Is Witcher 3 actually a good game or did it just become popular because everyone has low standards for games now?
Is Witcher 3 actually a good game or did it just become popular because everyone has low standards for games now?
Its no Role Playing Game
>he needs vee to tell him what opinion to have
imagine being this braindead
The former.
>main character has role
>you play the role
It's literally an RPG
Yea the whole series is pretty good. Maybe not 11/10 GOTYAY but it's thoroughly enjoyable if you like the genre.
The games gameplay and fighting is boring, but everything else about it is fun and interesting.
The story, the charackters, and expsecially the world/monsters/lore
>The combat is absolute as-
>you play the role of Link ;)
Fuck you.
So basically like the original Red Dead Redemption if it was an RPG?
its a good game in a sense as RDR2 is a good game
take it as you will.
Worst about witcher:
>Main plotline (save the world from evil) premise
>Use witcher senses to..
The latter, it's shit
Geralt is a horrible character, it would have been much better if Ciri was the protagonist
It being good is just a meme parroted by retards. In reality, it’s just like every other game made on or after 2007: objectively 100% pure shit made for casual shit-eaters who don’t know any better. Vidya is dead.
It's the best game ever made, unironically.
It still could be a lot better though.
I think Geralt is great. He's more grey, perfect fit for a PC
Yes, it's good. This is not a good place to ask though, since it's a very popular game and not on a nintendo system so most of Yea Forums shits on it on "principle".
This. Theres a lot that they could have done with it to improve it but the fact of the matter is that Witcher 3 is easily one of the best games released in the past decade. In a sea of shit Witcher 3 is the turd that floats on the top.
Latter + it appealed to the GoT crowd
And the legacy will be this nightmare
Unrelated to Witcher 3, or any of the games.
It's butchering the books.
with the most top level screenwriters
With this perfect casting
It's very obvious you know absolutely nothing about the game and have only read Yea Forums shitposts about it. That's okay, I just hope you aren't missing out on the RPG of the generation because some faggots on Yea Forums spammed shitty copypasta.
It's a bad game because it's incredibly casualized and offers absolutely no challenge or difficulty and even advancing the plot requires zero plot. It literally shows you glowing red trails of where to go in every situation so you never have to think or read or solve a puzzle.
It's popular for all the exact same reasons.
It's pretty good
>RPG of the generation
look you can hate the combat in the witcher 3 all you want but you're retarded if it's somehow a posterboy for "low standard games"
DOS2 has the most boring setting ever created for an RPG.
its one of the best games ever made
honestly, both, people found it to be a masterpiece because they havne't played a good game in a while
It’s okay.
Shut up you fucking nilbog.
Just play Skyrim. More exploration, better combat and it's an actual RPG. Who gives a fuck if a game has a god-tier plot if it isn't actually fun to play. A retard, that's who.
what makes skyrim more of an RPG than witcher
Why doesnt W3 have the same popularity as Skyrim?
It's objectively the better open world game, with better graphics and combat, but everyone still goes back to buying 5 copies of skyrim??
Bethesda background and prestige
Many previous games with vast lore
Skyrim actually allows you to build a character with unique traits and playstyles to vary the experience, which is the main requirement to be called an RPG.
fucking kek, good one
that's not how it works
so if witcher had stealth it would be an rpg
Maybe 1/10 "RPG" videogames can even be considered roleplaying games.
It's hard to flesh out a role playing experience within a video game engine.
The combat isn't terrible, but it isn't great either. It's like...perfunctory is what I'd probably call it. I really like the game but I feel like more complex, satisfying combat would have truly made it worth the hype.
Storytelling is great. It's kind of a meme to talk about a RPG having "grey" morals instead of binary black and white but I feel like the game actually accomplishes that. You can't just be a jesus moralfaggot and everything will go fine for you.
I like how the quests intertwine together. A seemingly minor side quest can be actually long and have interesting stuff in it, instead of it just being a fetch quest. Some characters in side quests pop up in the story quests etc. Exploration is fun and the monsters are cool.
The atmosphere feels different to most games ,I think honestly because it was made by a Polish company and mostly Polish devs. It is not super americanized (which the Netflix show looks like).
With better combat it would be an instant classic for me, now it's a really, really great game. Happily put over 100 hours into it. Definitely one of the best games of this console generation. Admittedly it has been a pretty shitty generation tho.
Well... It's interesting. Some of the character interactions are really well done. Important for an RPG. The combat is pretty bad, however, and a lot of the design choices for the character progression are absurdly arcane.
It's definitely a game I regretted spending 60 on but, only because I disliked so many combat choices. That's pretty important to me, though. If you get caught up in the universe the game would live up to the hype.
I don't understand the bad webms to "defend" a game meme.
Stop using words you don't know the meaning of.
