The game is out tomorrow, what are your thoughts so far?
Kill la Kill IF
Other urls found in this thread:
I like Ryuko's butt.
Is it? I think it's only the demo
it's been out for a while
tzatziki-chan is my waifu
Where's the steam page at guys?
only waiting for model rips
especially nude nui
I thought it was out today? Also this
PS4 Pro or Xbox One
how is he playing it already
My thoughts are Nonon a cute.
This game has SOUL
Liked the anime but I thought the demo was shit.
pick nonon
Chad was the best part of Bleach.
play nui
Should I get it now for Switch or wait for PC? If I wait for PC I need to know the min. requirements since I'm going to be playing it on a surface pro. If it can't run at 60 fps while looking as good as the Switch docked, I'll just go for the Switch version. Japanese games are notoriously bad at performance on PC so I'm thinking of going for Switch anyway.
it's a Ultimate Ninja Storm copy that looks worse.
Storm games were absolute Kino.
I miss early Bleach so much. What the fuck were they thinking
Tomorrow. I've seen today all over the place and have no idea why people think this
Where's the Steam page?
Maybe they thought they could get an early JP PSN copy or something.
soul vs soulless
Imagine being this retarded
Do you play on a fucking toaster? I'm sure no matter how shitty your PC is it'll run leagues better than on the fucking switch.
Steam page is not up yet for some reason, someone who has twitter ask the publisher.
>playing in Dub
nvm looks like someone already did
>falling for the 5 FPS meme AGAIN
the mark of a liar
Just you fucking wait, retard. It'll come out in a few days and you'll see what I mean.
games fucking trash
Storm games were fun but also cheesy as hell
I got far too high of a rank online by abusing deidara, minato and masked man in one of those games without ever getting gud
Is switch version capped at 30 fps? I downloaded the demo but haven't played it yet. Should I download the demon on ps4 instead?
wtf bros I'm cancelling my preorder as we speak this can't be happening!
Wait what
It's out?
It's not like months away with how little they've shown off? It's out out out? OUT out?
I have a decent desktop PC, but I want to make sure the game plays well on my surface pro which uses Intel UHD 620 graphics. It's basically a sketching tablet, but it's so small I can take it anywhere, so I want to play games on it, but most of the time I have to turn down the settings to get decent performance. And since the Switch is a gaming system I feel like it's usually better for performance for its class since there's only one Nintendo console vs all the different laptop/tablet configurations.
Shit gameplay without even any nudes, might as well play an actual fighter and go beat off to zone's animations
wtf I love Satsuki now
A true Satsukifag should be loyal from day one
>playing 3D anime fighters for the pvp
It's all about the single player modes where you can relive the anime user and spend time with your favorite Kill la Kill 2D waifus but now in 3D.
This. Satsuki was gorgeous from the beginning and true fans were her step stools since the first episode.
I should stop putting this show off, I even bumped it up my backlog because of this game
I want Satsuki to step on me and tell me I'm worthless
What amount of involvement do Arcsys have in it? Should I be expecting some actually good fighting systems or did they just slap their logo on shovelware? Also, why did they suddenly make a game more than five years after the series ended? Is there a merchandise revival or new series or something?
I came the first time I heard her heel click and then I knew it was true love
Don't bother with it, its fake hype shit like Darling in the FranXX
DTF was shit and the hype was fake
Kizunaiver was shit even fake hype couldn't save it
KLK was actually fucking good
i bought this figure for my brother (we were both fans of the anime) and he completely trashed it in like a month
remember to clean your figs whenever you hot glue them.
He doesn't deserve someone so magnificent
Also, she's worth $200 right now. Your brother is a faggot.
ryuko a shit
its literally just the arcsys graphical engine
It literally says they are the same across version and region on the website so if there are differences then that is false advertising.
When is it out on Steam?
Yep! Well, tomorrow. Idk why they were so secretive with it
You havent played it, retard-kun
It's great. Watch it before you play the game, or else spoilers
>The versions are identical
Yeah because all of them are identically censored
(you) retard...
God FUCK the West Coast, pieces of fucking shit and their fucking time zone.
Good to know, thanks for posting this.
Maining my cute wife Nui!
