Why does he hate religion so much when his existence and actions resulted in one?

Why does he hate religion so much when his existence and actions resulted in one?

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To fight against chaos. You should also take this to /tg/ if you want more depth.

because you can't control what your legacy becames

because that's obviously not what he had planned

> Wants to create a perfect human empire that reaches across the stars and defeat chaos by supplanting superstition with logic, sanity and order.

>brainlets want to worship a dead sandnigger jew instead.

Really makes ya think

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The religion formed because he failed, as did everyone around him. His teachings were lost or twisted because people were more concerned with not being eaten by Chaos than doing the right thing.

You can get a more detailed explanation by

>tell my followers to cast religion aside
>build my entire society on the notion that logic trumps emotion
>Get killed by my own son
>the little shit
>ten thousand years later the retarded descendants of my followers worship my shriveled corpse like a literal god
>this is somehow my fault
>Most importantly, Magnus did nothing wrong. What a cool dude.

Why did he need all that armor, wasn't he the epitome of human perfection?

I get the sword is some focus that burns with his power, but isnt his armor like, just gold?

He wasn't invincible. For example, there was an Ork boss who didn't believe in Emp's psychic abilities, and was powerful enough that this actually made him immune. He nearly defeated Emps in single combat like this.

But he was religious though, and his dogma was absolute faith in human capability, perfection, ingenuity and potential.
One of the reasons skulls are such a prevalent in Imperial aesthetics, was because he believed so much in humanity he considered the human form absolute perfection, even at its most vulnerable state.


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its kind of a metaphor about humans folly, being told by our most perfect specimen to abandon worship and ended up worshiping him, figthing an endless war for no reason other than to keep figthing the endless war, you know dark humor like that

Because religion can birth chaos worship. He wanted to stop that and also create and alternative for warp travel. Basically remove humanity from under the possible influence of chaos.

Witnessing it

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>Same dead sandnigger who wrestled a massive freaking dragon and hurl it to Mars
At this point you shouldn't be able to blame them for that

ironically much of the virtues espoused by religions like christianity or buddhism would have been excellent tools to curb chaos' enroachment on humanity.
by telling humanity to conquer he fed khorne
by telling humanity to have hope in humanity he fed tzeentch
by giving a model of perfection for other humans to strive for he fed slaanesh
by encouraging the ideals of martyrdom he fed nurgle
understand his interest was only ever to become a god himself, albiet with humanity's best interests. of course, look where his pride led 10,000 years later


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Ahh but they don't know that.
Only select few know of the Void Dragon.

I believe its actually just a projection which is made real through his willpower.

Who is the coolest character in Warhammer and why is it this insane motherfucker?

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Other way around. There's a short story where he appears as a regular dude, but when he sits down the chair nearly buckles under the weight of his (hidden) power armor.
He got his shit pushed in by the first murder demon in the webway too. Emps needs armor.

Because hes like myself wicked and with a dark sense of humor

There is absolutely no lore describing the qualities of Big E's armor, but we do know it was real due to being ground up into tiny sand grain sized chunks and incorporated into the Crux Terminatus that every Terminator wears.

Hmm both of you are right.
Its not easy to tell if he has that armor on him constantly due to his shape shifting powers.