>entire "gameplay" is just abusing environmental mechanics/combos
>in a turn based system
I enjoyed 1 playthrough of it, but I don't think I'd ever feel the need to play it again. It was pretty mediocre.
sometimes I actually believe the recent anti-CDPR sentiment is a bethesda marketing team. There's almost always something to do with elder scrolls or fallout in their kvetching.
Pretty much this. I loved it even though I think the combat sucks. It would've been fine for me if it was just a lot harder. What I liked the most were the sidequests, they're really not that complicated at all but theyre still leaps ahead of other RPGs.
>*whistles for magic horse*
>autoruns on road to quest marker
>*toucan sam vision activates*
>"Mhmm....giant slash marks all over the victim....a Drowner™, gotta be"
>"Come on, Roach"
>*follows nose*
>guys in Drowner™ costumes appear
>"Shit you stink" ALALALALALALALALA *sets guys on fire and they stumble and recover immediately, does a cinematic slash and cuts guys in half"
>"Mhmm....Bandits™ pretending to be Drowners™......better tell the village head about this"
>"Come on, Roach"
>*autoruns on road back to village*
>"Just some bastards posing as Drowners™, here's proof *shows flipper*"
>10 crowns received
Everything about the Witcher 3 is pretty damn good except the combat which sucks ass.
Interactive movie.
i think you seek asylum at an embassy, not after illegally crossing the border
It's good. Not 10/10 GOTY good, but still good.
Keep in mind the throne of the "Best game ever made" that Witcher 3 took over was formerly owned by The Last of Us. So if the Last of Us isn't the best game ever made to you, then neither is the Witcher 3.
I wish /wtc/ wasnt dead. The gayposters were scum of the earth but I loved trolling the ciri fag but reminding him that his waifu is a slut every other thread
>over 100 hours of non-dialogue non-cutscene gameplay
If you want good Witcher combat play Soul Calibur 6. No lie Geralt is a lot of fun to use.
Shitposters have decided it's not an RPG unless it has a character creator and free-form Minecraft gampleay.
The gameplay is trash and barely an improvement on witcher 2, you know, the game that CDPR said was heavily inspired by demon souls?
Very subjective. I personally loved my sign build playthrough.
>Top scoring game on metacritic on all platforms (by user score which is the only score that matters on metacritic)
>Won the highest amount of GOTY awards of all time
>2nd highest rated game of all time on Steam according to Steam Top 250 with 236,000 reviews, 98% of which are positive
>Its DLC (Blood and Wine) won RPG of the year over full games like Dark Souls III
>Still rakes in 15,000-25,000 players monthly on steam 4 years on release
When will The Witcher 3 haters learn that they're objectively wrong? It is great in every means of measurement of quality you can think of that is not anecdotal. I'm sorry you were not able to enjoy it, but it doesn't change the fact it is the GOAT, and there is LITERALLY nothing you can do about it.
Well good for you for pressing R2
instant classic. what modern rpg could even compare? skyrim? mass effect? dragon age? all weak as fuck compared to this.
I miss him
Mel is based
lol, now I see who I’m dealing with
I love the entire Witcher series but how many RPGs have even come out in the last four years? Next to none compared to late 00’s.
>playing a glorified hack and slash on kb+m
Enjoy your carpal tunnel
>Witcher series began as PC exclusive
>getting carpal tunnel from moving your mouse less than in an FPS
>I'm definitely on the writing team and witnessed all of this because I said so :)
The worst combat I ever played right here
Witcher and Souls games coudn't be more different
I'm sure all 2 million of you guys are doing just fine
Yennefer of Vengerberg
its not a good game.
the big city is really cool but everything else is boring.
the waifus were nice tho.
AAA games MUST be bad.
it is a mathematical impossibility for a AAA game to be good.
to spend all that money on a single product, they have to appeal to the widest possible audience.
that audience includes:
>8 year olds
>85 IQ niggers
>3rd world retards
thus, a game can be too hard or retards wont like it.
it cant have intelligent language or niggers wont like it.
it cant have interesting or bleeding edge themes or SJWs wont like it.
it cant be too deep or complex or 10 year olds wont like it.
it cant require a mouse and keyboard or console plebs wont like it.
this is why every single AAA console game is a 3rd person action adventure rpglite.
AAA games are the equivalent of pg-13 movies. bland, boring, uninspired, easy, and forgettable.
is this a new pasta?
The whole trilogy is kino. But good luck trying to persuade normies to play 2nd or god forbid 1st game. They play only whats popular.
You're mistaken. You can seek asylum at any border crossing OR after entering the country.
US territory extends far beyond the border wall, so just reaching the border fence is enough to seek asylum (aka, we let you in the country and you can stay as long as you want even if you don't qualify for asylum)
how the witcher fails to have the "build a character with unique traits and playstyles"
what the fuck are the different skill trees choices and builds? u didnt play the game do you?
