Yea Forumsoomer thread

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Golden Axe was my jam

For me, it’s Mike Tyson’s Punch Out

>tfw zoomers call these games musou now

What does musou mean? Sounds like something I ordered at a Benihana one time. Also F zoom zooms. UP DOWN UP DOWN LEFT RIGHT LEFT RIGHT B A START, alternatively SELECT START if you're rolling two player mode with your best buddy.

Just bought Blazing Chrome. It was a lot of fun. Going to play through the Contra Anniversary Collection next.

I love Contra but Metal Slug is better.

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I got the Metal Slug Anthology on Wii and played the shit out of it. Then I discovered that I could use one of the Super Nintendo controllers that came with the mini to play the game, and I started playing it all over again. I think I got it for $6 used a couple years ago. That was 6 bucks well spent.

More like VOMIT thread, am i right?

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>this game is at least 25 years old
>nothing else has come close to its style yet
Please prove me wrong. I need it.

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Blazing Chrome is fun, I just wish there were more stages.

Someone come play Streets of Rage 2 with me

Patrician taste, user. There's a sequel on GBA but I couldn't get into it

old games are garbage

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>He went the Alucard route

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>not replaying Castlevania III multiple times and experiencing every stage
you dumbass

>Willfully playing as a faggot vampire

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Mmmhm, based.

>has sex with a woman

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>Is the wind
You aight white boy

Underrated kino

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It's 40 fucking minutes long, why would you want more stages. I wish it had like 3 more difficulty modes or something, hardcore isn't nearly enough.

>lmao bro dude just b urself and fight randomly spawned enemies over bland patches of platforms placed with minimal thought between boss battles and that one faggot centurion dude trying to 1v1 you and dying like a bitch also dice level

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u okay?

this. blazing chrome takes about twice as long to beat as most contra games.

My nig

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And a fourth of that is riding a bike and playing space harrier, if anything it's got too much fat that could be trimmed down and replaced with more unique characters and additional harder difficulty modes.

>local McDonald's got an Altered Beast cabinet one day for whatever reason

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i didn't mind the bike sections but they should've scrapped the rail shooter section. it drags on forever, feels like filler, and only exists to "add variety" where it isn't needed. the weapons you held on to prior to it are completely irrelevant too. i agree with more unique characters. that was a big part of why hard corps was so repayable and fun. what's the point of making a new character if they just play the same? just make a fucking pallet swap.

I like the rail section more because it doesn't make me wanna go cross eyed like the stage 4 bike section and I like the more weighty controls but agreed, this "level diversity" idea is a plague that's spread to so many run n guns. I understand going for variety back in the day when these games were mainstream, but now they are niche, developers have no need to lure in players with dumb gimmicks, they can be sure that people playing these games will be there for a run n gun experience. The lack of characters is a big bummer too, I was excited about the ninja since it looked like Strider but ultimately it's literally the same gameplay style as before except you only have 1 weapon that you have to keep charging all the time. Still a fun game though, but I prefer Bleed 2 and Super Cyborg as far as modern run n guns go.

>not wanting to keep kids in your store as long as possible

I mean, they're the most obnoxious thing in the world, but so long as they're spending their parents money it all works out.

This was the first video game I ever beat by myself, and without dying. It was then that I realized that, contrary to popular belief among my friends, Contra is actually easier if you play it solo.

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Most games of the time period are easier solo, unless you're playing with somebody who is already good. 2 players requires actual coordination

It wasn’t even the skill of the other player. It was that playing solo made the enemies react to you only, so it made them more predictable. Playing with another player meant that the enemy would sometimes aim for them instead and it would mess everything up.

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Played some Sunset Riders the other day and decided it's got to be in my top 10 of all time. Literally I can play it any day and have fun.
Also, Contra is superior to Super C and Alien Wars because it doesn't have any shitty top-down sections.

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Treasure is a treasure

Pretty much

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Don't compare Super C's top down levels with the garbage in Alien Wars. Super C's top down levels are a quality top down run n gun that could stand on its own with other games in the genre if it was longer, Alien Wars top down levels are just really bad Assault wannabes.

You're right, but I still like it for what it is.

>tfw you don't want to believe but you looked up who is working on it so you don't want to believe but at the same time you don't know what to believe anymore

This and Battle city were the best.
>took down the boss to half hp while it stands there idly

>sit there idly
>keeps launching missiles, uses laser attacks, punches
Still boring but not any more boring than the average passive Hard Corps boss, desu.