ESA Summer Marathon

Now: Grand Theft Auto: Vice City
After: SWAT 4
Later: Doom

Now: Final Fantasy XII: The Zodiac Age (Side-Room Stream; no schedule)

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Other urls found in this thread:


God bless stabby

first for ben

after just 2 hours and 40 minutes, one mildly funny thing has happened - worth it lads!

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>if mh doesn't win i'm gonna kill kz_frew

they better ban this guy

Wish you noisy S1 people would be quiet. I can hear you obnoxious clowns from S2

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MH looked super annoyed as soon as the donation came in before the guy even started.

Man it's unfortunate that ESA is supposedly comfy but they rarely ever speedrun games I like to watch

>make the audience fuck off
Best result yet

user, I.....

to be fair, crowd has been very willingly to go along with donation shit. it's just the fucking runners who didn't give a fuck

If they STILL go over estimate even after they cut off donations for runner interaction with an hour left then holy fuck this run is absolute shit tier.

What an excellent idea, anons you should drink some water if you haven't recently!

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>only half the audience return

why do they play the chinese version of vice city?


Why are the trying so hard on copying the Yakuza run.

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He's looked annoyed for like 2 hours. I don't even know why he agreed to do this.

shut the fuck up


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Wii Fit Trainer I want to drink your piss!

Wow This Run Sucks Lucky Me I Have A Vast Quantity Of Hentai And Doujinshi At My Fingertips At Sadpanda

I'll drink your pusy juices

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>what went wrong

beyond the runner/couch commentator dude not giving a fuck about donations, i think part of the problem was the run. yakuza any% is less stressful than VC all missions where there is so much tight shit going on.

it's money ya dink

This will go over, neither of them are close to finishing



Has there actually been any good parts to this run? All I can think of is when they invaded stream 2 and the mascot part just because it was so incredibly uncomfortable.

Thought this would be my favorite run of the event but now I'm gonna be pissed if it goes over estimate and pushes Froob's DMC5 past my bed time.

>Swat is being delayed for this shit
>Stream 2 close to ending for the night

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>original estimate increased 30 minutes
>runners did barely fucking anything the crowd donated for
>requests cut off an hour early
>still going to go over

this is seriously pathetic

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Did you know that there's free water in your sink that you can drink right now?

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I'm gonna do it because of this shit VC run! Don't try to stop me, Smee!

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go ahead and add vice city to bad tier

that guy saying he'd kill frew if he won a minute ago was pretty based desu

somebody please donate for a female audience members to go barefoot for the rest of the run and sit in the front row with feet in air please haha


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Mhmd did literally nothing that slows down the run except switch hands for one whole minute. He never even had to drive backwards because he was flying during that part. He has no excuse, at least Frew was doing some cringe dances.

Vice City is shit tier, there's literally no way it can be raised any higher at this point. Especially if they go over estimate.

check your privilege, i live in south america where this is DEFINITELY not true

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when is swat gonna start now. i stopped watching 15 mins in.

You lying fuck.

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stop! shoot me first!

can we have a speedrunning event where they don't feel the need to have some dumb charity involved so they can pretend they're doing something important even though the cost of everyone attending the event is higher than the amount raised for the charity

it would be nice to not have to mute the stream constantly to avoid hearing horribly embarrassing donation messages

Are you certain?

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>Swat 4 with $25%
Oh ho ho ho ho ho

It's gonna take at least an hour to setup

Yeah it's called NASA

Fuck the FF12 Judges' designs are so good

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>almost under 8k viewers
God damn.

It's because they chose to do it with a race and they didn't want to mess with the runners at all, so anything that could be fun probably got filtered. That and the runners not giving a fuck.

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whats your pb for speedrun fapping bros I can cum in like 20 seconds

literally NASA. too bad it's trash now.

Oh boy this is falling apart







I remember playing the hell out of that game when I was a kid.

God that was pathetic. You're doing a fucking charity event dude, would it kill you to just put a little effort into anything? It's just singing a dumb song.

I regret not watching FF12.

wtf is ESAids

Are these fucks anywhere closed to being finished?

But going to space is pretty important

>3500 bucks donated for this run
>more than double yakuza

reminder that this will be deemed a massive success and there will be no less than 5 of these style runs at every ESA from now on

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Do you guys watch runs for games you plan to play? I had to skip FF X-2 and XII for that reason.

Stream 1 is cursed with anti fun. Is 2 any better right now?

It's just a colloquialism for a cold that gets passed around at conventions or events. PAX pox, GDFlu, ESAids, etc.

i just got off work
whats wrong with this run?

i hope ben got into that pussy before she caught esaids

>hey can you guys all horribly embarrass yourselves for a $5 donation
but they won't

Must be, I'm sure they won't get overestimate.

