Megaman thread

Is Yea Forums ready for their comeback and potential hentai?

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I wish. Nobody will ever care about these two.

As long as BN is involved i'm ready

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Battle Network is dead forever.
Thank you Viz.

Mobile says otherwise Yea Forumstard.

>Megaman X Lewds
>Command Mission Lewds

Fucking sweet

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How would they play in a 2D jump&shoot? Are they Palette's and Layer's replacements?

The fuck is that supposed to mean.

possum maverick when

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potential hentai eh
she has already one with Spider and is so good to be unmatched

BN mobage got teased earlier this year.


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Vile is playable, yes?

What is the purpose of robot tits?

Ammo caches, ballistics, floating devices, insulation, reserve batteries, etc.

Attracting a mate, so that they may clang clang.

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That's not the kind of game they're in or the kind of game they're gonna be in, so

Fuck off.

Command Mission is an RPG, and whatever X Dive is, it certainly doesn't play like a standard Mega Man game. I'm not wrong

According to the roughly-translated report, Marino looks like she plays a little like Model P from ZX. Which makes sense since she's a ninja. Cinnamon will likely play however her "copy" was supposed to in that scrapped MMO(Its looking like a lot of the assets from that were reused for this already)

This is the best piece of Marino fanart I've ever seen. How depressing.

She needs more art, I agree

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Download those fucking artbooks already. You can wank later.

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You mean these?

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This link legit?

I wish Capcom would realise that the MegaMan X series is washed up, and that they should focus more on the ZX series. The Zero series is much better than the X series quality wise even though it was on the gba, and both ZX and ZXA were great games too. Meanwhile the X series hasn't been good since 4 (you could argue that 8 is good I guess), and X5-7 are some of the worst MegaMan games ever made. I would rather have ZX3 or an elf wars game any day over X9.

Go back to Gunvolt if you love sucking Inticreates dick so much you massive faggot. We're all waiting on a real, in house developed Mega Man game. X games have a poor batting average, but MM11 shows that Capcom can still do it, and their best games blow anything Inti made out of the water.

Gunvolt was a disappointment after Zero and ZX.

A battle network mobile game gets me thinking about how our phones are sort of like PETS.
Navis when

Haven't you heard? Hentai is dead. Check /h/

The entire cast of CM needs far more love alongside all the other obscure reploids. Sigma needs to bow out for good.

I think it's most surprising that we saw them before a Quint comeback

Just tell me guys, Zero is always surrounded by pussy while X remains a virgin, what the fuck is his problem?

Why did they draw Nana again if not for this?

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Why? Literally everyone to work at Capcom to voice an opinion hates Quint.

Bandai apparently liked him enough to make R-Shadow a thing but he was purposfully expelled from the cool robot clique of the Mega Man Killers and omitted from their reunion.

Never heard about that. Just knew he was a popular figure that hasn't shown up since his debut for some reason

scans when

>Never heard about that
It's in the 'design behind breakdown that's included in the R15. Where Inafune (not god-emperor of the franchise) personally takes credit for distancing Quint from the Mega Man Killers. Citing a technicality. Eguchi answered at a convention what more Robot Masters he'd like to Navify he answered everyone EXCEPT Quint.

Also R-Shadow who is diet Quint had his game specifically mentioned in the R20, and thus R25 and R30 that his game is not canon. It's only game mentioned in the book specifically to tell you to save yourself from experiencing it. Even though other games like X3 and even World 2 were outsourced.

>Just knew he was a popular figure
He is a popular figure in fanfiction because he's a launching point. The Kyle Reese in this Terminator story. Probably the worst part is that he's easy to beat and having his status as "Evil Mega Man" not matter to the game.

The Mega Man Archie comic wanted to make a big deal out of him but never got to it passed teases.

>that hasn't shown up since his debut for some reason
I mean he isn't outright discanon. He did show up for the boss refight in World 5 alongside the Mega Man Killers then, and was in the database in MM&B.

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only reason i don't mind dive

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I'm busy downloading the luna doujins

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or just everything mm related

Don't you mean R20/25, or is it something I don't know about

What's this from?

Storage for extra extendable arms when not in use.

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I'm trying to write Luna fanfiction, and have Geo be so autistic that he inadvertently displays chadlike behavior
Does this work, or is it too much of a stretch?

Drawfag here
Taking requests!

There's going to be online and Cinnamon will be the medic. Screencap this.

Would make sense for SF1 Geo, not really after.

Imagine the handjobs

*online co-op

Yep, and that's what I'm going with. He doesn't have much personality after the first game, I feel.

Oh really?

Obviously something with the CM girls, namely Cinnamon or Marino.

Any topic in particular or just any MM character? I wanna see Oro-S and Marino comparing breasts sizes or anything of that nature with those two.

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Draw gutsman's ass.

I wish we lived in a world where Archie Mega Man got to do everything it set up. Rather than steer a waterlogged ship to shore like the Sonic Comic, this was a fresh start that did a great job at adding story to each game while remaining faithful.

I mean, they even adapted Powered Up for a couple issues and in the process gave Oil Man a WAY better design than he had in PU.

