How the fuck do you have free time to play vidya with a full time job...

How the fuck do you have free time to play vidya with a full time job? I am a NEET and barely have enough free time for it.

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can you run me thru your daily routine, i am interested in what you do

what the fuck do you do all day

>having a full time job
imagine being american and thinking you're free when you work 40(or more) hours a week and still live paycheck to paycheck with few luxuries

I work 40 hours and have so much free time I wind up spending half of it doing nothing on 4chinz.

Imagine living in an irrelevant 3rd world shithole and constantly thinking about America

I changed my schedule Tuesday-Friday and I just bust my ass to reach 40 hours in 4 days, then I roleplay as a cozy NEET over the weekend+Monday :)

imagine thinking everyone who doesn't live in america is in a 3rd world country
imagine thinking america isn't a 3rd world country when loli is illegal in some states, bestiality is legal in some states, health care and wages are fucked all over the place and giving someone AIDS is a misdemeaner in california

l-land of the f-free

Americans are the most insufferable faggots. Literally defending your shitty corporatist culture that keeps average people struggling to le BTFO the shit skins. Retard boot licker..

América is a piece of shit country and the world would gladly erase you from the map given the option

rent free

tfw when work offshore and get 6 months paid holiday a year


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>still live pay check to pay check
Holy fuck lol. I know people who work 40 hours a week and then the GOVERNMENT fucking gives them money. Like what the fuck. 40 hours of minimum wage can pay for everything lol

You are truly retarded

I make 15 an hour doing landscaping (irrigation installations, drain pipe installations, patios etc) and by the next pay period I'm counting pennies. I have no debt and I spend only on bills, food and gas... Why the fuck am I even responding to this shit. Half you retards who post this kind of shit are either NEET or trust fund kids

>3rd world shithole
>constantly thinking about America
so USA?

I usually mope around for an hour or so, run, make dinner, eat while watching a show, then play vidya for 1-2 hours before going to sleep. I could squeeze more play time in, but I don't want every waking moment to be consumed by work and vidya

or people who's parents weren't stupid enough to have a kid in a high-population city.
I pay 600/month for a two bedroom house on an acre and a half. $400 of other expenses including food.
15/hr would be comfy for me.

>imagine thinking everyone who doesn't live in america is in a 3rd world country
They literally are
>imagine thinking america isn't a 3rd world country when loli is illegal in some states, bestiality is legal in some states, health care and wages are fucked all over the place and giving someone AIDS is a misdemeaner in california
Nice rant child fapper, but the fact of the matter is we are the only world superpower and you are not. Stay jelly pedo mudslime. Citizen of freedom out.

Guys I’m fucking healed and can get back to work.

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Michael Jackson?

I know a NEET and all he does all day is play games. How the FUCK do you as a NEET not have that much time?

What happened? Toe infection spread up into your foot?

>Workout, shower, etc.
>Get ready for work(prep lunch, make sure I have my work stuff together)
>Travel to work
>Travel home
>shower, change into more comfortable clothes, eat if I feel like eating
>Literally like 7 hours of free time
>Lay down, maybe watch some streams or youtube videos
>Turn off everything and try to go to sleep.

That's literally 7 hours worth of video game time a day. Or 49 hours a week. Give or take a few hours when I really decide I want some extra hours.

And thats not including weekends, when I don't work. I could add an extra 16 hours right there if I wanted.

I feel like I spend so much time playing video games I don't really understand what the fuck you're doing.

Show us your budget right now so we can pick apart how stupid you are. I make $12 an hour and survive just fine, literally eating out regularly and buying whatever video games I want.

If all goes well (read:bad), I'll find out how next week or the week after because I'll be working proper full time for the first time.

Since I was 16 I've just been doing school/university and a part time job and always had time for vidya. Now it's going to be a full time job, 6 days a week, possibly 60 hours a week for the foreseeable future

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Working 40hrs a week leaves plenty of free time to play games as long as you arnt retarded enough to have a wife and kid while still slaving for wages.