They locked abilities behind level walls, that's what he means
Witcher 2 was a massive success, normies already played it.
>Witcher 2 was a massive success
>not even 2 million copies sold
>stole dark souls combat and tried to make people think it was an assassins creed game
1 was trash though
Only fringe eurojank connoisseurs can stomach it.
In my experience no they didnt. I know plenty of people who played w3 for like few days before they dropped it. But they still praise it. Why? Because they literally change their opinion based on others. They hear others praise w3 and they say
>yeah i played it as well!
You usually destroy them if you ask them about skellige. Usually fans dont know what is it.
Yes w2 was also big success, but its nothing compared to 3rd game.
witcher 3 combat without lockon is pretty good, but yall too stupid to install a simple mod, die
>Witcher 2
>Dark Souls anything
Its a slightly different Batman combat system. Considering it came out months before Dark Souls 1, and Demon Souls was even less mainstream than Witcher 2, no one copied shit. For a Polish game releasing the same year as Skyrim, it sold and reviewed very well. There is no way they could have made Wither 3 in its size and scope if it didn't.
Do you enjoy fantasy as a genre? If no, skip. If yes, you'll probably love it. It has some of the best quests I've seen in any RPG. Great scenery. Cool characters.
The combat is actually pretty good for an action-rpg, but it gets old because the game is 150+ hours long if you don't rush. And the progession is almost non-existent, Geralt really doesn't develop gameplay wise at all. Level 1 Geralt plays nearly identical to level 50 Geralt. You have almost everything you'll get when you finish the tutorial zone. So 150 hours later, you're probably going to be real tired of the same old shit.
Still as a guy that appreciates fantasy stories and immersive settings, I played all 3 games and loved them all. Witcher 2 was my favorite, and Heart of Stone DLC for 3.
Yeah that's a cool opinion, cdpr said they copied the success of the souls combat system
Demon's Souls nearly outsold Witcher 2 (within 50,000 copies) and it was ps3 exclusive. And Dark Souls outsold witcher 2 by over 4 million copies, who are you kidding?
Witcher 3 isn't even the best game IN Witcher 3.
Quite the opposite. It raised the bar really high. No one else wanted to do good stuff anymore; I really felt like Bioware's Mass Effect was the top and wouldn't/couldn't get any better than that.
TW saga is fucking fun. It's interesting and fun to play. It's well written, despite people RREEEEEEing at it, but being frank it's sensible in the right spots and hard hitting too. No propaganda even if it touches all the tropes of today. And does it in the fun and even an elegant way.
Anyways it's truly good and the only game I almost felt it could have been called an AAAA game. Fuck Rockstar padding.
Why don't just get Steve Buscemi to play Triss
If you're going to miscast on purpose at least make it hilarious
Maybe if it's the only game you ever played
Because witcher, and a greater extent, netflix isn't for white people anymore. It was created by white people for white people, sure. But not anymore.
I liked it because the gameplay was sufficiently polished and the story was good enough to make me care about Ciri.
I don't really give a shit about whether it is or isn't an RPG. An RPG can be good or bad, any particular game being an RPG has no bearing on whether or not it's a good game so I don't get why some Yea Forumsirgins like to use it as an argument.
The gameplay is nothing special but it isn't bad either and works well enough as a vehicle to deliver the story.
>I don't get why some Yea Forumsirgins like to use it as an argument.
You got it wrong. Witcher fanboys are the ones who try to claim it's the greatest RPG ever made
It's a good game but massively overrated. Like most good games. I preferred the first game because it had a more interesting story and characters, plus the second game fucked over the setting. Whoever thought that it was a good idea to take a complex political balance with 5 or more kingdoms bordering an empire and replace it with one kingdom versus an empire was an idiot. Also the first game made me a temerian nationalist and the only good part of the second game is how likeable foltest is before he fucking eats it.
kek, up to the sound effects
Most people who hate on this game are usually weebs or ADHD kids or both combined. They cant handle the fact that this game is unironically 100x better than their shit waifu bait games.
the witcher 3 is one of the greatest RPGs ever made, the only ones who disagree are consolefags who see the witcher as "that pc mustard race game" and hate it like a rival football team
Books like 1984 are enjoyed from high school to elderly age, therefore it must be garbage. In fact, any book that is required reading in high school by 14 year olds is garbage too.
the females are just incredibly beautiful and absolute 10/10s
>someone actually saved my non sexy-webm
Yea Forums only likes it because it's full of white people and they've been drinking to much /pol/ kool aid
hearts of stone is the best rpg experience i've had in a long time
Blood and Wine was fucking great
I wouldn't know, the absolutely atrocious combat turned me off after about 10 hours. I hear there are mods that really improve on the base combat so I've been meaning to start over.
first 1 had atrocious combat
then 2 had atrocious combat
now 3 has atrocious combat
when will it end?
too bad nothing minimally related to that will happen in the show (even if the books has ton of sex) because new yen is a monstrous semi-nigger skinny creature
>mongrel face
I think it literally got popular on it's graphics and humor.
