? Two of those USB ports now belong to the adapter.

The major exploit is hardware based, if it's a launch switch then it's RCM compatible and hackable. Firmware only matters if it's a latter ipatched model.

You can confirm its hackability via serial number
or by testing RCM

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>Nope, just push out their 3d mario and zelda with the launch and then nothing

That's all they really needed to do, which coincidentally, is the reason why the Wii U fucking tanked.

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wow nice fake dust falseflagger

I've been looking back fondly on the Wii U days because that's when I had friends and a girlfriend. It seems so far away now.

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Dust your house bro, it only takes a few minutes.

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All screens above taken from my Wii U with capture card.

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Does the WiiU version of this still look/perform better than the Switch version?

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>Also the WiiU lasted 5 years
The last first party exclusive release marks the end of a console's life cycle, so it's more like 3 years, bucko.

Goddammit why can't I find a usable torrent or dd link for this fucking game to play it on CEMU?

No idea about switch, but Wii U version runs like shit.
If you fight a three and more enemies with interactive fire and physics game goes into slowmotion mode.
Glad I'm pirate that shit. Fuck Nintendo for cutting double screen U pad exclusive features from the game.

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What flavor ice cream is this?

Dried human skin/hair flavor

Buy it, you nigger.

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Yeah lemme just keep playin the Wii U, it's not like the playin audience for MK8 and Smash moved over to the Switch or anything. Retard.

Yeah, useful reply, thank you so much.

A hackable Switch can basically do the same thing and even less than a hacked PS Vita. Eat shit nincel

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IT's fucking amazing the turnaround the marketing was from Wii U to Switch. Pretty sure Nintendo cut complete ties with whatever company was advertising the Wii U and got someone completely new. It shows.

Both Splatton and MK8 played just fine in online.
Free online.

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You can tell they stripped it out as well due to the numerous allusions to the controller itself ingame. I would expect that a lot of the shrines would have had puzzles that utilised it but alas it was not to be. Probably for the best; no one likes gimmicky shit.

More feels.

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Not only did the Vita outlast the Wii U, the Wii did as well. The next Just Dance game is coming out on Wii but not Wii U.

Why does a commercial for children's toys have such an overt sexual theme?

Can you play Dark Souls on a WiiU? Cool!

God Color Splash is a beautiful game. I wish we got a full Paper Mario RPG with this artstyle.

>Both Splatton and MK8 played just fine in online.
>Free online.
remember that fucking rubber banding and disconnects in splatoon? Entire games were impossible to play at times. I remember killing someone, moving away and 8 seconds later the game going back to where I was killed. Shit was a joke.

3D World wasn't an exclusive mainline Mario?

To be fair you can play that on the Wii U anyway due to it having a Wii built in. Still don't understand why it couldn't play Gamecube discs though.

>Please Nintendo fuck me up the ass
I played both 1 and 2 online and it's barely any fucking different. Peer to peer is entirely dependant on who you play with.

I don't care if they're the same, I never played 2 but 1 was a fucking disaster you faggot.

Yes, but it was a sequal to 3D land on the 3ds. I don't think it really had the umpf of a 'mainline' Mario game.

nope, the series skipped a generation between galaxy 2 and odyssey

Really? Well why didn't I have any problems on my povo Australian internet then?

>tfw 1 hp

Most of Wii U games are gorgeous looking.
You can see they were made with passion and love of developers.

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In the end, the Wii U and all of its games were just beta tests for the Switch.

Xenoblade X validated the Wii U's existence for me, it's all forgiven.

>The shitty Ninja Gaiden
>2 HD Zelda ports
>2 HD Yakuza Ports
>3 Gameboy ports
>Those shitty Kirby and Yoshi games made for babies
How is this supposed to be impressive?

I had so much pure gaming fun with Devils Third, Wonderful 101 and Xenoblade X. All three games are criminally underrated.

