Games where no matter how hard you tried the bad guys won in the end?

Attached: YOU DIED.jpg (1242x850, 461K)

Other urls found in this thread: for the fjords&go=Go!utVgEQKR!f97Akrt1DYBZm_y4CNFiEjYHjIAmZhsOXWG6RJ8dYf0

>I can't announce anything but everything is totally going down

I believe this.

There's no fucking way Sad Panda would die

fill me in

>22k posts

How does this happen

Wait, is Sad Panda completely dying? Like everything? Or is it just specific tags

Because they are kept track of. Are you implying you don't have way more than that on here?

yeah just like there's no way would die.

all of it is dying
check /h/ sticky, but now is the time to download anything, including non-h stuff like artbooks, before they're gone forever

>loli is legal

>loli is illegal

What a weird timeline.

>loli is illegal
>Wakfu exists

usa banning loli is the last thing I'd ever expect since it's unconstitutional

How is it odd that loli is legal in the USA? First amendment protects it and any state that bans it could easily be fought against in court as unconstitutional.

Okay what's a good alternative because I heard even e-hentai is being taken down

Last time I was on it fucking popped up ads even with adblocker fuck that site

it's real?

Attached: 4.jpg (200x255, 13K)

If they want to go full superjew they could ban it under the antiquated and blatantly unconstitutional but still-valid obscenity laws
Thread theme

Why do mods keep deleting these threads? WHat a bunch of complete fucking faggots.

Attached: 1544127046912.jpg (550x448, 75K)

wait, what!? is sadpanda dying?

Attached: 1556165350413.png (600x878, 598K)

Just a daily reminder for the young ones. Download. Always download. Keep the links, the versions, the hashtags, whatever. But still, download. Everything else is irrelevant, the downloading is the only thing that matters.

some states tried to ban loli, but got BTFO by the supreme court.

>still-valid obscenity laws
US Law>State Law
Every time

Some states like Oregon have deemed obscenity law completely unconstitutional, making shota/loli completely legal there.

>mfw managed to save everything before the wipe
Close one

Attached: (´・ω・`).png (284x284, 7K)


Attached: 1525641273795.jpg (613x587, 11K) died? Not that I've downloaded music in almost a decade but fuck.

So isn't all of the non-pedophile stuff still on GE Hentai? So we're not losing anything of value then, right?

>cat fag

99% of United States federal laws are unconstitutional.

because it's not video games you dumb tranny

6 months before it goes

Why would GE Hentai go down if it's not hosting illegal pedophile content?

I can't imagine I have more than a thousand posts since 06'

This guy has been averaging like 8 posts a day for 8 years

70 year old parliament members don't know the distinction. Everything drawn goes down.

The whole server is being dumped by their host, admin is sick of moving shit around all the time and has given up

There are piles of old video game art shit on there.
Also, remember to dilate

I'm dilating right now, faggot. This still isn't video games, take it to /d/.


>This guy has been averaging like 8 posts a day for 8 years
That's not a lot on an active forum. What's your estimate post per day on Yea Forums? Probably well over 100.

Admin is a fucking asshole for not letting an archiver user sync the entire server and set up a giant torrent for us.

why can't he just move to a non-shithole country like america?

Become statistics

>Thought it was just panda
>e- is dead too


>Admin is a fucking asshole for hosting terabytes of good content for free for a decade
They're working on a backup db for people to download anyway


No, they aren't, retard.

Attached: 1536929717554.png (313x382, 133K)

Please download the non-h stuff.
There are artbooks that you can't find anywhere else.

wait sad panda is dutch?

>0 results
Not the chan it once was clearly


>mlp image in op
>no barney user

obscenity laws are very weird and hard to enforce.

The reason loli has never be really tested legally in America is because everyone who gets busted with it -actually- got busted for having real cp and the prosecutors focus on that while using the loli stuff to inflate the amount of "material" they had.

the feds have a 90%+ conviction rate and putting anything they can't 100% win on that may derail their case is an insanely stupid thing to do so noone is ever really prosecuted for loli shit (minus like a couple cases with 3d renders and stuff traced from real cp). If they bust you with the real shit they have you utterly dead-to-rights, why risk the case on shit that could get taken to an appeals court or worse, the supreme court when they already got your ass?

Daily reminder Yea Forums will shut down in your lifetime

probably out of nowhere just like this

good then I can go back to being a productive member of society

just go to those more obscure chans and double down on gatekeeping

Reddit and resetERA won the war. They all just came here and have hollowed out the site from the inside. Yea Forums is over.

>Daily reminder Yea Forums will shut down in your lifetime
thank fucking god, I'll be free

>There are so many laws the Library of Congress can't even answer how many there are
>The Constitution is only 7500 words including amendments
Surely all of them are specifically mentioned in the constitution as the responsibility of the federal government and not the states as the tenth amendment does specifically say.

hirishimoot will probably just flip the switch one day, not even a warning like this

The law isn't in effect and he is shutting it down so quickly. Now, we will certainly lose tons of content.

Years later and it still hurts.

Attached: 1446592532036.jpg (610x660, 76K)

this is actually kiwifarms fault, which is no different than those communities

How the fuck has Gurochan lived so long? It's way more controversial and infamous than most hentai sites and it just keeps crawling back.

netherlands, its probably already into effect
that one pedo "all the fallen" site got shut down

>first amendment laws meaning anything in current year

Whatever, I grew out of anime porn ages ago.

And the legendary sadpanda meme dies,i'll miss it

Where is Lee Goldstein when you need him?

It's not really that infamous. How many people still even know it exists?

good fucking lord no. i first showed up in 06, didn't post until 08, left from 2012-2016, and even if you cut out the times where i wasnt posting i probably only post on Yea Forums probably 20 times a day tops. usually only 5-8 unless there's a good thread about a newer game going

any WW2 game

So how bad of a disaster is this? WhatCD level?

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I have 6 posts ITT including this one. Taking a wildly inaccurate guess around 50 already so far today.

Some state obscenity laws have already been found unconstitutional, they're also basically impossible to enforce.

The most prosecutors can really do is use loli stuff as an aggravating factor against people who also had actual CP like the retards they are.


Remember when megaupload went down?
It is worse than that.

I'm still seething over that. Not even from a pirating standpoint, but all that fucking music that I wouldn't have discovered in a billion years if it weren't for that site.

Attached: 1558929376865.gif (200x200, 1.57M)

Are you into anime child porn?
Yes -> pretty bad
No -> who cares

Yes, that is what he said

i only use hentai to masturbate to milf porn and always used hitomi. don't give a shit about your chinese panda

kill yourself

>Some of my torrents for my favorite doujins had 0 seeders
>Go to download it myself
>This gallery has been removed or is unavailable.
>No one will be able to get passed the sad panda now

Attached: 1550869796931.jpg (860x627, 50K)

drawings bad
mass importing rapists good

only pedos care about this site going down. Hope you all get a noose around your necks

This is how I felt when Tumblr got rid of my impregnation porn
Luckily I backed it all up ay ayyyyy

The jews are to blame for this.

do you support islam?