First of all, the gameplay loop is utter garbage. an aging monster slayer rolling around and slashing everything how riveting.
second, all the MAIN story characters are bland boring trash. I actually found the side quests rando npcs to be way more interesting.
Geralt and his merry band of slutty femme fatale sorcereresses really gets tired FAST
The graphics and the world were impressive to easily amused kids.
Honestly the game is just memes, and the fucking taxes video on youtube is probably the best thing it's ever produced..
So fucking sick of the same "combat sucks" meme getting parroted every single time this game comes up. You guys can't like something, if its popular and massively critically acclaimed. You just can't say "You know what? Everyone was right. This game is really that fucking good." Some contrarian made up the "combat isn't any good." meme to seem superior, and everyone, of course, constantly parrots it, because God forbid anyone have an original thought on this website. And every single time it's asked to be explained further, you get dumb shit like "it's floaty."
You can call me a CDPR drone if you want. Please play games before you criticize them and parrot shit you've heard other people spew out.
>Please play games before you criticize them and parrot shit you've heard other people spew out.
Right back at you. How anyone could play the game and not come to that conclusion is perplexing.
Beautiful scenery
Good graphics for its time
Side quests are actually worth doing
Characters are interesting
Shitty subpar combat
Too much dialogue that's inconsequential to the story or just straight up wastes time. It literally only exists to give you the illusion of choice
Ciri is literally Made For BBC
pffft lol @ your taste
>better combat
Ok just shut up
heaven forbid my rpg has fluff dialogue to add to the depth of the characters and the world
I get it, you're amazingly cool for pretending not to like one of the most critically acclaimed games of all time. It doesn't matter anyway, I've literally only ever seen the same 7 opinions about this game on Yea Forums, with no variation.
witcher 3 + DLCs is infinitely better than botw and last of us combined, two HIGHLY overrated games.
>using children to create propaganda
it's a mediocre RPG with an incredibly boring and generic story
its clear a lot of effort went into it though and the graphics are decent
still incredibly overrated
>Persona 5 with none of the pros
>It's working
the story quests are interesting and it looks polished
the gameplay grows stale after a while
Brainlet detected
>muh shitty combat
fuck off, witcher 3 combat is fine and better than botw which people in Yea Forums suck off daily despite being awful
Just because you're ass at the game doesn't make it bad.
So what you're saying is that Doom is an RPG because I play the role of Doomguy.
Setting the bar real fucking low there
people on Yea Forums suck off a lot of shitty games. let me be clear.
Dark souls, BOTW, and the witcher 3 all had shitty combat.
Don't engage this person, he's been saying the same shit for like three months. He's not right in the head
witcher 3 combat is perfectly fine, you can roll or sidestep or parry with ease in addition to signs and ranged attacks if you want.
what is the issue? people bitch cause they can't actually point out why it's bad.
>Plays Nilfgaard deck
absolutely disgusting
Oh look it's this schizo again.
People with actual criticisms will tell you the combat is boring. It's easy, and never changes. Even in harder difficulties AI doesn't get smarter it just adds more HP, which reveals the challenge was always in the HP and not in the actual combat difficulty. Over time, you'll get bored of it and when you try to mix it up and do other things, you find out it's a pretty shallow system.
says the guy who's been shitposting about tw3 for like 4 years at this point
That's correct
but people suck off BOTW despite it being worse than OOT in terms of combat. you can't even roll, all you can do is side hop and do some shitty QTE stab attack.
Don't waste your time. All any of these faggots do is relish in your lost time, even of you're right it doesn't matter. They'd off themselves tomorrow if they didn't get enough (You)s today
>Elves are cannibal hippies that want to create an army of terminator dryads to destroy everyone but most are in slums/refugees after they got fuck by magic nuclear weapons
This alone makes it less generic than 99% of games.
is the goty edition worth 30 neetbuxx? I could get a steam download cheaper, but i want the physical box
Sounds like the plot of game of thrones, pretty generic
Yeah, there's a lot of decent content
>boring and generic story
t. was on phone during every cutscene
Skyrim has by far better mods and has a lot more to do(despite it all being more shallow). Also more replayable since different builds can play very differently (especially with the correct mods). Don't get me wrong I still liked W3 more and think it's a better game, but Skyrim despite how average it is offers more bang for your buck.
There are other ways to tell a story other than exposition dumps and cutscenes
I love the game despite the combat being way too easy and bland. I even installed mods that made it harder, made it slightly better.
mostly agree. the story just taps into a played out horny 15yo white male fantasy
You dumb or some shit? Name a single thing that game of thrones has in common with what I wrote.