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how is a gta run this boring

Only if I'm going to play it any time soon. I have XII in my backlog but I know by the time I actually play it I would had forgotten whatever I saw during the run.

Based iceplug still quietly watching FFXII lol

Based PB for FF12 runner.

This crap almost over?

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boring shit. runners were not even remotely into the "donate to do stuff" shit. just been trash all around

Lmao Iceplug fucking knew. He BTFO all of us who wasted their time watching this trash. Iceplug remains based.

>we have a donatoin!
>mh says to wait til the cutscene
>based metako ignores him and reads it anyway

i love metako, mh should fucking kill himself

Final Fantasy runner just got a PB. With that, stream 2 has ended for the night, it will return in 8h45 minutes!

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I can't believe a GTA run on the main stream at pretty much prime time in America has been steadily losing viewers for multiple hours.


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Nope, skipped bayonetta 2 this morning
I'm autustic about playing games blind

I would unironically $25% myself with a double barrel $25%

it's pretty obvious by how serious he is taking this run that mh had no idea what $25% was gonna be

happy for him, wish i'd watched that over stream1

Attached: mpc-hc64 2019-07-25 16-13-18-50.webm (396x540, 1.36M)

I skipped KH3 because I plan to play it, think that was the only run I skipped for that reason though.

>only hangs out with guys
>all her pictures are with guys

Why does Yea Forums always fall in love with sluts?

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>skipped x-2

ya done goofed

It was a pretty chill run, maybe I'll grab the Zodiac edition one of these days


Good job. I should have watched his run instead of this shitshow.

I also skipped Kiwami 2, that's nothing

depends on the game but not really
everything story related gets skipped and gameplay is being abused so hard or outright skipped that it doesn't matter at all for me

fucking based webm bro

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>mh trying to do commentary
>based singing bois just cut him off without warning

this run is trash, but i am enjoying the way they're basically trolling mh at this point

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Holy shit, I hope I never see Mhmd again at a fucking marathon again. He's looked like he's wanted to leave the entire fucking time and putting in no effort. Then on top of it all, almost none of the donations have been messing with his run to slow him down and yet this fucking faggot is STILL going to go overestimate even when they cut off runner interaction donations an hour early just so that wouldn't happen. Fuck this lifeless piece of shit.



Attached: overestimate.webm (520x416, 877K)

that turned into a round really quickly

I skipped Yakuza Kiwami 2 because I plan to play Kiwami and Kiwami 2 soon. Which really bums me out, but whatever.

how many guys have been inside her this marathon alone, i wonder

>fucking based webm bro
I agree, get to see baste scottsman and sexy turkey.
Too bad she wasn't in frontrow tho.


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based Leonis and Iceplug in the crowd. They know what's up.

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42.2km of dicks.

My wife in the back with the American flag.

>Over estimate
Yeah, this is the worst run of the marathon except for probably DOOM

You will summon "him" again.

they even bumped the estimate up 30 minutes at the beginning of the run, truly pathetic

This guy is literally Yea Forums.

I started Kiwami recently, it's great. Very story-heavy, so you're doing well to take it on your own pace.

Does her shirt say ''eat waifu's ass''? Does she really wear this shit in public lmao

Punchy is such trash.

Good call. You'll be glad you did, better play them unspoiled.

Kek, I really love that this is now the official webm to post when a run goes overestimate.

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She said up until 4 years ago she only dated women.

Is that Susan?

>don't worry, i'll make it before 20 min over estimate

please just mercy kill this

>SWAT is being delayed for this absolute shit

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MHW is probably the worst.
NuDOOM number 2.
SA $% 3.
RE4, 4.

Fucking end this run already holy shit

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Who? Your dick?

I have a feeling I made the right choice then.

she definitely made up for lost time then before comitting to distortion

Why don't they just schedule a few hours of downtime each night at these marathons so that they can catch up if people go over estimate?

The hulk whiteknight poster.

Enjoy your time with it, dude. You can only play those games for the first time once after all.

Oi give them a break. These boys are clearly doing their best

I love that nobody he's looking at gives a shit.

kill it nobody wants this

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if i donate 25 bucks for someone from the crowd to punch mh in the face do you think they will? guy is seriously pissing me off

Kiryu is Revan

that's the based FF7 runner too

Literally who?

Why did they agree to $25% if they're not into it?

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how far over is this gonna go. i still havent had my din din damn it.

