So what color WAS Y'shtola's soul?

So what color WAS Y'shtola's soul?
I have a feeling this will come up later.

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Other urls found in this thread:!-show-your-support


Black, like her soul.
Fuckin' whore.

Black like the cock she takes

I never understood the hate for Y'shtola in ShB. Thancred's moody bullshit was way worse.

Hot pink with hearts cause she horny as fuck.


idk i understand that he was trying to protect ryne that's why he was aways mad that she got in dangerous stuff

Y'shtola has always been the least interesting Scion and she's full of unwarranted self importance. She bitches out Thancred because 'WAH WAH WAH MY STANDARDS I EXPECT MORE FROM HIM' like anyone would just act normally about having to act as a bodyguard for the specter of their dead daughter.

People hated Yshtola in ShB? She was great to me, a lot more playful as a character and played a similar role to Urianger but more open.

There are two XIV threads up right now

Just abandon this one before you invoke the righteous wrath of Jannthry

How do i make cash money on mining, i keep seeing that selling sliver orbs or whatever makes me cash. I really need cash...i only have 1000 gil

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>Y'shtola is blind
>but can see and read stuff
Pls explain to this brainlet

Thancred has every right to be moody and the fact that he could not really control how he felt so much made him a much better character. Y'shtola gust gives people shit and even when Emet did a proper good guy thing for the group and herself - the ONLY person would could do such a thing - she still gave him shit.

I was pretty butt hurt she sick'd her harem of lion cock on me thinking I was a danger to her forest when she plainly recognized everyone else was with me.

Did she think I had enthralled all the other scions with my sin eater powers or something?

she can see aether or some shit

Alumen is a cheap, quick and easy material to sell with mining, people buy that shit up

Mine shit people need or level up botany and start doing aethersand

I hate Y'shtola for everything else. She's fine now, but still not good.
Lion dick did her some good.

She didn't know it was you. She clearly didn't even think you were in the First and the only thing on the First with that much light is a Sin Eater. It was basically like pointing a flashlight in her eyes, she couldn't see you past the light.

she just sees magic instead
its an almost entirely irrelevant plot point, second only to the time where thancred had to wear an eyepatch for reasons i still dont understand to this day

She can see aether. Normally everything has aether in it, even rocks, paints, pages of a book, and ink on the pages. So she can see all of that because the aether is different.

Thancred wore the eyepatch initially because he got his eye scratched in the wilderness. Then he just thought it looked cool and kept it for style points. He told that to you if you talked to him between scenes.

What? She genuinely thanked him when he saved her life, where as everyone else was still giving him guff. She can thank him and still not trust him, which proved to be reasonable, what with the whole Hades bullshit.

vision in dark areas maybe? it's why pirates wear eyepatches

He felt like it.

>Can see the shape of the aether in the ink on the page.
>Can't see the shape of the Warrior of Light's aether.

Is there a melee dps who builds up and then blows their load like SMN?

WoL's aether was overflowing with the Lightwarden light. It looked like a Lightwarden to her, not the WoL's aether she was familiar with.

sin eaters can have the shape of a normal human

Why are people in the previous thread defending people not pulling their own weight?

>all the chad tanks on the last thread
ok you niggas are making me wanna tank again

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Honestly I like all the scions at least a little more in ShB. I hated absolutely all of them in ARR but they've definitely gotten better or at least less annoying.
>tell urianger to stop being so fucking shady all the time
>he immediately starts doing it again when Eden shows up

SAM does, probably others as well, but I don't play any others at max level.

Tanking is a kickable offense

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wow I don't think I've ever seen the facebook tab on an image before

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Needs to add in some AST gear on him for maximum ShB relevancy.

Where did Thancred get a gunblade on the First?

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>want to level my PLD
>tank queues are really long now
fuck this

I'm hopefully the arguing about big pulls in dungeons doesn't end up everywhere, if it does i know 100% the way yoshi would end it is to put walls between every single mob pack

you have GNB to thank for this

He had it made at the Crystarium. Talk to NPCs between cutscenes user.

>Be me, in FC chat, 20 minutes ago
>People talking about Trusts and how it should be extended to the rest of the game and allow players to form semi-parties and fill the remainder with Trusts
>FC member says system doesn't support it, and SE would redo the whole thing to make it work that way
>Explain they make enough money to do it eventually and a whole lot more if they didn't split FFXIV's funding all over the place
>Says if they did that than they'd be just like Epic Games, who only make one game
>Explain to him Unreal and Gears of War are a thing, and to ignore them is being willingly ignorant
>Starts freaking out about how Epic are a crash company out of nowhere
>Say they're fine, and not sure why all the hate
>FC guy starts ranting about loot boxes and how they're psychologically manipulating kids
>Explain to him kids don't make money, and if their parents are dumb enough to give kids free access to their credit cards, that's a parenting problem. Also explain he's being very bias to assume only kids play Fortnite
>Starts literally getting uppity about why I'm, "defending a capitalist Corporation" that sells gambling products to kids, completely ignoring my previous points, and implies I must like Fortnite
>Say I don't even like Fortnite, but explain that his or my dislike for a game doesn't make it immoral
>He then starts ranting about, "The problem with Libertarianism" and makes some weak as fuck analogy about theme parks should be liable if customers ride an attraction that breaks down (not even sure what he was attempting with that)
>Tell him cosmetic Fortnite skins are less relevant than buying booster packs for MtG:Arena
>Asks if I'm just willingly playing devil"s advocate, or if I'm just trolling for lulz (another FC member responds by saying, "Sounds like he's just offering his opinion)
>Starts saying TCG's are just as bad, then goes full sperg about why people shouldn't vote Repub

This kind of shit is why I usually avoid guilds in MMO's.

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What is the most fun job?

I dont hate her, she introduced us to Runar and now im dicking him daily

How did they know how to make it? It is exactly like Radovan's despite the art of the gunbreaker being exclusive to the hrothgar clan.

I missed a couple of those because I accidentally talked to the MSQ person before talking to the others. I blame the people crowding around them at the time.

How long before all the shit GNB players go back to DPS? Was it this bad with DRK in HW?

fuck healers fuck dps fuck niggers fuck spics fuck trannies fuck fags and fuck jannies

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Thancred's Archon specialties are survival and information gathering. He probably has an extremely good memory, and he tells you later that he obsessively prepares for just about everything that he may encounter or that may go wrong. He probably has different weapons schematics in his head in case he needs them. In this case he did say he was very familiar with the Hrothgar gunblades.

I'm sure they would also prefer you avoid guilds in mmos.

why did exodus go form like 34 people max in queue to 750+

I was hoping all the FOTM Dancers and Machinists would fuck off.

Might've had one machined in the Crystarium along with a bunch of blank cartridges for Ryne to enchant. The gunblade isn't special, its ammunition is.

He bought one?
I mean, even the ancient ronka had some. Even though they look more like saws.