Attached: 0e9.jpg (499x499, 26K)

Immigrants have a lower crime rate than the white population.

>I'm dilating right now, faggot.

Attached: 1458774665167.jpg (310x400, 70K)

Pedos, incels and cumbrains btfo

About 90% of those obscure quality doujins that you literally won't find anywhere else are going to be lost. I hope you're backing up your favourites.

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This, mass importing africans and arabs into a white country actually improves it. If I got to choose between living in a white suburb and an arab ghetto I would choose the ghetto.

The people who actively campaign against this stuff do not even know what is loli and what isn't. They'd take everything down if they could just to make sure that at least some of it was what they wanted to take down.

Your shit is not safe.

>All these famous websites getting burned down
Are we all going to be forced onto Hidden Services soon?

Game over, boys

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This is only made worse for me because every h-manga I've favorited over the past 4 or 5 years I haven't downloaded yet. Tonight's gonna be awful.

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this can't be happening

y'all niggas really spend that much time shit posting. I ve been on here since 2012 and can't have more than 2k post and majority were from that mini vs everyone April fools and the search for Anthony burch

I'll never download shit. I don't even have a reaction images folder after 11 years here.

Good. Fuck weebs and pedo scum. This should have happened long ago.

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Can anyone explain who has the authority to take these sites down and why?

Is this how the Jews felt when they left Israel?


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Such a historic moment.
Where were you when pedos FINALLY got btfo?
I was sitting at home with my wife and her boyfriend, preparing our 8 years old transgender girl for her drag queen performance coming up tomorrow.

Its me
I did it

we will wander for 40 years until we receive our promised land
i know that's egypt but i dont want to wait 1900 years

bruh you retarded? we passed tons of unconstitutional laws.

i never have been and never will be a /pol/nigger, in case you're wondering mate

politics are cancer and i just like video games

Well then fuck you

The people taking these sites down are the same ones with private islands filled with loli dungeons.

this guy

I hate people who are intolerant of other people's cultures
and the dutch

it really is an end of an era for the internet as a whole. people say it's nostalgia, but i now know for a fact the internet was a better place before reddit

>Exhentai dies
>In exchange, we finally start despising the lolifags

I will just download everything from Hitomi for the next six months. Please, permaban lolifags before that happens here

lmaooo frogfag thirsty for attention

Site is hosted in the Netherlands, which just passed a law that effectively bans all loli and shota content by classifying them as cp.

The government.
In the panda's case, the site is simply getting too hot for its host and they decided to drop it and the owner doesn't want to keep going and find a new host (most likely abroad).

Shoo Euronigger, shoo.

Attached: Hate speech.png (1015x936, 1.12M)

Bad goy, don't question it.

The death of was so interesting for me, because on the one hand, I can't believe that the hydra didn't sprout another head (which is what was, just a reboot of an earlier invite-only music site whose name escapes me)

On the other hand, the death of was the reason I finally started paying for an online music subscription service and honestly, it's been pretty great.

and that suddenly makes it okay to just let them keep passing more laws that restrict freedom? we already have the patriots act lets not add another one to the list

I only jerk off to BBC cuckold. Hentai is for 12 year olds, but I guess that explains all the summerfags.

Never really used it that much, and whenever I did I saved that shit to my hard drive. Doesn't mean it sucks any less though

fuck off stepper

oink. And it sprouted two music sites, passtheheadphones and apollo

>never bothered learning how to get around the panda

Looks like victory is mine at last.

and what
and waffles

what and waffles were neck and neck for a very long time, too, as I recall.

It's not about what's right or wrong. That it's wrong is beyond question, it's obviously fucking wrong to chip away at your own constitution with little concessions. But it's the reality we live in, and saying a law wont get passed because it's unconstitutional is a fuckin laugh.

Megaupload is the worse event because rapidshit and mediafire went down at the same time. Mediafire came back later but practically infinite content was lost in the process. Filefront going down was big too.

this is the worst year of my life

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>wanting to be productive in this society

We live and die by your orders boss

fuck this gay earth

I fucking love kotee but I partially know it's his stuff that caused this.

Remember to grab old Japanese gaming magazines and artbooks of video games. We have 6 months at most to archive it. Some of this shit may be otherwise lost to time. Though considering the sort of Yea Forums user these days maybe /vr/ is better than you fags.

What's going on? Is the US banning loli porn?

>in the end, nobody translated any of the latest Higashiyama Show tanks

The country the servers are hosted in now consider loli and shota the same as actual 3dpd cp.

netherlands, where sad panda is hosted


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You already had your massive purge you furry retard.

The dutch are and that's where the site is hosted


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No lawyer would take that case out of fear of being branded as pro-child porn.

sad panda is kill

Didn't you guys get a bit of a purge

No one gives a fuck about the furries.

what happened? The site is still filled with degenerate shit.

/h/ thread
Reply to to get 20k-50k GP

Attached: aaaaaaaa.jpg (1632x1224, 865K)

Oh no

As if somebody isn't going to immediately make a very similar alternative.

Attached: 1530371873871.png (2080x1904, 679K)

I warned you all about ironic weebs and anime going mainstream but you didn't listen.


>tfw not a pedo so this doesnt affect me
>tfw ill keep jacking off to non-degenerate shit
let me know when something important goes down. like another emuparadise or another whatcd

I'm not a furry I just enjoy the porn.
What happened?

Okay, fucking
Most of what I like is also available on EH
I'm mostly okay
But there are a lot of artists who's work I only know how to find on panda. If it goes down, I don't think I'll be able to keep up with their stuff
That's gonna suck.
God why does the world have to be like this. I am actually deeply distressed about this.

Doesn't N just scrape panda for all it's shit?

Time to start saving all my favorite doujins.

the problem are the losses of shit that wasn't backed up

Do I have to go on the darkweb now for loli or what?

that's not even remotely true.

shit isnt even good. Theres shit lost because of the panda going down, and we might as well have lost it. This is as if mecca burned down

Attached: Deathbuddies.png (600x500, 35K)

I listened
I could do nothing

Thread Theme:

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>I don't think I'll be able to keep up with their stuff
You could buy their stuff

Literally just content taken from ex and only has a fraction of it

That's actually a good thing at this point.


yeah but all the content is getting deleted. that's why so many are scrambling to download as much as they can, so it can be uploaded to whatever pops up to replace it.