It wasn't originally supposed to be like this but one of the original runners is forbidden from running now so they had to improvise. They never considered that doing this shit on Stream 1 would be a terrible idea.

left guy reminds me of punchy, just here to do the run and advertise himself, gives 0 shits about having fun even though his run is supposed to be explicitly for that

dude wtf spoilers!
Apathy is death

Why the fuck do you keep stalking her you fucking retard? Jesus fuck you had to go back like months of tweets to find that pic. She's not even on stream anymore. Do not post or talk about her on here you dipshit cuckolds. Please just fuck off already.

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I really feel bad for him. Nobody would give them shit if it was just a solid commentated run, but no, we planned a "fun" run, we give you a "fun" run. Are you not entertained?

Hour or so

The viewer count went up after stream 2 ended and people came here. Then it immediately dropped again.

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missed you bro, where have you been all day

Must suck dick to only have one picture on your phone.

mom's microwaving the tendies as we speak

based hulkposter

r u shittin me. so like 8:30 before we even sniff swat 4



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25% chance they will

Is he downloading a fucking save off the internet... holy fuck....

every time you post this it makes me want to stalk her more


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What an absolute trainwreck. I really don't think this run could get any shittier.

Then why did he agree to it? If you aren't going to try then don't just show up and half-ass it. Also, he could've attempted to do a well commentated run, but he didn't even try to do more than mumble out a few words here and there. He didn't give a fuck about giving good commentary, he didn't give a fuck about the donation requests, and he went way over estimate even though almost none of the donation requests messed with him.

Don't post or talk about hulkposter on this shithole you fucking moron.

He's too pure for this place.

Americans why do you have to ruin this?

Someone should screencap or link one of these threads to her. See what she thinks about hulk poster.


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Had to be run by two americans.

Well, wake me up when something good comes on.

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Our complains here aren't going to reach ESA so I'm hoping Reddit and the likes also hated this.

this is where memes get you, kids.

$25 for someone to dump cold water on mh to wake the fuck up
Think they'll do it?


Any ESA attendees just take one for the team, run up and stomp out the PC's they are playing on.

you dingus

>trainwreck run
>not even an entertaining train wreck

don't give a shit if i miss swat, i'm not wasting any more time on this run

Reminder that an Englishman was going to be the other runner until the ESA staff banned him.

ZFG is running OOT hundo.

Summoning Lee to the event right now

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Fuck you, you coward.

It's half past midnight. I want to watch my fucking SWAT 4 co-op play, but this fucking meme stream bullshit is going over estimate now. FUCK THIS. Whoever came up with that 25 dollar shit is a fucking cunt and I hope some Malmo resident throws multiple grenades at them.

>I'm hoping Reddit and the likes also hated this.

reddit seems to hate anything that isn't a super serious speedrun, so i'm sure they hated this along with yakuza yesterday

This is great now. This is genuinely embarrassing. I hope this never fucking ends now.

These aren't memes. They're a norman's idea of what memes are.

swat 4 is going to be an instant top tier just because we can finally watch something other than this disaster

Good, I'm outta here until this shit is over.

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>plays blindfolded with a trolling Irishman giving him directions
>dances every time he kills an enemy even though he had a sore knee
>turns his chair to the side and plays at a 90 degree angle
>lets an entire crowd of unwashed neckbeards rub his bald head
>gets accused of hoarding Irn Bru
>goes an hour over time and still finishes 10 hours under estimate
>does all of it with a smile on his face and joining in on the fun

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I have so much more respect for him after seeing this shitshow.

Better than nothing I guess


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Nah, that's a good thing. If he plans on playing a particular game, he shouldn't watch a speedrun of it.
>I had to skip FF X-2 and XII for that reason.
>wants to play X-2 and XII
Godspeed, user. Also, no. I don't. I skipped VC because I hadn't finished it.

>i hang out with guys because its less drama *teehee* now donate some money, cuck!

Attached: larxa.jpg (2986x891, 766K)

He makes that motion for far too long.

This is seriously the worst.

>all missions
>skip a bunch of missions

he made it look like this shit was easy to be entertaining. we were so wrong. base froob.

Because nobody is acknowledging that he's even doing it.

She streams and games on a laptop? Oof

what the fuck shes not even cute who gives her $1500

this run is too fun

>>turns his chair to the side and plays at a 90 degree angle
It's worth noting too, he never fucking turned his chair around for like 20 minutes until they said he could. Mhmd would have done that for one whole minute at absolute best.

>who gives her $1500
He does

facialabuse when?

Knowing the current state of ESA they'll probably ban Ben for 2 more years and blame this shitty run on him.

it's done thank fuck


Dude, wtf? I'm not familiar with streaming culture. Did people in one stream donate $453 and $389 so she could buy a new laptop? Why????????????