>5.5 hours of sleep

>5.5 hours of sleep max
I have a similar schedule, but I can't go to sleep any later than 9, else I will feel like shit all day long, or sleep in too late to fit my entire routine without rushing. Some days I go to bed at 8:30.
What's your secret? Extra hard workouts?

Won't have to worry about wagecucking because I bought Chainlink.

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You don't need any more sleep than 5 hours of sleep.

I can sleep in on the weekends if I'm really in the mood. I'm usually not.

And like I said, if I really want some extra sleep I could just go to bed early.

That's the thing about freetime. I can do whatever I want for it.

Even if I added an extra hour of sleep every single day, thats still 50+ hours of video game time a week.

>40 hours of minimum wage can pay for everything lol
This all fucking depends on where you live. If you live in the styx or a less urban city, cost of living goes down in comparison to someone who lives in a metropolitan city.

I live in Toronto and the cost for a 1 bedroom apartment is at minimum $1600 a month, sometimes without utilities covered. People regularly pay $2k a month to live by themselves in an apartment in this fucking city and that can take 80% of a person's take home income if they manage to get paid $15 an hour which is a dollar above minimum wage here. Even if you manage to get paid 20 an hour, you're still getting robbed a huge percentage of your take home income just to live somewhere

>7:00 wake up
>7:45 go to work
>8:00 to 16:00 work
>16:15 back at home, eat something
>17:00 to 24:00 free time for vidya or whatever
Aint rocket science bro

>6.5 hours of sleep

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Found the frog eating faggot.

I don't have a secret. I'm a morning person and always have been so it's not hard for me to get going in the morning.

I've tried getting like 6/7/8 hours of sleep and the only noticeable improvements were that I felt fully awake slightly faster and didn't ever feel a want to sleep in.

But since my mornings are just my mindless workout and my mindless shower, that doesn't matter.

The downsides being losing a shit ton of time literally doing nothing.
Also, life will sometimes deprive people of sleep regardless. And getting 5-6 hours of sleep when I was constantly used to 7-8 hours felt TERRIBLE. Literally ruined my entire day just because some stray thought entered my mind in the middle of the night.
Not only that, but its way easier to lose sleep when you're doing more of it. Much higher chance of being interrupted,

When I'm used to 5 hours, I don't feel bad at all. Literally never had any problems with it.

In French it's "Amérique". 'América' is in Spanish.

if your problem is sleeping in then you just need more discipline. try putting yourself in a situation where you literally cant sleep in or youll get fucked if you have to

why do foreigners hate Americans if those Americans aren't self-hating little babies that kiss up to them?
most Americans don't give a shit about foreigners

my routine:
>wake up at around noon
>feel like shit, eat some light breakfast
>distract myself with some Yea Forums and other light media
>around 15pm, do some chores, maybe errands
>17-18pm reward myself with a beer
>cook some food, clean up
>watch some tv, or read a book till 22-23pm
>back to the chans or some other shit, feel disgusted by myself, stay up late, 1-2 hours of audible before sleep
>rinse and repeat

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Is it still early enough to join? Haven't been on the crypto scene for a while.

Just live outside the city dipshit. I swear cityfags are all so fucking retarded, paying $2k a month for an apartment thats garbage just so they dont have to drive to the city when they want to go out.

even worse for retards who are legitimately spending all day in their homes playing video games and still paying to live in the city.

95% of cities you can move a 30 minute drive outside the city and pay a third of the rent.

>home by 4
Try having a real job where you work to 7 to 9 every night faggot


Yea Forums is an easy way to just piss away time
even playing a video game is more constructive because there's a point where you're finished with it and sometimes I even use the energy from completing a game to then complete something real in my life

>10 hours for work(counting travel time)
>6 hours for sleep
That's 8 hours for me to do whatever the fuck I want.