Ýou are just missing the detail that Larian is a very incompetent company since the dawn of time
Many people here don't realize this, I a fear that's because I've finally begun outgrowing this place. Too many low IQ young whippersnappers who want to talk about titties and puffy vagina
>People with actual criticisms will tell you the combat is boring. It's easy, and never changes.
Sounds to me the Witcher should had gone full action RPG with varied enemies with loads of different attack patterns.
Suck the shit out of my asshole schizo, and take a shower
And yet DOS2 was at the very least the best RPG of the year.
They copied the combat from dark souls for 2 and banked out the cutscenes with 3. They're probably as autistic as it gets for game developers
So does Witcher 3, and yet look at how many people complaining about it...
Wow luke warm r/eddit tier garbage with massive marketing budgets sell well?
I never said W3 was bad. I'm just pointing out how retarded the guy that said that DOS2 setting is. They're both pretty much equal for different reasons IMO.
Probably due to the fact Skyrim has choice and character creation.
>Everything I don't like is reddit
Have sex.
>All I do is shitpost in cdpr threads for hours a day
Are you that tripfag that looks like he fucks kids?
Why are you so mad? Who hurt you?
Everything has an uncomfortable delay because muh "it's weighty and realistic!", even though Gerald spins and dances like it's zero fuck gravity.
The "combat stance" crawl that overrides the run input ranges from mildly infuriating to utterly fucking intolerable. If I'm pushing the stick and run button, the proper response should not to be to automatically make me fucking crawl so I have to lift up and repress the button, wait half an hour for it to register, and another 15 minutes for the animation start up to kick in and start running again.
There's a movement deadzone the size of the grand fucking canyon. Gerald can fly through the air and knows spinning is a good trick but he's physically fucking incapable of turning in place.
The soft targeting system is slow and unpredictable and often just simply stupid, and the combat pace and style doesn't work well with the hardlock.
The combat isn't terrible. I found it alright, servicable enough to finish the game, but it is no where near above criticism like fanboys imagine it to be.
But you wanna know what the really sad part is, I really get why you can just hand wave all of those complaints. Because ultimately, none of it matters. You can just alternate backstep and fast attack for 95% of every single fight all the way through on death march. Maybe a wraith needs a yrden here and there or some other cheap gimmick. Everything else is just filler and flavor, but that is literally the extent to which the depth of the combat goes.
How many levels of jenkem are you on right now?
Skyrim doesn't really have choice in what you do tho. It gives you the option to complete quests how you want for the combat part, but you can almost never make decisions in the quests besides not doing them.
Its not even the best Witcher game, The original Witcher was the best. It`s an european charm like stalker or gothic and the story and ending where fenomenal.
It became more popular because it got watered down and "westernized"
>you can almost never make decisions in the quests besides not doing them.
So, Witcher 3
This. It had actually interesting combat
What would a ideal date with your Witcher waifu be like?
it has stat based combat and choices & consequences
it's more of an RPG than 3/4 of the genre
Is this a mod?
Not an argument
>witcher 1's combat is good
>witcher 3's combat is bad
Except orignally role playin was also derive from Roll, meaning rolling dice. So you role an you roll meaning actions have consequences and random chance plays a part. From that point of view neither doom nor Witcher are RPGs because you cant Role shit if you actions dont chance 100% the outcome.
don't be fucking retarded
Witcher 1 combat was original, Witcher 3 is a bastardized copy of dark souls
enjoy the witcher games cause the netflix show is an abomination.
just because you can dodge roll and block doesn't mean it's dark souls combat. 3 is a refined version of 2's combat which isn't dark souls either
>tinder vs rl
Cdpr admitted they copied souls combat with Witcher 2. Not only that, they MARKETED it as a souls-like game
Nothing wrong with this.
>Cdpr admitted they copied souls combat with Witcher 2. Not only that, they MARKETED it as a souls-like game
it's what defines an RPG so it is
If you don't know you're a Witcher 3 baby
stop lying
You can't redefine things to make an argument
I actually want to see proof. Considering I know Dark Souls combat extremely well I want to see what they copied.
“I think everyone will find elements of Demon’s Souls, though, definitely.
“We don’t auto-scale opponents, for example. If you want to compare it to anything, Demon’s Souls is definitely good. I’d like that, for sure.”
The Witcher 3 is the greatest game of all time. Only dipshits would disagree.
we all do..
Not him but i read something in an interview which the devs literally say they took heavy inspiration from Dark Souls. Fuck me if I know where is that article now.
>Letting your opponent reach 150
Literally how? All my games always end 200 to 30 or something
is that about the combat or the game as a whole? and do you think maybe he's just giving people a point of reference for their relatively unknown (at the time) game to market it to an established audience? you must have autism to think a statement like that is so absolute that it justifies you saying witcher 3 combat is a clone of dark souls
even the old PC dungeon crawlers were RPGs though
yeah, it's ROLL playing game you idiots, if you're not rolling dice it's not an RPG
The combat.