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Beta Orbiters aren't a meme.

first of all dont say my wife isn't cute
second i have given her way more than 1500 dollars over the years

>using brony developed tools in ESA
based gdq would've never allowed this

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Rate this run!

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Fuck off blue haired whore. You ruined everything.

Thank god it's over SW4T now

Thank God

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Because memes in discord ahaha community!
peepoHands,feelsbadman ahaha get the references?

This could not have been worse. Please bring the stupid mascot back on to rub KZ_Frew's shoulders and make him uncomfortable.




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>Dude, wtf? I'm not familiar with streaming culture. Did people in one stream donate $453 and $389 so she could buy a new laptop?
Google "vagina".

i don't know how metako can sound genuinely enthused after that, what a guy

25% of 10/10



I'll give the runners a bit of slack, it's not something they planned and seems like it was just thrust onto them. It really shouldn't have happened.

Can someone link me to this? I missed it

look man, cross-dressing is fine as long as you keep it private

>Google "vagina".

Attached: [Mirrored] Back Street Girls - Gokudolls - 02 [AE0EEBF0].webm (1280x720, 2.92M)

It's over

Attached: mhs face when he wins the race.jpg (1024x860, 102K)

I just get dictionary post wtf?
>not using superior BING

Once again we witness female privilege in action.
All you have to do is have a vagina and makeup and pretend to play video games and virgin nuggets will literally throw money at you... what a sad world

it was a great run, super chill

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Genuine 0/10. Out of over 3 hours there was maybe 10 minutes of good content and then there was the disturbing part with the mascot. I don't know exactly how they could have done that worse.

both runners were shit, why did ben get banned? I can't believe this.

turned it off halfway through/10

It got worse as it went. -3/10

10/10 suck my dick i had fun


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4/10. Boring, not a race, far too long, nothing explained, the $ gimmick wasn't handled well.

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look, i'm sick of this misinformation. it works as a guy too, just get fit at go out and work every day. eventually you'll have enough money to buy your own laptop

It was great.
Because I have to up early tomorrow and this was just the thing I needed to make me sleepy.

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thought it was my pc lol

How long overest was it?
who even finished?

if the shitty gdq crew had to set this swat4 run up it would take an hour


Over/Under an hour for how long it's going to take them to setup 4 PCs to run this

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Well, I'll be back for DMC5 with based Froob. Wish I didn't bother with VC. Thought I was in for three hours of speedkino, couldn't have been less correct.

Metako and the audience were trying harder than the runners, who really didn't seem into it, at all.

Would have been better if it were a solo run with Josh running it.

~17 minutes over an estimate they pre-raised before the run, and neither runner actually finished the run. They just decided that they technically did everything they needed to do kind of.

Nothing closed based RE4/10
Ben was banned so we could have this/10

They could've provided good commentary or tried to sound like they wanted to be there at all. If they actually put effort into it then it wouldn't have even mattered that they went over because it would've still been fun. Also, Ben's replacement shouldn't have agreed to do it if he wasn't going to try at all. This was a failure in almost every aspect. Metako has been doing a fuckton of commentary over the last couple days and he was trying the whole time. They just didn't care.


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Gettin' down, boss!

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So who donated for that braaap filename?

wtf are all Finnbros so COOL?

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cute boat

Is that the CEO of Troll, Inc.?

reminder this run was shit because ben got banned for being a bully

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How does it feel knowing you're a fucking joyless loser with no friends? Her streams are actually good and she is a genuine person.

What happened? Did they mercy kill the wacky and wild chaos run to keep Susan from going full Nuggetcrazy on the runners?

To promote himself of course. You're right, he's worse than Punchi. I bet this faggot talked Zero into acting as a retard so Ben could be banned and he'd steal the spotlight.

(You). There you go, you can have it.

It's time to shut the fuck off, faggot. If I attended to this shit event, I surely fuck your whore in front of you, little cuck.

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2/10 wnb, everything to do with the game and runners was awful and it's fucking primetime gta

KZ_Frew didn't even finish

>3-way UV DOOM
Can't wait.

is it over? please tell me its over.

>psycho mass replying and projecting
Wow who'd thought!

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Yeah the runners called it quits. Currently they're setting up SWAT.

She reminds me of this ditzy waitress at my old workplace minus the birdbeak and fake interest in vidya.
Hey personality is so shit she literally speaks in twitch memes.
Have fun orbiting her you dummy.

>and she is a genuine person.
and there was me thinking she was a lizard in a skinsuit.