>new character shows up and completely dominates the old cast
They'll get over it

Problem is you decide to live far away from the place you work gets rid of one thing in favor of more challenges. Getting rid of the high price of rental/housing to take on the problems of a car or an additional 3-4 hours a day for public transports when you can already be working 60 hours a week

>didn't finish high school
>spent my time dedicating myself to my hobby and drinking heavily
>eventually become so good at hobby that I start making money
>work independently when I want
>completely free of any bullshit and dealing with clients is only a slight headache sometimes
Feels good. Don't fall for the higher education meme. Learn a trade and be independent.

>Working 7 to 9 and calling others retarded
>Getting any job that regularly forces you to work more than 40 hours a week

and they call me a wage slave.

Literally the only thing that matters to me at all is getting home on time so I can spend my spare time doing something else other than work.

It doesn't even matter what the work is, anything your forced to do to is going to suck. Dream jobs are an illusion propped up by fictional stories. Don't take pride in doing more than you have to.


H-home of the b-brave...

You could spend less than 8 hours on Yea Forums?

>tfw had a phone interview
Is this a good sign? What are my chances of getting hired if i made it this far?

And what are you doing on Yea Forums then?

>6-12 hours of work a day
>4 hours sleep
>between 14-8 hours a day to game

>the problems of a car
Almost non-existent. This is another stupid thing that cityfags try to pretend is a huge deal. I bought a car in high school 10 years ago for 2 grand and have maybe spent another 2 grand and a minuscule amount of time maintaining it since then.

Got a flat last week. Took me a grand total of 30 minutes and $20 to get a repair. Was the most time and money I spent on my car in about 2 years.

I work around 45 hours a week and have plenty of time for vidya.

6:30AM - WAKE
5:20PM - LEAVE
6:50PM - ??? - VIDYA AS I PLEASE

I usally go to bed at 1AM so that's around 5 hours of vidya.

shitpost like everybody else

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>another 5.5 hours of sleep fag

lmao you sleep deprived idiots

Sleep 6 hours a night, take a 20 minute nap after lunch. Live close to work. 8 hours at work, 6.33 sleeping, and 9.67 to yourself.

You can sometimes have two phone interviews before the actual face to face interview.
One where they just ask you questions about work experience and why you think you would fit into the applied job.
Next you might get a second phone interview where they test you with some questions, but it depends on who the employer uses to hire people.
The face to face one is where you have to close and they usually try to pressure you depending on the industry. Its not uncommon for you to walk into a room with 4-5 people who all sit and stare at you, taking turns asking questions and seeing how confident you are

This. It's honestly the only way.

I feel great with 6 and my body routinely wakes me. I feel awful if I get more and often get a headache.

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Sleep is overrated. 5.5 hours is the perfect amount that gets you through the day and leaves you with plenty of time.

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Nah, everyone who drives a car is part of the problem. Fucking destroying cities and destroying the world without a care in the world


The secret to having time for vidya and hobbies is minimizing your commute and food prep.

Mass prep on Sundays while you vidya.
Move close to work.

If I had a commute longer than 15 minutes I'd probably kill myself.

>20 minute commute to work

That's why smartass. People regularly commute 1+hours just to get to work and don't have 1 hour lunches. Count yourself fucking lucky

>12 an hour

How? I make 27.55 and im more than comfortable. I can save about a grand a month while still eating out or buying games without much thought. But how can you possibly do that on 12 an hour? How do you generate any significant savings? Do you have any plans to have children or pay down a mortgage?

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ur fluids tho

same here. i thought for a long time i was broken because i would only sleep 5-6 hours. id go to bed dead tired at midnight, then get up at 6 or so. i thought, this doesnt make sense, 8 would be better etc. but i tend to feel fine

lmao imagine caring about the environment in 2019.

