What was this game even about or trying to say?

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Other urls found in this thread:


That the dev is the most important being in the universe and anyone who doesn't agree is not only wrong, but also stupid.


>not even Kotaku liked it

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and what the fuck happened at the end

Literally just boils down to "JUST BEE UR SELF"

I can still hear the horrible trumpets in the battle music that followed suit.

That Alex is an asshole, I guess?

All I know about this game is that Dick Masterson is in it

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>Even the biggest asshole in the world is a human that can do the right thing sometimes

I think is supposed to be the message. But I think the dev was expecting a lot more 3rd ending hunting than there actually is because there's a lot of cryptic bullshit in the game.

you could call this game
A Problematic RPG
and nobody could argue with you

Spoilers but this is the plot as I understand it.

>At some point in the past, an Alex in an alternate reality stole a machine from a Japanese man
>The machine allowed Alex to split his soul into two halves, the Essentia, an idealized but fake self (fakeness symbolized by robotics) and Alex, a manifestation of his human flaws
>This split also effected every Alex in every parallel reality
>After some time the Essentia decides she wants to be her own entity, so the Essentias in every reality collectively work together to try to bring alternate reality Alex's to take down "Proto" Alex.
>All of them that try to fight die, and the ones that don't want to fight are abandoned on a rock floating in soul space forever
>The Alex you play as is different, and after his adventures with his friends decides to shut down the machine separating the souls
>This causes the Essentia and Alex to cease to exist, now part of (You)

Yeah it's dumb the ending is basically just an OFF reference but there you go.

wow that's sort of interesting shame it's attached to shit



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Even if the writing was Shakespearean no one is gonna bother try to get to it if it is going to be behind a barrier shaped like a GINGER hipster.

the game is about how he sucks though

The biggest barrier is his fucking voice and dialogue, holy shit he's such a cunt


How can you not think this is fucking hilarious?

The idea that this guy could actually exist in real life makes me the maddest

I don't see the problem. Bitch should get off work. She's not in the fucking Peanuts. No one goes to those stands.

Honestly this entire game is a gold mine of garbage

Here's a scene that goes on way longer than needed, and an extra playlist to go along with it.

I found this by accident last night when I was browsing the Japanese PSN Store. I thought this game was just some Steam indie shovelware. But no. This is on the PlayStation 4. AND it's actually got a release in Japan, too. How the fuck?

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It actually did significantly better in Japan according to the developer, probably since Japs don't have bias against that archetype of character.


>significantly better

That's not saying much since it did terribly here

Boy it sure is a shame that most of this fucking game is a goddamn death march of agony, even if Alex wasn't a piece of shit the sheer frequency of him monologuing about shit we're looking at makes him downright insufferable. Even if the combat wasn't slower than fucking molasses the shitty leveling system means you have enemies you can't get rid of normally and have to toss into your fucking mind palace to harass you while you walk down 40 flights of stairs to allocate your stats. Even if the game wasn't fucking uglier than sin, it has no sense of tonal consistency and pulls retarded shit like the Golden Alpaca in the middle of a scene about one of the characters trying to cope with his sister's suicide. If anything in VA-11 Hall-A has aged poorly it was the idea of this game being a "cult classic", cause at least Read Only Memories was good at what it was trying to be.

Gold alpaca serves a plot purpose of telling you how the world works. (If Alex has a mental breakdown the logic of the world will breakdown)

Mind dungeon is indefensible though god damn that was designed to be as tedious as possible for sure.

>YIIK could be a cult game in japan, with fans making their own derivatives and games that was inspired by it
If that happens it could be a good consolation prize for the dev. It must been a real kicker to discover that the reason the game you've been working for 5 years failed because nobody a likes a character that is basically you

>Half of Alex's soul is female
what did they mean by this

That he'd be really good at blowjobs, but because he hasn't tried giving one, he'll forever remain ignorant of his incredible natural talent.

A wikipedia article on Jung, probably.

It's his idealized half. Alex is a weaboo. Therefore it manifests as a kawaii anime girl wielding a JRPG sword, but you know it's Alex still because the minigame for attacking with the sword is derivative of the record minigame.

My friend pointed out that the name is supposed to be "Y2K" and I'm convinced that's the smartest thing the dev ever did.

are you retarded?

Where's the comic about the dude cursed to give the best blowjobs?

Some classic Oglaf.

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Thank you user

blowjob haha


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>I wanted to make a game about an unlikable piece of shit
>makes the MC himself

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he isn't the MC though

I never understood this. So he wanted to make an unlikable character, and he succeeded. And now he's mad at people for not liking said character?

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The game is so uninteresting that not a single Dickhead bothered playing the game to meet the Dick NPC. Just think about that, the most autistic community of adult men don't want to play that shit.

No, he's mad that people didn't like the game because of it.

Nah it's just hidden in a retarded way and he took like 5 months to make it easier. Or it wasn't in the game until he added it after 5+ months take your pick nobody really knows.

The MC being unlikable was talked about in many reviews, so he reasons that it was the only reason why everyone didn't like his game and that everyone are just babies who can't appreciate his genius. Not including all the other problems already talked about in this thread.
So now he just keeps making threads on this board in the hopes to keep his game relevant.

