
Play Wolfenstein. It's good.

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Other urls found in this thread:


fuck off

>game where you kill the good guys
no thanks

I like the design of the brown haired one but the game itself is cringe. No thanks.

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>he doesn't like playing as the bad guys

She cute. Too bad she's a Foreskins fan.

I'd rather not

They look so bored

I just genuinely don't care about a Wolfenstein game without B.J.

Why does it look too much like overwatch menu?
Also I know that you can get paid to shill here and this game was on the list so fuck off.

The New Order sucked and it was still the best one out of this new trilogy.

Ayo how could i turn down a chance to shoot Nazis™ in the face amiright boys?

seriously i don't even want to pirate it watched the ending of it and it was shit, bossfight was also trash

No way fag

previous game sucked ass, no thanks.

>people are upset because you kill nazis
Did the angry incels not play the original?

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Fuck no.
>character/enemy levels forcing sidequests to progress
>there are fucking sidequests you accept from a hub
>in Wolfenstein
>objective details on HUD with a marker on the minimap (Doom Eternal looked to have this shit too, and it's equally unwanted there)

They should have added in some lesbian twincest while they were fucking up Wolfenstein so there'd at least be one redeeming desecration to the title.

is it fun single player experience?
i haven't played wolfenstein for over 15 years

No thanks. Fuck Sweden for killing Wolfenstein with TNC. Now they're just pimping the corpse out at the local morgue.

It looks kind of dull from what I saw. Bullet sponge enemies galore.

09 had a couple of hubs and like three side missions. It was pretty good. Way fucking better than TNC.

Reminder op gets paid depending on how much replies his posts get.
Just sage and stop replying.

Remember how the originals shoved leftist politics down your throat with drawn out cutscenes left and right?

I'm tempted to buy it but how long is the campaign?

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why do they have male skin? I've never seen a girl under 40 with skin like that.

You can notice in this thread how the 2016 /pol/ tourists invaded Yea Forums.

TNC is the best fps of all time


The games all they way up to, and including 09, didn't have any political message. It was just "MUHAHAHA! I'm EVIL!" and it fucking works. TNO and TOB weren't in your face about it, so they work too. TNC basically says "if you're a white man, a christian, or right of communist, you're a nazi, and need an axe to the face."

So no. Fuck Sweden.

Nigga that's every thread.

Lmao that girl was in my class all throughout grade school and middle school. Nice girl. Huge tomboy

not even in the top 3 wolfenstein games, let alone best FPS of all time

BJ is white tho.

Also to follow up on that she is in her mid 20s TODAY.

You're the tourist. This is the board that threw a fit over a bunch of effeminate leftists pushing their agenda into video games.

Not anymore, he's Jewish now

>TNC is the best fps of all time
How did you misspell TF2 that badly? F and N aren't even anywhere near each other.

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>TNC basically says "if you're a white man, a christian, or right of communist, you're a nazi, and need an axe to the face."

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You missed the whole "FUCK YOU DAD!" story then. That's the message of that. He kills his whiteness to assume his jewishness.

Honestly, the game would probably be tolerable if they removed the whole "EVIL DADDY!" shit.

10 hours

Prove me wrong.

Not long and you have to constantly revisit the same locations because it's a shitty looter shooter with levels and daily challenges like Destiny

>Main character literally uses "white ass" as an insult

Nazis literally are white

that they blatantly cut out from the trailer just to avoid outrage before the game releases

whats with these swedes and all this self hatred?

i went to high school with her too

It’s literally a joke, snowflake. He awkwardly copies what the black woman character says.

retconned to kike in tnc, protip: kikes don't join the army, american hero destroyed

No, its not. These games are boring as fuck.

With them? No thanks

i don't care nigger when its done towards whites it suddenly becomes a joke we all know what the devs meant with it and if it would have been the other way around there would have been a massive outcry

zero tolerance bitch

Wolfenstein has fucking enemy levels?

I want to actually.

Yeah, and you know how in RPGs when there's a good degree of level disparity you end up doing piss-shitall to the other guy while he one-shots you? Similar shit here it seems.

It’s makes incels angry so it must be good.

But why? It's bad enough that everything needs rpg bits tacked on, but why do it in a style so unfitting in an fps?

>Forgetting about the black and muslim diversity divisions that wanted to keep their nations free from jewry and build their own homelands

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Who knows. The devs apparently don't like FPS games.

