Games Yea Forums tricked you into buying

Games Yea Forums tricked you into buying

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All Yea Forums ever does is tell people not to buy shit

OP is a faggot.

Awesome game. Stay mad, cuck.

This is a great game though. Fuck you.

Jokes on you! I got it for free with games with gold!

Not much of a trick, it was a good clearance sale 6€ buy

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This game was loads of fun on console. I waited years for it to come to PC and when it finally came to PC, it was mind numbingly easy with a mouse and keyboard. The challenge felt gone along with the fun.

Why must life be this way?

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See, none of this actually explains why they're objectively bad on the Vanquish side.
You can say the same thing for RE4 for a lot of these and it's a WAY better aged game.

fucking summer

this game sucks fuck everyone in this thread suck my fucking balls niggers

Present them bitch ass

Imagine the autistic fury needed to compile this.
>Max Payne

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Seething homosex

lmao this gay nigga gonna succ me LMAOOOO

More like im gonna fuck you bitch

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Almost every game Yea Forums says it's good it's shit and the opposite also applies, so I just play whatever it's shit on here and ignore the cringefest flavor of the month trash.

Works everytime

P.S i'm a grill

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time stamp!

Yea Forums hates this game, though.

Timestamp those nuts bitch.

>easiest Total War to get into
they said
>perfect for newcomers
they said
pic semi related

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Are these cuts?

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Why are nipple piercings so popular? Genuinely don't get it

Same, one time at University i heard some girls talking about piercing their nips cause it looks ''cute''

>game no longer fun on PC

gee what a shocker

You could use a controller on PC.
Probably even the one you used when you played it on console

but for real tho vanquish and arma 3 are my worst purchases ever that i am unable to refund

>Tried to play Binary Domain on PC
>Is clearly not gamepad compatible like the Steam page says it is. If I could erase one person right now from existence it would Gabe Jewell

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It's like getting a tattoo except your nipples can grow back, pretty much just girls convincing themselves they're happy mutilating their bodies, just like gauges

Arma 3 is fucking wild, at least with 2 you could download some value replacers to make the game more realistic or more enjoyable or whatever (and vanilla was already pretty good) but I genuinely don't know what they were thinking with this future aesthetic shit. You literally have to replace every single asset in the game to make it playable. I don't know whose idea it was for a LAV where the front is a giant window but they shouldn't be working for a company that makes milsims.

Also, I am actually a guy, ya'll can suck my dick lol

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paper bag and then fug her

I'm not OP, but I bought vanquish and it's just not clicking for me, am I just a shitter?
I see those webms of Sam just zipping around but it seems like either my execution is garbage and my guns feel like pea shooters.

>Third person shooter

Not a game, but I got tricked into watching that shitty Castlevania cartoon from all the shilling here.

Dragon's Dogma, the combat is no skill, just stats/levels/equipment. The attacks are fun to use, I just wish that it was more like Monster Hunter. Also the world design sucks dick. can see the back your character's head, opposed to the camera looking through his eyeballs
thats called third person

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I guess it is, but you don't play it like a cover based TPS

>barren and lifeless world, also small
>combat sucks dick
>tries to be shadow of the colossus but fails miserably
>3 music tracks for the entire game
>AWFUL quest system
I will never get the constant wanking of this game

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All I know is that piercings unshielded by a bra peeking through a shirt is a lovely sight.

Um, excuse me sweety, vanquish was fucking SICK

The problem with all you shitters is that you brought into some ultra hype that these game were some ultra hidden gems when most of them were quirky janky games at best with a ton of soul of to them. It nobodies fault but your own if you thought you were getting bloodborne^2 with obscure Yea Forums recommendation.

it's only good in comparison to most other video game adaptations but it's far from being good in general.


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I pirated it and still feel robbed

Dragon's Dogma



This game was so damn boring. Just waves of lame enemies.

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filtered pleb

It's an objectively dull game
It's okay but it could be so much better

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