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Switch seething retard BTFO.
Switch literally has a defect that causes lag and there is no fix. Even when on ethernet.
Doesn't exist on WiiU.
>Nintendo games online

Xeno X is not underrated at all

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Why not both

Because you're lying about it.

Do people still play Pokken on the Wii U, or was I right to trade it in?

>how many fucking chargers there are for the thing
...One? Unless you include the power adapter for the system.

Never played Pikmin before. Should I?

Explain sunshine on gc. Gc didnt sell well

Sure. You can start with 3.

I don't think anyone ever played Pokken full stop.

Two, one for the system and one for the tablet.
You can make it three if you have an external storage for it with it's own power supply.

No game could save this thing.

32 gigabytes of storage.
USB ports literally couldn't put out enough amps to power an external without a Y cable.

I really regret buying that game

I know it's on Nintendo for the shit messaging behind the Wii U. They thought that just because the Wii sold well the Wii U would be on par in sales. They've admitted they failed to message it properly a couple times, even during their financial briefings, but I'd also blame it on the -70 IQ average consumer who has a smartphone but doesn't want to Google what the fuck is a Wii U, yet do with the next iPhone.
At least it's not a söyful piece of shit for onions like the Switch is.
It's just a trendy millennial gadget for faggots who have dyed their hair to unnatural colors. Shit generic flat design to be hip with the youngcucks, paid online, terrible build quality. It doesn't feel or scream like a family-friendly home system like the Wii U was. Beyond that QoL change with the screenshot feature I like how convenient it is, especially since I can play it on the table (my favorite mode) but then again, you could already do that with the Wii U, kind of.

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Isn't Devils Third fucking garbage?


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DS was kino as fuck.
>2 HD Zelda ports
At least you got Zelda shit. It's better than not having an exclusive title. Not the BotW development team's fault the business side fucked up with selling the machine.
>Those shitty Kirby and Yoshi games made for babies
Switch also has Kirby and Yoshi games made for babies, retard.
>32 gigabytes of storage.
Switch also has this amount, nigger. But to be fair it's easier to put in a microSD card than to save up for external drives.
>USB ports literally couldn't put out enough amps to power an external without a Y cable.
I'll give you that. I'd prefer a HDD that is powered by the USB ports than to have it connected to the wall or Y cable.

Wait, legit? I was avoiding picking it up because it has such bad reviews and everyone said it was shit.

did he get infected with HIV before dying?

Kind of? Even during the Wii U's development they thought about just making the GamePad its own battery-powered system instead of a controller for a console. That sounds familiar now doesn't it?

I mean, that's all they fucking advertised. "New Controller" out the ass. No one even knew it was a god damn system.

4/10 people thought it was a fucking tablet console, and the other 6/10 thought it was a fucking add-on for Wii like a Wii Fit board. I think less than 1/10 people knew it was a next gen Nintendo console.

>it has such bad reviews
Reviewers are faggots.

>and everyone said it was shit
People never played it.

DT has its flaws, but it still pure Itagaki's fun with unique approach to fps and melee combat:

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I skipped out on getting a brand new copy for 5 dollars because EVERYONE SAID THIS WAS A SHIT GAME

Fucking this. I find it stupid for those low IQ retards to say "I want to play this game!" but refuse to because they don't like the console. Man up and stop being a cockroach is what I'd tell to those faggots. The software is what truly matters in the end. And now it just so happens they now buy them because they got ported over to Switch. Fucking morons. In my case, I only got Mario Kart as the only game I had for a month when I got my Switch because there was nothing else, and BotW was being played on Wii U. I got the Bayos because of how much I enjoyed them on Wii U, and replayed BotW on Switch because there were no games.

How can normies search and know what the fuck the next iPhone is but not a Wii U is beyond me. I know the company is partly at fault but come on, you can't be this retarded that you think they're going to spoon-feed you all the time.