>stuck at 88 parse on both Titania and Innocence
I want to get to 90 but I literally don't know how to do better other than like getting potions or some other padding shit.

Next expansion unless there are major nerfs.

He was trained by radovans brother so maybe he knows how to build them now.


even getting that high already means you're getting boosted, getting higher is just getting more boosting

Great blog, I’m sure you aren’t just making shit up to get high fives from complete strangers on the internet and totally stood up and went “Uh ackshully...”


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Because all the wowfugees are doing a exodus from wow to here.

do your rotation better
unless you play an impossible to fuck up class like RDM, a tank or a healer in which case yes, you'll have to up your logs purely through pots, gear and comp

>Be me, in FC chat, 20 minutes ago
>in FC chat
That was your first mistake, lad. I'm literally only in my FC for buffs/easy access to their utilities and I've spoken to them once or twice in the past few months, only to ask someone to craft something that wasn't on the MB.
Also the next time someone brings up "muh kids" ask them how many kids they're planning to adopt if they care about helping children so much.

Speaking of this, why does your % parse change between history % and an encounter itself with other people?

>joining random mass invite FCs
guaranteed to bump into serious amount of mental illness in those mate
>my FC
>anytime anyone logs in he gets massively roasted by the boys
>[X member has logged in]
>speaking of cancer, the anal kind has just logged in sup queer

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what's that smell
is that
is that the smell of grey?

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Does anyone else watch YouTube videos where they just go "waaa muh tank/healer was mean to me?

Still praying that Leviathan Savage will be called Leviabeetus

nice congested servers

Your FC sounds like a tool. It's great that you're all friends though. I would never add anyone new in your FC though.

>dancers that don't use SS on CD or somehow even let the buff fall off
>dancers that use TS prepull
>dancers that partner their shit friend instead of the best dps in the group
>MCH that still use flamethower
>MCH that can't weave during hypercharge
It's very tiresome

respect your boomers user

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One is compared to each individual's highest run and the other is compared to every run.

I'm thinking about upgrading my GPU, does going Jewvidia or AYYMD really makes a difference for the game?
The benchmark has the Goyworks logo, but I'm not sure of what's implemented.

>Person mentions that E4's boss looks "retarded on an ATV" in FC chat
>Other FC person chimps out about that being a massive spoiler and is pissed off

Would other anons consider that a spoiler worth throwing a shitfit about since the boss wasn't named? Who was in the wrong?

Nvidia has better driver support for DX11 games, especially ones with the Gameworks logo on them. AMD focuses more on DX12 and Vulkan, but have been lacking on DX11 and OpenGL support.

Your amusement park analogy was weak, user.


>Another 90k

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So are the servers getting hit right now? Log in queue was over 900 people, Ive never seen it above 40 since 5.0 launched.

Got reported for talking about janny and his transformation in the tempest. People are crazy

dude was secretly upset over the use of the word retard

can you go a thread without blaming WoW boogeymen about something?
it's getting weird

I am doing this for personal comparison, I want to get better as a player.
Only thing I would probably be getting boosted by is Battle Litany, I don't know how to check shit like that with fflogs but the encounter says 88% and the actual fight says 94%

No, everyone has ingested corporate brain poison and nobody knows what that word means anymore. Not to mention if a "spoiler" completely ruins most things then the execution was probably shit. There are only a few things where the entire plot hinges on the twist and it can actually be spoiled, nobody is ever talking about that type of thing when they use the word.


>wait 20 minutes in queue
>get booted out with error

I only have 2 days left on my sub, please let me play.

why do you have so little money?

Dead again.

Hm, I didn't knew AMD were lacking in OpenGL, thanks for the information user.

aaaaand another dc
wow niggers are really upset hm?

>been playing non stop for 48 hours stopping only to pee and shower
>servers crash
at last, I am free.

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Where did Cid go

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>Isnt just a disconnect
>Servers are straight up DOWN
No i wont play your game, blizzard

lobby server is down, just got kicked from a praet, my fucking xp and time. fuck you wow niggers and fuck you wow nigger jannies.

He went adventuring with Nero.

>trying to level trusts when this shit happens
The worst cuz SE decided they dont get any xp till the dungeon is finished

She's a stupid cunt. Thancred had every reason to feel the way he did, and even if you disagree bringing it up in the middle of a conversation with multiple people in the room unwarranted and giving him shit for it is a huge cunt move. I still don't know why she felt the need to do that.

>mfw I'm just standing in limsa doing nothing
>still not disconnected
sucks to be you fags

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if you ever run OpenGL based emulators on AMD GPUs, you will notice how bad they are.
2 blizz bucks added to your account

>mfw sub ran out the day before servers apparently went to shit
Thank you for the advice Yoshi

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>servers crashing
>sadpanda dying
Today's a shitty day, innit?

Can I play DQ11 and XIV at the same time?
I5 4670k and GTX 1070ti

Fuck, I guess it'll be Nvidia then, I didn't expect it to be this bad.

With Titan Savage being called Tidus?

Yes, and he kicks bomb boulders at you.

>>sadpanda dying

>sadpanda dying
what’s happening? Is it getting taken down again?


>sadpanda dying
You don't fucking joke about that.

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Did he save that girl then become a gunblade or was he a gunblade before meeting the girl?

It's false, no official announcement yet and IRC isn't going crazy.

>we swear it's a DDoS
>totally not our fault

nigger I can play 2 XIV instances+other MMO using lower specs just fine, and no other game and 1 xiv client are max specs

netherlands passed some laws and now it's on the chopping block. torrent what you can


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holy fucking based

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Guy's a mod for the e-hentai forums so it's legit

What does 88 parse mean? How do I tell if I'm pulling my weight in dungeons?

The scene in the trailer is him rescuing Ryne, so he would have had to get the gunblade first. Maybe he had Exarch charge his ammo before going there.

Check the sticky on /h/

What amusement park analogy?

>all these shitters that didn't use Darkside in HW
Shit GNBs will never be that bad, thanks to Yoshi killing complexity of jobs

why do they make this excuse everytime

Y'shtola is love and the "representative" of XIV accross general FF media. Popularity will always breed dissent

by downloading ACT

My only beef is just that my cpu is always at 100% with just xiv and if I watch YouTube videos on Chrome alongside xiv, the game will chug at times. Not too bad, but it's noticable.

Because some autist keeps DDOSing them?

If you don't know, you're probably shit

Far easier to make an excuse than to admit moving their servers has been a fucking mistake


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because DDOS attacks are real. one way to tell is when the world server is fine but the login server has 10x more traffic.

Amen. This was my thought on the matter too, and I can even understand it being a spoiler if they said it was Titan, but "looking retarded on an ATV" is hardly something spoilery. Anyone going into a fucking endgame trial should have watched the video and known about it anyways.

The worst part is, the one who said it looked dumb was a casual who never does extremes, and the reeeeeee person is a Savage raider who should've been done with it by now anyways.


