Mechwarrior 5 is going Epic store exclusive

>Mechwarrior 5 is going Epic store exclusive
>Actually it's going to be CODEX exclusive.

Those dumb fucks had a Mechwarrior revival in the palm of their hands but yet again we trusted the retards who fucked up Mechwarrior Online to actually do a good thing for once.

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Other urls found in this thread:

The refund rate is approaching 80%, and Russ is on twitter begging people not to refund.

Ebin already paid him

Probably not enough based on his reaction.

I need to see this

80% oh sweet jesus that's hilarious


Epic already pays for a shit ton of copies anyway so that the sales artificially look good

gonna need a source

Based Sneedey filtering out untrustworthy devs while bringing back piracy.

>Yes a huge announcement this morning everyone. Please take a look at the newly updated and the -we are offering full no questions asked refunds to all community edition preorder customers and you get to keep 100% of the MWO content
>I do suggest all community edition pre-order customers please join the AMA tonight where I think I can provide valuable insight into why this is without question the best decision for MW5:Mercs and the future of MechWarrior games.
Reminder as per the FAQ - Closed beta is now Nov 5th. I really suggest everyone come and listen to the AMA before making any decision regarding refund. I’d hate for anyone to lose their closed beta spot.

>provide valuable insight into why this is without question the best decision for MW5:Mercs and the future of MechWarrior games.
Oh boy, can't wait to see what shitty excuses he comes up with

What time is the AMA user? Reddit is the shits but I want to give this fucker a piece of my mind even if he ignores it. He's fucked us all over since day 1 of MWO and he keeps doing it.


6pm Pacific

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In steamdrone dreams?

It would be pretty cool if he just came out and said "they offered us money, like a lot of money".


That's what the Phoenix Point devs said. They actually said they didn't care about Backers because Epic offered them more money than the backers did and that's why they drastically changed the game after crowdfunding it.

The only good thing about these kikestarter EGS things is that at least actual developers are getting Epic's money.
When Epic signs deals with publishers the devs are just as likely to lose money in the long term.

fucking rekt

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Can't say I'm surprised. PGI were hot refuse from the very beginning, it was clear even in the beta MWO days that they were shit.


>CODEX exclusive
wail till they make it a GaaS, they already have MWO after all.

Thanks Tim.

I wouldn't put it past them but the game has been promised as a single player sim. If they want to bring the law down on them I invite them to try it with all the people who've had enough of them.

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why does this image assume he's british?

Imagine giving a stray dog food and then being surprised it shits in your garden and leaves every time.

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I'm a GoGuy.

Proof please

Why wouldn't you try to hold on to as much as possible?

Holy shit

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Disregard it's already in the thread i'm a brainlet

There's part. The other bit you'll have to take my word for.
I worked for PGI until about an hour ago.

He made the decision completely aware that the loyal fans were going to hate it.

China has been generous.

Who would even give a shit about MW5 if it's garbage like that? Wasn't the whole point that this is supposed to finally be a return to SP for MW?

Post proof or you're just being a faggot.

>I worked for PGI until about an hour ago.
Proof or GTFO

Sup, drm-free pal.

Get fucking dab'd on you idiot

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Number 19?

oh it will be single player. you just need to connect to their servers every time because everything's there. also that's the easiest way to get co-op working, by make it fully online in the first place.

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>check comments
>expecting to see retarded battletech boomers whiteknighting yet another piggy's fuckup
>"already refunded"
>"never preordered haha"
Nice. Can't wait for Microsoft to just pass the rights to another developer. At last Mech-Con piggy said that they can't work on big updates for MWO because their licence is expiring and future of the game will depend on how MW5 performs.

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For now at least this isn't true. This is from their FAQ which they updated today.

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>Implying PGI doesn't just flat-out lie and change the FAQ later

sent in my refund don't @ me

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No one would be surprised at this point.

Man I love this creepy wanker. He is getting me so many free games.

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*stray pig

>retarded battletech boomers
I got burned by kickstarting the Battletech game, no way in hell would I fall for the PIG. I've played the tabletop since the mid 80s.

Comedy gold

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Keep the thread alive until the ama starts

fake unless pic posted

We'll MST3K this shit. Fuck PGI. Fuck Sweeny. Fuck the chinks. Give them all the fucking Clap.

Smart devs, just shitting in a box and selling it to Tim for loads of dosh and laughing their way to the bank. Thanks for the subsidy, Tim, you're ace!

because it's funny

For them it's undoubtedly a smart business decision. For the fans who've been keeping their dogshit company afloat through MWO it's a complete slap in the face.

I'll say this much, the game will undoubtedly be better if it's released in december instead of september. But that doesn't make this taste any less like PGI shitting in my mouth.


I just refunded my ultimate community edition, fuck PGI. I was a legendary founder for MWO too. They can eat shit, this is the last time the burn me.

refunded eat shit, tim's picking up the tab for this one

Based Tim making piracy justifiable again!

>Getting butthurt over having to click a different icon
Grow up.

based retarded newfag

Tiannamen square, free tibet, free hong kong.

>Getting butthurt over people not wanting to use a different service
Literally a child

how do i refund?

>Those dumb fucks had a Mechwarrior revival in the palm of their hands
They would have had to been aware of its shittiness on some level if they used Sweney for his guaranteed safety net. There's no other reason a PC dev would commit career suicide like this.

Does anyone here even have access to their discord? That's where the AMA is being held

>Ultimate Edition refund just got approved

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Just send an email to [email protected] asking for a refund. You don't need a transaction number or anything.

Why would they intentionally kill their game like this? What company would willingly say "Hey, we want to ignore the most popular storefront and decimate our sales projections" ?

Ones who don't think their game is good enough to survive on it's own merits but still want to make some guaranteed money.

I pirate all games anyway, so I don't give a shit. God bless Timmy for making Steamcels mad though, seething pcbro tears are my favorite drink.

Why do devs ruin franchises trying to appeal to every single retard out there? Being slimy fucks who, can only see $$$

idiots who actually bought into sweeney's "the developers will decide the market, consumers have no power!!!" narrative
Or devs who knew that their games would fail, so choose the big payout before jumping ship

You need to pay for the game for access to their discord. Refunding the game removes access to that discord.

>What company would willingly say "Hey, we want to ignore the most popular storefront and decimate our sales projections" ?

I'll post updates here for people if necessary.

kek, steamfags are laughing because a massive chink of backers already refunded to the point the dev had to beg people to not do so, read the thread

fucking lmao
I imagine there'll be at least a few people posting screenshots either here or on Reddit

It's really just the opposite. That epic money is probably saving their company because Russ mismanaged the fuck out of it. Only the hardcore fans care about this, and lucky for PGI only the hardcore fans are even aware MW5 is a thing that exists.

Reminder that this is not surprising in the least. It's par for the course with PGI.

passive agressive seething is still seething

I love you user, please do

>Refunding the game removes access to that discord.
Nah it doesn't. At least thats what the FAQ says.

I don't think anyone who's been paying attention is surprised in the least.

>still seething
Doesnt change the fact that the dev team's bank account went empty in a few hours because of their choice and left them in tears
Turns out pissing off your fanbase is a bad idea, especially when your game is for a very niche fanbase, and you promised them steam releases. Who knew?

I just love all the developers who go “Epic is going to give me money and my fans won’t be upset!” Only to get blowback. You can be a greedy cunt but don’t expect anyone to just go along with it.

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Thank you, Tim

meant for

This sounds like a bunch of bullocks

AMA in 26 minutes?

>I don’t know what Newfag means, but people call me a newfag so I think its an insult

>projecting this hard just because you're mad
Sweet jesus

Where is it?

>lol you're mad!
And you're broke
funny how that works, isnt it?

>promised them steam releases.

Is there a source on that? A promise, not just a mention that it'll be on steam?

>community small as chink dick that gets smaller every day
>MW5 development entirely funded by a small group of MWO whales
>7 years of negative marketing with MWO
>traditional piggy's overconfidence in their ability to deliver a functioning product in time
They've just realized that they aren't even remotely close to having a finished game, whales' money are running out and nobody gives a shit about MechWarrior franchise anymore.
Also if Microsoft won't renew the license after it expires piggy is going to be royally fucked because they've been living exclusively off whales' welfare for the past five or so years without giving a single fuck.

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On the discord for people who bought the special edition apparently, so you can only participate if you didn't refund it yet I guess.

based Epic saving me even more money. i'm loving all these free games

>Using money for other shit than games is somehow on the same level than being mad because you can't bend over for Gabe
oh no no no no

Why do pirates hate competition so much?
I can understand Netflix getting competition means you will need several accounts to potentially get what you want, but Steam and its competitors are online stores, which are all free to access.
You would think that pirates love competition, since piracy can be seen as a form of competition, but apparently not. It’s not like pirates actually make any sense to begin with.

