The study, published by the American Psychological Association...

> The study, published by the American Psychological Association, asked about 100 women to play one of two Tomb Raider games. In one, Tomb Raider Underworld, subjects played a part in the game where Croft is outfitted in “bikini bottoms and a form-fitting long-sleeved wetsuit top” that was “portrayed in a way that emphasized Lara’s waist, hips, and breasts.”

> This was the “sexualized” gameplay, since as the study explained, “one of the indicators of sexualization is clothing that is not appropriate for the task to be completed.” The other subjects played the 2013 game Tomb Raider, where Croft is wearing cargo pants and a tank top. Participants then filled out a well-known study for self-objectification, or “emphasizing physical appearance” in self-evaluations. The study’s results indicated that playing the “sexualized” segment of Tomb Raider Underworld did not make players feel body shame or impact their body satisfaction—or, at least, not as much as other types of objectification, like catcalling.

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Other urls found in this thread:


Shut up, feminist socialism is never wrong.

This study won't change public perception
Day of the rope for normies nears!

Same reason musclar men does not impact men's body image.

I think every single girl gamer I know has a different opinion about sexualization. But all of them agree that sexy girls are ok. Just that sometimes the context is super duper important while others enjoy taking slutty pics from their in game girls.
So I am not surprised by that study result.

>playing the “sexualized” segment of Tomb Raider Underworld

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Now that you mention it, I'm a fucking skeleton and sexy muscular men never bothered me. It's funny how little it matters to me that someone else had to point it out for me to notice.

Shut it down.


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you are not oppressed like women so it doesn't matter what you think, shitlord

Oh yeah, I forgot.



a scuba diving suit is now """sexualized""" for American standards?

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This is the same APA that trannies base most of their justification for transgender being a respectable and real state of mind

For them to disregard this study is to disregard their own identity and all validations.

literally shaking right now

>bikini bottoms and a form-fitting long-sleeved wetsuit top
>clothing that is not appropriate for the task to be completed
Such as exploring an underwater tomb?

Looks like some researchers didn't have sex.

People claim that it exposes her butt too much.

On a healthy female? You fuckin betcha.

That's hot

There are more women than men, therefore men are a minority and are, as such, oppressed.

Oh wow its almost like its been that forever or something, really great news guys.

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most of us accept both tho?
"jaja lol tranny!" isn't all the same person

>*Women who are jealous claim it exposes her butt too much
While at the same time they will wear the exact same shit. You can't listen to these fucking people because it is pure jealous bullshit. Its only bad because she is ATTRACTIVE and that makes them MAD because they AREN'T

I’m gonna let you guys in on a little secret. They’re bribed by pharmaceutical companies to push agendas to fund their research. That’s why trannies are becoming more rampant and why doctors willingly allow it to happen. If they say anything the jeopardize other research so they don’t really care what happens to the mentally ill

of course it doesnt, women will be insecure no matter what we do. everybody knows this but nobody says it.

No surprises there. Fanservice is only an issue when devs think it can prop up an otherwise shit game.

Day of the rope for newfags soon

numbers have nothing to do with being a minority you goon

Real reason why feminist campaign against this shit is that it, like any erotic content, drives value of female holes down. Drives just a little, not comparable to something like legalized prostitution, but it still does. Thing is that decent-looking women won't have any problem with it because they will always remain desirable even if world will be filled with porn, but there are no decent-looking women among feminists, only ugly fat trash bitches who refuse to invest any effort into self-improvement.
But they still feel entitled for male attention, so they viciously fight against everything that can distract it.

Women aren't oppressed you stupid fucking tranny

>Women aren't oppressed

They don't because they're not real.
The media itself is almost never based in reality so saying a game has unrealistic body images is just the action of an ass.

Money was spent to find this out. Sociologists and certain sects of psychology are fucking snake oil salesmen. They enrich themselves this way.

Im a fat fuck, And musclemen in media have only been an inspiration. They dont make me feel bad about myself, they make me want to take a fuckin' walk and lift shit so i can be strong too, With none of the self loathing

Not surprising considering the feminist line about sexualization being bad was never actually backed up by any kind of hard evidence. It was one of those things you were just supposed to believe or be called a sexist, probably because it was a necessary component for their desperate power plays.

women, especially white women, are the most privileged demographic on earth


>While at the same time they will wear the exact same shit.
This. And then the common counter argument would be:
>b-but that's because real life women have agency and these fictional characters don't!!!!!!!
So because these characters are created by other people (mostly created by men REEEE), they should all dress modestly? Makes perfect sense.

