how often do you get bullied in online games?
How often do you get bullied in online games?
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Never because the mute button exists or just ignoring someone.
Being bullied builds character and is good for development.
to be fair the number is probably closer to 99% people explode at the slightest thing at video games
The correct thing to do is to ignore/block or just deal with it. The whole banning people and revoking their license is bullshit
If you're being constantly bullied in games, you are doing something to cause it to happen. Something you're saying, doing, your name, something is causing it to happen. On rare occasion there is bullying completely at random but if you don't respond to it it ends there.
Some adversity is good for people.
>Because I reacted to harassment
Holy shit dude.
What qualifies as harassment?
Never. I bully you faggots for being faggots. man up and then you wont be bullied
Never because I am the bulli.
Can't damage my self esteem if I rek u first fag.
Fucking heal me bitch nigga.
bullies are weak insecure faggots who have no skills
Never. I don't talk to people outside of work and I don't play multiplayer games.
The other day in rocket league I scored on myself and my teammates said "what a save" three times. This is hurtful and wrong and needs to stop
I get general shittalking, but outright hostility just shows that you're either underdeveloped or 6 years old.
issa joke
Yeah some "adults" you've got there. What are the levels of harassment here, because if using Overwatch as an example they would take being told to switch characters as harassment. Fuck em.
>play CSGO after years of 1.6 and CSS
>get screamed at by children that I'm a cheater
I wouldn't say bullying, but it's odd the amount of assholes you one can encounter in video games.
I play a lot of Planetside 2 and I used to play a lot of Overwatch till I took a long hiatus and found my account to have been hijacked by some Korean for the past few months.
When I finally got my account back, it turned out the fuck had played a lot with Widowmaker and apparently was really good as the stats for her were incredible.
Finally I try getting back into the game using characters I like, Phara, Lucio and Bastion. Players on my team constantly get pissed at me for not using my "best" character Widowmaker and constantly accuse me of buying an account with high stats. I literally cannot play because of my own team often turning on me by not healing me, not covering me or strait up threatening that they have reported me for buying my account. It's ridiculous.
Then with Planetside, a game with a strong community, I get hate tells constantly. The level of butthurt from some players is just staggering and the lengths some of these people will go to get "Justice" for what they felt was a wrong kill is kinda scary. My main characters in game name is my main online handle, someone actually found many of my social media accounts and threatened to dox me and kill my family. Over a kill they felt was unfair in a video game.
Whatever hurts your feefees in any way imaginable.
someone said gg after winning against me once
i was never the same. toxic players like that should be permabanned. its not fair bros.
i need your support in this dark time
>73% just closed their eyes
It's hurtful and gives me anxiety. Stop being nice.
Sure, it was just a "wrong" kill....
best way to respond to online bullying is by acting gay
tell the bully to please be meaner to you and call him daddy and i guarantee he will get quiet real fast, or you get your money back
This is actually sickening, how are you going to get better without someone berating you.
I keep to myself and block those who need blocking, it's done wonders. I haven't really been "bullied" much.
Not just video games, the internet in general.
I've written for a lot of game sites and these guys write this stupid shit just to do it. It's like a thought experiment. I know a writer who is simultaneously writing "concerts are too long" and "concerts should be longer" for two different music websites. dipshits are living in the take economy.
I will never understand this.
Alright, fine, you have "crippling social anxiety" (self-diagnosed, of course), whatever.
>Bullied online
I still don't get how that happens. Just mute the game, insult back(you know there won't be any physical fight so why are you scared faggot), at worst just leave the game
I'm guessing something as simple as "you suck" counts as harassment.
Speaking as a professional games critic who knows's literally click baiting. It might be based in some kernel of truth, but pro writers who write on the internet find a way to write every conceivable take. That is the job.
And 73% ignored it.
Adults don’t feel fucking harassed by mean internet people saying bad words.
people sometimes bully me by flirting with me
If you can't take bantz don't play an online game. That's like bitching about people talking smack while they play sports. I miss the old days when screechers were the worst thing you had to deal with, now it's people reporting you to the fucking cyber police and the company wholesale banning you since there aren't private dedicated servers for players anymore. The new age sucks, I wanna go back.
>A study by the (((ANTI-DEFAMATION LEAGUE)))
>it's literally click baiting
No shit, that's why most everyone here uses archive links.
haha yeah, want me to suck your dick big boy?
Shut up trannie.