Are you me?
Except at work people know I live close, so I have to be the one staying late in certain cases.
I usually do:
2 hours of vidya
2 hours of drawing
And 1 hour of whatever on bed with my phone.

a man's gottta know his priorities

My day:
2pm wake up
2-3 pm breakfast + workout
3-6pm drawing/reading
6-8pm vidya
8-8:30 dinner with mom
8:30-10pm vidya
10pm-noon watching streams/youtube
00:00-30 eating whatever I find in the fridge
00 30 -4 am watching anime
till 5 am in bed shitposting
5 am I go to sleep
25y old neet/
my parents hate me tho :)

This one seemed like it was more behavorial. She said st the end she will forward my stuff to the hiring manager and they will see if my next step woukd be a face to face or another phone (depending on if the local guy who would interview me would be available). I just didnt know if phone invterviews were super common or not or if it meant I was actually pretty close.

Gotta do something soon user

thats me rn but im technically not a neet since schools out and i have one year left (dw im 18 calm ur panties/)
i sleep till 12 tho and fuck about from 2-9 since my mother gets abusive if she sees me play vidya

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Im a unionized tradesman. When i finish my work i just leave and get paid my full days pay.

I have not worked more than 5 hours in close to 7 years...

And i still feel tired when i get home and dont feel like playing games

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Stop taking the yank pill and abandon libshit states where Jews own and hike up all real estate prices around business centers.

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Why the fuck cant you people say times like a normal person? Autism?

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Did it look like this? This was my toe about two months ago. I never got it taken care of, but it seems to have gone away for now. Now I am worried I could have ended up like you

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are you alright in the head?

I don't have plans to have children. If that changes, I could always go for a promotion at work. Won't be difficult at all considering how well liked I am.

A mortgage? Possibly. It would be as cheap if not cheaper to pay one than to pay rent in my area. Especially with how good my credit score is.

My savings are anywhere between 50-100 a month. I usually adjust it based on how much I spent the month before, no real set amount at the moment.
That's not much, but better than nothing. I could save more if I wasn't paying $200 a month in student loans for the degree I never got. Also I spend a lot on video games and eating out. I could easily raise that up much higher by being more frugal. I've only just broken my 3 month long sushi addiction so maybe more soon.

But then again, I recently dipped into my savings to fall for the VR meme last month.

I have great benefits from my work too, 401k, good healthcare, all that jazz. So no worry from me that I'll suddenly need a ton of money.

>i still feel tired when i get home
...because you work a meme trade

>he fell for the SoCal tech cities meme
comp sci is a meme degree that guarantees a lifetime of wageslavery in the tech ghettos. any other engineering degree and you'll have 50+ companies sucking your dick to live in the midwest and pay next to nothing in rent because the jewish SoCal landlords convinced everyone they don't want to live in the midwest

$50 a month for me driving about 15 minutes to and from work. Raise that up to $100 or even $200 and I'm still not even breaching close to the amount I'm saving in rent.

hahaha, fucking bullshit!

your a NEET and you have NO TIME?

Absolutely not true

no u

Wake up at 7am, like 14 hours to do whatever and then go to sleep. I fucking hate it and I hate how my body keeps fucking regressing. I miss working and and being around people.

Dude its just an ingrown toe nail i get these all the time because i bite my toe nails off at night (yes i know its gross)

What you need is
>Nail clippers
>Small scissors
>Rubbing alcohol

Shove the nail clippers underneat the infected nail and try to clip off as much as you can
Then use your scissors to cut out the dead skin (this hurts a lot)

Finally find the ingrown nail and use your tweezers to rip it out

Then pour the rubbing alcohol on it (I dip my toe in a bowl for like 5 minutes)

Most important is cut a v shape in the middle of your nail it helps it grow straight.

The whole process hurts a lot but when you rip out that infected nail you get this instant relief i can only equate to an orgasm or drinking a very cold drink on an extremely hot day

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It's true insofar as Califoria (and to a similar extent Oregon and Washington) being shitholes that are never worth living in.

