Another WoW expansion leak, could actually be true this time.
Another WoW expansion leak, could actually be true this time.
Fuck off with your e-celeb bullshit
will you just fuck off advertising your bullshit just flag and move on guys
Kill yourself.
fucking stop with this shit already
>hating melon
I seriously hope you get paid to shill asmon this hard friend
real original blizz
a fucking eceleb reacts to something thread
this is would be peak v if you posted some animetrash image
bumping this glorious thread, fuck this board i hope it burns
>blizzard would rip straight from ffxiv because of how well its doing
when is blizz going to realize that people aren't flocking to wow anymore because of how dated it looks? ffxiv Is straight BEAUTIFUl, which is helpful in advertising when you want to grab other peoples attention
for a company that put all their effort into overwatch's sleek clean look and SC2's style overhaul. you'd think they would kill off WoW for a sequel or an entirely new graphical engine
I just want Blizzard to start caring about the lore and how they introduce it to players. It doesn't feel good when a big bad boss of a quest is an elite you can kill without any trouble. There's no real story progression, just a story per zone that can be easily overlooked or skipped since everyone is going for end game and not caring enough. I miss the time of the Defias Brotherhood and unlocking the story through multiple zones, piecing things together, and going into a low level dungeon with hard hitting mobs and bosses and feeling like I accomplished something when it was all over.
Now it's just queue, easy dungeon, walk out.
>Destiny 2 with Shadowkeep
what the FUCK, guys
ff14 looks like total fucking shit and you seething pedotrannies need to admit that your game sucks and you only play it because its a fucking top tier grade A rank 1 pedotranny simulator. wanna prove me wrong? post your ff14 character RIGHT NOW and show me that it isnt pedotrannyweeb shit.
This is a thread about WoW. I suggest you move your FFXIV hated and conversation elsewhere.
kill yourself
The only reason i don't play XIV is because of how bad it looks
Didn't we already have this exact "leak" in previous years for other expansions?
he is an insufferable spineless faggot
Why would anyone care about the story in WoW if absolutely everything gets retconned and nothing you do have any meaningful impact?
Fucking retarded assmongoloid spammer
>not hating him
wahh youtube demonetized my shitty meme channel so I'm gonna purge all the videos on it
They need to scale it back to what WoW used to be. Not huge universe shattering things where we are the champion but then not as Illidan or someone else comes in and we're nameless heroes who get dropped in rank the next expansion. Being simple adventurers figuring out problems like in Vanilla would be better and back to the D&D roots.
I just got that greasy fuck out of my recommendeds, I'm not clicking that and putting him back in. Can I get a tl;dr?
asmon is so cool, gonna name my son after him.
>not using addons and filters to remove all recommendations and the sidebar altogether
nope not giving that faggot a view