I was really on the fence on getting a Wii U for years too. Mario Kart 8 almost sold me on it but I was broke as fuck at the time and no Dry Bones. And then afterwards it definitely felt like Nintendo was half assing the Wii U after Mario Maker

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I fucking loved the Wii U but nintendo himself tried really hard to fuck the console in almost all imaginable way, some that come to my mind:
-Making mandatory using the gamepad to launch games in games that really did not requiered using the gamepad all the time like mario maker or star fox zero.
-Mandatory gamepad to enter to fucking settings.
-Small space capacity on the console for modern games (32GB was still a joke in 2012)
-The name, everything about the marketing of the console in general
-Smash being ported also to 3DS and having the best stages and modes in the 3DS version, also cutting ice climbers.
-Porting Wii U games to 3DS in general, and not porting games like kid icarus uprising to Wii U.

So many fuck ups and still managed to be the best console of the generation, and not exactly thanks to Nintendo.

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make him up to 7.5 or something

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Yeah. Shortly after that trailer in E3 2011, Iwata regretted not having shown off the console right there. They should've done that. Only us enthusiasts knew they'd be unveiling a new system, and Reggie literally said "new controller for Wii U." But I can get why normalfags would get confused.

Not giving Wii U DS games was a HUGE fucking mistake

That last point so fucking much, it felt like I could get the same experience on 3DS with either ports (often with extra features) or games of the same style. It's ironic, the wii u's biggest competition was the 3ds

Anecdotal but a few of my friends actually tried to put Wii U games in their Wii and didn't know why they didn't work. I think my friend Michael specifically said he got Super Mario Bros U and had no idea why it was in a blue case or wouldn't load. "Wii U" literally meant nothing to most consumers. "Wii" did though.

>metacritic score
This is funny, because for me BotW is the worst game of all Wii U exclusives and Devil's Third in Top-3, like I said earlier

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>Wii U games still full price when a literal better version on Switch is sitting next to it at the same price

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>better version on Switch

I had lots of fun with the Wii U, it was a really good console. Now I'm skipping the switch because there's literally nothing new on the table aside from odyssey, which is almost playable on PC.

up the userscore
normies can think its a underrated game

>up the userscore
Too late for that, user.

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Most of my cousins parents told them they couldn't get a Wii U because they already had a Wii.

Which is ironic because that was parodied in a commercial

its not too late
the game still existed in the history of humanity

no he committed sudoku just like he promised. they called it an "intestinal disease" which is fair considering a metal blade went through his intestines

>Small space capacity on the console for modern games (32GB was still a joke in 2012)
this is still a massive problem on the switch. nintendo is so fucking cheap, it's ridiculous. why can't they give 1tb of storage like sony and microsoft do?

Remember when they delisted Topical Freeze on the Wii U eshop after the switch port came out because it was half of the price

I played it and it was shit, what now?

pretty sad that the "beta test" was better than the "final product" in just about every conceivable way, then.

get good taste

Is it really? Cause I don't wanna buy it for 60 bucks if it's shit.

The demographic of switch owners between 25-35 years old is larger than every younger demo combined.

play this at 60 fps

There were Virtual Console releases of DS games on Wii U user.
I love the Wii U very much user. If I had a favorite console, it'd probably be it. I think I may be overexaggerating it a bit but I just loved what I played on it.
>Making mandatory using the gamepad to launch games in games that really did not requiered using the gamepad all the time like mario maker or star fox zero.
I dunno. Mario Maker's creation tools were built around the touchscreen. It's perfect for it. Star Fox Zero was super kino personally. I had no problem adjusting to the control scheme, which took me less than 5 minutes. The only cumbersome scheme is the one for the Gyrowing, and that's just one level.
>Mandatory gamepad to enter to fucking settings.
This is true. If they could change the eShop so it could support the Pro Controller and Wii Remote, then System Settings should've been changed as well. I know this is mostly out of concern that the GamePad will break, but in my experience it's a fucking tank like the Panasonic Toughbooks. The Joy-Con are a fucking joke in comparison. Quality dropped hard on them.
>Smash being ported also to 3DS and having the best stages and modes in the 3DS version, also cutting ice climbers.
I'd wager a portable version existing was far more important than having an insignificant pair of characters on the home console version. Besides, they didn't know how the Wii U was going to fare in sales at that time. We got Ultimate now with the ICs, so both the Wii U and 3DS games are obsolete.
Fucking based. There's a lot of charm in the Wii U through its system software and games. It feels very Nintendo. Switch is just lifeless.