I blame cunnyposters, they just wouldn't shut the fuck up

There's a fuckton of official non-H artbooks of games and anime that are not on GE that will be lost because of this.

You probably won't find this in other doujin sites so it's going to be much harder to recover.

yeah, which means it currently has a full backup of all the hentai content
all the owner needs to do is set it up so people can upload and sadpanda is back
or someone else can do the same
this is just like when emuparadise went 'down' the same time last year


And you'll be ready with those old ass obscure doujins that can't be found anywhere else, right?

EH is shutting down too you absolute buffoon

So with all that's going on, how do you think Yea Forums will die?
Slow bleedout like Fark, Digg, etc.?
Or it just has an aneurysm and dies on the floor one day when Hiro gets sick of it and hits the switch?

What? I haven't noticed anything different with e621.

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westerners really do ruin everything

more like:

Loli are dying.

The admins threw a hissyfit and banned wide swaths of the userbase while purging thousands of pictures after changing the rules without telling anyone. This was a while back though.

Get your fetish out now Yea Forums, what is it. Also fuck the dutch!

Attached: Eiki_3.jpg (600x848, 118K)

if Yea Forums had shut down, exhentai would be safe
its /pol/fags who caused all this

there's fosta, un, article 13, acta2....
rip the internet

What about Soulseek?

>Eurotard ruining one of my go-to websites
Fuck everything.

At first I would be distressed if 4chinz went down, but then I got a job and started doing things in life.
I barely even shitpost anymore I can't recognize myself.

Let me remind you that this is the timeline where Nintendo has the underage panty quest console and Sony has everything censored.

I have hundreds of doujins that aren't on sadpanda.

blame legislators, it is beyond retarded to make drawings illegal.

>gallery not available

I'm trying to save everything I can.

Nice faseflag, but no.


>Had a vague memory of a porn comic I read in the early 2000's.
>All I had to go on was a space bunny bounty hunter.
>Spend hours and hours going through exhentai to try and find it.
>Finally after days of looking I found it.

This is the kind of stuff that will disappear with the deletion of Exhentai.

>Anime is about to die
What a time to be alive.

Attached: 232323.jpg (351x351, 23K)

can we kill all pedos now?

im fine with loli dying. im not too happy about everything including vanilla being purged because loli is no longer kosher.

That was years ago when the antipaywall purge happened and like 20% of the site content got nuked and is not allowed to be posted.

Do you have old shit like that 4koma doujin of Dark Magician girl being a high school girl? not everything gets saved.

Any Gatcha game.


Retards, you have 6 months to download everything. I suggest Hitomi since it has a direct download option for all stuffs (kind of slow, but you have 6 months at least, because Hitomi not necesarily will disappear too)

There was another guy who said the exact opposite: "The problem is not the existent content, but that there wont be any new content"


I hope it goes out with a bang


Ok Shotachads, now it's our time.
The loli will be safe for sure, but we got to save everything we can.

Attached: 1426742686086.jpg (512x512, 43K)

I don't speak or read japanese you dope

I already have my shit backed up so I'm good

Attached: 5786448.jpg (729x394, 132K)

As far as I could tell they purged so many fucking images because they weren't furry, or weren't furry enough

Not really. Just loliporn which is sick and should already be illegal worldwide

Admin is too tired of serverhopping

when is it going down?

no you dumbass go back

Attached: durr.png (72x72, 10K)

>doujin of Dark Magician girl being a high school girl
Sound like the kind of shit a highschooler with no hair in his pelvis would jack off too. Nothing of value will be lost

As long as you mean /ss/ and not gayshota shit then yes, I'm with you.

>all this loli hate
See its you ironic weebs who killed the sadpanda which is ironic because you are blaming loli. Its you fucking normalfags who reported the site because ''waaah mommy loli is cp waaah mommy help''

Loli haters are the cancer of the world.


What’s the problem if they ban lolis? There are tons of porn in the internet still, so you can still have fap material. Or you only fap to porn?

Attached: 5658593C-366F-4A3F-80C3-B4500CC59FD9.jpg (683x1024, 98K)

admin is sick of everything and giving up

its literally you discordfags mass reporting them that shut down atf, so its natural to assume the same about exhentai

Some hours left for pedo shit. 6 months for it to die for good according to the guy who gave the new

My cock will finally be free

Netflix just redubbed Eva and is pushing anime hard. Weebs are safe from the rope for another few years.

2chan is going nuts over this too

Someone needs to post the thread.

Attached: JACKSONPL970712-15.jpg (394x600, 153K)

>only fap to porn


Honestly its gonna happen eventually.

all those doujins
will be lost
like tears, in rain

Attached: 1515881853703.jpg (1280x720, 151K)

So he's letting the biggest collection of doujinshi disappear forever with no turning back because he's tired? Why not give it to a new admin.
Fuck this guy, what the fuck I need my /ss/ senpai.

Wew, good thing I saved up all those credits on my 7 year old account.
Time to start torrenting and downloading like MAD

Netherlands parliament basically made drawings porn and so its essentially illegal to host it. Unfortunately admin the dumb retard hosted it in EU and essentially the Netherlands. We are so fucked for awhile with porn content.

what are you gonna do after we ban lolis? nothing, you can’t lmao get rekt

Discord is a fucking cancer that should be removed from the internet

a large archive of hentai is getting nuked because the owners don't find it feasible to go through and only delete the bad stuff. so everything hosted on it is gone.

bugger off, schlomo

Attached: 1542526608435.png (1024x1169, 127K)

It's not just the loli you idiot, it's everything on panda
I don't even go to panda for the loli

Exactly, I was that kid 15 years ago and now it's lost forever. Stop being an apathetic teenage alcoholic.

EVERYTHING with the fag "shota" is going down, and that includes /ss/

Attached: 1432746190658.jpg (316x239, 17K)

Netflix is literally pushing for anime to just mean "cartoon". Netflix, Australians, Daiz, and Crunchyroll are killing anime

I hope dutch pedos go on child rape sprees now that they have nothing that tethers them anymore


I thought the same thing about Demonoid.

>Or you only fap at lolis?
a typo


Go message them on the forums if you're intending to take over with serious consideration.

Fuck you lolicriminal. You deserve a fucking cage as a house. You ruined Exhentai for normal weebs

Did anyone download dengeki stuff
Download all the content you can now if you are registered. 6 hours is left.

nips used the panda? I never realized.

The US backed up Japan in the UN when the UN tried to pass bullshit obscenity laws so we're safe for a while

>loli is illegal
Why is this weird? Because of the legal drugs and whores thing?


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So what is fakku trying to take down eh again? Did they finally do it? I'll sooner just stop reading hentai mags than visit that malware ridden shithole.

Never post again you stupid fucking child.

nhentai has loli
who care........