>the game has not been censored in any way
Is there crossplay for the PC version?
this is the face of current Yea Forums
>no pre-loading
>no 10% off for pre orders
>no unlock at local midnight
I'm glad the game isn't censored and I want to support this but it's not like the devs/publishers are winning me over here. Having a hard time justifying getting it day 1 at this point, might have to wait for a steam sale and spend my money on Astral Chain instead.
I'd be surprised if there were crossplay.
The demo is pretty underwhelming. But the game was pretty much doomed from the start when they announced it was an arena fighter.
What a shame.
holy shit i didnt thought in that
If you design it to be tame, you can get away with saying you didn't censor it
Ahhh! Please do not stab my cute, loving, psycho wife Nui!
>I got far too high of a rank online by abusing deidara, minato and masked man in one of those games without ever getting gud
What a scrub. Must have been during Storm 1 because anyone worth their salt can deal with them easily.
What's Ryuuko thinking here?
Does the game contain any nudity?
Bare asses are all I need.
Your wife is very cute and also the worst kind of psychotic garbage, except maybe for the kind that molest their daughters.
if you do a level 3 ultimate to end the fight, enemies get naked, but briefly and from far away
Just as long as this means future blender and sfm content I’m ok with it.
But she is so cute and loving and loyal!
cfwGODS are already playing!
nui is the cutest because omiko isn't there yet
thanks for beta testing, losers lmao enjoy your 30fps
armpit shark
The game's already out in Japan on consoles, no shit.
>literally rock paper scissors
Jesus christ this is worse than I thought
Is nude Nui confirmed?
Incredibly based Sex with Nui poster
Nui a best!
Can't wait to play as this cutie
They're pretty clearly just barbie doll models.
not that i've seen yet
Yeah I doubt there's even nipples on there
Looks and plays fun, but definitely not worth 60 off the bat. Gonna wait for a sale
>Downloading switch version right now
YFW you will play while waiting for the pc crack
Got an early copy. It's a very polished arena fighter. The campaign is really fleshed out and try to follow the story. There a few filler fights and some annoying stacked brawls. The game is kind of heavy on the loading screens, but they don't last long.
yeah but can't you pretty much fix that with a couple minutes in gimp?
played the demo, pretty fun. i'll elaborate after i finish eating, hold this mako til i come back
Got the Ninja Storm Trilogy on the Switch for $20. Very good game.
I literally just finished watching kill la kill so I bought it on a impulse, game's looking good.
An arena anime fighter should be falshy, over the top and easy to get into, and the gameplay feels pretty nice. I think I like this better than the storm games. Also when is Malo coming out
sooo anyone else in burgerclapland waiting on/wondering about their limited edition orders? no indication that shipping even started....
The best part is gonna be the porn we get from the models
gay boi
If anything pops up do post in these threads
I assume le arms moment is just a story thing and not something put in place of the strip finishers
Me, i was hoping to play it day one, i have a surgery on sunday so i hope it arrives on launch.
When you get an imported LE copy before anyone else
Post proof
So do you unlock final form Satsuki and Ryuko after beating the story?
Damn, lucky.
Post the items man, i wanna see some of the art.
Unfortunately I go to work soon but I can try to post some. It’s just a soundtrack and the keychain with the art book.
Ah, alright.
I just want to see any art of Nonon if it's in there and the cute keychain
Good post
middle for thick
Should i get it?
Can you post pictures from the artbook? if I'm not mistaken it's 37 pages
I'd love seeing it eventually scanned but anything, even a few pages would be great
Have fun with the game my man
There's a demo out, check it and decide for yourself
I loved the anime and the game seems pretty fun, so I'm going to
Yes, on Switch or PS4 for more active online
Damn, that's nice!
Shame we got no Final Nonon
Honestly the story is pretty shit and is easily a little over just an hour. There’s an endless mode but you can just spam your ultimate after doing the valor thing and insta win every round. The game is fun but I feel like it having more development time would have been great.
What's the roster?
i'm usually a lot more into tall curvy body types but god damn did nonon fucking rock her final regalia look
i'm on pc
> no art of her final outfits and alot of characters don't have theirs
so does this game not cover the whole story or
Ryuko (two moveset choices) Satsuki (two movesets) Nui with scissor blade, Ragyo with Dress, Nonon, Uzu, Gamagori, and Inumuta, Double Naked DTR (teacher and Tsumugu) , and Fight Club Mako
So all the important characters, but there's implied to be more free dlc
I wish we could've got the final forms of the whole student council, especially Sanageyama
>thick cosplayer of an elegant slim beautiful character
Eh, sure go for it, but i'm unsure how active the PC community will be. unless you try Discord
oh ok nevermind
I'd dislike it too but i don't think the girl to the left looks good
He's shitting you, if anything PC will be the most active because free online and if being for Steam
My copy from Play-Asia likely won't be here till next week, dammit
Middle, because if you look at how they made their outfits, you can see which one is actually a true fan of the character.