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I cant even connect to the data center bruv

She was an absolute cunt to Thancred and you when talk back to her and tell to look at herself she just deflects and tells you to go talk to Runar.

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>people are talking about emet sulch in novice network
>someone mentions he really likes Ryne
>people are talking about gra'ha tia in NN
>spoilernigs start screeching again
bitch people are literally walking around the fucking town with Graha tia minions. out of context name drops spoil NOTHING.

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'cause it's the only excuse that make their dumb player base stay quiet and keep praising their inept infrastructure.
Fun fact: if you send 3 queries every

Same shit that got atf shut down, so very real possibility.

reminder that g'raha tia wiped out the timeline where the ascians were restored so emet-selch wiping out the source is just returning the favor

I can't even fucking log in to see my cute lala on the character screen.

>Anyone going into a fucking endgame trial should have watched the video and known about it anyways.
Why are you watching videos for fucking normal mode content?

It must suck being Thancred. Image having to walk back to the Waking Sands every time they prey you return.

>tfw fapping to futa while my bot gathers shit in the background
>mfw see it's been kicked off and character data wont appear
>cant even relog into data center

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ping your home server then ping the login server (wireshark it)

I hope we get sin eater gear.

Why not tho, some normals still got mechanics sometimes nigger

nice excuse SE

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What overlay do I use for it?

why is every single lalapedo a botter?

How? I have 302mil

kagerou if you're a brainlet

rainbowmage if you're high iq

>doing FATEs
>randomly get a tell from someone not even in my area
>it's a copypasta about why I should join their JC
>it's a wall of text that takes up two messages
>eventually come to the conclusion they're crawling through search results and sending it to everyone without an FC

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>Meanwhile, in Final Fantasy: Brave Exvius:

people can't even do mech titan on normal

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the one you like

>fat ugly bastard turns into an absolute bishonen chad god
Games for this feeling?

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to be frank it sounds to me like you're a faggot instigating an argument for the sake of it. You have a point but so does he meaning you were being just as ignorant as he was.

Play WoW while the servers are being DDoS

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Thanks that was a good laugh/cringe. Shaming sprouts on YT, what a class move by that AST. The WHM on the last one was actual shit though.


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I don't watch videos but I get it because DF is full of people who go fucking berserk if people wipe. I stopped watching videos BECAUSE of those people though.

What fucking mechanics happen in a normal mode anything that you need a VIDEO to explain to you? What the fuck.

at most you'll wipe once or twice to titan and maybe leviathan's stage destruction if the healers die, there's no need to watch videos for any normal shit except maybe orbonne but that's only because you'll never clear it without half the party leaving after a single wipe

That design was too good to be wasted in such a shitty fight

So, who's behind the DDoS? Must be children from around here.

It's a bit pointless to discuss that shit on the NN desu. It's not world chat, and shouldn't be treated like it.

How do I set up a bot for the housing placards? I'm tired of sitting here and clicking manually all day.

I'm mad that Titania got the weapons and not innocence.

I've always wondered about mmo hosting, especially nowadays with AWS or GCP capabilities. I suppose it's all on-prem infra with old scaling policies and very few mitigation tools.

Idk for normal modes but for some hard modes you can and for shit like tanking positions and shit niggah
king moogle mog is a downright mess if you go blind


It's just nice to be prepared for what's coming, Titan is a little weird in that you DO stand in the aoes for a short time to avoid the others then move out. Nothing difficult in the slightest, but you'll already know what to do rather than spending a few dps seconds figuring out wtf is going on or being on the wrong side during a knockback. 5mins of videos saves redoing the whole damn fight, if everyone had a clue.

can't wait for the new garuda on the next eden raid

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This is what you get for not going to /vg/.

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Ran'jit combined with his dragon looks like he walked out of MonHun

I bet the wowfugees did this

>0 points
wtf I thought you guys told me reddit hates trump

>Old Primals getting new forms
>Egis don't get glamours for them

Innocence's fight was kino though.

>mfw I got 7 commendations after beating Titan 2 Electric Boogaloo as the last person alive.

What good memories do you guys have?

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I assume that FFXIV has help from AWS since they own most of the internet.

Redpill me on rainbowmage

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>Eden 2
It's going to be fucking great. If there's an Haurchefant reference during Shiva I don't know how I'll handle it.

>0 days since summoners have bitched about something.

Visually yes, but the mechanics and the music were really underwhelming

Ramuh-egi and Sephirot-egi in 3.5! Please look forward to it! :)

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Flamethrower is a DPS gain over spread shot, even when you include the heat gain, dipshit.

more light-weight plugin but you have to customize the scripts to get it up to date and how you like it.

Did he miss the part where Eulmore is a literal communist utopia?

Microsoft has a much, much larger share of the datacenter market.

SMN doesn't bitch half as much as most of the healing and tank mains.

>the music

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I think I might stay bros..

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Does RDM get a deep or crazg rotation at lv80 or is it just gonna be spam jolt/veraero/verthunder til procs verstone/verfire+melee combo?

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Reddit downvoters are the dumbest niggers on the planet and will confuse the hell out of you if you try to figure out their logic, or lack thereof. Most people use it as a "Disagree" button when the actual purpose is to keep offtopic/unrelated/trolly shit out and actual discussion, even if harsh or controversial, up.
Just like this is supposed to be a board about video games but is usually Ecchi porn/traps/lolis and shitpost-central since Yea Forums is nothing but porn now.

wasn't real communism

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Basically, parents letting kids gamble is their own fault, but gambling in games is also a problem to the quality of videogames in general. Unless you actually think it would be a positive thing for videogames to all have microtransactions from now on and that they were all a gacha.

>bigger than AWS

no, just like dancer, you get pretty much everything at low level and every other levels gives you 1 new proc/ogcd

The dirty fucking japs wrote cuck subplot for WoL fucking dirty jap cuck bastards they cucked WoL with that faggot lion Runar fucking piece of shit faggot lion better die

It's a saint seiya character

Amaurot was the communist utopia

stupid RMT chinks blowing up the servers

They probably moved NA servers to Cali to get a better deal from Amazon.

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yeah but she saw everyone else was there, also they are inconsistent with her eyesight since she can see the murals at the end of qitana ravel

I want to fight a WoL who has been consumed by the Light.

i aways play summoner classes on most mmo but seeing the summons from summoners just feels pathetic like bahamut and the new fire bird are kinda cool but everything else looks like shit

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Yes, let me glamour party summoners with "Emperor's New Egi"


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>trying to fit in here
If only Yea Forums posters were this honest.

Fuck you

Holy shit this sucks ass and shit man, i love RDM but i want a sick0 rotation like BLM or MNK or NIN

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Finished another week of Eden. This is a boring ass endgame.

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Who gives a shit, the site was filled with thousands of western tagged garbage nowadays anyway.

who the fuck keeps doing this

Because Thancred was being a bitch and Y'shtola was the only one putting him straight.