So someone can come and be a power-tripping douche who'll ruin your legacy?
Hell fucking no.

Uhhhmmm no, sweaties

Attached: 1556298381274.png (2404x954, 1.68M)

Great thanks for volunteering user

Attached: 1475981228678.jpg (990x1012, 468K)

I'll never fap to another Takatsu work again. Worst future. I have to go download that gay shota bully doujin now

I've only been saving stuff like chinzuri doujins, because I know scat will probably scare off most people and nobody will want to save them.

>got my favorites
shit now what

Attached: 1qzjqc2.png (457x512, 136K)

Thank fucking god I already follow all my favorite artists on pixiv.
I'll just be archiving/torrenting some of my favorites.

So you're saying that people that consume lolishit ARE ticking child molesting time bombs?

>shit like elves or shantae are still allowed

Reminded this. Was played once before years many time before playing was game had extremely simikdsr thing where the bad guys won in the end. It was a bad ending of the game tharte you able choosing to by having the correct choice in the playthrough. The game was I think remembered called Ogre Tactedzeggwgasdz

>having to masturbate in between torrent DLs
I'm getting tired.

Attached: 1390280087807.gif (161x137, 136K)

I only use porn to get it started. After that it's the ceiling or eyes closed. Sometimes scanning the room looking at random objects. I often get distracted by a random thought and stop fapping for a few minutes while I think about whatever bullshit it was.


>6 hours is left.
Wasnt 6 months for non loli content?

jesus christ why does everything turn to fucking shit why is nothing good allowed to exist anymore

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>just when Yea Forums was beginning to be a cunnychads board
Now everyone will hate cunny again.

Lmao, even Fakku hosts loli porn for their subscribers. This is retarded

>platform that makes everyone jump through hoops go get access
>people are upset it’s dying.
This is will cut down on sadpanda posts forever

So you're telling me that no weeb is willing to take the mantle? You guys are some of the most craftiest motherfuckers online and it's just going to go offline like that?

Save them, and send them when its needed to rebuild what was lost

Probably not this time, the likely candidate seems to be yurocuck laws thinking lolis are real children. Fakku should still be pitched off a cliff though.

I wouldn't be surprised to see an uptick in actual crimes against children.

No that is for N-Hentai or the sister site. Not for Sadpanda.

fuck you thats why

Attached: 1530541173139.gif (359x346, 1.98M)

i only have 645 favorites but whats the fastest way to get them all?

It had a huge nip userbase, as it turns out it was the best repository of doujins both in english and in japanese.

Obviously many of them are. Just gotta look at the shit they post in Yea Forums loli threads all fucking day

Imagine paying for porn. Ironic weebs are fucking retarded.

DO you know how much goddamn money those servers take to host and serve traffic?

fuck me why was I born in this shithole
Why couldn't you guys have used some of your meme magic on us.

Attached: 1415993941639.png (720x720, 327K)

Good idea. I'm not into scat but his trap stuff is really good

>Wow you care so much for internet freedom but you don't save Assange from your cuckbritainland ?

>Shuts down in 6 hours
>2am here
Holy fuck what do I do.

yes that’s bullshit but i’m not talking about that, but the banning have been receiving during theses years

YES. The only good thing about this is that now all cunny and loliposter will be immediately reported by the average user.

Seethe harder loser. I will be reporting every single pedo like you from now on

I know Shotachan has probably backed up most of the well-known douijns by popular artists, but there's probably a lot of more obscure douijns missing from their archives.

I swear to fucking god if Shotachan somehow goes down I'm going to go nuclear, so much of my favorite stuff is archived there, I'm saving all of my favorite stuff right now just in case.




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i dont see how. why would they delete everything if they were able to delete the lolishit seperately so easily? they said they're deleting it all because they dont feel like going through and finding the bad shit to delete separately.

Manually download the archives.

>get eurocuck host
>surprised when they cuck
lowiq desu

What you gonna do about it you limp bitch?
Fucking nothing.
You're so fucking weak.

We repeatedly tell the UN to fuck off when they tell us that we need to throw out our constitution and adopt modern hatespeech laws

but again, weebs are some of the smartest motherfuckers online.



I can't find this one gallery fuck. It was about some dude who saves a mermaid, ends getting snu snu and the mermaid inserts her eggs into him.

download like a madman
fuck your wagecucking shit or whatever the fuck
its not worth it

Damn, I always thought they'd have their own even better secret clubs.

Im using Hitomi, since it have like 90% of what I want to keep. Am I save?

>weebs are some of the smartest motherfuckers online
Best joke in a long time.

I got the few non-h doujins I care about, everything else I'll meet again some way or another so I'm not too plussed about all this. I'm pretty sure the guy running the site already said he'd be willing to hand over an archive with more or less anything if someone wants to host it anyway.

Attached: nanako_00.jpg (1114x1600, 271K)

This is a joke right?

Thanks to the Yea Forums threads I saved a bunch of stuffs, mostly gundams.

Attached: 01.jpg (1080x1080, 204K)

Will this lead to increased revenue for authors on dlsite and DMM

You don't. You get NTR instead.

I can’t believe it’s finally all ending. We really did live in a Wild West type era of the internet and now it’s all coming down.

Attached: 347BF77E-84E4-4B1F-9547-F8E9BB5644B1.jpg (1200x753, 104K)

Can someone explain to me why all the loli/shota hentai websites are hosted in the netherlands?
Why our shithole?

Attached: 1423751882590.png (1280x720, 1.39M)

Good luck with that when we have cunny threads reaching 700 post

post your favorite doujins bros. We only have one last chance to share them all.

Attached: 001.jpg (1078x1148, 602K)

mamma mia by takatsu keita



Attached: 1561244555614.jpg (586x906, 230K)


It was good while it lasted

Yes you are. But you may want to tell the rest to start downloading who have an Sadpanda account.

sadpanda isn't particularly a loli/shota site, it's just a huge aggregate site that has basically everything including those.

Not all of it. Half of it is going away.

>all those cheeky aussie translations

like tears in the rain...

is that shit translated?


Look at all this loli hate. Yea Forums truly is nothing more than reddit 2.0


fuck this gay ass world

Attached: 1513873059802.png (720x715, 472K)

>We have

*had. See this thread. Your kind is no longer welcome here. Why dont you try double chan?

the end is neigh, and it crumbles with us losing a chunk of H and flashes

Attached: 1559767860274.jpg (1050x1517, 315K)

Nier. Nier was a bad guy

I'll miss you lads

Attached: Holy shit anon-kun, you're such a fucking faggot.jpg (1512x2016, 428K)

yeah, on faggu

Unironically end of an era.
You better be downloading all those old artbooks and seeding them after the panda dies.