I mean I've never seen a scuba diving suit like that. Doesn't even look like she's wearing one.

It's almost like women have completely different mindset and looks are way important for them.

Comparatively they're in the least worst situation, doesn't mean their situation isn't shitty.


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It’s a plain fact that women’s lives are more valuable and the entire male-female dichotomy (i.e. gender roles) reflects this. You’re a brainwashed retard.

The American Psychological Association needs to get laid lol

Well apparently not (at least in this case) if a study was just performed and the results came back negative. Maybe the scientists didn't bribe the participants enough to make them have the "correct" opinion though.

Most women when given a chance to create a character make cute ones.

>bikini bottoms and a form-fitting long-sleeved wetsuit top
It's just a fucking wetsuit
>clothing that is not appropriate for the task to be completed
Like wearing a fucking wetsuit to check out underwater caverns or something?

have sex
with me

Them having it better doesn't mean they have it good. Not to mention it's debatable but not that debatable since it's kind of an asymmetrical thing, things that they suffer from are pretty unique. Different roles are assigned and shouldn't be compared 1:1.

I'd be jealous to Lara to if I were a woman, she's perfect.

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>the same people who whine about virtual girls being too sexy conveniently ignore things like porn or strippers where real women are literally being paid to be objects.

>women have periods
>but get the rest of their lives handed to them on a silver platter
>And if they dont get what they want, they can just sue somebody
>men dont get periods
>but they have to earn everything in their entire lives unless they were born in a super rich family
Yeah seems real even over here.

How is it shitty, then?

4 Feminist Reasons Why We Need to Support Sex Workers
Sex workers play a vital role in society, don't make us criminals
Women Like Us: Why Sex Workers Deserve Our Respect

>Different roles are assigned and shouldn't be compared 1:1

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>porn or strippers where real women are literally being paid to be objects.

But being a mother and wife is not.

in other news, fiction determined to not be real

r u a grill?


Anyone claiming to be female on this site is actually a male.

>People have been saying that sexualized women in video games don't effect anything.
>Also saying that its just a cult of unattractive women trying to change beauty standards to place themselves up on the hierarchy.
>Turns out that sexualized women in video games don't effect anything. And the only people saying it does are a cult of unattractive women trying to change beauty standards to place themselves up on the hierarchy.

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That's because it does. Find me a legit scuba suit that has most of a woman's ass cheeks showing. Scuba suits cover skin to keep you warm, like seal skin does.

Not that I mind, I want to bury my face in that ass and try and tongue her pussy only to fail because her cheeks are so massive and my tongue can't reach. But fuck tonguing assholes, that's some nasty shit, even if they clean it.

women are gay

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Whether it did or did not make them feel like shit, that's not my problem, that's something they'd have to overcome themselves.
Even if it caused bulimia, suicide, cutting, etc, your personal failings and inability to work yourself out, shouldn't affect other people's choices in media.
I wouldn't accept someone telling me I can't drink alcohol because some people can't control their drinking so this question and answer is irrelevant and doesn't even have be asked in the first place.

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I wanna read the actual study, fuck what Kotaku says

i am an obese black girl with large penis

Newsflash: Women love being sluts - they just don't like not being in control of the situation - hence why they make a big deal out of catcalling.

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>girl with large penis

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Maybe we should all start collectively committing suicide and in the notes, start saying that women just have it too good. I'd be willing to start if I had some follow up.

Woman literally have more rights than men now a days you stupid faggot.

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No fucking shit, we don't need a fucking Sherlock to figure this out

Pic related but to feminists.

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mass incel suicide soon

What was the word on the next page?

Media won't show it anyway.


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What happened?

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>oneangryincel tries to take a study involving fucking tomb raider and extrapolate it out to garbage like senran kaguran for like the 5th time this month

What the fuck, isn't this game really old? How the fuck does it look better than the new titles?

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Checked & based.

Oh no, without containment they'll start raping that's for sure !

>Hits him
>Tries to do a badass walk away.

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Wow it's almost like feminists are full of shit or something

It came out in 2008.