>Her streams are actually good and she is a genuine person.
Is there anything more pathetic than falling in love with a "girl gamer twitch streamer"?

Attached: top-ten-smug-anime-girls_fb_7226217.jpg (300x300, 59K)

Did I miss SWAT

it's over


This whole culture of donating loads of money to girl streamers is a cover, right? Like they are actually sleeping with these people and the ''donations'' are for sex or at least some kind of cybersex?

m00t on stream

-10/10 utter trash worst run of the event

SWAT4 save us

Believing them when they pretend to reciprocate.

it's going to take like 30 to setup

It'll start in a couple of minutes.

Nope, they're setting up right now. 2 5 men teams.

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Just in time. Lucky for you the shitshow GTA run went almost 20 minutes over estimate and they just ended it even though one of them didn't even finish.

>Like they are actually sleeping with these people
No, they're getting this money for free. Dudes are just handing out donations.

i'm afraid not, it's just as pathetic as it looks, the amount of people who use streamers as frenship simulators is a bleakpill

lmao, do people actually think that?

What's up with Finns wearing the American flag

Don't listen to him, I bet her bathwater doesn't have any human dna.

Post your PTSD face from research center and diamond center

I don't know if they put it up yet


>I swear we're not killing them guys. Also, Kiryu has NEVER killed anyone.

They are heavy memers.

The woman from Alien.
EidGOD is not m00tles.

Trump officially applauded Finland for existing.

Spoony spotted!

Everyone secretly wants to be American but they also like to make fun of Americans

ledit memes out

If you were born a girl do you think you'd be good enough to have orbiters?

One thing that is shit is she acts like she's poor when in fact she is at least upper middle class.

literally any girl can have beta orbiters

Well since this Larxa girl is ugly and can barely speak english, I don't think it could be that hard

>Everyone secretly wants to be American

Attached: american specimen.jpg (704x749, 118K)

literally something like 98% of all girls are good enough to have orbiters, which is what annoys me about the whole phenomena

Any 6/10 can do it as long as they aren't super ugly and fat.Orbiters love the average shy girl type the most.

All you need to do is learn to put on makeup and you can get orbiters.

Kill this fucking freak

Attached: Bronies, this is your mindset.png (307x157, 28K)

>watch my 600lb life
>Even the fattest fucks have people clamoring to date them
>Leave when they lose weight

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Barneyfag? In MY ESA threads? It's more likely than you think!

>its gonna be four tiny ass screens

OH GOD wtf am I looking at?

Attached: Screenshot_2019-07-26 ESAMarathon - Twitch.png (1300x731, 1.37M)

Who /blue/ here

time for the best run of the event

Attached: doggy.webm (640x640, 447K)

Can't see shit.

>these tiny screens

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Well this isn't going to be confusing.

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the hell is this?
better be good

Proves my point ;)

Attached: image.jpg (838x983, 195K)

I was hoping for a clusterfuck of all 10 screens at once in tiny ass ant resolutions

Turned the stream off after10minutes/10

I love how people keep falling for this jej

>last run lost almost 3k viewers
I-it's because it's late right?

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Time to get my magnifying glass out

um, am I too poor to enjoy this screen size?

Attached: 1557204598028.jpg (1024x576, 68K)

bro what the fuck
i cant see shit

Attached: file.png (709x360, 381K)

uhhhh where do i look

Just like in old days

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Jesus christ, can they just do one screen at a time and switch between missions or something? How are people supposed to see what's happening?

Co-op speedruns were a mistake.

>all these screenlets
lmaoing @ ur lifes

>have two streams
>second is done for a few hours
>don't use it for additional screens in this 10-man run

Attached: D6_M3IhW0AAcD7q.png orig.png (429x456, 89K)

Well it's co-op instead of a race so seeing all these people playing together working on a common goal will be interesting to see.

Oh God that mic quality. Is everything doomed to be a disaster after VC

I mean, you need at least 4 screens to see the different perspectives. If you only had 2 screens you would be missing a bunch of shit happening. This is isn't even half of the players in the game.

>tiny screen
>fish eye filter

Here we go bois!!!!
Lock n load!!!

just finished heat up din din bois. #clutch

it still sucks

Attached: esa.jpg (2560x1440, 831K)


>put your hands in the air
>show me your hands

Sure, just learn how to use make-up! Its literally the only thing a women REALLY has to learn to achieve or succeed anything in live.

Attached: larxa.jpg (3367x882, 994K)

>tasing the other team member

Not like you can actually pay attention to 4 screens at once anyway

it was 130 or 140 degrees


Can't load a fuckin 10+ year old game
What the fuck


Attached: 1563773518772.png (612x537, 747K)


1440 is more than enough to enjoy this.
Maybe get your eyes checked.