Attached: Gungram Fang of the Devil.jpg (1280x1827, 366K)

We're dying out user

Why is Panda going down but not the dozen other ones that are easier to access?

>recently backed up all my incest loli doujin favorites
Fucking dodged that bullet

Attached: Img-1564102849031.jpg (767x425, 213K)

Honestly I fap to shota but I can't stand you annoying lolifags, and I blame you guys at least partially for what happened here.

It's fucking pedophilia, I don't give half a shit, you're fapping to something with youthful features for the sake of those youthful features, that's the very definition of pedophilia regardless of it's a real or not. You're like trapfags arguing that feminine dick isn't gay.

You can argue it's not a crime, I feel when it comes to drawings, it shouldn't be, but you shouldn't be surprised when most normal people view you the same way most people here see furfags.

When you push this shit hard and try to normalize it, or make it some big meme, you're just gonna crash and burn like what's happening right now.

I'm so sick of you guys acting like some tragic victims when you shove this shit in everyone's faces.

They just need to get Nyaa and it's over. The world I couldn't imagine 5 years ago has begun.

>Your kind is no longer welcome here

Because admin is a dumbfuck who did not think ahead and try to put it someplace where none of this shit is illegal.


Grabbing all three of the English Valkyria Chronicles art books right now.

>all those non-h artbooks and in depth model sheets.
all those uncensored surprising good western doujins
>all those vanlla doujins pre-NTR era, pre-cuck fixation era and pre Fakku Jew era.
>all those tomboy childhood friend doujins
gone like tears in the rain.


Attached: 025c362eee9b790aef737ba517ec3f0292227bc7.png (468x60, 33K)


Attached: Heh....gif (480x360, 2.34M)

Why....I literally have hundreds and hundreds of favorites on there, can't manually get all of that. This is not fucking fair.

Because the other ones aren't getting dropped by their host what do you think is actually happening here

I had some of my first faps on Panda bros, it's like my adolescence is dying.

Attached: 1563998102347.jpg (1600x867, 122K)

>just go to those more obscure chans and double down on gatekeeping
Literally this, already doing it on an anime chan and the discussions on Japanese vidya are night and day
Literally never going to tell anyone here about it though, would hate to see it filled with wojak shit

the netherlands is where most sites are hosted, porn or not
nyaa already died, did you forget?

>I fap to little boy im so much better than you pedos lmao
Hey alright kill yourself dick lover lmao

>just use nhentai bro :)
N admin and uploaders are now on suicide watch


Isn't that like asking gay men if they only fap to gay porn?

when nyaa dies I'm finally killing myself

Attached: I CAN SEE A NIPPLE.jpg (1280x1817, 862K)

Where do you think those hentai sites get their stuff from user?

But I know that rule34, allthefallen and sad panda where apparently all hosted here.
yeah but why?

Unironically the biggest, most awful, most tragic event in human history.

We have a couple ours to back up fjording stuff.
Which means EVERYTHING that has these tags: for the fjords&go=Go
Is FUCKED. These are all 1 page tags. One naked loli at the end of an artbook? GONE.

wow it's fucking nothing I guess

Attached: 1555482534029.png (417x54, 2K)

>jump through hoops
I can't believe people had been gated out of this stuff for YEARS because they don't know how cookies work.

It is

Attached: Bocci_5.jpg (657x720, 131K)


Maybe there's more to life than hentai, did you ever think of that?

>pedo trying to sermon other pedos

One huge prank.

what's the name of that /ss/ one that gets a lot of edits? it involves a very small dorky high school boy giving a love letter to a popular tall titcow athlete girl who corners and dominates him.

Anyone else getting this error?

Attached: Annotation 2019-07-25 200344.png (582x532, 81K)

ehentai's still got ~6 months so if you aren't exclusively jerking off to loli or shota you've got time.

afaik it's because the netherlands has good internet infrastructure and low prices.

look at this guy who doesnt know what he's talking about. this is half a million archives going away in less than a day. The goddamn Library of Alexandria of hentai.

That's a shitlib statistic.
You have a white population in the country their entire lives against the two years a migrant has been in the country.
If you control for this by using crimes per year instead of crimes total, migrant populations are a fair bit more criminal.

There is no true secrets on the internet. Besides that, for whatever reason, the nips don't like digitizing their doujins. My understanding is that western buys are most likely to scan doujins and upload them, to the point where they are basically the only ones that DO get digitized. This means that the vast majority of doujins never actually get digitized.
Basically: sadpanda was the biggest and best archive of doujins for both the west AND japan.

Kiryu dont be so violent he's just asking a question

This is your last chance, Yea Forumsirgins.
Do you press the button?

Attached: Succ 2 Rinjin ga Succubus My Neighbor is a Succubus.png (367x511, 95K)

Thanks moot

Attached: bookshop.png (1278x1831, 535K)

I got Free Will, which is the doujin I've fapped the most to in my life to date, plus a handful of other stuff
I'll survive, I guess

I wasn't pretending to be better, unlike you guys participating in the oppression olympics like this.


admittedly I haven't used Nyaa much lately but it's still works for me. Maybe they removed some portions of it?

>don't care about rori
>all the non-h and regular stuff gets taken down too

archive errors = its been shoaed
move on

Yeah it's gone forever.

There's nothing good about progress.
No future.

What's the alternative now? I can't go back to nhentai dont make me do it

how much time until kill? I gotta download stuff.
God I can't believe this.

>everything is all sterilized and safe now

Its just not fun anymore man. I like to think I dont feel this way because I've gotten older, surely even among some of the younger generation they must feel like there's something missing to this whole internet thing, right? Its unironically soul vs soulless and I fucking hate it.

Attached: da2.png (253x271, 44K)

Not really, no. Even if you're married, have a job, have everything you want, you can't live your fetishes IRL like you can with hentai.

It starts now that your behavior have affected us all.

No need to panic, bros. Some other person will grab the torch. The only reason this is happening now is because admin is tired, but other page can replace exhentai and multiple of pages have lots of backups

If you're actually implying this has anything to do with Jews than you need to go back to /pol/

If any specific racial group has anything to do with this it's probably the Muslims that have been sweeping through Europe the past decade.

Attached: 09_008.png (985x1408, 427K)

>normal weebs
You are next in the chopping block blind fucking retard.

no, the original nyaa is dead, what exists now are copies

I hate this world so fucking much. It legitimately hurts.

5 or 6ish hours now

I have another few imageboards to fall back on.
I'd shill them in the wake of the collapse.

The Library of Alexandria is burning as we speak.

Attached: Kruger.png (350x350, 113K)

Don't just blindly mass download everything. Check if your shit can be found on other sites or not first. Maximize your time efficiency so that you will have more time to download the doujins that you can't find anywhere else.