These are swept under the rug it doesn't fit the narrative that Hitler wanted to kill all non-whites

>The New Order sucked

into the oven you go discord tranny

>gender justice nazi slaying

found the incel

I loved the new order but everyone says the new colossus is horrible. Is it just the politics or is the gameplay bad as well? I'm in the mood for a new Wonfelstein and already played old blood

reddit is around the corner

oooh edgy
kys faggot


Fools are easily parted with their money.

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Those look like poser models from a decade ago

Nah, I'm good. Thanks.

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yeah dude dont forgot to put the word killing nazis in the description of the game in every store to dab on those drumf voters #antifa #takethestreets

holy shit I saw better 3d models in shitty VN v0.1 porn games, wtf were they thinking with these looks

>grindy shit with forced coop

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I want something a little more chill, like being a train conductor in germany during WW2. I don't really like FPS games that much.

I remember that bit, the cut scene ended and I just waited for him to run out of bullets. It was like the game was expecting me to kill my own family member because he was a racist? Nah.

that image conveys otherwise

>No supernatural enemies
>No mecha hitler
>No latex SS assassins
>No castle
Fuck Zenimax

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They don't all look white to me. But that's because I'm nut fucking stupid.

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I don't want to be lumped up with these larping /pol/ mongoloids though. My reasons are sound

This. Machine Games wouldn't know how to make an engaging experience even if it had watery diarrhea shits straight into their mouths. Boring developer makes boring games.

at least they don't have unisex names for the ultimate jewish dyke dogwhistle

It's fun. Esp with a friend. I assume Yea Forums has no friends so eh to be expected.

Story is horrible, but it isn't the only problem. Stealth segments are largely a linear to a huge fault, two new weapons, one of which you're locked out based on the decision you make at the end of the tutorial with no indication of which weapon you're losing/getting, the new terrain movement upgrades aren't acquired until 2/3rd of the way through the game and you only get 1/3 of the upgrades unless you replay the exact same maps from the story, and horrible enemy variety with only one boss, which is arguable as to whether it would count as a boss or not. The biggest problem I have, which doesn't seem to be a problem for most people that I've seen point out issues, is that there's an entire level that not only consists of a circular room with enemies spawning EVERYWHERE that lasts for 10+ minutes with a single checkpoint that's near the end of it, but the entire thing is completely pointless as it's a dream segment. Despite being a dream sequence, 'death' means a game over and forces you to replay it.

Thanks for feeling the need to let us all know, good goy.

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The Japanese were not Nazis.
They weren't even fascists.

>loot shooter with bullet sponge enemies and a short campaign
pass, one of my friends gifted me borderlands 2 which had way more content than this shit and it bored me, so why should i get this?

TNC is 90% cutscenes.

Shows what you know. Those are indeed Japanese Nazis. They were even granted "Honorary Aryan" status by Hitler himself.

Story is insultingly bad, and gameplay is worse than Halo.

You're a fucking retard, it was an alliance of necessity.

And besides that just because Hitler called them "Honorary Aryan" how does that impact the political environment on the other side of the globe. Edward VIII was a Nazi sympathiser, did that make the UK a Nazi government during that period.
Fuck off with your revisionist bullshit american.

imagine posting this picture thinking its a good argument

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saying "white ass" is not an insult. Pretending that it's equivalent to calling someone a nigger is disingenuous.

I'm not sure how you can be fine and feel "empowered" over one but get bent over backwards over the other? Do you seriously think there's nothing wrong with insulting people by calling them niggers?

the """"""controversy""""""" surrounding these games is so overplayed

He respected them because they had similar views and would've been his main world partner outside europe when the war ended

Played the last game up until the hitler part, then my computer refused to play on. game was mediocre.

Wolfenstein 2009 has been the best so far tbqhwyl

Huh, look at all this non-canon nonsense.

>imagine posting this picture thinking its a good argument

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I agree.
but they still were not nazis or fascists.

It didnt suck it was better than doom 2016. TNC sucked though

Ah yes can't wait for the deluge of "journalist" articles with screenshots of the totally 100% real and genuine Yea Forums posts who hate Wolfenstein because they're about killing nazis, posts which weren't made by said journalist shills AT ALL GUYS!!!

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As a general rule, anything that makes Yea Forums and /pol/ seethe is worth playing.

you are actually the fucking retard since you can read up on all the japan-nazi germany relations from back then.
"alliance of necessity" my ass, get the fuck back to your liberal shithole where you belong




ordered 10 copies yesterday

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>i need to support my political party like a sports team, it only matters that they 'win'!