Oh, yeah. When they removed the steam logo from their release page, they assured fans that the game would come on steam and they had nothing to worry from epic
But you dont have to take my word for it, some user might have a screenshot of that tweet

Don't worry there are still a couple of boomers that will defend them.
Always remember that if Robotech boomers still exist and still defend Harmony Gold, then anything is defensible for boomers

Oh, so it will mostly just be cucks sucking their dicks, with maybe a couple of fence sitters asking real questions and likely getting ignored.

Because it is not competition.

Who said pirates hate competition?
As you can see from the OP picture Tim is enabling pirates even more than before.
They love the Epic shitshow because it lets them pirate with no guilt that a studio will go under.

Does anyone have that picture of him edited to look like a pig demon?
thanks in advance

It's not competition, though. The EGS is a terrible platform compared to steam. Forcing people to use an objectively inferior program is not healthy competition.

>Epic store doesnt even have a shopping cart
>its a 6 month goal
>why do people hate competition
Think really really hard user.

It's been a six month goal for over a year now
they keep delaying it

Pirates dont give a fuck about competition, never did. And why would they-they get their shit for free
All these 'lol I pirate, but you steamfags are pathetic!' idiots are larping chinks

How can they not have a shopping cart? Like even the guys who make Rule the Waves have a shopping cart on their website from the 1980's.

This is what's on their FAQ right now. Anyways I really doubt it's only going to be people sucking their dick. People are already shitting up the general chat and the rest of their social media stuff.

Attached: MW5 discord.jpg (1296x118, 35K)

Anyone who pirates with guilt is a cuck. I've pirated for years and I've never gave a damn, good games will continue to sale while bad games won't and even if they do you can just ignore them.

>I can understand Netflix getting competition means you will need several accounts to potentially get what you want
Every game launcher is the same dipshit. Also it's not competition, it's dumb consolewar exclusive bullshit. I don't want to use a storefront that lacks basic features like A FUCKING SHOPPING CART and is run by chinks who have literally said their plan is to build their store by prioritizing the publishers over the customers.

oh cool so you made it up.

their own games arent on their store for fucks sake. They can keep advertising themselves as the future or whatever garbage, but nothing will change the fact that as it stands, EGS is an incomplete summer project

Microsoft took 5 years for their store to have a shopping cart. It's apparently not that easy.

Their FAQ also used to promise a steam copy. It doesn't matter what their FAQ says, they just change it at will.

>Every game launcher is the same
You could not be more wrong

I'm not defending them, I'm just posting what they have on their website that addresses this question. I wouldn't be surprised in the least if they backtrack on this during the AMA.

I meant that every game launcher requires a separate account just like movie services like Netflix, Hulu, etc. do
that retard was saying that it's valid to complain about movie streaming because they all require separate accounts but that somehow doesn't apply to Steam, Epic, Origin etc

I believe user was using the Netflix comparison because you have to pay for all those different streaming services, while all the different games stores are free.

You have to pay for games on those too

Literally the opposite of competition.

but you don't have to pay a subscription fee to actually use the service.

>Also it's not competition, it's dumb consolewar exclusive bullshit
So competition?
Would your IQ by any chance be below room temperature?

>tfw Harmony Gold were the good guys all along

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Actually, first party exclusives are a valid form of competition. Bribing devs to get exclusive access to their stuff is not

There's about 150 people in the AMA channel right now. I'll post the important stuff they talk about here.


Monopolies aren't competition.

Literally Phoenix Point pt. 2

>it's just another launcher bruh, it's not a big deal!
Friendly reminder.

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Literally the only good thing they can say is: "It's an epic exclusive now because they gave us the money to make the game, it'll go on other digital storefronts after the 1 year exclusivity deal runs out."

You can buy steam keys in a score of webs at below official price. The only place to buy EGS games is at the EGS store at the regional price they tell.

buckle in buckaroos who is ready to listen to judas explain himself

this hasn't been true for a couple months, places like GMG and Fanatical sell ebin keys now

Yeah, I'm not going to use a store that bans you for buying too many discounted games.

pretty sure nintendo, microsoft and sony develop and fund their own exclusives while epic mostly just pays for other games they had nothing to do with a certain amount of money to have them as an exclusive for a year
quite disingenuous i must say, trying to pass console exclusive are literally the same as epic exclusives

Competition and exclusivity are not mutually exclusive, user.
Just because you don’t like it, doesn’t mean its not competition.

And if you are not just a fanboy, you would 100% be alright with buying from another store the sane games at the same price.

Or you wouldn't be okay with it if you actually understand whats going on and have a modicum of common sense.

You're deaing with low IQ chinks user. To them, all exclusives mean the same thing, your shit is available only in one store. Context behind it is irrelevant to them because their malnourished insect brains cant comprehend it

>pretty sure nintendo, microsoft and sony develop and fund their own exclusives while epic mostly just pays for other games[...]
that's the same thing

I used to think exclusivity was bad for consoles and for all those stores on pc
But here the real redpill: If exclusivity were to die, we will lose one of the last reason for AAA dev to make good games or even bother to have good reviews(not that today journalism is any good metric).
Think about it: if everyone made games just to have maximum profit in sales, they won't to give a shit about having good review or reputation.(see cod, fifa, nu halo...)
However if you are an exclusive game you are generally aiming to encourage people buying your console or using your store so sales alone won't cut it. You are aiming for something higher. Building a good reputation for your plateform. You think that switch would have sold like that botw was a lazy cashgrab? or ps4 if naughty dog games were buggy as hell?
It is only natural that a large part of top rated games are some kind of "exclusives"

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I didnt know the dev team for satisfactory, exodus and tetris effect were a part of Epic, faggot

>Muh competition

Why are epicfags so retarded? Everybody agrees competition is good, another store competing with steam isn't why Epic, and everybody who sides with them, gets tarred and feathered. Epic's practice of buying exclusives to force people to use their store is letting one big AIDS genie out of the bottle. Imagine if all the existing stores started operating like Epic. We'd either have to live with having all our Vidya exploded across a bunch of disfunctional shitpile launchers that barely work because each of them is holding X number of games you want to play hostage; Or it'll be the straw that broke the camel's back, launching a new wide spread age of piracy that kills PC gaming because suits are too retarded to figure out how steam became so successful in the first place.

You can't reason with chinks they are subhumans.

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didn't know fromsoft or whatever the fuck xbox has was sony and microsoft respectively

>Or it'll be the straw that broke the camel's back, launching a new wide spread age of piracy that kills PC gaming because suits are too retarded to figure out how steam became so successful in the first place.
Ding ding ding

It's already happening with Netflix and the other streaming services.

Bloodborne was made with Japan Studios, which is Sony

and someone else too user... you think they did it for free? that miyazaki wasn't paid for that one?

when was the last time AAA devs made a good game?

Wow, what a deal! I'm really loving how the millions Epic splurges to developers trickles down to us consumers as savings! Based trickle down economics!

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I expected nothing from PGI and im still dissapointed

AMA going yet?

This argument sucks because it treats certain exclusives as totally cool and a good thing.

PC gaming is better than exclusives. Bringing the cancer of paid platform exclusivity to PC is the real cancer here, not Sweeney's specific method.

Fuck him for trying to bring that cancer to PC gaming, I hope Epic goes bankrupt as a result. Let him know the mustard race doesn't accept that shit.

>first party
It's pretty loose term considering how many developers and franchises are just held hostage by some kike parasites. Epic can just buy a developer instead of simply bribing them and an abducted game will suddenly become a first party title.
I understand that I can't blame storefronts for exclusively selling stuff they legally own but it's still absolute pain in the ass for consumer considering current launchers bloat and that most of publishers doing this are cancerous cocksuckers. For example I'd like to play Titanfall 2 but I'm not ever going to install Origin. If it was on Steam I could've at least minimize my guilt knowing that fat dotard Gaben will steal 30% of my money from them.


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ten percent off seems about par for the course for GMG preorder discounts, and I don't even use the garbage pile that is the ebin store, I'm just correcting false info

Having exclusive games doesn’t make you a monopoly.
This is like saying Dick’s Sporting goods is a monopoly when it starts selling a Dick brand balls.

AMA Notes:

1. They signed with Epic a long time ago, no specific date stated.

2. Claims he was truthful about not knowing for sure they were signing with EGS when he was asked about it in a previous AMA.

3. 12% with EGS was a major reason.

4. In April he started talking to an Epic rep, didn't finalize until end of April.

5. Deal settled by E3.

6. Claims going to the EGS isn't a short sighted decision on his part.

7. EGS is a better chance for MW5 to succeed because it will be more "discoverable"

8. Says being discovered on Steam is hard.
Personal note: Doesn't explain why PGI doesn't do any independent advertising.