>some asshole starts shit with me
>I run into a group of enemies and pull them all to the team wiping the group
lol just ignore it
Well clearly you guys are still extra triggered by it if you're making pastebins and doing screencaps. Talk about fucking autism.
>Gaming Online
what a bunch of pussies, i don't have many memories of being shit talked online because i dont play online games, but when it happens i'm just like ok idk
>really hot popular girl walks behind me and wraps her arms around my neck
>acts all lovey and dovey
>guys watching and her start laughing at my confused reaction
>playing comp overwatch
>mom walks down stairs and tells me to take a shower
>fuck up while distracted by her and lose match
Fucking harassment should be illegal.
what the fuck are they playing where they've never been harassed?
So 26% of gamers exclusively play with friends or solo.
Doesn't it normally have to accrue more than once to be harassment. Why don't you just mute people if you can't handle their shit talking?
A lot but I don't care
Club Penguin maybe?
i got hate mail once from a random who was on my team ;_;
>u suck
How can it be self diagnosed if it was from a doctor?
>Someone calls you a name
>Block them
Problem solved. Or just mute the feed. Pretty easy game bully remedies
I loved getting hate mail in dark souls and old games for windows games. I hated games for windows live but i really miss getting that shit from people
>this so called "adults" cant handle banter
Suck it up.
>Hey. Next time lets push as a team instead of running in one at a time guys
What constitutes "harassed?" And how do you gauge how it typically impacts people?
The other day
>you rock
>cancel that
Literally wanted to kill myself
>wow you're a fucking retard
>really close match
>opponent and I exchange ggs
If they tell you to stop or if they are audibly upset, or if they go from being very talkative to not talking at all, or unironically if they threaten to report you
>enemy team says GG before you can when they won
Fucking reported
Good, learn to deal with micro aggressions you fucking snowflakes.
>Play games like tf2 that have basically no rules
>never felt "bullied"
are they really that sensitive
god i hope not
allowing kids to bully without reprimande has the opposite effect
Why do crazy people expect everyone to ignore them and not do vindictive shit? Is the idea that I won't punish the rest of the team to get back at you? Because I will. I can ensure no one on our team is having fun.
These sorts of surveys inflate their numbers bu asking respondents indirect questions and then determining that they quality for whatever the survey is looking for for them.
For instance the famous 25 PERCENT OF WOMEN HAVE BEEN RAPED! statistic comes from surveys that asked questions like, "Have you ever felt pressured into sex?" and "Have you ever had sex under the influence of alcohol?" and even if most of these women probably never considered themselves to be rape victims, the survey decided it knew better.
So my guess is this survey was probably asking questions like "has anyone ever insulted you while playing an online game?" and then chalked down anyone who said yes as harassment victims.
I’ve been flamed but never bullied.
No, I want you to join the 40% that clock out early.
>why are kids shooting up our schools!?
the last time I got yelled at during a game was by a girl, joke's on her because it gave me a boner
Whats wrong with playing Club Penguin as an adult?
I laugh like I fucking retard when someone "harasses" me online. The idea that anyone can take it seriously makes me laugh even harder. I can't even retaliate because I can't stop laughing. If I have a mic they start laughing too when they hear me. You can make some good friends online when you don't take everything so seriously. Life is too short to cry all the time
Because their parents took the liberal hands off approach.
I don't understand how you get bullied online on games. Most of the times you play players at you level some a hole sent me a message saying I sucked I changed team and was top player on the other team and beat his team. Its not like in real life the other guy could beat you up
Worst shit I hear is people getting doxed and being swated best the game companies could do is make a VPN auto in games
set number for that train?
We've got to pump those numbers up
Sure thing skippy lmfao
Sauce on that image?
>implying it isn't repressed christians salty their medieval incelfantasy isn't real
liberals don't like guns
bullying only builds character when you're allowed to beat the bully up
Not very much. but i do get rage/hate mail from time to time.
lol imagine getting harassed by strangers on the internet just mute them or quit the game fag
t. sadomasochist cuck
>have you ever seen anyone ever get angry at you or the team you were on in any online game you have ever played
Likely nearly 100% of people have been "harassed" in real life. Ban words!
Never. If someone tries, I and my buddies gang up and beat them at their own game, or just beat them at the game.
Because the bullied kids have effectively been disarmed by the very system intended to help them, bullies can use the shit like "zero tolerance" against those kids.
Where the bullied kid would eventually sack up and kick the bully's ass, all of the adults at the school berates the bullied kid for causing any sort of trouble, and the parents are mostly hands-off as the current generations of parents are bitches who want to ignore that violence solves everything.