>you are actually the fucking retard since you can read up on all the japan-nazi germany relations from back then.
Yup done that, now what?
>get the fuck back to your liberal shithole where you belong
Not a liberal but okay my american revisionist history friend.

t. buttblasted weebtranny

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Throwing gestures to your co op partner for extra health is a neat idea. I like it.

I see the /pol/tard defence force is out in full swing tonight.

>i need to support my political party like a sports team, it only matters that they 'win'!

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This and that VR game are being dumped at the same time at discounted prices. They were probably pretty far in development when TNC tanked. Bethesda knows both games aren't going to sell very well, they're just trying to recoup a little of the sunken dev costs. This series is going on ice after Youngblood, and it ends on a cliffhanger which you'll never get the resolution to. Maybe five or six years from now some other developer will resurrect the license and do a better job.

hakuun yasutani didn't have an office in government you fucking retard hahaha.

I do feel the need to not be associated with the untermensch, yes. Just thinking about it makes me gag

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>b-b-b-b-bbut he didn't speak for government. I'm just going to go on my own heresay and pretend i'm right
oh no no no no, the state of neo-japanophiles copelets

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How many levels of irony are you posting on, I can't tell what this means.

What's the highest level of education you achieved?
I'm being genuine here.

It's more canon than saying BJ was never jewish.

yes, support the republocratic cycle. good goyim.

Posting pictures out of context is a high IQ move.
Want me to post all the nazis in drag and say how they were all secretly transgender like the liberals do? :^)

What's wrong with co-op???

Jewish is a religion, not a race.

imagine shilling bethesda games, even /our/ guy said its trash clips.twitch.tv/HeartlessTangentialTrufflePeanutButterJellyTime

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not him but so far from what i seen if you play solo the coop ai is retarded, and you almost never die because of revives, making the game not challenging

>That was bad
quality review

The real National Socialists wanted to have actual Diversity and not this mixed brown globohomo bullshit that the jews want to have as their cattle.

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I'm not even American I was just enjoying toying with that dumb user.
ahahahahaha cope more
Noone cares about your lone opinion, if you don't take an identifiable position and make it palatable/attractive then you are just another voice lost in the echo, especially in a place like america where personal egoism runs at an all time high and teenagers are taught to build opinions out of nothing and voice them as loud as possible

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Yeah didn't manage to pass high school huh? Sad.

Hhahaha use your brain for the context dumb nog. Learn to read between the lines. Go find me a single picture of a """nazi"" """in drag""" and i'll go fetch you 1000 buried images of the axis relationship.

oh nice another game where you kill nazi woohoo

how are you letting yourself be manhandled in an argument by a neonazi, user? for fuck's sake use your brain. you can come up with something better than baseless ad hominem attacks can't you? this is frankly embarrassing to watch

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>Hhahaha use your brain for the context dumb nog. Learn to read between the lines
It's amazing, you say things that others should do but you dont follow your own advice. Keep on fake laughing?
>Go find me a single picture of a """nazi"" """in drag"""
Don't worry, I'll find you more than one :)
I already beat him. This is just entertainment. It's so funny how Americans will defend Japan because MUH ANIME AND MUH WW2.

All of this because I said Japan were not nazis or fascist during WW2. I am truly dealing with brainlets. Sad.

>Someone got paid to write this

I'm still crying with laughter

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>I already beat him. This is just entertainment.
not from the string of comments I'm reading, user. you're making yourself look like a fucking idiot. try taking a debate class or something, because you're fucking awful at this.

>not from the string of comments I'm reading, user
Read harder then.

Every time I play I want to stop being violent and start being a peaceful citizen, blend into their society, and play an awesome economic rpg where the rules are actually fair

game is a fucking cringe fest

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More like good for a laugh!

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Still waiting for "axis relationship" pictures that literally prove nothing because I already know that Germany and Japan had an alliance.
You know they were against race mixing right so you wouldn't have had a Japanese wife if Germany won mutt?

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>play New Order
>holy shit this is awesome
>suddenly all gameplay is interrupted to talk to the stupid NPC's and their fee fees
all that shit ruined the game for me

Thank you, come again!

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these are doctored images
the grain on the guys do not match the grain on the rest of the photo

the males are TOO sharp therefore they were cut out and photocopied on to the background

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>these are doctored images
Yeah I'm done talking to a LARPing Nazi mutt troll. Have fun running in circles.