He's actually right.
this is just for story mode man
Is this real? I know i saw ryuko get naked when the fiber thing was split
Do I have to?
How did trigger design a character so beyond cute?
Yes. But that Nonon model is for story mode while the actual naked model seems to just be for the IK move.
>but there's implied to be more free dlc
Keep dreaming.
all it took was to take a coconut and turn it into a dummy cute retard!
KLK wouldn't have been popular if the girls were ugly
>camera relative dodge inputs
All of them are good, but B seems like the best costume.
Write your congressman to create more thicc anime characters.
sfm porn
>No SSG Ryuko or SSB Satsuki
I know why, but still
they said so, they just didn't say who.
Regardless i'd still pay for it if it was more alternate movesets and designs, like Final Episode Nui and Junketsu Ryuko
getting an angry handjob/footjob from Satsuki!
I haven't gotten my copy yet, i'm just repeating what i saw on the website
It might happen user
>junketsu ryuuko
Mako is cute too!
This is very true, they gave the two main focuses very lewd designs as well.
Something about Nui just makes my heart tingle though.
I hope we're getting Senketsu Satsuki too
>tfw the main characters could have like 7 forms each
Who else from the series can they even add as playable?
Various club captains?
If they did crossovers, the possibilities are endless.
Wow Satsuki sure is cute
Are we getting it for switch or PC, bros?
I want Nui to sexually dominate me then kill me to spare her reputation of fucking a loser like me.
>Its a 3d fightan
absolute fucking waste of potential.
Better yet whys this game exist and not a TTGL game? And no not that obscure DS one that nobodys ever played.
Switch for me
>inb4 30 fps
I don't care honestly. My switch has been collecting dust since BOTW
Here, have the Scissor Sisters waiting in line for Frozen
Both, but latter for Steam. look up Kill La Kill game website
Because Kill La Kill is more popular and not owned by gainax.
You play as them in the story so it's probably an unlock.
It makes me sad that Bandai Namco gave 3D fighters a bad rep.
i want those sisters to scissor my dick if you get what i'm saying
What are you talking about their games are great.
End of series Satsuki was top tier cute.
It's an original What If story that splits off from Episode 7 forward.
I guess after her mom was dead she got back her way....
also agreed mad qt
They rush them out and re-release them as sequels, which ruined them in the eyes of many.
Jump Force is an awful case of just plain old rushing.
i love shortsuki!!!
I want her to take my virginity and do lewd things to me with her cute petite feet! And then wake up to her wearing my shirt and making breakfast!
I'm gonna be the Mako Master!
I'm going to bully your Mako!
Really hope we get more characters down the line. I'd also like to see these regalias.
Satsuki never lost her way you heathen
Finally watched klk for the 2nd time, this round it was dubbed. Surprisingly good.
i daisuki satsuki
The dub was actually pretty spot on with no characters done particularly badly. I thought Mako was especially good.
Thanks to hype surrounding this game, I finally pulled KLK up from the very end of my backlog and watched it for the first time.
I liked it! Not as much as Gurren Lagann, which let's face it, is probably a good half of Trigger's reputation, but it's pretty fun nonetheless.
Is there going to be booty in this game?
only bad one really was Gamagori and Sanageyama
A lot of it already actually for Ryuko in the demo
I don't understand, what does IF means un japanese? They use it for some Manu things
Yeah, it's kinda ridiculous, but so is the show.
I'm already feeling Monkey is gonna be a bitch to fight, especially if I'm maining Ryuko
The past and the future are superscriptions of data, Ryuuko-chan
>ywn suck on Mako's puffy nipples
God, i'm excited for everything but fighting that monkey
I'll probably be a walking target since i'm gonna main Nui__
>yfw they took out the Guilty Gear sound effects from the demo builds
As cool as the club captains would be it's most likely going to be alts of existing characters, like Junketsu Ryuko or maybe some Naked Beach variants.
pre-ordered it for my Switch of course
Satsuki's hot sweaty crotch!
