What the fuck happened to this once great company?


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>Games followed Warcraft 3 story
>Once WC3 story was done they ran out of ideas

they got bought by activision at the middle of creating WOTLK

Arthas and the live king made for the most enjoyable villain of all time for me. He was such a bad-ass in lore and in battle.

the same thing that happens to every other company, Pinky.
try to take over the market.

Attached: pinky-and-the-brain-business-pink-panster-pinkpanster-startup-lessons-cyprus-marketing-SEO-europe-we (1280x853, 345K)

Greedy fucks takeover, Fat Fuck Wilson and gender/race quotas.

Attached: fatfuckwilson.jfif.jpg (225x225, 9K)


This is your average 2019 Blizzard employee.

Metzen foreseen all this shit, it's why he left.


Im guessing thats not a biological women
Am i right?

>skip to the middle of the video, thinks its some soifag
>see the narrator
Fucking yikes

Activision merge


unironically engage in intercourse


If anything i bet hes the one that pushed the most for this.

> look, my hair are long, call me ma'am okay?

>literal wrath baby
Shut the fuck up

Ben Brode was a huge turd, but now I want him back

2008, merger.

once they joined with activision, money and games as a service became a priority they were done

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They made the game easier so more normies could play

And the normies did, but it destroyed what made the game fun and sustainable for it's original audience. So they started bleeding numbers each month for years.

And now, it's gotten so bad that the core demographic of WoW players that the game was originally designed for have asked Blizz to return to the original WoW with all it's difficulty and immersiveness. It's called classic WoW

and that's where we are today

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wow was never hard it was only tedious and time consuming and annoying sometimes.

Yes, and that was the perfect recipe for effort + time spent = fun (dopamine)
I remember getting a blue at lvl 48 was the best feeling ever. After getting a party of 5, walking to the instance, fighting random hordies on the way, and then 3 hours in the instance itself, after wiping 8 times I'd add maybe 2 of them to my friends list and say bye.
The way wow works now doesn't give the same feeling of satisfaction, why? the current formula doesn't work. So people left to find it somewhere else.

all of the talent left

they got too big. the company went public. all of the creative people who made the original games that gained them fame in the first place left the company, and marketing took over in their place.

Literally Activision.

As always, females.

They're actually very good. :)

Oops forgot my pic silly me~

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Is that a tranny or just an ugly woman? Can somebody confirm?

Think Ive had enough of playing western games now.

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i really doubt that. he was a shitty writer, but he actually gave a shit about warcraft. it's blatantly apparent that blizzard is now just a bunch of corporate drones that hire the bare minimum of talent required to make a coat of paint thick enough to cover their cashgrab attempts. no one at blizzard cares anymore.

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World of warcraft killed blizzard's creativity. Starcraft 2's design and story sucked. Diablo 3's story and artistic design were insults to blizzard north. Every blizzard game is some cartoony nightmare now and the stories are tumbler-quality shit.
They can still do alright gameplay but their games lack soul.

dude looks like a lady

fucking WOTLK babies this expac is the trilogies autistic brother and everything since has been garbage since (except pre nerf cata heroics/raids)

She does a pretty good job of passing as average but why put not attempt into changing your voice?

acitivision, why would you think anything else?

Just want to tell you thats the dark ranger not the regular archer. Blizzard confirmed it in the wc3 forums.

>what happened

>searches "Liv Breeden" on google.
>finds her youtube, facebook, twitch, and more.
>find out she's in a relationship with another female.
>find nothing on a "transition" except this weird ass hearthstone card she made.
It's just another attention whore butch lesbo, user.

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Unironically this.