SF1 is about him learning to open up to others
SF2 is about him assuming his role as a hero
SF3 is about him using the previous elements to find his dad and save the world

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I can't believe Taito is still alive.

Geo being a lucky fuck in that art.

What's Sadpanda exclusive and what's on E-Hentai also? Because the former is priority and the latter has 6 months to be backed up.

No I meant the book for the 15th anniversary. I Not officially called that but rather "Rockman Perfect Memories". Which is also the name of a fansite so it's given the alternative title when discussed. I can see where I'd confused anyone not initiated.

Square Enix owns them, and even if they didn't, Space Invaders could probably keep them coasting. SI Extreme Collection and/or 3 when.

I mean it's clearly and obviously recycling Mega Man Online code so that's not going to shock.

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No lie I was going to look forward to the obvious correction of Bass obsessed with Mega Man's strength because he solo'd the finalists of the "World's Strongest Robot" tournament.

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At least Bass got to kick the shit out of Sonic.

The first crossover was fantastic. Too bad the second one fell flat on it's face.

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At least Unite didn't completely bow down to the editor-at-the-time's demands and make Xander the central character who would have down and known everything. Fuck that editor, he's the reason Mega Man and Boom got canceled thanks to the second crossover.

What about that feeble Massimo, is he coming back too?

Not from what we've seen so far, but I really hope he does. He was the best written character even if he was the worst to use.

Daily reminder to play the Starforce trilogy

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Co-op is a big enough deal to advertise it in the trailer, though. Why would they want to hide it?

>worst to use
I loved using him, he hit like a truck and had some good abilities, and if you know what element an enemy uses just slap an Absorb FM onto him and laugh in their faces.

I've played the first game, I just have to get around to playing the other two.

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come join while the server is populated

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I played 1 and 3, should I really bother to go back to 2?

No. There's nothing salvageable in it other than Amy, who is cute. But not cute enough to make it worth playing.

Why do this with Mega Man? Mario Royale was always going to be DMCA'd, but with Capcom you're playing Russian Roulette. You need to do a Sonic Royale to guarantee it'll stick around. That's before my questions on how you incorporate stage selection & special weapons.

Also of course it's MM2.

>This is what Shanghai fags actually believe

It's less "Russian Roulette" and more about not opening a patreon to use someone else's IP.

Don't lump us all together just because of one idiot.

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it's free and I'm not accepting donations
also MM2 and MM3 are objectively the best

>implying they haven't been converted to cards

>potential hentai
>he doesn't know

you're a fucking retard. exhentai dying doesn't mean porn is going to vanish off the face of the internet and you fucking well know it.

That's the only place worth going to for porn.

No but is a tragedy on par whit the destruction of alexandia library

>50kg robot
>that stacked

the future is light

Not anymore it isn't~

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anime is LITERALLY dying

>uses anime avatar to mock other for anime site going down

It's not like I don't feel for the loss. It is truly a sad thing, considering there's a lot of stuff archived there that can't be found elsewhere.
It's only people running around like idiots with their heads cut off that I like to mock. People like

She'll probably be your navigator in the mobile game.

Ancient Shanghai footage.

It's more probable that the new girl will be the operator.

worst part is I dont not knew about ti until it was too late.

Pfft. It's all a hoax anyway.

Get out if you're just going to make stuff up.

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How fun did the Megaman 11 bosses feel to y'all?

Torch man was like a classic Magma Dragoon, but then you have fucks like Tundra man who do the same attack pattern without fail.

I enjoyed Torch man too. I think Acid man was probably the easiest.

where's the hentai?

This is honestly even worse than just leaving them stuck in spinoff hell forever. It's Capcom admitting the series has potential and dangling it in front of your face in mobage while laughing.

Cinnamon in a micro bikini

E hentai will also be killed? why? how? who did this!

Site owner drank the normie Kool Aid and is nuking the site over a possible Netherland C&D just like Moot tried to do with 4chins.

Facts are sparse. The only known for certain is the owner posted a few hours ago saying people had 12 hours to download everything they wanted before a purge.
There's a lot of rumours and fear mongering going around.

Well shit I have so many that I want to save but not enougth time to do so hope some archive obsesed user saved most of it

e-hentai is a part of ex. But right now, all loli, shota, guro type galleries are being purged. The rest will eventually be gone in about 6 months or so.

well damn so where is the next best best place then?
Sill a damn shame of all thing that must be lost becouse of that.
was a new eurononse rule passed or something?

>The rest will eventually be gone in about 6 months or so.
We don't know that for sure. That's the fear mongering I was talking about.

Doesn't matter, just save what you can. Better safe than sorry.

Not unless I told you guys that you can see underneath the leotard of Marino's green armor figurine and make out what looks to be a vagina

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Why is there no alia lewds

Would you lewd a cold-blooded murderer?

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Because cold-blooded murders are hot

X5/6 design > X7/8 design

You know X7 was her old design, right

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I assumed the redesign happened when they introduced Axl. My b

X5/6/7 design > X8 design

>the new girl
Which one?

I think they meant whoever the silouette is towards the bottom. Also fuck you my post isn't spam.


Can't wait to see Ultimate MK2 armor.

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Cyber Peacock has a huge dick