The storm games were fun but they were mindless fun with near zero depth. KLK IF is trying to be a legitimate fighting game.
bring back sex with Nui poster!
I-I'm always here, user! And I always want to have cute loving fluffy sex with my cute girlfriend Nui!
Sex with my cute wife Nui's feet!
Ill buy it when they add her.
I'm new to KLK threads, and I've gotta say, you remind me of a protozoan Callieposter.
Good, Nui posters like you are always fun to have around, it's too wholesome.
Do you have a discord? i'd really like to play with you when the game is out, user.
The demo was complete trash
so what did they add for the story?
I-I don't have a Discord, user! I never really talk to anyone online, honestly! I'm too shy!
To be honest, I'm not even sure if I will buy my cute girlfriend Nuis game. I'd love to play as her, but I'm afraid I would lose as her! Though I'd like to think that she'd love me just for playing her, win or lose! And it DOES sound very nice to be in control of Nui's cute, thin, fluffy, made-for-sex body!
Cute loving affectionate hand-holding sex with my wife Nui!
>jump force is bad because it was rushed
Nah, Spike Chunsoft is just incompetent
Lol I'm doing the exact same thing as well. The dub is actually pretty good. Ragyo's crew all sound excellent in particular.
Ah, well maybe make one, it's not hard to set up at all, it could just be a part of quiet dms and Nui posting.
And also, you will lose, but you only get better by getting to play her more and more!
And if you lose, do note the lose animation sometimes results in a character being stripped naked!
I want to see Ryuko raped and abused.
Also have Junketsu Shinzui, Senketsu Kisaragi, and Shinra Koketsu been confirmed for regular play yet. People are already done with both Satsuki and Ryuko's story modes, uploading the chapters and fights to YouTube. Kinda thought their completion would have been the unlock criteria for the ultimate Kamui girls.
I guess it would be cute to Nuipost with others. But like I said, I'm shy! I'll think about it!
I would try my best with Nui, and I'd like to think that's all that would matter to her! That I choose her, because I love her! And if my cute wife Nui ever did get stripped naked after a loss, I would run down with a towel and cover her! She would be so thankful that I was there for her, and then we would go to her big fluffy bed and have cute loving snuggly sex!
I love my cute wife Nui!
Did you watch the 25th episode? It's not on Netflix, was packaged with the BDs. Go find it online if you haven't.
noooo user! klk is my favorite, but the OVA suuuucks
If you do join, we could have fun talking about Nui via DM or maybe we can make a channel for fellow Nui posters!
Mine is DaisyPan69#6330, put it in a bookmark or notepad so you can add me whenever you're ready!
I will let you know if I join! Goodnight user! I'm going to sleep with my cute girtfriend Nui!
seeya based Nui poster!
me too
Correction. The best part will be the resurgence of KLK porn in general.
I'm still waiting on someone to make Ryuko femdom after 6 years.
Drill Brothers > Scissor Sisters
I had to order mine online because the download only version is available in my country, and $30 more expensive. So it's out next week for me. Loved the demo!
What's the framerate and resolution for all the consoles?
Drill beats rock, rock beats scissors, scissors beats drill?? I guess??????
It is a nice butt
isn't it six years too late?
Damn, look at that puffy vulva!
What happens to her underwear when she transforms with senketsu?
We clearly see a lot of underboob and no bra in sight.
There's an interview that says why it took so long
Not really? Yes? I dont know? It's really more of a love letter to Kill La Kill.
Hit me with the rundown.
Men of culture
Astronaut gal pals > Drill Brothers > Scissor Sisters
I'm pretty sure Ive run into you on Yea Forums user
actually no, unless it was some time ago, but i would like more vulva and ass pics
Well I guess that image just gets the same response from many anons, heres a pic for you trouble.
stinky Ryuko feets!
Thank you, user!
And puffy vulva is a pretty common phrase not gonna lie.
Ryuko sphincter!
Day one patch notes
Can’t wait to main my girl.
we back boys
Today I learned that YYH had a SNES fighter. I always thought that the only fighters for it were the Genesis one and the GC/PS2 one.
Bought it. Downloading it now. Who wants play some games?
When is the PC release?
this is new to me, origin of this image?