>Has nothing to say but "I'm secretely right, i'm only using 20% of my power at the moment ;)"
I already said i'm not american too. You must have been too busy seething to notice.
>Wehrmacht grunts goofing off
Yeah I bet you want to believe that they were all having gay sex too. Germany was 15 years away from having pride parades i'm sure

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Why did they hated the jooos then?

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Is that all you're capable of doing? This is exactly why you're losing. You're weak and corny, nigga.

might pirate it because the dark hair girl is cute

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The problem with your straw man, which is why I didn't respond to you originally, is that I never claimed that Japan were Nazis. I said there were Japanese Nazis, which is true. Japan was not a Nazi power. However, there were Japanese that were members of the Nazi party. There were also fascists in Japan called the Tohokai during WW2 but I don't expect you to know that either. You just ran around with your straw man argument all high and mighty and full of yourself trying to make a point about something nobody was disputing. But go on with your bad self. I'm sure some idiot will listen to you.

fucking love this dude

>people have never EVER doctored images before the invention of photoshop
are u retarded?

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No. They added boring and tedious rpg mechanics to it. Fucking hell I hate this rpg shit being shoved into every game these days.

Reminds me of

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Why'd he quit?

Wow, even the shill can't be bothered to act excited about this game.

>Wehrmacht grunts goofing off
haha yeah I also like to dress up as a girl and blow my bros for goofs and laughs


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Are they ps4 players?

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Italians were fascist and likely Nazis too.

>being this triggered by the death of digital nazis
But i thought the left was too sensitive and ruining gaming??

I haven't played it yet, but I was able to buy TNC collector's edition for $35
I guess it wasn't that bad of a deal since I used gift cards I won.
In a contest for TNC I won the season pass, a poster, deck of cards, and a pin.

>Feminazis vs Nazis: The Game
And btw, the gameplay is dogshit


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>single player game littered with microtransactions
>you actually need one of them or the game attempts to softlock you
>people have been posting a work around by rebooting before the checkpoint ends up warping you past that part

Only if they lez out and I don’t think they lez out.

>But why?

the verdict was already passed

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There were italian Nazis. But not all Italians were Nazis. Just like there were fascist Japanese. But not all Japanese were fascist. Which is why when someone claims that Nazis are white, they lying out their ass.

Back to twitch zoom zoomie

We live in one hell of a time when Twitch chat of all places is the most based place on the internet.



>>you actually need one of them or the game attempts to softlock you
Big if true. Could you elaborate?


no samefagging, we can all see that ip counter not going up

It feels like 80% of my life is just pooping, eating, and sleeping. What a waste.

Onions infused boys ruin everything they touch.
zoomy zoom stop watching other people and start playing

I just saw the ending
Hitler apparently fucking died off-screen and was killed by BJ during the time-skip
Fuck you Machinegames.
I wanted my Giant Mecha Hitler boss fight
This is fucking retarded. They had one job to fix all the mistakes of TNC but somehow they managed to make it even more retarded. Fuck this shit I am out.
A few other things
Set died, and most of the other characters from TNO are nowhere to be seen for now, based on what I am seeing. Hitler's death triggered some post-apocalyptic shit and the main villain in the game wants to start the Fourth Reich. Also the door key thingy apparently leads to other dimensions and shit. The main villains also engage in weird unironic gun fetish shit. Game ends like a big fucking anticlimax for the third game.
The only likeable thing is that BJ is still a decent character in terms of personality and there's some intrigue to how he behaves. The sisters vary from being unlikable teenage cunts or somewhat interesting characters. Just like all of Nu-Wolfenstein, the writing is a big fucking mess.

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nazis are shit, this game is worse than nazis

id rather have larping retards roaming the streets than the filth that makes shit games like this

i'm just a 30 y.o. boomer, i can watch parts of shitty games so i don't have to play them and inevitably get bored.
like here, i clearly dodged a bullet despite efforts of paid shills like OP.

while TNC has several issues i have to point out two things

1) none of that had to do with gameplay
2) the thing about the nazis and the resistance is meant to the a joke, because nazis talking about tolerance is meant to be ridiculous, just like that nazi correcting another's grammar in TOB is also meant to be ridiculous, a reference to being a "grammar nazi"

Then by all means. Prove it you lying piece of shit.

>Wolf post 09
yeah i think not

>"if you're a white man, a christian, or right of communist, you're a nazi, and need an axe to the face."

please do show me where they say such thing

>title screen of the game
>even the protags look unenthusiastic, as if to say "Just don't. For fuck's sake, why'd you even buy this?"

