Games set in the Balkans?
Games set in the Balkans?
This War of Mine.
I always thought a yugoslav civil war game would be pretty cool setting.
Why do these niggers hate eachother so much?
I always let the girl get raped at the supermarket
Cause they are all Serbs but they dont want to be Serbs cause Serbs are white niggers
How bout the Belkans?
Except Albanians , they are muslim Niggers
Did nothing wrong?
give back Fiume
Sniper Ghost Warrior 2 lets you shoot Serbitches in Sarajevo.
Well do ass creed revelations count?It is bad game anyway and Turk cock sucking in that game because of muh minority muslim representation is cringe.
Would like to have any game set in turk invasion or occupation or some fantasy inspired setting by that history.
>Serbs are white niggers
Serbs are Turkish rapebabies tho.
No thats just albanians
>No thats just albanians
After the Albos, Serbs are the most turkified people in the Balkans. Their language and culture reflect it.
Eastern Europe is one of the best arguments against white supremacy
I am into point and click adventure games, and love FMV games. I believe this one was made in Hungry with English voices dubbed over the original FMV footage. It wasn't the best game I played but it is in your area, might be worth looking into if you like story games or point and clicks.
MIAZMA or the Devil's Stone
>The story begins when Jonathan Hunt, a journalist from New York, arrives in the city of Eger in Hungary for a break.
Serbs are KARA BOGA seething wh*Toid
The Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia should change its name to a symbol, and be referred to as "The Yugoslav Republic formally known as Macedonia."
Wish they made a Kingdom Come game set on Seventeenth century Croatia's frontier with the Ottoman Empire, shit was wild.
It's North Macedonia now thanks to soros/usa coup and curupted politicians. It will be part Albania and Bulgaria in few years though.
why AREN'T there any games on this subject
Because you'd probably end up like those dudes who wanted to make a game about Fallujah.
R8 me and my crew
Psst... show up in Knin in 1995 and don't bring an umbrella.
Ottomans culturally enriched the place like 500 years ago. Serbs took some unwanted Turk dick and they've been trying to fuck the entire Balkans ever since. They seethe their goddamn asses off to this very day with no end in sight - despite still proudly eating daddy Osman's food, listening to his music and emulating his culture on a daily basis like the Stockholm syndrome bitches they are.
Every single thing they did before, during and after Yugoslavia was really just an extension of this.
If anyone ever asks what's wrong with the Balkans, it's the fucking Serbs.
Could I maybe interest you in this fine Fantasy Balkans?
This. Serbs are the biggest backstabbers in the Balkan Peninsula. If they made a game about the Ottoman Invasion of the Balkans, they would be antagonists because they are power hungry brainlets who served their Turkish overlords like dogs.
Why, so you too can play genocide?
Genocides by all parties present on that piece of land.
Dafaq is that? Anyway prob some close picture of the Balkan is the witcher world.Typical northern kingdoms disputes and huge empire threats around the corner.
Same reason no one makes games about Paraguayan War
t. bosniaks
There wouldn't such a thing as Bosniaks had it not been for Serbs being the jobbers they are.
redpilled countries can't get along with each other.
nah only croats,albos and and sometimes bulgars shitpost on 4 chan about serbs.
you owe me a keyboard
no we still do
Why is slovenia not included?
A good part of the cold war if I remember correctly.
They're Austrian rapebabies.
but no longer to the point of wanting war
just casual banter
Probably not. No one gives a shit about the balkans
thats the back story
not the setting
And still balkan
The only one that matters.
this. my dad blew up the local orthodox church down our street back in 93 and now that war is over, serbs pay him to rebuild it not knowing he was responsible. we are a funny people.
Because they were some fucking gruesome wars. Not a whole lot of devs want to make a game with rape and genocide front-and-center, and unlike most other wars, there's really not a whole lot else to make a game based on to pretend it didn't happen.
Why do these fucks exclusively play CS 1.6?
just play battle royale, that's the balkan experience... t. bosniak from bosnia
Republika Srpska looks gross. Fuck the UN for not letting the Croats and Bosnians reach Banja Luka.
why do bulgars hate the serbs?
It is gross, and it is more gross because it has no historical meaning or purpose at all. It's a fake, artificial state. And Serbs, being incapable subhumans have made it the worst, poorest, most unemployed, low income, high crime part of Bosnia. The richest parts are the Croat/Bosniak inhabited areas. Nibbaz will support the RS but be like KoSoVo iS sErBiA!!111
>take Macedonia, supposed Bulgarian clay
>tell them they’re ancient greeks
That about sums it up
I always thought it was pathetic how the Serbs cry victim over NATO and the UN's involvement in the wars when really it was those two that saved their asses in Bosnia from getting raped in 1995.