12 hours probably
>mfw Satsuki's story mode ending
Just barely skimmed through it and holy shit.
Id give my right nut to see a good game have a collectors edition where instead of a soundtrack cd it comes with a vinyl
I'd easily pay double price, whereas I wouldnt even pay an extra ten if the collectors edition is just a cd
the fuck is the steam page?
Alright, I gotta know. Which platform you getting the game on?
kill yourself moshf you samefagging nigger piece of shit
I was wondering that too.
Is it just me or do Ragyou's tits look bigger in this game?
how censored is the US PS4 version? and what about other regions?
Apparently it's uncensored on all platforms. I assume that goes for North America and Europe as well.
pick nonon
Not censored at all
when will the preload work on switch
grab the scissor blade dawg
i guess?
i wish this one was playable god damn
Does the game have boob physics?
Thank god they nerfed him day one. I wouldn't have touched ranked otherwise.
Same :p
What this user said, preload isn't working even though it's well past midnight
whats the end
w-w-we're getting it at least before the end of the month r-right?
Best gurl is now even more based
>we now get art of ultimate satsuki
Haha, time to expand my KLK folder!
Demo played like your average low-budget anime brawler, lots of which I pirated for PSP back in the day. Can't say I'd buy it now, as it probably would be played for a day or two and then forgotten.
Where steam page
My thoughts are Nonon a smug
I played the demo. It seemed okay. Might even get it on sale to jerk off to the thought of Disco Mom raping her daughters.
Who would you like to see Matoi dom? Satsuki, Mako, Nui?
Houka Inumuta
Ryuko is a wannabe dom, she could fuck Mako but Satsuki would outclass her and Nui would turn her into a twitchy, drooling mess.
pick nonon
Don't lose hope just yet. Besides there's always mods
I hope so, i'm gonna be sad if not.
what "context"? It's a shit game with a shit camera and static models tha don't work in arena settings. Go suck your corporate dick somewhere else with that fake innocence, bootlicker.
>playing as fully naked Nui, Nonon, and Mako
fuck yes
this is sonic 06 tier
There'd be no point in Ryuko trying to dom Mako since she wouldn't put up any resistance for her friend
You the guy who paid for a smash ultimate stage of her getting fucked by a horse?
PC modding is long dead for games that aren't elder scrolls.
good taste
That one is not.
But i am, why?
The modding community is silent but resilient.
Sex with Nui poster sadly doesn't have a discord yet
Is Satsuki Blanco going to be unlockable?
playing it now
i already played the shit out of the demo but this is surprisingly deep yet easy to get into.
the only fighting game ive enjoyed in almost 10 years.
I'm also really glad theres only 10 (soon to be 12) characters because something that puts me off from getting into new fighting games is the absurd amount of shittily designed characters as opposed to a small cast of good ones.
all these characters seem pretty unique (aside from ryuko and satsuki having clones but yknow) and very true to their characters in the show.
going to try and understand all the characters a bit before going online but hopefully its not full of ronald mcdonald charity house wifi kids.
another thing that put me off from fighting games was upgrading my internet to literally the best my isp offered and still getting lagshitters.
either way klk is one of my favorite animus so ill enjoy the new story and faithful and flashy combat
im probably part of a very niche audience though
oh i think i need an update to play online anyway
>nobody awake to see it
Hey, if you can get screenshots of all the characters nude, that'd be great.
How bout no.
>aside from ryuko and satsuki having clones but yknow
I thought they were different movesets
Unless you mean Super forms
Well, good thing I am importing the physical Switch version from ozgameshop for $65.
Alrighty, thanks for the info boys. I guess i'm getting the Switch version, I was planning on it anyway for convenience sake. I might get the PS4 version later too, I dunno yet.
I want to build a fellow Nui guild, none of that shit.
Just wondering really.
I'm just saying, don't start a cult or something.
But user, a cult around Nui sounds like fun!
okay then, did you enjoy the stage?
where is the game on switch? i am so tired just need game.
I dunno, saw it on Amazon for Switch earlier.
It's up on Eshop right now
yes, but when can i play game? i was told at 3:00
Where is the mako dlc A+
You said Mako and DTR were day 1 dlc A+
Are Mikisugi+Tsumugu playable yet?
try looking at it and see if it works i guess, if you bought it, it should work, maybe restart your switch.
What do you mean? You can just play it if you own it.