You're bringing up point that wasn't even a point of discussion, and even if it was, I'd say companies are allowed to sell whatever digital content they have created that wish, however they wish, oblong as the consumer is okay with the exchange. Not even sure how you can argue against this. If you don't like what is being sold to you, don't buy it. It doesn't even effect the game, at that. FFXIV's level/story boosts arguable more immoral and manipulative than simple loot box skins.

nah blizzard launcher is a ddos slave client

So was Eulmore. The entire point of Eulmore and Vauthry was that it was a fake Garden of Eden, a failed imitation of Amaurot.

it was the ascians

Emmet/Hades never really intended to win. He put up a fight because that's what he felt was right, but even he could see that Zodiark's Aether gluttony was getting out of control. That's why he never kills anyone EVEN THOUGH HE HAD AMPLE AMPLE OPPORTUNITY at almost every turn. And don't say that this is some watered down PG shit, because FF14 kills off more characters than Game of Thrones if you actually pay attention to the story line.

He WANTED the WoL to overcome the light within them and to triumph. That's why he gets furious when you start failing to contain it, not happy that his plan is working.

>you were instigating an argument by having a point
>he had a point as well so you were being equally ignorant

Are you 12? Jesus.

>he didn't finish the MSQ in a month just in time for the sub to run out and wait for more content

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Level other classes, craft, buy furniturne, side quests, gamble
You’re just burned out. Take a few days

Thancred started annoying as fuck before he finally got his act together

>Clothing is just paint on your skin
trillion dollar company

I believe them. They've even said a reason that they fucked up with the server wires and it was their own fault.

>he doesn't have a pocket healer
What have you even been doing, user?

the level 79 Forgiven weapons from Mt. Glug were supposed to be Innocence's weapons

Fuck using that app.

He absolutely intended to win you fucking brainlet. He was fighting to save his people with everything he had, exactly as you were. He wanted you to overcome the light for the same reason he smiled afterwards. Because he finally saw some hope in mankind becoming proper inheritors of their will and carrying on their memory.

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As long as we can summon demi-Hydaelyn and demi-Zodiark in the future expansion i'll be happy

ddos?? 'twas just a jest guys :)

Only hrothgar cock can please Y'shtola

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lol dude just don't play it.

greentexts like make me glad I formed an FC with my boys years ago, and despite it now being more populated with randoms, we keep a tight grip and boot anyone who pulls that kind of weird autistic shit.

And so is Eulmore.

>Have to give away all personal wealth and assets to live there
>Everything is given to you by the services of those who's only relevance in the city is their ability to offer their service as a need
>The second you are no longer needed, you are turned to fucking food or thrown out , and your quota is filled with another
>Is supposed to be for the greater good of the people, while only the powerful few benefit the most at the expense of others
This is literally how communist societies throughout history have worked.

It's less that he never intended to win, and more that he wasn't going to hand the world over to just anyone, he knows the ascians fucked up badly but still thought he was the best chance at fixing things, yet was tired and desperately wanted to be proven wrong

You can strive you win and not actually want to win, you fucking brainlet

Pure white after i am done with her and Yugiri

Depends where you are in the story. If it's ShB he's probably busy with his business after the Omega debacle

>titan-egi gets a segway

He doesn't consider WoL & co as people user. That's why he never kills anyone, because he could do so whenever he wanted, no one was on his level.
He was curious about the WoL, and wished you overcame the light because he's lonely and still had a little bit of hope for the human race, even sundered souls. But in the end, he's doing all that to save his people, sundered souls be damned. They're not even people to him.

My man of most patrician taste.

This game lacks an end game. Its been like that

You are retarded.

You are retarded

it has less about letting the company do whatever it wants and more about not promoting them when they do bad business practices which microtransaction essentially are by not being consumer friendly. Its just a way to exploit the consumer.

He was instigating an argument, especially since he came to Yea Forums to rant about it meaning that all he wants is to be validated by drones and faggots like you.

Emet-Selch fought with everything he had because he wanted to win. He was exactly like you.

No I said it first come on play by the rules.

Fucking wish but the fucking japs keep cucking the WoL it's fucking bullshit


every expansion the fucking same story

just unsub, that's literally what yoshi says to do, wait for the fucking content

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>We get more mixed primals
>Ifrit gets confused with Suzaku
>E8 is just waifu ifrit

Poor Ryne, she heard him say that she's not "his" minfilia

Pssst, don't capitalize the first letter.

How the fuck you gonna do that when the jap cuckold fetish devs won't let WoL get his fucking dick wet

>800 in queue
d-did something happen?

That was completely just to rile you up. He wouldn't spend so much time following you around and tutoring you if he didn't intend there to be a chance he could lose.

Yoshi-P is in your world so everyone is going there.


What is being exploited? People love to throw that word around, but they are telling you exactly what is being sold.

Fucking answer me how the fuck you gonna fuck Yshtola when the fucking japs cucked WoL with faggot lion


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Janny is so upset with FFXIV threads that he launched an attack directly on the NA servers.


Don't capitalize the first word people know it's a fake else

Sadpanda's shutting down man, it's all gone

Yoshi P is a fucking cuckold jap bastard Runar is a fucking piece of shit

I really doubt these people have done everything in the game.
There's not enough time in your life to do absolutely everything.

Cuckposting should warrant a permanent ban. Holy fuck all you niggers are so stupid.

You guys know other sites exist right? That secret club shit was entirely pointless.

just go play verminion bro
just farm mounts 100 times bro

if they sell me a 5* character in feh for less than $5 but getting one can range anywhere from $5 to $200, then yes that is being exploited. I don't see how thats so hard to comprehend. The same applies to any lootbox formula or a game that works by forcing you to pay more money to continue playing it every short interval of time.

What the fuck you saying answer me bout WoL can't fuck Yshtola

t. Y'shtolafag SEETHING his waifu belongs to BARBE COCK

He's putting his barbed penis inside Y'shtola and you aren't.

Did you guys know Jannie is so fat he pays Hiromoot for hotpockets instead?

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There really isn't.

someone really butthurt that wow is dying

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Would you let Y'shtola spank you while she makes you call her mommy

but thats not end game though

>Amaurot as DRK
>healer and and dps die at first boss
>somehow solo it because TBN and Souleater are busted as fuck
>final boss
>healer and dps die
>try to solo it again
>run out of platforms to dodge apocalypse beam
>yep it's over now rip
>can literally stand it and soak almost all of it with TBN+cd
>end up soloing last boss as well
>gg ez
>receive 1 (ONE) commendation
I never asked for this.
Also I saw someone posting his story of soloing Amaurot final boss a week ago but he was called out for being full of shit, can now confirm he wasn't. Yes you run out of platforms but it matters jack shit if you keep spamming Souleater/TBN.

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>muh sekrit club
It wasn't a secret club, retard.

Sadpanda had things you couldn't see anywhere else, including a lot of non-H. You're just a salty retard mad you couldn't get past the panda.