Your granfather called he wants to kill you.

remember when the boondocks used terms such as "black ass" and nobody game a crap, on but a game uses the words "white ass" which within context are MEANT to be a joke and little user gets his feelings hurt

>non-stop lefty politics shoehorned into every shitty western game
>HAHA /pol/tards m'right?

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isnt it funny that when talking about the nazis, the nazis here bring up the 2-3 squads of non-germans that fought for the nazis, but when BF1 focused on the harlem hellfighters for the prologue you dumbasses chimped out

And the gameplay of TNC decided to fuck the pace of the game by shoving cutscenes down your throat and having nearly every fucking room have a god damn commander that needed to be stealth killed or you were gonna get fucked in the ass by every fucking reinforcement enemy that spawns behind you
The game is a total step down from TNO

what are you mad about?

Soldiers do dumb shit during long stretches of boredom on deployment. It ain’t no secret.

>being a train conductor in germany during WW2

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BJ's dad's dialogue, he's their white everyman

nuwolf became shit as soon as they put BJ in a wheelchair. ive put almost 1000 hours into The Old Blood and one of the biggest draws of that game is that youre fucking BJ Blazkowicz, you can sprint quick as fuck, dual wield assault rifles with near perfect accuracy, and tear the armor off of supersoldiers with a pipe. all of that went out the window as soon as they gave the player the super suit/supersoldier body. also the music in the new games is dogshit

>it was better than doom 2016
and wasn't evidence do you have to support this?

The idea of Japanese fascism died with Kira Ikki. The imperial system of the time had more to do with Egypt under the Pharoahs than fascism or national socialism.

How long is the campaign? The only thing i didnt like about old blood was it was 30 minutes long

>Buying Wolfenstein: Memelands edition

Ei kiitos

lol so hitler waved his magic wand and turned em into aryans? i love the extent of nazi race realism

oh and btw, these "Honorary Aryans" protected jews from germany, they literally refused to hand over their jewish population to the nazis

>saying "white ass" is not an insult
but saying "black ass" is. see the double standard?

Kita Ikki, my bad

I like dumb shooters and have ZERO interest in this shit.

>the /pol/tard defence force
you mean "normal, well adjusted people who aren't brainwashed by leftist politics"?

Yeah they had the hilarious idea that they needed the magic money-making power of Jews to manage the gold they took in from China. It’s like how now in modern China you can find financial books that sell themselves with lines like “learn how to become wealthy using the ancient secrets of the Jews!”

Hands down the story is the worst aspect of the all the new Wolfenstein games. Even ignoring all the political shit, I hate this fucking 'WE HAVE TO MAKE OUR STORY CINEMATIC, EPIC, AND MOVING'. Fuck all that noise.
All they have to do for a Wolfenstein game is step up some pulpy story that's an excuse to shoot fucking dudes. Return to Castle Wolfenstein had the right idea with the occult stuff. Just do shit along those lines, it's not fucking hard.

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>white women

fucking dropped

then why is fergus not portrayed as a bad man? he is white and if i remember correctly christian too

>And the gameplay of TNC decided to fuck the pace of the game by shoving cutscenes down your throat and having nearly every fucking room have a god damn commander that needed to be stealth killed or you were gonna get fucked in the ass by every fucking reinforcement enemy that spawns behind you
>The game is a total step down from TNO

now that... is a pretty good argument and i cant really argue against it

Wolfenstein Young Blood is for trannies, lesbians, SJWs, far leftists, and basedboys.
Are you playing it?
Then you're one of the above listed.

>Wolfenstein game where you need to be a certain level to kill enemies
That's gonna be a no for me chief.

thats some funny ass shit, actually they read that bogus book about the secrets of zion or whatever and they actually kept the jews cuz they thought they could use em to control the west

i cant get over how ironic the whole situation was

But but but user-kun I only have 60 bucks and I wanna play FE 3 houses.

New order was also a great idea, too bad they fucked it up because they wanted to make movies or something.

Don't forget that the game also has level scaling so the levels are just arbitrary

both Fergus and Wyatt are portrayed as being utterly inept when compared to Grace and Anya. They have lower shoot range scores, kill house scores, and only play a small part in the overall story, when compared to the newer characters like the fat german girl and the commie cajun.