It also had tons of Chinese and Koreans.

fuck this man, and i won't even live long enough to do space shit

I hope they move the server one day, but fuck the Netherlands. Old boomers think fucking drawings correlate anything to real life

I'm a bit disturbed by how sad this makes me.
Like, I wasn't this sad when KyoAni burned down.

>fjording stuff.
What is that? Anyway, Im not a pedocriminal so I dont give a fuck about lolis disappearing

Well I guess I missed that whole shitstorm. Yeah this world is further fucked than I thought.

>get to lose virginity
>likely end up cumming to death, which means I no longer have to keep living in this unfair world filled with anti loli feminists and jews.

Attached: 92bedf85110a99ae33795749a1f623f6.jpg (1074x1500, 1001K)

ayy lmao, I was just downloading that one.

I'll see you all on the other side lads.

Attached: 23dq1.jpg (400x281, 47K)

Greatest ending ever told.

Attached: Anal [Nagaikusa] Ningen ni Natta Neko.png (693x394, 224K)

Hold up. You're saying that certain h-artists I never see post new shit is because no westernfag uploaded it?

Please for the love of fuck go after the older content, and the Non-H.

this guy gets it.

sadpanda replacement when?

Can't get that scrip to work, what am I doing wrong?

I'm honestly shocked this many normalfags even had access to sadpanda, judging by the fact everyone is acting like there's literally no other place to fap to loli porn.

Attached: Succ 1 Rinjin ga Succubus My Neighbor is a Succubus.png (1132x1600, 470K)

"this gallery is pinning for the fjords" is the message you'd see on ehentai when trying to acces galleries only available on exhentai (mostly loli, shota and other forbidden tags)

Attached: 04.jpg (1280x1807, 627K)

Not only that but fucking EU needs to perish. This is such shit.

god damnit I fap to sadpanda shit every single night. WHAT DO I DO NOW IM SERIOUSLY LOST THIS ACTUALLY AFFECTS MY LIFE PHYSICALLY NOW

what fucking new law is causing this?
i have heard nothing about new porn laws

You need points.

>Everyone scrambling like mad to archive everything
Through dick, unity.

Attached: kaguya please no cry.jpg (807x632, 110K)

It's hard to understand something you never had, but I feel it a little. I'm 20 and probably one of the very last to grow up using forums rather than image boards or social media, and the difference is stark, not to mention the death of file-sharing. Seven years ago, you had so many more options.

At this point I genuinely believe this site will have some new gamergate/chanology movement from /pol/ in the early 2020s that ends up getting some celebrities or politicians murdered and then the government will seize the site and never let it come back up.

Considering all the loli porn artists who post on cripplechan it might legit be a better archive for that kind of content than sadpanda now.

Never ever for real now

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Attached: 110.png (554x400, 87K)



>page out of range

Only reason this keeps happening to hentai sites is because the owners are all toothless wusses that tuck tail at the first sign of any issue at al. You could likely get one of these sites shut down via a fake email, that's how pussy these guys are. He also is a prick as he could absolutely transfer the shit somewhere else and give the site to someone else to continue, but would rather give everyone a 2 hour notice and try to act sad about it.

Fuck him. Gutless coward. Was also a pussy when Fakku began starting shit.

rip the fact I never gave a shit about points

Do the world a favor and go out with a bang.

you dont quit on this. save it all regardless

Attached: Iku_5.jpg (916x916, 296K)

Make sure you get all her works

Attached: Scan_Extra_06.jpg (1200x1714, 380K)

>My complete Sunibee collection, including deleted works, has nowhere to live

Attached: 1399413392377.png (453x388, 212K)

fuck off normalfag.

Probably the way most media sites die. A better alternative shows up.

The thing is if anyone with high power in the Netherlands tries to fight against the decision they would instantly be labeled as pedophiles due to unaware people and it would ruin their reputation permanently. There is no hope

That's not working, user

Thanks for sharing, user

Go to Hitomi, you dumb fuck


i wonder who was behind this

Attached: 1446215521286.png (1152x1408, 522K)

>nuke the USA
>nuke china
>nuke korea
>nuke the UK
>now also nuke the EU
who else deserves nuking?

Attached: 25c2d8b3e0ccaf89aa0db19a9e33d8e8.png (493x765, 289K)

name please?

The other place I got for doujins still have loli/shota content so its fine.
Lets just wait for the next website to show up.

ITT people that should have sex.

It's just more heat.
The existing law already makes host delete CP in 24 hours and now it's under more scrutiny/enforced more. And a law is in the works that would make that time limit even shorter and the fines for missing it even higher. So the site simply got too hot for the host. and the owner is tired of jumping from host to host and is calling it quits.

t. couldn't get past the panda




Attached: Annotation 2019-07-25 201128.png (512x247, 11K)

Don't be sad it's over
be glad it happened

Attached: oi.jpg (1280x1826, 541K)

>bad guys won in the end
But lolicons lost?

It's also futanari, just to let you know ahead of time

I wonder how much raw data is being downloaded from the site right now.

Attached: donnie ponder.png (220x226, 76K)

Its the netherlands. they made a new law making Porn of FICTIONAL children illegal. Meaning no Shotacon, no lolicon etc!

Export a list of your favorites to pastebin with this
Then install this and feed it the pastebin to download everything

none because it just died

everyone deserves a nuke really


You dumb nigger, half of those hentai sites are 85% reposts from sadpanda.
It's fucking over.




sorry here you go bros.

>t. thought police

what a coward, there has never been a case here where drawn stuff was treated as CP, this stuff is a reaction to bsd hosts hosting actual cp.

admin is paranoid

And artfags lost too, what's your point

Attached: Gakuen_no_Ojou-sama_ga_Roshutsukyou_no_Dohentai_da (2019-01-12) 17-11-39 - 1399.jpg (529x450, 191K)

Most of all I will miss how absurd and funny most of the hentai translations were. How memorable they were. Shit, some of them I didn't read for faps just for laughs.

Holy shit I was JUST looking this up in my bookmarks.


Ootsuka Reika

Attached: vomitloli.png (740x562, 463K)

Yea Forums dying will probably make me genuinely sad. There's really no other sites where people feel genuine and not an "NPC" or whatever. I don't mean to use that word, but that's what it feels like.

Yea Forums's userbase feel more or less the same from 2004, like we're timeless. everything outside of Yea Forums? Robotic as fuck.

Hey loli haters. This won't stop Yea Forums from having multiple loli threads everyday you know.