You guys know there's old stuff archived there right? That new sites merely scrapped sadpanda?

nhentai has the vast majority of anything that matters


I didn't fucking write that shit blame the fucking jap cuckolds devs they fucking teased WoL and Yshtola in valentine day then they pull that shit better fucking kill that faggot lion Runar

Not even that, there's getting the Triple Triad cards, cleaning out all the rewards in the saucer, getting all the achievements (for fuck's sake one requires you to do all your daily leve allowances for 7 years), getting all the minions, getting all the music, getting your glam, capping every class, crafting every item, gathering every item, etc. There's so much shit you will never fucking do.

oh i am up for a ifrit waifu
nothing is gonna top my waifu though

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She could see the aether of the murals. Did you forget those murals depicted the events of Zodiark's summoning? They must be fucking ANCIENT but are still in pristine condition, so there was probably some magic shit too.

The fucking japs added cuck shit with her dirty fucking jap bastards she's fucking ruined

Paint has aether in it user.

He could start working on endgame crafting, he won't be done before the next content drops.

hey friendly reminder traffic and people actually playing the game are two different things ok
don't forget

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You have excellent taste, user

She should know her bestie's shape.

literally none of that involves playing your main job that you enjoy and want to play more of

why do so many wowfags engage in parsefaggotry?

Keyword is utopia. No society throughout history lived one, socialist or not.
Eulmorans were literally being brainwashed by Vauthry, who was a direct product of Emet's intervention. It's not like Amaurot where the citizens are implied to be of such elevated social mentality and education that they freely trust their brightest and are even willing to sacrifice themselves out of their own free will

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>Emet saved a backup-file of himself in Y'shtola when he rezzed her
>going to possess her and troll you with awkward sexual tension in a later patch
Calling it now. Cap this.

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striving for improvement
try it sometime, it's fun

What do you hope for next week's patch DRKanon? I'm levelling mine so I'm not knowledgeable of how it plays at lvl 80, but it's started to become quite fun at lvl 66 and the quests are pure kino

DDoS yet again. They cant keep getting away with this

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I don't think it was so cut and dry. He was desperate to save his people, and was serious about it, as well as being tempered and forced to serve Zodiark's will. He wanted another way to solve it, without so much tragedy, but you weren't up to snuff, so he gave up. I am sure there was a part of him that wanted you to win, but he wasn't just messing around, he wanted to win as well.

>Talking about specifically Epic games and Fortnite
>Needs to bring up a completely different game to try and force a point
user, just stop.

You fucking retard, Nhentai scrapes all their shit from exhentai. You can't even upload anything onto there.

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Which melee should I play?

still impressive since half the population can't even parse in xiv because they're on console.

but then urianger shows up and pulls one of his famous yugioh tricks of changing fate through the power of cards.

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>Emet-Selch mocking you with how he was fucked harder in Amaurot

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I like their 1920's Metropolis look.


It'll be fine. Take your off topic porn shit elsewhere.

VERY epic
put me in the screencap reddit

>be me


>villains are bad because they're not black and white
Goooooooooooo FUCK yourself
Only retards agree with Emet-Selch.
Only retards completely disagree with Emet-Selch.
Everyone would kill an ant colony if it would bring their friends, family, loved ones etc back.
Yes, there is a difference between an ant colony and the sentient lives of 14 worlds.
Nuance makes characters great. Kefka may be an amusing villain for his bullshit and the fact he managed to nuke the fucking world, but literally nobody likes him for his character because it's as one dimensional as it can be. He literally goes "Bah, friendship and hope and dreams are stupid, I'll destroy them all!" while Emet-Selch talks about preserving the hopes and dreams of his people shortly before the finishing blow.
Vauthry, likewise, is a great villain, right before he goes into full villain mode. The first time you visit Eulmore and the mystery of how the city really works is set up, Vauthry is an utterly fantastic antagonist, his ruthless, decadent plan to set up a paradise to await the end of the world in peace and ecstasy, but the second he mobilizes the Eulmoran army to fight for the Sin Eaters, he turns into a cartoon villain, screaming about how he has to rule the world.

What class is Ran'jit?

please unsubscribe from my game

Pugilist with a bunch of cross class skills.

She was 100% right to call Thancred out on his bullshit though. She doesnt suffer fools and its great

FFXIV has such a toxic community

Posting about reports is report worthy.

No, I'm not saying I'll report you, just letting you know about the rules.

i still think ran'jit is such a stupid fucking bullshit being stronger than you
but at least they try giving an excuse

absolutely unadulterated kino

will they ever top ShB?

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why does Urandiel call her Matoya in the ShB trailer?

its the same concept, lootbox is selling you something that you don't know what it is. If you're aiming for a particular item then it becomes exactly the same as the example I gave. I only gave the example I gave because its a game I played. You can't just dismiss a products value simply because the consumer knows what they are doing. Do you think the world would be stable if everything was sold as a lootbox and getting something to drink could cost anywhere between $5 and $200?

Also just some advice, don't come to Yea Forums to be validated about your opinion next time because not everyone is going to agree with it. Grow up as well.



Monk, Dragoon, Dark Knight, Ninja
But I prefer to call him JOBBER

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>not helping sprouts with content and their questions so they can later pay back the favor later through other means

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they somehow managed to top heavensward, so probably

already happened mate

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Monk/Summoner mix.

How does she know if she's blind?

It's the first time she sees him in years, they're close friends and the first thing she does is shit on him because he doesn't know how to deal with the hardest thing that ever happened to him. At least offer to help him first and then rip into him when he is being an edgy cunt, don't be the edgy cunt yourself from the getgo.

It's another world. Do you think that no other being in existence can outpace the WoL besides Zenos? He's spent his entire life at war before Vauthry took over, and possesses some crazy powerful magic.

i never thought he was stronger, he was lucky that the stun moved was effective vs WoL and others.

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He's weaker than fucking Thancred but stronger than WoL lmao


I was kinda butthurt at first but DRK becomes fun at higher levels, specifically at lvl72 when you finally get your aoe combo. It can get quite hectic in aoe, managing your mp/gauge and making sure not to cap, also making sure you still have 3000mp to pop TBN each 15 secs.
Nothing super complex it keeps you busy.

Main 2 complaints with DRK is that it's kinda bad at low level, partially because you get your main cd (TBN) at lvl70 but mostly because you get your aoe combo at lvl72, while all 3 other tanks get theirs at lvl40.

Nu-Delirium is most likely the biggest complaint, because it's Inner Release but worse. Not sure what they should do with that skill really, pretty sure they don't know as well. Maybe bring back old Blood Weapon speed buff + extending it with Delirium?

The bare minimum I hope they'll change is that you get your aoe combo much sooner.

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I just want one thing for Ifrit 2.0, SE, please...

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they will but not before they make another filler expansion to work on the real expansion on the side

Hes what Monk players wish they could be.

After having played SAM for quite some time, playing DRG is like being the protagonist of a power metal album.

>no Emet-Selch romance option
Why does best girl never have a route?