You know the best part about RTCW? BJ didn't say a single fucking line the whole game. That's how I like my games. Also, I never even read the notes in RTCW, and I still understood the story enough to know what was going on. RTCW's focus was on good gunplay, interesting enemies, and aesthetic map design. I'm a boomer, but that's just how I like my FPSs. I just want to shoot some shit.

Funny how they always call the Protocols a “forgery” and not a “fake” or “fabrication”. Big think emoji


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you know the funniest shit, i have a diary entry that directly contradicts your crap


a german pastor showing compassion towards victims of nazi persecution in peru

and grace gets fucking choked by sigrun because of her verbal abuse

But these mongoloids won't see it.

Fuck Yea Forums

I don't even like the concept of the New Order. Just set shit during the war and make it pulpy so you can have wacky high concept or occult weapons.

BJ doesn't need to talk and its a shit idea to make him a talker. BJ is just like Doomguy, he's more like a force of nature than an actual character. He's just a conduit for the player to kill dudes.

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that has nothing to do with what the discussion was about. why you even replied, I dont know

I got to play it free because my friend bought it and even free I fucking hated it lol.

i didnt call em "forgery" i called it bogus

but just so you know forgery can also be used to describe something fake, is just not common to do so

the implication is that grace is treated as ifallible in TNC, when its not, she gets her comeuppance

Only good scene in tnc is when BJ actually argues back against that commie faggot because they actually let him argue back against him unlike the nigger

I don't recall much sperging out about the hellfighters, more so with 5 having a disabled British chick fighting alongside a negro and soiboi

Underrated as fuck

We were talking about Fergus/Wyatt's treatment as less important characters due to their skin color. If you were to go back to the post I was replying to, you would find nothing related to Grace at all. Please never reply to me again, and learn to stay away from moving goalposts.

So this is the Western game writing I've been missing out on these past 6 years? I thought pic related had bad writing.

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You're looking at two extremely shitty examples but pretty much, yeah. If you want good writing in vidya play a slav game.

Here's the problem with tossing that shit out with no context. The woman he was talking to moments before this line was part of a comically exaggerated black power movement (like BJ was part of a comically exaggerated american military, and his allies are part of a comically exaggerated communist club, it's a strange bedfellows trope) and she, not knowing who BJ was, aimed a gun at him and called him a white ass fascist nazi pig, like you would expect a member of the black power movement in the 60s-70s to say in the presence of someone they believe is an actual nazi. After BJ introduces and explains himself, actual Nazis begin storming the building. In a moment of self referential comedy, BJ attempts to insult them to look "cool" in front of the black power activists by awkwardly meandering his way through the same insult the black lady just tossed at him (white ass fascist nazi pig). The joke is that BJ is the protagonist and is also white. It's a fucking joke. When you rob it of context and paint it in a particular way, you are using the very tactics I fucking guarantee you blame ESS JAY DUBYAS for using you dumb faggot, and it's unbelievably easy to see who actually played the game vs who took Bethesdas retarded marketing campaign as gospel.

Not that user, but.
Fergus is mistreated because from TNO he was designed to be a Scottish patriot who even wants independence from England. It seems someone in MachineGames didn't quite like that because they tried to shove him into the background. It seems a few people in the dev team still like him enough to have some neat little moments with him that characterise him more. Either way by turning him into a caricature they unironically make him a far more likeable character. Also him being inept is false, almost all of his actions are justified and intelligent. He's pretty much one of the only characters who actually tells Grace to shut the fuck up and no one calls him out for it because they know he's in the right.
His lower test range scores can be explained by his malfunctioning robotic arm tho.

As for Wyatt, they had no fucking idea what to do with his character (and to be fair neither do I), hence why in Youngblood's launch trailer you see Fergus' portrait behind BJ and not Wyatt, and his lower shoot range scores are due to him having become a druggie now. Seems like Fergus was the canon choice. So really it has nothing to do with race. Just insanely poorly thought out writing.

>play a slav game.
I could do without the pretentiousness and faggotry that invites, thanks.

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fair enough

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Now post one that ain’t blurry as shit

>I don't recall much sperging out about the hellfighters

bruh are you serious?

it was thread after thread of people bitching about how since the hh were like 1% or whatever they dont deserve to be portrayed and so on

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Try KCD then. Far better writing. Even has some nice references to classical Czech movies. Pic related.

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More like 0.1%. But that’s enough to make the Allied armies thoroughly nignogged

they did and it tries very hard to make you feel guilty about it

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jesus christ ok, how are they less important BECAUSE of their skin color?