9. Says there's evidence that small games that go to Epic are more successful.

10. Expects sales to be the same or higher on the EGS.

11. Complains about the 30% cut they give to steam for a while.

12. EGS is safer for their company in terms of profit. (no shit)

13. Says 20 years 10 times, decides not to explain why the company is still tiny after 20 years

how many train wrecks do devs and publishers need to see before they get the point that epic exclusivity money isn't worth it?

No it's like saying Dick's Sporting Goods is trying to build a monopoly because it's been buying out every single ball manufacturer.

>We also feel very strongly about discoverability and believe that MechWarrior 5: Mercenaries has a greater chance of market success on the Epic Games store.

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Epic isn't competing with steam at this point, they're competing with piracy.

You don't compete with piracy and win.

>Competition and exclusivity are not mutually exclusive, user.
Alright, show me how the competition over Phoenix Point players is going then.

>EGS is a better chance for MW5 to succeed because it will be more "discoverable"

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what are you on about?

looks like pretty sound reasoning to me

depend on your taste. I liked spidermn.
What i said isn't always limited to AAA.
But you can't argue that there is presure on the quality of exclusives.
Remember how nintendo had to delay metroid?
I don't care about how much you meme. I still find games like uncharted, last of us or zelda way above your modern AAA release not that it mean much.

You raise a fair point, user. The fact of the matter simply is that exclusives can draw more attention to the store and producers as a whole. It's an ideology that came from consoles back in the early 2000s, when having exclusives actually meant something
But now, since everything is digital, portable and can be easily emulated by shitty craptops, even consoles are trying hard to lose that mentality
And then you have EGS bringing it to PC like the retards they are

i love how nothing in this ama indicates how they care for their own fans

What exactly is the difference to you as the consumer exactly?

And how are console, consoles you have to pay hundreds of dollars for, exclusives better than “Going to a different store and buying the exact same product”?
Again, if you are against consolewars, then you should 100% be ok with buying from a free to use store.

do you not believe fromsoft signed an exclusivity deal with sony on bloodborne? do you not believe sony paid for the privilege?

But Japan Studios is Nintendo.

of course they don't, dumbass, you think companies run on happy wishes?

>Claims he was truthful about not knowing for sure they were signing with EGS when he was asked about it in a previous AMA.
>EGS is a better chance for MW5 to succeed because it will be more "discoverable"
> Says being discovered on Steam is hard.
> Expects sales to be the same or higher on the EGS
This PRspeak must've been drafted for him by EGS. They're regurgitating the exact same lines everybody else used

Is this nigger serious, has he not heard of all the bullshit that epic has done when the store first opened. Plus they're not gonna get more people playing the game since epic buys 500k right out of the bat

>you think companies run on happy wishes
Steam does
Oh sorry, did I break your brain?

Its the chinks

14. Moved the release date because they were scared of big games releasing around the same time.

15. More time for localization, german, french and russian languages confirmed

16. They now have a marketing budget (that isn't small)

17. Says they had no other choice but to go to the EGS

18. Completely knew they were stepping into a shitstorm of fan backlash, the "facts" were that this decision was the best decision for the game. No mention about what is good for their players naturally.

19. Basically said they weren't willing to try and fight people on their pre-order bonuses for MWO.

20. Refunds with no questions asked. It's the only thing I think they've done right. Refunds are coming out of their own pockets, not Epic.

21. 20,000 preorders for MW5. "pretty great" in comparison to MWO back in 2012.

22. 700 requests for refunds by the time the AMA started. More expected.

Pretty sure Steam runs on money, same as everyone else.

what could user possibly mean by this? steam is the most profitable video game related piece of software ever

lets hope they reach at least half of pre order refunds

>being discovered on Steam is hard
it is, especially now, what with all those junk, how they recommend based on popularity, and how hard they try to push that "steam labs". unless of course you pay them to put you on the popup news.

23. They want to sell a million units of MW5.

24. They think they can make it if they can release the game at their desired quality level.

Taking questions now. "be respectful" etc.

Kek chinks, you weren't around to see the backlash steam got when it first entered the fray
The reason steam is as big as it is now is entirely due to consumer goodwill, a point you imbeciles keep missing for some reason

it's only hard if your game is garbage and gets bad word of mouth

>14. Moved the release date because they were scared of big games releasing around the same time.
Now it comes out 2 days after Death Stranding. What a load of shit.

i don't know what are you getting at
bb is the idea of japan studio, a studio owned by sony, they wished to work with fromsoft on it, sony got them on board and fully funded the project
the game would literally not exist without sony

guess what's the most profitable game and engine in the past few years

begone chink

Attached: winniethepooh.png (1444x872, 1.73M)

Not him, but that's because Steam figured out how to deal with piracy.

Attached: gaben piracy.jpg (850x886, 168K)

no one cares about Death Stranding

I so know is going on.
What I am not is an overreacting south american that actually fanboys for a fucking game store.

What exactly do you gain from treating something like or any other store like vegans do with meat or pro-lifers do with abortions?
>W-what do you gain from s-shilling epic games
What I want to gain from “shilling” epic games, even though I us GoG, is the psychology and the mentality that makes someone so upset about having to use another online store.
And I think I got my answers.

goodwill my ass. they were just the first on the digital distribution market, and now cocksuckers like you think they must be the only ones on that market.

its only fucking hard if your reviews are at least "mostly positive" because people would see your overall score and scroll down to the reviews to check out what fuckery is going on with your game, not to mention its blatantly obvious to tell if a game is shit by its thumbnail alone

>they want to sell a million units of MW5
This pretty much confirms they're delusional, did MWO even reach 100k total users?

GTAV? Or wait, is it RDR2 now

>The reason steam is as big as it is now is entirely due to consumer goodwill
No, the reason Steam is as big as it is now is because it got into the game of digital distribution ahead of the curve. They didn't even offer refunds until they were forced to a few years ago.

>bad word of mouth
ironically that actually gets your game on the spotlight on steam

>and now cocksuckers like you think they must be the only ones on that market
See, this is the problem. I dont think steam should be the only one, I think competitor should be as good as steam.
That means having a similar/greater collection of features, bonuses, extras, etc to make their users happy.
Not a hard concept. Did you get that?

>rape MechWarrior franchise into the ground over the course of 7 years
>everybody loses interest
>lots of people barely even know about MW5
>those who know often think that it's just some online trash with microtransactions
Now remember how everyone was excited after 2009 MechWarrior 5 trailer that now looks like cheap and janky.
>EGS is a better chance for MW5 to succeed because it will be more "discoverable"
>Expects sales to be the same or higher on the EGS
At least this stupid hack is self-aware about what he did to MechWarrior.

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I'm going to buy the game off the EGS

MW3 is best Mech, 2:Mercs is good but aged like milk
MWO is alright now despite a very rocky history
I wish the card game got a digital release like MTGA

Attached: Kodiak Card.jpg (418x600, 61K)


so that's why you scream like a child when someone else enters the market? you contradict yourself

what did you think they're doing by giving out those free games?

Would love this to be true but unless I see proof it's bullshit

Also Tim Fiddley already/will pay up front for refunds, he said he would

>desired quality level

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25. Someone wants more hud colors. No, it's up to modders.

26. Q. How do you plan on winning back the community? A. Decision isn't just about the bottom line (sure) Pretends EGS is the best choice for the customers. Whines about getting raped on twitter for 0 marketing for MW5 last week. Claims selling out to EGS will lead to more Mechwarrior titles in the future. Acts like this is the best decision for the players.

27. Claims again they didn't plan on working with Epic since Mechcon. Says the deal didn't feel like it was going to happen until they started talking again in April.

28. They want the best performing game possible. Admits they fucked up with performance on MWO at the design level. Engineers spent 2 months optimizing for MW5.

29. Played the game on a gaming laptop with a 1070 (missed the processor) and got 60-80 fps at max settings

30. Hired a new lighting artist for the RTX lighting shit

Attached: ama.jpg (2160x1190, 335K)

t.autistic mechwarrior whale


not much since they're getting desperate enough to give out two games at a time that delete themselves from your library if you uninstall them.

>I want competitors to be as good as steam
>Yeah, see this store? It has no shopping cart, no security, no reviews and no forums!
>Oh, what's that? You wanted this game? TOO BAD! BUY FROM THIS STORE!
maybe if epic put those exclusivity bucks into adding a fucking shopping cart they wouldnt be getting this much backlash
>giving away free games
That's utterly meaningless. In the PC gaming sphere, EVERY game is free. You need to convince people to give you money by providing additional perks that they cant get via piracy. Another point you chinksuckers repeatedly fail to understand

Needs some skelebros on the scroll.

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>1070 (missed the processor) and got 60-80 fps at max settings

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Btech besides the RETARD resetera story went up good because of the mechanics.
i wish MS could reach FUCKING Activision and Release all of the damn games on GOG, and make MechAssault run on Live.

>Mechwarrior 2 Problems are caused by a single DLL that needs an Update that died on Windows 7 and 32bit win8

who gives a shit about free games, that's an automatic feature of every PC. Why don't they have a shopping cart and automatic updates yet?