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it just means next expansion will be lackluster, but the one after that would be great

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Thancred fucking soloed him lmao he's stronger than WoL Thancred stronger than him that means Thancred stronger than WoL lmao

now you are going to tell me that thancred can take zenos

Plot armor power, the same thing that lets her keep living despite her aether sight draining her life.


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He's not weaker than Thancred. Thanc-spank BARELY chased him off, and only by pulling out all his tricks and using a super charged gunblade shot could he even do that. If it wasn't for that Ranjit would have slaughtered Thancred.


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>but the second he mobilizes the Eulmoran army to fight for the Sin Eaters, he turns into a cartoon villain, screaming about how he has to rule the world
He's still aiming to set up a paradise though, as flawed as it is. He sees himself as a savior ushering mankind into pure, innocent, immoral bliss. And it's not his fault either, it's just in his nature because he's a Sin Eater. He's a being of pure light, and light is passivity.

No, it was just utopia, literally.
Hence Hythlodeus.

you die a lot?

>Thancred was barely able to chase him off with his best tricks and a super attack
>WoL easily bests and kills him in single combat

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Thancred has always been stronger dude. He's the real protagonist of Final Fantasy XIV.

>Thancred stronger than WoL lmao
I thought this was obvious? Just look at what he did vs Hades

It doesn't fucking matter cause of the Runar bullshit fucking hate that faggot lion fucking hate the japs for adding cuckshit fucking japs

>his entire life at war
And sucked at it. We ended the war he made no progress towards.

Hopefully Ryne started masturbating with a replacement bullet so Thancred will have another powerful shot to use later.

Probably Beastmaster.

I thought there would be an explanation for how the fuck she's acting as a thaumaturge despite her condition, but lol nope.

Wait for next week's patch

Do you guys prefer a good MCH or DNC? Or a different DPS in general?

There isnt even a hint of romance in their interactions though, retard

WoL got fucking one shot Pa'jeet lightning with a full team Thancred fucking soloed Pa'jeet WoL beat Pa'jeet AFTER THANCRED WEAKEN HIM

>Do you think the world would be stable if everything was sold as a lootbox and getting something to drink could cost anywhere between $5 and $200?
That's a false equivalency, and one that defies the very world we live in. The reason all companies don't do that is because there are always going to be better options that aren't a gamble.

You talk about this subject like people are only allowed to play games with loot boxes in them, and completely ignore the plethora of games that don't that are perfectly viable options. If someone is willing to shell out dough for a mystery box, so be it. I won't, and I'll instead put my money into something I personally feel is worth it. Yes, in your very narrow example where there is only one game, and that one game only has loot boxes for content, you'd have a point. Thankfully, we live in the real world.

Her aethersight burns up the aether that makes up her being, her soul. Thaumaturgy makes use of internal aether reserves, extra stuff that you naturally soak up.

Geomancer when?

i upvoted his post

heavensward was fucking mediocre what the hell are you talking about

I mean that's not really fair. He was just an old dude who was good at fighting, which is good but he couldn't take down Lightwardens without becoming one like we could with our magical plot soul.

She shouldn't have any left over if she's already burning though to her goddamn soul.

He fucking princess carry her it's fucking bullshit why the fuck he touch her if the stupid fucking japs won't let WoL touch her DON'T LET A FAGGOT LION TOUCH HER FUCKING JAP KEK FETISH CUNTS

Playing through for the first time and I know he's important in Heavensward, but is Haurchefant the only helpful person in all of Ishgard?

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MCH vs DNC are completely separate ends of the spectrum.
Do you want to have very small amounts of utility with big dps or very small amounts of dps with big utility?

As long as they're not running into aoes then I'm not picky.

It's a separate pool of aether. The way she's using her aethersight isn't drawing from her internal reserves for some reason.

Nigga, Vauthry was a cartoon villain right out the gate. Did you forget the part where he had a seething piss baby rage fit when Alphy insulted him and then walked out? Or how about when he told a man to jump off a balcony into the sea because said man wasn't actually a merchant. Or how about when a man is bleeding all over the floor and Alphinaud comes barging in, Vauthry demands he paint a pretty picture of his city for forgiveness. He was ALWAYS a cartoon villain, which is what made him great.

I very much enjoy both, I usually enjoy everything.

>magical plot soul
Shut the fuck up the japs been emasculating WoL made him a fucking cuck and a fucking loser

The dude has had literally 5 years to fucking make peace with it. She is 100% that he cant go on brooding and moping forever, especially with Ryne also getting hurt by it.

Tough love hurts but sometimes you have to call out your best friends bullshit if its detrimental to them and those surrounding them

aymeric is also based, everyone else in ishgard and eorzea for that matter can go fuck themselves except maybe raubahn

Before you enter the city? Almost.

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is janny still bombarding the servers or is it safe to login?

Going into the lifestream again filled her up

Aymeric is great. The House Fortemps are all good lads. A lot of Ishgardians are helpful as you progress through the story and earn their trust.

>1000 queue on Crystal servers

wtf happened

Everyone in Ishgard except some Dzemael fags are 100% based.

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Then I hope you have Road to 70.

Will they ever be relevant again? I would kill a million Ala Mhigans just to bring these two back into the story.

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aymeric becomes important later on

some tranny got so fucking angry he bought bots from some pajeets and is now DDoSing the servers with bot character flooding

I assume she switched due to the facy that she would freak the people living there if she used white magic.

Aymeric is pretty cool, but so long as you're just a shit kicking peasant mercenary begging for scraps from the Holy See's most glorious and heavenly table you'll never get to even smell his royal farts.

why did they draw her as a child

I mean, you can't progress a war where the only way to win is to kill foes that cannot be permanently killed. He was basically smashing himself and Eulmore's forces against a brick wall that would never crumble.

Stop being this much of a fucking autist, you dumb cunt

>early afternoon PST wagies still at work
>japanese spaghetti code
>square puts some some shoddy "uhhhhhh it was a DDoS bro yeah haha" excuse
>people eat it up as consolewar shit
why are gamers so fucking STUPID and BRAINDEAD i fucking hate you all

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Y'shtola was good because she introduced me to Runar, my lion boyfriend!

Why is Dzemael so shit, lads? How do you fuck up so hard that every single member of your family is a shitter?

The Au Ra are fucking stupid and trying to push them as psuedo-mongols was fucking dumb. Not to mention the entire point of Azim was to get an army, which goes through a giant grand melee killing off their own warriors, before they help you take down all of 3 flying whirligigs. The music and setting for Azim was great but holy shit the Au Ra felt shoehorned in and the entire thing felt useless.

What did she mean by this?

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Fuck you why the fucking japs add that shit it's fucking bullshit fucking hate those cuck fetish dirty jap bastards they better fucking apologize

were you high when making this post

>Are you familiar with General Ran'jit's familiar, Gukumatz? It is a creature born of forbidden foreign magicks, passed down from general to general. Familiars such as these are usually sustained by the aether of their master, which is why when they fall in battle, their minions fall as well. There are, however, certain notable exceptions. Ran'jit's father commanded a familiar as well, but when he was slain by a sin eater, Huracan somehow survived, and has been seen on several occasions since. One theory posits that since the master was transformed into an eater, the familiar endures, though it is no more than conjecture...