With no way nor no one to vent their grievances, those kids eventually hit the breaking point and go for the high score. They never just aim for the bully, everyone is fair game since none of them have ever helped the victim. And with each tragedy, those idiots in control only double down on the very shit that caused the problem, as doing otherwise would mean they admit their stupid policies have contributed to the outcome.
Every time I play pvp multiplayer games but I'm not a thin skinned faggot so I ignore it because it's a complete non issue.
One time online I got called a poopy head
How could I ever recover
I'm pretty sure not even 50% of adults play video games, so this article is complete bullshit.
Who the fuck is in the 26% that didn't get harassed? How the fuck is that possible?
To everyone in this thread: fuck you
Now you've all been harassed. This thread is 100% harassed lol
Then why are you posting on Yea Forums?
Being harassed and being bullied are two different things. The latter is being thrown an inconvenience by somebody who thinks they’re being slick and the other is an emotional experience of subjugation.
Why did you interpret the article as bullying. You can get harassed and not be bullied. People say dumb shit all the time
Pretty sure this means 74% of adults playing games online report harassment, genius
no bully
Reminder that verbal warfare requires your permission to be effective
reminder that 'take' is a verb
therefore to 'take offense' ie. be 'offended' by words is the action on your part, and absolutely your choice to make
you don't pick a knife up and stab yourself with it when someone throws it at your feet, so why should you stab yourself with words?
>troglodyte screams in your ear
>mute him
I know more liberals with guns than republicans. Turns out Liberals are hypocrites, crazy shit.
>teammate talks shit to me in game
>tk them or make sure we lose
>proceed to leave game to make sure that they have no chance at winning
heh you incels always want to do things the hard way
Pretty much every one of those school shooters have a background of their parents having no involvement in their lives or taking the "I wouldn't strike my child" approach. Welcome to reality sport.
Not really. No. And you have zero evidence to refute me.
How did you recover from being vidyaraped, bros?
What’s funny is that most of these people who say shit online say stupid shit you’d hear on this stupid shit board. I’ve heard so many anime profile dumbasses on steam scream dilate and fill the voice chat with awkward laughter.
This is how I know that nobody on this board has anything of value to give to anybody
Not often since I hardly play online anymore. Even then, I hardly ever got bullied or harassed online.
>Being bullied and then smashing the bullies face in with a piece of 2x4 builds character
>tell someone they're bad
what the fuck
>punish everyone on the team for one person's transgression
drill sergeant tier
ironically people like you are more of net loss to collective emotional energy than the higher test bullies that aren't subversive and estronautical about it
t.tking victim
Next time learn to speak like a normal human (non-incel) and I won't tk you.
The number is actually 100%. The 26% just have voice chat off or something. They were getting abused and didn't know it. Shit talking won't go away no matter how many people you ban. Its also not a big deal. Video games aren't important enough to take in game insults seriously.
way to destroy yourself with one word, retard
I mean under no arranged period of time I'm surprised that's not higher. If it only takes once to make you a statistic in this survey.
nice seethe incel
make another post about how all women are whores why don't you? You need to cool off before you get tked again.
I've always thought it was the same hundred or something dudes. I wonder if it's a meme on Reddit or whatever too.
wtf does harassed even mean in this context?!?!?
Never. I always did the bullying.
nice nonsensical contradiction buzzword retard
>make another post about how all women are whores why don't you?
ah i see you're so desperate you're attempting to evoke the gender war for your own nefarious gain and pit brothers against sisters by making bullshit up and using nonsensical terms
Go to bed.
yikes the seethe of this incel
he's one tk away from a school shooting
Define harassment. Some guy giving you shit repeatedly while you're in the same match as him shouldn't count but I'm ready to bet they count that.
Under their definition, yeah, I've been harassed. I had started playing Dota 2 and not doing great, and some guys on my team started insulting and being extremely petty. It soured me a little on the game (but I was not enjoying it anyway, so it was more of an additional, minor excuse to not play it). Eventually I came back to the game and gave it another chance and liked it.
If you get that type of harassment, you really just have to man up, because it's not a big deal. I can certainly believe that actual harassment happens, and that should warrant repercussions, but this just isn't the same thing, neither in magnitude nor in essence.
>Implying anyone in this thread bullied anyone in their lives
Am I the only one who has never been harassed in a game?