He's specifically talking about their inspirations for the combat.
i just rolled a dice and it said you're a fag
what now bitch
Of course you can. The problem is that sjws think that refusing asylum is illegal.
Well In that case the old good of war games were rpgs, quick time events and all
not even remotely similar to tabletop rpgs
But hey, you're playing a character that kills things in a room.
>Not him but i read something in an interview which the devs literally say they took heavy inspiration from Dark Souls. Fuck me if I know where is that article now.
It was Demon's Souls
>if you're not rolling dice it's not an RPG
waifus, the game is a turd smeared in shit
>it just become popular because everyone has low standards for games now?
this, unfortunately.
it's bad but it's better than most modern games.
>The problem is that sjws think that refusing asylum is illegal.
Yup, they also don't understand the actual purpose of political asylum. Asylum is meant for people who are in danger in their home country and need safe refuge from political or social threats to their well-being. Just deciding you don't want to live in your country any more is not grounds for seeking political asylum. It's intended as a humanitarian process for helping war refugees or targets of systematic discrimination/oppression, not as a process by which you can just choose to circumvent standard immigration procedures.
Ciri is the most bland fucking character in existence, tell me now faggots, did anyone actually give a shit about Ciri? Bookfags don’t count.
It's a masterpiece
It's very visually appealing and the story/characters are good. Gameplay wise it's subpar. You basically just walk to question marks on the map and watch scenes with some crappy combat in-between.
It unironically would have been better as a telltale game or visual novel.
Like what? Slice of life loli anime cutscenes?
>no red pubes
Man I love this meme of calling every good game shit, it never gets boring
You're pretty unique people for doing that, you know that?
That jenner guy is a fucking beast! Holy shit look at the size of that boy!
>not western
If what you say is true, then CDPR made a shitty work on copying das combat because W2 looks nothing like it.
1984 is fucking terrible, dumb teen. Same with Witcher but worse.
the whole game has the same betheshit problem
follow quest marker, engage in shitty combat and clear a room and the added benefit of a couple dialogue choices and long scenes
I didn't like it very much. The combat got old fast, the quests were mostly the same mechanically, and the world didn't interest me. And I usually don't care about stories in games, so that couldn't carry it for me.
So its on sale on psn right now.
Is it worth 15 usd?
I keep hearing bad to subpar combat and for a long game thats going to hamper my experience.
If I found ps4 spiderman combat to be boring as hell would this be remotely better?
witcher 3 + dlc is one of the best games you can play.
>plays the role of a witcher
>it's a game
Yes it is
funny, but i ended up with like 5 figures in terms of coins, you get filthy rich
It has a certain je ne sais quoi.
that goblina is based af
Yes it's worth fucking 15 bucks. The value is insane. I found the combat to be more enjoyale than in spiderman, just crank the difficulty all the way up to death march and switch to alternative movement controls from the gameplay settings.
It's a good game, but it got overpraised because it came out at a time when there was a drought for good games, which was 2015. The Witcher 3 was one of the few games of 2015 that anyone could call good, then everyone loved to suck its cock after that.
Don't listen to this retarded faggot Witcher 3 is worse in every way to Ps4 spiderman but the combat especially is fucking braindead (same 3-4 button combo on literally every enemy and boss to win, even the final boss)
The writing is only liked by normie retards who'd think Twilight is an amazing love story while listening to their favorite artist Justin Bieber.
The presentation is superb. The main quest gets stale after midgame, but the DLC is absolute kino
Combat is mediocre-to-decent. It's not unbrearable, but also not horrible either, just your standard action adventure slashing.
can't believe people actually listen to Yea Forums and don't form their own opinion first. Nigga you know you can pirate it right ? Even if you are so cheap for 15 $. Fuckin hell
I fucked all 4 of those writers on 3 different nights
The throne of best game ever made is occupied since '97 by Final Fantasy VII
It felt like a less customizable Elder Scrolls, with way too heavy an emphasis on story. It was just endless dialogue and exposition. I gave up on it pretty quickly as the combat felt clunky and not very fun regardless.
I think the type of guys who love Sony exclusives and think "C-list-vidya-narrative>everything" probably just ate it up and jerked it off a bit too hard in online forums.
The people who praised it just don't have any fucking standards whatsoever. It's Skyrim 2.0.
The game is decent at best.
That ain't even the best FF.
so it's not skyrim enough and too much like skyrim at the same time
In either case it's not blowing your mind if you have played an Elder Scrolls game.
There's no contradiction. It's not how I would say it, but "It's like a worse Skyrim" does sound pretty bad.
And by "Skyrim 2.0" I mostly mean the presentation, marketing, and reception.
what board is that post from?
speaking of, who's that coal burner porn actress who looks like Yen?
the pasta never gets stale
Looks like one of those waterhags, desu.
oh well, the game needed better tiddy physics
It's decent, but had some serious gameplay design oversights, fixed by mods partially.
