What's the point of the ps4 and buying multiplats on it? If you want the best performance, you get the PC version...

What's the point of the ps4 and buying multiplats on it? If you want the best performance, you get the PC version. If you want practicality, you get the Switch version. Hell, if you want the highest resolution and framerate on a console, even the One X version is better. So what gives? It's not like this console has a lot of good exclusives either. I can count on 2 fingers the amount of ps4 exclusives. I'm just trying to understand the appeal.

Attached: BestPokeGirl.png (810x904, 717K)

God I want to violently fuck Dawn until she bleeds

Good marketing. That's it. Only a literal retard would buy a PS4.

PC + Switch masterrace.

niggers and mudslimes in europe just buy the PS4 because they want their FIFA/Madden/CoD

We all do, user. How are we supposed to cope with the fact that it'll never happen since she's not real Q.Q

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> I can count on 2 fingers the amount of ps4 exclusives
had me up until this point

The joke is on you bucko, I have a 960 and that makes my computer weaker than a PS4 pro

Bloodborne is literally the only good one. The rest are movie tier shit. If you buy a PS4 it is either because yo are too stupid to build a PC or you are too poor to build a PC.

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>smash bros
>below mario shart

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>bloodborne is literally the only good one
Um, sweetie...

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How is she playing the guitar when her leg is pressed against the pickups?

>The Last Guardian
Wasn't that game pretty mediocre?

Extremely. It being so high is basically invalidating the whole chart.

are you ok

This is so outdated most of these aren't even exclusives. Nioh has been on PC since like 2017

Honestly these threads get me a little confused but then I remember Yea Forums is retarded and I love yall for that


It literally says console exclusives user

Buy a PS4 and your set for the gen.

PC and Xbox can only play multiplats. Switch only gets some exclusives that get ported or emulated. PS4 plays everything relevant.

neck uyerself pedo

I want to fuck young pokemon girls

Based and redpilled
Cringe and bluepilled

>PC and Xbox can only play multiplats.
The ps4 is literally a multiplat machine. Its actually embarrassing how far sony has fallen from the ps1/ps2 days of having the best and most exclusives. Even the ps3 had more quality exclusives than the ps4.

Too much of a stupid nigger to learn how to buildt gaming pcs and the custom built my mom bought me has me stuck playing games from >2016.

Just holding out until PS5 and playing Switch/Wii in the meantime.

yeah pcs are for poorfags only
nobody who actually cares about games is going to play on pc unless theyre poor or live in a shithole thirdworld country where a ps4 is $8000
if you didnt have a ps4 this gen you missed out big time