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They weren't too normal before, but certainly now phone interviews are common. They're part of what's called 'pre-screening' where companies usually get people either outside of the company or from a department specifcally dedicated to Talent Acquisition to filter all the bad fits from the resumes and applications.

They're basically there to see if you have the right temperment for the job, then you get pushed internally for the face to face to see if they like you and aren't lying about shit

>meme trade
>Made $130k last year

Hope your diploma was worth it

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>Imagine not living in a city and having to drive to go places instead of literally walking everywhere you'd like, to get literally everything you'd need.
>Imagine commuting 4 hours a day in rush hour traffic when you only live 20/30km away from a city.

I get them all the time as well. This is the fourth one I have had on this toe. Mine form at the root of the nail, which makes it hard to dig out. I have tried. I've previously gone to the pediatrist to get it cut out, but I was too lazy to do that this time.
That one was the most infected one I've ever had

I have a family memeber who has been in universty for about 5 years taking some computer science horse shit.

He says when he is done school he will be making like 150k a year.

He is full of shit right? He is doing some bridging or internship thing and is making like 22/hr, computer programmers really dont make that much even if they work for google or amazon right?

Only asking because i hate him and i want him to fail

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looks tasty mate.

Dig at it for an hour and you will get that sweet release

ITP - low skill brainlet.

>washington and oregon are shit holes not worth living
How exactly? Because you have an irrational hate for the people you think live there? Visted both states and they are absolutely gorgeous. So I definitely disagree that they arent worth living in.

Now im not saying you are wrong that living in california can be shitty due to the cost of living, but what i do disagre with is your mindset that engineering is just a super great degree that you are essentially guranteed a good job as long as you graduate. Its not the 90s/early 2000s anymore. Tons of people are graduating with/did graduate with engineering degrees. Its not nearly as easy as you think.

Don't work hours that put you in traffic. Or just work outside the city.

Like imagine making 100k a year for your city job but spending half of it on rent when you could make less but have more extra money each month.

>walking everywhere instead of driving
>actually going out to get something you want/need then physically carrying it instead of just putting it in a car

Why are you actually bragging about walking instead of driving? Don't tell me you think driving is actually difficult, do you?

He won't make that much right out of the gate. And even if he does he'll probably end up going tranny and killing himself like other CS majors.

Yeah he is definitely way over estimating how much he is going to make right out of school. You are correct in assuming that even Google and Amazon dont even pay entry level employees that well. They MIGHT if you have alot of experience, but your retarded family member is just graduating. He might be lucky if he breaks 6 figures (if he lives in cali). Anywhere else id assume closer to 50k a year starting

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150 far too high for entry level.

If he gets hired on at a company with good pay or competitively works the job market it's not unrealistic for him to get close to 150k in 5 or so years but like engineer positions there's no real upward movement unless you're capable and make yourself standout. Due to this the industry for these positions grows laterally far more than grows up because people sit in these positions forever.

"Known" companies don't necessarily pay better.

It never really hurt desu. Only when I stubbed my toe on something or did a real deep squat. I've grown tolerant to it over the years, I think.

he'll make probably 60-70k out the gate. he's gonna have to go where the big shot jobs are though and those are all out west. even if he does end up making 150k a year he's probably going to end up forking over 90k of that to his landlord.

Alright thanks chums heres hoping he makes only $50k without a pension.
i really hate that cunt

This routine resonates strongly with my own user, but i don't know how to break free of the cycle

Having a solid routine.
Most NEETs I know are in bed 12 hours a day and in a depressed funk for the other 12. No wonder you get nothing done.

spend one weekend day running errands, cleaning, meal prepping and planning for the work week
spend another weekend day mostly with friends
spend basically all my freetime after work hours during the week playing. also any downtime during the weekend.

>he's gonna have to go where the big shot jobs are though and those are all out west.
Yes, yes. Keep tricking the kids!