Lets just compared the highest rated RPG (Skyrim) in this generation with Witcher 3:
Skyrims gameplay is literally trash. It has no depth, no challange you can literally win every "duell" by clicking your left mouse. Thats it. Its clunky, unresponsive dumb.
Witcher 3 gameplay on the other hand is dynamic, challanging and is fun.
Like every TES game Skyrim looks shit. It was outdated the day it came out. Everything looks like straight out of 2008.
Witcher 3 on the other hand sets graphical standarts for open world RPG'S. Beatiful looking landscapes, great looking water etc.
Do you remember 5 people from the Skyrim story? i dont despite playing it 80+ hours. I remember the "last Dragon" but thats it. The Story was so barren and so pointless and not one single character was interesting. Compared that to Witcher 3. Everybody atleast remembers 3-4 people many even more. It has an interesting variety of characters .
So yeah Witcher 3 deserves all the love it acrually gets. Dont let the Bethesdadrones convince you otherwise
It is a good, the only reason why people's standards are so low is because they have been chugging on Bathesda's cock for too long.
Skyrim is an RPG, even if its a shitty one.
W3 is a glorified visual novel/adventure game with bad action-combat.
>muh story
Read a book.
>Is Witcher 3 actually a good game or did it just become popular because everyone has low standards for games now?
>you don't play the role of link
zelda is the girl
>mfw literally "that's RAICES!!!!"
>Skyrim is an RPG, even if its a shitty one.
>W3 is a glorified visual novel/adventure game with bad action-combat.
>>muh story
>Read a book.
This. A thousand times this.
If you like visual novels and bad writing then you will enjoy it very much.
>low standards
it was the only high quality game the year it came out, im sure you were pre occupied with anime garbage, but dont think you have high standards
you didn't haggle the price before accepting the contract?
witcher's kb+m was incredibly intuitive and only a baby that got started on witcher 2: console edition would disagree. 3 was perhaps the best third person game adventure game on pc
>stole dark souls combat
do you think dark souls invented the concept of "dodge enemy attack, then punish" or something?
how do you go from Witcher 2 to Witcher 3 then? did they cast a magic spell perhaps?
>struggling with imlerith
Yeah, you might need to git gud. I dread to think of what you'd say about Sekiro.
>dark souls combat
Idk why people keep saying this because the combat is absolutely nothing like souls.
What is good combat in your eyes ?
Is that supposed to invalidate the terrible hitboxes?
Yes. Yes it is.
So Imlerith spanked you and now you're mad?
CDPR drones, everyone.
Calm down Todd. Bring the next Elder Scrolls and maybe i'll buy it.
Of course you will, you seem to love trash.
It's coming for the Switch yo! Can't wait to play TW3 on the go in 360p, ultra low graphics with a whopping 17fps!
Besides getting clapped by Imlerith reading comprehension is also not one of your strenghts.
>Do you remember 5 people from the Skyrim story?
Jarl Balgruuf
The greybeard guy that talks, forgot his name
And Baalgruf's guardian i think? Irileth.
>Besides getting clapped by Imlerith
>implying that's mine
Pic related: it's me and my bitch.
I beat the entire game on DM, and it felt like Normal at best.
>reading comprehension
Don't try to pull this shit now. You're at the very least considering buying the next TES. You're retarded.
Agreed. TW3 deserves to be in the top 10 best games of all time. Only a handful of games even come close to the quality of TW3. Cyberpunk is probably going to be a top 10 contender too.
It's a good game for people who don't actually enjoy playing video games.
It's simplistic and has a lot of dialogue and cutscene.
You're just as retarded as people who preorder if you don't at least get a picture of the new shit coming.
>games are for gameplay only
>if you want story, read a book bro
That's why I loved Ghostbusters 2016. Story/characters/humor all sucked but it had bright lights and pretty lasers, so it was an easy 10/10 for me. Films are about visuals, if you want a story, read a book!
Latest three BGS games:
>Fallout 76
>Fallout 4
There's "cautiously excited" and then there's "hopelessly desperate". Get ready for more lies.
its like a mirror.. for all of us
you go kill yourself and then you win otherwise you lose at life which you seem to be good at
>The greybeard guy that talks, forgot his name
real convincing kek you got rekt kid
So cutting edge!
The main story drags, runs out of budget near the end after 60 hours, and ultimately ends up not being very memorable. It's mostly the expertly crafted world and accompanying soundtrack that really drags everyone in.
>expertly crafted world
>write retarded post in greentext
>epic ownage ensures
"world" as in the world of the witcher ie the lore, characters and story. Retard.
Oh, you mean what they ripped from the books and ultimately butchered?
The first thing i did was disabling most of these markers which helped imo.
Doesn't matter if it was butchered or not, you thought you were clever for posting a map when it wasn't even the point.