>In the PC gaming sphere, EVERY game is free. You need to convince people to give you money by providing additional perks that they cant get via piracy.
It's funny how many retards cannot get this.

Just tried to update EGS today to see if there's any news on this and after a single attempt at my password it said I already tried too many times to log in and need to change it. Then I remembered how I was recieving a barrage of mails about someone trying to enter my EGS account for days. Then the EGS store has abysmal DL speed. THEN I realize it's not on my currency but only in burgercoupons, so it's even pricier for me to buy there.

It's not worth it.

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>muh shopping cart
geez what's with the consumerism. either you guys are grasping or fucking brainwashed by the jews.

Does this game have multiplayer?
If not, I'm so fucking pirating it

>9. Says there's evidence that small games that go to Epic are more successful.

this is literally impossible to prove since for at least one year the game can't be on steam. in fact no epic exclusive is old enough to be sold on steam yet!

you're right, user, I'll just pirate every EGS game. Wouldn't want to be a consumerist cuckold.

>chinks are now larping as /pol/
wow. just wow. I didnt think they'd get this desperate

>Says there's evidence that small games that go to Epic are more successful.
>impossible to prove
Its actually easy to prove the opposite. Simply ask for the exact number of sales guarenteed by the exclusivity contract

Oh yeah, that happened to my account too when I played Fortnite for like 1-2 days before throwing it in the garbage.

Only coop

I mean MWO exists and it's ok. It's fun but the engine is old and busted, literal lostech code. I would love to see an MP game in UE4 but its obvious it's not going to have as much depth as MWO.

UE4 should make the game look better than CryEngine in this day and age tho. It doesn't. I don't know what was piggy doing. Still no punches or interactable cockpits, custom HUD or voices for Bitchin' Betty.

>20k preorders, many of which will be refunded
>Yeah we're going for a million sold lol

Attached: TT.png (227x221, 4K)

It'll have shitty coop. And by shitty I mean your coop buddy won't be able to customize his own mechs, only host will have control over mechlab so you'd have to ask him to build you the mech you want. Progression also won't be shared, you literally just connect to your friend's campaign and take control over one of AI squadmates.

Attached: 1369765625081.jpg (1024x768, 187K)

It's devs who just think "muh vocal minority" because they've never been on the receiving end of all those refunds. Soon enough epic will run out of money to even offer deals like this the way their going, that'll probably happen before everyone in the industry catches on

Ebin Game Store is bad because they are deliberately cutting user reviews and "curating" (aka gatekeeping, if resetERA thinks your game is problematic it's not going up) their store. 100% of their propaganda is about "how they're good for devs" and are openly contemptuous of consumers. They want top down control over a historically consumer-driven market. If these kikes are allowed to become industry leaders in PC gaming sales I shouldn't have to explain further why this is a horribly bad thing.

31. No steam keys. Someone brought up that they would be willing to wait a year for a steam key but basically said just get a refund

32. Co-op question. Use EGS overlay to join co-op games just like steam overlay.

33. Someone asked a really long fucking question. Russ talks about more people using the EGS because of other games releasing on EGS before MW5 is released. Masturbates over Metro:exodus's sales numbers

34. Talks about connecting over LAN. Says it's probably possible but doesn't know for sure.

35. Brings up you can bypass the EGS with the game's .exe

36. Talks about bringing Mechwarrior 3 and 4 to GOG. Is interested but it's very low on the priority scale.

37. Development started in 2016. Closed beta on nov 5th will be instant action only.

38. Answers a redundant question. Talks about the co-op system more, it's a peer to peer connection. (no shit)

39. Modding will be "different" from steam for obvious reasons. They plan on releasing an editor for modders, basically says we're on our own for sharing mods with each other until the EGS mod workshop is up.


>we want the one million players audience
Yea Forumsros, should we tell him?

Attached: mwo_steamcharts.png (774x375, 97K)

>35. Brings up you can bypass the EGS with the game's .exe

Attached: смешной-пират-42840167.jpg (1300x951, 130K)


I saw this coming from afar. The "trailers" they made was just like a tech demo stuff. There has been no hype, and mainly because I believe there's not much more than just that: either the game has no story or no depth at all or it's just the foundation of what could it be a good game after 2 expansions. They, simply put, don't have any faith in MW5. They noticed how they failed to attract hype to it and how people just didn't respond to it. Nobody trusts PGI even if people wanted to, and with good reason.

So, being known as a fuckup, the most logical thing at this point is to make it a EGS exclusive. Paid up front, if it flies it's good, if it doesn't, Russ can retire saving face.

My prediction is that it's going to be a 6 or 7/10. A real nice tech demo. With many patches and DLCs it's going to be fun. Most of those will be promised and never will be delivered cause poor sales.

They will try to relaunch on Steam the next year. Sell lukewarm. Test the ground if it's worth developing further or just resign the MW franchise.

Attached: bob dole.jpg (480x360, 21K)

Stalker was one of my favorite mechs back when I still played the game.

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something would have to go disastrously wrong for Epic to run out of money. Even if Fortnite dies, they've still got UE4 bringing in piles of money.

I'd have no issue with Epic if their launcher wasn't a literal trojan virus. Fuck chinks.

I think I put $40 into MWO for Hero mechs, which is fair I think considering how much I've played the game.

>Soon enough epic
user I hate the fuckers but between the forknife money and constantly getting licensing fees from every game using unreal engine they could keep this shit up for a while

>Masturbates over Metro:exodus's sales numbers
lol dumb faggot. Metro bombed on PC and the vast majority of sales were on consoles.

>Metro:exodus's sales numbers
which we still don't have

>no steam keys
no surprise, steam said fuck off to epic exclusives
>EGS mod workshop
kek they actually believe this will happen?

>you can bypass EGS with the games .exe
After they pissed on their fans hard enough to get mass refunds?
It's like they're asking for pirates to ravage their collective boipussies.
Maybe that's the point and they'll just spin a narrative about how pirates killed the game.
Because it's never their fault a game bombs.

Why do people say it's "hard to be discovered", Steam recommends great games to me all the time, a while back it recommended Expedition Vikings and it was fucking great, also Enter the Gungeon and Kenshi.

Some boomers still use standalone client.
So it's probably 1200/1300/8200.

Attached: 1523699207940.png (508x610, 21K)

Trash indies don't make millions and so people whine they didn't get front page support.
It's only hard to get discovered if you make generic crap.

yep best guess is something like 30-50k units on PC based on steam spy and Epic claiming 2.5 times sales of base Metro.

>hard to discover
AKA shitty indies crafted with more care than our magnum opus will beat our sales, and this is steam's fault!
Notice how its always shitty games and hack developers who use this excuse

>getting discovered in steam is hard
Are these fucks retarded? They have arguable one of the most autistic and dedicated boomer fanbase and they don't capitalize on that?

That's literally a free marketing campaign for you. Just use your fanbase correctly.

Marketing is hard. Easier to just let epic put their game somewhere on their front page and hope for the best

Steamspy was literally run by the guy running EGS now


Attached: IMG_20190725_174018.png (1202x677, 1.26M)

lol I'm totally refunding and pirating this, fuck them.

Can someone screencap this for use in later threads?

40. Declines the steam and epic debate. Claims again that no one on steam can see their game. Once again says Epic is better for visibility. "I choose to believe in it"

41. Says a article that claimed PGI was in dire financial straits is wrong. Claims they weren't desperate for money, re-iterates EGS was the best choice for them and us.

42. Epic money helped them a lot. Admits it expanded the localizations and marketing

43. BL3 release date affected their decision to delay.

44. Q. Why shouldn't we refund? A. The main reason for going to EGS was to ship the best game they possibly could, pls understand ;_;. (I do agree that it is the best decision for PGI and the game, just the worst fucking decision for us)

45. Q. Has pre-order info, login info, etc been shared with Epic? A. No, we have your data, but we haven't shared it with Epic.

46. I might have heard this wrong, but "user friendly aspects will lag behind steam"

47. Q. So really this decision is based on your need for money? A. (sounding stressed out) Nuh-uh

Fun games make money, simple as that. But to MW5 to be a success it needed to be good in the first place. Now as an exclusive it's fucked.

Look at Titanfall 2. It's a masterpiece. It's one of the best games ever conceived and done. Its execution was nigh flawless in every fucking thing. Every single detail on it is made to be fun as fuck and guarantee you will like it. Top 10 action games EVER made. What did Respawn earned with making it Origin exclusive? the RIGHT to be BOUGHT BACK by EA to compensate the losses and a bonus. They earned just a right and recognition, because let's be realistic, it sold like shit at first.

And putting up with Origin is disastrous. Origin servers, interface, download times and EA are fucking horrible. Constant disconnections and turdish support. Respawn are very talented people; if it was on Steam they would have been at the top of the world. Now they're just the Apex guys.