I was doing some research and it says that Mako and the double naked dtr are free dlc... to be released later this summer.
The fuck does that mean? It's already the end of July.
was there a source on it or was it some user?
Played the demo yesterday, it wasn't great but I'll pirate it for her
Having played around with everyone in training, at first glance single-blade satsuki and ryuko have the biggest damage and simplest most reliable game plans.
Everyone else has a primary gimmick that can be overwhelming in neutral but ultimately requires more effort to do real damage
Still, can't wait to see what some of these characters look like in high level play
Are dual Bakazan Satsuki and dual scissor Ryuko playable from the get go? Can you unlock Satsuki Blanco and SSJ Ryuko?
I have restarted, but it just keeps telling me "I can't play this software yet". I am so disappointed.
>buying digitally
So you don't really own it then?
The game was gifted to me by my fiance, so why not play now? except i can't play for some reason. i am on the east coast and thought 3:00 was go time
There's no cheap keys anywhere. I'm not spending 60 dollars on this.
it'll probably be on sale soon enough no way is it going to stay $60
Can people play as Mako yet?
This is how you summarize that anime : it's just fanservice. "Oh but it serves the plot & there are reas-" stop it,you're just wrapping your perviness in a gift card with nice smelling perfume.
weebs will bever be surpassed at retarded names
why are you so upset? Why care so much if you don't even like it?
>no normal Gamagoori with that dumb armor being a transformation I can avoid
No thanks, bro.
No, cause I missed getting it.
His finale uniform transformation was his best.
That big white armor one? Yeah, I'd prefer that over the lame bondage one.
Not the Pharaoh one, his second one, the one with the half metal side and exposed chest and abs, the nudist beach one. His final one.
Do you think this is a secret or something? Has anyone ever said otherwise?
Satsuki beats the other 3 in badassery so Scissor sisters automatically win for me
I want to impregnate Mako!
Ryuuko will turn into a red mush the moment Satsuki will show any attraction. She can't dom her
She would probably make a good mother
Oh, sorry man.
Well if i ever pay another person to make one, keep an eye on stage builder threads if they ever pop up again,
again, sorry.
if you have a modded switch though you can download off
Looking forward to new sister fanarts
Don't disappoint me internet
I'm sure the game will get a few artists going
Guys, if I buy a switch game from US and have a EU system will I have to make a new US account on my system to play it?
>The CPU demands for the PC version
Who the fuck designed it like this? My CPU isn't top of the line but it can run most everything else but if I run this game maxed out it fucking bottoms out the whole computer
HOLY SHIT THAT ENDING ISjust as disappointing as the shows ending, Never change Trigger. SIS LOVE BROS SIS LOVE!
I don't want to look at the spoiler to ruin it so I'll just fucking buy the game now
Is his pic spoilered? I'm using Yea Forums X with spoilers turned off, it's just fan art of Satsuki and Ryuko getting ready to smooch.
Where the crack at?
only if eshop
No I didn't spoil the image just the text is spoiled.
Right here.
I also just beat the Satsuki half.
It's weird, it has the exact reverse issue the show's ending has where the final battle is actually pretty cool but the aftermath is shit.
I'm talking about the text
I don't want to know what happens and I'm a massive sucker for Satsuki x Ryuuko
Thanks bro.
Such a nicely shaped butt
It's the best.
But the final battle was actually fucking shit? the naked orgy pile was the actual decent part of the ending after that clusterfuck
We've got sherlock mother fucking holmes on the case boys, well done noone else would of ever realized this god job retard
Yeah that's what I'm saying. The game has a better final battle than the show but a worse aftermath.
>but a worse aftermath
Fucking Trigger
Well I'm still going to buy it, I want to play as my wife
>Ryuuko's tits are bigger than Satsuki's
Fanartists that don't follow canon annoy me
Ryuko's are normally bigger than that
So what's the deal with Junketsu supermode? For Senketsu it was two fold because he was unfinished and acted as his thematic moment of full self-actualization as a human.
But Junketsu was always complete and it was a shitter to boot. So how does it even get a power-up
Yes, but they're always smaller than Satsuki's.