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money was spent to prove this. We need documentation and laws against people who are this stupid, you cant just lock someone up and throw away the key because they dont have common sense.

Yeah only being able to afford 5 new pairs of shoes rather than 6 because of that gender paygap is a serious fucking problem. Women in western society have really got it shitty.

I'm guessing whoever ran this study just got fired like the asian lady whose study found that giving kids hormones is dangerous.

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play stupid games win stupid prizes

The end times are coming.


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Well maybe game design got worse in 11 years so when I remember playing the new TR games I remember... generic shit that looks ok.
Those webm's look like something I just would like to go and explore
Shiit, is it a good game? Should I download?

sauce of this

Yes, it's fun. But everything with Lara is fun too me though.

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Low T. Girls assholes straight up emit pheromones that drive your dick crazy

Newsflash - nobody likes not being in control of the situation you are instantiated

dunno, just another mutt prison they call school

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these arent women though
I dont know how these creatures called but they are fucking hideous


nah, it's neat
now you have an objective document that you can point to whenever a feminist tries to censor games

Holy fuck, the comments are so salty on kotaku.

Newsflash: It's life. You are not in control of anything.

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In this instance I feel really bad for white americans. What a paradise Disneyworld would be without violent black people everywhere. Video is heartbreaking as well considering the kids that are just left there to watch their "parents" go full chimpout.

You see, that makes sense when you're not dealing with ideologues. This study will never be mentioned again. And despite people constantly bringing it up to shut up retards, it will be ignored.

But the sociologists still got paid.

It won't be mentioned again because it's a worthless study with a sample size of less than 100 using a game far less sexualized than the shit people constantly cry about being censored.

this is honestly one of the dumbest studies I have ever read about

Link to the study?

the panda is dying. surprise it survived this long honestly

Scuba suits cover the whole leg, unless you have a "shortie" which goes to above knees and also has short sleeves. That's a custom scuba suit to show off more leg and ass, which is great.

SJW detected
Test subjects are girls with low self esteem and body image issues.

why is it dying?

Are they nuked by government or just don't have money for hosting?

Like this?

Attached: Tomb Raider AoD - artwork 158.jpg (600x774, 184K)

>money was spent on this because people are fucking retarded

Fucking again?
What is it this time?

Yeah, that's a much more normal shortie. Still a big short in the leg from what I've seen but hey it's a video game, it doesnt have to be perfectly realistic.

This poor bastard is going to have his career ruined.

SJWs era seems to be falling apart at the scene.

It impacts tranny body image when they know that 99% of them are never going to pass and once they're metabolism slows and male pattern baldness sets in any hope is gone. They want ugly women in games so they can feel good about imagining themselves as women.

>its a worthless study
Low sample size and subject matter isnt disqualifying, its just less probative. Less probative than what though? Wheres your study you fucking psued?

Based black man

This dummy's not even trying to pass. Poor skin because he doesn't take care of himself, no makeup WHATSOEVER, and won't even grow his hair long. He has rounded eyes and a young face, but doesn't want to make any of the effort into his appearance like come on guy. Why do you think women put so much effort into their appearance? they look like poop without makeup

What the hell are you talking about? My point is just that they need to toughen up and stop trying to control others.

>gets assaulted with a punch in the head
>slaps with an open hand

props to him for actually showing restraint

How do you explain the explosion of obese ham planets and neon haired cookie thieves?

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>did not make players feel body shame or impact their body satisfaction—or, at least, not as much as other types of objectification, like catcalling.
>not as much as other types of objectification
>not as much

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>Don't impact women's body image
>Video games

No fucking duh. That was never the issue.

It was always about whether or not video games gave MEN, and impressionable young boys an unrealistic expectation of female body image

Media depictions of gender roles instill an unconscious bias that is deeply ingrained in culture. If you ask someone straight up of course they'll say 'oh it's just a movie" but it plants a seed of conformity within them that sprouts into a worldview.

What the fuck did that cripple chick try to get in on the action by driving her chair at them

Didn't read the latest but a few months ago they panicked when the US passed the child porn law that fucked a bunch of other things over that they shouldn't have been touching. At that point they banned a ton of countries from accessing anything on the site.

Looks like they had a full blown meltdown now and are just getting ready to nuke the site entirely.

As opposed to women who want vapid muscleheaded prettyboys?