>Study says
ironical coping, my refutation of (You)r original post has succeeded
now go to bed and have your brain run its subroutines to figure out how not to btfo yourself so badly
You never had or made a point so there is nothing to refute, you started with sarcasm. You seem slightly retarded.
all the time
gg ez
They don't want to be better, they want mediocrity.
Only if the kid ends up beating the shit out of the bully. Otherwise it just causes confidence issues and possible trauma.
>he doesn't shit on people who harass you in game via shitposting
alright faggots, lets settle this once and for all.
how do you respond to a bully in a video game.
>a few am radio stations
>he doesn't google their gamertag to find 100 accounts using the same name including social media with embarrassing photos and revealing personal information
You niggers don't even know how to harass people
Christ you’re mad as fuck my man. Go touch a pussy
what if i want to insult them a lot, insult them once or twice, fuck with them in game, and fuck with them in general?
use different browsers/devices and vote multiple times then
Never. I mean, I’ve had people call me a faggot and tell me to kill myself and stuff like that, but I’m an adult so I can just laugh it off because I realize I’m never actually gonna meet these people or probably even talk to them again so their words are absolutely meaningless to me.
>america is the only place in the world where kids are bullied
Never because my skin is thicker than tissue paper.
In an unrelated survey, 74% of adults have been harassed in real life
Do they equate bullying to just trash talk? Bullying is long running. Its not a single deathmatch where someone was a sore loser.
Those penguins can be pretty fucking brutal, dude.
i am the bully
I collect death threats online like badges of pride. In wow alone I've gotten well over 100 death threats for ganking people.
so let me guess, if I do not ward in dota and my teammates tell me to buy wards, this is harassment? Imagine working a real life job and reacting to your boss telling you that you should work more that way...
Because society glorifies people like Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold as disturbed misunderstood outsider anti-heros, whether intentional or not. Loner kids wanna be like their heros.
Anyone else like getting bullied? Makes me feel like I matter to that person.
>no option to call the Bully Hunters
As a rule, the bullies have been the ones who don't know how to play the game. All the rage mails I've received are from tryhards.
>Titanfall 2, Capture the Flag. There is a corridor on the shortest route to our flag. I know a duo of fast players will try to dash in it. I wait with a machine gun, kill them and return our flag. They can't win. Receive FUCKING CAMPER REEEEEEEE! messages because it is my fault they can't try different routes.
>Overwatch. Capture and move the payload. I go Symmetra, setup teleporter to bypass the chokepoint. By luck our whole team uses the teleport. We capture the point in one push. Easy. Then we move the payload and the team forgets what teleports are. We don't wipe them with flanking anymore but get wiped on the payload as the team slowly moves into the same chokepoint. My teleports stand idle and we don't get the easy wins I've been getting in the same map with teams that know they are allowed to flank the defenders. Receive WHY DIDNT YOU SWITCH SYMMETRA!?!! message.
>Paladins. Be healer with a line-of-sight healing. Team goes flanker and dps, no tank. Team scatters all over the map, behind walls and buildings and I get LOS on only one character at a time. Enemy has tank and healer. We lose all points 0-4. Receive LEARN TO FUCKING HEAL N00B! rage message because I didn't pocket heal four guys at the same time.
if you play aaa trash made in the 2010's you deserve to be bullied
I never do
Sensitive people DESERVE to get bullied
Rules of nature.
Lol I remember how cancerous WC3 was online. It really toughened me up for later life when it was my bosses and friends calling me a fucking worthless piece of shit
>le glorified shooters myth
People shoot up schools because they're powerless losers, their only real other options would be to kill themselves and only themselves, a cornered animal doesn't care about others.
>when you're he bully
I prefer to be addressed as a 'active game play announcer'
Non. I am the one who bully.
I don't play online games but I get bullied in here all the time. Just now some guy on other thread called me a "fag" and told me to "kys" myself just because I said I liked a video game.
Cyberbullying is a real issue with real world victims.
I've been called a nigger and a dyke at various times on this place. The people saying they have been harassed probably go through the same thing 99.9% of people who interact with others online go through. So either 26% of people don't go online, or ~73% of people have a very loose definition of harassment. I say only ~73% because things like doxxing, swatting, etc are genuinely harassment.
ikr imagine having fun in a video game shake my head
this is why I love insurgency, people still call each other fags and niggs and nobody gives a shit.
shut up faggot
Why would you play a multiplayer game if you don't like shit talking culture? Multiplayer games aren't fun, they exist to make you feel better than others by giving an arbitrary benchmark to compare yourself against them. There is no enjoyment to get out of the game unless you're shitting on someone
i do not take bantz well, at all really.
doesn't help i have anger issues that can't be solved with anything but aging (i say can't because i keep instinctively deflecting any and all help)
Yeah, ok.