He's not dead yet

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>It's a separate pool of aether.
They didn't ever say that shit, it's just a way to excuse the bad writing.

The servers very rarely crash honestly.

like wtf man he has all the bitches but wol cant get his dick wet wtf final gaytasy hahaha wtf

He's had years to get over it, and even if he hasn't, he shouldn't take his bullshit out on a girl who had no choice in the matter. Thancred later makes it clear that he has been shitty to her. Yshtola was completely in the right. The fact he got so pissy with her over it is proof enough he knows she's right but refused to face his own problems.

They didnt. Au Ra females are tiny compared to the males

Not all of Dzemael is shit. The patriarch Tarresson you meet in the moogle beast quests is a great guy. They're also the main builders in the See and construct houses and fortifications for people. The Skyfire Locks south of Dragonhead were made by Dzemael so that farmers and other poorfags who live outside the city walls would have somewhere to hide during dragon attacks.

Duh, they always bring someone back for x.3.

I'm sure going to the 1sts lifestream unlocked a new ability for her byakugan

>tfw daughterzoned

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she was raped by her father and by edgy drk boy

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Already have both at 80, just indecisive on which to practice my ass off with or to just try a new thing.

I really hate skipniggers.

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The absolute state of incels

Do the THM quests.

>it's not a MCH gun

That's the fucking truth the fucking japs push that eternal bond tranny bullshit fucking retarded jap trannyfuckers they should let WoL get dick wet with Yshtola or Alisaie fucking retarded japs

the Aesthetician is also from that family. He's the heir, but ran away to do what he likes. His younger brother seems to be good

Your dad and the rest of House Four Toms are always 100% with you. The rest of Ishgard wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire until you sort out all of their problems, but after that the piss never stops flowing my friend.

where the fuck do i get Cracked Stellacrystal

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Then it's simple. MCH for pug groups where you aren't sure if the DPS are even worth buffing with dances. DNC for groups you trust to bring decent to good DPS.

the Au Ra were not what I expected. No Raen in Doma, the Xaela are surprisingly friendly despite killing each other

Play a healer you dumb degenerate.

Don't you get them from roulette?

Do your dailies as an adventurer in need dummy

I did, they never say what Y'shtola's actually doing with her aether there or elsewhere. There mostly because that's ARR content.

It's never been noted as if it's some kind of pocket that can be bypassed, just that it's nonessential and not your soul.

Those are stellaclusters

Yshtola was made exclusively for brown futa catgirls.

I'm sure he'll be redeemed. Eulmore will need its army

You get both.

I don't get why everyone says Heavensward is amazing. I just finished it and although the final cutscene was pretty cool before the final boss, it was just meh.
Every character was very one dimensional and your generic "i want to save everyone because im just that pure" or "im an edgelord who's going to destroy the world because im overreacting". The only character that escaped this fate and was somewhat complex was the Pope himself but he barely gets any screentime.

Then you have stupid as fuck cutscene writing a lot of times. Like that moment later on where you're facing the Imperial general Regula and his squad, and it's you, Alphinaud, Y'Shtola and Estinien. In the cutscene he escapes, and Estinien says "damn it!", expressing regret at his powerlessness to stop him from escaping, except the guy literally just did a 180º and walked away. Estinien literally jumped 100ft in the air, landed on a dragon's head and 1 shot him earlier on in the campaign. He would've stopped that guy from running if he wanted.

The game has 0 consistency in its writing.

I hate people who call anyone who forgets anything in a story that's been dripfed to us for six fucking years "cutscene skippers."

I want male Viera. Why can't I get male Viera?

>I did, they never say what Y'shtola's actually doing with her aether there or elsewhere.
They tell you how Thaumaturgy works, and what happens if you were to try to use magic without the proper reserves. The fact that Y'shtola's aethersight is killing her at all means that it's not even using her reserves. Sylphie's conjury was also bypassing her reserves before she learned to use it properly.

It wouldn't surprise me if that shitty character came back.

Why can't we have a real rival who is our equal and who we leave fights at a stalemate with? It'd be a lot better than the overpowered bullshit they keep pulling.

what is the point of durability in this game? like for what purpose does this game mechanic serve?

If you don't want me skipping them, don't make them skippable. I'm just here for the raids.

Ran'itijrhg was a sin eater?

Khloe only right now

Don't forget
>Hey this is the exposition dump enjoy
Story is like driving in new york traffic

I mean people who buy the level skip shit and then don't know how to play the game at low levels.

Because fuck you, that's why. You don't need a male/female version of everything.

Considering he was fighting for the lightwardens that isn't really relevant.

After siding with Vauthry, his war was against humanity/beastribes/etc, and with his powerlevel he should easily have been able to crush everything as a one man show in short order. The only problem he would face is that he couldn't be everywhere at once, but honestly that wouldn't be that big of a deal since he could subjugate people progressively. Even the Fae magic couldn't stop him.

The only possible explanation is that he was fucking lazy and wouldn't lift a finger himself unless he had to (was ordered to).

Seriously fuck this guy he was a shit part of the plot.

What for? They live on a world the size of a postage stamp and everyone gets along now. The vast majority of the Sin Eaters are gone and Hobgoblins and the like can be kept in line by Nut lusting mercenaries.

WoW did it so XIV had to have it in there

>was living in Eulmore most likely eating meol
>was extremely powerful somehow
>could see WoL when invisible

Ishgard remembers, Warrior of Light!

If I buy more cash shop mounts, would Yoshi-P give me Male Viera?

Same as every MMO a reason to go back to town and a small money sink.

If you know where I can find any high-quality pngs of that, I'm all ears.

>The only possible explanation is that he was fucking lazy and wouldn't lift a finger himself unless he had to
Literally the entire point of Eulmore and Vauthry's way of living was that the people were supposed to give in to indolence. Their inactivity was supposed to be the finale of the Light calamity. Emet-Selch was even surprised that Vauthry managed to get off his ass and send Ran'jit after you, and was upset because it meant the Calamity would be delayed.

Why are elezen girls so thirsty?

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but why does this exist as a mechanic? why is it considered "fun" to the devs?

No. SE will just put that money into more failed projects like FFXV (and soon FFVII:R) like they do with all the profit from their MMOs.
Almost none of the profit in XIV gets ut back into the game.

Seeing as how he wasn't mind controlled, I doubt he touched meol. He was extremely powerful because he can be, I don't get why people think the only person who can exist who is super strong is Zenos, especially in completely different worlds. And he is a highly skilled soldier whose been fighting for years and also clearly a master of arcane arts and martial arts, so it's not weird to think he can perceive you even when you're invisible.

Servers up?