Almost like unrealistic body expectations is a systemic problem affecting both genders

Brapfag get the fuck out.

ohnonono hand me my onions

There is literally nothing wrong with exaggerated representations.

but muh male power fantasy

Women who actually play video games don't care. It's usually journalists who make a big deal out of it, along with Anita and her cronies. Half of it is that their negative perception pressures devs to "be mature" with their character designs while the other half is that devs are so up their own asses about making "realistic" games that they think women with a lot of sex appeal will hurt their artful stories, when most of their stories are just shit. If the story is good, that wouldn't really impact it.

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Except it doesn't you mongoloid.

What about fucking incredibly muscular men with unattainable bodies unless you blast steroids all day?


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men look up to their superiors
lazy fuck

In a way it kind of made sense. The videogame companies and studios made a fatal flaw: they asked women who don't play videogames "why don't you play videogames?" The result was going to be skewed to the opinions of people looking at games from the outside.
If they asked women whom play videogames " what got you into videogames?" they would get a totally different answer and one that actually would get more fucking women playing videogames.

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of course when a true gamer girl says Bayonetta looks hot as fuck. "It doesn't count"

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Go to the gym, fatass.

Two things.
1) Women don't really want hyper-muscular men. There's a few that do, but the vast majority of women prefer someone who's toned but svelte.
2) Women don't evaluate the attractiveness of men the same way men do women. Men look for a mate with desirable traits that are mostly *genetic* in nature; hips, breasts, eye color, hair color, etc. Women look for traits in men that are *proactive* in nature; has money, works out, has ambition, etc.
Men want women who are good genetic matches for their offspring, and women want men who can provide and care for her family. Speaking baseline, primitive. What they *actually do*, from a rational perspective, is different, but that's the basic idea of what each gender wants out of the other on a subconscious level.


You mean they asked feminist and god damn, those tits!

There's an entire fucking MOVEMENT of men who can't get laid because of their skewed view of sexual relations who would vehemently disagree with you.

Except, again, it has nothing to do with unrealistic expectations. No female, and I mean NO female, has any problems getting a guy. Shockingly, men don't have "unrealistic expectations", it's only ever the other way around.

NO, Shit,,, just typical 2000s SJWs Brainwashing Propaganda Agenda...

We went through this with violence in video games with the right, now we'll go through "sexism" in video games with the left, and the result will be the same.
Ideologues never change and they will denounce this no matter how many times it's replicated.

>Except, again, it has nothing to do with unrealistic expectations. No female, and I mean NO female, has any problems getting a guy.

That's hilarious. You're hilarious.

and what even is "sexualization"... ohh, right typical Modern Brainwashing Propagande Agenda...

It's polygamy for them in their 20s, monogamy in their 30s after they've, "found themselves". Basically, "I'm about to hit the wall at record speed so I need to use what looks I have left to find someone who can support me.".

>170 posts
>0 source

If we're being completely honest, if your goal is to have sex, you can and will unironically have sex. You would have to be monstrously ugly to not attract any woman period.
The problem is that obviously, people want to sleep with people they find attractive.

Nothing hilarious about reality.

Just so you know, the term "incel" was coined by a lesbian, and the incel community was originally a support group of straight and gay *women* to help other women get dates.

Nobody can hate this face.

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blacks chimp out a lot, but they're not really that organized and tend to abort enough to keep their population in check

hordes of muzzies would be waaay worse, so i honestly feel worse for europe in the long run

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>people want to sleep with people they find attractive.
And what you find attractive is directly related to how you associate the female form.
And if you're a loner who spends all day every day playing video games and watching anime
And if those video games and anime have big titty dreamgirls in it
Then you're going to expect that and desire that, on an increasingly subconscious level.

It's where the whole "3/10 knees too sharp" meme came from

Again, that's because WOMEN have unrealistic expectations, not men.


Yes. Men want a woman with big tits and a fat ass. Well done. You're a fucking genius. It's not like there are figurines millennia old depicting that. Look at you, top tier anthropologist over here. It's not like that perspective is going to change. It's literally biology. Get over yourself.

don't men already commit suicide at a way higher rate?

>This study will never be mentioned again. And despite people constantly bringing it up

They do, but there's a bit more nuance. The rate of attempt is still skewed towards men, but it's closer than you'd think. Men pick more effective methods, where as women are more likely to do it for attention. I suspect this will shift somewhat in the coming years as there enters a new group of 30-40 year old women who are single and unwanted by even the lowest tiers of men. There are ramifications to behavior, and women are going to start reaping what they've sown.

