Quite possibly the most overrated game series of all time

Quite possibly the most overrated game series of all time.

> B, B, B, R1, R1, B, B, B, R1, R1...

Attached: Dark Souls.png (768x166, 263K)



>more buttons to click = better game

Attached: 15453298195492.png (645x773, 11K)

>Dark Souls is absurdly overrate-

Attached: Dark Souls - Knight Artorias Fight.webm (600x336, 2.94M)

Have sex.

Every single fight in the game follows the same imput of buttons.

thats 1 more input than most other games

based poiseboi


Okay so? The fun of the game is timing your attacks and properly dodging the enemies attacks
If you want to make big combos just play fighting games

All you do is press buttons. This shit sucks.

do you mean there is and optimal way to max the game, and that way is far more boring than just playing freely,this is unbelieveable

>Light attack
>Light attack
>Light attack
>Light attack...
Who the fuck are you fighting like this?

literally every game does lol

>A A A A A A A A A A A
WTF? Boomers are retarded

Attached: 1035D8B4-85BF-4B93-BF89-CEBAE69CF72A.png (270x369, 100K)

>press button
>lights flicker a little bit on the screen

Wow what a braindead hobby.

You're wrong
Batman has more enemy variety that requires you to use more than just dodge and attack

lmao you mad. Souls is one of the best games of all time, nothing you say can change that

>Batman better than Souls
haha this is your brain on capeshit

Combat wise? Yes. Souls has the most bare bones combat in existence, it doesnt help that it looks like shit to.

It's one of the rare occasions where a game is as good as it's generally held to be by reviewers

Play Sekiro if you want a good action game combat system, Souls is not an action game it was always an RPG about build variety and strategy to overcome varying encounter and level design. Also the games were not about being difficult they were about punishing sloppy players.

You don't even need to move batman around since the game does that for you.

Oh thank god I thought you were serious