>less than 2k to fully repair
It is insignificant
But I guess it keeps that Nu Mou dude happy

They'll bring back Fordola.

There was another thing that was suspicious to me but I just started drinking and honestly can't fucking remember at the moment. But yeah, that's why I only said maybe.

>not horny as fuck
Pick one.

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Pretty sure durability is a hold over from 1.0 like a lot of elements that still exist.

No, Amaurot is post-scarcity utopia. There's a difference.

Drillemont is a huge cunt but becomes a good boi after you help him with the inquisitor stuff.
Basically, niggas in coerthad are very distrustful except my nibba Haurchefant yeh

Also he was fighting sin eaters for years. Most likely he could do that because his pet dragon that he transforms with.

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Literally my favorite FFXIV gif.

While black magic uses ones reserves it also uses ambient aether from around the caster. Its why black magic was outlawed for a long time due to the fact that constant casting of it drained the land of aether and turned it into a wasteland.

>Young, healthy, physically fit and active young teen girl going through puberty
>Hanging out with a powerful, active, physically fit, charming, likely handsome or sexy depending on your character, highly skilled and heroic person who selflessly fights for others.
It's not wonder she's a sloppy mess around the WoL.

Why would Vauthry send him out to do *anything?* The lightwardens were never in danger until we show up, and the instant we start taking them down, he's on our ass 24/7. Before that, why would he even need to bother?

but why did they keep this hold over for? durability is a dumb mechanic.

Y'shtola probably knows black magic, but in this case she specifically said she was using thaumaturgy.

lmao was bait for you to make this specific post here and now get OWNED you fucking clown

Gil sink

The dude is pale fucking white with white eyes. What do you think?

She couldn't recognize the WoL because he was a walking supernova of volatile light aether, by all accounts you looked NOTHING like the WoL she knew.

Cause it's not causing any problems besides being annoying? They have no reason to spend the likely ridiculous amount of time to pull durability out of the game as a mechanic if it's not messing up anything. I just wish they put a "fix every fucking thing" button instead, or just make the mender ask "fix all yes/no" instead of the screen we get. Who the fuck fixes one individual item and leaves everything else weakened?

this is the 2nd instance I've had where a tank has absolutely no idea what they're doing and try to fight me for aggro.
learn how to play you insufferable piece of shit.

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Take your main job and complete every sidequest in the game, and clear every fate at least once.

If you've done that and completed all the other combat content, then I'll agree that you've finished everything the game has to offer.

Buddy, if you just want to make a twink/pre-op we already have male cats.



>it's not causing any problems besides being annoying?
annoying is a problem. this is a game, it's supposed to be fun not annoying.

couldn't they have made a better gil sink?

>just go do braindead impossible to fail content
nah, unsubbing is definitely the correct answer

>he was fighting sin eaters for years
You mean like almost everyone in that world?
He failed at stopping the sin eaters.
>But he couldn't kill them he didn't have the blessing!
He had Minfilias. Several chances to train one of them to be strong enough to kill a Lightwarden. And we're supposed to believe this failure is a threat?
Reminder that sin eaters are just the light version of voidsent, and we went full Doomguy on the 13th and defeated the most powerful voidsent in her home world, not to mention all the other voidsent we fought.
He's also a broken husk from a shattered world, we're seven times rejoined.

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Derplander is the only canon WoL and he's male

>Doesn't fade into light after being killed
>Doesn't try to eat you
>Isn't a mindless monster
>Isn't being controlled by Vauthry

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Lol idk man

Fuck that, I want something like Elezen minus the gay elf-ness.

Did you not see the dragon pet thing I had in the post aswell?


its still going on

You know, if the game is asking someone to compete the content that is the least fun just to say that there is still something to do, that is terrible game design. In other games this would be considered unnecessary busywork.

I personally called up yoshi before arr and told him to put it in the game because I knew that it would annoy you HAHAH IDIOT YOU GOT TRICKED INTO GETTING ANNOYED

Minifilia never showed any ability to be able to absorb, contain or manipulate the light before Minfilia proper did the fusion dance with them. If they could have done so, odds are they would have already.

based Emet.

>Being killed

It's literally spelled out that Minfilia can't absorb the Lightwarden's light, or else she would have done it for us when we were bloated on it. He did train Minfilias to fight, they just weren't strong enough, cause they were KIDS, and died young. Just cause he was a kung fu magic warrior of supreme power doesn't mean he could turn Minfilia into one.

I know someone who does this and it always pisses me off. Fucking cheap ass bitch and always goes to dungeons raids and trials with 10-20% and says. Meh it will be enough

Don't even fucking try to justify that shit you fucking retard if Thancred can fucking beat that piece of shit solo there's no fucking reason WoL lost you fucking dumb ass faggot WoL fucking jobbed but that's what fucking japs do they make WoL a loser and a cuckold

ShB endgame is going to be a battle royale of Ali, Zenos, Feo Ul, Aymeric, and Kittyboi all trying to out-yandere each other for (you).

Until it's revealed otherwise, yes. Other points still stand.

The only failure was Minfillia, retarded. Everyone of them asides from Ryne failed to embrace their duty.

Was there a cutscene where the crystallium disappeared around 2.0-3.0?

>Everyone of them asides from Ryne failed to embrace their duty.
Many others fought the Sin Eaters until their deaths. That's what caused Ran'jit to lose hope in the first place.

No, are you thinking of the Isle of Val?

The combat in this game is dull and lacking in fluidity, it's one of the worst on the mmo market. The whole weaving thing is terrible, it's basically like if you were playing an FPS and you're using an assault riffle but in between the bullets coming out of the barrel you try to punch them in the face real quick. If you suggest improvement to anything regarding FFXIV, the hardcore fanboy playerbase will shut you down and say "the game is not for you."

But they all did their duty. They fought Sin Eaters until they died.

gil sink. not really as big of a sink as it was at launch. now there's housing to eliminate all the assloads of gil in the economy.

Fuck off with that shit the fucking japs keep cucking WoL

weaving is fine

Oh you again

except you can't buy a house so the gil sink purpose is worthless

if someone actually focuses on making gil they can reach gil cap before they have the opportunity to buy a house

The WoL is 8 times rejoined, theres enough of him/her to go around.

I got banned for two weeks back in 2.0. How fucked am I if I get reported again?

Killing Sin Eaters was never Minfillias purpose, it was to accept her true role as the Oracle of Light; only Ryne accomplished that.

Pretty fucked. But if you don't say anything, you can't get reported for anything.

the game operates on a three strike system. 1 ban is one strike. 3 strikes and you're permabanned.

Can't even debate me faggot

The Crystarium are the leftists, it's basically the free territories or civil war catalonia.
Eulmore was basically a slave economy, and as a matter of fact it killed what little capitalism was left when all the porkies dropped their shit.

what are vitality tinctures for? nothing?

>The Crystarium are the leftists
wtf i hate exarch now

you know that expansion is missing content

are the servers back?