>Graduate from A&M
>Move to Arkansas
>10 minute transit
>Tons of interviews
>Hire on with transportation company
>Start at 86k (a 2b2b 2500sqft house is like 200~250k
>Work there for two years
>Get hired by a Walmart vendor
>Work there for 1 year
>Get hired by a different vendor

I can't even imagine living in some densely populated shithole with a long ass commute and inflated real estate costs. I'm still flabbergasted people rent well into their 30s out West.

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I literally have 12+ hours a day to finish games but I only get a few hours in between feeling depressed or shitty and burnt out from smoking weed.

>150k income in new york

>50k in taxes
>54k in rent(4.5k a month) for my studio apartment
>12k in health insurance costs
>10k a year(750 a month) to pay for food since no free time to cook
>18k a year to pay my car note on my Tesla that I never drive and bought because I fell for the electric car meme

>MFW I'm broke, miserable, have almost no extra money, and there's people in this thread making $15 an hour who have more than me

what the fuck

>4.5k a month in rent
Bro, you may as well buy a house if you're spending that much on rent.

>not renting so the landlord has to fix all your shit and is responsible for most everything with the property
>not waiting until you actually know how to do things yourself before buying

I mean, you can afford to have someone else do it since you're making those fat stacks, but since it's -my- house I'd prefer to at least do basic shit around it.

>making 190k a year as a computer science major

I dont normally respond to people who lie on Yea Forums but man this one was just too much not to

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houses in my area are millions


Is this a joke? You're paying 4 grand for a studio?

>How the fuck do you have free time to play vidya with a full time job?
you play in the 6~8 hours after you finish work and 18h/day on the weekends

sounds about right for new york desu

Horse fucking shit. Some of the highest paid jobs out of college are Petroleum Engineers. And they make 100k out of school and average out at 150k-160k after a few years in their career. But sure, after 3 years you are making near 200k at a CS major

Then look outside your area. You have a car.
You're miserable and broke because you're pissing away your money for nothing

That's some funny shit.

I come home and do what needs doing. Then play video games for like 1-2 hours.

I don't need more than that desu.

>only $15/h doing landscaping
lmao dude you're getting ripped off. landscaping's easily $30/hour. $15/h is what highschool kids get to flip burgers

>bite toe nails
ah nice im not the only one.

>He thinks vendors and suppliers for massive corporate entities won't pay ridiculous salary just for some halfwit to interpret data for them.

>4.5k a month in rent
Yeah I dont buy this shit. I live in Jew York and, while high, my rent isnt even close to that.


>40 hours minimum wage can pay for everything
>barely over $1000 a month BEFORE taxes can pay for everything
Lmao in what universe?

AM and PM isn’t used with military time. Kind of defeats the whole purpose

Swing and a miss user...swing and a miss.
Your american is showing.

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Ugh I wish I had this

muh ethnic food and stuff to do!

ferme ta gueule enculé jte baise

>Vivid ass-pain over the success of others

I didn't let my degree restrain me or define my career path. I was boosted into a management position after a year the transport company and when I left developed a transport planner that interpreted route trends and resulted in a total of 6 million in its half year demo.

In my next position I was responsible for acquisition, processing, and interpretation of third party data for SKU/scan sales at big box stores. This gets handed off to marketing, sales, and PR.

My manager left company #2 and offered to take me with. New position was roughly the same only I am over 6 people doing what I did and I mostly handle reporting data to subvendors and sellers tied to our umbrella.


You may be able to barely support yourself on that wage. Even in the poorest of states.

$12.50 full time is $2000/month. Decent 1br might cost you $800. Less if you don't mind living in a shitty neighborhood. Take off $600 or so for taxes, and you have $600 to pay for utilities, food, etc, at an absolute minimum. This is more than enough

>Friend has cushy government job
>Works four days with Wednesday off
>Generates vacation AND sick days.

