If your mom got turned into any videogame character, what kind of character would she be?
If your mom got turned into any videogame character, what kind of character would she be?
the jrpg mom of course
A Healer.
Love me mum
Medusa head cause she's fucking annoying
A supporting character who joins you in your party like a knight or frontline attacker.
Anime Lusamine.
Do you draw any porn OP?
Both my parents would be Bards since they met playing in the same rock band. Dad played bass and Mom was vocals.
Im not the artist I just requested the pic
Aeris cause she FUCKING DIED.
Damn. Hope youre alright
He does
The Sorceres from Spyro 3: Year of the Dragon, because she is an overweight authoritarian bitch.
heh, prob'ly Lakitu
A Final Fantasy superboss. The kind that requires multiple hour of battle to kill even with a maxed out party and the best possible equipment.
now we are two...
She picks you up after you wreck yourself for the 20th time?
Probably a nurse or a nun or something harmless
An Ampharos
Your mom would turn into an ampharos? Thats quite odd
What are some of the best videogame moms?
Same, bro :(
She would be every dog enemy in the fromsoft games
Guess I could take vidya mom requests
Or a party back-stabber who instantly gets comeuppance and tries to come crying back only to betray the party again and again.
A dead one
My mom is dead
Oof Carlos, you ok man?
Gave me a chuckle.
Why, because bitch?
Any game in which you can fuck your mom?
Cuz they make me wan't to quit the game, if you know what i mean
wrong pic
Why would you want to do that? Literally nobody here wants to fuck their mom
female kiryu
Ness' mom is pretty based.
Also Okami Amaterasu.
My mom’s literally a dentist so Combat Healer
bumbling politician quest-giver with wide hips
Crono’s mom is pretty good
Carlos? You wanna talk man?
she'd be the final boss in mass effect 3
Shut the fuck up Carlos
my mom has a store so a merchant npc.
She'd be EA?
>his mom is a jew
You should have responded to the post, you knew the risks.
every time
which post?
This one.
Fuck you
How about you start by posting a download to all your shit
Swear slime made of garbage
The ayylmao from alien isolation
>newfag underages never encountered the immunity cat
top kek
doggo barked him away user.
The only real game she played was deadly towers and EverQuest. She was a Iksar in EverQuest so probably that.
reminds me of my aunt
used to play WoW hardcore, got me into it in 04
Fable Guildmaster
Probably one of the pokemon moms
>2 or so unique conversations throughout any one game
>silent throughout said conversation
>cant be bothered to call or visit
AG3 I got a character that looks like her and is a milf. Time for some ara ara.
Your mom had good taste. Filename unrelated.
I think the better qeustion is why I was turned into a madness grunt