yeah I remember, now the attitude is
>w-well n-nobody bought a Wii U s-so these games are new to me!

Does the wiiu virtual console still sell shit? Considering getting one since they dont look interested in a proper switch vc

Yeah it's still up, but new releases have stopped.

>tfw I got W101 and Pikmin 3 for free with club nintendo before the Wii U hack
Good luck getting anything free from current year Nintendo that is not piracy.

It's okay, we got Tetris 99 and NES online!

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Remember when you got a free game when you purchased MK8? I think I got WWHD but they had like 3 really good options, I think Pikmin was one.

>Remember when you got a free game when you purchased MK8?
I got W101. It was best month with my Wii U.

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DUDE.... My fucking gamepad is full of thermites WTF

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Wii U games can easily be found for under 20 bucks. I'm not really complaining.

The fuck were these ads

>tfw can’t sell mine because I have Ninja Gaiden and DK64

>tfw the best thing to come from the wii u was Cemu

Why are WiiU owners so adamant with the idea that buying a WiiU invalidates them or other WiiU from buying a Switch?
>Hurr durr why would I buy a Switch when all the games on it are already on the WiiU?
Firstly, sequels like Splatoon 2 and Mario Maker 2 are inherently not ports. Secondly, the only WiiU games ported over to the Switch are major titles like Mario, Zelda, Pokemon, etc. There are still plenty of unique titles only on the Switch and plenty of unique games that are still only on the WiiU. I'm sorry you're upset over Switch owners being able to buy Hyrule Warriors with all the DLC installed, but the WiiU sold like shit and not everyone bought these games when they first came out. Not everyone bought a WiiU and there is nothing wrong with more people being able to experience good games.

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When I got them on club nintendo they were still fairly new and expensive. Now if they get re-released on switch then enjoy your $60 port.

>got a Wii U
>Xbox dad looked down on me in shame

>Firstly, sequels like Splatoon 2 and Mario Maker 2 are inherently not ports
Brainless imbecile.

>8.44 million Mario Kart 8's sold for Wii-U
yeah what a flop

>Firstly, sequels like Splatoon 2 and Mario Maker 2 are inherently not ports.
you're right, they're actually downgrades.

You have yet to prove me wrong about that. I fail to see how Splatoon 2, a game with totally different weapons, splatfests, music, characters, and story missions from Splatoon 1, is actually a port of Splatoon 1.

That game was rad. Wii U had so many gems that were glossed over and most people didn't even notice. If W101 was never released in the Wii U and introduced as a new IP for the switch it would be a 97 on metacritic.

>5 years
if you wanna play that "it's had games coming out" shit, the wii outlived the wii u and is still going, because it still gets fucking just dance released on it.

Worst console I ever owned. Every single game I purchased for it has been re-released on the switch except W101. If I ever play them again I’ll just get the switch version. I remember the UI was absolutely atrocious too, just to top it all off.

Literally nobody says this. Most people regret buying a Wii u since the switch is superior in every single way and has almost the entire Wii u library available on it.

>Most people regret buying a Wii u since the switch is superior in every single way
you obviously didn't own a wii u. free online, virtual console and miiverse makes it better than the switch immediately without even considering anything else.

Can't find a fucking download link.

Can't play as Funky on Wii U, homie.