>thread is a bunch of strangers trying to prove to other strangers that their life means something

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>spend 16 hours a day on Yea Forums/youtube
>don't even play vidya even more because it's too much effort when I could just see people talk about vidya instead
Why do anything, ever?

what state do you live in? $12 is not enough to live in the city i live in. but you do sound pretty responsible user


minimum wage is $8.50 where I live

What's the best thing I can invest in with 10K?

Maybe he's canadian, our money is garbage.

Okay ill buy into it. But even still
>this very specific set of lucky circumstances happened to me why and i was able to do such and such because of it
>why cant everyone else do this?
Do i really need to tell you why thats a dumb mindset?

$12.50 is NOT 2000 a month. It's like you think taxes don't exist.

A tent for when you're homeless and a gun to defend yourself.

less than 1% of people working for minimum wage are older than 19

Yeah minimum wage is still 7.25 where i live

Maybe in your dreams these numbers are right

>18k a year on car you don't drive
>10k a year on food because cooking hard

A troll or a retard, pick your poison.

$12.50, 40 hours a week, 4 weeks a month is absolutely $2000. I accounted for taxes in my post. Make it $800 for taxes if you want, that still leaves $400 leftover for essentials, at the absolute minimum.

How to tell if you're depressed or just lazy?
>le shiggy

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>wake up at 6:15
>brush teeth, get dressed, head out to work
>get there at 7
>manual labor all day until 4 or 5 PM
>go home
>get into pajamas
>eat snacks and browse Yea Forums and youtube until 11 PM then pass out peacefully

those are my weekdays. weekends i hang out with friends, go out to drink, and see my child

it's a simple life. i can't complain too much.

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>Lucky circumstances

Nah, user, I just worked hard and proved myself in my jobs - and this is incredibly easy to do in job markets like my area compared to booming tech areas.

Which was the goal of my post - there are PLENTY of jobs all over the U.S. You don't have to exodus West to lick Amazon taint or swallow Microshit and there's really no benefit to it.

Driving isn't difficult that's not the point. The convenience of having everything in close proximity to you makes driving in the city useless. On top of that, paying for parking, and gas money to just sit in traffic adds up quickly. It's stupid to own a car if you live in downtown Toronto.

Because I only work 10am-5pm and have a 3 minute walk between my desk and my apartment. Barely work 30-35 hours, if that.

What’s your hobby?

>make it $800
>$1200 a month
>rent is 1k a month, 850 at a bare minimum unless you live in the middle of shitsville Detroit
>roughly $500 left at most a month
>gas is AT LEAST 100 bucks a month
>$400 left
>groceries are AT LEAST $150 a month
>$250 left
>utilities, phone bill, insurances, take the last $250
Yeah dude lots of money left

>pick up games 2-3+ years after they release for less than $10 a title
>play steadily and savor each hour, clear about two games a month or one if it's huuuuge, sometimes get lucky and game can be cleared in less than a week or even a single day
>console kiddies war about how X system only had so many exclusives in a year and they're already bored with this month's release, laugh

Hobbies are as cozy as you make 'em.

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>groceries are at least $150 a month

You're fat.

So i have a job that pays decent (right under 80k a year). But i also let other guys fuck my wife for money. Which nets me around another 10k a year


See: >TFW redneck
>4 year old apartment
>balcony overlooking trail and forest
>825 with water integrated into rent

That's five dollars a day you fucking dipshit

Do you clean your house? Do you wipe your ass? Yeah no. Between food and other household essentials $150 would be pretty cheap

>$100 for gas
>$850 minimum rent
Where the fuck do you live? I drive 20mi to and from work every day, and I pay maybe $40 a month for gas. Rent is also much lower. A decent 2br in a nice area is $1k. A shithole 1br in a bad neighborhood goes as low as $500
Are you supporting a family?

is your dignity worth 10 k a year

Learn to buy in bulk and on sale and prepare your own food. Drink more water. Sorry the truth hurts.