Will do user

Ootsuka Reika

Absolutely, H artists don't have some kind of site to upload them to make money, at least no widely used ones. They basically only print off x number of copies to sell in person at comiket, and that is fucking it. If it is particularly popular they might get another print run, but it is still just gonna be sold at comicket.
My understanding of the matter, and I admit that is just from what I've heard, is that not even 10% of h-manga/doujinshi gets digitized in any form.

japs never do because it's fucking HIGHLY illegal and the laws against piracy are much more severe. we're talking double digit prison sentences.

will mods ban you if you post some doujin pages here.

Where is this law, there has been 0 change to porn laws for decades

God I know that feel
>Staying up in high school jerking off on sadpanda until 5 in the morning and then waking up for one of those junior achiever activities where you teach a class of 2nd graders
Now it's all fucking gone.

You feel it too, don't you?

Yeah, but will make anons report you faster. Just like this

Imagine being proud to fap to fake little girls, and making that your identity, you're so autistic and pathetic.

Literally WHO.GIVES.A.FUCK. when we have Hitomi which have all doujins up to date?


Attached: obwHwkmE.jpg large.jpg (1920x1080, 116K)

Thank you, and best of luck on your future endeavors.


Attached: Saber.600.1890530.jpg (800x533, 40K)

Relax, faggot. There are so many other, underused chans out there that one will be picked by consensus as the successor in a matter of days. Chan """""culture""""" is and always was bigger than Yea Forums.

You guys aren't seeing the bigger picture
Who cares about the porn, you can find them eventually
The Non-H, Western, Misc, Artist Galleries, Artbooks, Animation, Concept Art books are getting nuked, that shit will never be found. No one backs up those categories.

Attached: D5mqEAvWkAAtGj-.jpg (719x818, 104K)

Thanks guys, user always pull through when it counts.

Attached: 1535884672390.jpg (303x166, 4K)

>kyoani is dead
>ex is dead
>tokyo olympics is next year
It's over. We lost.

Dude, he's not paranoid. The host dropped the site. It's done.

yes, but you can post non lewd pages or parts and prolly get away with it.

The planet. Return it all to nothing, maybe in a few who the fuck knows how many thousand years when the radiation decays something good will pop up somehow. Sure as shit cant be worse than the way everything seems to be going, not even just for sadpanda but the state of the world in general

>some of my downloads failing
Oh god please

You stupid motherfucker. The Fjords are where any copyrighted material they could get in trouble for hosting goes. It was never just about fucking lolicon or shota, this is about the end of one of the worlds largest collections of media in a single spot. There won't be another like it for quite some time.

t.pedo who is sweating at the fact that he might rape a child now that his drawn CP well dried up

What ever happened to that Meme Mega milk hentai? A sequel ever happen?

Just destroy this fucking planet. It's cheaper and less tedious.

Ok I have already save my backlog, but still, I been using panda for 5 years but I rarely downloaded stuff, does panda has a seach history for every single thing I have opened there? My mistake was not pressing favorites too

>aerisdies somehow managed to outlive nyaa and sadpanda
Fuck everything, lads.. ;___;7

Ironic weeb lolicons, the worst group of people on the internet.

Retards there is all sorts of other things. Specifically non-h that you can't really find anywhere else and would need a new scan like artbooks.

You didn't realize the transformation was complete when /pol/niggers flooded this site, which originally got mass traffic because of it being a great way to get hentai and porn back in the early 2000s, telling everyone porn, anime, videogames, etc were all degenerate and we needed to fight to save the west?
They're the end of this site.


Based. Hitomi is best option. Downloading all my shit from there while brainlet pedos freak out because cant use torrents nor direct download their criminal content

>there are potentially thousands of doujins from god knows how long ago that have never been seen by more than whoever physically at some con
>the internet will now never know of their existence

Attached: 1468110333955.jpg (333x347, 37K)

Already got my super sikrit backup BB, the day it dies too will be the day I'm a total normalfag

No problem
It's the endtimes so I'm feeling nice

Attached: 018.jpg (1280x1846, 480K)

I once got banned for posting just a dialog bubble from a doujin
Granted the text was crude, but c'mon now

The fact that almost every site scrapes from exhentai, you mouthbreathing faggot.

It's a small sacrifice for purging the pedo shit.

>I backed up all of my fave artbooks some time ago

thanks god.

and redacted. Redacted is still doing pretty well, not as great as unfortunately, but all in time.

>Those are things I'm saving because I know this.
I am at least


>Old magazines and artbooks

Nigger, did you use exhentai for any other thing besides hentai? Thats just sad

this is why i preserve what i can when i can as best as i can

2 minutes

nuke the planet. It's best that abstract thought start from scratch.

Why do people use prompts like this to talk about non-video game things on the video game board? There are boards to talk about pretty much anything. Yea Forums does this same thing.

remember nyaa, the original nyaa? yeah, good luck trying to find old shit on the new one

I'm sad, but at least cunnyposters got BTFO'd

>first mega then nyaa and now this
i know two of them are back now but so much has been lost
what's next, i need to start preparing for the next mass data death, rom sites?

Attached: shake (1).gif (512x512, 591K)

old stuff that will be gone forever will be the biggest losses

old anime stuff and obscure game artbooks / doujin like the old super real mahjong stuff will be nearly impossible to find again

>pony botnet is dying
ohh hahaha

Also curious

I need an animated version for this despair.

Attached: Despair Roulette.gif (400x279, 1.78M)

>left wingers and liberals unirnocally celebrating this

kill them all

unironically kill yourself useless fuck

*whoever physically bought them


Attached: 408px-Summon_b_2040003000_02.png (408x400, 331K)

>tfw ryona tag

Attached: 88A.gif (450x342, 1.58M)

Where are people hostng the stuff saved? Preserving these things dont work if they are locked away in everyone's personal disk drives

Attached: 1402629902920.jpg (484x484, 43K)

Hey user, look, it's your favorite dojuin!

Attached: I do not exist.png (768x432, 159K)

Potentially thousands? Try absolutely hundreds of thousands.
You know that relatively obscure thing you like that you try to find porn of and it doesn't fucking exist? There were probably a decent number of them sold at comiket that were simply never picked up by the handful of western buyers.

new thread when?

they will come for you next

Imagine basing your entire position around strawmen.

>implying fiction compels everybody to do bad things

It doesnt matter about that now, as long as there is a copy that exists somewhere it will find it's way back online.

All this shit over porn?
Pathetic. I thought you guys would be better than this.

Finally the promised time has come. Crash and burn, sadpanda. Good riddance.

Attached: 1487809913341.jpg (907x684, 116K)

Its the fucking normies, dude. They ruin everything with some combination of moral panic or lowest common denominator taste.

first we must secure
then we worry about rebuild


Attached: 1507426541178.jpg (229x343, 24K)

People are hastily downloading non-h artbooks too, they'll be lost forever soon. Gigs and gigs of good high-res rips gone.

do you understand the magnitude of this? There will be no replacement. Shit is lost forever


>implying fiction compels everybody to do bad things
Isn't he implying the opposite? That loli porn is PREVENTING you guys from fucking kids?
Because I know quite a few people that use it as a replacement for the real thing.