Lmao brainlet

>that one pc going at 5fps

Old games have problems running on newer hardware and OS.

Already am, I guess I could but I hate the attention you get now, doesn't matter how good you are at vidya, especially with camwhore-lite shit like Twitch.

On your knees

Attached: 1527306912457.png (533x360, 215K)

Is going to be good, boomers, but I can stay awake after DMC5

Attached: 1551795195552.png (1067x625, 770K)

This run better be good, I'm postponing going to bed and listening to creepy pastas until I fall asleep, for this

Attached: Cat bed.png (540x542, 486K)

As a queer person of color this game makes me uncomfortable

Attached: 1563544786313.png (724x746, 473K)

So they aren't using the gog version?

Then they should have played Rainbow Six Siege instead

but then i cant shitpost

The stream is still at 1080p

JESUS THAT'S LOUD! Probably woke the whole house FFS

What the fuck is happening in this game?

Must be. Honestly I forgot it was even on GOG.

Damn I remember these levels. That dude had a legit rape dungeon setup

Is this America Simulator?

this run is poooo

I don't know who to watch and the black shit all over the borders limiting what you can see doesn't help at all.


Attached: swat.jpg (640x360, 92K)

>this dude picking his nose for a solid 10 seconds

They spend more time on the loading screen than the actual missions

Attached: 3k2hmsd262s21.jpg (950x534, 51K)

don't forget the cult who killed all their children and buried them in the basement

Another dud of a run.

>powered by Gamespy
Damnnnnn... Back in the day senpai


and that one dude sounding asspained

>powered by game spy
>actual server list
what the fuck? gamespy was fucking shutdown a decade ago, how are there servers up


>He doesn't know

You can install the custom server browser from swat4stats, there's some active servers and even deathmatch.


Kill this run/10

Attached: 1360295798075.gif (200x150, 1.39M)

Well, this was just too ambitious of a run. At least they are actually trying unlike the GTA run, I guess.


Attached: 1542209275035.jpg (850x926, 210K)

What a disaster.

>pc gaming

Why do they do these runs when stream 2 is done for the night?

>lost 200+ viewers in between the last mission and now

Damn, I've been looking forward to this run all day. What a shame.

Attached: 1550695457469.jpg (1280x720, 118K)

>they actually put all 10 fucking screens up the last time they ran it


When are you going to learn, anime?!

Attached: 1462073552658.jpg (614x575, 69K)

Where is this from actually?

Absolute madlads

Would've been better solo

Damn I kinda remember that.
This game was dark as fuck, I need to play it again someday.

>The Vice City race and SWAT4 were my most hyped speedruns before ESA started


My heart is broken, bros.

Attached: Crying Goddess.gif (540x303, 1.71M)

>follow bottom left
>he's just running around
>level ends because someone offscreen did something

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Isekai Quartet - 05 [720p].mkv_snapshot_02.59_[2019.05.07_14.53.31].jpg (1280x720, 328K)

Well, today has been a trainwreck, aside from Links Awakening.

Attached: 1547719788128.jpg (536x600, 168K)

>Vice City cringe and this shit show exists

it could always be worse. they could have $25%'ed this.

>every other game is a race the marathon


Attached: 1403717735597.webm (216x172, 761K)

is this run based or cringe? just got here

I dunno, I kinda like this. Then again I have played SWAT4.
I also can divide my eyes to four squares.

Attached: Uma swimsuit.jpg (321x575, 34K)

I heard DMC5 is a shit speedgame. Is that true or whats the deal?

Is he gonna go nuclear?

The Castlevania with Metako was pretty good, FF7 had it's moments too with MOMMY.

Do not weep, Piglet. All will be well eventually.

Goodnight Yea Forums

Attached: sleep.jpg (982x926, 175K)

Based but some tech problems which is kinda to be expected given the game

kek look all the poor people that came to watch this shitfest, they stayed awake for nothing.

Mommy won? I had gone to bed. Based

we were riding so high 24 hours ago, bros. where did it go so wrong

Attached: bloodtears.jpg (216x234, 12K)

Yeah I remember absolutely hating this fucking map

Once he's done summoning his succubus you'll all be sorry.

Fuck. I just saw the Doom and Quake runs are races. FUCK. Just do a normal run of games.

>I dunno, I kinda like this
>I dunno, I kinda like this
>I dunno, I kinda like this
>I dunno, I kinda like this
Every single time, nobody cares about your opinion you fucking faggot.

WTF I love GDQ now


take ur goggles off retard

Move over boss

FPS races are more exciting than solo honestly.
Even great speed games like DOOM and HOP.

