Nintendo Switch Tops an Estimated 36 Million Units Sold Worldwide to Consumers - Sales

>Nintendo Switch Tops an Estimated 36 Million Units Sold Worldwide to Consumers - Sales

>Nintendo's hybrid console, the Switch, has surpassed 36 million units sold worldwide to consumers, according to our estimates for the week ending July 13, 2019. The console sold 244,583 units to bring its lifetime sales to 36,069,690 units worldwide.


What happened Sony? Was the no show at E3 what killed the PS4?

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PS5 is coming soon this gen is about over. Switch will be 2 gens behind in power once Sony begins the next gen.

And yet the Switch will still sell better, at least in Japan, since it has the games Nips care about

Too bad nips don't matter one bit.

Nintendo's investor meeting is in less than a week, that's where we'll get the real data.

>48 XBox Ones sold in Japan

that turdglitch is failing miserably. in the same time frame the 3ds already sold 45 million units
also the trannystation 4 has sold almost 100 million. sony couldn't give less of a shit about some handicapped downsyndrome Fisher Price Lego tablet selling worse than its predecessors.

>bu-bu-bu PS5 coming soon

Is that all you've got?

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Still too many.

It's funny how times change. People now think Vgchartz is considered to be an actual source despite them still pulling numbers from their ass.

Are we pretending the PS4 doesn't have like triple the sales of the switch?

Are we pretending Nintendo didn't have to make 2 consoles in the same generation one of which is a massive failure?

PS5 comes out next year.

People only thing that when it confirms their bias.

You sound pretty mad tho.

Keep saying that.
Most A and AA studios still pay attention to Japan as the primary market. Only Capcom and Sega focus on the international market a ton

>bu-bu-bu-bu PS5

We got another one here folks.

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Sales slow down when a console generation ends retard

Both Capcom and Sega support Xbox. Look at where that got Xbox.

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You realize that for the majority of dev companies, America is an afterthought, right?

Not this fast.

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Capcom just flat out fucking hates the Switch for some reason, its all old ports made as cheaply as possible, don't optimize them and then jacks the prices up

That aside the switch is definitely selling a lot right now because of Mario Maker. They're marketing the fuck out of that game.

Should we be worried?

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Yeah, that is honestly kind of weird
I don’t even want anything that big, I’d settle for new entries in the same franchises they did for Nintendo handhelds I the past

It's just because it's weak. Capcom only ports things it can handle otherwise it would have everything.

ps4 is at 100 mil mark, add Wii U and they are still half of PS4

the war was over since the start leather man

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Capcom is just mad that their best developer defected to Nintendo.

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>Ports just Devil May Cry 1 to the Switch and not the collection
>9.2 GB for a PS2 game
Yea no Capcom is just a piece of shit

>ps4 is at 100 mil mark

So? Its a rapidly dying console (started dying pretty much right when the Switch took off) that is dead in Japan. That's sad man. Sony will never reach PS2 status ever again.

>Capcom only ports things it can handle
Where's the Disney Afternoon Collection, a literal collection of NES ROMs?
Where's the other 2 DMC games?
Where's fucking Ace Attorney 7?

Dont underestimate Xbox. If Xbox Next does well in the US. Sony goes bankrupt. Sony is dead in Japan and Switch is outselling PS4 in Sonyland. Sony is literally a potential Titanic waiting to happen.

Where the FUCK is my Battle Network collection if they're porting shit it can handle?

i like switch and all, but what the fuck are the owners playing to make it a top seller? after the odyssey and botw and maybe pokemon, they have no exclusive games.

nah, I'm chill as fuck. I'm jus lmaoing@your mental gymnastics. also unlike you I couldn't give less of a shit about petty kindergarden consoleware faggotry.

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You sound mad.

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Nothing that’s the craziest part
>According to top Nintendo Financial Representative sources over 70% of Switch owners have 3 or less games

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>PS5 coming out next year
>why is the PS4 doomed!

You nintencels should be worried about those sales for the Switch seeing how it's supposed to be a console/handheld hybrid which already shot it's load with Zelda, Smash and Pokemon.

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That's normal dude. Most people only buy a few games a year and the switch is pretty new. Those 70% are casual owners, mostly children who rely on Christmas to get games. The other 30% probably averages 10 games because they're adults with a source of income.

Can someone explain to me why the fuck people are drinking something named after a fucking food from a movie that's LITERALLY PEOPLE.

rapidly dying console is a good term to describe any of Nintendo effort after the Wii desu

bro dont be toxic

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the important thing is PROFIT, you retarded snoygger.