>don’t tell him you muted him
Wow, was that so hard?
I did. It gave me guilt for so long. I can't describe how bad I feel and wish everyone who I hurt comes out alright.
>Some random fuckface on random fucking game: I'm gonna fuck you up you little bitch.
>Me: Promise you'll make it hurt?
>XxdaChadBoixX has left the match.
You guys.just dont know how to deal with "bullies".
>study conducted in San Francisco by people who elected to participate in the study after knowing what the study was about
i usualy mute anyone at the minimal sight of being fuking retarded, soo
muting is the answer, then continue shit talking them
i also keep voice chat extremely low so i can hear tiny screeching if someone is really angry
>shit that never happened
when the fuck is japmoot going to ban all the fucking phoneposters?
kill yourself you fucking nigger
how the fuck is it that low?
Chances are they were probability harassed by kids.
People are like that in real life as well but they usually realize the cost of confrontation is too high so ignore. While on internet the cost of confrontation is nothing besides typing out a message.
I don't know what planetside is but Overwatch is mobalike in terms of community and playstyle right? All those games where you're thrown into a ranked mode with random people you don't know are hostile like that.
It works against bullies who push others against lockers and do violent stuff (or soon escalate to violence). There's no mechanism the bullied can use when social isolation takes place in some form. The system actively punishes the one who is excluded and when he lashes out, school systems punish the one lashing out. It's unrealistic and shit, just teach your kids to always lash out and fight back and most importantly that they really shouldn't worry about the teacher / punishments since you will take care of that.
Drugging up kids and legalizing divorce can do that.
happened yesterday in Apex which I still play for some reason
I intentionally died while the 2 other people on my squad were down just to get a fun reaction
how do we get this up to 100%
yeah because hearing a squeaker yell nigger for the nth time is still funny
>kid gets bullied
>kid defends against bully
>gets suspended
>bully smirks
>kid realizes he's in a comedy
Just fucking wow
Unironically this, in moderation though.
if the goal is to get people to play less video games, the better
matchmaking makes people feel like they're entitled to be mean to their teammates because they'll never see them again
bring back dedicated servers with actual communities and the number will drop dramatically
>kid gets bullied
>no teachers anywhere to be seen
>kid reacts against bully
>swat team of teachers burst in from every entrance and apprehend the bullied kid for causing trouble
What do you mean by bullied? Like, does getting shit talked count as bullying online? If the answer is yes then you could say that I've been bullied while playing some games, but I'm not a pussy, don't cry about it online and try to fight it back
I don't play online games
Unless squidbagging counts then never
what happened to sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me?
74% Of Adults Are Simpering, Spineless Little Shits Who Break Into Tears And Panic Attacks At The Drop Of A Hat - And Here Is Why They Need To Grow Up
never because I refuse to play with trash which is a large portion of humanity
I'm just impressed that 74% of adults have played games online, I didn't think retirement home wiis were hooked up to the internet
It unironically is
Being harassed =/= being bullied
I've been harassed online too many times to count, but never once was I bullied. There is a massive distinction between these two words. I suggest you look up some definitions on Merriam-Webster of sum shit, bro.
youre on Yea Forums where the ops pic isnt always related to the question
Kill me yourself you fucking coward.
It's a hyperbolic example of how to turn online bullies shtick agaisnt them you literal retard.
Never been bullied online. People who try to play tough always end up having a good time. Crack a joke, lighten the mood and everything goes alright. I remember having Russian dudes insulting me then i was like:"dude i dont speak russian bit i know what cyka blyat means" we ended up teaching each others swear words in our native languages. Good times.
I mean he isn't wrong, user. You just made a BS claim and tried to adhom your way out of someone demanding you prove it. You lost.
Nah, I'll just punish the team/server for it lmao
>nooo you can't do this why are you ruining the game for me too?!
If someone says "Hello" to you.
They tried to do this to me in elementary school.
My mom threatened to contact the state school board and they backed off. She had done it before and literally forced the school to add certain classes.
Better question:
How often are you rude, toxic, harassing or otherwise offensive to your fellow man in games?
Never, because I rarely interact with other people apart from the gameplay itself.