Why is Serb propaganda music so good?
fucking based
Central Macedonia is rightful Macedonian Clay
most serbs unironically listened to tupac more in the 90s than the kind of songs you posted
Hungarians(Vojdvodina) > Slovenes > Croats > Serbs(Serbia) > Montenegrin > Serbs(Bosnia) > Macedonian > Kosovar > Bosniaks > Albanians.
Counterpoint: Skanderbeg
Whole Balkan war is too nuanced and politically grey with too many factions and war crimes for any sane dev team to make a game set during it. The most we'll ever get is something like Battlefield type of game set in a fictional Balkan analogy.
Stole more of Macedonia before ww1 that they've agreed to.
The peak of Albanians. Jean Claude van Damme's Albanian friend comes second.
Rome II?
desu everyone clams their ancient bloodline ties to the old balkan tribes and states.But non of the modern states are that if we are honest.
Skanderbeg returned to Christianity once he learned all he could from the Ottomans. Most Albanians kept sucking on that muslim cock and raised Turkish rapebabies. Modern Albanians are indistinguishable from Turks. Kosovars look much more European, it's no wonder Albanians desperately want them to be Albanians too.
We didn’t deserve him
post the rest of the based christians causing trouble for turks.
John Hunyadi,Lazar,Count Vlad,the croat who blew otomans sky high when they tried to overun a fortress.Hell even those spanish tercios who gave their lives to the last in monte negro.
Why do the Croatians not want Bosnia & Herzegovina to have any beaches?
Bosnians don't deserve anything.
bosnians wants beach access to become balkan navel power and to heal the mental wounds of balkan war by swimming in mediterranean but we dont let them because all the beaches belong to powerful hrvatska. we are a tender people.
There’s no such thing as a “Magyaria” within the borders of Romania (which is technically called Wallachia). Also Basarabia and Bucovina is Romania.
>the croat who blew otomans sky high when they tried to overun a fortress.
That shit was so fucking badass.
>implying this is a bad thing
There is literally no reason for Macedonia to exist as a nation in the 21st fucking century.
Shut the fuck up gypsy
There should be entire games made from the Latin American Wars FFS. Also Haiti.
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Back on topic fellow Balkanbros: what are you playing and why are you still awake at 2:30 AM
>Modern Albanians are indistinguishable from Turks
You're confusing Albanians with Greeks. Albanians look like aryan ubermenschen compared to Greeks.
They would let them, if their nation didn’t get turned into a fucking military district by Austria.
they should change their name to Sneedonia
Syrian Warfare.I want a yugo army with that gameplay.Shame the only possible setting for that kind of game would be yugo civil war.
I'm contempt with Red Dragon for now for my M84 needs.
Half Life 2
Too controversial. Arma mods don't count
>tfw no game set in WW2 Yugoslavia where you can play as a partisan and kill chetniks and ustashe
Not even a yugoboo desu.
muslim ablos look like they are brought from Caucasus.That refers to Kosovo,East Abania and West Macedonia.
>it was those two that saved their asses in Bosnia from getting raped in 1995.
Would you be willing to educate me, user?
Why is Croatia such a dick about coastline, holy shit, if I was Bosnia id be taking some of that land
same reason there are no Korean War games
>play as a partisan
Gaaaaay, lemme play as one of the Handschar instead.
Would you date a Croatian or Serbian? Why or why not?
That's not even the best part.
>Be Croatia
>Take 4,300 miles of coast from Bosnia
>Leave them a 12 mile beach in the middle of it
>Then build a massive bridge around it that would block ship access
Yakuza 0
Awake because I got back from wageslaving at 23:30
Cheers to Germany, may it burn
She looks smelly. Would def create a separatist state in her womb tho.
>RTS game set during the Greek War of Independence
>the entire history of Serbs in Bosnia in only 27 short seconds
Serbian yes. Croatian no.
t. Romanian that dated both
Ma jebeš nas sve, kume.
Anyway, just fucked up my sleep big time, dunno why, playing Thief 1 again and I'm OK because it's much comfier in the dark anyway.
But its only one mission.They have serbo-croat voiceover.
mad because we are better than you, classic
Republic of Edonia in Resident Evil 6 where you fight the "Devils" (Đavli)
>t. Romanian that dated both
What's wrong with Croatian girls?
Yugoslavian civil war is really fucking confusing honestly, they were cool then over the period of a year then Serbia was trying to genocide croats, albanians, and kosovars
Yugoslavia death of a nation is a good book to read if you want to learn about it. Even then it's still strange how fast and insane it happened
Smelly discount Croatian.
anyone have that map of fantasy yugoslavia? All i remember about it was slovenes were dwarves