Do you think PGI has the Respawn SOUL in it to overcome a shit client stupidity? Fuck no they won't survive it.

Attached: BUENOS DIAS FUCKBOY.jpg (640x496, 32K)

already in the process of pirating tetris effect, will do when its out on the Caribbean store

Piggyshit isn't even worth pirating.

48. Q. Why not GoG?

Had technical problems before he could answer, hold on.

>their own pocket
except Epic is giving them money, so really it's just Epic paying for refunds

>without question the best decision

sounds like he had to go back to the notes epic gave him to see if hes allowed to say shit or not

I tried using that in several games, but the chinks still didn't disconnect :/.

I hope Ebin and their shills get a Nuremberg someday

>11. Complains about the 30% cut they give to steam for a while.
>36. Talks about bringing Mechwarrior 3 and 4 to GOG.
can someone PLEASE explain this to me?
you complain about a 30% cut yet the game will still be sold on steam later on, and you show desire to bring 2 games to gog which you still have to deal with their %30 cut as well

Why can't we force third worlders onto their own shittier internet?

It only works if they're not using a VPN.
Since the chinese need to use one to access burgernet in the first place it's probably not going to be that effective.

>user friendly aspects will lag behind steam
who could have seen this coming

48. There's another AMA in the morning, 10am

I probably missed some questions cause discord crashed

49. Q. Is there any extra incentive to stick with your pre-order? A. IDK, maybe something for MWO lol

50. They want to do an AMA every month.

Buggered off. Next one is 10am pacific time.

Attached: fucking wrecked.jpg (968x158, 19K)

>Epic money helped them a lot. Admits it expanded the localizations and marketing
> Q. So really this decision is based on your need for money? A. (sounding stressed out) Nuh-uh
Did those hack devs seriously think their fanbase would be stupid enough to just buy this crap?

What happened


youll have to use my store if you want to play mechwarrior 5

Attached: 1560158177502.jpg (225x225, 8K)

I refunded. I won't tolerate any bullshit like this. I bought a copy on Steam, where I wanted it.

Attached: mw5 refund.jpg (525x79, 10K)

Nah mate

Attached: The_Pirate_Bay.png (1024x1160, 338K)

There's a final fantasy 9 meme about the audience reaction in this somewhere.

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It is

Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. Shame on me for wanting to support PIGGY in hopes that MW5 sales resulted in something good. Shame on me.

So he literally clocked in just to regurgitate EGS platitudes and PR, then fucks off? What the actual fuck, not surprising that he sold out

>Discord crashed


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>Once again says Epic is better for visibility.

Attached: eagle soldier and son and grandson.png (209x192, 51K)

>40. Declines the steam and epic debate. Claims again that no one on steam can see their game. Once again says Epic is better for visibility. "I choose to believe in it"

Funny, Battletech didn't have any problems with that.

Thanks for a free game, Tim.

Too be fair, Battletech had an actual proven dev making it

>40. Declines the steam and epic debate. Claims again that no one on steam can see their game. Once again says Epic is better for visibility. "I choose to believe in it"

"Competition is hard so we give up!"

>21. 20,000 preorders for MW5. "pretty great" in comparison to MWO back in 2012.
>22. 700 requests for refunds by the time the AMA started. More expected.
So, only 2.5% of those who preordered actually asked for a refund. Pretty much confirms what steam drones are the loud minority.

Attached: 1417165355060s.jpg (250x250, 8K)

Wait where's the answer to the gog question?

Didn't Battletech, an even indier and nichier game had sold just fine to really well?

And it kinda sucked.

So what you're saying is he has every reason to inflate the numbers so to there's a non-zero chance that the 30-50k mark for the exodus's sales is an overestimation due to that?

>700 refunds in literally an hour

>Harmony Gold looks like the lesser evil now
>Harmony Gold of all companies
A goddamn patent troll looks better than this.

Attached: 4553.png (1253x785, 1.36M)

>why isn't it on gog?
>hold on, technical difficulties
>we're back, next question
holy shit

It Is an insult, you fucking newfaggot. The fuck are you talking about?

Same shit the pheonix point guys pulled, except on their public Reddit circlejerk instead of their private circlejerk.

yeah that game needed more soul, more content and a better AI. I find that odd since Harebrained games actually had a decent run with Dragonfall & Hong Kong. Seems like they were a little too much over their head with that game.

They had technical issues so I don't know if he answered it or just moved on.

"Technical issues"

[[[Technical issues]]]

Pretty convenient time to get some technical issues

The very company that completely butchered Macross and fucked up any chance of new shows being released internationally is sounding better.
>Tatsunoko still renewed its license even though most other companies would rather release the unaltered version by that point
Fuck you HG and Tatsunoko.

how can someone be this dense?

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I dunno if it was on purpose or whatever, it did kind of sound like he was about to answer the question when the mic cut out. I heard the community manager's mike was working right after he cut out.

PGI has ALWAYS handled MWO like they're electricity: path of least resistance. They're incredibly fucking lazy and everything they've done is bandaid fixes ontop of bandaid fixes with the lowest effort possible, it's why the game is such a janky mess. PGI popularized the term "minimally viable product," for crying out loud, it was like one of the first major things they were talking about in a press conference or whatever when they were getting kind of big. It took them years for there to be more game modes than just "kill the other team," and "kill the other team while standing on squares," and "kill the other team while standing on one square."

They're an incredibly incompetent and short sighted company. They're so incompetent and short sighted that they got into legal fuckery with the makers of Living Legends, I think giving them a C&D order, because they didn't want another better mechwarrior game competing with MWO. The problem with this that I was told is that some of the team working on LL were from Crytek. MWO runs on Cryengine. After this happened PGI was basically cut off from receiving any support with the engine, which if anyone was involved with MWO they'd remember guys from PGI bitching about the "deep-seated engine bugs" in the thing, to shift blame whenever they fucked something up.

So shit like that is why no one should be surprised that PGI is once again doing the easiest, most short sighted thing they can muster to make as much potential money as possible. You get paid up front and guaranteed sales or whatever the fuck it is on Epic Store, so that's why they're doing it.

Why would you even buy this game in the first place instead of pirating it? MWO was basically your multiplayer component and that's f2p. The game looks exactly like MWO, just single player and with a slightly different hud.

looks like another shitty game is contained by tim sweeney. praise timmy tencent

He could have literally answered the question once they returned.

>they'd remember guys from PGI bitching about the "deep-seated engine bugs" in the thing
Russ admitted in this AMA that their performance issues were also because of their bad game design. Yeah, my main problem with them is trying to spin it like it's just as good for us as it is for them. Everyone with a working fucking brain can understand why it is good initially for PGI, a company with financial problems, but trying to act like it's just as good for is just a fucking lie.


Attached: 1550897439861.png (771x723, 680K)

First of all, that's actually 3.5%. Second of all, that's within an hour. If they were to get 700 refunds every hour there'd be no sales by tommorow. They won't, of course, some people are stupid, but that speed basically insures that we're looking at some massive final refund numbers.

They don't need to literally run out of money, there will be a point where investors (Tencent) stop them and say "why are we spending so much money for this with absolutely no sign that it's going to become profitable?" and they'll at least be forced to stop the moneyhatting.

In business you can't just keep flushing money down the drain in the same way, they have to convince investors that it's going to be profitable and they can only fudge numbers for so long before it becomes obvious there's no growth happening.

>25. Someone wants more hud colors. No, it's up to modders.

That's literally one of the easiest fucking things they could add.

PGI spent years doing nothing to make MWO a fully fledged game besides shitting out more mechs that were using recycled assets and cost real money while the game was still in beta, and then literally all that happened when it left beta was the word BETA was removed from the website. They've never given a shit about their fans.

Sorry user, im having technical issues so i can't explain

The tranny shit ruined that game

Is Mechwarrior 5 actually going Epic exclusive? Can I get a source link, please? I need to know whether or not I can spend another $500 on Mechwarrior Online.

>36. Talks about bringing Mechwarrior 3 and 4 to GOG. Is interested but it's very low on the priority scale.
>very low on the priority scale.

because everyone would end up playing that shit instead of the garbage piggy makes themselves.


Even knowing you are a shill I still want to grind your bones to powder.

That is unfortunate. I will no longer be spending any money on MWO, nor will I continue playing MWO, nor will I buy Mechwarrior 5. I hope the bribe was more than the thousands I have spent on MWO, and the thousands more I was willing to spend. Time to find another game to dedicate my life to.

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>last of us
your redpill looks more like a bluepill to the ass

Wouldn't that literally entail changing a fucking hex code

Attached: 1475906455719.jpg (480x433, 40K)

Audible fucking kek

You whiney faggots are going to be remembered the same way as Sega fanboys. Fucking get over it you lost the DRM war. It wasn't even a war worth winning in the first place. You cocksuckers finally understand how people who actually liked video games felt when Steam came along and fucked everything up by turning PC gaming into a hat trading social network for Reddit summer sale scumming.