How many copies did this sell?

>publishers are ba-

lol...the retard thinks Sherlock Holmes or House were unlikable characters, are you serious?

Think his point is they're unlikable in-universe but not to the audience because they have special abilities that make them stand out wheras alex is just kind of a petty dick.

he does have a point about the obsession with "relatable characters" in media tho

Have you read Sherlock Holmes? He's an asshole. The audience likes him because he's cool, not because he's likable.

>Even if the writing was Shakespearean

that's not saying much since the devs claim that DmC is Shakespearean

Is it on the vita freeshop yet?

Does somebody have the webm with sound of Alex losing Panda?

The man is absolutely correct in what he's saying re "gamers are too retarded to enjoy anything but 'you are the main character! everyone loves you!' so they don't even want to give other stuff a shot because they're too interested in self-inserting" ESPECIALLY with regards to RPG main characters (both J and W fans get incredibly mad when they don't get their way) but yiik is still uhhhhhh crap lmao

Damn this guy really is as much of a prick as everyone says, but honestly I feel like that could be refreshing. Maybe I'll get this game.

>What was this game even about or trying to say?

It's trying to say that you too can make money by plagiarizing something else.

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Uh...any art of proto woman?

You horny

Wrong tab?

Imagine actually begging for specific lewds as a tripfag.

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Yep, i screwed up, sorry.

Just asking, why do you continue to do this? I don't frequently browse the drawthread but any time your name comes up it's apparent that almost everyone in those threads, if not everyone, dislikes you, to the point that I sometimes hear people bring you up on other boards when they talk about terrible people on drawthreads. How often do you actually get a delivery while you have your trip on?

what book is that from?

Who made this fine looking homestar

Castle of wind I think?

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the problem is if you want to convey a certain aspect of a character, it needs to be shown THROUGH GAMEPLAY.

the player must feel like its essential to be an asshole to progress through the game.

to just tell the player that fails at the core of what a game is supposed to be.

That doesn't really make sense, it's a linear story you're playing as a character who makes his own choices mostly.

A broken pencil has a point.

>That entire king saga.

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Is there any porn of that cutie brownie in the top?

Ironically right? Right?

Worse, it's his donut steel from some gook mmo.

YIIK? More like Y I K E S ! ! !

"I like Haruki Murakami a whooole lot"

Hamlet: FUCK YOU

* Exit Hamlet

so it's like a shitty iteration of planescape torment.

>cause at least Read Only Memories was good at what it was trying to be.
No it wasn't. ROM was boring generic "Haha you guys remember point and click adventures? Wasn't pixel art rad?"

Nah it references other stuff too.


>or trying to say?

what really happened?

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>Makes some stupid onions boy RPG with a self insert OC
>thinks hes making a Chuck Palahniuk or Murakami novel

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Another unforgivably tacky tribute

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I never knew you could just push the "art" button to crawl out of the bad writing hole.

this can't be real

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>this post

Apply yourself

I don't know but those are some nice thighs on the female characters there, so the dev got at least one thing right

I'm pretty sure that's exactly the point the user was making you dipshit. If it's a linear story starring a character who makes his own choices then you can't expect the audience to find it interesting at all.

The gravestone right next to it is for the creators of this game, and it says something along the lines of "...who worked themselves to death"
Unfortunately I can't find a screenshot

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Apparently this grave is located in someone's backyard in the game.

What's wrong with it? Graves as homages has been a thing in RPGs for forever.

It offers us almost no consolation to stick with Alex's journey to become not asshole though.
If the gameplay is good, or if there is a distracting plot to keep us from sticking too much with Alex and his monologues in the early game-ish, I'm sure it would be recepted better.
I mean, from the beginning we are dropped in this zany little town and out of nowhere we must chase a cat into an immediate weird fuck dimension. There's no "straight man" character to offer a standard POV beside Alex and his self-indulgence early on.

The straight man is supposed to be you as the player. You are supposed to notice the inconsistencies in how the story is playing out and piece together that there's more wrong than what Alex is aware of.

It's fine if it's for a deceased employee of your company. Or maybe someone from another company who you are on good terms with. But some indie studio honoring someone from a big company like this is in extremely poor taste

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Why is it distasteful? Because you say so? Nintendo specifically approved of it.


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What a pretentious fuck.

Source on it?
Not that other user but the game is also supposed to take place before Iwata passed away
Of course thats not the only anachronism so who cares

>I remember when the first few reviews I saw were praising it as a master piece
>check back and over half actually re did their reviews
Are you allowed to do that?

It's poor taste in the sense that it was just there for the sake of being there. It doesn't even match up with the supposed year the game is taking place in. There's a plenty of ways you could do to honor Iwata's memory in your game. For this game you could have had some Iwata lookin NPC talking about working at a game company or something. Anything than just sloppily throwing in an easter egg of Iwata's death for brownie points.

The funniest part
The Jap games will play better and be far more responsive than it.

>placed alongside a bunch of joke text
>no imagination behind the message, just a name and dates

Morally, no. At least they should mention that they changed their minds or something as a disclaimer instead of just out changing the entire thing like as if it was like this from the beginning.