No one orders ME around

No one orders ME around

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I feel...edgy.

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I don't order around, I order astraight.

Astraight through Quel'thalas.

>Time for chow, men!

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>proceed to make him run in circles like a retard

For honor

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I'm blind, not dead

Is there danger?

his lines seemed a lot more clever back in the day

watch your tone with me boy

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I will consume the living and the death

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>tfw you realize legion is invading kalimdor

scourge plague>legion


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Speak, tool.


i said a bow string, not a g, uhhh nevermind


Why is warcraft 3 no longer available on battle net?

>Glad you could make it, virgin.

>You watch your tone with me, discord tranny. You may be living rent free but I’m still your superior as a shitposter.

>As if I could forget, listen virgin there’s something about Yea Forums that you should know...

>Oh no. We’re too late, these people have all been redpilled! They may look fine now but it’s only a matter of time before they turn into /pol/tards.


>This entire board must have sex.

>Are you mentally ill? Theres got to be some other way.

>Cope, incel. As your future gaming representation I order you to achieve intercourse.

>You are not in my vidya yet, tranny. Dilate.

>Then I must consider this an act of seething.

>Seething?! Have you closed your wound, tranny?

>Have I? Bigoted incel, by my right of transgender pride and the sovereignty of my vagina I hereby report your posts on Twitter, and suspend your rights as a human being.


>It’s done! For those of you who have the will to respect the rights of the LGBTQPYAIK+ community follow me, the rest of you? Go have sex.

>Not him, but one day we will exterminate your mentally ill kind, discord tranny.



Glad you could bake it Uther

Reforge edition soon

is reforged going to be the biggest blizzard shit show yet? the game looked unplayable at blizzcon


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I still have high hopes, but I'm getting nervous. Blizzard has been doing a lot of cringey SJW shit lately, and I worry that it's going to infect WC3 as well.

I laugh in the face of danger- HAHAHAHAHA!

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They've already said some of the story will be changed to better reflect what happened in WoW

Do I get warcraft 3 now if I buy reforged? I think that's the deal

I m'lord

I know, I'm just hoping they don't butcher it too badly.

They will.


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I don't know, I already have WCIII and TFT from battle net

Oh wait I just went on Reforged site and it says in the text if you buy reforged you get both RoC and TFT


Thank you for making a filter list for me.

Reforged Edition will be such an ugly, awful piece of shit. I hope its one of the final nails in the Blizzard coffin.

How did they manage to make the ENTIRE voice cast of War3 so kino? Everyone, from major characters and heroes to minor creeps and regular units, sounds amazing and has great memorable lines.

Fuck I always chuckled hearing this. Never got old.

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