/CHESS/ general

-lichess- edition

yes, chess is a table game, but you can play it on your computer, using steam, or our preferred site -
so it IS vidya related.

with lichess you can play anonymous games, at any skill level, any method, and with lots of customization options

it gives you a private link and whoever you share it with can join in or spectate: such as this
first person to join can play me in a semi blitz mode

Who is your favorite chess player? what is your ranking? favorite opening?

Chess quiz of the day: Black to move, and win (4 moves)

Attached: 1564012927809[1].png (428x431, 23K)

Other urls found in this thread:

king to f1, checkmate

Attached: checkmate.png (500x350, 147K)


The developers of this game are shit. There hasn't been a patch in 1500 years and queen is still op as fuck.

>queen is still op as fuck.
just use yours lmao

gee gee user

ever since they updated the interface I wasn't able to see the clock or promote my pawns or use the chat
fucking jews

you destroyed me. ive been playing for about 4 weeks now. whats your elo?

Someone play a 1 minute bullet game with me

Daily reminder that Fischer was right about everything, his talent can only be matched by Morphy, and Kasparov sucks shit

I've never seriously studied, just watched letsplays on youtube and played against randos, although I've been doing this for a while. I also avoided getting an account/elo for fear of facing the painful truth of my room temperature IQ. If I were to guesstimate my elo, I'd say around 1400 as measured by lichess, and that's pretty generous.

I would suggest five minute as opposed to bullet for someone playing for 4 weeks though. Bullet is hell.

you're right - I was just trying to get people interested since these threads dont last very long ;_;

Fischer was right about everything, but most of all, chess. It's a goddamn shame that nobody plays his variant - it could deliver chess from gayass memorization circlejerk it has devolved into over the years

I got to a 1900 lichess bullet rating, not too bad.
I'm afraid to play now because that was a few months ago and I know I'll drop down to

QI is too low to be good at this game

isn't this more of a /tg/ topic?

If you’re worried about rating just make another account to warm up with

king to f1, checkmate

>get tilted after getting BTFO by an Iranian guy on chess dot com who mocks me in the politest way possible
>switch to alt acct and turn my engine on

Too easy to track the engines. And its boring to play that way

It's always sad to realize how effective those simple taunts are on you. There's literally no rational reason to flip your shit, but you always do, to the point of having to mute the chat.

black can't win in 4 moves stupid nigger

I liked Battle Chess

Attached: BountifulPertinentEstuarinecrocodile-size_restricted.gif (480x270, 1.37M)

engines are boring, so are aim bots

what are you talking about? they patched in en passant, castling and pawns being able to move +1 on their first move fairly recently


Attached: giphy.gif (294x233, 511K)

Sasha de Sade is my waifu

God, I wish that were me.

Ra1 Kf2 Pawn promotes Kg3 and then I stopped giving a shit.

Why not fucking king takes after the check?

Queen can move pretty much where she fucking wants. Fuck the Matriarchy!

Are you pretending to be retarded?

idk about 4 moves but can't the king slowly stroll towards b1 then Ra1 then Ka2 then it's easy (e pawn dies at some point who cares)

Hint 1: Can you give up the e-pawn and still win?

Hint 2: Once the white king is on e2, find a trick to promote the a-pawn.

heres a meta hint: For best results, take hint 2 with a grain of salt.

I will give one more final clue if nobody gets it soon

nah you bring your fucking king over there

Ohh, how about Ra1+, Kxe2, Rh1 threatening to promote. Rxa2 and then Rh2+ skewering the king and rook.

uh never mind I missed some moves in there. But the concept is promising

the pawn is still on a3 not a2

So Ra1+, kxe2, a2. If the king leaves the second rank, then check with the rookc and then promote. If not, play Rh1 and go with the skewer idea.

Ah I get it, you push the a pawn and swing the rook over to the other side, that way if rook takes you can give check and grab it, and if king moves, you promote.

The problem is, it's not gonna be four moves because white can give you lots of nigger checks to prolong his suffering, and you can bet your ass he will, seeing as he still hasn't resigned.

How do you beat the Chess Dragon boss?

Attached: NT.jpg (285x249, 10K)

There's no way you can mate in 4

top comment for this puzzle when first introduced:
>A beautifully conceived skewer. White has no choice but to fall into black's trap of the rook.

A good puzzle since it is not immediately obvious that the win hinges not on actually achieving promotion, but on exploiting white's need to prevent it. White could play some pointless checks in the meantime but that would be to no avail, and if on white's 2nd move the king goes to the 3rd rank, a quick check is all black needs to see.

and on top of that:
The game is between Pal Rethy and Euwe. The position is after 60. Ra8. The game continued 60 - - - Ra1+ 61 Kxe2 a2 White resigned.

Do you mean win as in win material or win as in mate?


Op here, I totally fucked up. The tagline (since it was taken from a real game) is:
>"Black to move, and wins in 4"

so does my 1400elo slowly walk king down plan work or not

is it really 4 when he nigger checks you 4 times

It absolutely does. Just slide the king along the diagonal to your a pawn. There's fuckall black can do. I guess OP's point was to do it "elegantly".


>Who is your favorite chess player?
Alexandra Botez
>what is your ranking?
sub 1200
>favorite opening?
i dunno, one of the middle pawns

Andrea is super cute as well

Attached: ezgif-5-068a4fdc6473[1].gif (504x428, 233K)

I already explained the answer in this post

yeah I beat stockfish with it, white is pretty fucked one way or another

I think the problem is that it's doing the moves that white did in the real game. If white doesn't play f2 but c3 for example, he can temporarily stall. Run it through any engine and you will see.

meant d3

white can check and check and check and check and check into oblivion, but the fear of pawn getting promoted will always make him a kitty going after the string - can you find any way that white wins?

that doesn't help, you check with Rd1+(freeing a1) then promote.
not into oblivion(that would be a draw), only until your king makes it to his rook

anyway thanks for keeping me up until 3am faggot OP, I'll be mad tired in my wagecage tomorrow, fuck chess and fuck chessfags

Come try me zoomies

Attached: classic.png (380x349, 70K)

Chess is racist, white shouldn't have a higher winrate.
Proposed changes:
>Black knights replaced with BVLLS, they jump farther because of superior genetics
>Black can deploy a Mutt (moves like Kangz) shogi style after capturing the white queen

Alright, gotta hone my skills to beat my brother

Attached: THE COMPUTERS KEEP BEATING ME IN CHESS.jpg (1157x1169, 104K)

whites should enslave blacks, but only temporarily, blacks should be able to NTR wh*tes, permanently

What's should I focus on learning to improve my rating on

I dropped down to ~800, learned a bit then climbed back to 1k

chess is kind of weird that a lot of it is just memorizing what to do, and branching out, a few 'if thens' and it really is a race to who can memorize the most traps and it isnt so creative at the start. i love the end game though.

Not dropping pieces, that should get you to 1200.
Also you should definitely practice the basic tactics - forks, pins, skewers.
And below 1000, always watch out for vulnerability to back rank mates, both for you and your opponent.

Lmao, I also do this on lichess all the time

Cheating at online chess... sad