
Fact: this game isn’t easy. Rather your childhood tailored you to be awesome in this game. Symphony of the Night made steel out of your senses, using Dracula’s minions as the finest materials.

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Can confirm, every boss I struggled with I realized that I could see them going for the attack but my brain didn't respond and I got hit

It's my first metroidvania. Ever. It's been easy ever since I got the spell/shard the Portraits drop. The one that makes a shield of floating portraits that damage people.
Seriously, the difficulty dropped like a rock when I got that shard.

The fact that this + dagger arrow break the game really sucks. People can say "wow u ruined the game for urself!!" But that is kind of on the developers to make sure their shit is balanced. I steamrolled the whole game on normal and hard with those 2 moves

This so much. Even after the nerf it still is going to be a top tier item and people her yet complain. What's wrong with fixing bad game design decisions?

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I'm considering not using it, because it has made the game so much easier.
But on the other hand poison toads piss me the fuck off and it's the most convenient way to rid myself of them, also Dullahan heads.

just spam m1 with shield weapon lol

Symphony of the Night was actually a pretty challenging game compared to Bloodstained.

Does anyone use the Weapon Techniques? I think some are too hard to pull off in mid combat especially when alot of enemies are attacking you from all sides.
Some aren't that hard to pull off and are very useful though like the counter from the katana.

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The only other metroidvania I’ve played is Hollow Knight and I didn’t find this to be too hard. About the same in difficulty comparing the harder and easier parts.

>Get the fire pillar shard from first big cat
>Level it up instantly
>Win entire game using that alone

I felt pretty accomplished by getting through without any heals. Only other IGAvania I could manage that in was SotN. In all the others, the final boss would always end up forcing me to finally use my healing items.

I think it's got a good balance of difficulty. It's hard enough that it incentivizes you to use the stronger options, and thus you can make the game harder on your own.

Not true at all, i'm 20 and didnt play a single CV game till last year, beat all bosses within 3 tries.
Games easy.
100% clear too.
Characters suck, unreal engine graphics suck lore is boring

Symphony of the Night is easy.

lol no

There are a bunch of really good ones. The Iaken with the Katana's is amazing since it acts as a teleport while tearing in your path apart.

>Get to Gebel in the castle
>Fight him
>Beat him first try
>"We did it Miriam! We won! We can leave now."
>"But...The castle."
>"Eh, not our problem now"
>Game Over


>get the Giant Rat Shard from rats
>Throw rats at people
>win the entire game on rats alone
See, anyone can do it. This is Order of Ecclesia all over again, which is just Aria of Sorrow all over again. People find shards, and start spamming that shit, killing everything before they kill you

If you've never played an Igavannia, just getting to the boss is a red herring, there's always a true path you need to keep exploring and find some power/mcguffin to get to.

explain this image to me

Depend on playstyle. I always try to make odd spell shards to work on advantages rather than using top tier shards. Finished the game with very little upgrades.

Game was easy as fuck and I've never played a Castlevania game, only Metroid.

Castlevanias have multiple endings. You need to explore further to find your way through the True End.
Dawn of Sorrow for example relied on you sealing the demon INSIDE the first final boss rather than beating it outright to continue the story

What don't you get about it?

She bathes in blood thrice a day.

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I always felt these games were meant to be engaging and relaxing at the same time.

No worries the true ending is just as bad.

>thinking its the shards that are overpowered and not the rank and grade being a retarded power inflation mechanic.

Where are all the other bloodstained reaction faces?

>getting to the hidden desert

Fuck you.

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I want nuns to be the evil faction in the next game, and I want Miriam to get a witch friend with a hair braid that has a crush on her.

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Anyone that thinks this game is hard needs to never play video games again.

i mean you could be defeating bosses without getting damage using only a dagger like the devs did