Attached: gator jumpan.gif (450x216, 488K)

Rude. I care about your opinion.

They shoved $25% into a run that it didn't really fit with runners who weren't as into it as the dude last night.

Even Metako couldn't save it, and he sure was trying.

It's a shame because Vice City should have been perfect for that sort of thing.

Follow-up question, since 100% of you believe all girls get orbiters for existing. How can EVERY girl simultaneously have numerous orbiters, in your mind? What do you guys believe the gender ratio of human beings is? 3:1 male? 5:1? You can't believe in a 50% male/female birthrate and that every girl has a swarm of males to choose the best from.

the next two runs are races too. fuk. whats the forecast for Devil May Cry 5 and Spyro: Enter the Dragonfly. thats about as long as i will likely be able to keep my peepers open for.

>tfw Spoonys let's play.
Why did he have to go crazy and stop making videos?

>Hot in my room sweaty, sticky and feeling tired
>VC and this run, the ones I was looking forward to have been disappointing
>Impacted wizdom tooth just caused some bleeding

Fuck it, time to just go to bed I guess.
Hope the up coming games are better for you anons.

I guess we're not going to get Barney being a dick to the runner this time round.

beta orbiters serve multiple thots.

>FroobMcGuffin is going to run DMC5, the dude that ran the Yakuza fun run
Tell me that this is going to be kino

Attached: 1550939309943.png (274x242, 5K)

Men orbit multiple women at once to increase their chances. Your arithmetic stinks. Go back to remedial classes.

S-shut up retard!

Attached: mangapanel_himawari_blushed.png (565x740, 224K)

Sleep well user.

UE2 gamma sucks ass

Duplessis Diamond Center, welcome to Vietnam

this game looks fun

Attached: 1549512000109.webm (640x352, 1.91M)


You can't really be this stupid right? You think it's impossible for a guy to orbit multiple women?

Attached: Ess dumb.gif (226x406, 1.25M)

This game looks fun. Do folks still play it?

Attached: q6ljgo3t8hb11.jpg (2490x2336, 540K)

Missed it but why are they spamming voice commands?

>tiny screens
>helmet filter for realism
>gas everywhere
And it's still better than GTA.

What the fuck is wrong with your brain.
Did you type all this and actually think it was clever and smart?

On your knees! Now! Drop your weapon!

Attached: 1501778575937.png (500x500, 201K)

I love that they keep retroactively adjusting the scheduled start times to mask their complete inability to keep to a schedule. The marathon is now scheduled to finish at 2 AM Sunday.

Attached: 1563956173196.jpg (500x322, 16K)

me too :)


Attached: Delet Lum.jpg (782x1035, 110K)

You can still find coop on swat4stats server browser, I don't know if SEF mod is still active, but it allowed a lot more lethal options

1:0.96 I think in favor of female, been a while since I looked/cared to.
Either way, there are more men on these stream sites, and mostly attractive females on there getting the money so no not every female could do it, but the ones that do have a good size audience.
Not even an Internet Celebrity.

Police! Get down! Get those hands up!

Attached: 1502325324217.png (720x657, 247K)

Use key is also the "Comply!" command, which you need to use to make civilans and suspects comply to arrest them, because of this you often yell at doors

Better that than being completely off, although I wonder why they're so behind this year. They were able to be way ahead of schedule last year.

He didn't have to, no one forced him to stop making videos and make 50,000 tweets about Trump/wrestling.

Attached: 1563528282096.webm (404x720, 1.15M)

wtf my pic didn't post. meme post ruined.

Attached: 1560204733967.jpg (1280x976, 1.16M)

based white brapper

>before yakuza run
>absolutely no hype, didn't even know about it til it started
>it's great
>Yea Forums hypes up vice city run
>it's trash
>Yea Forums hypes up swat run
>it's trash

can you guys stop being excited about stuff? you have terrible taste and it just gets my hopes up

Attached: JUST_HQ.jpg (759x508, 80K)

The next game now starts 48 mins later than it was going to before, and it's probably going to get pushed back again.

This shit started about the same time the next one ought to start.

They should bring back stream 2, move a few games across to that in the empty spaces and make up time that way.

people have been unironically submitting their pbs as estimates and i don't think they're allowing real time for setup, it's like this is the first time they've done this which is baffling

this is some of the worst commentary i've ever seen in a run. just have a non runner do commentary and mute the runners if its going to be like this

Attached: sad_boi.jpg (480x480, 36K)

>trusting \v\ ever
When did you first come here?