>artbooks lost forever
fuck you too bitch

Thank god big N throwing a tantrum about ROMs fell flat

It was funny with Kyoani I'll admit, but you fuckers are the definitive cancer killing Yea Forums.

>Thats just sad
Some things you could only find there you absolute mongoloid.

Nu-Yea Forums zoomers care more about anime porn than video games

This is the part that kills me
We have this unprecedented ability to save pretty much any type of media and yet so much just slowly disappears and is lost and yet no one wants to do anything about it. Imagine how much content we talk about will flat out not exist in the next 10 years as everything is sanitized in the name of "progress".

I am fucked right? I can download torrents right? Right?

Attached: Screenshot_20190725-202154.png (720x1440, 305K)

My favourite Doujin was killed by (((fakku))) already

theres still tons of places to get roms, i have a few google drives bookmarked with every gamecube game in existence. the nintendo fiasco wasnt even a 10th of losing mega or sadpanda

Oh right, my bad.

>implying everybody who faps to lolicon is a wannabe kiddy diddler

Shit wrong pic

Attached: Screenshot_20190725-201954_1.jpg (720x999, 132K)

Because this is a problem that affects everyone on this site, just because you are a complete piece of shit newfag it doesn't mean other people won't care, kill yourself.

>he doesn't save his favorite artbooks from sadpanda

Attached: file.png (1280x1811, 2.51M)

The ones that aren't in denial, yes.

someone from the site was giving away free credits on the /h/ sticky.


>tfw I'm not backing up my favorites

It's... time to let go

Attached: 1320882249526.jpg (450x292, 42K)

>t. UN
>t. Dr. Pizza
>t. Britain
>t. Schrier
>t. etc. etc.

Everything. We fucked it up, it's time to realize the sunk-cost fallacy we have fallen into and go back to the drawing board. Give the next cycle a chance.

This needs the fucking collective effort of Yea Forums, Yea Forums, /g/, and /h/. I know you motherfuckers don't want to lose your game artbooks.

We're not all worried about the porn. There's over a decade of non-h shit archived on there that's about to die because it was the only place that would take it. We're losing so much more than another porn site. We're losing another internet museum, a relic of ages past.

normies: drawings should be illegal
weebs: why?
normies:... >:(

Sauce on those Google drives?

Attached: images.jpg (210x240, 8K)

Please mods can we get a sticky?

/m/ is already saving everything toku and mecha, Yea Forums is blaming each other and baiting instead of helping


we're are too busy freaking out over losing all the cunny

Attached: d15881_6307063.jpg (853x960, 118K)!utVgEQKR!f97Akrt1DYBZm_y4CNFiEjYHjIAmZhsOXWG6RJ8dYf0
Cracked version of Doujin Downloader download the fucking doujins NOW!!!!

I'm just backing up some romantic vanilla shit that warms my heart. those ones with deku and ochako from mha going on dates done in a real close style to the actual manga are so cute.

This suppression is not healthy.
Can you look me in the eyes and tell me you can go the next 3 years without fapping to loli porn?
Because if you can, I'll believe you're not a pedo.
Otherwise, there's a pretty obvious reason you can only masturbate to a certain type of pornography, here's a hint, it's the ages of the characters you fantasize about.

That takes strength too user.

>go to find the drive
>see this

Attached: file.png (533x155, 11K)

Okay, this is epic

wtf it is only downloading dolphin porn

Depends on state law
But you'll never go to prison for it unless you have actual cp because nobody gives a fuck

I'm already at the downloader limit but I saved enough to download the first doujin I ever favorited
>tfw read it and it's still good.

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its over cumbrains
time to find a gf and have sex

>tfw barely speeding up the process just making it a bit easier

I'm doing my part!

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All those years of spending 5 minutes getting hentaiverse credits is paying off now

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>you can only masturbate to a certain type of pornography
>implying that the ONLY people that fap to lolicon are wannabe kiddy diddlers
Do not cry when the thought rope comes for [thing you like] next.

Fuck man. How the hell am I going to keep track of NecroManCR now. All the shit he translated and uploaded always brightened my day.

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Passtheheadphones became redacted. Apollo became Orpheus


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Let's go together, brother. You are free now. The future calls you.

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>Turned into a Breast Milk Fountain

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This gallery has been removed or is unavailable.

You will be redirected to the front page momentarily.

(Click here to continue)


quick rundown on this?

My fucking nigger that's the oldest doujin I have favorited

I'm not defending the fact it's being removed, I'm just trying to get you to open up about your true feelings, because keeping it inside will destroy you.

You are a pedophile, and you need to accept this fact if you want to enjoy your life to fullest.

You enter in the links of the doujin and it downloads it in a folder basically. You do not need to manually save each thing.

grow up faggot.

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I know, right? I really pity the people rushing to download galleries when they don't even have the perk for full images. They're getting shitty downsampled jpgs
This really will be a serious loss though. Just imagine how many people will upload their "backups" which were downloaded from the panda at a shit quality.

One of the fucking best stories I've ever read

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It's been... Long enough.

>not getting the actual point

Imagine a fucking good non-h artbook or doujinshi from like early 2000's comiket completely fucking gone. That's how bad this is.

>faggots are unaware that this affects more than shit they hate but official video game art from decades ago is going down too.
i stopped being surprised on how shit Yea Forums could get a long time ago.

>You are a pedophile
But I'm not. I have no real preference for what I fap to.

so does this law include like teenaged characters who are fully developed but are canonically like 16 or 17?

at what point do we start murdering politicians?
this is getting fucking retarded

Nobody cares about the extent of the law, their host kicks them and Joe is tired. Everything will be nuked even vanilla stuff

honestly ive had more luck finding old shows w/ seeds than i ever did on original nyaa. i used to have to go to baka bt

it includes everything you like and more since the entirety of sadpanda is going down and ehentai shortly after. its only targeting lolis but the entirety of porn will be affected

It's genuinely a great story and you should read it before it disappears

well i mean beyond sad panda. like other sites.

Then you're not a true lolicon, you're just in it for the taboo thrills.

I'm wasting my time with you, bring in the next patient.

Most other sites scraped from sadpanda so pretty much everything will be affected.

No because you can just say she's 18 and unless it says on the image that she's younger they can't prove shit. This only applies to obviously underage characters aka lolis and toddlercon

Many sites just use sadpand's db so they'll be affected too. Save your obscure shit and artbooks before they're gone for good.

Man bros, we truly live in a society.