Is your antagonist for the next decade

>is your antagonist for the next decade

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"Clever little Neet!"

>main villain's lackey that sillier and more laid back than the rest is actually manipulating everyone else and is a larger threat.
This meme needs to end.

Pretty based if I may say. But I have a feeling he may end up being third party to whatever comes out of the box

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I'm fine with that, Xigbar has always been a fun character and on the of the best Org members
I want him to have more fun battle quotes in future fights

Now if only they could have given the first antagonist a proper send off maybe I'd still care.

Red herring Luxord is the true new antagonist

What's with Luxord, anyway?

Can you name some other games hat do this?

And I wouldn't have it any other way. Better not try to give him a last minute redemption like Xehanort though... what a joke.

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Luxord will be revealed to have been originally from the TWEWY universe. Hence the "wild card" he gave to Sora that will be used in the Shibuya game.

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I miss u bae

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Demyx is clearly the Master. Luxord is... someone related to him, but the trailer makes it out like he's the Master when he clearly isn't

Literally the only good thing to come out of KH 3. His voice actor's been killing it and the most enjoyable guy throughout the series.

Do you think they'll just screw Demyx's voice actor when the time comes and say he was Ray Chase all along?

>What? It is time to move on, boy... There is more to seek... So go forth, and seek it...
It really feels like that line was written in such a way as to reference the first Kingdom Hearts. I mean, KH1 released back in 2002, and we're just now concluding his storyline. It's as if Nomura's telling us to move on from all of this and finally bury the hatchet.

I didn't have an unburied hatchet until the drek that was 3 released, my warpath is on Nomura.


I unironically think about this picture once every couple of days since I beat the game.
The fucking possibilities of what it could mean and the possbility that it could mean nothing get me excited

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>Nomura designs Riku to make him look like Yozora
What's the fucking point

Can he keyblade transform No Name into a gun?

he made Riku look like Noctis and made Yozora to give a big middle finger to Tabata and Square Enix for raping his son


kh confirmed for most memorable boss quotes

I'm only on toystory world and im getting bored as fuck. Should i finish it bros

And then proceeded to rape the other one? For what purpose?

always finish m8

The Master is some version of Sora, Yozora is likely what Braig's original version was (aka Luxu)

Did you do it first after Olympus?
Corona is wayyyy better than toy box

Outside of frozen all the rest of the worlds you haven't seen are great, and keyblade graveyard is epic unironically

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How much did you like the rest of the series?

>for the next decade
So, one game?

FF15. FF14's most recent expansion. Seems to be modern square's new one trick pony.

>Xigbar's VA, Hochu Ohtsuka, is 65
He's next

Well at least he's not coy about it at all, so there will probably be some sort of connection. Mainly because they both end up looking like Noctis which is the more important thing to take from it

If they want to go the retarded method of making handheld titles to supplement the numbered games again I wish they would just downgrade KH3's graphics and release them on the switch for $40
That is probably the biggest never ever, though

Master = Sora
Luxu = Yozora/Riku


>for the next decade
can't wait for 1 game!

>kills you 20 times on level 1
>is your real antagonist for the next decade
>doesn't even show up in KH3 as a fight
>has lived for over 1000 years
>lives to play his instrument and laugh at normies

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Damn, BiBo looks young af in Kingdom Hearts.

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>FF14's most recent expansion
fuck you I'm not done yet
luckily I'm not far enough into ShB to even know who the main villain or their lackey is

MoM or Xigbar with No Name will be the superboss in the dlc.

MoM superboss would be amazing, but I place 0 faith in nu-Nomura. The guy has had his ego 100% backed by money, so he doesn't fear anything now. He can make retarded 0 effort shit unlike in the PS2 era.

kill yourself

You first, shill.

Tetsuya is the one making dumb decision but Nomura is the genius who wants to appear as a 3D model of a cat in a national television show interview

in some degree TWEWY, also not game but Naruto did this with Obito

KH3 is garbage
it's supposed to be the culmination to years of buildup but acts as filler 95% of the time, in which you just play disney ads that contribute nothing to the plot and get some cutscenes about characters doing actual things far away from sora to make you feel like there's a progressing story, but you don't really take part in it
gameplay wise it's a downgrade from 1FM and 2FM, these games made position matter and if you just spammed attacks enemies would block or counter attack you, in KH3 all your abilities are nukes and attacking mid air makes you float and automatically get put in front of enemies far away so you can literally just jump and spam attacks to kill everything
and for last, this game has the worst handling of characters I've ever seen in my life, it's insulting, all the plots of different characters like Aqua or Roxas struggling and going through great journeys, all the villains and their plans, only to throw them into a forced bossrush that feels completely unnatural to the flow of the story, the characters literally stand in line waiting for sora, the dumbest character which doesn't even know what is going on, to beat all the bad guys and shut down all the character arcs.

The sonic the hedgehog satam cartoon did this but it ended after the big reveal. Always stuck with me that robotnik was just an unwitting lackey

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What’s does his ego have to do with the obligatory sequel bait secret boss?. Two of them were future antagonists in black coats so I don’t see why they wouldn’t do it again. Especially since there are two to choose from.

Me? I'm already half blind!

Xigbar is based so i don't mind.
Normura can't write for shit though.

You mean next two decades.

>the characters literally stand in line waiting for sora, the dumbest character which doesn't even know what is going on, to beat all the bad guys and shut down all the character arcs.

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rent free and obssesed
good riddance @ you

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>waaaah Sora is dumb I don't want him to beat the bad guys, where's AQUA

Found the DDD fan

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Wait what?

>gameplay wise it's a downgrade from 1FM and 2FM
It's almost like it's not the predecessor of those games.

He's right tho...

I know I am.

I assume you meant successor, and it absolutely was. Did 2 have CoM's card gameplay?

Oh yeah, OP? I can't wait for Kingdom Hearts IV in the year 2027 or some shit.


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There are two of them? Like Hideo and Kojima? Whoa... Deep.

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>wild card
Shit, I thought Sora might use it for the Reaper's game but I didn't think it could tie Luxord to Shibuya. That would greatly explain why Luxu of all people doesn't recognize him

giving MGS6 a cartoony artstyle is a strange choice but it might pay off

Is there anybody who can defeat this man?

We shall go together

So when's the dlc?

No you are not

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no he isn't because I'm done with this retarded series, it isn't good, people just have nostalgia for it.


Super Paper Mario

The thing people have nostalgia for is 2 outside of the final mix additions, 3 has fuck ups but some really great stuff also, like every other fucking game in the series, faggots act like it's not the 2nd best game in the series after 2fm

>Talking about Naruto
Obito should have stayed as the goofy motherfucker while styling on everyone, let him keep the same motivations