Why are Americans so fucking poor?

Why are Americans so fucking poor?

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>raise minimum wage to $18
>stores have to raise price of all products to pay for their rich new employees
>a loaf of bread now costs $11

Is this the future you really want?

>most Democrat state
>highest minimum wage in the country
>highest taxes
>most diversity and immigration recipient
>turns out to be the 6th (now 5th) largest economy in the world

really makes you think. If only Drumpftards could lmao

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>tfw just barely in the top half, which is pretty decent for my area as well
Feels lucky, man

$18/ hour isn't bad desu. People are just bad with money

Because most of them are job hoppers when the pay isn't convenient for them yet they don't know how to save money.

Is it true minimum wage got increased to 15 an hour? How the fuck is that NOT going to fuck up the economy?

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h elp me

Because we have been tricked into thinking working for free is virtuous.

>another offtopic cancer thread

More like

>raise minimum wage to $18
>stores raise prices to make more money
>a few stores keep their prices low and run the others out of business

Trickle down economics at work.

They're weak-minded people willing to work for 12+ hours a day and bend over backwards for their boss.

Wage depression from millions of immigrants every year and the systemic eradication of domestic manufacturing

You have to go back.

Just give us UBI already, fuck.

Why do Americans who earn less than $150k a year vote against their own financial interests? Are Americans really such grovelling bootlickers?

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No, there's truck drivers with CDLs making $12/h. Which isn't even close to the standard, I just know for a fact there's certain companies that pay their drivers that little.

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>h elp
I can think of at least two people that shouldn't be paid $18 per hour.

And if you get out of line and try to defy your boss, you can easily be fired since all employees are disposable. There's no way around it without risking your livelihood.

I love shitting on americans so much. Maybe it's because americans trashtalk the most by far and always act smug.

Actually like

>raises minimum wage to $18 an hour
>my sister working in a courthouse will wonder why she is making the same amount as a burgerflipper
>I will have to endure endless complaints

They should just give away everything for free, then they'll have no competition

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gimmie jill sadwich

>h elp

looks like another job is opening up


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Just curious what people pay in taxes/bills etc. Where i live 18$ an hour is not bad. If you have a gf to pay half the bills/utilities with, you can walk away with 1500 dollar a month after everything is paid and done while living in a nice house. That's more than enough for me personally.

What do you propose they do? Ritualistically engage their corporate superiors in hand to hand combat to take their position? Just magically not be poor?

None of that has anything to do with why CA is so well off. It's because it's a coastal state and all the major ports of SF, Oakland, LA, and San Diego receive all the goods from Asia.

Americans shit on each other for just being in different states. It’s endless banter for all of american-time

>Americans unironically have to pay lots of money for decent health insurance

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Because they dumb

so if you make $19 an hour you're better than 50% of americans. huh

GDP is a joke
>i give you $20
>you give me the $20 back
we just created $40 GDP and 2 new jobs

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Any fucking second now, mods.

no way jose

correlation != causation

because umm SWEETIE... corporations are people too!

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How would it exactly?

>this retard logic

>European "banter"

Holy shit at least make it interesting like Ausfags do.

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Why don't they make housing cheaper?

based and capitalism-pilled

just raise minimum wage to $1000 an hour, everyone will be rich with no drawbacks!

God I make $17/hr and actually feel like I'm doing OK for being 24 with no college. This is depressing. FWIW I live in the Midwest where it's cheap to live and I work remotely so I have no commute to pay for.

>finished master's
>need to find a job
I suck at this. I think I need to find more job repositories (i.e., indeed, usajobs) and/or change my search terms

I'm playing on Netherwing--a x1 TBC private server and can't wait to finish the fucking level grind.