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>that fucking prelude to pedophilia at the end where the old man covers the kid in his slime
Looks like something from an MDE skit akin to Jews Rock

..........alright who wants to tell him

I want the switch but im waiting for the switch pro
Any news on it?

i know they shut it down. the fact that the wii u ever had it in the first place puts it above the switch.

i've got 2. One for hacking and the other for the inevitable fomo nintendo kids wanting one in about 5 years to figure out what they missed out on. There was plenty of wiiu exclusive content on multiplats to keep collectors and autismos interested.

it's called "senpuko" you retard, and it's a very bad thing to do for such a problematic shaming culture for not succeeding in nipponland.

>Hurr let's put 1 tb of flash memory inside a handheld and still price it at $299.99 USD!

That's how retarded you sounded right there user


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Are you trying to imply that a social media service full of roleplayers, children, and invasive smashfags was good? The best thing Miiverse ever gave anyone were these screenshots and Little Tom. It was a super shitty service and Nintendo is glad it's dead.

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I’ve never heard of the PS vita emulating Saturn and Dreamcast at playable frame rates. You are full of shit

Not saturn, but it can do reicast port pretty alright. 30 frames average on a good number of dc games, shenmue not included. I still wouldn't recommend vita as an emulation machine unless you pretty much only want gen 5 or earlier.

miiverse was full of soul. the switch is soulless.

You can almost hear the moment Nintendo gave up on the Wii U when Zelda and Starfox Zero got delayed.

>not everyone bought these games when they first came out
They could have during the Wii U's lifecycle, if they weren't brainless insects who were on board with the system or were willing to put up with it just to play the damn software.

>I remember the UI was absolutely atrocious too, just to top it all off.
At least it had an identity as far as the system software is concerned. Switch's is flat design millennial soiboi trash.

Be honest Yea Forums, did you honestly buy a wii u?

Yeah this, Metroid Prime 4 when though

Literally, LITERALLY style over substance. The Sticker Star formula is fundamentally bad game-design.

Very late Switch release, may well be a Switch U launch title.

>The Sticker Star formula is fundamentally bad game-design

Christmas 2014 with Smash. It was the NSMBU + NSLU bundle. Super kino as fuck. I think I got it at the right time and place, since its library was shaping up and I had a number of games to play. So I think I did good by not buying the system at launch, which is one of the reasons why Yea Forumsroomers are so fucking pissed with it. I remember getting the 3DS at launch and boy, that had no games. At least the Wii U had a Mario game, regardless of it being NSMB or not.

>tfw you enjoyed your Wii U

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Combat is pointless. Literally a drain on resources, but then in Color Splash, they created an entire gimmick with the Wii U gamepad that focused around combat.

If you're going to design combat in a way where it should be avoided as much as possible, why iterate on the combat on the combat system without addressing that issue?

>Pictochat is never coming back
>Miiverse is never coming back

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Blame pedophiles

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>bought BotW for both WiiU and Switch
>got half way through WiiU version, can't be bothered to beat Switch version
why didn't they just let me transfer saves. or use cloud saves.

Incompentence on Nintendo's part. They'd say it's because of the difference in architectures between Switch and Wii U despite the fact that it's been discovered BotW is literally the exact same on both systems, just with the assets referencing each system on their specific version. So they can do it. Homebrewfags already did it.

hopefully sherrie was an actual woman and not a tranny.

I loved wii u but mainly because I already had a wii with tons of downloaded games so it was an instant upgrade. Zombi U was fun, mh3u is the best monster hunter game, nintendo land was a blast with friends which none of you losers have.

You damn well know sherrie was a tranny.

> (OP)
>That same Mario Kart sold a shitton of switches

That's because the switch literally had no games for it at the time.

