In his 50s

>in his 50s
>no grays
>no balding
the least believable aspect of MGSV

Attached: big boss.jpg (500x342, 40K)

>he has bad genes
>he's in his early 20s and already balding

if someone looks good in their 50s - well, good for them

He is not a hairlet.


Paul Rudd is 50

bros do i take this finasteride or not

I didn't and I was a virgin until I buzzed my head.

But if you're short, pale, or not muscular, it can look very bad

Thats why his genes are so important.

thats why he got this far
genetic failures like you go nowhere in this world

ok liquid

That's not even his real hair dude
He got a free hair transplant
And new skin
And new eyes
And new vocal cords
Damn Kojima is the grandmaster of storytelling

It is, this is before Snake wrecked him in MG2.

I meant eye (singular) sorry

He was 49 is MGSV, if you are balding and greying at that age you simply have bad genes.

Game was made by asians, they rarely go bald unlike white trash. They just forgot.

>perfect norwood I at 49 with no graying
lmao ok

Attached: hamilton-norwood-scale.jpg (586x453, 31K)

I'm 29 and balding. The hair on top of my head is thin now and at the front of my head it has receded on the left and right side but not the middle.

Funny that I see this thread right after taking my daily dose of Finasteride

Is Big Medic the only person who looks good with a mullet?

Meet Steven Wilson.

that's big boss in the OP lorelet
did it kill your dick

Your right. I'm not sure why I said Big Medic. Oh well. Anyways is Big Boss the only person who looks good with a mullet?

Solid Snake rocks it well too

Attached: mgs2.png (852x479, 632K)

>did it kill your dick
No I just fapped like an hour ago
When I started with Fin 2 years ago I was super horny actually because I had more free testosterone.

Not as well as Big Boss desu

Why are the armored skulls the best boss fight?

Attached: armoredskull.jpg (1280x720, 99K)

Because you can skip it

Big Boss has no balls, that's why he isn't balding.


this guy literally doesn't see me
how the fuck is this even a stealth game?

Attached: 20190725041733_1.png (1920x1080, 3.65M)

*vocal chord parasites
Nanomachines weren't invented until later.

>Boss fights

My father is approaching 60, and he's only just started to have a little bit of gray hair.

My father went bald in his late 20s..... Am I fucked? I'm 29 and my hair is thinning

>>in his 50s
V doesn't have to be the same age as BB

my father's turns 51 this year, his hairline is perfect. He has a few grays though.

>the least believable aspect of MGSV
>Vic Mignogna

if there's venom snake then where's carnage snake

that IS Big Boss retard

Right HERE *unzips dick*


Don't poison yourself. Either rock the balding look if you have the charisma to pull it off, or shave it and head on over to /fit/.
Or get one of those high quality wigs.

because it's based on stance, not visibility.

Fuck these guys. I went full stealth and being stuck having to fight them in Metallic Archea was absolute hell without body armor or leveled up lethal guns. I'm still triggered.
I also barely put any GMP into my rocket launchers so I had to do A Quiet Exit with the default RPG. That was the second most miserable experience. Luckily I had body armor by then, even if I was too retarded to equip it at first.