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talk about backing down

mommy does your laundry and wipes your bum bum

My factory just got a new guy where 60~% of his income goes to child support
might as well an hero at that point

status is worth nothing if youre not living user

who cares

Top kek write a book because you seem to know something everyone else doesnt. Unless you eat ramen every day.


It's useless trying to explain it. Some people just absolutely have no ability to understand that there are rewards for hard work even if it isn't obvious what they are. They'll just chalk it up to lucky circumstances.

In every job I've ever had, even my shitty little garbage walmart job when I was still in college, I was rewarded with lots of benefits and further opportunities by simply working harder than the people around me.

And at each job I've ever had, there were people lazy worthless people who did little and convinced themselves that their "hard work" would never be rewarded, therefore it was okay to slack off.

Over the course of 7 years, I went from $10/hr at the lowest level position to my current position, salaried at $80k a year with massive yearly bonuses(30k last year for example). And I did it entirely through hard work. And yet I still get employees bitching all the time.

People are worthless. Anyone who's jobless or broke deserves it.

Shift working wage slave here. Once you get a job you're gaming interests certainly change a bit.

I've had Dark Souls 1-3 in my game library for years and have honestly never gotten past the first major bosses. I just don't feel like I care to expend the energy to learn how to beat those cunts.

On the flipside I've enjoyed the first two Tomb Raider games. The perfect game where you can come home from work, pick your controller up, not think too hard and still enjoy the game as its an easy way to de-stress from the day.

Other games I find I like are metroidvania's like Hollow Knight, Celeste and Salt and Sanctuary.

Currently looking forward to Hollow Knight 2, Ori and Blind Forest 2, Outer Worlds, Doom Eternal and CyberPunk. That's about it that I care for.

Games are meant to help you de-stress these days.

>buy in bulk
>prepare your own food
Yeah neither of this means $150 a month is plenty to get groceries (including basic household supplies). You are an idiot.

>Only work ten hours a week

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If you work 40 hours, you can manage. If you work 50+, RIP. That shit is exhausting, even if it's white collar work.


It's easy to have 7 hours of free time when you only sleep like 5 fucking hours and you get to workout, make lunch AND go to work in only 2 hours.

You are causing extreme stress to your body with 5.5 hours of sleep

How am i losing my dignity again?

Also 10k isnt some small amount you can do alot with an extra 10,000.

Its literally impossible to play video games if you have a full time job, if you plan on having a family and a life.

Nah, you're just absolutely terrible at time management.

If you do all that it's extremely difficult to do anything at all

>fulltime job
>generally work 4 hours OT a week for extra dosh
>wife and kid
>still get in at least an hour a day because my wife actually loves me
Fuck off nigger, lrn2life

Which is showering in the morning, making dinner and answering your jew boss' calls.

get back to plebbot you numale cuck

>Pays 1k for rent to live in a nice area
>Doesn't leave his house and just plays video games all day

You guys don't do this right?

I live in a trailer park in swampland. I rent a trailer for $500 a month.

Because this place didn't good ISPs for a while, when ISPs actually did show up they installed really high end shit. So I have two different competing fiber internet providers in my area.

I save such a ridiculous amount of money. I live close enough to a city that I can get anything I want to eat delivered to my door with various delivery apps. I didn't have to get a roommate, but I could and then I'd be paying any less. I make so little but have such a huge amount of extra money.

I literally don't even worry about money. I put everything onto credit cards, all bills autopay, I even set up my bank to automatically send my landlord the rent check.

I pay them all off at the end of each month, then throw the rest of my money into my savings, so I don't even think about due dates on bills like some people. I've got like 10k saved up.

I turned the extra room in my trailer into a gym.

I can't understand how you people struggle. stop being retarded. Get roommates for cheaper rent and live close to where you work.

If you directly are getting 10k for letting someone pump your wife, you're acknowledging she's your possession, and letting anyone jizz in or on your possessions for 10k is some undignified faggotry. Would you start rimming fat men for 10k a year?

holy fuck!
you don't commute at least 1 hour each way like 90% of us do?