Not true. Wii and wii u had access to tons of older games. Switch has nothing right now

The "playing audience" are my friends. They didn't move anywhere. Wtf

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Yeah I know, God that's so damn gross. It's kinda cute when a woman does it as long as they're not doing gay shit to the kid. I was preyed upon by a 22 year old woman when I was like 12, she had big tits, blonde hair, very nice and played GTA with me and shit. Nothing was cooler than not just being able to see those D cups out but being asked if I wanted to suck on em and I fucking did. Living in a small as town ruled. My mom didn't fucking like it though, threatened to shoot her with her .45. The woman in question was a friend of my friend's sister. Man I miss being young.

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You may remember it fondly but you were a victim of sexual abuse, just because it was an older woman on you doesn't mean it wasn't. Many victims do the same thing, it's a coping mechanism.
And I'm not talking about the generic 'cope' insult among these retards, you literally are coping about it.

>Most people regret buying a Wii u since the switch is superior
>buying ports at 4 times the price is superior
lel at least its actually portable. sort of

>but it can do reicast port pretty alright
Bought one used for 220 with 3 games. Sold it later that year. Got another one for free years later.

that's because of nintendo's arrogant "games retain their value" motto despite the fact that really isn't true at all.

no game made 2-5 years ago should be valued at 60 dollars each, especially if it's an inferior version of the game that's been ported to an actually successful console, really wii u games should be no more then 40 dollars and even then that's being generous



thanks for the beta-testing, wii U-lets

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Poor boy. don't reply to me

What's a good hard drive for a hacked Wii U?

I just picked up a pristine one with 2 pro controllers for $90 off Craigslist.

Does the online work if I hack it?

Damn, even then Joe Keery played the role of the overconfident douchebag.

>implying you know more Japanese then I do
I watch only subbed anime. It's sudoku.

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You commit sudoku.

So, you admit it the correct pronunciation is sudoku then?

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I just want you to kill yourself goddammit.
also me

I know right?! Neither do I user :D

People who hate on nintendo dont have friends. Its simple

sweet user, i have that same blanket too

>worth buying

Do YOU have any friends?

The Switch saved the Wii U.

It got outsold before Christmas
Do you realize how insane that is?
Christmas is literally the biggest shopping time of the year and switch outsold WiiU before that boost

How does this much dust even happen?

The only games worth playing were Bayonetta 2 and Donkey Kong Tropical Freeze. Anything else was fucking mediocre rehashed garbage.

I think my last image still applies

Is it comfy? It looks kinda itchy.

The name was literally that bad
Even hardcore Nintendo fans who buy everything they put out didn’t even know the WiiU existed

Remember when afterwards Nintendo was able to sell a gigantic tablet to a bunch a retards despite having no games?

Never will understand how the fuck they get away with all the absolutely retarded shit they do.

I play with them all the time on switch and before that wii u, and ps4. Pretty much every night after work

im not sure if its the SAME blanket but it does have the same pattern and the one i have is extremely smooth on the top. It's not too thick and pretty comfy

actually both look completely identical now that i have mines right now

I really hope that game gets a second chance on the switch. Hopefully with some actual marketing behind the port.

97 on metacritic is pushing it considering how casual-unfriendly it is but that game was just way too fucking good to be be literally nintendo's biggest flop.

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Nasty fucks who don't clean their room.

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Well some mexican girl in 1st grade also sucked my dick which really fucked me up. I don't remember anything cause i blacked out. I just remember crying a ton. Now I'm a fuck up who can't really hold a relationship properly with a woman. So I guess you're right.

Just leave shit and don't touch it for 2 months,
My workplace is a kitchen and they toast bread for the customers to eat while waiting. Our old toaster, this big wall mounted one, started burning the bread so they got a new one (that now melts boxes sitting on top of it). Thing is, they didn't remove the old one, and last week, I walked past it, and I had to scrape my finger on it, put pressure on the metal where the toast slides out, to wipe the dust off. That's how much built up in two weeks.

Wanna know a secret?

Never put tissue boxes in a room you want dust free. Tissues create so. much. dust.

That is a weird looking switch

>he doesn't put his controllers in freezer bags so it can't collect any dust