I think you might just be thinking too deep. As a child I never thought the action figures I played with influenced any type of "body awareness". And the movies I saw as a child never impacted me on how I should look either. I never looked at Conans biceps and the looked at my biceps and felt gay fucking feelings.

The women who tell you the media wants them to be a certain way are in fact just jealous they don't look like that.

>play 1 video game, "how do u feel"
>"i feel fine"
when doing an effective study, u should examine girls when playing a ton of different video games where females are sexualized to see how they feel. One isn't enough to prove jack shit...

>tfw people get rich for pointing out the obvious with PHD and nobody cares because it serves as objective proof against people without any brain cells who don't take common sense for an answer and object with pointless questionings unless brought up with actual concrete proof of the obvious
Wow, we really live in a society.

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There's a difference between ideals and expectations, though.
Look at your parents. And their parents. And THEIR parents. There's literally thousands of generations of your ancestors (or more, depending on whether or not you believe in evolution) who had no problems getting laid before you. And genetics dictate they didn't look or act *too* much differently than you do. So what could have occurred between your dad's generation and yours to change what you expect out of a mate?

Most of those women were lesbians who literally couldn't find other lesbians, or were terrified of the blowback that might come from outing themselves

You're a woman and it shows in the way you converse. Men's expectations haven't changed, but women's has. You can not have a career, children, and a family life. It is literally impossible. There are not enough hours in the day. All they've managed to do is double the workforce and halve the wages, FOR NO REASON.

Source? (Archive)
Source on the paper?

C'mon bruh a skin tight suit on the right body is A+


Intenet/dating apps made a pretty noticeable shift in dating, you can google studies yourself.

What's funny is that women actually fucking love Overwatch and there is a plethora of hot female characters that they have no qualms using in that game. Let's just get that out of the way.

And from what I've seen they also like the Trophy Girls in CTR, who were initially cut form the game and added post-launch, even though the characters are traditionally 'sexualized'.


This will just go completely ignored and will not be thought of past this thread. The ones that need to see it like those fucks on Resetera will deny its existence and move any goalposts to poke holes in it when forced to confront it

As if black people are the only ones cause disturbances, lmao.

>Your opinion is different than mine therefore you must belong to the *other*
Nice logic you got going on there.

>You can not have a career, children, and a family life. It is literally impossible.
And whose fault is that?

Oh sure. But it's unilateral.

because it's using modern rendering techniques. the big shit now in gaming is pbr (which is basically just a time saver for artists) and ray tracing (muh realistic lighting, and also another big time saving for artists)

So again, the problem is WOMEN, not men.

No. I nailed you. You're definitely a woman.

Who the fuck has it "good" you stupid cunt?
except the rich, who are such a small group their ethnicity is irrelevant (even though an extremely disproportionate amount of them are of the hebrew persuasion)
Class war, not race war you mudbrain

Shocking news...

Cool and pretty obvious what the results would be, but
>100 women
That's not a "study".

Only a female could deny the fat their life is pure easy mode lmao.

It isn't. It's literally easy mode, getting everything handed to them all their life.

>The problem is women not settling for men!
>The incel movment was founded by women who couldn't get laid if they tried
>So the problem is women!

The fuck you even talking about at this point

then they should cope, what happened to gamers being lonely incels not worthy of their attention?

Actually, the richest ethnicity in the US is Asian, and white, non-jewish men have the largest accumulation of wealth.

but that's literally what the word minority means.

The sad part is, this post is not bait. Tgis retard is being serious.

Stop breathing.

Not in 1st world countries they aren't. You want to talk about oppression of women then look at islam and the middle east.


>what happened to gamers being lonely incels not worthy of their attention?
That never actually happened.
That was a line fed to you by the alt-right to gain favor and radicalize young white men.

Being a minority does not automatically equal oppression. Oppression has to do with unequal distribution of wealth and power.
But you knew that.

Notice the silence to this? It's obvious. Men always know. It's innate and you'll never be able to bridge it.

Are you this retarded? You mentioned that it was created by LESBIAN women. Know who LESBIAN women want to fuck? Hint: Other WOMEN.