Where's the good writing?

and yet you bring non-german troops every time someone says the german army was white

so this 0.1% is a valid argument against BF1, but not when referring to the nazi army?

Not top tier writing. But better than Witcher 3's Marvel tier writing.

see fuck jews
fuck jannies
fuck trannies

heil hitler

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I'll just stick to Japanese games.

>Henry's sermon is identical word-to-word to Jan Hus' sermon from the original 1950s Czech Jan Hus movie.
That's a neat detail I just noticed. Nice callback from them.

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nazis were not bad

but weren't all that good either

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>Japanese games
Have you seen Final Fantasy VII Remake and it's fucking boob downgrade? Come the fuck on dude. And if it's just for story and writing. Then JRPGs are far from the pinnacle of writing.

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One of 4chans earliest memes is people would get together and form a fucking swastika in online rooms.

You ever think in 2016 you just became a massive fucking pussy? Yea Forums hasn't changed.

Do they name drop Ozone Hotel?

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Got the wrong guy, nigger.


Yes while dressed as black men with afros. The point was to get banned then call the mods racists.

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>You ever think in 2016 you just became a massive fucking pussy?

This is the case for a lot of anons, I think everyone on both sides just gets off on bitching. It makes their wieners hard to feel like they are fighting something even though they are just irrelevant like everyone else.

All I see is a bunch of whiny redditors complaining about /pol/


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>actual nazis interacting with a black man

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>dindu nuffin

Indians in the SS.

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>come to see what everyone's opinion on WOLFYB.
>another /pol/ thread on Yea Forums
never disapoint

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>wikipedia """""""""history""""""""""""
holy fuckin yikes bro

I dont hate races so that's why I killed a bunch of Jews

"The Nazis were white supremacists" is one of the dumbest undying myths of pop history. They weren't. At ALL.

They were racial supremacists, but skin color had nothing to do with it.

wish i could black both of them


The allies caused this. They also blockaded and SUNK German and Japanese ships in the 1930s long before the war. At one point they just couldn't take it anymore and had to counter them. This is historical fact.

(((who))) could possibly be perpetuating this myth, someone with a media monopoly perhaps?

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According to British cables after WW2, only between 100,000-300,000 jews actually perished during the war. Most from starvation.

Auschwitz actually had a hospital where they would deliver babies, a swimming pool, and an orchestra. ALL DOCUMENTED FACTS

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>the good
>the bad
Level design, story, enemy design, pacing, difficulty (inconsistent fuck the Courtroom how did that shit get past playtesting)

Also it's a game that encourages you to sneak but it completely unstealthable in multiple sections because of how linear it is. I think the Venus base was the worst about this, sneaking it is entirely impossible in certain sections but it drops you in stealth mode regardless. It's weird. TNO was a game that encouraged you to go loud but was easily stealthable. TNC is a game that encourages you to sneak but is mandatory loud. I blame the devs for being incompetent.

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This is "muh one female samurai" tier of arguements

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>implying its the politics that make western games shitty
tourist logic right there.

6 million people did not die in the holocaust. That is a fact. The number is much, much lower.

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>dont trust them goyim, trust me instead!

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Men did this all the time in war for hundreds of years BECAUSE of the lack of women. Pick up a damn book. Hell, they even did it outside of war. Men played women in plays, and that was no different here. It was a source of comedy and also SOMEONE had to play the girl for a play, and the men have been fighting hard, they deserve some entertainment.

So get the gnarliest manliest Sarge you can find and put lipstick on him. The boys will have a hootenanny with that.

God I hate how fucking historically illiterate Leftists are.

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Yeah they didn't occupy the country then starve them to death.

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>its doctored when it goes against my beliefs!

Dialoug was cringe, he played on very hard and didnt like how the enemies were bulletsponges

>nazis are snoygoys

You know that's making fun of ALL of /pol/ including you. Divide and conquer your enemies. This is why this copy pasta died out about two years ago. Everyone saw what it really was.

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Being a crossdressing faggot in never okay under any circumstances freak.


:( i know. makes me sad

>Posting some Boomer newspaper comic strip artist who is motivated by money and greed
>Expecting me to believe in his lies.
Please. You think he is doing you a public service? Why then is he motivated by what gives both the banks and the anglos power? You're a foolish sheep falling for a popular movement. That's the truth.

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Except the original was about actual nazis. This one is to "own" the "nazis" (people who hurt their feelings), and as result the game is cringey at best. What these imbeciles don't understand is those "nazis" probably don't play their game anyway.