Attached: exclusivefort.png (225x225, 120K)

we're just that busy, you know?

Sega Fanboys had taste.
They lost the console war, but it wasn't their fault Sega was headed by complete fucking morons.

eat shit

> I hope the bribe was more than the thousands I have spent on MWO
They have a budget for marketing and localisation for 3 more languages, so yes it is. Now go fuck yourself. We got that fortnite money now bitch.

I really really hope in a year's time once all these "hey guys it's totally not an exclusive we're going to be on steam in mid 2020" deals expire Gaben tells them all to fuck off. How many of these are really so important they'd make more than a rounding error for Steam's profit? Probably Borderlands 3 & Metro Exodus.
They want to have their cake and eat it to? No thanks.
And do it with silence. If you get an email from one of the publishers, just ignore it, phone call, direct it to a holding number, if they show up in person call security.
They need to be blacklisted.

>You lost
Epic will abandon EGS like they abandoned Unreal Tournament and Paragon before next Summer

Attached: 1368912465555.jpg (983x1013, 252K)

>beat the game
>staff credits roll with pictures
>tranny "lead developer" is the only one who looks miserable in every picture

geez what's with the consumerism.

It's a fucking storefront! Exclusively for immaterial fucking LUXURY GOODS you dense mongoloid. Consumerism is the entire damn point!


It’s the AMA equivalent of spitting in your Mike pretending it’s static.

>small games that go to Epic are more successful
How is this even possible when Ebin only has a tiny fraction of Steam's userbase? Is he just fucking lying here?

I've never had to step foot in an EB games since Steam came out. I've never had to deal with shitty couriers losing my games. The lootbox and hat shit is irrelevant to someone who doesn't play those games and who the fuck is doing "social networking" on it?

>who the fuck is doing "social networking" on it?
Weird foreign faggots from here and discord weirdos

More likely Timmy's lying to him and he's just puking it back onto the community.

Don't forget how Epic abandoned the PC platform in 2005.

Attached: 1531599339007.png (461x567, 425K)

>who the fuck is doing "social networking" on it?
Look at every Steam profile thread. Steamfaggots have giant wall of text bio's that have all 12 years of their life story written on it.

Source on that 80%?

>If we keep burning fans by trying to FORCE them onto our platform by buying out games that are supposed to come out soon surely that won't backfire
Is Epic fucking retarded? I've been against them since I got burned on Phoenix Point. And now I will never use the fucking platform because of that shit. I doubt I'm the only one.

>I'd hate for something to happen to your beta slot
Lol, fuck this guy to death.

Epic pays them an advance, guaranteeing X sales. So if your game sucks dick and won't reach those sales numbers it's better to sell out to Epic

Any chance of pre-ordering this then just refunding it to keep the freebies still? Do you think they will notice or care?

>41. Says a article that claimed PGI was in dire financial straits is wrong. Claims they weren't desperate for money, re-iterates EGS was the best choice for them and us.
suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure they arent

Attached: 1524366046613.gif (742x385, 154K)

>I've been against them since I got burned on Phoenix Point. And now I will never use the fucking platform because of that shit.
Hey, me too. I don't care if Epic comes to my house and offers to suck my dick, the fact that I got lied to and had the devs - who owe the very people they shit on for funding their game - to say to their community to go fuck themselves is just too much. Fuck that shit, they'll never get a dime out of me. Ever. I did the same with EA, Activision, and Ubisoft, I can shut out Epic, too. It won't be hard.

More like valve dropped all their franchises to milk the next cash cow

timmy is trying to tank his company's value so that tencent would decide to buy it out one day, theyre already close to doing so (48%)

wow, scary

>thanks for the interest free loan goyim but we're going to take even more money from Epic

Wow how they ever gonna recover from that massive $60 loss from you?

I don't care, but I'm satisfied that they'll never get another dime out of me. I just wish more people cared enough to do the same.

>You think that switch would have sold like that botw was a lazy cashgrab?
Yes, because it was and because it did.

>Epic creating consumerless gaming economy by directly paying for a certain number of game sales and exclusivity is a great strategy while along the way destroying the good will of every single person in their path

You are right this can only go well. Who needs consumers Tim.

They already removed the MWO bonuses from new pre-orders.

God dammit I wanted to rub salt in it. Thanks user.

This is literally the kind of mindset that destroys businesses. This is fucking Do you guys not have phones tier retardation.

>haha complaining is worthless

consumers are over.
consumers don't need to be your audience anymore.

>the kind of mindset that destroys businesses
more like the kind of mindset that sucks businesses' cock


This is peak capitalism
>who the fuck cares about people BUYING our products? Epic will pay us anyway
We're going to reach a point where nobody can afford to buy thing anymore and the entire economy is just big businesses circlejerking their money back and forth

we're already at that point, that's exactly what the stock market is

>consumers don't need to be your audience anymore
I know you're just blatantly baitposting at this point, but in the off chance you are serious...but if not consumers, who the fuck will buy your shit and pay your bills then, you retard?

The state of western mechs.
Why does it gotta be so hard?

Attached: 1561474056161.png (761x717, 682K)

>it's another "the devs and publishers are the actual customers and access to the consumer is just the product that is being sold to them" episode
You fucking trannies are welcome to the gaming industry at this point, I hope you fucking choke on it.

Attached: 1504539178684.jpg (253x238, 15K)

>backed Phoenix Point
>forced chargeback

>backed MW5
>forced chargeback

Didn't even send a request to either for the refund manually. If I force the charge-back, they get hit with the charge-back fee so they don't just lose my money, they lose a few bucks of their own.
Everyone with good credit should use this method instead of being a xuck and letting them send back money for free after they fucked you.

We're already there.
Only now, we have big business trying to import the third world to keep their lowest common denominator customers up.

We're better off than sumika getting raped until she's just a brain but not by much

the publisher obviously
consumers are an obsolete middleman, why get a bunch of tiny payments with a percentage taken off when you can just get one big one?
it was a joke user, a bunch of headlines like that were written when GG started

>New Gundam Breaker was a complete dumpster fire
>now this
Welp, looks like the giant robot genre is completely dead again unless Metal Wolf Chaos can somehow salvage it.

>sumika getting raped until she's just a brain

it's not fucking hard at all as long as your game isnt shit

Who cares what store it's on? It would be better if it was available on all of them or at least timed exclusive. Totally see why they try to go the exclusive or at least for a time route though. Steam has had a stranglehold on PC for almost two decades. How else are you going to break that monopoly? Google already forces Stadia ads every five seconds because it's their platform (tube).

If we're lucky the next GB will just use 3's engine or something.


There's that word again...

PC devs
PSA: If your game is not offered in a physical, DRM-free format where I'm not required to install any additional software, I only buy your game to support your continued operation.
If you already got paid by Epic, I have no reason to buy your game.
That is all.

Is there a single midrange non Japanese game to come out this year they haven't swiped? Yes Shenmue but that's the only Jap one I know off. I know Sega said they won't do it because they have a good relationship with Valve/steam users.

Same, I was listening to the Pirate's Moon soundtrack a while ago and it really brought me back. No I idea what happened to my CD but I know my MW4 Mercenaries CD got fucked up.

The atmosphere was so great in this one.

are you a retard who thinks exclusives are the only way of fighting a monopoly

>steam is a tiny store i swear, it doesnt have like 99% of the market share!
How stupid can you be?

>more discoverable
what the fuck
is that real

No joke, I used to be a huge mech warrior fan but I only played the one after the super nintendo one (3 on pc, I think?) Also the only game I played on joystick and had a blast. I tried armored core later to scratch the mech itch but it didn't suffice for me.
Can someone redpill me on mechwarrior dev lore the past 10 years? I've been out of the loop but I had no idea it was this bad. All i've gathered so far is shitty devs are making 5 and made it epic exclusive.

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Have you bought a PC game since 1999?

>first adopter has 99% of the market share
>natural monopoly since no other store bother until now

It's getting hard to have trust and faith for any devs with any kind of outside funding. Especially with publishers in the western scene.

Indie devs can be small enough to escape it, sometimes. But this constant trend chasing in game design, HR enforcement, job hiring practices, etc. is turning everything into a rat race that appeals to a made up lowest common denominator that the board of shills wishes was real in order for it to do well.

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>that monopoly?
please tell me how much this fits steam

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>what is gog, battlenet, origin, uplay.

>My store is a hero that will break the steam monopoly!
>so what if its the shittiest store in existence? I will break the steam monopoly! And that's a good thing!
>to do that, we must make your contribution mandatory! If you want this game, you can only buy it from us and you need to pay extra to cover our transaction fees as well!