>bullying has existed for millennia
>but for some reason only in the last 2 decades it's somehow the cause for shootings
yeah, that's bs.
The real reason is drugs.
Pharmaceutical companies pumping kids with pills and not dealing with mental health issues properly.
mental health issues caused by a lack of nurturing homes and communities brought about by rapid changes in society
Not that often. If I do get insulted I insult them back or ignore it.
I very seldomly get mad/toxic with other people. Sure I may think that you're fucking pathetic and a waste of a player slot on our team, but unless you deliberately go out of your way to piss me off, i'll hold my tongue on the matter.
Alternatively, if you say "hey i'm new can you guys help me out?" then i'll probably not even think those "toxic" thoughts about you, it takes a strong person to admit when they're bad at something, IMO.
Is there definition of harassment "Someone called me a fag once?, or "someone told me to git gud"?
Because this statistic sounds suspicious as fuck
user, I am the bully.
>kid gets bullied by the new kid right before end of year
>gets bigger than new kid over the summer
>comes back and bullies the new kid
>school punishes both of them, sticks them in "in school suspension" alone together
>bullying continues because the guy watching over the I.S.S. kids was a maintenance guy who was always drunk
I ain't exactly all that gay or anything, but I do have a fetish for pushing around other males of the species. My ex and I would have threeways with a little girly twink and abuse the hell out of him. I miss the little faggy bitch boy more than my ex girlfriend.
That's gonna be a Yikes from me, buddy
I can't approve, but couldn't stop myself from laughing heartily
Rarely if ever. I got a thing for getting into very quiet or positive lobbies
Yeah butt buddies lulz
>some transferee tried to bully me back then probably to create an impression
>everyone in the class protects and whiteknights me because I live in a family of politicians
>he ended up getting bullied instead
>he also got suspended in school because they reported him
>tfw his mom approached me crying and aplogizes to me
>tfw I didn't even wished for all those things to happen
Fuck dude, those faggots made me look like the villain here.
>tried to bully
was he special ed? retard would probably be bullied anyway because nobody likes transferees
Same thing happened to me as a kid, but I didn't take it. Both of us were supposed to go to detention. I never showed up. Even had the principal of the school looking for me during recess for a few days until they called my parents in. They told her to fuck off.
Too bad, maybe that kid would have toughened you up abit so you weren't posting anime like a low-test sissy.
boomer or just retarded?
rarely, i don't communicate much with strangers and only play MPs with friends.
only "harassment" I remember is EZZZZ open mic spam on rocket league like 2 years ago.
>play OW
>somebody writes in chat
>report him for hurting my feelings
>"thank you, we banned him :)"
OW doesn't actually ban for verbal abuse
they just mute you for couple of days
What happened to:
>Sticks and stones will break my bones but words will never hurt me
Its literally Internet haressment who gives a sit
>just teach your kids to always lash out and fight back and most importantly that they really shouldn't worry about the teacher / punishments since you will take care of tha
That's sure to get them fired/arrested someday. Just have physical confrontations with everyone who pisses you off, your boss, your co-workers, the police officer.
I think there's a nice middle ground between fighting everyone who you think looks at you wrong, and being a doormat. But this "everything is a nail to a hammer" approach will just make the kid grow up to be some punk loser that does drugs and commits crimes. Those are the ones with constant chips on their shoulders.
>get shit talked
>ignore them
>Getting bullied on a fucking video game
Grow a pair and call them a faggot or nigger.
Man, this is the true pill.
Based and EXTREMELY redpilled.
Cause it's popular and they don't want feel like they are being left out of the kool kidz.
In other words, faggotry
Define it
In a very small amount, yes.
Otherwise it creates the exact opposite.
I was expecting this pic, thanks!
People getting mad or sad when people harass them online are weak-minded and deserve everything they get.
Playing a video game is like driving a car.
People are more confrontational online in the same way they are in a car, I've been flipped off by old women in their cars. Then if you confront them outside of their car they won't even look at you, let alone tell you to fuck off.
Being online is the same.
The fact is though, if you try to stop this behavior you kill the main reason people want to play them in the first place.
I don't play overwatch anymore because I can't act like an asshole and trash talk people, that's part of the reason to play it. It's certainly not for the fucking monotonous awful game play.
You can't hurt anyone online, it's a wonderful pressure valve for modern life where we have to be super nice to everyone.
If you stop people being assholes online you just make them more angry irl, which is probably why exactly that is happening.
Not nearly enough to satisfy my desires.