Did you play her game?
Did you play her game?
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Yeah and it was some good shit. Nothing groundbreaking but an entertaining adventure.
>tfw no senua gf
yes and I liked it
>8 hours long
I'm waiting for it to ever get below $15.
Got motion sick in VR
yes. it was bad. end would have been really cool if the combat wasn't so bad. spent 10-15 min looking for some kind of pattern thinking "surely they don't expect you die, because otherwise they would have made this encounter the least bit difficult"
that's weird, for me the only fun part was the combat
parrying is really satisfying
Yes and I did an angry joe style review where I dressed as her and reviewed the game but it felt so low budget and lame I never unlisted the video on my channel
Yeah. I don't have the platinum trophy but I'm not going back for it anytime soon.
>look at thing
>walk again
>look at another thing
>more looking
Yes and it's fucking boring
same, the combat for me was the only part that wasn't boring
it was way too barebones if you ask me. and you're also basically invincible because you have some time where you're just on the floor bleeding out and you can activate your amulet and get right back up with full health. at the end I had to just take my hand off the keyboard and wait to actually die.
I was playing on hard I think. it was the hardest one you can pick for a first playthrough and it didn't feel like it at all.
the fucking teeth on this bitch her teeths are out every time the camera is on her face its a miracle that you found a pic without having her teeths out
I played like half of it and got bored. The crazy stuff was really neat but combat was awful and puzzles were worse, just walking around trying to find the one angle that lines up a rune over and over again.
yea it was p goog
magic roons laddie
Yea, and it was just a decent game.
Really makes me want more games dealing with the mentally ill though.
It's probably the greatest 6/10 game out there.
Stellar presentation and concept. The problem is the gameplay, specifically the non-combat gameplay, is incredibly weak. Lining up shapes and fucking around in the dark gets so tiresome. The combat is at least serviceable, though rather sluggish and repetitive (plus the middle third of the game has no combat at all).
I am impressed at how much Tameem improved from DmC, at least story-wise.
>no paranoid schizophrenic wife to have a severe psychotic break out of nowhere and kill all your kids before killing herself while you're at work
No fair.
Remember when the girl won an award for her performance as Senua and we found out she wasn't even like an actor at all, just some girl in the office? And she accepted the award while wearing a mocap suit? And she got handed her award by Andy fucking Serkis?
I remember.
Yeah she was originally the stand-in while they were looking for a mo-cap actor, but Tameem liked her performance so much that he kept her in.
Yeah and it fucking sucked. Wish I could have those hours back of my life.
Has motion capture gone too far? that face is unsettling in its realism
I'm waiting for the crystal clear, silky smooth Switch version.
Considering she's the only human character in the game who has a 3D model (everyone else is either a live-action FMV or an enemy monster), they really focused a lot on her. Plus there's many close-ups of her face.
me too