Where did I mention that it's the only valid way? I'm being objective and looking at it from their perspective. I wouldn't doubt there are other strategies. Exclusives have been a thing in gaming across all platforms forever. Including PC and the various failed Microshit attempts.

dont worry, this is timed cancer. The next year of this garbage will be hell, but after that, EGS will throw in the towel after they lose their exclusives and we'll be good

They are also fucking stupid and only enforcable because of contracts.

Battlenet and uPlay wouldn't be around if it weren't for their exclusives. That sort of shores up Epic's take btw. All of them are fairly recent within the last nine years or so.

I'm going to make a new account everyday, and then cancel it the next. I'm going to make as much work for those fuckers as I can.

If you were looking at it objectively, you'd realize that the best course of action would be to release it on as many platforms as possible to ensure a wide reach, not limit your own sales accessibility and piss off your fanbase by becoming exclusive
The only reason these faggoty devs went exclusive is because they blew all their cash too quickly and needed an out as well as a safety net to save them after their game failed to sell

hahahahaha thats funny OP

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You fucking inbred, every single ubishit game is available on steam, their own store and everywhere
oh yeah, your retard brains cant differentiate between first party exclusives and bribed exclusives

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I am being objective. I'd rather things be more widely available. It doesn't take more than a couple of brain cells to rub together to follow the money/incentive and gauge their actions.

yeah only indie game devs benefit from epic games store
if the game has a publisher then the publisher is the one getting the epic money, not the dev

I guess you could technically call something being barebones "light weight".


I'm curious.
Does it allow customer reviews?

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uPlay has to be installed and an account created regardless even through Steam. Feel free to disagree with the facts of the matter. Battlenet exclusive is exclusive. A spade is a spade. Why aren't Valve games on Battlenet?

Epic has those top 3 without even looking at the rest.

>fairly recent
>9 years

The argument was against the claim that steam is a monopoly, not against use of exclusives.

I think most agree buying up exclusives is smart idea, but it IS very anti-consumer (and by consumer I mean players, not devs mr Tim) and any of us shouldnt approve this move.

Competition is only good when companies improve their offer in favor of consumers, not by fucking over themselfs.

those are their own games.....

Let me shorten that some more for you.
>How does the Epic Games Store benefit the consumer?
>It doesn't.

it has virtually nothing for community support except for a friend list

He's so fucking based I dont have to feel guilty about pirating because he's already paid the devs for a guarenteed sales quota

>why should customers care
>because publishers make more money off of you

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Good fuck em, this is for turning MW into CoD style F2P shitfest

Plenty, but only when I want to support the developers.
I do not want to support the developers who take bribes for exclusivity.

To be fair, that doesnt make them not exclusives.
It is much less damaging than just buying up 3rd party games or funding game from the start in exchange for exlusivity (like in case of some SONY games).

GoG is the real exception out of all of them to a degree. Too many things are anti-consumer these days IMO.


Oh sorry, did you not know?

I wish more games had individual launchers like minecraft
every game having its own launcher > having 1 launcher like steam for all my games > having 2-5+ mega corporations with different launchers for different games with a percentage of my library on each

>How else are you going to break that monopoly?
By making your platform good enough to compete with steam without needing to throw money at developers for exclusivity. This is not competition.

>I'd rather things be more widely available
>except on steam because monopoly!
Really faggot? Please tell me why every single EGS exclusive game took money from epic and didnt become egs exclusive on their own volition like so many others do for steam. Explain why every single egs exclusive is slated for a delayed release on steam, and why they dont just stay epic exclusive, if EGS is really that good for devs.
>Uplay has to be installed
That's a fact of ubisoft games. Another fact is that you can buy them off other storefronts, ergo, not exclusive
>Battlenet exclusive is exclusive
>Why aren't Valve games on Battlenet?
>proves my point
But to answer your utterly braindead question, valve games arent on battlenet for the same reason battlenet games arent on epic for the same reason fortnite and other epic games arent on uplay
But I can understand why you dont try thinking. Your government sends thinkers to the gulag after all
Oh and while we're at it, here's a question for you-Why is unreal tournament, a game made by Epic, Steam exclusive? Its not even on EGS. Why is that?

I still remember someone engaging an Epic shill on here asking how it benefits the consumer and they couldn't give an answer and had to keep running around the question before eventually breaking down in garbled ESL speak.
Good times.

Galaxy 2.0 looks promising.

>way to fight monopoly
are you okay, user ?

Yes. I'm sure there will be youtube videos up of the whole AMA soon if they're not up already. There's a couple small youtubers who've been recording them.

I usually buy on steam because of convinience, simpler multiplayer, having most of my games in one place and autoupdates but I know its just a rental and that piracy should be supported as the optimal method of games preservation

If steam shuts down and I lose my games I'll just crack them

id rarther pirate than have 2 launchers tho so anything on epic, uplay, or origin (lmao implying I play EA games) I just pirate

>Why is unreal tournament, a game made by Epic, Steam exclusive?
Because EGS is a clunky, chunky, piece of junk that requires everything to be done manually. Moneyhatted exclusives take priority over non-Fortnite games and store features.

I don't do business with Chicom Chinks in the first place out of principle and NEITHER SHOULD YOU.

I'll admit ive not looked into it properly yet but from what i've heard on Yea Forums it sounds nice

>18. Completely knew they were stepping into a shitstorm of fan backlash, the "facts" were that this decision was the best decision for the game. No mention about what is good for their players naturally.
>You think you do but you don't argument.
Imagine being a self righteous asshole.

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Did anyone make a screencap of my notes from the AMA or do I need to do it myself?

Lets assume EGS launched feature complete and there are no exclusives, and game library is basically the same as Steam. Will it cause you to leave your steam library that you built for years and start shopping on EGS? Answer is: no. But you are too retarded to understand that, like most steam drones.

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What if Tim is doing all this specifically to shit up the PC market to try and turn people back into consolefags, his own turf?

That won't really bother the PC audience

I’ve used it recently, got beta access, its really good and full of customization

the first mechwarrior was developed by Dynamix, MW2 was created by activision after a dispute with dynamix(they later on made metaltech)
MW3 was created by Zipper Interactive(Famous for the SOCOM franchise) and was published by hasbo and licensed out by Microsoft (FASA was purchased at this time by Microsoft)
MW4 was made by FASA interactive and published by microsoft and was the last game under FASA before they closed and mercs 4 was made by Mektek


Yes, but thats obvious.
Now make it have majority of the same steam features, offer the same games and make the cut like 20% instead 30% and sell games for 95% of steam's price. Im sure a lot of poorfags would move.

>12% with EGS was a major reason.
>Complains about the 30% cut they give to steam for a while.

Then how come they're not selling the game on Discord, which has a lower cut than EGS?

Where's your fucking shopping cart tim

Keep crying, Steam drones

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When are you moving out of your basement, Jim?

>Will it cause you to leave your steam library that you built for years and start shopping on EGS? Answer is: no.
See? Retardation at its finest. This is another point you idiots keep missing
Steam didnt build its fanbase in a day, and you cant expect EGS to do so either. If EGS wants to kill steam, it has to stand on equal footing with steam at least and offer something steam doesnt, to lure in a consumerbase and get them invested. Its not a hard concept

>PGI get crit'd by Steam trueborns
Beyond based

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Piracy is a form of competition
but the more competitors you have in the ring the better the piracy option becomes

take netflix for example
if netflix has everything I want to watch I dont mind paying
but if some of the shows I want are on netflix, some on HBO some on amazon prime, some on crunchy roll etc then im not and lets be honest nobody else is going to pay for all of them, at the very best they will pay for one and pirate everything else, or like me they will just say fuck it and pay for none and pirate everything

now you can make the arguement that
>its different because those streaming services require payment each whereas these launchers are free
and you're right they are free, but whats the point in a launcher if it doesnt have all my games on it, why should I pay to use your launcher at this point? then theres also the cpu usage of having multiple launchers at once although this can be mitigated by not having the launch at startup. But the main point is why would I pay you to use your launcher if it doesnt have all my games on it
I can make my own folder with all my pirated games on it and use it as a makeshift launcher

Once your product is worse than the pirated version there is no reason to buy it, its why I always pirate games with DRM because the pirated version is superior, I dont mind buying if I get the better version but If the better version is the free version then no im not paying you

But most steam games are also available on gog

You should really polish up that chink ripoff, so it doesnt look that obvious

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>Went on for 20 minutes straight on how everything is sunshine and roses
>Talked about how he was being transparent the whole time about his dealings with Epic, despite lying previously about never having even heard back from them
>Call him out in the AMA, asking why he considers it fair to tell people to refund their game if they want to wait a year for a Steam key when they pre-ordered
>Got banned from the MW5 Discord for calling Russ a communist sympathizer and hoping he loses sleep at night

big laff

What is the end game? Just piss everyone into piracy? Wait till they give up? You can’t just make people like you when you spit on their fucking face. You had to be the most egomaniac fucker of all time to even consider to behave like Epic does right now towards the platform.