Attached: mikekattzwillrapeyou.png (147x123, 18K)

Now this is tacticool speedrunning

Attached: 61782435_p0.png (841x1200, 786K)

You're blocking my way sir

So what's the speed tech of this game?

Surrender your burger and put your hands in the air, NOW

Attached: __spas_12_girls_frontline_and_etc_drawn_by_tab_tabkun__ee87db2e0ee4f76ef1a2a8cb16fd3d05.jpg (1280x704, 376K)

Play casually until you finish.


based Punchy was right all along

Attached: 1563857549846.webm (520x416, 877K)

>this fucking french fry can't stop TK
Looks like someone won't be back next year.

Attached: GARLIC BREAD.png (248x314, 9K)

I guess it's like Payday and shit like that, you just play it and not suck.

It sure isn't entertaining to watch and they're not really explaining anything to the audience.

>minus 2k since SWAT started
>this kills the ESA
Is Speedgaming any good right now?
Or should I start watching The Boys?

The loading stuff is really unfortunate. Took a while to really get going, but I'm kinda enjoying the actual in game stuff, though.

Tango Down.

Attached: __spas_12_girls_frontline_drawn_by_tegar32__sample-a175886df388ff81129430bf19596f58.jpg (850x1360, 219K)

Kill this fucking freak

Attached: Bronies, this is your mindset.png (307x157, 28K)

Doom and Quake are coming up next. They're both races.

Outside of the FFVII run what would you say have been the good runs for the day? I've missed everything since Bayonetta 2.

Attached: 1551256985600.jpg (567x800, 177K)


>acting like they aren't streaming for thousands of people
>just mumbling to each other while playing a game 90% of their viewers have never played

great run, thanks for hyping it up guys

>Adam_AK in chat

Yeah, it's our fault that you're too stupid to know anything about what you get excited for.

Seriously why the fuck was Yea Forums jacking off this fucking run?

cuphead, which i was not excited for at all, has somehow been the best think since final fantasy. sekiro was meh, the over hyped vice city was unwatchable trash, this run is shit


Attached: 1357863911390.jpg (300x345, 42K)

Probably doom, I never really played Quake though.
Or maybe I will look up the YGO FM race someone was saying a couple days ago.

>being this salty

sorry your favorite game got a trash run, nigger

I think its time to accept that FPS runs are mostly bad and RPG runs are mostly good

Attached: 1556011214019.jpg (1213x1321, 190K)

Feel like I haven't seen him run anything in years. Hopefully he was tearing that Vice City "race" apart.

Attached: 1562051372904.jpg (1280x1315, 298K)

Links Awakening was nice, has been my favorite run of the day so far.

Attached: 1561222685106.png (514x681, 149K)

To be fair this is a really good game, especially to us 30yr old boomers that played it in our teens.
I feel like a solo play through would have been a lot better for this venue.
Or maybe 2 player coop with one person leading each team.

where are the other four runners? and why the fuck did they not have a separate person doing commentary? this is a train wreck

Attached: haunterofhaunters.png (800x590, 209K)

>a whole shi-shit-situation here

The Zelda run on stream 2 earlier was comfy and the runner had his cute wife with him. The Cuphead run was an actually good race, but yeah the FF7 was my favorite. Except the Chad Carry Armor bullying the run it was really comfy and time actually flew by watching it.

Attached: Yuffie4.jpg (849x1200, 1.08M)

Lel that whole last mission was great.

Rate this run!

Attached: 67874936_p0.jpg (500x500, 137K)

>Vice City was unwatchable
Ouch, I was looking forward to that. GTA is usually pretty fun. But I do love me some Cuphead, TMR's runs are usually great. I'll have to check that out too.

Oh right I forgot about this, thanks user.

He was running with his wife present, right? That's cute.

Attached: 1551677130756.jpg (657x890, 353K)

This, Link's Awakening DX was comfy as fuck.


>put your hands in the air
>drop your weapon
>on your knees

Attached: 2qldhqv.png (248x278, 54K)


7 without the lodscreens, 6/10 because of them.

make a new thread

Attached: 1557254110074.jpg (675x601, 168K)



One point for actually staying under estimate

That run sucked.

Attached: 1397439717643.jpg (1280x720, 75K)

Yeah, at one moment during a song, they held hands, was wholesome.

Attached: 1544441267406.jpg (834x920, 310K)

6.5/10 The loading really ruined the flow especially early on, but it kinda got going and the parts where they actually played the game were pretty neat.

>GTA:VC in decent tier
What the fuck are you smoking

Seems like it wasn't suited for the marathon setting. Definitely still interesting to people who had played the game but it probably needed someone who wasn't playing to narrate what the fuck was going on.