Thot patrolled

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Not him but I follow a lot of left wing utnobs on twitter because they get news to me faster than their right wing clones do. There is a definite narrative amongst them that anyone who at all cares about their hobby and doesn't get outraged over fictional outfits of fictional characters (or god forbid does get outraged over the censorship of said outfits) is a creepy incel virgin nerd who should be arrested

And here is the root pf the cause
>waah, I’m a fat piece of shit and no one will date me!! Maybe if we ban the sexy girls videogames I’ll finally get a bf


I don't understand how dating apps could make such an impact when so many of the women who use it are full of shit/don't use it as it was intended. It's like they make an account a literally do nothing for a few days and then jerk around some of their matches, if they're not just hoarding followers for their Instagram.

I don't associate myself with fringe communities (granted, this board most likely has visitors from /pol/ and what not). Gamers are generally looked down upon, and "incel" has been becoming a more popular term to use due to other mainstream sites such as reddit giving them attention.

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The difference is, when it was about women, it was a support group teaching women who don't know how to approach other women, how to approach other women.

Now that it's about men, it's about subjugation of all women.

It used to be about learning to overcome personal shortcomings, and now it's about making the government issue you someone to have sex with.

how do you determine this to be a fact

it's sad how we've regressed. a decade ago calling someone a "virgin" as an insult was seen as immature and inappropriate since it implied everything in life is about sex. nowadays it's become the go to insult against "people i don't like".

Nah incel groups don't want to subjugate women that's said ironically. Incel groups are just spreading awareness "hey you dumbfuck no amount of hard work or money is going to get you what Chad gets just for being him so stop wasting energy chasing that"

>Gamers are generally looked down upon
They're really not, is the hilarious bit.
If anyone hated you because you were a "gamer", it's because you were still in school and everyone was bullying everyone else.

If anyone is hating "gamers" now, they're really not, they're hating racist and sexist morons who post twitter screenshots to make you feel victimized for bullshit they started.

>"hey you dumbfuck no amount of hard work or money is going to get you what Chad gets just for being him so stop wasting energy chasing that"
That's not better.
It's also not working. Clearly.

But hey, that's just a theory...

Also, it's false.
"Chad" doesn't exist after age 25. Feeling insecure about the idea of "Chad" is a sign of immaturity and/or arrested development, and THAT'S the reason you're not getting laid.

I don't know why everybody here thinks 25 is a magic number, are you retards?

>Chad doesn't exist after age 25
>Women stop being attracted to attractive men after 25

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Social hierarchy doesn't magically disappear.

Because, by 25, you should be out of school, or at least gotten through the vast majority of it, and seen enough of the real world to get a sense of how it *actually* works, and how much highschool politics doesn't matter in the slightest.

This is just my guess but maybe most women don't actually give a shit about video games or the men who play them.

unironically looks better than any PS4 game


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>Chad" doesn't exist after age 25.


It actually gets EASIER after 30, lol.

>"Chad" doesn't exist after age 25.
Imagine being this retarded.

>after 25 I dropped all my social circles, meaning social, charismatic, and attractive men did too!!

You fucking moron, lol. “Chad’s” aren’t socially retarded like you. We keep our social circles and continue to expand because more networking = better opportunities. You get invited to private parties left and right, and no, I don’t mean “in some dude’s flat.” And meeting women gets even easier because it’s all about social heirarchy. If you’re a high status man, you’re even MORE valuable at 30 because that POTENTIAL you had at 20s should now be manifested into actual wealth and networks.

Women actually prefer to look at sexy characters over ugly ones.

Honestly things are the way they are not because of some men deciding, its because we as a whole prefer it this way and a tiny vocal minority is losing their shit because things are not catering to them.


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The thing is, you're talking about wealth and power, and you can get those things regardless of physical attractiveness.

I didn't mean that "chads" cease existing in a puff of smoke. I meant that power and influence is all that matters, and before 25, when you're young and inexperienced, looks are the best way to get that, but after 25, after college and early awkward adult years, looks stop mattering as much. In the real world, the most undatable face in the world can get laid, if they're personable enough, and that's something literally anyone can achieve.

Growing up means learning that social skills are learned, not innate.

>I’m a social reject therefore everyone else must be
It’s not hard user: don’t be ugly, work out, go out and socialize, make money, dress well, have varied interests and hobbies, pursue your passions.