>launch year Capcom release REvelations 1 and 2 with added loading screen minigames and gyro controls for $20 each in line with other ports
>2 years later release ports of RE0, REmake, RE4, RE5, RE6 with no improvement besides HD rumble in 6 for whatever reason, it's actually supposed to be pretty good for a $10 premium over every other console digitally
I just don't understand

Yea bro thats the online you pay for now

PS4 is over 100 million but it’s sales have already started to collapse meaning it won’t sell much past 100 million. I don’t think it will even get to 110 million. Mabe close if it’s lucky but that’s the ceiling on this thing.


>the drought meme was true all along

It was selling the same as the switch one month ago you retard. Nintendies are so desperate for a win they're crying tears of joy the first time they're outselling sony in five years.

>implying PSN is anything but 100% pure unfiltered profit sucked from brainless fucktards who allow their own internet to be leased back to them.

>Konami has given the Switch more new games than Capcom
>Bethesda has given the Switch more new games than Capcom
>Even fucking EA has given the Switch more new games than Capcom
I just don't understand what happened here. Literally every other 3rd party is doing a better job than Capcom

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cash flow ? capital ? people spending money on the platform ?

I know its hard to comprehend but there are different means to generate profits than scamming manchilds with chinese tablet

yeah bro the similar online u paying for, and all of your japanese jew earning from all department too bro

Third parties are actively trying to sabotage Nintendo consoles. This is nothing new and has been going on since at LEAST the N64 era.

capcom is probably being cocky after the success of MHW and demanding ridiculous shit from nintendo

60 dollars vs 20 dollars bro

normies buy it just to own it even my brother has one

anything to help u sleep at night brother

Nips are the only ones that matter.

>Sony goes bankrupt
will never happen at this point, you weebs keep giving them billions through FGO

Thank God for those brazilians who bought it as a fifa box.

Sony will never have this.

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literally no games the console what the fuck

Because there's very little else on it besides first party games. There's a bit more than there was on the Wii U which had literally no third party support but you can get a better version of a lot of the ports on PS4 or PC. Even the first party library is padded out with ports the Nintendo faithful have likely already played and won't pay for again (I bought Mario Kart 8 again but that's it).
Cucking us out of the one decent thing the Wii U had (VC) makes this even worse, with a hilariously shitty replacement with nothing but NES games that are shit easy to emulate and locking online play behind it. Nintendo were arguably more pro-consumer when they were getting fucked in the arse with the Wii U.

ps5 is coming out next year nincel, be patient

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>Mario Maker 2
>Ultimate Alliance 3
>Fire Emblem: Three Houses
>Astral Chain next month
>Daemon X Machina and definitive addition of Dragon Quest XI month after that
>Luigis Mansion 3 a month after that
>Pokemon (if you enjoy shit) a month after that
You may not like the exclusives, but it definitely has exclusives coming out left and right.

>62 posts
>36 posters



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Nintendo Switch took 2 years and 4 months to get to 36 million units

PS4 was at 35.9 by the end of Holiday Season 2015. In other words 2 years and almost 2 months


relax and tell us which post hurt ur feeling

Not to mention Switch came with some big guns while PS4 relied on the average shooty and footy for like 2 years, that makes it worst for the Switch

>WiiU+Switch total sales in last 7 years: 40 million
PS4 total slaes in last 6 years: 100 million

Yeah, for Switch to push these numbers they needed mainline 3D Mario, mainline 3D Zelda, Smash, Pokemon and Splatoon. The only thing there's left on the console that will push 10 million units will be Sw&Sh and Animal Crossing.

I can't see Switch having legs after that, even with the re-used assets Zelda sequel.

b-bbbbbbut we’re not in a drought at all bros!

That's not how sales work

Sales just don't drop off a cliff for no reason

With Nintendo consoles yes, they have extremely frontloaded sales. Particularly N64 and Switch. Switch is also not pushing the numbers it pushed in its first year.

lol the fucking cope in this post

PS4 had more holiday seasons compared to Switch in that timeframe. Y'know, where consoles sell more?

im sure you have data to back this statement up

>With Nintendo consoles yes, they have extremely frontloaded sales
No they don't. Quick spreading this meme.
>Switch is also not pushing the numbers it pushed in its first year.
Switch sold more in 2018 than it did in 2017. And there was next to nothing in 2018.

N64 and Wii* meant to say


That means nothing, specially if you release 90% of your big heavy hitter titles in the first 2 years. PS4 was a slow burn. And sold a lot more in its mid-life years.

PS4 had Bloodborne in 2015

>Sales just don't drop off a cliff for no reason
It depends, Sony consoles tend to sell regularly even after the next itteration comes out while Nintendo systems die the moment Nintendo decides to focus to the next gen console/handheld, the 3DS dropped like a brick when they started to put their efforts into the Switch

>That means nothing
Yes it does, especially when taking in consideration the deals around the holidays
PS4 had tons of deals, The Switch had next to no deals. it still sold for 300.