Ryuuko's tits > Ryuuko's midriff > Satsuki's midriff Satskuki's tits > Satsuki's ass > Ryuuko's ass
Before the final battle Iori tuned up Junketsu with the capacity to absorb the Goku Uniforms into itself, creating the power-up form
this ending made me sad because Nui is gone
Just before the final battle? the demo story mode made it seem like they were working on it early on, even the character remark Satsuki's getting stronger with each fight
Get fucked.
There a version without the light beam?
The actual time frame isn't told, Iori just explains the tune ups he did to Junketsu allowed it to do that. So it's safe to assume he did it back at the start.
Why do you hate Nui so much?
And where are their pussies placed in this rankings list?
Is there fun beat em up sections in the game?
>In the show, life fiber absorption is the ultimate weapon Dr. Isshin built into Senketsu to be able to destroy the Original Life Fiber
>Iori just develops it overnight for a power-up
irrelevant because youre getting both anyway
>Ryuuko's ass not top
Not nice, user.
Is it out yet?
looks like shit
I certainly do not see the problem here.
everytime we get past 350 a thread is trash
Is it good?
Is there a costume for Thread-Arm Nui? This will make or break the game for me.
Same with Classic Ragyo.
So if Satsuki is the one to face Ragyo now what happens to Ryuko? I know Sengetsu dies again but nothing beyond that.
Is this shit gonna have actual nudity? I'm not expecting nipples or anything but I'd like for some stuff beyond the skimpy outfits. It's a damn shame nudist beach Nonon doesn't seem to be in the game
I assume she's her own character moveset in a DLC update if she isn't a secret unlock, haven't gotten my game yet.
I really hope everyone that was involved in that mess killed themselves or got imprisoned and learn the real ways of actually being gay by meeting the Purple Aki. A lot of these trap posters always act like traps are the best thing ever to grace the Earth but if they were to just take a break from porn for a month or two they'd be back to just fapping to ordinary PornHub videos, fucking posers. Anime already has a shitty rep do we need these faggots vandalizing it too?
She's free day 1 DLC.
character finishers make characters fall to the ground naked, and you can view it in model viewer
>6am, switch hasn't unlocked the game yet
>6am, not up on any pirate sites yet
The anime always had the hint of Junketsu having another powerup that never actually happened, it seemed like they threw their original script to the trash at some point
It's still pants on retarded but hey, you're supposed to watch KLK with your brain off
Junketsu was secretly Virm
Bump for Mako's puffy nipples
I guess I'll play the fuck out of the demo till it arrives
My limited edition just arrived, along with the Fight Club Mako pre-order keychain.
The entire story is a delusion made up by Satsuki's unconscious that has been hijacked by interdimensional life fibers, nothing and no one in it is real
Dual-wield Satsuki and Ryuko are unlocked by completing their story modes.
SSJ Ryuko and Satsuki are story mode only
shallow arena fighter that will be dead within two months #2517
when will people stop buying games that are shit because their favorite anime man is in it?
Ok jojo fan
>£50 on PC
I aint playing that shit
Everything past the tournament was scrapped by Imaishi mid-production.
That said, the rough outline of the plot is still the same and some of the scrapped stuff did make it to the audio dramas on the BDs.
I can be her new dad.
if you want to spend $60 on a game that you'll spend 10-20 hours on bc it's 100% carried by its ip rather than its gameplay then go ahead
Sasuga trigger, this splits at episode 7 so the behavior of Satsuki and that of Ryuko here wouldn't make sense if she didn't have her character development from the Ryuko brainwashed arc
Dumb game based on dumb anime.
>this splits at episode 7
no, It takes place the night before Ryuko arrives at Hounnouji
>The entire story is a delusion made up by Satsuki's unconscious
Does this mean we're getting extreme wincest, then?
Satsuki is not a siscon they do play that card again,tho
>Not made by Platinum Games
one job
>late at night, no one has finished story modo but me and one other guy
>join his lobby as Ryuko, he's dual Satsuki
>rek him 3 times in a row
>we both put in chat items
>they're fully voiced and said by the character you chose in their own way
It could get a 10% rating and I'd still buy if for Satsuki.
In all seriousness, I wasn't sure about getting it, but the demo sold me. It's fun. I don't mind if I only spend 20 hours on it, as long as I actually enjoy myself doing so.
>people will make garbage sfm soon
great, its worthless
>arena shit is shit
Can someone fill me in on why the game isn't unlocked on switch yet?
Well shit I'm not buying the game then
How long is the game?
But does it have any good endings in it?