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No one leaves their library for another you autist. At mlst they'll just deal with with using one more launcher.

And this is what epic doesn't get. Why should steam care if some of their userbase uses epic? They already use steam anyway. What steam cares about are all the pirates that have no launchers installed because they just pirate shit.
A person who uses the egs is already in market.
A pirate who gets coverted is a brand new wallet in the market.

Steam is competing with piracy.

yeah we're all crying that we're getting the game for free lol

Oh, you're one of the moderators, aren't you? Sorry to hear you had to deal with the front of everything while bullshit rolls downhill. You and Tina and them did your best. Marketing and senior staff just have their heads far too high up their asses. It's good you escaped, user.

Discord doesnt hand over 500k prepaid copies and a blowjob.

>Just piss everyone into piracy?

Heavy Rain and Beyond Two Souls still aren't cracked


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>Mechwarrior by PGI
>Mechwarrior with only Inner Sphere introtech
Like I give a shit

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Because they're already on Youtube, dumbshit.

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Heavy Rain is fucking terrible and Beyond is simply atrocious, why would any rational human being play a David Cage “game”?

>Got banned from the MW5 Discord for calling Russ a communist sympathizer and hoping he loses sleep at night

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>niche games that noone cares about arent cracked

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literally the biggest reason I buy games on steam is for the play time counter

Tasty cope

>another consumer feature missing that conveniently benefits publishers, to the acclaim of gaming "journalists."

Really makes ya think.

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They're trying to make Zoomers get into PC gaming with their store.

Yeah out of every franchise that was going to feel a backlash for going EGS exclusive, it was Mechwarrior. At this point the series feels like it's almost exclusively played by /m/ and Yea Forums.

>Go Epic, Sales go Septic

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console exlusives dont matter because pc will eventually just emulate them, storefront exclusives dont matter because piracy is an option

>41. Says a article that claimed PGI was in dire financial straits is wrong. Claims they weren't desperate for money, re-iterates EGS was the best choice for them and us.
>47. Q. So really this decision is based on your need for money? A. (sounding stressed out) Nuh-uh

Attached: stop-fucking-lying.png (650x650, 408K)

>Not realizing only become human is good, and it's only 1/3 of it that's good.

I miss xfire :(

>dude we are totally fine, its for the best
>yeah the money helped us actually
>we had 20,000 preorders on our niche as fuck game, but we surely will sell a million! Steam has no way to reccommend our incredibly niche game to people who like mechshit anyways!
>Whats that, they do? Well they arent getting us new players!

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Oh I know, it's just funny to watch these company reps skirt around the issue and refuse to acknowledge the fact they're being paid up front for exclusivity.

Hey look, I see me in one of those Discord screencaps, nice. I was the one who was drilling them about Epic exclusivity in April and again in later and prior AMAs, and I remember distinctly he replied to my questions with that they weren't in talks with Epic because they never reached out to them, and that they planned to be with Steam and even reach out to GOG and possibly other platforms. So not only was he in fact talking to Epic and lying, he was lying about the other platforms, knew what they wanted so far ahead and only signed the contract last week while feigning knowledge about their upcoming plans for months. What a scumbag.

If I have a good enough reason to use the EGS over steam, yes. What part of forcing me to use a completely inferior product that is also probably spyware to play a game is supposed to be good for me?

>tfw he glossed over my really fucking long question, citing it was answered already
>It was in direct reference to what he immediately just mentioned, with him telling people who wanted to wait a year for a Steam Key to forfeit their pre-order and get a refund

connor is bae

You're only saying that because it's his newest game, which always happens with you Yea Forums story dickriders

>11. Complains about the 30% cut they give to steam for a while.

>nobody complains when sony take 30%
>nobody complains when microsoft take 30%
>nobody complains when nintendo take 30%
>nobody complains when google take 30%
>nobody complains when apple take 30%
>Its completely unacceptable for steam to take 30%

No like it's is genuinely good. It makes the rest of the game even worse.

This guy gets it

Nah, people who browse here and the other dirty assholes of the internet will switch to piracy and companies will just target the casual audience more. The same shit that's been happening.

Steam and PC gaming are supposed to change that though

But games sell better on Switch despite the 30%, so it's worth it, while on Steam it isn't

They've been hinting that the Clans might show up in a DLC. The timeline of the game ends in 3049 so it definitely seems like they're setting up some kind of Clan interactions.

>Casual audience

>muh mechwarrior

hue, who cares? we got the strategy game, play that brainlet

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New thread

The only game a genuine zoomer could enjoy in EGS is Borderlands. They genuinely think they have the patience for shit like Metro? Or the will to learn how to play a Xcom game like Phoenix Point? Or they even know what a goddamned Mecha is? How fucking out of touch can they get, jesus.

The "competition" aka Epic is bringing nothing to the table other than exclusivity. They should have financed their own IPs instead of cockblocking games that were already scheduled for a Steam release.

console exclusives actually fund the game before its finished which in most cases is the main reason the game exists in the first place, epic store exclusives throw cash at a finished product to make it exclusive to their store

Why is Steam personally responsible for changing the 30% cut? Thats been retail standard for longer than you've been alive zoomer

Fuck off back to Yea Forums

Steam and PC gaming changed the split from 55% on physical to 30% digital.
You're only banging this drum as hard as you are because Fortnite Man told you to.

It's definitely one of Yea Forums's tiniest fanbases. Out of the maybe 2500 people across the planet who play MWO maybe 50 of them were autistic enough to hang out here.

New thread

have you considered not relying exlusively on steam recomendations as your only form of advertising?

if you advertise your game its discoverable regardless of where it is
if you dont advertise your game then its your fault nobody found it

uh, everyone complains about 30% on all of those platforms
the only difference is that PC and android are the only platforms where it's possible to change that (spoiler: the epic store will be coming to android in 6-12 months with the same 12% cut)

>But games sell better on Switch
The last report of an indie game selling better on Switch was over a year ago.

That's what i'm saying. Mechwarrior will die completely or they'll turn it into Mechassault.

>and how hard they try to push that "steam labs
The whole point of which is supposed to improve discoverability you dumb cunt.

New thread

For fuck's sake, stop shilling.

>just sell games cheaper lol
Why would devs/publishers sell games cheaper on one store compared to another? They will never do it, lol.
>offer something steam doesnt
They do offer something steam doesnt have. Exclusive games.
>If I have a good enough reason to use the EGS over steam, yes.
There are no such reason you dumb fuck. It literally doesnt exist. Name one thing that will make you switch to egs. You cant. So shut up.
>people will voluntarily use another launcher without any incentives lol
You are retarded.

How desperate for validation are you?

All this buthurt steamfaggots, your platform is dying user and you too

running out of money isnt what matters, all that needs to happen is for their stock price to go down this will happen the moment that they have a year where they make less profit than the previous year and since they're a publically traded company the investors dash

valve being a private company doesnt have to worry about making more money than last year, they only need to care about making some form of profit

>Why would devs/publishers sell games cheaper on one store compared to another?
Because the store is taking a lower cut so they can afford to. But you're right they never will, all they care is about maximizing _short term_ profit.

>They do offer something steam doesnt have. Exclusive games.

New thread

>d-don't lose your beta spot
>unless you were hoping to play it on steam then you can wait a year fgt hahaha

Go away chang.

New thread

isnt that a corporation acting as a communist state?
All games must sell equally comrade if people dont buy game its okay because the state will buy it to make sure it sells equally

You know, I took a look at my favorite private tracker and I can't help but notice that Tetris Effect has 3 times as many seeders as the next most seeded game of the last week or two. It's almost as if people would rather pirate than use a dogshit storefront.

New thread

its a niche game, their sales numbers are going to be small regardless, his $60 is much more important to them than it would be to any mainstream AAA game
then add on the fact that he isnt the only one who feels this way and they're fucked

>we have big business trying to import the third world to keep their lowest common denominator customers up.
its for cheap labour, not so that they buy things, only the banks want third worlders to come and buy things because they can get them into debt slavery

doesnt chargeback fuck with your credit score? why do that if you can get a refund without ruining your own finanical record

Epic is not a publicly traded company you retard.
>businesses care about maximizing profit
And the sky is blue. More at 11.
>Steam drone thinks he can tell a multi billion company how to compete
They can do as they want, if exclusives work for them, why not? What are the downsides? Some steamcels getting angry? Its cost effective, brings new users, steam is losing money, all good.
Earlier one of the devs who took exclusivity deal said what even if 100% of people refund the game it will still be profitable, because epic paid way more than that. So dont think they give a fuck.

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It's Tim giving out free money and free games. When we say Tim already paid for your pirated copy it wasnt' a joke

Private investors dumbass

>Tencent will pull out of company that owns most popular game on the fucking planet
Yeah sure, makes sense. How retarded can you really be?