While it's a good game, it's not what people would call a system-seller despite riding on the Souls hype, at its core BB is still a niche title compared to Mario or GoW

Fucking hell thats just pathetic

>What was Game Boy
>What was the DS

Sony started killing they're brand before E3. It's the PS2 era Sony all over again. They did the same shit. Got pompous because if the PS2/4, alternate developers and consumers through stupid acts because your arrogant, release the next console and fuck up royally. I fully expect the PS5 to be just as hilarious and terrible as the PS3 was for the first several years of it's life. Expect mandatory online, digital only, and $599.

PS4's system sellers are FIFA and more sports games

Keep ignoring that Nintendo released mainline Mario, Zelda, Pokemon, Smash and Splatoon in its first two years and they only have Animal Crossing and another Pokemon (for extra bloodsuckery and desperation) just to boost initial sales.

And? Those still top the fucking charts every month lol

People will keep buying Switch for those games.

Animal Crossing and Pokemon are going to push the Switch to 60 million
Mark my fucking words, the combination of Switch Lite, AC and Pokemon is going to cause a fucking unit shortsge

I dont know about the Gameboy but DS continued to sell because the first years of the 3DS were terrible

>Pokemon Lets Go
lmaoing @ ur life

>according to our estimates
No wonder they're way behind.

>Animal Crossing
>Another Zelda
>price drop unit
If you think this shit isn’t going to explode, you’re high

yeah man cod and battlefield they just dont sell

Game Boy lasted from 1989 to 2003. Pokemon gave it a ginormous boost in 1998, almost 10 years into its life

Dont sell as much as Nintendo first party, at least in one system alone

PS4 is going to top 100 million any day now. What exactly is your point?

AC is going to bring in the casual audience harder than it ever has
Pokemon is going to bring in the rest of the kids that don’t already have one, especially with the Lite and a bundle
And that’s to say nothing of any new games in 2020 like BOTW2 possibly, MP4

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According to Gamefreak, it is, its basically another remake of R/B/Y

>the ling leads nowhere
Snoyfags had to fucking make shit up just to even win a thread war going for them KEK

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>started dying pretty much right when the Switch took off)

It outsold the Switch in 2017 and 2018. The Switch first two years on the market.



Since 1994... always claiming to be winners, despite not having won anything. Your consoles are shit. Your controllers are shit. Sony just sells interactive movies, not vidya.

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i only have 4 games for it, and 3 for my ps4

Sony has no games so it doesn't matter

>literally every game being made for the PS4 still
>Switch still getting shitty, secondary ports
What? There's literally no reason to own a Switch if you don't like casual phone garbage. BY the time it gets shit like SMT5, it will be emulated.

t. Switch owner.

The average Mario mainline sells like 10M alone meanwhile the bi-yearly CoD sells almost like that with all the versions combined

>the time it gets shit like SMT5, it will be emulated.
Your PC wont be able to run it lol

>despite not having won anything
It won the tears from this post


>ITT autism
stop :)


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>reading comprehension
Nips don’t really care that much about getting the best version since they’re out of the house for so long that they’d rather have a version they can actually play
Plus it has evergreen titles like Splatoon, Smash, Odyssey and BOTW so the older titles stay relevant
>mobile garbage
While I’m not exactly happy with Nintendo's Relaxed Eshop policies, Switxh also has some of the only well made games I care about
Like Splatoon 2 is the only shooter I consistently have fun with outside of Titanfall

CEMU has to emulate games on a per-title basis I thought?

by the time SMTV comes out the emulator will have the vulkan backend finished and be as mature as CEMU is today

any decent pc will emulate the switch, deal with it

>only links to this are meme sites reposting it
>this links leads nowhere

Bitch CEMU is still jank and your toaster still wouldn't be able to run it

A ryzen 1200 paired with a gtx 1050ti is enough to run CEMU's most demanding game, Breath of the Wild, above fullspeed


Yea 7 years after the Wii U has launched

You gonna be bragging 7 years from now when Yuzu does that and everyone is on the Switcheroo Too

the switch is hardly better than the wiiu
CEMU became fully playable with only 2 years of development, Yuzu already has 1 year and a half and many games are already playable, its only a matter of time until it is able to emulate the entire switch library


And Nintendo will never have RDR.

RDR isn't exclusive so who cares.

Keep moving those goalposts!

just how many mean kids are in public school nowadays? Seems like the only way you could get someone to buy one of these pieces of shit is by branding them an outcast for not having one.

theres no rational reason to own a switch.

super robot wars v and x are coming to switch and pc. Thanks for beta testing!


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Triple the sales in triple the time on sale.

Vita flopped too lol.

Nintendo's sold more hardware and software this gen (again) than Sony

>Yuzu already has 1 year and a half and many games are already playable
No they aren't lol. That's a lie