Working out gives you more testosterone, and the attention you get for being good-looking makes you confident. Combine this with wealth, and now you’ve pretty much got power in every social interaction, placing you at or near the top of most basic social groups. By going out and socializing a lot you’ll narrated work out the ins and outs of being charismatic and funny. Make sure you hang out with “the cool guys” of the group. You’ll know who they are if you pay attention to the social dynamics lf the group.

Being one of or the top guy in any group will pretty much ensure all women’s eyes are on you. From there it’s basically effortless. Plus, if you’ve done things correctly, and you became friends with the other “alpha males” they’ll help you get laid. Though, this also depends on how likeable you are, which in part relates to how assertive you are. Don’t be a pushover, know your own worth.


Looks don’t stop mattering at all, lol. If you wanna keep sleeping with 21 yo’s well into your late 30s even early 40s, you better be fit, healthy, and handsome.

Money alone isn’t gonna cut it.

>I'm a 17 year old LARPer
We know.

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No normal person unironically refers to himself as a "Chad" in any context. I really don't know what you get out of making yourself feel socially superior to everyone else on an anonymous mongolian basket weaving forum. Just know that no one here is really impressed by your self-perception, "Chad".

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>unconscious bias meme
>no evidence in any paper replicated showing supposed unconscious bias except IMMEDIATE reaction


I’m only using your own lingo. Call it whatever you like. Not everyone who browses this forum is a loser social reject. It’s within the top 10 most visited sites on the internet, to assume that every man who posts here is a NEET loser is the literal definition of projection.

You’re the one pretending that “chads” stop existing past 25 in order to feel better. Which is laughably stupid. Socially successful men build on their relationships and grow. They don’t just poof out of existence.

I'm not the same user who made up that arbitrary number to define what a "Chad" is. I do believe however that applying a label like that to any socially successful man is very juvenile. And I'm not even implying that it's so black and white between "Chads" and NEET losers, because I'm neither of those. The way you talk about yourself and other "Chads" like you just makes you sound like you have something to prove to us.

>girls aren’t influenced by things they aren’t exposed to

>sample of 100 for a population of over 3,500,000,000
nice. although I guess to Yea Forums 100 is a lot since they'll probably talk to under 10 in their lives.

Obviously it’s not black and white, but as a 29 yo, I’m telling you it gets even easier as you approach your 30s. In your 30s, you have something you didn’t have in your 20s: MONEY. And this makes a HUGE difference. Not only that, but most women have a natural bias toward “preferring older men.” It wasn’t hard for me before, but my limits in the types of girls I can pull have greatly expanded. Yeah, looks alone don’t cut it, they give you an edge in your early 20s, but as you hit your 30s, you suddenly have to try a lot less to get girls or to climb the social ladder. There’s like an inherent social value that comes with being 30, IF you capitalized on it.

To say that it “chads stop existing past 25” is ludicrously stupid. Men who were successful with women in their 20s become even more successful with them in their 30s, as that’s your peak. It’s women who peak at 25, not men.

one of the biggest fansites for tomb raider is run by a woman. Women fucking love classic tomb raider, including my mom.

Women want hot sexy strong women because they want to be that, it's like a guy playing a handsome muscular badass man, only faggots and trannies want weak beta men and goblin looking women because they themselves are ugly and are failures as both a man and a woman.

that's what I'm saying, and honestly anything to the contrary is nothing more than manufactured outrage culture created by people who ultimately just want your money and want to control you.

>if they're personable enough, and that's something literally anyone can achieve.
umm no bro
how do you propose someone like me who's been a stutterer since birth be "personable"?

Post more TRU Lara.

All women are lesbians and their pussies probably started dripping when they saw that

>It’s within the top 10 most visited sites on the internet

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>Women want hot sexy strong women because they want to be that, it's like a guy playing a handsome muscular badass man
Pretty much. Anecdotal, but I have a friend whose parents were into comics in the 90's, and their mom's favorite series was Lady Death. It was interesting to find out that the statues of the character they had were because she liked them, not the dad.

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Why would it? Women know they don't have to directly compete with vidya women no matter how much a guy would rather fuck it.

They know you can't procreate with it thus it's practical value is null. If you rather be with a 2d waifu than them they can take solace in knowing it's a social/ genetic death sentence to you and your family's legacy.

Back to r/asianmasculinity

I’m not Asian though.