Post the map for Toussaint to show us how clever you are.
"Exploration" that only leads to disappointment does not help anything.
>Doesn't matter if it was butchered or not
What doesn't matter is which kind of world you meant, because both are a fucking mess.
>Post the map for the actually relatively good part of the game that was the second paid DLC added way later
But sure, here you go. A bit better, I guess?
> unique traits and play styles
> you will end up as a stealth archer anyway
Fuck you Bethesda shill
>doesn't matter
Literal apples and oranges argument. Bringing up the map when discussing something else makes you look like a retard.
>posts and has thoughts on Toussaint
Woah, game was so shit you played 70+ hours.
>dude, how can it be shit if you played so much
Your opinions from now on are automatically discarded.
I still don't understand. You guys constantly jack off souls combat anyway.
>I'm now ignoring you because I look stupid
If anything, I'm more than happy to take the opinion of someone who has played more than someone who has played less. But in your own words, the world of the witcher, the map design and exploration are terrible. How could you play a game so long when it's so fundamentally flawed?
What games did you play in the last 5 years that this game is considered bad?
I really want to know
>Woah, game was so shit you played 70+ hours.
if had played 10 hours of it you would have said he didnt play enough of it.
They're not remotely the same.
>play 10 hours and stop playing because you don't like it
>play 70 hours but continue playing despite hating it
Dont be a retard you know what it means.
Am i suppose to remember every nordic name without vowels? Fuck off retard, your argument was shit and i proved it.
Not that original user, but defending skyrim over "memorable characters" is such a strange hill to die on when they all have the same dozen voice actors and say the same things to you. Not knowing their name shows that they're not memorable, since you can't remember it.
It's Arngeir btw
if that was Yakuza game COMBAT will be great!!! but because it's not made by Japanese, it's absolute ass
can you post the thiccer modded ciri
if TLOU is a good movie game, then this is a good HBO show game.
not that guy but stop being a fucking retard.
Too much story gets in the way of gameplay and yes, games are about fucking gameplay not story. Movies, on the other hand, ARE primarily about telling a story.
It's as janky as you'd expect an open-world game to be but it's certainly the most engaging and consistently enjoyable title in the genre.
>yen's braps, gotta be!
>dodge iframes dont exist after your attack ends, thus making risky play unrewarding
i will never understand this decision
a pack of drowners is literally more dangerous than a fiend because of this
When I read a Yea Forums thread about a game I don't know, I'm not looking for opinions, I'm looking for facts, WHY people have opinions, and what type of person seems to be holding those opinions.
For example, if all proponents are doing is posting waifus and wanking about an overlong voice-acted story, and turning into a sputtering mess the moment combat is criticized (or posting webms that tell me nothing), I'll probably think "this game seems to appeal to storyfags with low standards for gameplay." That's not me, so it means I'll probably pass on spending $50 and many hours of my time playing it
its just Yea Forums parroting the loudest opinion as usual of this hivemind
>a bad choice for Triss
>yfw every game is a rpg
>Webms that tell me nothing
Play the game then? Do you expect a thesis on the combat so you can spend 50$ on a game that goes for 15$ every other week?
The combat has everything you need, dodging, blocking, parrying, a variety of spells and ways to approach combat. The only valid complaint about the combat is how shit the targeting system is
Seriously, name a few games with good combat in open world, so no souls games. BotW is the closest thing, and the combat plays out similar expect you don't feel like the game was made for 11 year olds when you take a look at the awful choice of colors in the world
Lol no you didnt fucking liar.
You know you can just watch youtube and see the game for yourself instead of asking in this website where people act like their experts when theyre not.
2 had the best sex scenes.
Dragons Dogma bitches, the best combat in open world game.
Why do I see a Witcher 3 thread everyday but absolutely no Bloodborne threads?
>Do you expect a thesis on the combat
If you're not willing to post a few sentences describing the combat and what you like about it, then don't whine like a pathetic little infant about contrarians and shitposters.
>Witcher 3
>good game
Said no one ever, it's just really easy to digest which is the reason why literally everyone has played it. It's the Flappy Bird of RPGs.
>search "witcher 3 no commentary"
>37 minutes of cutscenes and riding on horses
>3 minutes of combat
Am I getting a good impression of the focus of this game or not?
Because the tv show is coming and some shill want to hype up the series
>Fuck me and my shitstained asshole, Geralt
>yfw FFXIV is the only rpg in FF series
You know those stereotypical basement dwellers? The ones with bad teeth, unshaven, and probably smell like piss and shit? Well look no further. Some of these people say the same thing every thread, and some have been posting the same thing for well over a year at this point. It's sad when the only successful threads on here anymore are ones specifically created by actual incels. If you've ever been to /vg/ for any amount of time you'll understand
it's pretty good, but it is overrated.
It has tidies.