>also the music in the new games is dogshit
Imagine having taste this shit. Lemme guess, you probably listen to the NuDoom OST on the way to the grocery store.

How do you go from beating the nazis so badly in every single game to now having two new characters grow up still fighting nazis and needing to rescue their dad, who was the best at fighting nazis, from more nazis?
How many more games can you have the players beat without having the characters succeed? It just seems endless...

Do all Americans speak like niggers?

Tell that to the millions of men who got paid less than minimum wage to kill men stronger than you.

A shitpost, but it isn't wrong. (bluepill is accurate as fuck as far as charicatures go)

My grandfather was a nazi (not even a joke)

Forsens take



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Like I give a fuck what a crossdressing freak thinks.

Fuck off


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You're trying way too hard

Seriously, what the fuck was Martin Luther's problem?

fuck no. tnc was a dumpster fire

The original didn't have cutscenes user. I had the shareware disk.

His problem was that he took almost all of the reasonable complaints made by Jan Hus and then fucked it up by adding dumb shit that made everything far worse. He didn't fix Christianity he broke it even more.

Hussitism was peak Christianity before that got destroyed because of the trickery of the Romans and the plagiarism of Martin Luther

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Whatever you say tranny.

I think its pretty funny to look at the whole fuck nazis thing these games do when the fact that the series is still going means that narratively the nazis always succeed despite your best efforts.
Really makes you think.

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This used to be a meme. Everybody knew about it and apart from the few weird dudes nobody believed in the ideology behind it. That changed and you're a newfag for thinking otherwise.

Is there twincest or implied twincest? If not fuck off.

>everyone still crying about nazis being a thinly veiled jab at republicans
>makes it impossible to voice actual criticism like enemies being entirely hitscan which is awful
>devs just get indignant and make the same game again

lets just nuke this franchise

This. Barely anyone actually believed in Nazisim, Yea Forums merely played it's role as the evil boogeyman of the internet and enjoyed it with ease.
Hell even now, a part of me is certain a majority of 4Channers don't believe in Nazisim and are just fucking LARPing to fuck around and still continue to be the Boogeyman, the only problem is originally the LARP was only surface level so that Yea Forums could still function as an actual forum to discuss things. Now it's just being spammed all over the place so the quality of Yea Forums as a whole decreases as a result of the LARP leaving Yea Forums (or in the modern day equivalent, /pol/).

Israel checks your genealogy and, in some cases, DNA tests you when it comes to verifying Jewish background for the sake of determining eligibility for immigration.

>young blood
More like 6/10 blood LMAO

These people actually believe in Atlantis

ahahah yeah fascism is the right way guys I swear
how about killing yourself franco like a bicth Hitler you are
make sure to get incinerated so your body won't be pissed upon in open street coward retard

>everyone still crying about nazis being a thinly veiled jab at republicans
>makes it impossible to voice actual criticism like enemies being entirely hitscan which is awful
This. The only time I got an actual discussion about the real criticism of the game was when discussion of TNC died down literally a year or two later. There was a genuinely good thread where everyone was listing the problems with TNC and debating it. It was good.
Now that Youngblood is released we're gonna have to wait another year to voice what is wrong with the game, look at how got only one reply despite voicing some fucking really controversial aspects that would piss off every long-time Wolfenstein fan. It's annoying, but it's a slow process. So I'll just avoid Wolfenstein thread until this shitstorm dies down and summerfags leave.

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Do you Kill Americans in this one?

Is there something wrong with that?

Franco died of old age, though.
Plus, he was great.
The economy went well, the leftists were dead...


It's not good though. It's trash.

youngblood is by far the worst one to date.
don't waste your money user.

Typo. It's 4:00 AM and I am overworking myself. I would've used anons but my mind is scattered all over every plane of existence right now.

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sure dude how is (S)pain doing these days OH LMAO they're fucked

Yes, because we are controlled by socialists.

>communists try to take over
>country goes to shit
Wackity smackity doo



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No Mechahitler no buy

>Jewish is a religion, not a race
>being this bluepilled

>Hitler dies off-screen in the timeskip according to BJ

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>tests your dna for citizenship to their ethnostate
>nothing personal, goy

My veteran grandfather regularly talks about how McCarthy was right and racemixing is bad.

never seen this joke before. you've earned reddit gold, good sir!

Healthy minded white people don't play Wolfenstein. Besides, the series peaked at 2009.

>4,278 In-Game
Less than yesterday.

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